GMHikaru vs His Viewers

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ever going to go full variety when you  when i retire i could do variety yeah   i mean it's also hard because these  tournaments are happening every month so like   as much as i'd like to take a break and  just play minecraft um and speed run and   get like 25 minutes and just prove that you  know i'm better than my son xqc um you know   their tournament's coming up with serious prize  funds so i can't really do that so um so easily but yeah as much as as much as like i'd like to  take some some breaks and do other stuff it's not   it's not kind of realistic at the moment  because these tournaments have serious   prizes you guys want to see me do well and  so um so i am very serious still let's just   castle into this whole attack i'm not worried  um let me go g4 maybe attack him this way as a 1300 should i focus more on  puzzles or study grand master games um   if you're studying games where there's  an explanation like videos or in a book   like if there's an actual explanation i think  you should look at games but if you're just   talking about just running through games where you  don't have a sort of an expert guiding you along   then i think it's puzzles are  probably better so it just it depends let's go knight d4 hit the juicer on b5 at  what age do i plan to retire um i mean i i   don't know i'm i'm just loving playing chess  hoping it becomes an esport or just chilling   now i can take with the a or the c pawn i  think here i actually take this way because   i can use this open line for my rook or i can  blunder a pawn that's also good let's go here now the problem taking the pawn is that i give  him a very safe center which i can't really chip   away because i have no pawns i have no pawns in  the center to attack his his connect three here i still should be doing well  though let's just go rook here   okay now that feels like a bad wait  isn't that a free juicer wait a   second wait a second wait a second  their juicers hanging everywhere maybe i should have moved my knight first  this is a little bit unclear but i think i'm   still doing very well so i can go here and  i can go double double down let's go here let's go here hit the juicer hit  this right triangle everything's good and go here i can go here target i can also  try to make a grill at the end of the board   once there are less pieces on the board normally  you want to try to make a queen you want to   use your past pawns to your max advantage but here  i don't really have a good way to do that whatever   i'll just do it and just thematically try to prove  it am i tired of answering questions about um   about uh the queen's gamut not really it's  a great show it's fantastic time for the   wesley gun yeah if i can create a smith and  wesley gun here on the sixth rank i would   how to avoid cheating with the computer becomes  an esport i've spoken about this in depth   i think the biggest issue is the risk reward  this is what makes it very difficult um let's go here one side takes takes takes here here takes i take if here i just move  my king up and i just ignore him um well i think it's a risk reward thing as i  was saying so it's like risk reward it's like if   you're if you're a top level child that's a great  or is that a great move no that's an awful move um   he wants to go for shock mod let's take  i take with chuck because his king has to   move and now i eat this with check two and  now i should just be winning here i think   angle queen g7 is this a winning let's think  about this here here here here here here wait   sorry here here here here here here here here  here here here here here here it's maybe a draw um hmm they also just go wait h7d2 wait a second i don't know i'm gonna go here i'm  way down on time which i just realized um why am i moving so slowly here what am i what am i what am i doing why  am i i'm just moving like way too slowly oh i slipped i meant to go  to g7 oh that was a slip   you know whatever okay that was  just a slip oh well that's fine pulled and pulled a magnus yeah i  was trying to be too precise as well   um not a big deal let's go here let's go a four knight f3 uh so i need to be on  sorry my man new to this plus 45   bricklayer sorry no it's all good man  it's all good chill relax it's all good funny thing is that that actually was um i  was that was probably still even fine for   me at the very end if i check and go h7 we both  get queens i don't think there was a checkmate   um let's just castle the queen one queen h4 here i might have done it on purpose let's not make  such assumptions i'm my name is not ludwig i don't   do intentional throws for content um play queen  g3 next move i can also just take and go here i'd like to see cargo fool yasser  in 30 years maybe a big rafter for   the five gifted things so much i could have  played e5 first what am i eating i'm eating   a dossier it's a persian food it's like  persian stuff it's um it's lentils and potatoes let's go here guard the juicer oh and i'm playing against the persian  dude right now too which is even funnier now i can move my bishop i can also  go for a double um on the f file   it's not a great position so i'm gonna go  here and here and try to line my night up   coach mr beast what did he  tweet did he tweet something let's go 94 i will take with the rook let's go bishop e3 how many drinks before 1600 could beat me i would  have to be about to fall over and fall asleep if i about to fall asleep  then yes 1600 could beat me okay let's go before guard  the bishop i can just take um i will just take the juicer let's  go work a fork let's keep it rolling the best chest boxer i think i can  beat i mean i think like lennox lewis   lennox lewis was a very serious chess  player i think he was actually serious um   klitschko brothers were very serious about about  um about chess as well who else is there i'm   trying i think there are any other prominent  boxers who are big on chess um i'm gonna go   maybe just here hit the juicer protect guard  come in use my double stacked max effect   yeah you guys i've had i've had a conversation  with mr beast that's that's what i'm going to say i'm aware you guys let me see if you dm me actually speaking of dms what is this t team  or ragbrav sent me some dm2 what just take oh let's go queen c6 here sorry i'm just  looking at my dm's i see i see dia i see a   dm from mr beast and a dm a dm from uh from  um uh from uh one second let's just take   can i just take is there a checkmate yeah i  think this is just checkmate right because   i can take it's a very dirty checkmate  okay that's not concerning let's go here   i have a dm from from nem also  i i need to do something for him um let's keep going but yeah i i had a conversation with mr  beats that's all i'm going to say you guys um   i i'm not going to say anything else right now  how do you get the viewer arena you need to um   you need to be hit xlam club join the there will  be a link join the club and then go to   forward slash live and um you'll be able to play  and the great thing is this is a viewer arena this   is not like sub so if you're just a viewer and  you've played like 10 games on just sign   up and do it if you haven't sign up play 10 games  and then you'll be able to play in the next viewer   arena which i'll be doing um not not so not so  long from now i really do like viewer arenas a lot   because it gives it gives the community a chance  to play and you don't have to be a sub of the   channel you don't be super serious pineapple shirt  that would