Hikaru Battles Alireza Firouzja and Daniel Naroditsky in the Arena Kings Season Finale

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[Music] so says it's for you [ __ ] better than your own blitz definitely better and blitz not necessarily better and bullet I would say so I'm playing blitz stream to start I'm gonna keep this really really slow here at the start so I guess we'll see if let's BD fall asleep III go III D for probably really really slow this game it's a good first round pairing I'm not gonna lie playing a playing blood stream to start is quite a nice carry I'm gonna play g3 Bishop g2 in castle just cuz he's the lowest rated player and it's always nice to start with a warm up against one of the players at the bottom Salameh is underrated celeb i don't know what salams rating is at the moment sometimes he seems underrated sometimes he seems overrated it's very hard to judge because slump sometimes plays really well and sometimes he plays really badly so it's very hard to tell with him when he's playing when he's playing well or when he's playing badly and what is what we're ready to underrated okay so see through b5 I'm just gonna play Queen c2 I might play d4 at some point I girls just play up 44 I'm gonna go out 44 and work you want a play for a five and five okay let's go b4 is he threatening to take maybe so I can trade trade and play Knight f3 I don't like it efore seems completely reasonable let's try it [Music] and this is actually also straight up on no nafham Miyaichi is like a second-rate russian so the requestor not at all enough it was currently the top rate of russian player um yeah definitely not okay so deep for now [ __ ] would be too now he's got a weak pawn d4 and if I was not correct is now I get pressure on this diag the Knights coming here this pawn is weak I can always attack it very easily this should be five is a good move but I still think I can play Knight to c4 and if he takes I just take back and I'm getting these lovely bishops that are coming around on Quincy four is fine BC four is also fine this is a question of structure I think I'm gonna go Queen c4 because I want to keep I want to keep pressure on this pawn on c5 so I'm gonna play rook c1 I the pond maybe queen g2 or queen f2 to put pressure against the king here and I still fishbait three Bishop c5 he can never put a rook on C to support the pawn because the bishop on Age 3 either Queen d6 is a good move I think Queen d2 makes sense just support the pot c4 is never a threat here I don't want to give him some a5 a4 so that's also why I played Queen d2 - 8 - I the a5 square Queen c6 good move now now I feel like now I need to start getting aggressive and putting pressure on these pawns Bishop a3 is a threat as well [Music] I think you cost her a fair or two for a Riesling four months in a row what okay I have a five I've got B c4 I mean I don't understand 84 I can just trade what what is this am I missing something it's just a free pawn here I've got a 500g - I think he just blundered upon maybe just Bishop g2 to threaten the e5 and I'm I'm the queen the queen is in trouble here because everything is kind of overloaded now I think I'll play e5 attack the Queen three P's check me okay all right that's a good start you so that's one up Thank You chess bay 94 for re subbing 11 months in a row thank you so much for the resub chess bay the best rest possible reach seven three months in a row thank you so much for the resub so yeah so far so good so one of the 18 pretty good start on 17 more games to go [Music] um Nicolas Nicolas Tarrou says anyone know or turn out nickels for us our disposable size um what I love the most about Hikaru is that he explains his moves unlike the others thank you so much Raposa below says close game Thank You fat girl that was that was a that was a good start normally in these events it's good to play one of the weaker players is a very start just cuz it gives you time to just like get into the flow like I would not have liked to play say firoozeh faroush in the first game for example playing faroush in the first game when you're just starting off would be a little bit a little bit annoying do I accept the rematch sure they start automatically soon they start automatically thank you always speaking first Rhodes which Prime actually I don't know um do I play I don't know if I play in the second game right away or if I play I play every one in a row and then I play them play them again at second time I'm not sure like do I play Diana and Persia and all them run through the cycle once an unplayable in the second time or not I'm not sure [Music] Thank You doc seven for subscribing with twitch prime um oh I need to rematch him oh I need to rematch him okay so okay so you do play you just play everyone two games in a row interesting okay all right so okay so round two let's play Knight of 6s let's play d5 play something super solid yeah maybe solid aggressive ish here this is questionable for white I'm already this should be better for black just Queen b6 I think c4 is playable here if Frey do you just take b5 is coming this is definitely bad for white already b4 is a huge threat I can play f5 maybe just f5 clampdown on e4 I want to put a knight on a four eventually but I also need to prevent knee for first f3 I can go Bishop h6 to hit the pond okay so now I'm going to try to put them out on a four Thank You broken market resell be four months in a row they'll probably take I'll take it upon so I take with a Ponce now I have the idea to play rookie 6v6 to attack the pawn here I've also got two bishops against two nights I'm gonna play six or maybe f65 not quite sure which order yet f4 Wow cleric b6 he's playing against his bishop being passive behind this wall pawns but I figure eventually I'll find some way to maneuver the bishop around so let's go like king da fish be a [ __ ] page 5 I'm obviously gonna throw in e6 at some point too let's go push be a fish up g6 you placed h4 I still don't really want to play e6 okay now I go fishery HIV now as nights are super passive I'll play East six open the dye acts for the Bishop I'm gonna slowly probably maneuver the rook all the way around eventually let's go King d7 played Bishop d6 now I'm probably gonna run the run the the rook around he's probably just gonna is he gonna sit no he's gonna try playing I had a phone at some point I'm gonna play rook e8 rook e8 thank you it's a rainy aw for reselling two months in a row I'm threatening to take maybe okay now I'm just gonna keep on chillin here maybe I'll run the King all the way over I think I'm gonna run my King over it this way thank you I am Rosen for reading with a party 187 let's play it like this play it like this maybe Rick v6 next movie I think now I will go broke v6 I'm probably gonna play rook e8 or maybe I'll even just take but I feel like I should just keep um I should probably run him down a little bit lower on the clock [Music] maybe Bishop g4 is an idea thank you a gun street girl for resolving two months in a row thank you so much Theresa okay now Ricky hey Ricky six is a huge threat here actually this might be very bad for white because Rick a6 work v6 in Bishop a3 I'm not sure how White's gonna protect this pawn twice with the double works on the B file here yeah I think this is just losing for white and this might just be game over boring drops that she not exactly here I'm actually putting tons of pressure yeah that's a free pawn takes I take this is anything but a draw position um okay he just resigned so I think that's gonna be - whoa he was also running a long time think you know no more renamed 79 for reselling four months in a row a [Music] G move said do you my wife is cleaning the house with the same playlist that's pretty funny uh yeah so okay so that should put me on two points so okay let's see oh wait faroush a-- Purusha has half renault he's got one and a half okay oh she's got one and a half they made a mistake they had firuze you with half a point against Lashon Cove there for a second so I was like what's going on but no Cruz just scored one and a half so on so yeah so okay so so far pretty pretty normal Danya has one point who did Daniel play who did Daniel Sephora seats so he played who is Daniel playing actually I guess is a question um is Daniel playing my or maybe Oh Danny okay so Danny played Salette and their one one okay so that makes sense okay so so far I think whoever whoever JJ's playing also knows the Last Samurai didn't show up maybe I'm guiding since am I going to join Danny to Denver open unfortunately I don't think I'm gonna be making it out to the dumper open I think I will be in New York at that time I'm having to figure out how to get to the Ivory Coast so I don't think so okay follow the games alright you guys let's see um okay Dania is playing so let's pull up Daniels game Oh Daniel in Georg danya's Dan's playing Georg but they've got no time I mean they should draw but I think Dan is gonna flag him here yeah I mean yeah Danny's gonna flag him I guess I mean I don't really love the flag idea but um I mean I always hate flags and uh I hate flags and uh in tournaments where you don't need to actually actually need to win when every game just need to qualify it so I don't really love the flag but I understand why I did it's only the first round okay Anna did off for a draw no Daniel offer offered to draw on the Georg declined okay over declined then yeah for sure it says fine um thank you the dude that discovers for subscribing with twitch crime um yeah I mean I feel like a lot of the little things you do in normal blitz games and tournaments generally like I mean like flagging with rook versus rook for example I'm not gonna do that in a tournament um just because I don't think it's appropriate but uh but yeah I mean I guess if Daniel I actually offer a draw together then yeah it's completely fine um okay uh oh never mind so I guess the whole first round is over so we start round two I'll play 9:03 again so far a pretty standard top four of course Daniel myself and I'll leave or Samila two points bruises one and a half I don't expect some Milt I don't expect gh a similarly caught a lemur on D to stay up there at the top though for that long I don't expect him to be up in the top four slots let's play III Bishop e2 obviously SC for try to exchange the pawns before hey yeah yes I will take and play 92 maybe h3 g4 is an idea I think I'm gonna try to open up the kingside just Quincy - I think I just a Qi fourth night before just queen bee one and I play a three next move Knight looks good but I'm just gonna kick it away that's gonna have to go back next move Shawn I'm probably gonna train and go rooks you one put pressure on this King side if you place c5 cuz then everything's gonna open up so you probably can't really play c5 Ali Reza's playing Daniel of course you know all these matchups have to happen at some point f5 I think I will just take and play a three kick the night kick the night away so he wasted to Tempe to get the night to be foreign guys gonna have to go back to a6 so I will now go Queen c2 and I'm gonna definitely Castle and go over q1 at some point soon maybe ninety five is playable here too you know let's play 95 so I'm worried about Knight up too so I can't just castle right away I mean I need to play Knight f3 first support the knight support f2 and then I'm just gonna castle go work she one and just kill them on these open G and H files next move okay place f4 I think I can just Castle if takes I just take it takes I just take and I've got rook she won pretty much rook she won in Rick H what you one of them I'm just attacking on the G and a trials cheesy spaghetti says says duty he karo I'm pretty much only playing the ready now and and I'm basically always always losing anyway so there's that that's a good opening to play for sure I don't want to take that he takes the Queen Brooke shoot one is playable Queen G - looks pretty Queen G - or maybe Queen h2 even let's think [Music] clean eh - looks interesting I think I'm gonna go clean h2 here he can't take his any then he loses a protection of the pawn on h7 think works you one looks fine here he still can't take sin I go to work she's seven King g7 Queen h6 and Queen a chain mate actually all no I don't want to pre MOOCs he could I guess he could blender Knight f3 I don't think you will but he could at some point I might even go a Nike shoe forward if it hit the pond at age six another way um I think I'm doing quite well here just because the king is so open okay clean house six but now I think I can take he can't take with the pogs is still shocked me but now I get nice you for tempo on the Queen tempo on the pond and everything is just collapsing here for black on the Kings side this should just be winning this night is gonna become super loose on g5 so I think he might have just resigned here but we'll see what holy Scott rook oh no he doesn't know I thought for a signing it takes takes takes and urk f1 but it's actually I wrote on th one of the sports the Queen not the G rook so yeah so I can just take take and now there's just as deadly pen and my king is running to safety here his king is is super wide open here so this is just losing for black somebody says please play gambits I'm not gonna play gambits in an event like this where I need to finish in the top top four no Gambas just got taught get to talk for and take a serious let's play east of steep on let's play d4 and c5 so that's a no on a bonk ah then I'll play a bong cloud if I've qualified you guys that's what I'm willing to do if I have qualified for the for the Final Four I'm willing to play a blonde cloud if I've qualified for the final four mathematically I'm willing to play like a ballin cloud but until until I'm in the top four no no gambits no nonsense if I'm definitely gonna be the top four then I can do that but I can't do that unless I'm in the top four a three a five prevent b4 [Music] [Music] Bishop f4 interesting move I guess he wants 95 so I can castle I could have taken maybe but now I will take and go a 97 hit the rook with a knight try to put the knight on c5 play for a for Brooke b5 just Queen c7 a knight c5 next move protect the Pont support the c5 square rooks a little bit airy here on b5 95 94 maybe so I think I'm gonna play a 4 here fix the pawns so he has no beef for ideas right away okay so Daniel won the first game against Perugia not shocking so yeah I'm not shocked by seeing the standing so far in terms of seeing certain people on three points what I am surprised by is that a samurai's on three out of three that's what I'm surprised by I'm not surprised by by anybody else really yet but samurai being on three out of three is very surprising to me player case 796 Bishop e7 or fp7 or p7 if Bishop Bishop takes b7 Queen c5 if Knight takes b7 then I have Bishop c6 interposed idea Queen c6 hit the King on g2 at the end of this he's gonna obviously paperwork v7 he moves the rook anywhere also when the pawn bishop c6 now I'm going to take go Queen c6 check and then Knight f3 and this King is gonna be wide open around all these around this pawn triangle so let's trade now I could take on c5 or or check um a little realistic I mean see yeah let's go check first Queen c5 and Queen B 5 is also quite good but I want to go for go for the V right away King h3 okay let's play Queen b5 now all the pawns are hanging his King is just sitting out here on the edge doing nothing so I think this is just losing for white okay I just take and now this King is just sitting here on the edge like doing absolutely squadoosh queen a5 is a threat to win the knight on e4 now this is no good a king on h3 is on the edge of glory that's one way of looking at the King on h3 I don't know if that's it I don't know I don't know about that but um but yeah um I had a night of - I also queen a6 to hit the night ideas still play Knight f2 I also support the support the knight on d3 okay I can play