Gotham vs. Gotham-Bot: Can I Beat My AI Clone?

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in case you didn't know has a lot of  different bots that you can play and practice   against and there's a group of those bots that are  called the celebrities named after streamers he   car is there danny wrench is there alexandra botez  is there and this past week they made the gotham   bot so i played two games against the ai version  of myself that's what this video is all about   at the end i learned an important life lesson  and i want you guys to tell me in the comments   what lines should they program into my bot for  better trash talk enjoy comes oh he gets 50 okay   all right chad what color do we want  should i play myself with a challenge   yeah let's do let's do um straight up um alright i  have some time between streams wanna play i would   never say anything even remotely that polite  d4 d4 is good not as good as e4 but still good   i like that i like that that's a fine  move did he just compliment his own move   did i just say that about my that's a fine  move i've literally never said that okay   queen's gambit i also don't play  this opening but that's fine   knight c3 oh semislav that i  actually do play let's play g3   um knight d7 i'm gonna play this queen d3  line it defends the c4 pawn let's go bishop g2 okay now okay let's really get started bro you took a pawn bro who  you trash talking stupid okay   so the thing about this is that you've given  away the c pawn for the d-pawn and uh what you   can do now is plant the queen and push two pawns  into the center now black really should yeah that   stops me from going e4 because he'll go here um  now let's play bishop g5 if h6 i'll probably take uh yo did my bot really just play gtx f6 y'all  really made this man 2500 gf6 is the dumbest move   ever are you guys serious oh he plays like me huh  yeah makes sense okay so now rather than taking   we like i said we want to take the center we want  to make we want to make them take now both bc3 and   queen c3 are actually reasonable because i guess  you can play queen here and here i'm assuming   the bot will also play e5 at some point queen c3  stops e5 let's just go here for now that stops e5   okay now my bot is just straight up giving  away a pawn but maybe that's the only way to   like not lose honestly because otherwise black  doesn't have any moves e5 is also very strong   it's tough um this gives my give this gives the  guy counter play i'm actually not gonna take i'm   gonna play in more controlled fashion maybe just  going for this i also really like this e5 move yeah so bot doesn't take uh now queen e3 can go  for the pawn like i said and at a certain moment   i have to probably route my knight um how are  we gonna do this knight h492 oh this is tough   and also take and put my knight on e5 oh it all  looks good all of it looks good i don't know about   rook c1 and rook d1 that's what we'll do oh but f5  is a smart move i forgot about f5 the robot played   a good move it's kind of rare i wasn't expecting  that from myself how about h3 and g4 though just trying to break up the structure here yeah  my rook is under attack so now i just centralize   it nothing um complementing myself okay bishop b5  is a completely idiotic move so it looks like i've   taken over again bishop b5 literally does nothing  i mean it guards the pawn but i had no aspirations   to take it anyway so rook h8 is logical because  the king at some point will be anticipating   um b3 to go a4 that looks pretty smart what  will the bot play well bishop a3 rook c2   to my um yeah that stops me weird game man  this is a very strange position knight t2 c5   something with d5 knight e4  take maybe like a queen f4 here   i need to figure out how i'm  going to make forward progress i also can go here here in rook  h1 that's kind of a cool plan   i don't actually know what i'm playing for i  appreciate the subs and the primes guys i don't   exactly see you right now um okay now knight t2  looks really good but then maybe there's queen g5   let's go knight t2 there's no way my bot  will beat me in an end game because that just   that just doesn't make any sense my my bot would  not my boss just attacking rooks i'm not actually   a good endgame player so there's no way i lose in  the end game or win in the end game i should say   what is stop harassing my rooks what  is wrong with you can't i just take okay i'm just gonna take maybe that was bad  maybe the bot is a genius oh wait it's a bot   aha rook c1 just get out of this pin rookie 3 just takes the knight so if rookie  three bishop takes knight so this gets out   of the pin but actually that sets  up another pin which i don't like bishop e4 take rook takes looks  really stupid but frankly might   need my only way to untangle here oh my  god what is that take jeez what a move huh want to draw my bot take  take here here here here   it's crazy my bot and i are gonna i don't lose  a piece chad there's too many things hanging um   is that the only thing that i have i can go queen  f6 and what that does is it loses a pawn but at   least