How AlphaZero Completely CRUSHED Stockfish

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over the past two decades chess computers have absolutely exceeded human capabilities but in late 2017 everything changed the deepmind team at google created alpha zero they gave it four hours and the basic rules of chess the algorithm played millions of games against itself and then it was pitted against stockfish the strongest computer at the time and in a hundred games it won 28 drew 72 and lost none of them but not everybody was impressed because they were saying that alpha zero was using the entire google server system while startfish was playing on the equivalent of a laptop so late 2018 they had a rematch in this video i'm going to give you some samples of both matches and show you just how powerful creative and exciting alpha zero is to chess and the influence it's had on chess computers and human chess play moving forward here we go so the google team released the sample size of 10 games from that initial match and this is one of them that i'm going to show you alpha zero begins with knight f3 and in playing games against itself it really likes d4 c4 knight f3 at the end of the video we will talk a little bit more about alpha zero's kind of general opening ideas and principles but it really likes this and it doesn't find a lot of advantage starting the game with e4 a stockfish responds with something known as the queen's indian defense intending to play bishop to b7 this bishop will go here here and later you'll commit your center pawns so we have g3 and bishop a6 this is one of the main lines intending to attack the pawn on c4 and force b3 i mean generally b3 is considered the main line although alpha zero plays one of the other main lines which is queen c2 and the second that you've moved the queen off of the center line stockfish strikes in the center with c5 here alpha zero goes for a move that has been played many times before and it has a tactical idea that move is d5 so this is not alpha zero being some sort of genius yet takes takes bishop b7 you cannot just take this because i will go queenie oh queenie for check that's the whole point of my opening and then i'm just going to win material so that's why you go bishop b7 and alpha zero plays bishop g2 so one thing about alpha zero this is the introduction to this alpha zero loves material sacrifice it loves peace activity and it will sacrifice material for time it will sacrifice material for damage and it will sacrifice material to take your soul so watch what it does knight takes d5 castles one thing about alpha zero is its incredible ability to just leave material in the hands of its opponent and just go yeah whatever i'll take care of that later i don't need immediate kind of benefit so rook d1 all standard now we have bishop to e7 of course uh we're not going to get rook takes knight because you always have to look for attacking moves and here you would just be losing material that is not how this game ends instead queen f5 attacks tonight knight moves back to f6 and we have pawn to e4 the idea being that you want to go e5 this knight will have to go back to g8 so stockfish plays g6 kicking out the queen and now castles because you will attack the queen on that new square rotate back to g7 and go to e6 e5 knight h5 queen g4 and rook to e8 so the mate you know the position if you plug it into a traditional web web browser it just says it's equal it just says it's like okay plus point two maybe white has some compensation for the sacrifice pawn uh okay terrific great but you'll also notice this pawn is hanging uh for example queen d7 like this you can just win your pawn back but you don't wanna win your pawn back instead alpha zero has very nasty intentions to plant its knight in the center of the board putting pressure on this bishop meanwhile stockfish has lined up an attack here which uh obviously alpha zero promptly takes care of with the move bishop f4 queen c8 defends this pawn and maybe in the future you want to go d6 in order to trade queens obviously so we play h3 that stops d6 because you'll take it and then you'll have your queen protected and then you will be attacking the knight knight to e7 and now we don't want to trade knight e3 we're down it's okay to retreat it's completely fine to retreat but from here on out alpha zero begins playing like an absolute savage rook to d6 and the whole point is that after knight g7 you play rook f6 when you first put this into a web break uh uh browser-based stockfish it thinks you're just an absolute it's like what are you doing but like i said alpha zero loves suppressing movement and it evaluates positions not on plus point three not on plus point two but on probability of victory and probability of defeat or draws obviously so queen b7 and here it evaluates its position as significantly better than its opponent because after bishop h6 knight d5 here you have to trade you actually have to trade knights or else you'll lose your rook um rook d1 we have a situation where we are about to have one two three four five six attacking pieces 96 offering a trade but that is one defensive piece removed okay and now queen h4 we immediately go to fight for those dark squares bishop c6 queen h6 we've infiltrated but there's no real danger i mean knight g5 is not a threat because i'm gonna take and you're not gonna take on e6 and then play knight g5 and make me it's just not going to happen because for example if you take on e6 i take with the f pawn you play knight g5 i play rookie 7 and it turns out you're not alpha zero at all you're a bozo who submitted their