worth b8 maybe I can also I mean the question is how do I want to win I can win over the board I can also flag him I can do like anything here I think I'm just gonna try to win over the board classically so I'll just take he'll take I'll take thank you crab cutie for subscribing with twitch prime okay he just resigns so alright let's pull up the obvious game so I'm on four out of four let's pull up danya's game against Perugia okay Dania again looks to be slightly oh no Danny's down applause no danya's were series down upon so um not not trivial [Music] so faroush is definitely better here probably work see one now you can maybe play h5h for Bishop g3 also try to isolate this King with this Knight and Bishop as well okay he's trying to go a knight c4 you've got a fixed pawn structure here so black should play a four or h4 white can never really threaten to win these pawns to the rook supports the base takes you can play Knight e3 and Bishop f4 but fish before and just like h4 maybe 95 um oh did firuze you just blunder or Ferruccio just made a slight blunder he might still be better but he made a blunder Oh ferocious blunder completely here ouch because now that you put the night in front of the brook so after Knight b6 now Knight see 494 I mean I still think faroush is better here but I bet he's miss played this could G 493 maybe h4 no for it no but now Daniel blundered right back now at the end I just wondered right back says King is completely cut this age 3 bishop g1 Roorkee one Bishop h2 rookie h1 Bishop g3 Rick g1 which page to retreat ooh traps the bishop maybe you have a 5 Bishop Bishop b8 or something but this should be losing yeah so he's gonna try to act create an act escape score for the bishop here after rook h1 I mean I guess technically this is a draw with correct play but can't Dania actually draw this I don't know 95 work h2 bishop e8 good actually Bishop d6 is better technique because the bishop can't be attacked a you cover the night covers all the squares gotta last 50 moves so he's got to make it to move 112 so let's see um okay 112 is the magic number can O we blunder King e400 Dania ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch I think Danny could have actually made it to 112 lurks he was already nearly 10 moves in he should have been able to make it to 1 to 112 there but he made it he made one too many pre moves um yeah I mean Dania Daniel should have been able to make it to 50 moves there he should've been able to make it to 50 moves there but uh because of 17 seconds should be enough time to make 40 moves do you think about the Primo situation it should be possible um but that's that probably it's not going to be costly in the overall the overall scheme of things because um oh wait no sorry that's not this isn't part of the tournament um I don't think I know Arabic Falcon is still playing let me pull that up um he's playing Paul from side beer or Noah Paul from st. Petersburg let me get that correct so let's see the standings are I'm on for Last Samurai I think is on three points uh Daniels on three fruisé on two and a half mile on two rasullah on two salam on two lukanov on half an HTML and zero board on zero so it's Paul from st. Petersburg you guys I don't know why can't ever say I don't know why why I always say Siberia for some reason when I see SPB I just think Siberia I don't think okay now this should be a draw to King okay what's the time situation this should be a draw well whites whites up time on the clock White's up on the clock so this is gonna be a draw be careful I mean actually that where it was last capture last capture was like move looks like it was 63 or something so it should be a draw yeah I know celebs gonna use the perfect technique here and just repeat on e4 d3 because the bishop can never be attacked this will be a draw as well so this is gonna be a draw so celebs gonna be on two and a half as well so all right so it looks like well two rounds in I'm doing doing doing well so far I'm in the lead really AG like I said before it doesn't matter the goal is top four how's it going gold story of driving a wonderful afternoon wherever you are and the win the big wide world okay so this was a draw too so I think we're gonna be starting the next round pretty soon Arabic Falcon is on a scoreboard you guys he is in fifth place with two and a half points so I'm playing Paul from Sadie st. Petersburg play night of 3v3 sit Paul from st. Petersburg Paul from st. Petersburg Paul from st. Petersburg got it correct I was play three play C for Bishop d3 Knight PD to turn that into a tongue-twister in IBD - I'll just Castle I guess he has to go b6 now I'll just Castle I don't eat I was not really threat so I'm gonna play Queen e2 maybe e4 maybe I'll take maybe Brooks c1 here now I could take and play Bishop a6 it's one idea I also 95 here I also have a four by thing I wanna play work d1 it goes eats it so I can play E 4 here yeah I think I should play E 4 and just open it up so I take you can't really play for c5 or a 5 - the rooks on d1 27 I could please c5 yeah I think I will play c5 shut the diagonal down permanently keep the fissure behind the pawn um Bishop d3 is playable I can also like 95 here maybe but I think I think I should keep the light square Bishop on the board this g3 stop Knight a 4 at night before just Bishop people on the point is black never gets c5 so the bishops stuck behind this pawn here um it's still nothing really special to write home about but I'll play a 3 maybe before maybe just 95 just waiting to see what he wants to do but I feel like my rooks are well positioned here he does play a 5 interesting um I smell just good mmm there's before b5 is that an issue before no I don't think it is so I'll play Bishop c4 go back I just played the little tickle game now there's no issue with I'm taking on c5 rook e1 now I have to prepare for a 5 so you might try to open up the diagonal okay goes each six um kingi two is playable bishop 'if or maybe or bishop you one I'm gonna play Bishop c4 here maybe maybe I'll try it exchange and now I'll go back I'll probably go back to d5 now go 95 the bishops no longer on d3 either so there no issues with take so I can take and bishops not under attack maybe Queen f3 here try to put more pressure on these f7 and g6 points I play tricky too I can also play h4 I think I'll play h4 here I'll probably fix the pawns with h5 I assume the otherwise I get h5 so let's just go on back to e2 now I think I'm gonna put the fish on eat oh shoot did I just blunder something here oh shoot oh I just blundered I just made a huge blunder um okay I gotta move quicker I'm moving too slowly the scheme okay I guess I'll play Knight III try to put the knight on a four here I'm willing to sack up on here just so I can get quick play on the e-file in United for I think I'm gonna play rook e3 rook e1 and try to play on the file he's got a bad bishop still on b7 so it's nothing to be super concerned about because a bishop began is bad behind the pawns night is night is a good outpost here okay rook III it takes takes I could always play Queen d2 maybe hit the pawn on e5 okay now that looks like a mistake I think I can take takes Queen d2 back his bishop is so bad on b7 that I'll just go back to d2 I mean I think the main key also is just to not not lose and not lose any games that's also a huge key here maybe is I don't believe g5 the 3x I can take h5 oh but there I go blundering this okay teenage to maybe 23 I think I want Chuck and Queen d7 and 96 maybe I feel like I should have something but I'm just a little bit slow here right now am i doing okay this one I D 3 maybe 95 I'll probably take I assume Wendy 5 okay I'm gonna check maybe Queen h7 or wean off or I'll premium de 5 just in case he takes I don't know if you wait wait wait Chuck wait I've got Queen b8 Queen b7 oh I might have tricked Tim for Quincy's 27 hit the bishop I can't really lose here can I I'm turning mate what's going on here [Music] I'm threatening checkmate on da because the bishop and the Queen cover everything s6 okay I guess Chuck Chuck please c7 but now I take and now I'm winning because now I can take and just check in Queen d4 yes there we go kake's kim joo-won no checks bishop covers II one Bishop d2 cut the squares off King off - and now I just take Chuck okay I don't even care about the piece Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck and me and there we go alright GG oh um off to the races we go next game coming up play 9:06 that was a pretty tough game actually that was really quite tough um let's play something a little bit non-traditional here maybe e6 I'll play Bishop d6 now try to exchange the bishops can just play d6 97 not gonna I'm gonna delay castling as long as I can so he doesn't have threats on the on the opening each file here so when he castles then I Castle but if he doesn't castle then I see which if he goes this way I go this way if he goes this way I go this way okay now I play see for now I will castle because he just closed a diagonal I can play rook d8 hit the bishop every piece here is really nice tonight's are good the bishops good I'm gonna go bish base let's try to force c4 Queen e3i Bishop d3 I'm gonna jump the night into d3 now I guess I will just go back this way maybe go to c4 he creates a nice big hole on him d4 here for my knight now I also hit the pawns let's play a 5 guess I'll just take and play like Bishop e7 idea to play 94 maybe ro K 2 is it's right as well 94 hit the Queen Queen III is a very bad move because now I think I think I can even start jumping with 94 maybe a 94 looked good takes I take and then I go D 3 because now the Knights on a g4 to support everything else but Bishop D 1 I missed this let's go Queen out 6 to put pressure on F 2 so he can't move the knight C 5 let's just go B 5 I don't want to open up the B file for the rooks that's why I'm not taking here I have one I guess let's play h5 to support the knight on g4 so he never has takes any more because even if he supports it the bishop won't be able to capture on g4 so rotate one looks like an interesting move here or I can just play on 4 piece of and maybe let's just go Bishop c6 just put the fish mounted butter square knows c6 tricks maybe takes next move Knight h4 okay now I think route k1 looks like a strong move here put pressure on the bishop probably he'll take on g4 yeah so we'll trade I'll take now it's nights a little bit loose the pawn covers this g5 is a big threat 93 I think I can take I can take off' or maybe just queen queen e6 is better he'll probably play Knight a5 although d4 is hanging here tricky position to play here for white okay goes f3 i will take probably take with the weight cheap excuse my excuse my i think you are losing a piece my friend um if he moves tonight he drops f3 in the fork on the king of the Queen yeah I think this is just game over I can just take and go King f8 I mean Queen let's just make sure not to blunder Queen uh 6 looks good enough put more pressure on f3 here everything's gonna collapse eventually maybe just mm-hm you just clean out for pride trade the Queen's here a fork baby forked it up let's fork it up that's gonna be game over oh I also had 92 to win but Queenie 5 is good enough I guess 92 is simpler but Queen takes d5 also works okay there we go you guys so we're on 6 out of 6 so far so good um so okay so you're seeing the standings you're saying that Danny and I are pretty much starting to run away with it now we've opened up a assuming this is with all the games finished which maybe it's not um which is a total B the total should be 10 times 2 so every round there 20 games so the it should have to add up to what we played 6 so you should add it up to [Music] maximum number of points per round is 10 right so it should be hand so it should be 60 point no clear dross I don't know what the what the pool cool point totals are but just looking at six five now three now three now three and a half two and a half Danny and I are starting to run away with it here so I let's let's watch Perugia since actually I guess firoozeh is still playing um he is playing against a vu quar Natsu love and he is Chuck meeting him I assume cuz work he8 is coming here at some point he should be Chuck meeting blue car but there's 90 to 92 kingi one night of three Kingdom one or feed who knows you've got Jeep Bob check no just King you on King do you want and this is winning for white just King up to 90 for King up through his winning that's 30 points after oh yeah yeah you're right it's five points it's not ten I was doubling the math you're right so the total number points would be thirty then after six rounds there's what there's that's eleven eleven plus seven eighteen eighteen plus seven 25 27 28 sir two games still going so firoozeh wins so that's that means there's one other game going I don't know who's the other who's playing the other game but somebody else is playing um there's probably one of the game going on but as I was saying it's not shocking this kind of way I expected to happen I expected Daniel myself and faroush to pretty much be in the top three spots there still are six more double rounds to go but I'm not very surprised by what I've seen so far so lay on four actually as well so pretty much the final four that taught for the four is that I expected to be at the top Thank You DW GH for subscribing with twitch Prime okay okay so I am gonna play firoozeh okay is plenty night of three I'm gonna probably play well - thank you Doh laughs are subscribing with twitch problems play D for gonna play actually I'm gonna play a play a bit more standard now against Russia let's play Knight c3 which one do I want to play I think I'll play Bishop g5 just play something super super slow here Bishop d3 I'll probably take let's just play rook e1 and E for I guess maybe e5 d5 oh I think rookie 3 is playable here this is probably gonna be a draw but I'm trying to be super super solid here just to avoid anything anything weird happening yeah but this thing is it's hot for that qualified so I'm trying to be very very fundamentally sound this game and just super solid not take any risks more more than more than try to win I respect for you too much just as strong as you can in the in the in the match format I definitely will try but right now the more important thing is just to keep the position solid and be in the top 4 that's that's much more important right now so he wants to go Bishop h6 I guess I can play a 5 a 6 it's one way of playing I'll just drop my Bishop back he's gonna play Bishop h6 and I'll go rook to e3 I don't want him getting some 97-95 hitting the bishop on b3 so that's why I played a bishop a Dukes now in 97 I just take and there's no nonsense because he's not hitting this Bishop on b3 since I dropped it back okay so ghost push Facebook so I can take I can maybe just play Queen e2 and rook d1 even um yeah I think I'll just play Queen e2 and rook d1 here maybe he's got g5 but okay he just takes now interestingly enough I can take with the plying and I'll stick with the [ __ ] I'm just gonna keep it super rock-solid this game no nonsense just turn it turn it into a rock and play with c3 I've got a nice bishop here it's not much it's not enough to win but it's a very nice bishop nonetheless I just don't want to take any risks of schemes so let's just play not work - one Queen c2 support the pawn so I can bring the rook to d1 without hanging this pawn rook c8 is a good move now I think I'll play rock a3 try to activate the rook this way use the left on the third-ranked I mean now I guess let's just trade play work c3 probably trade point c3 I can always play b3 e5 is hanging if he takes on a forty eight five and then then the whole base is his pawn chain is super loose here so I guess he has to go Bishop g7 maybe actually maybe he blundered here I'm sure is he can draw this but I think he he blundered because Bishop g7 allows 95 I'm using QuietComfort you guys Bose QuietComfort