I'm Already Live! | 4 Player Chess with @BotezLive @GothamChess and @Nemo Zhou

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no but what I'm saying is I only have to suffer  through an hour of foreplay chest that's like   amazing Wow you guys you guys should keep  flying even when I'm out just like get in   a random and team up on them yeah exactly  exactly I back to the three of us just in   or player like this web trick is they're like  just trying to have a good day and we're like   nope not for you very very truly but I would  enjoy that content okay so how do we do this   scissor buzzer doing this yeah so I just  paste that she's gonna start the game so   I think when we're ready to go live we can go  key card you ought to like introduce us all or   do you want me to do that oh I'm already live  oh yeah okay hi everyone I'm gonna watch you we're all confused at the start  this is good mutual confusion no   one is gonna win to anybody get that admin message abort this game yeah I'm good okay oh so the  admin told us that board wait they flipped   also who is going first because I think Nemo was  supposed to be blue and on the game alexandra's   no yellow oh okay yes so we can either abort  the game um and then they'll just set it up   again all right so we have to go back to the  other overlay I was green oh I have the right   I have the right layout though I'm happy with  this okay then let's just keep playing that's   fine okay no no it says we've been told to abort  how do you how do you board a game this is going   fantastically sorry guys yeah okay I mean kakari  does is a little low on time so slight advantage   the rest of us okay I think we should just play  it with these colors and then whatever the next   game is we'll go from there let's just get it  yeah I got five points I'm winning can we end   it right now I got five points wait wait who  hunger oh no you just took a bishop okay is   I didn't hang it was a trade is the bonus game  but good happened this game too well whoa whoa   I'm feeling a little personally attack okay  all right so okay wait lovey well you know   that's protest trying to make the Queen okay  let's see I don't know how the pieces movie   car that's all I'm just pushing the pawn ah  nothing to see here yeah but even if you got   a queen that's not so good because you lose  pieces you're at you're in trouble that's true so we're all just doing our own  thing right now oh nothing nothing   to see here he cars a little low on  time but he's he's the one I'm most   worried about I really give him any  time no no I'm good come on I get far on that decision what about giving you car less  time oh okay I just fixed my overlay no no I put   a Nemo su carro nope oh I'll take that I'll  gladly take that I don't even know what I'm   doing I'm making random moves and trying to fix  the overlay it's more fun if people don't know   who's who yeah good super scuffed it happens it's  not a big deal yeah okay Hikaru your delay is over   so take your time how was your day he car how's  the weather I'm pretty good pretty good kind of   ran a small chat is that way trying to get me to  lose on time I'm just genuinely curious about your   day that felt like a good attempt like how's your  day how you doing like oh yeah I just just forget   about your clock and lose the game you know I  need to be careful though because then you guys   look ganging up on me so I really yeah I'm down  the most pieces I am not developed I'm not the   threat here I'm tied for first man oh wait alex  is also tied for first but like I think it's more   impressive that I am go so bad yeah I think the  fact that I even saw a bishop could take across   the board Hey look your next challenge would be  to play this game line folded you might know ya   know what ya know Glen oh okay III all right I'm  reading yes exactly I'm so confused as to how   that's working yeah just castle it's just normal  oh wait no it's not normal that's queen son no   that's Kings leg the Queen's on the other square  king and queen are set up wrong on this board   legs on darks whereas instead of light squares  so like the reason they made for clear chest is   so everybody in the film industry who who makes  movies with with chess scenes when they set the   king and queen wrong now they're vindicated and  they don't feel so bad anymore you got a good   point here not a good point when you're on the  set of billions did you correct the chessboard   make sure it was set right most of them they had  a correct tax it was it wasn't an issue but yeah   that's that is something like people who are big  shots cancel notice and chest movies the king and   queen are always set up wrong so like yeah they  got it right there but very often times they   get it wrong wait I just realized that yeah I'm  getting I'm getting it I'm getting attack from   two so I'm getting ganged up on by like the two  experts here oh yeah here you can't calculator   King really oh you're getting destroyed yeah  I saw a knight move and I was like wait effort   this is like poker man I didn't want I don't I  didn't want to go right before he car