be coming back but the problem is it's   getting really cold out here now so like when i  start streaming early in the morning so like 7 38   or even when i drive drive here to the office um  it's pretty cold so it just it doesn't feel great   well i ever play among us i've played among  us before um i might play a little bit   houses no heat well i mean  maybe the facility is heat   but i mean i think it's an ac so yeah it's  kind of kind of hard which is castle here   office where are you from i am streaming from  the tsm facility here in los angeles um so i'm   at the tsm facility because i am a member of tsm  um and frankly for these tournaments the the um   the uh the connection here you know it's one one  gig up one gig down and um it's really good yeah   it's warm in l.a but i mean like in the mornings  it's very cold like at like 7 a.m it's it's it's   very cold confined to the uh facility no i'm not  i thought you're in florida i i still have a house   in florida but you know there's so much going  on with chess with becoming an esport and all   these other things that um that i'm in california  for the for the foreseeable future um definitely   i'll be in california for the next next next  year definitely just trade let's go here   oh sorry pineapple shirt you meant this dude i  didn't realize you're talking about my opponent   let's go here do i think chess and esport would  damage classical chess i think classical chess   is already damaged i mean what what do you  want me to say like classical chess there's   there's a place in time for it but um i should  have put the rook on d7 right away not d8 but   um but like when you watch these games  with a lot of mistakes there's a lot of   drama the stakes are high that's what makes  chess exciting when you when you have a game   where where there are very few mistakes and  it's so my nude and games end in draws it's   just that's not attractive i mean do you want  chess to be something where people where a lot   of people can earn a living or something where  only a handful of people can earn a living um   when is the next pog champs i am not at liberty  to talk about that right now but it's coming up   it's coming up yes six hours just to draw i  mean classical chess will always have a place   in time make no mistake um let me go queen  c4 here start to infiltrate with my rook um let's go here i'm gonna try to create  a pass pawn on the on the queen side it's a story of cricket yeah i mean i think  i think chess like classical chess is is   i mean very much like cricket i  couldn't agree more let's just go here let's do a tickle tickle and now i'm gonna go down no rules are the same in classical chess but  the thing is games generally end in a draw   because you see a lot less  mistakes from the players   i go here hit the pawn of push i  come up i start eating his juicers why doesn't fabiano participate i mean i think  i think fabiano for him classical chess is   his bread and butter which is totally  understandable i'm gonna go here here here here i think my pawn is too fast i have a2 oh or not what is going on hey let's go again so uh what was i saying  exactly i was saying something let's go here maybe d6 maybe not have six  castles all right talking about fabiano right let's go here um thank you johannes for the prime  day to nightwind archer for the tier one thank you   so much thank you dj strakat for the prime cable  for the for the uh tier one thing claude kuzman   for the prime dt gas for the prime and shalom for  the prime rocky the bear for the prime day tarkil   for the three months thank you to um dana king  392 for the three months guar nerius for the prime   dados for the five thank you to ac mason for the  two high roller for the 19 chris metzke for the   four thank you so much appreciate it okay so this  is the king's indian opening this is also called   the mardel plata variation named after the city in  uh argentina it's a very sharp opening i actually   have played one of my best games of all time  was in this in this variation against wesley so   uh in the sinkfield cup in st louis missouri in  2015. thank you to our extort penance for the   prime jw bender with the prime king speed with  the prime thing is so much so this is one of my   favorite variations very sharp very aggressive you  try to play you know a game of connect four and   connect five and whoever's whoever's connect four  is stronger wins the game eventually so we just go   here g4 g3 oh thank you man i appreciate it okay  let's just go for it i don't know if this is good   i should have played queen b8  actually whoa this is very bad   let's just go all in i'm just going to sauce  him the weird thing about this position is   this connect four is very stable and his  knight kind of holds all his glue together uh um what was the sorry yeah uh thank you  to ted derby thank you for the whip for the   prime appreciate it yeah this is like connect four  he's gotta connect four but his king is very loose   and somebody asked do i get tired of chess  not really i mean i think because of how   how much time spent on it how good i am  how much you can do in terms of content   for bringing it to people out there  uh to me i i don't really get tired   because i just think of the number  the the people who watch it and um   and it's just it's uh it's humbling it really is  thank you to um chest bender for the 21 months thank you appreciate it so yeah to me like it's you know it's not  it's not even it's not really it's it's not   about flexing it's just um i just really  think the game is fascinating and when   you can bring it to so many people  i think that's that's what counts now i did have some burnouts if you guys are  asking me as a professional clarified burnouts   i did have two burnouts i had a burnout um  when i went to college when i was 18 years   old i believe was no 92 is not checkmate  because um he could have just recaptured   his his op from distance holds the juicer  square okay now this is obviously winning   but i have to be a little bit careful how  i play this but this should be pretty clean but i had a burn out when i was  18 because i just i i played so   much chess i wasn't really improving  the way that i was hoping to improve   um so that was the first time that i had a burnout  i had burnout issues um uh and i i think i had   another burnout maybe around the time i was like  23 or so maybe i i've had a couple of burnouts   your shoulders look up it gets  you tense let's be all proper go here go here i thought i had rook c2 but actually i do  have rook c2 because oh is this a really saucy   there's a checkmate but i'm going to go rook c2 i  throw it and check checkmate when he recaptures i   actually made him on the diagonal this is kind of  rude of me to do it let's go here just trade the   queen this is a myth hoodie by the way this is a  tsm myth hoodie uh you can find in the tsm store how do i spot questions in chat um  i don't exactly someone said leffen   was left in ranting or something my screen is  too low what do you mean my screen is too low   um new merch maybe maybe we'll see um someone  said let was it was leffen ranting about chess   earlier i saw some people saying something  but i don't know what he was saying exactly um let's go d4 oh he wants to play  chess with me oh totally yeah   screen is too low because you hunch down  okay uh let's let's play with my desk okay how's this how's this okay how's this  i just moved my desk up is this better   i have to be careful because if i move  it too high i try to go standing desk   then it's