wow he does take interesting so okay and if I take because I've got queen c8 shack okay Bishop e8 prevents any tricks it still feels bad for block like Knight c4 Queenie 527 I mean II 5 is playable Queen f6 actually looks very strong - so I'm threatening to win both pawns because of the pin on the king by the bishop queen up or trying to make a draw with queen c1 but I think I'm winning after Queen I know Queen d8 King f8 is no but then I've got bishops this is close to winning but maybe not quite winning know it's probably not winning cuz he still is King f8 eh - oh no he's got clean up for and just make a draw oh my gosh I'm insane completely insane he just makes a draw I'm losing my mind what on earth Wow losing my mind that was a very poor whatever um doesn't matter okay let's just I have expect him to make a draw here but um yeah let's taking go 96 I don't know why for some reason yeah for some reason when he went Queen a4 I just forgot that he had a draw that was just insane so we're gonna just make a draw here - I assume most likely oh yeah see because the thing is we play weaker players so like in a format where she's top four we're just gonna end up drawing this game and then we're just gonna move on to the next one most likely okay very excite let's watch Daniel um so okay so this is a samurai against Dania on a very excite that game is full of excite cool of excite uh g4 Danny g4 and what does Queen f6 he could have played King g8 why is he playing like this g4 what is the mill dueling I mean I'm sorry wasn't blacks us up an exchange here he might be in trouble but like you just moved the King to g8 you get out of this pen why do you walk right into into g4 no bueno no bueno no bueno um very very weird very very weird so alright um then my bullet Oh alright so work out the one on ya so I guess just looking so I've got seven points uh max would be 8 so 8 times 8 times 5 I believe so every round is every round is 5 points right so it should be should be 40 what do we have here we've got 7 5 & 7 plus 5 is 12 plus 5 is 17 17 was 10 27 30 33 and a half 34 and a 35 and a half 36 and 40 so 4 games still going um I feel on the lato says he played the same unit Ali Reza's Wesley so narrow did to get the u.s. champions last round correct this last game in the Berlin was was was was Daniel's game against Daniel or dan in their DS game against Wesley so in the 2017 us championship I think it was her 2016 not sure which year but that was the game between the two of them oh my gosh wait a second wait was Daniel black last game or was he white oh my gosh Daniel was black class game wasn't he I thought Daniel was white last game oh did it was Daniel who blundered his rock oh my gosh Daniel blundered blunder Queen d3 g4 oh my gosh I thought Daniel was white so I'm like JJ just wandered and it's all good oh dear Daniel was Daniel's black oh my gosh oh dear um oh dear yikes so actually Daniel is on the on the edge actually Daniel's got 5 points but you've got Salam with 5 ally ally Moran he was four and a half I guess gay or could to try and pick him for a third and Dania is better here but he's down on the clock I'm not sure that Danny's gonna win this game like uh FB 1 or C 1 oh this is messy for Dania danya's rook c1 Brooke c1 was maybe winning oh this is very dangerous rook c1 I mean I guess you go King g3 King H for but I still I mean I don't love this for Dania dude here comes the Sun and I say and Danis got a tough position because rook aged four boxes the King's Own there's rook g1 Chuck and you need to activate this work to try and attack this Pawnee but one Rick active so you'd like to go like rook H 4 H 6 but you can't go to H 4 now Rick g1 King H 4 rock h1 or work F 1 and black is doing very well suddenly you've got rook Seif okay King okay now we're kef - but Dania is way down on a clock your Dan is down a minute on the clock so Daniel is in big trouble here like real big trouble he might draw this but Daniel is in serious danger okay - or Rafi - Daniel Daniel might draw this but this is dangerous or Danya if JG wants to flag him then it's oh lucky Daniel oh man JJ sure tried to flag and based on the based on tournament standings definitely JJ should have tried to flag Daniel there big mistake by by JJ not trying to flag Daniel their big mistake because if he had won that he would be a half point ahead of Danny on the run for fourth place um not even dirty flag but he had F and E against he had F and E against an app so yeah JJ should not have given the draw because oh when there would have put him in serious contention for the top four now he's sitting on fourth he's sitting in fourth but he gave Dania touch a breathing room that was a very big big mistake in terms of the metagame by JJ there um big mistake by by JJ taking the draw all right so I think next rocks around should be starting pretty soon I suppose this one yeah I mean I've got a one-and-a-half point lead over firoozeh but as I said before it's not about the points it's about building a cushion just so you can make it into the final that's all that matters so I played Danny Knox so if I beat Dania Daniels in deep trouble so I think I'm definitely gonna try against Danny should be nice to try and knock him out of the top four because he is nothing against like Samil or celeb but he has significantly better than both of them objectively paraffin drinker says three thousand viewers for Chester and what a time to be alive yes well it's the Iranian kings championship you guys so um yeah what what is there some joke JJ says he didn't flag Deana because he wasn't looking at the clock sorry what he wasn't looking at the clock what he wasn't looking at the clock is that that must be a joke I assume I'm confused um I I'm confused I'm I it's a joke or not I assume it's a joke it should be I hope it's a joke um okay so I'm gonna play Danya let's just skip back to a traditional stuff play Knight c3 Bishop c4 d3 there should be three just a ch3 I think I'll play Knight of three we'll probably trade you place c6 so we're gonna play something a little bit different this time so I'll play d4 I'm Queen D 494 obviously um I can castle both ways I think I'd go this way because the weakness on d6 so I want the rook on d1 here I have Knight f3 I also can just play rook e1 h3 is good to stop tonight you for hitting the pawn it also stops Bishop g4 this pawn on d6 is a little bit loose here if I move the night away I attack upon immediately Bishop e6 maybe play a four I could also take f4 looks like a reasonable move f/4g for I could also take I think I'm gonna play g4 here maybe cheap I may be up for or f3 maybe just rookie three simple simple move just solidify everything here protect h3 so I can play g5 maybe a four maybe f3 maybe rookie one maybe rook d3 not sure but I want to see what he's setting up with here so he plays d5 sub-e five he's gonna move the Knight to d7 I assume and then f4 c5 makes sense but ninety-seven a 4c five takes I've got 95 though right and 96 I've also gotten 87 f5 s an idea to break the break the structure here without 95 block is fine but 95 is a very important move here now 97 I can also play C for 96 looks very very attractive so let's just play it it's gonna go rookie 7 and maybe Brooke c3 Brooke c3 work c7 so no let's just let's just blast the structure here he plays d4 I just go Brooke f3 and now he has no d5 square I've got a better night he's got worse spawns a5 at some point is playable I think I'm just gonna go like not king c2 maybe h4 how do I want to play this I think I'm just gonna play h4 h5 h6 here rook f8 but now I have before to break the structure if he takes I take this one and so Dania has miss played this because he should have gone 85 97 knight c6 a night before and now he's gonna end up with a worse pawn structure here still not trivial but this should be better for white so I'm gonna go King c2 96 96 not b3 cause Enya's a5 a4 to attack the pawn structure a5 is coming next move Knight c8 good move I can play rook e1 if I go back 96 b3 a5 a4 a 496 take stinks it's a little bit iffy I don't really want to make a draw here so but it's hard not to make a draw ok maybe yeah ok I think I'll take and play with k1 let's play it let's play an end game I also down on the clock here so I need to play I need to be a little bit I need to simplify it here to slow it down because because of the clock situation I need to need to slow it down rook the HSB three I guess a may work a three now B 3 I'm gonna run my king in king d3 King you for I thank you I home L for uh for first reselling five minutes in a row thank you let's play work a six okay five maybe I mean it's just I just I should just make the draw here h5 okay I've got a six let's play f5 Chuck takes me six Keaney for I think work out six is a huge threat maybe Chuck maybe takes seven okay maybe he's six to hit the rook work eight seven rupees seven I just play Brooks e5 this should be this is definitely better for me whether this winning is unclear I'll pre movie a to h5 hanging out six I have Chuck rookie five age six okay now I'm just gonna go this way and takes b5 rookie - Brooke B - maybe maybe c6 on King d5 rook to e8 I go King d6 I've got woke up - Chuck next move very tricky position for Daniel play thrown a track and take now I'm definitely winning so throwing a Chuck throwing with a one broke out six now I'm winning for sure so let's go over K for throw on a Chuck seven he's seven in 1687 Chuck throw-in a tickle now we'll make a queen and he just loses game Oh gah my friend game over play Knight f6 Oh just play d5 fish about 5 c4 e6 c6 play age 697 take just CD 5 rook e8 oh yes Knight b6 of c5 I'll go 97 and 94 he takes I'll take with the e pawn 95 like play 90 for Bishop e6 to solidify this point avoid any any tricks here with like a four a five I think ninety seven back looks fine ninety-four also looks reasonable here because now it takes the bishop hits the Queen between c2 whoa thank you trust vapor gifting Town subsystem unity thank you so much trust me now he takes this way which i think is also mistakes I can go Bishop f5 before I take okay now I have six to hit the night if efore I just take and take the Bishop 93 now I go back to e6 but I don't want him to get c4 or efore here he's playing for to pawn breaks and neither of them are very attractive for me so let's go Bishop out seven avoid fish h5 tricks I just can't allow him any breaks here and then sure enough I go and allow me for okay well it's still maybe not so bad a 594 hello a 594 Queen b7 I can play Knight a5 and rook take c8 I'm definitely worse here but maybe it's not the end of the world ah now I could play h5 here h5 bhishma v g6 iffy at best nights or but I think I should throw in each five just done anyway because it Bishop f5 on the night c4 takes I've got night takes a five [Music] so you probably should go back to like e 2 or F 394 come b7 I will think with the Queen maybe yeah let's take with the Queen because if he takes c6 e hang c3 I've got rook c8 as well night before logical move I can always take now I guess I will just take and clean b5 maybe or Queen b6 yeah maybe Queen b6 is better okay 1 okay let's go b5 fix the structure here now the bishop can't Bishop needs to get behind to attack the pawns and it's not easy to do that I can't play complaint rookie a4 to try and win you know I already won the first game so let's try to win this is this is probably not correct play but I want to try and win to knock Daniel out so even if I lose this game by playing this slightly dubious line it doesn't affect the overall standing so the odds here or I need to try and win to knock Dani out of the event that's that's why I'm gonna do this let's play a3 - oh I've wondered Bishop c4 oh my gosh oh but he plays yeah he's got this order - oh well that did not work out quite the way I was hoping it would my attempts to go for glory let's just Liberty 8 he'll take play tricky for hit the pawn oh he's gone f3 uh yeah the risk was worth it though for sure here definitely worth the risk I'll play rook b8 play a 5 he can take okay I'll take Liberty 8 put pressure on the pawn bishop eise okay now push from cheese six now whoa what is Danny doing now he just messed this up completely Dania Dania can't lose but he can't win now what does Dania doing he just bungled this completely okay now Danny's making a mess out of this like a real mess how do I try to win this this'll take why am I playing to win this is back this is not how I should not have done this I don't know why I played this fishery 655 and now I try to just make a draw [Music] what Oh apparently I pre moved one wrong one whatever a parent apparently our crew move Bishop d1 that's that's actually you know I have to say I don't like the of the pre move that's that's a little bit disappointing but whatever I have to say this one thing that I don't like about the multiple Premo situation is that um is that sometimes when you do the multi pre moves you forget about that that option but anyway whatever up one and a half I don't really care about up one and a half the goal was a the goal is just to qualify first but yeah this is this is a problem with the multiple pre moves I have to say although actually I should have gone Bishop c8 because I realized see it see a chief or the bishop can never be captured although actually no but then see it he can take the pawn so no I mean I should've just fuse like a few seconds every move how do you disable multi pre-move actually because yeah how do I just how do you disable multi pre move because that's happened a few times to me where I've done that usually not in a situation where it matters but so on unable pre moves always promote to Queen I don't see right click on pre move right button I don't actually see it but whatever I just won't do multiple Primos teenage sixteen v7 is also a solid way to make the draw too I mean there are multiple ways to make the draw multiple ways to make the draw you can right click on pre moves but it doesn't do anything there's just enable pre moves there's not there's nothing on the turn off the multiple frame moves um so you can just click on the no yeah I mean if you click on board during the game yah but I mean whatever it doesn't matter Daniel must set up anyways probably winning there in that uh that late middle game after I tried to win and so taking the draw but it's not a big deal the the odds the odds of trying to beat Dania are much higher than trying to on like I'm gonna qualify no matter what so it makes more sense to take a chance against Dania than it does to just take the draw there because Dania is one of the butter players in this field so if I have a chance to knock him out then I totally should try [Music] multiple premises number five I only see a navel prune oh maybe it's maybe it's actual settings on the on the main page yeah no it doesn't matter I don't care about the loss but the only thing is it makes sense to try and win on it makes sense to try and win one uh and King a 6b7 was a better pre move you guys are right tinea 6b7 was a much better pre move I mean what you should do there you should make for pre moves like King b7c six four times and then we two kept for the position to catch up and do four more Thank You Waialua zero one for subscribing every seventh three months in a row it's number five in that list one one two three four one two three four five auto switch scheme auto switch game I only see auto switch game I don't see I don't see anything yeah whatever it's just say it's the main page all worried about after the after the event no no no biggie at the moment um but I'm gonna qualify anyway so that's all it really matters it doesn't matter whether I qualify first or fourth just qualify I'm just just need to need to qualify first drag the green button drag the green button I can't drag the green button anywhere yeah whatever it happens uh-huh he's 20 cents up on up on a clock yeah but I should I would