ooh I want   to go after Hikaru oh yeah oh yeah you're really  in trouble yeah you're you're oh man you're well   look whatever you're beating up on the disabled  all right cuz I've never I've never played this   so frankly something good excuse oh come on I  like it Wow I've lost pieces from both sides   okay now what are you gonna do you got to defend  against both it's a great levee we're still fresh   I've been attacked yet I'm just looking forward  to the two versus two man that's that's all I   want in life no kickin up on it's like me on  a basketball court you know I just run around   in circles and the person I'm with like oh and  you can take Kings in this too right mm-hmm wait   what once yeah someone they can't play anymore  though but you get points for checkmate but but   can you take the king for like 30 or something  it's like not in a free-for-all once once you   made it's over oh okay like wow this is great  and the person can't move them anymore and you   get points for it okay okay that makes sense wait  imagine knowing the rules of this game as far as   I know I'm just I'm just trying to develop here  yeah she was downplaying herself I don't trust   it I don't trust it I'm slowly picking things  up here I think maybe not um gotta make a move   right I'm trying to like not take too much time  right am I gonna get shaken if I play this move no I was being nice to you why are  you doing this to me am i attacking   you I don't even know oh yeah sorry  oh now he cargo is attacking levy no I'm still winning I got more put  oh wait no I don't I can't do math   I was about to say got more points than  anybody combined but clearly I can't do   this you're getting like attacked by  everyone that are like Alexandra and   I were ganging up on you now it's to you  and and and I are ganging up on you it's   a very tough situation to be in it's alright  III see a move here I can block off my queen all right god damn it yo she just backed  up she checked me in left this is like cute   if I attack Levy's Queen do you promise  not to take my night no I can't promise   anything okay okay in that case in that  case no no not my queen it's alright I   didn't have expectations for today anyway  I just wanted to hit the double digits oh my god nobody you mess it up coz I would have  I would have checked me a year she had left her   queen there he would have had to take the  Queen first and then I then I then I play   clean up to it tonight oh sorry my bad it's  my fault you weren't able to checkmate let me know but you know Chi you could have won as Queen  if you moved your queen up one Square to like the   square opposite his queen because he would have  had to move the King since he's in check and then   he can take the Queen nuts to me so that's why  it's like the - I got you the Knights coming   in there I spoke too soon I'm still winning so I  feel like if I like stall this out and they clip   it they're gonna be like yo Harry Potter one floor  player just they won't even look at the position   all right I got a move huh I don't even have a  legal move only have King I went King F 11 or   14 or whatever say how do I put my Queenie here  I don't think I can are you getting in on the   attack here yeah I just wanted Oh Q's is coming  for me now it's a free pawn I take free pawns   I'm playing it a little risky here well I'm gonna  move my king now you're gonna regret this man I'm   gonna come back and get more points than anyone  ever what's this for like what's the high scoring   player levy after you said that someone in my Chad  ass is the Gotham guy a chess player - no no yeah   Chad he's an iamb who's struggling a little bit  just a little though talking about struggling a   lot nevermind I'm not a chess player I'm a fan  of potions and brooms and flying and wands and   sophomore at Prague University probably gonna get  expelled after this game though who's actually   winning here this is like really unclear miking is  the least safe even though I have the most points   so I'm a little concerned and she you has the most  pieces of her soul on the board oh no oh no the   only thing I know for sure is that the levees not  winning I should have played Queen - I was gonna   say Queen to F what the heck is that's graven but  anyway that you get to the point there's only one   check I can make that was good that would be a  pretty cool check oh I'm your on your ass or belay   do you actually see the points or not yeah you do  okay so I'm I I don't actually guys that's weird   you have to crop it a little bit wider than it is  right yeah okay oh wow ryan higa i just saw that oh man okay good she use finally getting her Queen  away from my King this is very uncomfortable hmm   I have a plan they should put a coordinate grid  for this honestly I'm pretty amazing they do have   a coordinate grid really well she's beating me  and she doesn't even know the coordinates oh my   god this is what all my students must feel like  when they play the game levy you still have your   king you're all right man Oh II missed it Nemo  could have played Queen takes pawn and it would   have been devastating