i don't open the position i guess i'll just  take you're just going to attack what did he say   you aren't attached to your queen okay then yeah whoever whoever coded what i say was like  doing their worst impression of a new yorker ever   but i respect the attempt i would say that for  sure i mean i would say some expletives probably   i wouldn't be so reserved so now the bishop  goes to f4 and yeah i don't think i can win this   i don't think i can lose it but  i also don't think i can win it   uh yeah that bishop is way  too strong do bots take draws can i can i offer my bot a drop i  think bishop a6 is important because   i feel like i have to stop this can also just  move my king up here check here check draw   no draw okay bot wants to beat me down material  fair i mean it's a robot it's cheating so um take rookie one so d5 is strong take take oh d5  is very strong oh d5 is very strong oh i did say   i wasn't good at uh at endgames right let's go uh  rook d5 now we're threatening a discovered attack   what oh my god that's it man we're gonna draw  my bot is gonna where which i think i need to   go for um a7 but going for e5 also actually  looks reasonable oh man that's just the draw i can go rook d8 and trade  here um rook a5 wins this pawn   do i play for a win versus my bot i think  i do right check king up i play for a win   i play for win of course i play for a  win you're just going to attack my king   no dinner first you're just going  to attack my king no dinner first okay i um okay got ems i'm up i'm up two pawns against  my bot by the way how did this happen i'm safe   checks clam bro i've never said that who says  chex clam i feel like y'all straight up took a ben   feingold line and put it as what i would say  god man come on anyway uh let's go uh a4 maybe okay whoa my ball trying to make me here yo yo stop  repeating the same line check whoa whoa whoa whoa there's no mate i'm still safe there's  no mate but it definitely doesn't look nice the problem is that this late in the game the  engine is always going to be super accurate   which is really frustrating it's  really difficult to deal with   um okay i feel like that's the best move  oh is it gonna take actually it takes that   okay if takes then i think i'm happy wow what  a wild endgame so bishop g2 what is happening somehow man i mean rookie four doesn't  do anything because the rook just moves okay okay king e1 bishop f2 king f1 bishop c5 king e1  what a wild position oh my goodness oh my goodness   oh my goodness the last time  that i played a bot on stream   i kind of lost my mind and i did some really bad  things so this time let's try to keep our nerves and try to not blunder anything if  they're i want to go rook c3 so king f1   rook f6 i also have king e2 okay let's go here yeah you just said checks clam my guy  you don't need to say it again thanks so king e2 rook f2 i calculated this far and i  thought i was okay am i not   is this losing oh my god am i gonna draw my bot tough position oh okay bot doesn't want to draw okay uh in that case i should probably  get out well bots never accept draws   fun fact you guys want a way to beat a  robot it never accepts the draw rook c6 check out rook c6 does that force a trade  no there's bishop a5 rogue c6 bishop a5   if this this that's bad b4 or move  my move my guy b4 bishop f2 but okay   the bot will not repeat right oh but the ball will  win my pawn oh the bot is gonna win my pawn oh my   gosh bishop c5 i completely forgot about this like  the second i played it oh that's a brutal move okay yikes oh it's still a draw okay yay i still drew  yay i still drew my bot now it's still a   draw but at least all my winning chances  are gone now wait is the bot not gonna what what is going on so this is  an opposite colored bishop end game   it's gonna take my pawn of course wow  bro move your pawn what are you doing okay i'm so stubborn all right oh my gosh bot come on dude  that's it enough enough stubborn bot   uh are you a sore loser because your bot is  acting like it i'm happy with the draw from   that position would you like to play again wow  who would have thought huh king vs king amazing that was um that was an intense game  i gotta tell you wow that was awesome   okay i gotta i gotta play my bot again  i mean if you're really trying to farm   you know who you gotta play so uh all right  let's play the bot uh i'm gonna play black   um yeah i can i can i'll send  them what to say against me so   um all right i have some time bro you  like this opening bro what is this   um no no we're not even playing no what  no no no new game i no oh resignation yeah   resignation oh oh yeah of course no what  is the e3 no bot of mine is gonna play e3 y'all for real y'all serious right now  yeah yeah i'm gonna try this one more   time i'm gonna give you all the count of  three let me give you the count to three   all right to program me to play  a different opening one two three okay i see how it is evidently i have to  punish the bot i will play the dutch defense okay yeah yeah i yeah now we're in a dutch let's castle um let's play d6 i think i played