game from i guess the elo series so rook d6 rook to d6 ladies and gentlemen i would like to point your attention rook to d6 has been played takes takes queen essex where is white's attack like you're just biting on on granite everything is okay you could take on d7 and then lose all these pawns but where's the attack oh i know where the attack is h4 duh queen a5 looking to infiltrate alpha zero says you know what stockfish you make a fair point i don't want to let you go i'm a backup backup no you can't get what you want okay c4 counter attacking you would think knight d4 or something nah knight t4 just activates another piece for white that's not what that's not what we want so c4 rook d5 now we allow queenie one wait a minute i thought we weren't allowing queenie one alpha zero baits stockfish into pushing its pawn okay and now trades it off because that's one way to create some sort of counter play and now we go back to our plan our king is completely safe alpha zero loves king mobility having a lot of movement for the king but the king is also completely safe from this queen and also from this knight and the rook and i fate is quite miserable rookie seven now we have bishop back to d1 rerouting the bishop queenie one the bishop has been rerouted now we back up with the rook what the heck is that all about wait why what are we doing well alpha zero realizes that it's more mobile than its opponent and it can transfer all of its pressure to the other side of the board while also maintaining potentially this move that's coming up h6 if you've seen my other video what magnus carlsen learned from alpha zero it loves moves like this it kills the king mobility the pieces are locked on the background that h7 pawn is a long-term endgame weakness and now it goes back it goes back to increasing his pressure and gives away a second pawn alpha zero is now down two pawns it's now down two pawns but rook d5 where's the queen going it goes back to h8 because for example let's say it goes to a1 just goes to a1 then the whole point was to lock it off the diagonal this was the point it would be locked off the diagonal so instead it goes to guard its king with queen h8 and now alpha zero slowly improves its position can i just draw your attention to that sacking a rook the only active piece now watch this the next maneuver is the most savage thing i've ever seen in my damn life queen h4 rook is guarded rook f6 if you've never seen this game maybe you've seen this game it has been posted on youtube before but if you've never seen this game look at this absolute savagery to this queen and it can't move and that's it and the rest of the game is alpha zero gluing the queen in to its little squirt that's it you can move away now you could just move away that queen is nev have you ever seen a queen in jail i don't know maybe in some countries but i'm talking on a chessboard that is the equivalent i like and and stockholm just pushes all of its pieces sacrifices its queen and ends up resigning a few moves later because alpha zero is like well i'm gonna play a4 and make another queen but i have never seen something like that i mean it just it just it just lingers and lingers it has a belligerent approach to just the way it understands peace formation and long-term play is fascinating now game number two uh it was a rare game when stockfish allowed alpha zero to transpose to e4 alpha zero did not like e4 because it couldn't find consistent advantages versus the sicilian and while frankly e5 right i mean at the end of the day symmetry is the best solution e4 e5 d4d5 it's a little bit of wisdom for you like it it's it really liked the imbalances it was able to create in d4 positions but stockfish played the french okay and um we get the classical knight f6 knight d7 f4 c5 this is this is considered a mainline variation um in this variation stockfish did not play knight c6 which is one of the main lines there was a separate game that was 98 moves long uh i didn't want to show that game because i don't want to make this a one-hour lecture but listen i know some of you would enjoy that but this game is a little bit shorter we have cd4 now of course you would just take back right now it's alpha zero knight b5 here's the point you allow bishop b4 bishop d2 and for some reason stockfish goes here i i don't fully understand all of this here's the thing about the french because you've committed so many puns to light scores early this bishop is going to be very bad throughout the game there's many moments you need to trade it off or break through the center so what does alpha zero do it creates an absolutely peculiar structure of pawns to negate the movement of their of this bishop thus negating the movement of this bishop because if both pieces are suppressed it's going to be really difficult for black to break out okay a5 so if you're alpha zero do you push or take of course you push it's all about suppression well hopefully not in like countries but a4 that's the only night that knight is going to jump in alpha zero says go ahead go ahead take my bishop go ahead knight takes d2 do you know what it plays on this one because because what are you gonna do with these bishops you can't do anything this bishop is awful the only chance that that black has of ever breaking out is playing this that is the only it's the only pawn break remaining how else can you ever break out where else is this bishop gonna go and the whole point is alpha zero will just play like g3 and if you take on e5 okay great knight e5 bye-bye now you have weaknesses your light squares are weak i'm going to play queen each let's say