wouldn't it no how does  that work go Queen straight down and then oh oh   the Queen's don't defend each other all right yes  they do defend each other though unless you guard   decides to trade but you can't take back so but  thank you car is gonna capture my queen so no I   mean I actually make check me because because  then our Queens are connected like you can do   all Thank You lovey appreciate I was not I just  saw that man this is this is some GMO chess man I   don't support this man mm-hmm this is this is like  those giant strawberries they grow okay that's all   right I need the rule book before play chess well  you're doing very well even without your rule book   it reminds me of how when you learn to pre move  in bullet and then you started winning all of a   sudden I don't like you I'm missing critical  information I'm missing critical automated on   the next move wait where wait am I no I'm  not oh that's 20 points well he car ooh Oh comes with the lead but I don't know if it's  I don't know if it's the right moves though   because I give up the Queen though I'm not sure  if it's the right move actually oh he gets 20   but he loses his calm yeah I'm not sure it's  the right move like I think it is but I'm not   actually sure you like way to check me but right  I can capture your queen ass right exactly but I   mean it's still like plus 21 or something so I  think it's the right play but it's not actually   clear I'm not sure if it is right okay like a tree  and king you can't take it now that it's grayed   out so we can no longer take any more of oh I can  okay we can take all of levy yeah yeah but yeah   but it doesn't count for anything I don't think  oh it's okay sorry lovey I thought your pieces   are finally safe man I I got 21 points man that's  I was hat I'm happy yeah ball was double digits I   thought I wouldn't even hit that you're somehow  you're still like a lot more points than I do   thanks to you knowing this no okay I've wondered  we've we finally nerfed Hikaru a little bit with   the lack of Queen though yes that's true all right  now I think we have a plan we have a gameplay all   right well - you look he pyro doesn't have a  queen we both do - Queen's working together all   I'm saying and all I'm saying not even try to  capture my pieces though okay well we can test   some trust here do you want to gang up against  the card you want to play as a free-for-all hmm   all right free-for-all first or the next game  Wow okay all right this is like politics or   some they're like risk for one of these games  it's like you're trying to figure out what to   do that's right oh man I'm hurt okay I know that  was enough yeah but she's trying to beat your augs   Andrew yes she's looks loke car are you looking  for an allegiance right now no I don't think so I   think I can I think I'm doing better than then oh  whoa he's confident oh no he car's gonna promote   wait we have to stop him from promoting it wait  for all what are you talking about if you car   gets a queen hey hey pay attention you're pieces  there's really no no player coordination here oh   wait how do you highlight squares can anybody  whispers yep wait wait that's promotion the   middle that's a top that's a drink wait  one two three four five six seven eight well it's weird cuz when I try to count  usually I think the seven square is the   eighth square and it's not and I'm always like  what why isn't it a queen that's what I'm saying how do you put coordinates on the board by  the way is there some setting okay so I'm   studying okay oh thanks no I mean it's like  it's like in settings and then you said it I   don't know is what I did it's one thing I did  write the only thing you did right wow you've   played like 20 more moves than me and you have  the same score so don't even don't even flex   all right I'm gonna get better at this wait  Alexander only has nine seconds and there's   delay right like 10 sucks yeah it's like five  seconds on every move okay she's the bullet   Queen well we'll see okay pre moving this I  don't think so no except tried to I I don't   know you get some settings yeah you can turn it  on I think oh really Wow okay so everything's a   setting everything yeah I know the settings  for this is crazy like it's like a hundred   different options it was amazed like Amazon  hoes I can't be okay okay what's my mouth all right it would be very nice if I did not  get checkmated yeah I would say the same but   that's looking less and less likely here I think  I should have taken that allegiance with Alex yep   you should have but now it's alright we're both  gonna lose to you Caro no worries maybe I'm not   so sure not so sure I mean it's not too late to  you I still have one Queen alright alright I'm   really close to getting decorated here Oh as if  he checkmates you well I mean I'll come in second   which is okay but I don't actually know what  I'm violating if I highlight it on my screen do   you all see it or is it just on my screen just on  your screen wait but I see red circles alright you   uh I'm gonna try to do you a solid and you might  betray me okay you might Queen