going to fall i don't know is  that better you guys or not i don't know is that better it's too it's it feels too  high yeah it feels too high let's go here i mean i just have bad posture i don't know what  the desk is i know it's like 76.9 it's got like   one two three four and it's got it's got an s  button and it's got an up arrow and a down arrow   so i don't know what that means you guys can  tell me um but yeah this isn't my desk this is   the ts i'm at the tsm facility so i don't  know i mean i'll do something with leffen yeah totally later oh man i don't i don't know how i mean  maybe maybe let me think maybe i'll send him a dm   let me think let's go here let's open it  up have i had my t3 done in 2015 sorry what   what do you mean by that um yeah i'm at the  tsm facility do i know bolo no i've rated him   a couple of times i think the whole rainbow six  team is then um they're in uh oh let's go for   this this looks really delicious check oh no he  can run oh no oh no oh that was moronic of me oh that was very stupid of me let's castle no but the whole rainbow 16 is in  vegas i believe so no i i haven't i'm just gonna blast the center because  basically his king is uncastled again   i'm gonna just go go for hero moves here let's  just take it takes i just take with the knight   i just blundered again geez  what am i even doing this game gross can't i chuck wait i guess i chuck he can't takes his pin  this way so he takes and i recapture   with my queen and i'm hitting everything  max pressure up the up the up the gut here am i going to do a collab with  myth i totally would yeah absolutely i can't see the board what do you mean oh you  can't see the works of all my arrows i'm sorry   okay let's eat the juicer  a lot of threads here look   at my look at his king his king is very open here um this is the first time i'm watching  professional chess players streaming do   they all talk do do they all talk so um um um  uh do they all talk so chill or is it just me   i think i think chess players are pretty  chill in general i think so yeah wesley's   post match interview was so wholesome i didn't  i didn't actually see it but one second let's go where's the win there should be a win here um let's just take and go check i don't  know if it's good but it looks reasonable   wait why did i wait wait why did i do that should be winning um i just  realized i blundered again though let's go check go here just take okay now i go h7 and this should just  be winning here let's go king stew   queen g7 was winning no i mean i must  have been winning multiple ways there   but um let's just create a space for my king i  just tuck my king away and now i just make a queen oh queen f7 was made hmm not good magnus effect yeah yeah that  i just missed the meeting one totally that's good d4 let's play knight f3 next move you dm left i will definitely do  something with bluffing yeah 100 oh i'll send it i'll send him a dm yeah let's  just castle is he streaming right now or not is the queen's two am i  gonna open the vods i wanna   i mean i want i want i want to open the  vods but i mean the problem is dmca like   nobody really knows what's going on with  dmca do they i mean that's the problem like does anyone really know what's  going on seriously does any anybody   really know let's just take with the bishop let's go c5 and ip5 i guess i'll just go yeah i'm  just going to go here and go here   and go rook c1 and max pressure  let's go let's go here put this rook it goes g-forge i think it's mistakes i go here   and now my knight gets all up in  his business and i should be winning maybe winning's too strong of a word to  use but i'm definitely in good shape now   so it tries to ignore i can just  go here i guess and just take since i started watching your stuff on youtube  my rating increased mine was 400 points nice   very nice but yeah as far as far as as far as as  far as vods go i mean i just i don't know i don't   know exactly what the situation is um uh with the  mca that's that's the main that's the main reason   that i i don't open them and i want to i i think  originally i said i was going to open them at um   once so let me not get shock modded here by my  opponent let's just go back just tidy up my king   side here um originally i think what i said is  i said i was gonna i was gonna open them at um   at like 250k or something whatever it was  and um and i want to and then dmca hit like   hit like right as i was about to hit 250 it hit  like three or four days i think before i hit 250   and it's like well okay i guess i guess i can't  do that now um so yeah if the check is done by   twitch protecting your vod through sub only isn't  going to work i'd unlisted videos flag on youtube   i haven't had anything happen yet so that's that's  the basis of basis of what what i'm what i'm doing   by the way my king is very safe now look at look  at all these pawns everything is so secure safe   and sound he has no way to attack my king it's  just very neatly tucked away here it's like   it's snug as a bug in a rug snug is a bug yes  it's a my king is as snug as a bug in a rock okay gave the queen up like that yeah because my  opponent doesn't have any way to attack me   that's why i'm just gonna go here i'm probably  like rook b8 my king is just so safe i just take   let's take let's go here i'm gonna go check and  now my rooks are coming in my king looks like   it's in bad shape but he has no way to touch my  king because it's protected by all the pawns here   all these pawns keep my king very safe in the  corner he only has a queen of bishop my rooks   are active my bishop is active it's all really  really bad let's just go here target the juicer i had made in three last game yes i know i missed  a checkmate this guy is 20 86 okay let's play the   scandinavian or center counter number 13 and  21 um what does it mean oh it means that's   my standing right now i'm not actually not at  the top so you don't see my rankings i'm not   racking up the wins quick enough but it's  still all good let's go here maybe knight t7 when did i became become a gm i became a gm um  the age of 15 i guess already that's like nearly   18 18 years ago holy sh wow geez it's like 18  years ago i became a gm almost that's insane   geez that's insane that's insane so i've been  a grand master more for more than half my life so you're an adult now right exactly what is my goal by the end of next year um i  i mean i i hope to have like it would be nice   5 million followers i think that's a goal by the  end of next year let's play five [ __ ] buff six   ali ali reza was not born i don't think when  i became a gm i don't think he'd been born yet um so people started calling you sir at the  age of 15 not exactly that's not how it works uh let's just uh go for the  good ol forky fork here with knight c3   no i mean chess is not one of those things  where it's like you come to thailand like   everyone like bows like sir yes sir that's not how  chess works i'm sorry that's just not how it works   that would be way too elitist  honestly let's go knight g4   your lordship right let's take the  take there let's go queen d7 queen g4 um let's just take and take here's your apple juice  grandmaster right let's go here people have more manners and shots than other  competitive sports games i think that probably   is true yeah i think that's that's pretty pretty  fair yeah let's go here let's just take the juicer we're almost in the top we're almost to  number number three so let's just keep going who did i beat her tyler to become  a gm i i um i think i made i beat uh   the international master michael  muller we played uh i think was around   i think it was round nine of  the bermuda tournament in 2003.   