you castle i just play queen h5 you just lose not only do you lose i take your soul it's over so now and now starfish is out here trying to like suppress alpha zero but g4 h5 and now again just an absolutely scumbag computer move queen g1 bringing the queen to the party stockfish thinks that it can defend it with h4 it's pushed every pawn it pushes every pawn every single pawn that it has in this game except the c pawn went two squares a4 b4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4 like what do you do against that like i don't i don't know what to say and okay like the rest of the game i mean i think you can imagine but there's still even even there's still flare and it's coming okay it just leaves it it it leaves black completely paralyzed of moves but it's not the end of the game there it goes it drops the hammer bishop takes g6 bishop takes g5 and now some pieces fly off and alpha zero says bro it's fine i'm down to full piece but are you really gonna tell me that the bishop on b7 leaves an impression and stockpile she's like can you stop bullying me dude f5 another pawn sacrifice why because for example if you take like this you're dead you're dead on the sixth rank and if you take with the g pawn which actually looks kind of safe you're dead on this rank seventh rank because you can't block i take your rook and i also have rook c7 rook c8 it's just over so instead this happens and now again that pawn makes it to f6 and then alpha zero just it does the same thing that it did last game it got tired of dealing with you on that side so it goes the other way and that pawn on f6 is lingering it doesn't matter we just get to an end game ladies and gentlemen there is a saying against the french defense and it is known as the french bishop or it's a term the french bishop the light squared bishop that never gets out in this game it never got out and on move 52 stockfish resigned like your your french structure never moved do you understand that alpha zero annihilated the french defense it also beat the karo khan now if you're sitting here thinking oh i play the french i must not play the french anymore i don't know why that's what you sound like but that's what my overly concerned 900 elo player sounds like these computers are like 3 600 people at 900 hang a queen by move 10 like by move 15 is already an accomplishment to not do it so everybody relax watching these god level computers do this it's kind of like you know spectating uh i don't know some like fascinating birds in the sky or something like wow amazing okay back to eating my cheetos anyway now that was just two of ten games but in 2017 alpha zero crushed stockfish so not everybody was convinced on the one hand it was amazing that alpha zero could do this the stockfish on the other hand it's like a tank tried to go up against the mini cooper at least that was the argument i'm not a software engineer so i don't fully understand but in 2018 they agreed to a rematch on equal terms equal footing everything was planned out beforehand and the pride of all the developers was at stake they played 1 000 games against each other and this time alpha 0 155 to 6 with 839 draws i will repeat 155 and 6. somebody should report alpha 0 for cheating i'm going to show you three of these games and we will continue to analyze alpha zero's playing style and openings choices got nothing more to say here we go so once again alpha zero goes knight f3 knight f6 c4 e6 but this time it doesn't go for d4 instead opting for knight c3 it really likes positions with d4 and g3 bishop g2 it plays g3 in certain situations but it is much more centered on this knight c3 and here uh stockfish plays bishop to b4 which is now in english kind of a weird line it's like nimso style but we've never actually played the move d4 so we have queen c2 castles a3 and kind of overlap but obviously this time certain changes bishop b4 bishop takes c3 a5 here again you tell me what like a human move is okay it's e3 maybe i mean d4 is by far the most human move right uh d3 e4 is another human way to play well i mean we're dealing with computers so of course alpha zero plays b4 it tries to take as much space as possible on the side of the board there's just there's no counter play of course its point is that it's not going to take with the queen that's that's a horrible move objectively not just the move we don't understand and it's totally fine with this it's actually completely fine with it it likes the space that it's gonna get black instead plays d6 e3 but now starfish says you know what let me stand up for my bullying last year and play knight e4 it doesn't have to play the move knight e4 it can play other moves but knight e4 queen c2 and now it plays the move knight g5 which is a a fascinating and very strange move i don't understand why i wouldn't just go f5 just gaining space locking in the knight maybe it didn't like bishop coming to b2 again alpha loves these bishop diagonals he just loves the power of bishops it likes long night maneuvers but it really likes space like this uh but okay knight g5 and here just uh again not much to say except computers b5 plays b5 doesn't develop a bishop doesn't develop a bishop doesn't take the knight it actually volunteers itself for a damaging of a structure and a fork it actually just looks like alpha zero blunder but again and i keep saying that word i will try to stop saying that word but i keep saying the same points throughout this video its ability to absorb just pawn loss and see the horizon is so incredible d4 queen f3 it just looks like a blender it just looks it just looks like white blundered but