here but I'm also   helping you to threaten some checks on he carves  so that he can't mate you so the decision is yours   wait how does this help me because if he's in  check he cannot go for something that would meet   you he has to move his king but he's not in check  well I'm preparing to give a check but you can   take my queen you can go for it but then and then  the help will be gone I know I said what exactly   I did wait I think he missed rook takes h2 didn't  then just checkmate and - I mean basically if you   take my queen with with your knight you're gonna  get made it yes no beat no because I take and then   then she then Alexandra doesn't take Alexander's  and checks me down on Donald back rank yes she was   trying to be sneaky yeah it's not the checkmate  cousin she back ranks me on the on the other side   of the board yes okay do I trust Alex I mean I  only have a queen like even if you don't trust   me there's not much I can do apart from checkmate  me this is this is a lot checkmate you though   that's not actually true not actually true at all  you don't have to think you're great I can't deal   with this I'm gonna remember this to you the  allegiance the trust has been broken not just   for this game but all games moving forward Oh No  what does Slavia is changing their foreign policy   I'm actually not sure though I thought taking the  Queen that that wasn't the right choice cuz you   already have 36 points if you get the checkmate  you're gaining like 20 points like you're gonna   win the game oh that's true uh-huh like I think  taking I think I think Alexander's trying to be   really sneaky there I think she's trying to win  the game there oh so I got two opinions here do   I have a third one from laughs eventually if you  look at historical precedent I have always kept my   word in four player chests also in the last two  streams so you know I'm just saying I wouldn't   break trust breaking trust is not worth the win  I have insider information that the next battle   is gonna be teams they're putting by far the two  best players together myself and Nemo by far the   two best players in this in in in in this quartet  and they are putting the scrub team the backups   hikaru and boat tests together it's gonna be great  Alexandra if you got to check me you two won the   game cuz you would have had 50 like 56 points but  I would have broken trust in the long-term so but   you would have won the game like that's the only  thing that matters well the next games also matter   okay Oh term game here no I don't have a queen  away oh god now checkmate it how do you how do   you this is like wine sweeper to me I swear I  believe you oh yeah yeah my one king winners   tell me wait what do you have you only have like  pawns right you don't have to rub it in any card   I know what I have okay I mean I do that was a  choice worse I don't think you had a chance to   win though I think I either Alexandra ones cuz  she like a sneaky if I have the checkmate or I   win because of what you do I don't think you had  any chance to win though Oh makes me feel better   actually that does make me feel better because  I got this the queen is worth nine right so it's   like you're still like just slightly behind I  think hey I don't mean to interrupt but like   seeing as though like myself and Nemo combined  for less points than Hikaru is there a way we   can maybe like maybe Alexandre just doesn't move  she just moves her knight back and forth like the   whole game and then we like maybe I don't know  just an idea I didn't know how to resign oh I   would have resigned that's fine or do we story  differently since you said his team's right let's   see chess pay is typing okay it seems like it's  gonna be teams that is said okay okay so I'm gonna   accept it wait there's an invite I think the four  player organizers are helping with this so I mean   it's not I didn't pick to be on the same team with  you Carl you know it just happens so I'm just not   gonna complain that's all wait lovey can you do a  little better no no I can't quite frankly no the   Mansu or not yeah hopefully it loads us the same  way I'm not oh it does okay good Oh what the hey   why is so fast what you know what I'm just gonna  copy Alexandre oh is this like just a Bullock   game it's just like a bomb game I think we have  increment I don't think we do no we don't this is   like bullet chess this is bullet okay oh wow okay  well um he car oh I think we're on the same team   so if you have a strata say go for it oh right  I forgot we're on the same team sorry yeah yeah   okay so I don't catch your Bishop then right um no  I don't capture your Bishop or no that's not you   sorry I'm across from you I'm blue you know what  do I do Oh play I don't know we try to promote try   to promote in the middle of the boy I move like  five pieces yeah thanks oh it's my move I don't   even know it's my move Hikari you're not taking  that doesn't matter cuz Alexandra's making a queen   oh I'll take I'm hopping I don't even know what's  going on Hikaru um I think so we let's see who do   I attacked you want me attack levy or should i  