this against beth harmon  too and i'm gonna play queen eight so the   point of queen edit is to go e5 this is a a  main line idea against the dutch it's kind   of crazy how much worse white already is in  this position now e4 hits the knight if my bot   oh my gosh what is my bot doing very important  here lock the center um yeah so this is this is   thematic the ball wants to go here h6 knight  h3 and g5 this is like the peak dutch attack   and i think on the next move we go um we can  play f4 take and then like queen e6 maybe   or c6 f4 all these different  ideas or just delay it by a move   yeah queen g6 is nice because  then we have a really nice idea   okay so normally if you take they they actually  can't take with the bishop because of g4   but then there would be knight f4  counter attacking so i think what i'll do   um is i will play i'll play f4 myself no  but f4 takes f4 takes i don't like that   maybe hold it all together here just stay patient  again just stay patient don't do anything crazy   okay let's really get started you're like dead  lost here guy who like oh wait no that's kind of   normal actually that's kind of normal i do trash  talk when i am dead lost that makes a lot of sense i i don't really have a filter of  when i trash talking when i don't okay knight f2 is is logical um knight f2 is logical obviously because maybe night   night here now c6 shuts down the  whole thing on the queen side um i guess i mean h5 just looks too natural not to  play just don't let him get anything he's still   trying to break through now c6 kind of plays into  white's hands white can also play c6 uh i think   g4 is good g4 looks very natural also so okay  what's happening now that takes away the b6 square   i guess i can play rook b8 anticipating the  opening of the file i can also play rook f7 so   my knight can come around oh that's actually  kind of a cool plan might be a little slow   but i really like it h4 i can also double my rooks now something something very bad is about  to happen to my bot it's uh it's like from   irobot not to spoil what's actually happening  uh in the movie but this is this is about to   be an irobot moment uh we here come the two  rooks this is um this is getting very bad   yeah my bot is wearing the galaxy hoodie  that i have should i wear it damn i should   have worn the hoodie to play my bot that  would have been really funny uh g3 bishop h6 what are we doing here i mean this looks stunningly natural to incr  improve the position of the dark squared bishop   okay now a life lesson is that if you ever  want to attack on a certain side of a board you need to lock that position but b6 i'm  trying to think like is there some crazy   sacrifice the bot can play here i'm thinking  the bot can take on f6 and then take on d5 oh my gosh the bot is now playing against my  knight here okay do i just go all in and then take the bot will play h3 i can take it and then i can take g2 or do i play knight b8 i'm worried about  rook f6 why am i worried about rook f6   exactly why exactly was i worried about see this  is the thing now my knight is out of the game uh let's go bishop g5 i guess and also cage cage the opponent even more it seems a lot more natural not to do that tough position what do i play bishop  g5 here bishop h4 something goes to g3   i can take it and then i can play knight h5 my night out of the game is actually way  more of a problem than i thought it was let's go queen h5 oh i was very motivated to win this game  i'm not gonna lie and now i can feel it starting to slip away how do you guard this okay once oh  my gosh i mean this just looks so bad this just looks so terrible  like all of my positions but how do i win we've gotten this far how do i actually win  here if i trade the rooks am i even winning this is crazy i'm just i mean this this side this  whole idea here to lock my night away man like i wanna you know i'm looking at  this now but there's still nothing like   i guess i'm gonna go have to  go with rook h7 i don't know because i this doesn't even work  because that's guarded let's go here so what if take how about knight h5 trading no no no i'm not going   to go knight h5 let's go 98 no but  i can't go 98 because g4 is hanging that's the noise of confusion take  knight g3 take knight g3 bishop h4 take or queen h3 that looks so  good that looks so good rook g2 let's go here huh huh has it lost its mind it's lost  its mind i think that's the engine   admitting that it's finally blundered  i think it's finally blundered rook f6   oh oh now now i'm extra nervous now i am extra  nervous oh my gosh the rook the rook is just   is just gone if the second rook falls knight at  five the engine's gone off the deep end rook f5 oh god take take uh uh uh uh uh queen wait  hold on hold on hold on hold on bam bam bam   take and then queen e6 and and it can't go  queen v8 because because i'm blocking queen e6 the bishop is take queen e6 and this is that that's it  the queen's traded the queen's traded by   force the queen's traded by force it's just  the home chest i don't need my queen anymore   oh my god we're gonna win hold