no it's it's sinister rook is lined up here okay now stockfish plays knight d7 trying to bring the knight to the party bishop e2 kicks out the queen that's not a crazy move queen goes back and bishop b2 queen it's attacking the pawn you can either protect this pawn with moves like rook g2 or rook h1 or you can play like alpha zero not castle and just ignore the threat but play rook to g4 saying oh you were coming let's go come on come on take it let's go i'm not waiting for you come let's go it's like the person in the movie with the gun on their forehead and they press the the head into the gun like yeah let's go shoot it it's crazy queen takes h2 and here the most engine like move of the entire game rook back to g3 why because you are sidestepping your opponent's attacks you do not want the bishop attacking you don't want the knight or the pawn or anybody attacking your rook you play rook g3 and now whatever comes will come with with a price every move has a drawback is the way alpha zero plays f5 okay great long castle hey take my next pun go ahead take it stockfish was too scared it didn't do this it didn't want to do this it did not want to go three pawns up against alpha zero i thought this was too much instead it got defensive bishop f3 and it tried to evacuate with the queen rook h1 opposite side castling pawns are opened up here we go and what does a computer need to do when it's about to launch a belligerent attack king b1 of course a preparation move black plays g6 solidifying the structure and we play rook back to g1 we bring the king over we bring the rook back why probably preventing something with f4 just getting the rooks out of the way i don't know why you wouldn't go to g2 and try to double up or something but i'm a human being and i'm just relaying moves a4 that's a logical move you don't want your opponent to play a4 because then you can push all the pawns together so you play a4 now king a1 which is again a move that i as a youtuber i'm supposed to sit here and explain to you i don't understand the move king a1 in the slightest i guess alpha zero just sees the horizon where some light scored weaknesses could or a queen trade could happen and so it plays king b1 king a1 and that's the way it it starts generating attacks when your friend who is rated 700 plays king b1 king a1 you go you're so stupid you don't know what you're doing but when alpha zero plays king b1 king a1 you go oh my god what is it about to do to me rook g7 and now e4 opening the center alpha zero loves center kind of dominance but it's weird because in many ways it's like why would it open up the center if it's trying to launch an attack well it's evaluating the fact that in this position black is just a move or two behind and that's all alpha zero needs it will shred open the bishop on this diagonal right so it knows that stockfish will close the center and now it goes c5 and this is a serious problem there is nothing good that you can do with this pawn if you push this pawn i will take and i will take again and you die if you push me i mean if sorry if you take me uh then i will take and my bishop will open up but probably first i will attack your queen and then i will take so that i dominate your knight your knight actually can't do anything but if you ignore me well then i'm just going to continue applying pressure on you and then i will play e5 now your pawn must something must happen with your pawn you choose to take this way okay wonderful i know that if i take i will be blocking my bishop and your knight will get active so alpha zero doesn't even take the pawn back it plays rookie one because it wants to play rookie five because then he will push the d pawn and then the bishop will still remain active just because you can take a pawn with an attack on the knight which is what any normal human does here take upon it's attacking a knight must be a good move no rookie one e4 bishop takes e4 and it knew alpha zero knew that in the future there would be a light squared problem i told you that i told i didn't ask alpha zero would have went beep boop shut up gotham queen f8 d5 all the same sacrificing upon and i love the way alpha zero indicates to its opponent that death is coming not some big whistle and a dragon arrives not some crazy yell a backwards retreating move is the way that you know alpha zero is about to kill you bishop d3 what are you gonna do buddy you move your pawns back you move your pawns but they don't go backwards right they don't go your pawns can't hot can't cover you up i can and now i activate my rook and now hell is on the way queen c3 rook e5 stockfish defense rookie one knight f6 queen d4 slug take my pawn yeah take it take it remember that thing about backwards bishops this should be one because the goal is to get all my pieces out of the way and maybe bishop a2 is lurking maybe maybe your pawns are great you have extra pawns are they ever gonna move are you ever gonna be able to push any of your four extra pawns bozo bishop c6 rookie e6 slow improvement rook f7 rogue g1 little rotation all right i'm gonna take one pawn i'll take that pawn rook d6 no trades no trades oh you oh oh i see okay that's very tricky if i take your queen okay queen back to c1 rook f6 oh you're offering an exchange oh i can play bishop takes yeah no uh f4 actually you suck you can't move queen e7 i'm gonna actually take you with my rook my bishop is worth more than that rook and so are you you are also worth more than the rook f5 let me keep pushing queen e3 pawn takes now i'm okay with the queen trade because i'm shredding you open g takes h7 double check then i will