attack Q I just did something good I think the   same person I think it would be easier to take  down levy from what I saw earlier okay okay so   you want me to go after some okay very bad but  I'm in a bit of trouble from shield I'll just   take back with the bishop but if you can open up  your die and we start getting checks on him that   would help on him or on levy or on you know on  your partner on levy I'm letting okay okay oh you   drew that arrow okay I just saw your arrow okay  wait do you have pre moves enable t-carr oh no   but it's fine I can I can move fast alright what  what do I do here I don't know develop no put your   pawn up your pawn up that's what I did that's a  it's alright I made a move I took I took to use   Queen though - yeah so we're okay um I have to be  careful to not get double check so the fact that   you're checking love he's really helpful sorry  to you yeah just moving I saw that okay this is   a lot okay we'll take that too all right it's not  good to treat all your pieces though right done   generally it's not ya know thank you appreciate  the UH the advice there I thought it was and then   I started doing it it's like I was always like  had nothing left um he car I think she was less   protective for her I'm bringing my horse to try to  help how come I can't promote yah wait what it's a   further Square and four I think you have to get  to like a be a pause blocking I don't even know   I don't even know the rules bro like how you gonna  frame me bro like oh my god oh nice young nice man   I'm gonna take her night though you're gonna make  me man yo wait Nemo he Carlos Queen is attacking   York want to be careful I know that I know I know  I know this is scary wait I thought you guys were   attacking levee change apart why would you tell  them to attack me I'm your teammate okay well   I want you to meet somebody go go go do it fast I  usually Nima might my rook my rook is chillin it's   attacking everything that's can you actually  make it Queen are you sure that you can make   Queens yes yes um I I just think I think it's this  line that I'm drawing that you have to get to it   maybe one further but for sure you can by the  way what's the score here how do we even keep   yeah I don't know what the score is either it's  we have to checkmate either one of them in team   chests oh okay okay I can't take my teammates  pieces right I need some help levees ganging up   on my King here is my second board day you can  go check her okay okay okay wait oh but he can   take your pot oh you can still take your pawn  whoops but it's my turn next so I the thing is   let's see you get the car was Queen to because  I have a queen I know I'm giving it I know I'm   giving the rook but at least it's harder for levy  to choose between taking your queen or taking the   rook here should I check on the Queen or you can  just check her I think no no just told me because   that that exposes me go take our queen take your  queen oh yeah man why'd you put why'd you see   that [ __ ] no point would you put you sure I was  trying I was trying to trick love into taking out   pawns then I hated almost at the back shoot no no  levy gets checkmated on on g2 or each or whatever   it is okay let's take the pawn oh I saw that don't  worry your queen and night I'm not gonna play   Queen takes f6 and make make make a chest well now  it is Alexander put the rook there by accident oh   I think oh it's way too dank anyway I see I'm  trying to say I understand this is by far too   dank format for me by far okay uh akaru any are  you gonna check to you okay I'm attacking both of   them okay if you take if you take her row connect  she can't take mine okay cuz she's double checked how doesn't matter your car's looking at six  Queen takes whatever then I get mated oh I   got six seconds alright I can't I got I'm just  got a move wait is there no checkmate here for   us no there's no checkmate right okay um wait  okay I guess that's an option but I checked   for you by the way I got my bishop on it oh I  see that oh yeah the pawn hikes oh man oh man   I mean I think we got forced me unless there's  check I think it's forced me we got we got my   knight moving and her King has no squares I  can't put my rook here oh no okay oh no all   right I think we made her Hikaru check levy and  then I mean don't we oh no shoot I made it I made   it oh god wait wait nobody's in shot what yeah  but now I can't oh oh the bishops oh the bishop   carts the Queen oh oh I thought you'd to move  the work to protect the Queen oh yeah okay ah   oh my god yo we got this we got this oh my god  so so posit to get where to promote to have to   get to like - what the fourth-ranked again um  let me let me look yeah it lagged because oh   so our pieces work together like alone yeah yeah  actually he car you did promote right yeah I did   yeah you have to get to I don't even know what  the coordinates are but I'm drawing arrows yeah   yeah I know I can't like I said go to it you go  to settings at the top right there's a cog wheel   and the first thing is Prix moves yeah and then  show coordinates okay yeah okay cool oh