we played this like very strange night or i think  i won three in a row at the end to get the norm so   it wasn't it wasn't guaranteed or smooth i'd win  three in a row at the end to get get the gm title oh it's my move whoops let's just castle do i introduce myself as grand master  hikaru nakamura no i just i'm hikaru   i mean ego much i mean seriously  just because i'm a grand master of   chess doesn't mean i'm some kind of  genius that's just that's just weird   i mean you have like you have  mental problems if you if you   thought if you need to do that let's go a5 here i mean that's like as that's like big ego issues   okay let's go i'm actually playing this game  very poorly by the way so give me a second this game i'm playing really really poorly let's go here maybe i'll go f4 f4 at some moment let's go here and sack maybe his  knight's under attack i just realized so   i'm gonna sack some material here okay plays queen d6 it's  probably a very logical move   i can't just go here and take maybe  maybe bishop f6 was better i don't know let's go here rotate the horse to c5   and all is looking relatively okay not great  but relatively speaking it should be fine   there's a youtube video where i did that oh that's  probably because they were asking what your name   and title is i bet i bet that's that's why let's  go here maybe rook c6 maybe bishop c5 i think i   actually want to line it up like this and target  his king here let's go here i'd knight of four who is my teacher um well my stepfather was my  first coach uh he's a feeding master chest okay go one second let's see okay go here d6 i block  and now i think i'm doing very very well uh-huh yeah uh-huh uh-huh thank you thank you c9 apple juice thank  you to gotham rules for the tier 1 sean 415   tier one toby mine with the prime thinking of dyla  donatus for the prime to little grom of the prime   thing at jc5151 for the two i think it in style  for the two thank you so much yeah i'm sorry but   like let's be serious we're we're good at  chess we're not we're not geniuses i'm sorry i mean i'm i'm sorry that's absurd what is this move okay i can i guess  i take this is actually kind of weird this is   very weird what's going on i don't have b3 if  i take this is very very weird what is this hmm i guess i'm just gonna take oh but this doesn't oh  why did i this actually doesn't even work i well   let's go here at b3 next move rook  b5 i think i'm just fine my king's in oh now now my my king's too far i mean this probably is no  good but i'm gonna go for it okay ignores it because now i have f3 h3  to break wait there should be some way to   wait a second there's got to be some way to  win here wait g3 like push he takes i push he's oh wait this should be winning takes i push i'm trying to make a  grill here he's got to take i take i think it's too many pawns it's too many fast  pawns he's got to go back to stop me because   otherwise i cover all his squares and he can't  stop three pawns he can stop two but not three   yeah like i'm making they're just  too many pawns bishop can't stop three okay let's keep going finally we're up  to number seven slowly climbing the leaderboard let's uh let's play the portuguese  variation of the scandinavians so   portuguese is a gamba you play knight of  six you don't take this pawn right away let's go here can i talk more  about gm norms it's just um   you have to have certain performances  over the course of various tournaments   when i had burnouts my burnout during college was  six months like i um i took six months off i went   to college i was just sick of the game of chess  i was sick of traveling i wasn't improving and i   just i i'd had enough um so it's like six months  and i came back and played a tournament and um wait a second can i just take and take and go here  and trap oh he can take but i take and i take and   he's losing juicers everywhere so at six months  i i was away and then over thanksgiving i think   this was 2008 i know 2006 i played a tournament  in philadelphia pennsylvania um in that you know   that place where bad things happen um i played  tournament in in philadelphia with basically no   no real preparations i just decided to play a  tournament over thanksgiving and um i actually   won that tournament i i think i sc oh i missed  this ugh this is gross let's go here i guess let's drop back i didn't know why i did this okay but now he  blunders actually that's a mistake i think   that's a big mistake because now  my pawns go like the only thing   that i have here going for me is that  i can run these juicers down the board   like i just want to go here here here here  make a grill and win the game plain and simple   so yeah so i played um i played a tournament in  philadelphia basically very little preparation   very little training and i won the tournament  i scored five and a half points out of six i   won five drew one game let's just go uh he  could have taken yikes okay um now do i push   the pawn or do i trade as a question here  i think i just take and go here and here   go here and work b1 so yeah i i should have won  the one game i drew i played against this georgia   grand masters viado zorya and we reached um  we reached like this this end game i don't   remember what it was and i should have won but  i drew the game at any rate i won the tournament   and i kind of realized after that that  like i mean i i really still love the game   how old was i i was 18 or maybe no i was 18 still do i think playing lower ranked players helps um   i mean not specifically no but i mean i don't  do it all the time and it's it's fun like i like   to give back to you guys there's there's  like an in-between balance so um you know   it's all relative imagine chess commentators in  two years if it becomes an esport yeah magnus   just played the reverse smith and wesley the  response was making a grill i mean hey xqc   started the trend i mean we just you just go with  the trend the trend is your friend as they say   a smith and wesley is hilarious so that that's  really really funny the smith and wesley   that's really really good really really good one what is this image what is this sorry let me change okay that okay that is classic classic let's castle here okay um i'm just gonna go g4 and f5 here   it is sideways though that's the whole point you  guys it's like the queen the rook and the rook it   is sideways oh sorry i'm on the wrong scene still  sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry guys the gun   is sideways though you guys um uh i guess i'll  take this way so i can i can really open up the   king side let's go here i could have blocked  too but it's still i'm still up a juicer here   what was i gonna study in college i was gonna  study um political science i'm glad i didn't   like that would have been the worst decision of  my life politics is stupid um can anyone fill me   in on the smith and wesley it's a it's a play on  smith and wesson which is a gum company obviously   but the way wesley set up set it up was he  tripled queen and two brooks on the same line   and that used to be called aliakin's aliakins  uh gun in the old days but now it's called um   now it's called the smith and  wesley take let's go here hit the   juicer everything's everything's looking  really really good for me at this point uh if e7 with the fossil he  blocks with the queen i had this   to try and fossilize the queen  but he blocks with the queen