take the queen and this is one thing alpha zero is really good at 25 moves of belligerent pressure so that you have to sacrifice into a losing end game maybe a human can uh no i i don't think a human can draw this but maybe below master level like black will somehow hold this because black has four pawns this is actually a relatively trivial end game because the pawn mobility for black is so bad if this pawn was back here and this pawn was maybe like that like you know what i'm saying a massive transformation there would be a chance but alpha zero binds everything on the dark squares offers a rook trade that is the way you try to win and then it slowly slowly slowly gets its king out once the king is there the game is over what's gonna happen is you'll win one pawn and like a house of cards you will win the rest and uh king b6 and once the king arrived stockfish decided to resign because for example if it plays like i can't even go rook h2 let's say like rook f5 attacking the bishop i will go here let's say rook g5 and then i'm just going to go for your pawns rook d4 rook before and then i will take you just you're not going to be fast enough with counter play and the game is just over so that was one of its 155 wins but one thing i have not shown you yet is its ability to win with black okay let's go take a look all these games have been with the white pieces e4 e5 best buy test according to alpha zero bishop c5 d3 and alpha gets its style of game early a6 this is not a theoretical move it's baiting knight g5 attacking f7 which is supposed to cause the sub-optimal move knight to h6 that's supposed to not be good this is supposed to be bad a4 bishop g4 knight f3 castles excuse me can't you just take damaging this and opening up the king yes exactly you're 100 correct in fact exactly that happens and the computer briefly begins evaluating this as plus point eight but alpha zero loves open g file attacks it loves stacking its pawns like this and hiding its king and it also loves the bishop pair so here we go knight d2 bishop a7 bishop d5 let's rotate back and give away pawn number one rugby eight pawn number two we're down two pawns you're in my wheelhouse now rook b2 right get one pawn back no no no no no no no no no way the move f5 simultaneous simultaneously will activate my knight my rook maybe on the f5i when i move my knight my queen and my bishop remains really powerful and this rook may be in the future but more likely will rotate this way or come in through some weird okay f5 king h1 oh stock fish you're gonna copy me now knight g6 you're gonna try to copy me pawn takes f5 oh stockfish you're so cute you think that i'm gonna blunder a fork that's adorable knight f4 i'm down three pawns last game i was down four and i know i need to be down at least three to make it into a gotham chess youtube video pawn to d4 that's a good move you're trying to block out my bishop okay rook takes f5 fine you got me i'm gonna take one pawn back g4 looks still very much like a fork uh but there is the absolutely ludicrous idea first of all queen d7 and you can't actually take my rook because you just get mated it's just game over um but you can also just go rook f8 and there's some crazy lines where you can't actually win the piece so queen c2 i just go back rook a1 queen f6 logical queen g7 even that move is logical checkmated one is obviously logical rook g1 knight d5 attacking the rook excuse me i'm coughing up the storm here allergies have been completely crushing me bishop b5 bishop g6 and finally alpha zero actually decides you know what material is good in this case i'm gonna take your rook bishop back to f7 rook f1 bishop d5 rotating the bishops bishop c4 remember last game where are we gonna put the bishops of course of course bishop a8 a5 e4 center closed alpha zero likes a closed center the difference between this and this is the fact that if you play ed4 they play ed4 your bishop will never get out if you ever play c5 to try to trade b5 kills both of your bishops so what alpha zero does is it does this because it understands that for now the bishop is stuck but when i push my pawns forward and bring the bishop back to b8 then that's going to be a very big problem and also knights can't move around so easily right so knight here queen g5 b4 queen e3 say why did stockfish give away this pawn why didn't it just go queenie one well if queenie won then i take this and then your whole queen side will collapse right so stockfish has to defend the queen side but allow the queen in and now you need to really get that queen you would love a queen trade h5 the rooks are also facing each other this is a very long game so prepare yourself but alpha zero now does exactly what i said it was going to do it changes the color complex completely it tries to start fighting on the opposite complex it allows this but you know what's incredible about this your bishops are not dead they look dead in the other example because there was no pawn breaks or pawn play to get them out but now your dark square bishop is about to come alive wait a second gotham you said a queen trait is what stockfish wanted i know that's what i thought that's what most humans would think but alpha zero has realized that in transforming this game into an endgame now after attacking like crazy this is the optimal way to play this pawn wall prevents the activity of the pieces the pawns are now isolated on the dark squares which my bishop will pick up and this is great you've killed my bishop for now but you've also killed yours because i'll go c6 i'll go c6 and these little subtleties rookie two hanging around kind