they're   coordinates Wow wait oh my gosh good job your  dog story then the Las Vegas Golden Knights let   me tell you that you know we we felt bad for you  guys wow that was a good game at us but that's   pretty close though there's a lot of tactics  there that was really really interesting yeah yeah you guys have to accept the invite and then  we shouldn't get to go same team same teams I   think okay all right levy game plan mm-hmm it's  not even loading on my screen what's going on   I think I think it takes a second you see the  four arrows right let me like upper left-hand   side I think that's how yeah everyone like  gonna start the game's gonna start okay okay   oh there's anchorman this time oh right there  is we can go first we can try to scholar mate   them and take our Queens out but now they  know so narrow okay let's go here I'll be   solid at the start I guess okay the trades  for our trade the Queen's trade the Queen   yeah I have to trade it and then you take  the bishop book yeah okay so I need that   you tracked me it love you basically right  oh no you gotta check me you check me levy   then I mean I have Queens off but I'll try to  come in with the assist well I well I assumed   well because I'll be careful ah all right  so I gotta get I gotta I gotta hit Hikaru   right okay so I've got I've got to go after her  then okay let's go here play this move though Oh oh you did alright you just gonna bring your  Bishop out for me - careful you're still fine   I'm just I'm gonna I'm gonna try to Chuck meet  you because she's just she can't so what do you   think of this I think it's fine I mean it's it's  the best move right yeah I think so but I kind   of had to take off the bishop here okay do you  want me to make the move that you're saying or   just keep it just do whatever you want to do okay  I'm gonna yeah all right God Oh careful his Queens   like what's up whoo not like this okay I came to  protect that that's all right can I protect it   no no kind of faraway love you too born mentally  too but mentally too like oh my gosh no not a king   move Wow Wow oh she had a better move than that I  think well telling me beforehand what about oh I   did some of you did just make that error because  you're hoping I play that move no I was saying I   missed the the other plan here okay well but you  can still yeah okay this is good okay yeah I'm   gonna try to check meet you right away I'm gonna  go for the checkmate you got a media card didn't   you oh wait but you're insured it doesn't matter  we would have won oh yeah he missed me whatever   Queen cheap I I just assumed she won't see it  actually uh uh-huh okay well I'll try to survive   now just oh my god this is a lot just good - King  away and then you can trap the Queen yeah you can   trap the Queen next move right yeah well trade  in Queens early is not a good idea is it yeah   also not getting your Queen stuck out here when  your king is like this exposed but it's okay we   got this we got this levee it's all right please  someone in the chat said GM losing and I don't   think they realize he car was the only GM and he's  complete winning so III well well but I mean the   question is can I meet you before Alexander gets  made about you that's that's kind of the issue ah   because I guess both both both both Alexander -  you're in bad shape so it's a question of can you   can you made her mate Alexander before I made her  butt mate you probably gonna take that with the   night yeah oh my gosh that well that's probably  the end of our attack I don't know okay wait I'm just gonna die from all sides good good  good see Karl yeah I'm going for this quick   checkmate here yeah and I'll take cheers Queen  and then at least I don't have to deal with any   Queens attacking me so I should survive oh my god  this what do we play you know like it's all very   weird with the pause the way they're facing like  when I see them I want to think they go the other   direction yeah yeah I start pushing this yellow  pawn like around this side yeah all right I think   I'm lost here oh yeah yes this is I'm even more  lost than your first game yeah yeah this this was   this was not good it's okay I'm you missed a very  good move lucky you could have moved to Bishop   I think back to e9 and you could have pawned  protectant would have stopped me from taking   the knight on K 3 yes I did miss that you are  right Carl yeah what's up arrow just arrow I think   I'm getting made it no well levy can maybe start  can let me stop doesn't matter it doesn't matter   because she used turn comes before mine so if  you made her even if I'm getting mated next move   it doesn't matter okay all right okay all right  we need better coordination than this yeah any   better coordination to this okay yep yeah so oh  my god not like this oh yeah we got except sorry   um what's uh what went wrong there a lot of things  is it that in attacking Alec Sandra you weakened   your king too much yeah probably yeah I think  grabbing that pawn somehow yeah the King became   too weak when my knight got over so it's kind of  like any regular chess open you got to develop   