um just take just take let's just take they need to uh nippy niffy ben thank you for  the two months appreciate it thank you man   um let's just go here and  let's just eat all the juicers problem here is for my opponent that everything  is guarded so i just have two connected   and they just go right up the board  and there's nothing my opponent can do   to stop them because they just escort each other and i just keep going and now i just use this  one support just go here this is step one now i'm gonna just do a staircase so you guys  see how to win so i go here this is step one um let's just go here for posterity let's go check and now i just push the  juicer i'm one square away now and i'm   just going to go uno dos tres and just make  it make a girl step one step two go here now we go check and now i just go to the back rank  and the rook guards the pawn supports the other   pawn and it just came over when i start learning  shots i started when i was seven years old let's just go here and now i just bring i just  trade i'm sorry man i can't give you a draw i   gotta win the game whoa he's oh he almost had a  weird style made possibility okay so i'll show   you guys now we make the l okay so i'll show  you guys how to make the owl so now i wait   now i keep moving over cut him off cut him off  there there there there there there and there and we keep going i saw mr b this mr beast's tweet you guys i i   had a couple dms with them so  don't worry i'm more i'm more let's go here enough f4 teaching pre-moves yeah let's go a4 and e5 next  move it's all pretty good here let's go back   yeah he almost did a weird settlement where he  could have not taken my king and run his king   to the corner now this is a line you guys  again i studied this back first time 1999   um during the world view chess championship  in uh in um aurora pace of del mar and espana   and i was studying this for a game  i had against the english junior   player gawain jones he would go on to  become a grand master as well i studied   this with my stepfather in a very rudimentary  rudimentary version of chess base at the time just take and take everything seems so easy  with you playing yeah no i mean i i know you   guys i'm aware of that um right this guy's we've  had some duels in this opening before i know   uh he's gonna take and i take and he goes here  here we've we have quite a few duels in this   line but i think it's always i've always been  winning right now if i take it's bad right this   is his weird line that i know this dude likes  let's go here i just don't believe in this   i don't think it can possibly good i've  be good i'll just go here in this castle   how old are you look 28 but you talked about  studying in 1856 yeah it was a cold it was um   it was a cold winter day in 1856 i was writing  in my book my journal by the candlelight after   studying on my wooden chessboard um all right  let's go let's go let's go rick we want to trade we need more people liking the world thank you  thank you mr sweeter for the three dollars thank   you so much yeah it was a frigid winter eve  the candle dripping white blubber smelled acid   totally totally totally um i'm up a juicer here  so i'm doing pretty well let's go i can go here   i think to fix the fix to fix the bishop and then  i push here and create a nice pawn chain of two let's go here maybe just here again the  pawns are really juicy they support each   other it supports the horse and you see i  have one two three four five my opponent   has one two three four so i'm just one extra  so now i have one extra i'm i'm willing to   trade off like my my bishops my horses my  rooks everything because i'm up by one pawn i knew i knew there was gonna be more to it i  knew that wasn't it um no i don't i don't think   i've ever felt like i'm better than everyone  but i i've always i've always like used like   sort of trying to get good or trying to believe  in myself and blitz to um to keep improving   let's go here put pressure on the pawn hikaru why didn't you invest in standard oil  when you had the chance actually speaking of   standard oil you guys um very recently the  i mean the rockefellers and sun foundation i   think they donated three million dollars  to the united states chess federation   um so big big shout out to them for that um as  far as why i didn't invest in standard oil um   i'm afraid that you know i spoke to i spoke to  mr flagler in like 1900 he thought that it was   a good company he was really interested in it he  was into it but unfortunately for me like i just i   i i i didn't really agree with mr flagler and  i thought i thought i could do better elsewhere   let's play um do i have 94 here not  maybe i'll just go knight e6 here can i check first place has  got 43 points now it's all good go check of course classic right  triangle and i just win the game   let's just take i also win this now uh total  disaster for my opponent complete disaster just go here i can just take keep going okay we're up to number  three we still have like an hour to go oh we're playing crick or so this you guys is  krikor mkhitaryan the brazilian grand master   uh he is also a streamer so make sure to check  out his channel if you haven't already um he   streams and i think he streams in english also  but he is a brazilian as you guys know brazilians   they go crazy for their stars whether it's just  excuse me whether chats whether it's football   um or whether it's tennis they they go crazy  so big shout out to qrikkor make sure to check   out his channel if you the chance to let's take  let's go here hit the juicer i don't know why i   did that that's actually a bad move i forgot this  is quick or he's legitimately good i can't cheese   him with some bunky bunk tricks not smart let's  just go i'm gonna go here maybe hit the queen i feel like i should have some tricks here like c5  but i don't see it so i'm just gonna play rook d8 okay go to g4 so i can obviously trade i  think i just trade and go back and hit the   pawns i also see fi oh but i just  blundered i just blundered a chop   or no i didn't blunder if he takes i take check i  go over and then i trap his horse doesn't work wow okay so he goes 92 i will trade um i think i can  go bishop h6 i can also play c5 i don't play here   and chip his structure first let's go here force  the trade of the bishops peter rocky for the prime   and thank you to stein's reader for the prime  as well thank you so much you guys appreciate it let's drop the horses back my  horses are better than his his   knight because his knight doesn't  really have the scope that he wants thank you sandra's don kashan um let's go knight  c6 maybe actually speaking of german i saw that   papa plata was interested in pogchamps 3 as  well which was really nice to see he was in   the original pog champs of course uh really really  really exciting to um to see him in in that event   and doing really well so hopefully we'll have a  chance for him to come back and block james three   let's go 97 i have seven maybe knight g5 actually  i don't know why i did that was a bad move   um it's actually quite dangerous let's go here  i guess the rook e2 i have knights he blunders   though because now i do the double fork i think  a ronetsu for the prime thinking of christophe   castamere with the prime knight was here with  the tier one actually this is not clear-cut at   all now that i look at it quite dangerous i think  qrikkor is completely fine he replays correctly okay let's figure out how i can also go here  and i'm gonna go here to confuse matters to   jump with