on hold on hold  on hold on hold on hold on hold on a second all   right our knight is still total buns over here  on the side of the board so we just play rook f7   easy easy easy rook f7 rook f7 let's uh go trade  u2 i think do we need to do we need trades here   wait what about just bishop b3 bishop b3 should  be good enough because if i get this i should get   that too and i blundered something immediately or  did i because if i take average g7 here by the way when i have rook g7 with the pin ah  of course rook h7 though wait rook h7 isn't rook h7 oh bishop bishop here i hate  computers oh my god they're so resilient   i want to take but that doesn't work take take take take at this point you basically   just need to simplify bishop d1  take i'll just bring you back okay that bishop is off the board oh  just rook g7 that's it just for g7   oh not just for g7 what am i talking  about why didn't i just take the knight ah that was a little stupid i will have to sacrifice my knight at some  point that's what i'm gonna have to do   my knight is just totally out of the game here  um i guess i can take now and bishop takes it's   still like annoying to play this position because  of the constant like threat of this coming in rook g2 rushi 2 wow a trade what seriously what on earth is happening oh i can't play rook h7 because of a fork how do these bots do this there's like they're so resourceful it's scary  i mean yeah i have rook c2 and then i can just   sacrifice here but insane king e7 knight t5 king d6 this is straight i think i'm  am i straight up losing here wow wow i don't know what to say i don't know that is unbelievable so king  f8 knight c7 king e7 here that is surreal man the c7 move what on earth my mind is blown completely yeah um rook c2 knight c7 knight c6 bc6 rook  c6 knight b5 is the problem that at the end   there's knight b5 and my a7 pawn is falling  if check i'm straight up just lost here i think that is crazy okay wow my mind is blown that is so crazy i don't need my queen anymore even after promoting   okay now my bot is starting to make mistakes  are you kidding me now it makes mistakes it just   played like one of the most brilliant sacrificial  ideas of huma of like recorded history and now it   starts blundering here here here here rookie  four knight f6 d5 e8 take take b4 knight f6 b3   oh wow wow wow wow wow wow wow this  is pain this is spain without the s i don't know what to do i mean rookie 2 e6  kings this is unbelies is unreal what it's doing it's gonna beat me by one pawn i don't even  think it had to play that move but it did i am sad ah my final pawn go hold on hold on a second hold on a second wait wait a  minute wait a minute oh then he would take it   wait a minute is this a draw just don't hang your your pawn yo what is this end game what is this end game oh my gosh how fitting  that the bot ends by blundering a draw   i am speechless what an insane  endgame it's not taking the pawn it it's not taking the pawn it it's refusing to take my pawn there we go wow wow it played so bad that game and i couldn't  do it i couldn't finish the job wowie wowie wow we played 96.5 yeah okay okay that's that's brutal okay so i was only  ever slightly better this position is equal   what do you mean this position is equal no no  one of these positions it has to be winning yeah   knight h1 and what did i miss what did i not do  okay apparently i didn't play the best plan this   is still very good okay queen h5 was a mistake how  could i have won here i still think it blundered that's crazy white has the advantage  here okay it blundered here oh of course and now what did i miss i missed bishop g3 not taking  back the rook but bishop to g3 oh oh wow oh wow i got so excited i got so excited and then i just i threw away the advantage it's   crazy it played against this night now  then it was winning it was winning for sure so what did it miss my my my bot also couldn't couldn't win  a position where it had force checkmate   and is this just a draw no it could have played  night before of course of course so my it turns   out that my bot is terrible both ways i'm  terrible and my bot is terrible i'm terrible wonderful what a great life lesson i got  playing against the simulated version of myself   after knight before king c7 king e7 i'm  in a box the king is gonna go win my pawn   and uh in this position after king c5 king  a4 and something like knight c6 i just lose   fantastic thanks what an  important life lesson that we learned
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,868,842
Rating: 4.9422593 out of 5
Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, chess cheater vs cheater, chess cheater, chess engine, alphazero, alphazero chess, beth harmon, beth harmon bot, chess cheater vs gm, kasparov deep blue, deep blue, deep blue chess, chess computer, leela chess, leela vs alphazero, leela chess zero, stockfish chess, computer chess, chess bot, anna rudolf lip balm, anna rudolf cheating, chess computer explained
Id: F3KsdeUDSrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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