all your pieces but restricting right but isn't  it because of where your king is like cuz Levy's   king was safe right because his King protected the  pond like even if I die you know I think it's like   where the I yeah I think it's just because you're  your queen on like I'm sorry wait what is this n8   yeah is it like directly hitting G like g1 but  you don't have like another Queen on right and   you have to accept invite oh I don't see one oh I  already accepted it I think I did I didn't get one   all right no I think you have to enable invites I  think like you don't have invite enabling even on   oh yeah that's true it's alright it's like trying  to get Robert has to socialize with you he also   doesn't have invites on I mean scheduling with  Rob right is like you feel like you deserve a   prize when when you can't we're really people here  today that wasn't a rose that was a self roast I   tried to hang out with house that didn't go well  I couldn't hang out with Robbie man ain't no chess   without house alright so what do I play on the  first move now I do I not trade Queens with her   yeah don't trade Queens I think like I mean I know  that if you're playing free-for-all trading Queens   is a very big mistake actually yes did you end up  in like a lot of trouble right away yeah yeah I love for Flair chess so much it's so fun okay I  think it's much better in teams actually like in   teams I I don't mind this billion free-for-all  like when I played it's always been a really   unpleasant experience people gang up but you still  win so I don't know I was complacent well I don't   you guys but what's like a supreme violation  of the TOS to gang up various game yeah like   Alexander should get in trouble uh-huh yeah I'd  see I'm sure chest comm is also listening no they   don't know how it bans me once a day big why'd  you move Alexandra the pond doesn't go forward   it's going up to side uh can she move no she I  thought she can move here oh oh I thought oh I'm   I thought she was gonna go up to when you're not  okay I'm whatever I'm stupid wait why can't I be   confusing it cuz I thought she was moving that  way no she is she is I saw the pen I thought   she pushes the pawn up to see whatever like c3 or  whatever whatever it is sorry so Alexandra can't   you don't get lost I'm Alexandra get in push  her can't push her pawn forward right but but   but Nemo can push your phone forward yeah right  okay yeah cool yo watch out your King is there   they're sleeping your your kings fun well random  question is on Poisson exists or not I not sure   Alex I thought your our rule book um I I do have  one I think it did but it's been a while since I   looked at the rules but I'll google it for you  guys alright thank you yeah I'm making a bishop   move okay alright so I feel like you're I don't  what are you trying to do tell are you attacking   Alexandra or ki karo are you attacking nothing I'm  trying to develop well not like that is up upon so   I'm happy about that at least yeah you just it's  a all right that's I don't know what that does   exist you can do on Tucson you can okay oh yeah I  mean I assume the odds of that happening are super   low what I mean they're prepared for everything  right and you Wow imagine on passant promotion hey can you - it would be a promotion you're right  cuz that is worth rank yeah yeah would be oh you   can take her pawn now Alexandra blundered her  pawn I didn't want that because this was scary   but can't you just block with your EEP on two  squares oh oh you're but then but then they   like the knight goes away and then there's like  this hopefully but okay I mean I don't understand   this for player chasings complete garbage just  simply boredom but I mean okay this is come on i'ma hit i'ma hit Alexandre with what with one  of these all right thank you I'm not even sure   that's the best move but Oh since we're attacking  her Queen you can attack something else now you   can play like rook takes rook takes Bishop is  oh I'm gonna play Knight night to d3 and then   when she moves her Queen then I can play like  Knight to c5 see oh wow that's no but this is   I mean unbelievable tactics no but now Oh wha  take the rook though take the rook with your   knight I mean don't do that why would you Knight  goes up trap trap trap sir Queen young taking   Alexandra's Queen is like when Rock Lee takes  off his like you know the the belt and then   he just succeed that's when you unlock his full  powers all right we're gonna set up a dragon so   Alexander you need to try and checkmate her  I think before she finishes the development   maybe if you can yeah I need your help though we  have to decide who are getting in first I need to   like I'm just gonna I'm just gonna make Queens  on okay to meet either of them we both need to   be working together to attack right listen let's  uh let's keep an eye on okay I'm gonna play this   move cuz I'm trying to do something over here  maybe I'm just trying to Caro can you prepare   it no you can't really prepare checks again I'm  playing the dragon it's okay I got this guys cuz yeah I don't have the best setup for