my knight every which way to  try and just make things really weird   he goes h4 i can play rook f8 here um let's just do it i don't know i don't know this is good but it  looks like a game let's go here let's go here do i know about xqc and pogchamps 3 what   it means i don't i don't know  if xcc will be in pogchamps 3. remember hm on aim in early 2000's that was never  my username my name my my username was mithrinder   um so no that wasn't me sorry thinking north face hype for the two months again  thank you i think i might have thanked you already   but thanks yeah my my username on aim was it was  mithran dear 3797. so his myth reindeer for for   obviously because that was his real name his real  name was not gandalf um so i had mithrandir and   i had 3797 because of course those of you who are  aware uh the world is supposed to end in the year   3797 as foretold by nostradamus um let's just  take the pawn and take the pawn on b5 next move because the knight is a horse in  every language except for american   most of the world doesn't speak  american like the rest of us   let's play h5 and king h6 here um  and i just take the pawn next move oh in german it's like the it's uh  it's it's it's jumper right that's true   it's good she's okay we're playing  madman again i do want to win this game   um let's go here in here just  take and go here here here in german it is a jumper okay fair  enough let's go here h4 i just go   h5 okay let's go here because actually i think  it's quite dangerous for my opponent like let's go back actually i had this against  another stream i had this against blitzstream   um some time ago in like i think a title too soon  i think i lost the blitz stream in this opening   the magnus tour is two days so tomorrow's the  final you guys the coverage will begin at um 12   p.m eastern 9 9 a.m pacific time so it's going to  be it's going to be a rocking rock and rolling um   sunday final let's go i think i  go i also go i'm gonna go here look out look out a world well this is dangerous  this is a bit much for my opponent he's gonna get   um something really bad is gonna happen  to my opponent here on this open line i guess i'll take with the queen i don't have to  but it makes sense and i've got like i'll go here so yeah so tomorrow we have the grand final so  it's gonna be fun let's go um i guess i'll go   i guess i have g4 i mean i also have rk8  i'm gonna go g4 and just queen g5 knight t5 let's go here line it up i have this i have this okay so i can play rook 8 i can  also go knight d5 here an id5 because i have rookie 8 and i  think i'm doing really really well   they had aroma enough for the prime  they to kick uh kid goblin for the   prime thing of the hey man for the three  months thank you so much appreciate it what are wesley's odds i mean obviously with  less games his odds improve a lot um so i don't   know what i would say his exact odds are but i  think he's he's in he's he's got a chance he's   you know it's like a chip and a chair his chances  i don't know why i did this i just wondered again i guess i go here oh i just blundered again oh my  gosh oh geez i just blundered again wow really really poor it blunders finally uh what is this i just wow somehow what how  does this hold this is crazy wow this is insane i can also play um go here ah check and now i win i didn't quench it a check and this just wins let's keep going it's good knight f3 let's just take  actually let's play d4 e5 maybe simpler   what time do i play photo save and scc i don't  know right off um i'm not 100 sure actually let's go here maybe see three next move   how do i pull the wind there i mean sometimes  i get lucky i mean all there is to it let's go   here it takes i go rook b1 oh this guy is  whoa this guy's 2600 geez that's good b1 so i'll play a3 to stop knight before go here target the juicer i guess i think yeah i guess i just take  and go here target the pawn i have knight   of four knight c3 multiple options let's  go here and i have four movie knight c3 okay goes rookie eight let's  play knight c3 hit the juicer i'm going to play g4 line up this  this attack now 97 is a good move let's go i'm gonna go here maybe it should be  five maybe g5 at some moment i like my position   they had a crypto walnut for the prime thing  lebron's with the prime no i'm sorry dude no draws   no a draws night night okay now i'm gonna go rookie one and line  up max pressure against his knight um that   doesn't look right because he can't really move  the knight his rooks are tied up in knots here it goes rook c7 i can make  a check maybe queen d6 um   this looks winning because i'm hitting everything  queen also holds everything it's like this is a   pyramid of giza um it goes there i can go either  way i think i go here line this up i still guard   this i guard this i guard this he's got  no tricks um everything is hanging here okay i think i just take with the bishop i  hit the rook he's got no queen moves because   i just take that if he takes this i think  i go check should be winning have you ever   been to egypt no i've never been to egypt  no i'm sorry dude that's not gonna cut it all right i'm gonna run to the restroom and  i'll be right back okay he goes bishop d8   this looks really bad somehow but i don't  know how to punish it so i'm gonna go d5 here   now if he goes d6 i'm gonna go bishop b5 check   and if he blocks i just take his whole  position is kind of crumbling like a cookie and now if he takes i just take and  this is really bad it takes i just   take is there a checkmate here wait a second oh but he can block with the  queen that was really stupid of me   and it's still probably winning  but this isn't really what i wanted just take i hit the knight i hit the  bishop everything's collapsing here   whoa thank you to pass pawn for the five gifted  subs thank you so much to pass pawn thank you or   the 10 gifted sorry thank you so much thank you to  shasti for the three months as well thank you so   much man appreciate it okay i can just take the  juicer and just go knight e2 and i guard this   i cover the check i keep my horses in play and  that's just ggs okay everything's winning here but   i'm gonna go knight c3 if he takes i take and then  he no longer move his queen let's just go here okay now i just take back um everything is winning here i'll just play  rook d1 scandinavian is not a great opening   but it's playable thank you to nikki g73 for  the prime thank you so much appreciate it   do i get an ordered fan to ask for autograph no  i mean i think i'm very fortunate to be in the   position that i'm in um so getting annoyed if  someone someone else like is draws inspiration   from your games or from what you're doing um  and getting annoyed i think is just ridiculous especially because in most cases like when  it comes to chess tournaments people have   traveled long distances it's not like they're  in that little small shanty town for that you   know just randomly they're usually there  because they've traveled a long distance i   think the benadryls for the gifted sub thank you  so much don't have something this is not right um   i don't know i don't actually know the move  so i'll just take it tonight shantytown   yeah i mean like there's this town in uh the  netherlands called vikanze i mean shantytown's   okay that's that's uh that's  probably not quite correct but   um but anyway you know it's like in the middle  of nowhere kind of so um so uh yeah shantytown   is you're shitty town you're right that's a  little bit much um but anyway uh let's go here um but um uh i'll try to if