have drawn that if I hadn't gone for this primo side um so what I should have done here is I should have waited with this pre move first because like if you think about it let's let's just show an example with this pre move on it's gonna take him multiple moves so like he's gonna have to like somehow rewind to prevent king C sixes he can't get the King here it's gonna take him like 10 moves to get the King to like d5 or d6 where he cuts off the king six pre move that's worth noting even if he tries to trick me the other way it doesn't work because even if we reach let me make an example even if we reach this position he can't cut over because the bishop covers c8 so this is the Primo that I should have been waiting with was King g7 King c6 this is this is a correct pre move to wait with I must say actual actually multiple pre moves on sometimes it adds that extra dimension where if you get way down on the clock you can flag someone or not flag you can make them with like Queen and rook because you can just make 20 pre moves can he cut with King a6 yes of course he can cut with King a6 but to cut with King a6 at the start here it takes him like 10 moves it takes him like 10 or I guess he can do this way but like it's gonna take him too many moves it's gonna take him like 20 moves to get to this position um so I think it was like moves 78 so it takes some a true move so so the way you draws with precise technique is make like four pre moves and then you wait to see where the pieces are but it really doesn't matter I mean it's not a big deal I don't care care it all about um Bishop g4 h3 is too iffy because it's Bishop g4 h3 is - if B because he can always keep the King closed so you can't make 20 pre moves here without losing the pawn you basically you need to wait with King c6 King be 7 or King eight maybe King AP sevens better cuz if I think about it this logically if you wait on a b7 um if he cuts you off with King c6 then you have time to throw a check but he can't ever he can't ever get anything that he wants so like even if he got this if he goes this way King b7 pre-move doesn't occur so actually what you should do is king a king b7 is the most precise way to wait here King yet King b7 is how you wait this is the correct pre-move technique here which is king a king b7 because the only way you can push the pawn is to put the King on one of these squares near the king where it cuts off to pre move so King a b7 is the correct one King a b7 is the correct cream move so so just for you guys who are wondering that's the correct cream move so alright so I guess we've got a over 3,000 viewers hear something like 3200 viewers in the channel watching this so we're winding down I think we've played like we played what six rounds maybe have we played six rounds I've dropped what I've dropped I did two draws against Russia on lost the game so that's two points left so I could have ten points and you play every one twice right so have a really only played five people or the really four more rounds there might be four more rounds um who haven't I played let's see let's look at the list I've played Lashon cough I played 40 I played an EC mob I do not play gay or okay so I did not play gay or okay so um how do I click away okay all right so I'm playing a slime okay why did I just waste time second sir let's just go nine to three I'll play something slow again let's play a caro-kann just see three I guess maybe Queen b3 Bishop before Queen b3 hit the pawn on these seven a fish about three I can just take so I hit the knight on c6 92 Bishop e7 castles probably where k e1 play 495 maybe between c2 Bishop g6 95 obviously 95 does Bishop e5 now I can take with a pawn I think I should just stayed with a bishop probably he'll trade I'll take with the Queen okay b5 f4 f5 looks very attractive here so I'm just going to play for a5 break the structure here and then put pressure on the bishop on e7 once he takes it so he ached I will take back let me move the webcam up a touch actually so that you don't do that that's that's slightly better I think that looks a touch better okay sorry guys no there we go perfect okay b4 okay I can go c4 I can take I can also just play up five okay I'll take now I can take and play rook up five I can also play rook f5 right away I guess why not i deceive 94 no I can take and go Knight of 6 I could take and play Queen up three maybe I can also try to maneuver my knight around I'm gonna take him play Knight off one or nightbeat's are in I know knight of one must be right idea to put the knight on e3 and win the pawn on d5 although I don't really love my position here because it's hard to attack this pawn I can't go clean up three I mean I'm up on the clock so it's all good but uh but rook e8 I think is a mistake because now I think I can go for an endgame maybe like I think I can trade a play 90-93 g6 maybe queen up three hit the pawn on d5 yeah he should not have traded rook since now he gives me everything I want like the more pieces on the board the weak or these pawns are he can play rook c8 but now with only one working one queen on the board the the threats were black become a lot a lot softer Queen see it's a good move I missed that we're not going to Storybrooke see maybe I play Knight e3 no I miss played this or if d5 now Queen c3 is actually what am i doing okay let's see now plea we need three no Queens you for Queenie six no I've miss played this I have miss played this quite badly um I can still draw this but SC knows maybe okay I've gotta move actually um see three Queens you four okay let's just play Queen eh nobody can still take it still take on c3 I mean maybe Queen c5 no I've miss played this terribly I just blundered completely for no particularly good reason [Music] h5 yeah I just messed this up completely 92 93 night after three yeah I just wondered this but maybe Queen d3 King u1 maybe it's not mate right away we need for King D one maybe one King you to Queen t3 can you won moving too slowly though me too takes is there an actual threat here I don't see it coming out zucchini one I don't see an actual Nate threats oh now he's messing it up there now my king runs and now he's in 97 that takes big swing g6 I'm gonna win now unbelievable all right there we go much better much better much much better that's how you get it done okay okay round two let's play 906 Thank You beyond Richard Riesling four months in a row love your content yes four in a row what do I want to play I don't remember what I was gonna play against him I was gonna play something different this time let's play this for this in Queenie seven castles and can hold us if I didn't fix a webcam I should have 10 extra seconds that's also true but I've see five bishop a six maybe there should be seven Queen c7 I'll just play c6 and Bishop d7 c5 bish basics maybe yeah I mean if I yeah if I didn't if I hadn't adjusted my webcam I would have had 10 more seconds so we've been a nice cruise to victory right that's that's what you that's what we want to believe it's just c5 takes rook c8 or yeah let's go rook c8 if cake just takes or 97 if Bishop e5 I can just take on f3 or if d1 I think just uh rook c7 looks solid protect the Queen protect upon and b4 just 94 looks ok no maybe a 5 yeah a 5 because now this is not a weakness anymore I saw it before as well so a5 is a very standard move I make this night really good because b4 is the only way for white to remove the pot can't hold us thank you soo salty for re subbing two months in a row let's just trade and go I can play e5 I think we're c8 just looks logical 94 to stage six if 95 47 now it's gonna be very hard to win this but I mean I guess the question is let me look at the standing so right now I'm on 9 Ally resident Daniel on 7 a half so lemma is on 7 so do I want him to try now I'm in the other spot where so I played Dania and I wanted to knock him out now I'm playing Salaam I think I want Jeju to qualify not Salam to qualify so I definitely I'm gonna try to now beat betta be tussle um from from an even position as well so so the meta is a very interesting here let's play rook d6 maybe Queen d7 try to try to get a modified version of Ali Ekans gun here on the D file and put something on d2 eventually let's go eat five let's just go for it in the sky with diamond silver or bi Isis gatekeeper he card just hides who goes to the finals and who goes home [Laughter] yeah rook g6 last night eh floor I don't want to do that I mean I know I don't want to I don't want to do what I did against Dania where I look like a complete idiot of course but not g5 yeah let's just do it he's gonna play 94 I'll go to Queen g5 and rook rook g6 I also have 93 because the pawn supports the square the night looks good on d4 but there are no targets here there's nothing on f5 or b5 so so yeah [Music] okay so now I'll go rook g6 and hit the pawn on g2 now I have 93 as well or kh4 um no you know what let's just go all in here let's go roof d6 put this rook put everything over here maximum pressure against the King King side here not worried about Queenie a just King age 7 I have 93 but maybe just no King age 17 I beat through maybe let's put even more pressure on the Queen side or the King side here on f2 now I'm eyeing Age 3 this King this rook and this work they all look very very iffy for a driver g2 King G to work 216 h2 Queen g5 he's got f4 cuz the rook cover C - okay I'll sidestep thanks takes Chuck teenage 225 up for checking each one takes rook h2 cuz the Queen cover as Wow okay now it's getting scary for white though I've got 93 here maybe 0.92 3 about 4 I'm gonna obviously take night of 3 Queenie for 52 hmm guess just come back I'm gonna read maneuver my nighty we need 6 hit the pawn on a 2 but that looks like a free pawn my friend I'm gonna definitely grab it virtue 500 so now he goes back to f3 mmm good I guess I'll go to g3 oh I'm down on time ash I got to be careful here yeah I'm down at time um mr. Q 6 Queen c2 Queen b3 no okay 94 hit the clean 26 takes between age three mate GGO um and Queen f3 mate one away wait I win the way I win the way I win the way alright so there you go [Music] oh whoa what's happening in the standings of danya's back down to fourth wait how's Daniel back to fourth Danny's back and forth again Wow instead of king h7 there's rook takes uh oh there's rook f3 with her Oh rook up three beautiful move very thematic although yeah yeah because Queenie a teenage seventh Queen state to try and protect everything you have five two basically to cut the Queen and now you're threatening this again and yeah rook after he was winning I win the wit I win the wit Oh Daniel lost the second game to T'Pol Wow Wow ruff [Music] Paul from Siberia MVP okay so we're so now I play JJ and this is weird because like now I don't know I mean I don't know if I should try really hard against JJ or not this is interesting I I guess I'll try to on I don't actually think I think strategy-wise Dania Danya and Dania and for sure a lot better than JJ - like I don't actually know if I'm thinking about the deep game the matter here of the format once we qualify I don't think I should actually try and beat him that's the funny thing I don't think I should try and beat him okay but whatever let's just play the game let's do something weird here I'm gonna take and play 94 because if I look if you look at the talk four players in this you'll see you'll see you'll see so one celeb Danny on Perugia are much better than um than than JJ let's play e5 takes and takes I played d4 but again he now he's trying to be super solo to make a draw which is also kind of funny here that's 24 takes takes Higgs just just just resigned say you accidentally at the resign button twice that's pretty funny takes takes bonk loud yeah you know I think I might do a blonde cloud next game if you guys want the blonde cloud a rookie one's a little bit suspect here there's a slight problem with a pin on the D file here for white weeny one do I have clean b5 threatened checkmate I also hit the pawn in a two I also stole this pin although he's gonna he's gonna play Bishop b2 or c2 to protect the bishop protect the Brooke I mean guess I just take the pawn thank you a Mensa for subscribing with a tier 1 sub my generation you so queen c3 so I can again play Queen d5 mostly should be five maybe yeah I think I can't so he takes I take the rook with Chuck on d1 so you can't take the bishop on b5 here so I guess I'll pre move rook do you want in case he moves the bishop somewhere my generation hey King H 2 so it's just a free second pawn they're just gonna lose his pawn on b2 and now when he checks the Queen covers a d4 square so I can just move my king up to g7 which I will do here cuz the Queen covers everything on this die act so h5 no no h5 so my king is very safe behind the wall of pawns the Queen cuts off everything here how do I want to do this guess I'll play Queen f6 hit both pawns and then I'm just gonna go b6 a5 a4 a3 so I'm just gonna go b6 85 84 83 to a1 and make a queen he just resigns on - all right let's go again did Daniel lose again did Daniel lose - Salette oh my gosh is Dania tilting his way out of the qualifier oh my gosh oh my gosh is Dania tilting his way out oh dear oh dear Dania looks to be in some deep trouble so I tried to knock out so basically I tried to knock out so late and instead I instead instead I kept it close with Slade's gonna probably knock Danny out of the event pretty rough pretty rough for Dania its castle play Quincy to Brooksie one ah Danny hasn't Oh Danny hasn't lost yet oh he's playing blood stream okay oh you're right of course he's not he and Selam already played I think actually so that's play just play a three solidify the pawn on b4 need b5 here um this'll take and take this way X at the e5 we're gonna play another endgame here I'll trade it all 31 hit the pawn he's got a backward weakness if the palms like on a 70 Google be six or a six he could go b5 but with this structure he can't put the pawn on b4 yet let's go for this we're gonna play a super long and game we're gonna play a four for v3 probably a for v3 rook and pawn endgame on the Kings side cuz probably all these pawns and queens are gonna come off the board Dania is down on time and losing to boarding oh my gosh oh my gosh if Daniel loses the board II that if Daniel is de bourree then it's uh yikes it's um it's bad news bear bad news bear is four four four four Dania let's play rip III hit the Queen protect the pond try to win all these pawns I guess just takes always got no work be it I just take um zoo Murray says bordey has the right to win he is the right to fight for his life right let's play rugby one just work up one next move Oh board you've done 40 through the game way typicall typicall typicall is be pickled okay now just a for put the pawn I better square maybe uh be one set you hallelujah maybe Queenie for protect the pawn protect the rook you know I want to go Queenie five at some point and when this pawn or hit the King rook T - maybe we now for again protect the palm track the pawn but also create threats against f7 as well and I still have Queen e5 or Queen D for Chuck's available at some point thank you and niizuma ha for subscribing the twitch prime okay so Daniel one I'm surprising I guess now I have Chuck hit the pawn hit the king but now I trade and go work be five and now I loses the pond he can't protect it shhh four he's still got no work d4 so I can fix the pawns I take let's go g3 solidify the pawn structure now we will run the rook up around the pawn to a6 maybe King to to a five run a pawn maybe I can run the pot all the way up actually um you got three aha trying to get cheeky here although I guess I can just play i doing I'm obviously not gonna take a draw create King you want yeah this must be winning this must be winning this takes King G - okay - I just take the pawn for cage six still can't go rookie to excite ache and then I take and go rook up five to support the pawn okay