of the non-stop pressure oh you want the pawn great thank you for taking the pawn and activating my rook thank you very much it's like everything that you do to alpha zero is poisonous rook f8 still computer evaluating this on low depth as equal okay now we simplify now rook comes to g8 king f2 rook g4 we're looking to win that pawn e3 very important move bishop d1 um the like like why is like for example stalkers losing this pawn and not playing a move like h5 it's not playing h5 because e3 this is the problem and again the pawn on the dark square has been isolated alpha zero voluntarily killed its own bishop to kill the bishop of its opponent and the pawns and you're not going to win rook first horse horse is not going to beat the crowned hat so bishop d1 and alpha zero managed to pick up one pawn and started to go for the others rook b3 d3 investing in its past pawn it can win two pawns right now rook b5 bishop g2 which one is it gonna go for rook b5 knight f4 rook a5 and the pawns are gone and the rest of the game is again i mean it's it's a little bit tricky for humans but alpha zero is able to turn this into kind of a relatively easy win um there's a lot of shuffling in these end games as it finds its footing and finds the right approach uh but alpha zero is absolutely un just unmatched at endgames it waits it waits it waits it finally at some moment will need to move upon or will it or will it the grinds and grinds and grinds and grinds by the way notice what it's done to its opponent pawn structure color complex it made his opponent overextend and now the king arrives just like last game just like last game and rookie seven and here's stockfish resigned why did stockfish resign knight c5 king f4 and i will win these pawns you just like okay you can check me but then i will take take king g4 ma'am so game is over that's what alpha zero does to stockfish and that ladies and gentlemen is a small example of how alpha zero completely changed chess computers forever since its invention and the open publication of all of those games that first sample size of 10 and from the second match they published 210 games they're actually all on a lot of those games are like 150 to 250 moves you heard that right and most of those games are draws but there's a huge amount of games uh and 20 of them were selected by grandmaster matthew sadler for his book game changer so if you made it this far in the video and you didn't lose your patience first of all i appreciate you very much but second of all that book game changer i have it on my phone as an ebook incredible book the chess the thought process the comparison of uh historical games to modern day games to modern day players and playing styles and how alpha zero kind of emulates some of them super fascinating since alpha zero we have leela chess zero which actually recently won some sort of computer chess championship and i think it beat stockfish but it also might have beaten out i don't think alpha zero actively competes in that i think it was a google project and they're sort of keeping it like they haven't published every game but leela which is based on alpha and is probably around the same strength if not stronger uh has played hundreds of millions of games at this point or maybe maybe tens of millions i hope that's correct so it is constantly playing i have begun studying some leelah chess games for my own chess career uh finding different openings ideas that it has but from my chess masters watching these games are incredible definitely go dig play in the sandbox uh push your h-pawn invest your material and don't worry so much about short-term compensation and focus more on long-term compensation and kind of finding that creative spirit inside you i love what these chess computers bring and if you're a new if you're new to chess or an intermediate player the truth is i'm going to be completely honest with y'all some of these games are a little bit too much okay uh continue to play the same way you play chess is not doomed and you also in all likelihood cannot pull too much of these moves out from alpha zero and try to put them into your own games because you would need an opponent as strong as stockfish the brilliance of alpha zero is made stronger and cooler by the presence of a superhuman uh or super computer opponent i mean at the average 12 1300 game that's not happening right it's still kind of a drunken bar fight sometimes so everything stays the same as it is but the invention of these engines is just unbelievable for chess and to have one arrive and absolutely embarrass the other and i say embarrass in a competitive way like the developers should not in any way be embarrassed or offended i'm just saying it destroyed it so that's pretty amazing anyway that was a long monologue and if you sat through that thank you do suggest something in the comments for the future if there's a game that i missed from this match i will cover it and i will see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,542,230
Rating: 4.9527531 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, alphazero, alphazero agadmator, alphazero vs stockfish, alphazero stockfish, alpha zero, alpha zero chess, alphazero chess, alpha zero vs stockfish, alphazero vs magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen alphazero, alphazero magnus carlsen, alphazero vs human, alphazero vs stockfish 12, leela chess, leela chess zero, stockfish, stockfish 13, stockfish 12, stockfish vs alphazero, stockfish vs magnus carlsen
Id: 8dT6CR9_6l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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