i have an opportunity i  will the problems most of these guys i'm playing   are pretty high ranked um thank you only  short for the prime thank you to dramatic   junior for the tent but anyway people travel  long distance usually they're not in the   they're not in these towns when they travel  long distance if they do it within reason   then it's then yeah i never get annoyed vikon  zayn misses you bro how's it going how's it going   how's it going benjamin hope all's well okay  trying to go to ig5 i think i'll just take   can i go with d4 yeah i think i'll do this  double stack because he can't go rook d1   because the bishop d3 so it should just be really  really good for me because that's a good move   uh if i doubly maybe i guess i'll go  a5 just to soften all his pawns up here why do top players never play the evans game  that's actually tricky wait this is really tricky   maybe i should have just gone bishop b3 right away  and then he forks i could have stopped him from   trading rooks okay but now i still go here and  trade his pawns are a little bit extended here   but it's not clear-cut if i'm better um i think  i'm gonna just try to win this juicer maybe   because then this one's fast for getting down the  board evan's gambit i think the main reason is um   i think it's just because it's it's  not a great winning attempt it's it's   actually not losing but at the top levels it's  hard to win with it it just ends up being equal   yeah favorite game but i'll try i'll try  coronavirus killed classical chess i mean   classical chess has been dying for a long time  so in many ways you could say it's a good thing   because it's kind of forced us to move forward  and adapt instead of being stuck in the old world   but i mean the future the  future definitely is is internet oh wait actually this is a nice tickle wrinkle   or no it doesn't yeah yeah it's a nice tickle  wrinkle because he he if he goes back i take   whereas if i take right away he is rick  before rookie seven ideas so it's a good one let's go e4 maybe knight c3 get me wrong this guy's 2282 okay i'll just play some  moderated king bond cloud let's go king to whoa thank you fart boner for  the five gifted subs thank you okay uh okay dude uh let's just take the bishop i'm gonna go here online it's up weirdly as bad  as this looks it's actually not that bad i don't   think is it disrespectful to your opponent  to play the blonde cloud sometimes it depends he goes queen 7 i thought i had 95 then  he just takes the pawn so i'll just take   i have bishop g5 maybe maybe  just bishop e3 maybe even just   king f1 or do i i think i actually want to get  my king out of the center of the board kind of oh i'm just going to play an end game i  don't like my position but it's only an   it's only one rook for a bishop he can't  really castle to this way because he gets   forked and he goes this way he loses  this one and i'm threatening chuck thank you so much mgdog for the three months  appreciate it thank you man tomorrow is the   best of four again they play four games yeah  i know you guys i'm familiar with mr beast okay let's eat the juicer let's go uh  let's just go back and target his horses can play d5 i can even play rookie one i can even  take i don't love it i can also go here here but   i don't love it maybe i go here here but i don't  love it um i don't seem to love anything let's go this is pretty bad let's just go here i guess   oh i knight h7 maybe maybe i guess i'll go  c4 i really want to activate my pawns here   oh wow i don't have a good  move here um i don't know but 96 is a good move very very solid move  so take bring the king in what do we   have one two three four five six against  five not great but should be good enough um let's just take and go here and here bye xqc is live big shout out to all the xqc  uh former refugees like i guess he the man   the man the myth the legend he has returned so  um yeah if he's streaming have fun over there   uh again big shout out to xqc for everything he  did for chess as well uh truly amazing magnus is   not up two to one they it was two two so  it's it was split i just take the juicer   let's go here oh he's been unbanned yes  xqc was unbanned um let's go work b7   i guess i dropped the bishop back here uh that  doesn't do anything my bishop just holds all the glue i lost the jelly beans  let's take a cooking b2   uh actually i'll just go here in bishop e3 maybe and now i laterally protect the pawn and now i  just go one two three four five this is number one all my pawns are running but i think this  makes sense just to go here here here   and the bishop is like it's like a true  wooden shield it's just a solid wooden shield   oh i just oe i blundered whoops oops i still won the game but that was not good let's go f5 right away a little bit different  different wrinkle here but keep keep talking that's just castles king is a little bit  open he's like we've removed pawns but my   king is out of center his king  is kind of stuck in the center tizzy playas for the tier one tizzy  plays appreciate it thank you man   let's just go check his king is very unhappy  here it has to move he doesn't get the castle   did i talk about forzan's band no i did not  um i i i don't i mean i i know he's banned   for showing something on stream to me it seems  a little bit insane because uh it sounds like   it was something that was sent him and then it  was like a debate but that being said apparently   it's not the first time so i guess like he's  got to do a better job of uh dealing with it okay let's just take now the problem  with my opponent's position here is   his king is not developed and that's  why you really want to castle because   now his rook's not coming in the  game i'll just drop back and go 95. if he goes here i fork the queen and the the rook   i'll take hit the queen i'm going to  fork the queen in the bishop next move i can also take and hmm let's just check and take it's pretty  clean and here oh i blundered again i'm gonna go for something weird here with  kh1 i don't know if this works but it looks   creatively interesting if he  takes i get the pyramid of jesus   and um if he doesn't take he  goes like workout fade i go check   how has he not made it here this looks really  bad for black i have check let's go check it goes back okay so now i obviously check i do  the tickle dance um how do i win this i don't   actually see a good way to win so i'm gonna go  queen e6 maybe rookie five maybe just rick d1 also   is good that's why you want to castle your king  because the the big force is like the queens and   the rooks can attack your your king very easily  becomes very vulnerable as a piece in the game um let's go here and maybe queen c7 i also have knight c6 to come  back to e5 tricky position still let's go check i guess i have to do this i didn't want  to do this but i'll play the end game   i've got rooks on the open lines which  means the rooks are very powerful   let's go with d5 logic posted something  on instagram that may be of interest to   yeah i told you guys i i i messaged logic  last night i need to reply um let's go here i'll take and just go like here hit the  pawn maybe rook a6 i've got two active rooks   just take can i check discord for  a friend request from mr beast one second okay uh what's going on he plays knight h5 um   what does that do nothing in  particular i'm gonna go with d7 here play g4 c5 um i can also just double stack it   but i don't want to double stack it i just  i just want to attack it uh or let's go here let's go here actually it's funny you said it's