he resides so that's another win so okay so I've puts me up to 12 points so oh right how's it going just add blue I see just add blues in the chat a japa 22 says so many resins yeah a lot of resins um Obon cloud I I forgot it's gonna do bontoc who do I stop to play though I have to play a mire I explained Meyer rasuu lob and and that's it right I think that's it I think they're two more left so okay so it's pretty clear that I'm gonna be the number one seed I think at this point and faroush is gonna be the number two seed most likely and then who three and four three and four we'll see what happens there we go there's my little pulp pulp fiction on yeah there you guys go okay alright so we've got two more two more two more two more rounds to go before the knockout phase so things are looking pretty good so far on chess bay 94 says that will be clipped and circulated all over the world yes indeed one Cafe says I don't know why but Daniel seems nervous he is eating peanuts really fast okay well I mean Dania is in a tough spot here because like faroush and I are obviously gonna finish in the top two but it's not it's not clear like it's only one point if samurai has samurai played board yet or not if samurai has not played 40 then samurai has a real chance to get two points there so I think it comes down to who whoever once played actually I can flip the board do you see this yeah so I can actually flip this very briefly let me pull this over um okay around 7:00 is Hikari that's Last Samurai okay so let's see so yeah actually I don't know can you guys I don't know if you guys see as clearly you actually do see it clearly still so here are the parents of around 800 Arabic and Dan you have to play around it oh man that's a huge matchup samurais play ferocious so he's gonna get soundly spanked by by ali reza most likely um blitz blitz dream doesn't really matter much against Mikkel I plead blue car blue car and Paul please Georg so it's not trivial and round nine um okay so round nine firoozeh plays arabic Falcon that's a huge last round matchup um Last Samurai plays Mickey Lelouch chunk off so JJ could get to they're a vu part plays Dan Danya so yeah actually Dania has a tough last two parents especially Dania does not have easy pairings in the last two games so this is not trivial at all so yeah this is not trivial so all right let's get back to this okay so um yeah so yeah Dania has a very tough final two rounds playing playing slum and playing against um vou para su lob so it's gonna be tough for Danny no wonder he's nervous and actually well I was gonna run to the restroom but I don't know when the next scene is gonna start so I probably should wait yeah in fact it's gonna start the second so it really would have been a bad idea play b3 III let's go Bishop b2 b4 I hate the song okay I'll move it along let's play c4 Queen c2 Bernie Sanders diapers as I wish II karo is my brother-in-law okay that's an interesting thought I guess I can play it for just castles Oh Mike Oh where's King Dixie - yeah okay whatever I can't I'm sorry I forgot about the blonde Club but blue car is a strong clear let's be fair food pour it wouldn't work he guns new quarter okay I can play rookie one now I guess it takes just takes and takes those takes they'll probably take I'll take but this is bad cuz now I go Queens III can't takes he gets made it on the diag so I have c5 here to fix this weakness now the bishop is stuck behind the pond and the c6 pawn is a super big weakness for black as well a4 b4 dua b5 even here I can go Bishop c2 maybe I can play b5 b5 rook c8 though hmm let's just go Bishop f3 keep the pressure on the pond I can always drop back and win the pond like or no Queen c2 he's got rook t2 so maybe let's play a very rock-solid endgame here try to exchange he's got I guess I'll take with the rook he's got two big weaknesses if you can get the Bishop to b5 he'd be doing oh did I just allow him to get the bishop eb-5 I just did exactly what I did not want to do I just let him get the picture of exactly where he needed to get it now I'm gonna have to work really hard to win this game again okay let's go rook to e4 because now I guess I'm b5 where it solidifies everything so play h3 I'm still much better here but it's gonna be hard to win just create a square for my King maybe rook G for oka takes maybe Queen for he's got no entry squares here really because my bishop covers do you want Queen carves d2 I guess all sides Stephanie McKean H to just get my king out of danger here Bishop e5 as a possible move Queen g3 as possible now note the bishop is good here because it defends the pause but it can't attack my pawns so maybe maybe Queen g3 between 3/5 okay I can play h4 I'm down on the clock though so I need to be careful maybe Chuck Bishop c4 Chuck he's got to go up five and then Bishop f3 now he asked Queen up for but I can just trade pretty seize it ugh this is getting a little bit messy now me Bishop c3 Bishop d2 you know maybe g4 fix the pawns here so that I always have a threat here against us these dark square pawns maybe in g1 now I could try something weird like f4 maybe that's that's hard to do anything here I guess I'll drop the bishop back to f1 to be safe yeah for now for I think is a bad movie I think I can start running with my King now like Bishop e2 bish about three maybe we have three did I Bund oh my gosh I might have blundered here oh geez oh shoot I have completely mangled this umm okay now I just have to make a draw I just have to bail out make a draw no no nonsense it's a playoff three and make a draw because his pawns are luckily on dark squares if his pawns weren't on dark squares I couldn't I mean I would I would be fine but because takes well I have b5 here I also Bishop g7 takes you know what let's go for it I don't believe him kake's he's gonna lose all his uh all his uh all of his Queen side King side pawns so my king is relatively close there should be five what is he doing I mean what is he doing he's just losing here I've just got three connected pawns that run all the way up the board there's just losing four black I don't understand what he's doing what is what does VIP are doing now I can go a four a five as well yeah I don't understand what what does Luke we're doing now h6 h7 came over oh he thought he had to win ah yeah yeah oh he's on six and a half yeah yeah yeah oh no no he's on six and a half so yeah he thought he had to try and win yeah yeah he's on six and a half so he felt he had to try and win the game okay that's why you did it yeah okay that makes sense okay that I understand okay I understand that Gigi oh yeah that's not gonna get it done anything once you're in the Queen six Queen d7 as queen chief or try to force Queens off the board mm maybe just Bishop d6 maybe just Bishop e7 rikiei now we're key eight is playable but let's just keep it simple Knight a6 connect the rooks or ke8 looks fine ah Daniel lost the first game - uh - on - Salam yeah I mean Salam is very strong slums a very dangerous player okay there we go all right you guys I'm gonna run to the restroom I will put one more game up and I will be right back in one second so I will be actually I should put Daniels game up right let's put D is up that's much more that's much more critical game I'll be right back [Music] [Music] all right what did uh what are we miss in the meantime ok Dania is white and he is getting smashed by a salon thank you thank you yo Guelph four subscriber Tier one sub one month anniversary or maybe that's a Risa thank you so much for the Risa uh yeah this is not look good for Daniel sound two ponds oh dear I guess seeing is still gonna qualify probably if we look at the standings but Georg is get is Gaylord on eight after two games where's Georg still playing one more is the question Georg is playing so Georg wins and gets to nine ganya's and Danny's in real trouble here so I'll be watching both games we'll be watching both games here at the end um actually let me move the webcam so that you guys all get the get the beautiful beautiful beautiful painting in the background there we go so okay okay gear has no chance against the bond cloud wait what just happened wait did salon just blunder I looked I turn away for one second it's Salon blunders oh no slump employees gone I have to nasty-nasty it's gonna win back a rook on slum is in great shape here he should win this game although there are some technical difficulties open King with a queen in front of it and the fact that both these pawns are under attack but this should be winning for her salon with correct playing but correct play maybe Queen f6 and rook C to make sons like Queen f6 maybe and rook c2 or Queenie for try to dominate the screen control all the key squares in the center here I I think Dan is gonna be able to draw this I think the annual will find a way to draw this though is my guess whoa okay my guess is Daniel will find a way to draw this oh whoa this is gonna be a drawed guinea h6 check we need for King g6 check back Daniel surely is gonna make a draw here I think yeah you just you just wait on these two squares oh yeah or he had King e7 know I'm 26 yeah you just wait yeah it's gonna be a draw Danny has to make the draw because of the because of the tournament situation Daniel has to make a draw here I think yeah so there you have it um so okay so what do we have we've got Danny is still in third place by half a point which go to gay or games with Georg wins it's gonna be extremely tight so let's let's pull up Georg game against Paul from from st. Petersburg let's get that right okay so Georg is completely crushing he's up what he's up to pawns 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 against uno dos tres cuatro six against four he's up to pawns so so gay or is about to win his game so this is gonna be a very tight finish [Music] I know so yeah all right so on so right now don't swim fast in what position is Salam on so if you look above my face on the channel you'll see there at the standings and you'll see that Salam is currently in fourth place with nine and a half points so so yeah he's in fourth place right now so I think that assumes I mean I assume I play him in a knockout if he finishes fourth is my guess but I don't know for sure rookie six should just be a clean positional win here rook c8 is also good enough I mean the night of four I think you have made threats or Brigade gay words not gonna mess this up here it's just gonna crush gay or he's going to crush here like it he's gonna crush fall like a great um cruiser versus Daniel would be a good match yeah it's very possible although salon who does salon play let me pull up the round nine pairings here okay so round nine you should see them at the bottom on the right hand side Arabic Falcon please Oh Purusha oh man so most likely most likely so on oh so one might be on the outside here then because fruga mean firoozeh wants to draw on twice um but that's a very rough pairing with only with no cushion since Georg is gonna win I think so celebs gonna be what half point ahead of uh let me go back to standing so lemons on nine and a half gears gonna be on nice it's gonna be a half point I had a gamer for fourth but he's gonna have to play firoozeh so I think Daniel should be safe but but it's messy it is quite messy here for kha does mate don't get don't give a stalemate here I guess yeah Chuck King h6 rook f8 back don't give a stalemate and I like East 67th rook g5 r g5 go for salad matrix e5 stalemate Rick g5 oh but he can take cuz he stills king h6 yeah but there's still one square there's still a nice little square here for kha it obviously is meat ok so that's the end of the game so I think that's the end of the round as well if I'm not mistaken so yeah so it should be everything so we're headed into round round ton I guess Dania has a Daniel plays boo forum boo car is probably on tilt now so Daniel should be in should be pretty safe as well is there a playoff after last one yes the top four players qualified to a knockout so okay let's play e4 kingi to hear you guys go foam cloud baby bond cloud for the win you guys get your bond close when I T to play g3 I guess Bishop g2 why not maybe night of three just rookie one King up one day be sick so I play rook e1 he wants to take let's think how do I want to do this not rookie one maybe hmm I guess I'll just play c4 here so that he doesn't have any Bishop a6 ideas I can just take there should be seven okay now I will play four key one hey exciting just still just take okay now hang up one night before I go eat five so I'm still worse but maybe I'm not clearly busted here what number is var on the list let's go a three-stop night before then Queen e2 next move [Music] maybe e5 was better first but it's all semantics scream ooh a de for okay so he wants to go 94 here get a nice pass pawn I guess I have to go King g1 finish development he'll play 94 I will take he'll probably take the C pawn I could play Queen d3 or B for maybe okay he goes 97 he wants this idea with 95 but now after 97 can i maybe delay it yeah I think I can now maybe delay I can go for Knight c3 Knight d5 myself because he put the night here so there no threats against the Queen from the rook on d8 I think you play the gras for giving us up to angelina 2079 I'm obviously still worse but maybe it's maybe not so bad I can play 90 to play Knight c3 hmm f5 is a good move I do too let's go Knights III know I can I guess I can take this one I take this one 94 is no 392 Knight f6 [Music] it takes I'll give them this free pawn so I have Knight f6 and then at least I get two bishops here I've also got 92 and Queen b3 Chuck maybe or wait do I have g5 as well mr. t five takes 96 yeah let's go with this because if Bishop takes e4 I take and then I hit both rooks on eat up it in d8 if he takes then I go 96 I hit the queen with my night and now I'm gonna win the bishop [Music] Queens got to go somewhere this is I'm sorry to get some tricks here they're they're tricks of lurking in the position here or are there yeah yeah well I've got Queen b3 but I should obviously take first maybe Queens youth or or each or maybe queen shoes for looks interesting we need you for age 60 yeah let's go Queen G for hit the bishop [Music] the official page six but now I think I can throw in a check in Nikes I know but 96 ah okay maybe Queen c6 son so he takes I take I undermine the night and I put pressure on the pond so okay interesting I'm still worse am I losing is the question maybe not okay I will take okay I'll take oh he's got Rick f2 oh geez I oh no no I am losing yeah he just got woke up to UM let's go before in each one d3 I think I've work to see 335 I know I've got wreckage a one-issue it's five sixteen g8 now it doesn't work this is just losing and whatever gotta go for whoa what was that he just wondered the pawn what well I've got no time now so yeah and I just blundered it anyway I mean he d2 is winning on the spot d2 is winning on the spot anyway so I mean it's not a doesn't much matter but anyway um alright let's go and play g6 Bishop g7 d6 Bishop d7 Queen c8 here no but the thing was after rook h5 d2 is winning but then he just gave back the pawn for no reason I thought GT was winning but let's play Knight e5 takes takes edge of c6 rook c8 looks fine on 5 next move play 25 oh I can play Knight of six I guess why not cakes a boudoir beat Daniel oh ouch okay let's trade although this game I'm I think I'm probably already much better I can take with a night or the bishop I guess I take with the night and maybe Bishop a4 probably Bishop a4 make sounds here let's go Bishop a4 so now for a few one-eyed Bishop c2 and he can never develop on this diagonal the brook is really bad if this should be for is a logical move I could guess I'll just Castle here it's gonna go like rook e1 to try force in b3 I've got to come up with something here v b3 okay let's think about this for a second before me or c5 no Brooke c5 p 0 P 1 Bishop a3 Brooksie