attacking  unfortunately I have the best setup for making   Queens but not not for really all right  I'm gonna go make a queen the center of   the board is long wait sorry but you can't  make Queen sets much further down the board   oh wait yeah you just March all your pawns  like yeah you have to come all the way here   so it's pretty far yeah yeah I forgot  about that like this the third-ranked   right or the all right so I'm just I'm  just gonna try to make some space on   attack slowly uh but if I'm ganging up on one  of them then I'll need some backup real quick yeah you got to get your queen in the game mean  there was no yeah you're my teammate I'm not   Alexandra she got one okay Wow cuz like who are  we attacked like what do we do if we can't have   anything that it's okay I have a fortress Pekar I  really like that move but uh I don't know if you   think it's good sure cuz then yeah no no I see  I see it yes I yeah yeah yeah yeah Oh watch out   for your checkmate there by the way yeah I know  thanks thanks because Alexander he's trying to   checkmate you there's me no no I'm not there's  a checkmate on g7 no there isn't yeah oh yeah   I'll take care of it um let's see sir any clever  ways to take you can't you block with the bishop   because then I get to attack you if she doesn't  have a bishop there um yeah I could I could do it   like this oh my god please so okay I guess I got  a yeah it's okay it's not that bad I'll just take   it after and then we can go I can take this pawn  then bring my knight over okay yeah I was thinking   to get a you speak Spanish maybe we can like get a  little no but do you speak French uh no absolutely   not yo we should you should you should have to  pair up with people who speak like the Saint   the same language and that will make things  sound like we speak Mandarin yes true barely all I'll be able to say is boo Howie so it's good enough wonder the Queen Polly sure  yeah exactly oh yeah okay yeah yeah yeah okay   let's see why does no one ever checkmate Hikaru  is it cuz he's like just defends his King really   was just scary I think yeah I just I mean I'm  a little bit too solid I think I think I don't   actually play the bus strategy especially in  teams I mean it's okay it's four player chest   yo what if we yeah I know what if we what if  we like just go for Hikaru man okay okay and   know it exactly like we going up um all right  that's not he's good he saw that spawn what are   you doing yeah that's not a great move but it's  okay we can maybe I'm helping you you gotta move   out exams you've no time I bring my queen back  here for another attack on arm Oh what are you   doing oh no I forgot his Queen was there okay  just survive because now love yes love he's   finished yep and and I get increment so I'm not  gonna fly true alright no no no we're gonna win   we're still gonna win come on levy I believe  oh oh man what is that even like dude dude   I'll explain after and let's back up some class  notes your Queen's hanging some some sideline   comments area here your low blundered yours I  am aware thank you yes yes yes oh my god please we Oh God so serious all this yeah I ain't  got a lot of pieces left you know not quite   through last game I had I had some we won a  game which is like kind of a miracle Oh God why is every game just me defending a see car  attack okay okay so what else go into this bottom   corner all right give her a check I can take her  queen take a knight oh no never mind I'm in check   I can't do it well what was this I was thinking to  open her king I felt like we still had counterplay   no he car do you think I should take the night or  move the King over take mine I'd probably move the   King cuz I think you can still block it right yeah  I think it's not evacuating her in like two moves   I think yep or I can wait no you can push your  pawn I think and no no I mean it's yeah he car   I also have one rook that come it can come in  with the assist blown lyric I request somebody   else to go into this bottom corner yes let's just  check Mia right Maximus yeah yeah yeah oh we were   so close we were a move away that counts for  something that's true yeah you're green again   don't bloody your queen ever again I mean some  one of us made a career out of it so I wouldn't   say it's like the you know that were the worst  thing in the world yeah that was that was awful   I got so excited I thought my move was so smart  and then he car went what and I was like oh well   Hikari we picked up the pace and a little ladder  - yeah that was a good one that was very good
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 4,443,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, hikaru, nakamura, naka, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, 4 player chess, four player chess with botez hikaru gothamchess, four player chess, hikaru vs botez, hikaru vs gothamchess, hikaru vs nemo, alexandra botez chess, botezlive hikaru
Id: dJmlDPamgso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 58sec (3058 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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