for Bishop d3 Brooksie 73 rook c8 f c7 no moves by the way no moves you guys know moves in chat but I don't have school but should be 5 I guess but you guys Bishop b2 black probably very Josh now well take and throw in a shock oh I've got to be careful not to make a cream move here okay I guess I will throw in a check throwing rocks c8 if work see - I can always just trade Bishop d3 okay let's play a long gun game here he's gonna take now how do I want to I guess I should play a five because it's beef or I can go a four and then beef I've got the clamp with the right pawn structure b5 right away even b4 and then rotate three with the pawn on 87 so that's why I played 85 here you know I can play b5 try to fix these pawns I want to put it work on c5 maybe pawn on b4 eventually I don't know if he's trying to roll the King to d2 or not maybe he is okay please efore which I feel like it's not precise it's still good enough but it's not precise let's go g5 try to bring the king in maybe a rook h1 try to win this pawn h6 a4 I guess I'll just take okay wants to go King out five maybe okay so now I think I've got to be a little bit careful here with you one king else we just [Music] so Garrard offers a draw here I don't I mean I don't know what the Matt situation is um what are we at I met 14 oh sure I've got no time um no no I'm gonna play on then let's let's go ever see two takes here now it's just a draw play rook c5 I guess King f5 I've got e6 hanging out five King out six is playable okay so it's a draw okay so gears on ten and a half so okay let's see okay so now we get to see the fun fun part of the match what happened to firoozeh okay Maier draws slums on ten-and-a-half um so I guess this means we watched Dania Daniel for all the marbles I guess Daniels winning though right Daniels winning yeah Daniels gonna win so Dan is gonna finish in third which means gay or is gonna finish in fourth I guess fun okay so I think then we've got um so Daniel wins right Daniel wins right so danya's in worth or third no Danny's in third right so I think that's the end his name is Salam Salam is his first name you guys so that's why I call him Salam so Daniel wins he finishes in third place with 11 points Georg finishes of course I'm gonna play Georg next round on so alright so I think that's it writers or is there a tie-break 4/4 or is gay or just in I don't know if I play get is gay work just and I think I assume gay or just in right um Garrett should just be in right is there - is there playoff or not so who's in I'm confused what are the actual standing no playoff game or goes out oh oh there's a tie-break head-to-head or not oh okay so what are they base it off of that if they list it there should be a tie-break I assume no okay well I assume they oh it's head to head to only play off if they tie it ah okay okay so all right so I'm gonna place a lot I'm done okay cool ad 1907 with the comment of the day since they are both eliminated in Magnus's in indeed indeed so all right you guys all right so so I place the lung okay so I'm gonna place a lot I'm done in the next next round oh it's still alphabetical oh my gosh you guys are right it's alphabetical you're right MA and comes before at some wires listed above above so I'm Soleil okay wow that's uh that's pretty easy all right so we're heading into the finals then so Final Four I assume there's a short break maybe there is no break but uh so a paw report Georg uh he beat me in the blonde cloud but it wasn't quite enough so though that's just how it goes all right so on alright so we are headed into the knockout phase let me oh there we go actually I can switch the tab and readjust the window so you guys can see it now so give me one second one second you guys will hand make this bigger against going on okay let me maximize its okay maybe that works better now one second you guys okay okay there we go and now I will doesn't touch smaller okay so that should be good um I just let me know you guys that looks that looks pretty good to me maybe it's not but I think that's that's pretty good so okay there you guys go I don't know you can see it clearly so I placed a llama in perugia play as Dania so this is gonna be the playoffs who's number three number three is Dania so Danya and firuze you got to continue their grudge match from the last couple of days when they've been playing a lot of Woollett against each other so on so yeah actually I don't like at one second you guys there we go perfect perfecto okay so um all right so we're headed into the the final final phase of the arena kings championship um so it's it's a match I think it's best a for a grudge match yeah Dania and the fruisé you've been playing a lot of bullet lately so um I think it's best afore but I'm not sure so let me check my email quickly let me make sure I think it's best afore but let me make sure [Music] okay final finally the top four scores will move on to a knockout we'll be taking a five minute break prepare for this first place from our place for second place third losers play for second losers play for third place the K will be a four game will be four game matches first a two and a half points okay if the score is tied we play 1-1 tie breaks games until a winner emerges oh wow okay um so yeah if this if you have to - if you have to - I'd love to see a tutu and Dania against um against fruits just so they have to continue playing more bullet against each other that would be pretty awesome obviously I'm playing so um I beat him in the arena Kings ko the other day but uh but he's obviously a very strong clear so this is not going to be a walk in the park so okay so I think we're gonna be starting like two or three minutes um so thank you tell them on for tipping $20 thank you for the $20 donation tell them on much appreciated thank you so much Salah Vaughn okay so we are into the final phase so first a two and a half points so you need to win two games and get a draw basically out of four so this is gonna be a pretty pretty exciting 3500 viewers yes there are a lot of people watching the finals here of the oh wait sorry I've got two boards open one second there there are a lot of people watching the oh you know what for that reason someone just said that let's do that there we go this is a good song bite by Europe let's let's go to Europe Oh game oh shoot the game start oh [ __ ] the game started oh my gosh the game started what am i doing oh jeez oh jeez okay let's go play III p4 takes takes castles I guess takes 92 maybe II for a three play e4 take takes takes takes takes rook da Queen e2 looks fine [Music] probably rook e1 is playable as well he ain't Queen e2 94 I think I need to trade everything and maybe play work d1 GM trucks one two three says good luck you Carter thank you Jim trust one two three Bishop d7 I think a3 b4 c4 makes sense try to build up more pressure against the pawn especially I get b5 remove the night let's just go b4 if a 5 just b5 maybe over KD 1 that's 5 just Bishop d3 Bishop c4 it looks fine I can always take and go 95 if he plays up 5 31:51 work d8 this place c4 what do you want Queen d1 I could place c5 here I keep one maybe guess let's play h3 create a square for my King long term account I'll promote Queen do you want any place h6 Liberty - if you takes I'll take that [Music] okay Bishop c7 so I mean I think I I don't love going c5 to fix the pawns but I think I need to to put pressure on these pawns long-term again I'll premium Queen d2 okay f6 starting to create some weaknesses now though like 98-94 bishop d8 let's put the bishop here now I've got Queen d3 Queenie for and threats on this long diagonal it goes the e5 Knight h4 Knight up five as well so these pawns are a little bit brittle here for black maybe just queen d3 now I'm going to go for this I'm gonna force f5 and now this should be good for me somehow I just need to find the right lever I mean c3 maybe just Queen III I want to go 92 night c4 I think because if you go c5 he hangs the pawn on f5 Clooney h4 okay this Bishop e3 put pressure on this pawn which square C 3 s d3 [Music] Wow he takes ok once place and game very interesting I've got two bishops I've got a pawn majority on the Queen side so this seems a little bit shaky for a slum I think a 4 B 5 is a big threat because I'm getting a pawn majority here on the Queen side I mean I leave me just pre-movie acetate okay now it's all collapsing now everything is collapsing the pawn majority is gonna rule the day I think we need 5 wins ok let's think I guess I can just take and go Bishop d4 or queen d6 big 1606 I just Bishop d4 it's good enough Queenie one is king eh - b7 is loose the two two on one is just crushing here let's go c6 take with the Queen keep the pawn further away so the Knights Knight doesn't get back in time just b6 and b7 this should just be winning 94 Queen d5 yeah 94 just check hit the King make a queen game over it's the final countdown yeah this is just GG alright I spot in 30 seconds and I and I seem to be winning on the clock as well as the board so it's all good that's one up okay let's go again the ninety-four trade or c1 I think I'll castle thank you akka win for gifting a tier 1 sub to a very wrong guy thank you for getting the sub I think I just take here and cakes Brooks before I can play rook to e8 or c6 can anyone else not hear final count I was seeing gob gob Bluth right everyone wants to see gob Bluth God it's all about gob Bluth thank you a June Alton for a hurry subbing two months in a row thank you flexor for e7 three months notice a chest oh I am Bishop efore oh geez please c6 Bishop e7 oh I've missed played this so this is bad news for me I know I've got rook c8 and f6 maybe have six to kick the night thank you six oh my god Oh what am i doing what am i doing Jesus what am i doing not paying attention ain't too much attention to chat what am i doing absurd that's good g3 um yeah maybe I should actually stop reading the chop for a second and focus on the game not paying attention at all let's play h3 put d4 I guess we'll play c3 here Queen b3 maybe Knight h4 is playable Bishop d2 is playable 9h Sports News fine if this would be to just work e1 [Music] might be six okay I guess night of five to hit the bishop he missed a win he had Bishop e2 in Bishop takes g3 it's all I was usually very good at tactics but he he actually overlooked this one so Ricky one Bishop c4 Queen d1 oh but he's wait but takes in 96 yeah okay rook e1 King eh - Queen d6 I have Bishop f4 engage to fish before um still maybe not out of the woods here what about Ricky one inch 6 no oh but a special DS x know guesswork d1 I need to be very careful there um Oh Quincy - thanks T - I'm gonna be down a pond but I should be okay here I don't know what rookie won what's this tricky one do I think you surf in Tal for reselling five months in a row Bishop d5 I'm gonna go see for big stakes thank you for over forty one for reselling five months in a row thank you critical bloke for the three-month three sub I'm gonna go d5 d6 probably try to create a passed pawn here if g5 I can just play Bishop III and I should be fine thank you a June Donaldson for the two-month resaw he car was the man thank you um yeah I mean I've gotten lucky this game though I have not played a good game this time so I'm a little bit lucky this game age five so I don't know if H 4 is a threat objectively it feels like I should probably try to start pressing in the center so I think I'm just gonna play d5 d6 try to create a queen here because this is the counter play that I have although I do see 5 here maybe see you 597 or d5 Knight at bay and a g6 no I need to go for the past pawn and create greater Queen Queen d7 okay h4 maybe as an idea it doesn't seem like a dangerous one so d6 looks right push the pawn forward if g5 just Bishop e3 and h4 it now is just take a EA game Queen B 5 we're not one clean inch one it's a big problem I mean see one Bishop III bit up to looks okay I have rook C to d7 actually is just winning on the spot here so there's b3 cover the check if rook h1 I'm covering both squares here so I think I'm okay but oh no wait we're C to Queenie oh okay Go Fish about to hit the rook make the Brooke go back somewhere here I've got Rick c2 and rook c7 I think okay but now i blundered rook C to win cuz I've got rook c8 Chuck and d7 because he doesn't have an escape square he goes rook d6 I just take Queen c2 Queen d7 and is game Oh bah well I survived some danger here so I'm gonna win this game despite some very very shaky play I mean he'll probably just well what's this d78 what game over this takes make a queen game over alright another one very good okay let's play something different I'm gonna play qga this game I guess let's play on play a six I've got b4 here I don't know what this line is exactly on let's play Bishop e7 e 595 okay so it plays a four I'm gonna go b4 so I can take take oh wait that b7 Queen no I can't yeah let's just play this takes takes just castles play simple this would be seven in 97 if I can be eight play 97 or 51 Bishop c6 or Knight b6 or Bishop yeah or Quincy I'm gonna play Queen c8 here Oh No what's oh come on what's going on what's going on what's going on it's just calm lagging out but I'm selling the Internet what's going on I'm still online though what's going on I'm still online it's just calm crashing I'm still here you guys so stressed out come crashing I'm still streaming so it's a chess talk calm is crashing it's just saw calm crashing unbelievable I'm still here you guys oh so chess calm is crashing oh what a terrible time for chess Stockholm to crash it's gonna affect everyone then Thank You Canada Lake for describing with twitch Prime dude chess chess Hawk home just crash I think thank you it's a chat chief or subscribing with twitch prime yeah I don't even know what's gonna happen like I surely they're gonna abort the game we're gonna just restart I assume yeah this is a problem oh man what a time for tests I'll come to crash unbelievable unreal [Music] uh-oh again is winning his game too oh man alright and what are the scores Oh Daniel up one nothing and he's winning the second game oh man so [Music] all right let's go back to the playlist yeah [Music] surely it's not too - I mean he's disconnected also isn't he I mean I'll try to refresh but I mean they surely can't count this I mean yeah there's nothing the other game crash when daniel is winning so what should happen is I mean they should find a way to restart the games like I don't know what the times are in my game but they should just [Music] this is this really disappointing [Music] so yeah oh this is very disappointing anyway while we're waiting let me look let me look and see how Tigers doing over in Augusta where is Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger - four not bad - 4 through 11 very good star for tiger so I guess we are on sort of a find out for the moment I guess yeah we're in or an email mode only so yeah thank you by who for subscribing with twitch Prime as well on um yeah I don't know what to say you know this is very disappointing well I'm at it I see my OBS it's a little bit off [Music] alright thank you Thank You ash Road Schrodinger's cat for Reiss topic three months in a row so I I mean Thank You Nick 32 681 for subscribing with twitch prime Thank You Amanda for subscribing with twitch prime so I guess we're yeah we're just stuck in a holding pattern for the time being so very very disappointing but what to do what to do Eric this phenomena who knows is this a painting of the ginkakuji yes it's Gamecock we do exactly it's the golden pavillion and in Tokyo or not talk of sorry and I kill it though server is back okay let's try to refresh the page not connected [Music] the life's chess server is unavailable the moment please try again in 10 minutes okay I mean this is ridiculous on yeah this is a very very disappointing I'm not gonna do puzzle rush right now that actual probably affect me in a very bad way in this event so I'm not gonna do a puzzle rush at the moment yeah this is kind of insane thank you I'll beat for subscribing the twitch Prime [Music] telamon since I seen Star Wars IX trailers that Star Wars what or no I actually be what Star Wars 9 sorry um no I have not seen uh not seeing the store with trailer I I don't really follow Star Wars anymore not since George Lucas sold the company I watched the first remake they did which was just horrendous and I stopped following Star Wars ever since then so no I won't be watching Star Wars yeah I mean with Star Wars like I guess like in general my junk my general attitude oh what just happened what okay let's go back to live chess okay maybe maybe it'll load maybe we'll see or maybe it won't um no but like in terms in terms of a Star Wars like we're not even Star Wars films in general like ice like to see creativity and new concepts new ideas and so when you see Star Wars and you watch a new hope like I did it I don't like 1990 I don't know like five or six times nine or ten um and then you see a movie that basically is just a ridiculous remake of it I mean it's like they're just trying to steal Disney's trying to steal your money so so like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna just go watch Star Wars cuz they're just remaking everything they aren't coming up with new storylines or new ideas they're just taking the original concepts and remaking the films which is just not it's not a creative whatsoever and I can't support that um like you know even with even if you dislike Star Wars the episodes 1 2 & 3 I will say that it George Lucas did create new worlds like you get to see Khorasan you get to see Nabu you get to see the the clone the clone planet whatever it's called it's what is the clone planet Paul they can't remember um well like you get to see all these new worlds and new Newt Newt it's like very creative and even if the movies themselves are terrible there's still something new and fresh about them and and when you see the the when I watched the whatever they called episode 7 it's like wait why am i watching a new new hope all over again a Camino Camino of course it's Camino yeah it's exactly um okay so it says too many reloads please wait two minutes and try again okay that's very exciting I feel very excited we're excite with what's going on um so I mean we'll see what happens okay I go back to the main page let's go back it still says too many reloads wait two minutes yeah so this is very very exciting so I mean the problem with this though is it also kills all the momentum so like in our case like it's real it's it's I don't know if it's good in the case of my match against alum it shouldn't make a huge difference because we were already in the fourth game but like in the game between Dania and an ally Reza I think Danny is supposed to be winning so he's gonna get two wins so he's supposed to get two in chess bases how's investing going in Korra making big Bank on Big Pharma that's very interesting and loaded question chess BAE but I'm doing okay well actually there was some stuff doing well today I didn't what let's take a look over it over at the finance pages now jack up half a percent what did we miss chevron killed me today down 5% buying out Anadarko I would a caterpillar caterpillar 141 very nice what a little warrant orang2 ten and a half very nice good stuff good stuff so that's about the extent of what I'm gonna look at right now Netflix down I have not touched Chuck lately I do not touch Disney it's it's a dividend I think Disney is a dividend aristocrat if I recall correctly but I'm not crazy about it JP Morgan um I mean okay they reported good earnings I was unimpressed with uh with uh JP diamond in front of Congress the other day but anyway getting way off topic here so back back to the chest I guess we're still just waiting nothing's happening I mean this is ridiculous too many relays wait two minutes come on come on come on hello mom says you should invest in the company I work at their Atlanta they are laying off in June blast lay off the stock when I'm stumpy five batches sounds like cost-cutting um Oh Jay P diamond sorry a peep at Kostas JP yeah I did I said I did - JP daughter diamond riping slab because I was thinking of I was seeing of JP Emmas and the stock symbol so it's a GP diamond yeah I'm not Jamie Dimon obviously oh did she JP diamond um yeah anyway um GP diamond that's actually that's as bad as when Trump was like and I'm here with Tim Tim Apple right that's that's that's what i just did i did a tim apple that's what i just did by saying JP diamond so all right so we're still reloading um let's let's try to reload this again oh we're back we're back i don't believe it we're back we're back we are actually bad uh yeah but it's my reading down i feel like it might have don't tell me a counter that it's lost let me let me pull up another window [Music] let me see game no it did it did not count the last game it doesn't look like so I mean it's we're back uh so yeah I don't even know what we're supposed to do if they can't I mean if they could restart the game from where we were then it's fine but if they can't restart the game from the same spot then what do you do i mean cuz if daniel was winning his game he'd you definitely get a win whereas my game should just be restored over from move one or something like Danny if Danny was actually winning his game cleanly then Daniel should definitely get a win in his game my game I think you can say why it's better but and now I'm seeing unfortunately what we lost the positions from before oh my gosh oh my gosh they're gonna have to they're gonna have to start all over again can someone anyone I mean for it yeah as anyone who's um who's who's a who's a talent who's talented at positions can you go to my Shrimant Dania stream and find the positions and and clip them so that we can clave the same position because you can't you can't start new games I mean it's just you can't start new games as FCAT says please rate my emo 100 bits Thank You Zeb cap for 100 bit donation nice emote as well the time will be a bit off yeah but see it doesn't matter in my case it doesn't matter because you can argue that that that maybe slum is slightly better but if Daniel was actually winning and Daniel would be a pillow in the Matteson you cannot restore it you just can't do that um I mean you just can't do that so I guess we're gonna see what happens I have to start new game so like so now it's gonna happen as Daniels to start new games at10 daniel is just gonna get tilted and he's probably gonna lose now which is just completely wrong like thought someone should be able to clip it Thank You Nick serve it for every subbing two months in a row Dan said he was about equal Oh Daniel wasn't winning then yeah then who knows I mean whatever so I guess we're gonna see what happens here in a second or two [Music] am I scared of playing Holly resin no I'm not scared of playing him I'm just trying to explain what is correct and what isn't brag I think you got four Riesling four months in a row but yeah what a mess what a mess this did not have happened at a worse time I'm pretty sure celeb and I could recreate position I did not see danya's position in his last game but put it in my game I'm almost certain we could recreate it so we only played like 15 moves [Music] but I guess we're gonna see what happens on yeah I don't I mean yeah yeah what I'm what a mess what a mess I mean just the water mask I don't know what they're gonna do but about what to do what to do what to do I guess we're just gonna start over then we're gonna start over though we're gonna restart the fourth game so I mean I don't like it of course but all right I guess I guess we're gonna start from from scratch and with the fourth game so what to do a little bit annoying but what to do what to do thank you a Rene floats for reselling two months in a row thank you for the resub so I guess we just okay so okay you guys so I think we're gonna be starting Maxine Telemann says hey you girl wants next sub day I'm guessing it'll be tomorrow I think I'll be doing this sub I think I'll be playing subs tomorrow I think that is the plan tomorrow is what tomorrow is like Friday so I'll be play all be playing sub samara sub friday let's let's make it a good sub friday so on i don't know it'll be 12 hours or not but um but yeah let's let's let's make it good oh oh wait no wait wait no what is then oh you guys are right today is Friday I'm an idiot today is Friday I'm a complete idiot I'm a complete idiot what am I thinking something's wrong with me okay so let's see what he wants to do okay so we start over so this is gonna be game for I'm up to one I believe so I'm up to one so this should be the last game but now of course now Salons gonna probably like lose 30 seconds on the clock this is gonna cause more problems Thank You doc mode for subscribe with twitch prime come on move or a board you know what I can't no I've got well I can click the board I mean it's not fair to start with a 30-second edge but like oh I mean I really should click abort and restart but whatever I guess I mean I guess we have to go like I mean whatever 65 I'll just buy a six um there's about five in East six now page six the creative square for the bishop I'm just ninety seven eight four takes just fish b7 I guess hey I'm just takin Castle he were really calm really simple I Bishop g5 maybe at some point Bishop g5 here try to trade the bishops Bishop d6 just Bishop e7 and now the problem for white is that he's gonna have to exchange this is the problem because I am up to one I believe the match score should stay the same so he has to trade d5 I taken play Knight of 6 and rook d8 that looks pretty good Queen b3 I'll go Knight of six hit the bishop I think Queen I don't know which square makes more sons go to c7 or d7 I think d7 makes more sons because here I'm gonna always be guarding with 20 pieces clear up d8 so d5 I'm just guarding it too many times here with the Queen the rook the knight and the pawns h4 let's play h5 fix the pawns play g6 at some point or just rook e8 we need 7 v g6 a force I guess he wants a five doesn't really concern me that much yes I'll play not rookie eight not King g7 yeah maybe just rookie eight here I always a night chief for ideas maybe 27 you know what I think I actually put the Queen on e7 Gobert d7 rookie and Queen update this makes more sense in terms of way to hold the old fold everything solidly here then just go Queen g7 I can play rook d7 or de if he plays b4 b5 I can always trade and put a knight on d5 so right now I'm trying to play a very very very classic goddess style just like tur lit up and be super super solid here now i cleric c8 i think work d7 makes more sense if b5 just trade everything obviously you know I can take and play and take both ways I guess I see if I doesn't make sense I guess I'll just take and play c8 maybe or no you know what I don't even have firm is b6 a problem no because it's b6 I just go 95 and I cut the diagonal so I'll prima be a six um so I mean I've got very solid rooks here that are very stable I've got a good Queen I'd have 95 here I can also take 95 looks very logical here I'll probably play queen c4 but then I take if he takes I just trade those are just me playing goddess style this is classic goddess style got a style chest for the wind I don't want to take so I will just go queenie 7 it takes i take [Music] Brooksie one okay so he's obviously trying to take now I'll go Knight up six and I'll take the pawn on d4 he plays b6 then I can take or play Knight d5 d6 now I will go back I guess before 57 I also have knighted I've got ninety eight ninety five the NIT 8d v e5 looks good you can't quit work see something I'm threatening to takes and night covers a c7 square this okay d v e5 now the bishop is cut behind the pawns I'm gonna go Knight d6 next move yes Mikey six of rooks c7 IV for efore looks reasonable do I have to play you for no though I can also play like 95 or maybe just and just King g7 looks good stay solid keep it simple I've six-night a 594 ideas okay now I'll play Knight d5 to kick the rook he trades I takes all three move earth d7 he moves the rock out of 94 now so it takes I take rook c8 okay I'll just play 96 kicked the rook night 594 now DC oh I missed the wait but I've got takes 94 no okay this is a problem um okay be simple here this takes takes Chuck 96 maybe this is a problem I've got issues here give it now tanks he's got f4 oh shoot um hey let's play off six I've got g5 he can't move the bishop because he gives me a C for Bishop she ate I can always update Hayek's tags you have to I guess okay I need to move what am i doing h4 takes g6 Oh Chuck Chuck I've got this in d6 kink c5 and alright now I know I make the win ah but a draw doesn't matter draw is good enough draw is good enough it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that draw is good enough um draw is good enough doesn't matter doesn't matter it's all good it's all good but it draws good enough I win the match anyway the key was just not to lose um the key was not not to lose that was all that really mattered there um so I think I wouldn't match right I think I wouldn't match okay so I win the match okay so there we go okay that's it that's it so I win the match regardless yeah I started down 30 seconds yeah I mean but I I played I played a good classic goddess style got a style for the win whenever whenever you're in doubt you need to be annoyingly sold with black you just and play random bad moves you play like god that's what you do um so it does it doesn't matter I need to get to two and a half so even though I didn't win this draw it's good enough so let's watch let's watch Ozzy Dania now let's watch Daniels game okay so Daniel is up 2-0 I believe but it's best of four right it's best of four is an editor's a best of five no it's best to four isn't it want music sorry yeah it is best to for though isn't it or am I crazy so Pompeii all right you guys I'm gonna be right back and I'll run the restroom superfast I'll be right back what is its best of four wait before I go to the restroom it is best of four right it's best before okay all right you guys alright ok so what is going on here it looks like Dania has survived if I'm not mistaken so it looks to me like Dania has survived so what's the material count even material Danny's up to nothing Daniel should never lose this game so I think i'll be playing Danny on the final ah but there is 96 ok clean up 8 CD for Bishop d4 maybe Brooke d8 would be a good move or yeah Brooke D it looks like those safest way bishop d4 worked d1 may be some slight issues for black here passive or passive clean pass at bishop he should still be able to draw this though with correct play rook e8 also removed by Dania if you move the knight lady for actually not 94 knight of 5 then Bishop about to check hitting the king and you win the rook on d1 and now it's an easy draw because the King is behind the pawn so white us to try but this should be a draw like Queen d3 looks like a good starting move protect the pawn cover all the checking of squares here or g6 h5 Queen d3 looks good yeah Daniels gonna draw this oh oh oh the King g8 I mean this will be a draw with correct play I think whether Dania can avoid getting super low on time is the only question so yeah this is going to be a draw although now at the end starting to make a mess of this a little bit queenie six oh no queenie 5:25 oh my gosh daniel blundered oh my gosh oh my gosh daniel just blundered he is gonna be so tilted here oh my gosh he's gonna be so tilted oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh dear oh my gosh always still up by one game Wow so brutal who's stronger between these two I think that bullet Dania is stronger at blitz of ali reza should be stronger than daniel so Dania Barry nice position here g4 g5 threats Knight b3 try to plop the knight on c5 here after takes takes on like Knight c5 here maybe 95 is playable g4 g5 idea is just play on the H file this position is very suited he wants to take and take the knight so a 4 obviously support the knight don't like Knight f3 though it's still a good enough move because black can't play e5 or Kenny he can't dan is trying to tilt maybe a former k5b 4 takes takes hit the rook and then win the pawn but I mean he'll take and go Knight e4 and it gets messy it's getting messy again this is not good for Dania Daniels up on time so he's doing well but I'd much prefer Ali russets position much easier to play is gonna get an ICD through @ b3 dannion this played this like Knight of three was just wrong it should've stuck to the flow and gone f4 g4 yeah just night of three was not a good move by Daniel on so we're gonna have some think we're gonna have a bullet playoff here I mean now night see five there's rook b8 93 93 ugly pawns active Bishop active night please please Oh ugly ugly backwards pawn 93 [ __ ] from chief 44 like both these ideas oh my gosh oh oh this is close to loss now maybe up five and E for to the pen oh wait oh yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo e Daniel probably has to take and play like 94 oh my gosh but none there's gonna be some kind of weird for concie one oh dear oh dear I mean it's just terrible these pawns are great this night on d3 is a legend yeah this is not good for Dani maybe you can try Queen Jeep or try to go for a last yeah up some kind of attack here so I guess we're gonna see what happens here um who would I prefer meeting the final pretty much irrelevant um doesn't make a difference either way probably used to go like rookie a 1 or D 1 but the paws are so bad here somehow it's even material I just noticed though like D for D 3 D to looks very strong for block okay just wants to fix it because the rook is passive it's tied down you really like the rook on d1 here or not II - okay g3 create a square for the King I guess it's still really bad for white I mean now the problems when you go over k1 repeat tutor the problem is there are threats with III here because of the pin on the king now d4 obviously maybe Queen e2 Queen e2 going for the tricks Daniel Daniel might find a way here this is getting close to where you might be okay between c4 III King G one looks okay III or I don't know about f3 I mean you're giving them two connected passed pawns here maybe f6 maybe try it f6 probably play f6 to rip open the King okay King f6 obviously has to be played it's a must-win so faroush it has to play King up 6 gotta move oh man takes but maybe okay queen CA is force absolutely a forstman no no queen CA to go for Chuck LG for og fork we need six rooks see one whoa there's a draw here isn't there oh wait no King g8 no draw King h7 no draw you lose yeah I mean D to e one ouch oh my gosh yeah I had a feeling with ya and tilted that for tilt of that third game off it was gonna be hard to keep the lead in the last game no but it's not but they don't play blitz right it's bullet it's not to Rio it's bullet um it's one one right it's one plus one oh it's Daniel raging I mean that's the problem now that Daniels lost twice he's gonna be he's got to be like totally human and it's very very hard to come back now I mean it's gonna be really really hard because that clean ending was just so brutal uh who do I find harder to play on in a shorter match I'm gonna prefer playing firoozeh because Daniel is significantly more dangerous in a longer match oh I would probably prefer to play I would prefer to play Danny on a four-game match in this format I would much prefer to play ferocious Danny is very capable of becoming extremely dangerous in attacking in a way the purujit isn't and in a four-game match all it takes is one or two little hits and that's that's that's it now is it is this best towards that winner-take-all no I don't know if it's winner take all oh it's first one okay it's winner-take-all so first decisive game is it okay Wow um I mean I would hate to be in this situation I mean maybe work be eight is okay protect the bishop to route 93 actually why didn't why not work the eight well I take maybe takes or no they're just gonna play the same line again and make a draw okay okay 96 queen of a tricky one or d8 in let's just see another draw as usual um maybe Queen no maybe at you wait Queen b8 Queen f7 then Queen d5 yeah yeah that's no good um maybe Brooke beat no I played with da here oh wait no sorry pause on age 6 no actually wait wait something changed somehow the pawns on age 6 are do Daniel lose a tempo but see the problem for Danny's down 20 seconds and ease it's night against Bishop in this unhuman night it's gonna be much easier to play what there's rook da you gotta you gotta force pieces off I mean I don't think I think the Anna's gonna lose this game that's my guest I'm an active rook acted Knight active Queen bad pieces everywhere for Dania still objectively a draw but he's down 20 seconds on the clock I mean I'm scared for Dania here maybe a 5 put it on dark square so you can go Bishop before there should be 4 maybe work d7 is best but Danis is so low on time he's just too long time okay Bishop e5 or Bishop before one of the two now Knight d5 I assume to cut the d4 square he wants to go Queen d2 Queen d-sub Queen e5 maybe you got to move Daniel you got to move rook e8 come on Danny faster faster okay Brooke d8 go back go back faster faster Daniel you got to go faster Ricky come on okay now there's Ricky six Queen B for Brooke a7 Bishop f6 over Cathy both okay Queen d5 Bishop 896 Queen a for knight of seven yeah this is bad for Daniel oh yeah yeah but now takes work a five oh this is all for Daniel's just busted to slow-dance just suddenly he got nervous he starts thinking too long and moving too slowly I'm double clutching you can't double clutch like that you just can't do it bruise just too good for that like you just can't you can't double clutch like this work before yeah no Bishop c3 hit the night which will see three but I mean the night is but much better than the bishop bishop secret okay Bishop c5 at some point not now not now don't want an IV 3 by 10 now I can bring the king and eventually a 94 93 GG oh we missed it okay insist on 94 keen on X 14 d5 maybe okay we're trying to bring the rook back around okay you got to bring the rook into the game in d5 rookie for okay ain't maybe you got him oh but there's 97 I work t6 GG work t6 oh my gosh Danya oh man Danya is not gonna f3 is me Oh Danny's got to be so crushed oh this is I feel bad for Daniel actually really bad that third game was so uncalled for oh man now just 92 93 94 94 game over and now I can just sack on D for this classic one at 100 even I would win this one 1 yeah oh man Danya oh my gosh oh man Danny Danny had this in the bag in that third game he totally had this in the bag oh man so oh man now I have for work G 6 / g 6 r qi 6 was winning ok he doesn't need it ok 93 94 95 45 47 okay II always got ripped III ahh to support the pawn okay no he can't 100 96 is just a box here tonight of seven and rookie 78 okay this is also good enough at five I'm in nine of seven and Shaq worki seven wins everything wins here f6 f7 alright you guys so I think that's it I think that's it okay so I think that means I'm gonna play Ali Rose in the final then that's what it should mean um [Music] so first comes back from zero - yeah Daniel Daniel in that third game he really blew it that was when he had it and once he'd messed up the third green third game in the fourth game I was gonna be too hard because of the way he lost the third game Oh Danny didn't know this was first to win oh my gosh oh my gosh oh man I feel so bad for Dania oh so brutal so so brutal for Dania so okay so what's going on oh so Daniel salon place oh okay so they're playing so I guess we'll watch Daniel play for now yeah no I am sorry I feel bad for Danny because he shouldn't be should have won the match against Perugia I feel really bad for Dania and it doesn't even matter a jewel purses I just joined what happened Daniel he lost he lost a heartbreaker ali reza firuze rose up to nothing he did half a point out last two games and he and he lost them both when he lost a tie-break so pretty tough pretty pretty tough avenge Daniel I will do my best to avenge Dania Ali Rus is good but he's very beatable and blitz especially okay so Daniel finds a nice little trick here in 95 hit the pawn a fish would be 584 to hit the bishop and then the knight gets to c6 and you're gonna lose material you've also got issues on the long diagonal as well so a four obviously oh wait oh no we start oh I thought they started their match okay whatever I guess we're playing oh let's just play traditional again I'm just gonna play c4 Knight c3 d5 okay he's gonna play Grunfeld I know which line to play I guess I was 31 everyone okay with a pawn queen a five let's just play an endgame I thought Oh Queen e2 dude seriously you Prima's that seriously dude come on dude what is this give me a break give me a break dude what are you smoking geez what was that play d5 d6 of course it plays a three I think c5 is playable here I think as his rook c8 I think 97 is fine to a bishop c7 just work ACA thank you feathers new for gifting fought our feathers Lou for gifting five subsidy thank you so much for the five get two subs recap CA it takes takes I think we need five here is good then there's a five the dishwasher is it a five need to wait or is it no sorry I think it's g5 yeah it's g5 to hit the pitchman g4 I think g-force correct now go now a six-night I also have eight five maybe I was played five here I think you amble out for gifting a sub to prefer we need fire taste [Music] I should a five okay now I have queen b5 check don't oh wait efore oh my gosh efore was just winning on the spot efore was just winning on a spot oh my gosh let's take like Bishop c6 Bishop b5 I guess yeah I have check I can also trade mmm okay let's throw in a shock if 93 I think I still need for maybe clean or yeah clean a4 so I have Bishop a6 ideas so I guess let's see what do you want to do here pom pom pom I'll prima Queenie 7kz cakes I don't know if you will take or not but I'm pretty woman walking down the street pretty woman now I could take a girl split for I think I'll just uh take on tea for here 24 let's just trade I can just take this pawn a three too much material here just Bishop update what am i up I'm up just one pawn here I don't want to take it well actually I made a bit of a mess out of this alright now I thought whoa thank you and honour for gifting 10 slopes to the community thank you anonymous um one second I do need to focus slightly a5 this is definitely winning for me but I mean need to play as very precise let's just go a six here d5 I don't care about these pawns I'm just gonna push these pawns up the board they're much more important than these Kings side pawns he's only got one pawn here in the center that he can push I guess now our takes GG looks good oh but I 95 I could take don't want to take though um maybe I know Bishop see he's got 94 he's trying to get tricky on me um made a mess out of this hive Bishop h6 maybe I feel let's throw on this shock ship there the takes bishop c8 hit the pawn h3h 5 or p4 or let's just go B 4 B 3 B - it's got 93 shoot maybe 3 truck and B - oh jeez ok no throw in a shock okay don't want on Suns - ok but I'm Way up on the clock here so I can definitely flag him missing g7 yes yeah come on come on also night of 3 is it gonna play the grunt fault again no he's gonna play the Kings Indian as expected okay now we'll trade and play 95 chief 5 um wait no is this right no this is not right I can how do I want to make the draws is question number one I can take and play seven repeat 98 no I don't want to go see fun um play 92 here.thank 97 is fine - okay let's just trade hey exhibition III obviously now I'm turning Bishop c5 he ever tries like night before guess he can play Knight d7 he plays c5 I'll play a 3-2 cut off night before b6 f3 is playable I know this castle here it's gonna go like night c7 probably I've got a for maybe f4 takes and the ephod know go f3 I'm gonna move the knight around I [Music] guess he wants Bishop h6 here maybe it was a chief or the Bishop h6 I've g5 an IP one night c3 obviously this trade 93-94 just Bishop d1 support the paw and keep the bishop back give the bishops access to other squares I've gotten 95 at some point takes like a playoff or even 95 looks fine I'm gonna side stuff with King V one maybe f4 maybe 95 many moves available here so 95 cakes I'll just take the C pawn tonight a four okay I could take I think B 4 or makes sense here try to rip open this this Queen side Bishop a4 and rook c1 let's just go fish bay for I've got d6 here I think okay I made a bit of a mess out of this though hmm no I've made them big mess out of this d6 d7 takes no I made a big mess out of this big stakes I think this is no I should do I want to take first b5 takes d7 yeah this has to be a draw Rick d1d seven or maybe e5 and Rick c1 also okay oh he's got Bishop h4 oh my gosh why didn't I play Trixie one right away oh I miss played this terribly okay I'm gonna have to play with d5 and Rick h5 I should still be able to draw this but I need to be careful I'm way down on the clock so he's gonna try to press me on the clock as well as the board I still have d7 and Ricky five maybe yeah Rick c1 was much better why don't play with c1 okay hmm - I soon three probably there should be five to hit the rook and cover the square I mean this is definitely a draw but I have to be careful in how I play this you won okay now g7 I have to work out five I guess or I can make a queen as well I thank you a lot for spelling the tier 1 sub sorry if I'm a little bit distracted by the game now but I do need to really focus on us wait what okay um five now what am i doing this playing was completely shoot um can't be three gonna take I'm gonna throw in a check I also Bishop d6 let's just take over I just take Chuck okay but this is definitely a draw he's gonna take I'm gonna go get you to thank you for hey it just takes Chuck there 7:56 next move okay now I solidify out this one chef packing up t5 t6 and there we go no no Daniel no Danny nonsense here we go I've got so much time that there's no way I can lose this [Music] okay there we go there we go I think we have it right is that it is that it is that it I think that's game over isn't it that's game over isn't it yeah our PD 350 says can you move a little bit quicker yeah I think that's it right does that game over I think that's game over thank you thank you Amaya PI 789 for subscribe which time now you see what I did there unlike against Daniel as I only I had 12 seconds so all I needed was to make like 2 or 3 really quick Prima's and then you reset where the king is and you make another 4 reset make another 4 reset make another 4 and that's how that's the perfect technique for the pre move in in such a position so um so that's how you do it um yeah so I think that's it right I think that's it isn't it there we go I think that's it isn't it is that game over I think that's it so yes we have a Victoire I win I win on the final two and a half having it's ali reza so yes a real shame I mean that he blundered the queen of the first game but you know what I'll take it once again thanks to everybody who is watching I think we have just crossed 4,000 4,000 viewers so um really really amazing thanks to all you guys who are here watching so apec Huff says you always win I try to always win I don't always win but um but yeah it's pretty pretty amazing pretty amazing [Music] [Music]
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 409,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, Daniel, Naroditsky, Alireza, Firouzja
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 58sec (12838 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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