a   chat i just heard eggman in the song and  i just saw there was a friend request on   on discord from eggman which is pretty  funny let's go king ju1 and rookie 7. um let's go here let's just  take and let's just take let's go here make sure he doesn't get the king  in i'm just going to go here here in rook c8   and he his king is too slow because now  i'm always going to be able to bring the   rook to check him on some square and then  i use the pawn on the back rank to win the game okay let's keep going and play e5 maybe knight c6 next move a smith mora  reasonable i'm going to play a gambit here what   lesson i learned at the skilling open um i learned  to like trust my openings and just not be afraid   of someone's preparation okay so this is a traxler  variation i don't remember how this line goes   i think it's like you go bishop  chief 4 and castles is very wild i think it's zack racks for the prime thing  you nicked for the prime thing a real live   actuary for the eight months thanks so much  appreciate it thank you what are we 462 let's   try to get 38 more subs you guys try to hit 500  on the day if you guys have prime thank you to   calcloud for the prime thank you so much  speaking of prime you guys if you do have   amazon prime make sure to connect it with your  twitch prime and you can sub to one channel free   every single month on twitch i think of jotner for  the three months thank you so much appreciate it   no no yeah i think it is striker 908 for the  prime thank you so much again take money out of   out of jeff's pocket lord knows he doesn't need  anymore i think amazon is still like two hundred   dollars um and put money in heart and in the  box of hard-working streamers let's go bishop   g4 next move maybe c6 maybe king fa king g8 it's  also a move we need a half straight for the prime   oyo yo this is getting ugly oh yeah you are this  getting really ugly i think my opponent's getting   checkmated by force there's no way to stop the  fossil he's just getting fossiled on f3 next move   oh is this oh is this beautiful or what  is that not the most beautiful game   you've ever seen you guys look at this  look at this look at this so beautiful thank you so much appreciate it thank you  it's a joke thank you for for three things   the nuke for the fourth thank you radical for the  prime hatchet of the prime cancel for the prime   and study 89 with the pride thank you so much  appreciate it let's go here maybe e5 next move work i i mean okay you guys can  you guys can mock me or whatever   but like it's not easy every day  showing up for seven eight hours   it's not easy i mean actually  there's a reason xuc has so many subs   that's because he he he works as you know what  off and he shows up every day for like 10 hours um i'm gonna go d3 maybe knight f3 here thank you to fellow melee octopus  thank you so much appreciate thank you i'm gonna play h4 just be very bold   um actually it's kind of it's a little bit  ugly i don't like my position let's go here it's not easy though yeah i mean i know you guys  think it's easy but it's not easy keeping the   energy up always always having passion having  enthusiasm it's it's not as easy people think   oh it's just super easy but it's it's not it's not  it's not that easy but yes i mean it is true that   most people with normal jobs they do they do work  like what nine to five so like eight hours times   what six days a week normally i get actually  do people even get days off anymore or not   um let's go here knight f4 whoa thank  you there's still this for the five meter   bottle with the prime and fella minion fella  melly octopus for the prime thank you so much   fella melly octopus i wonder  what fellow melly means so yeah eight hours times five so  like 40 hours yeah okay this is i'm   just gonna gamble the juicer here i don't  really like my position but it's playable it's good queen e2 if you work eight hours a day  you're not working eight hours a day streams have   to be on nearly the entire time that's also  true like you know there's no lunch break like   i mean i just i keep streaming i eat my  food during it uh some of these streams   i'm playing competitive as well like it's i  mean i'm not saying like it's it's not like   that it's not really enjoyable or fun but being  on all the time is is very difficult i remember   even even when i was playing professionally like  always having to be on and like always have energy   it's not easy it's not easy let's go here and  take if you aren't miserable it's not work   well isn't that the isn't that the the mental  mental note you to make in your head you guys   that basically whatever think you profess  tip for the 18 that whatever work you're   doing that it's fun isn't that like the mental  mind trick or something you're supposed to do   i think you'd have bliblit for the three months  you know so much pick cotton for a living i   actually had a relative on my mom's side who um he  did that he was uh i don't know he was picking con   or he was running a cotton company but but he  was doing that in alabama back in the 1960s um let's go here maybe i take the pawn it's  taking a queen h6 i think f6 rules for the   seven thing thank you so much appreciate  f6 is normally a good move normally oh let's play okay this guy's 1910 what gambit  can i play let's play the north sea def north   sea defense which is something magnus has played  you play like knight h5 and d6 bishop e2 d6 magnus   played this in the olympia chess olympics against  michael adams i believe in a tournament and he   got soundly smashed so it's not a good opening  because basically you just bring the knight to   the rim as they say a knight on the rim is grim  or dim i don't know the exact words but yeah why is my rank not going up uh because  these players are too low ranked this is   a viewer arena so i'm not playing it's  not competitive in that kind of way   we're trying to give the viewers  a chance to play against me okay let's go here kick the bishop i just take and  i'm gonna go knight f4 i'm gonna go e4 everything   is coming open everything is coming through my  op my operator on g7 is going to hit the pawn on   b2 his knight has to jump back my knight is also  coming to f4 my queen is coming in my operator   is great my knight is great my queen is great and  there are a lot of problems for white to sum it up in this arena i lost i think a very early game  to um to madman 7. i did lose one game early   let's just go e3 and kick the juicer drone drone strike and chest yeah yeah exactly   i wrote an article chester's burn ten thousand  calories every day of playing tournament no   that's nonsense i mean but it's probably quite  high it's probably a few thousand a day yeah let's go here create the connect chain  i'm gonna go here if he doesn't take the   juicer i create a connect four and i have  a connected pawn that's two squares from   the end of the board so now we win this op  we'll take the bishop take the rook on b1   have i ever had a regular job no um i i i have  done quite a bit of community service over   the years um i know that's not the same  thing but i've done quite a bit of that because three piece   oh it's bishop d3 i guess but it doesn't actually  threaten anything i just run the king over let's push we're one square from the end  of the board now i go check and i eat the   bishop or maybe not maybe i just go here and i've  got potential ice skaters looming every which way   i think it's a bailey to you for the prime  thank you so much it's bailey thank you for   the prime i have not had bayley's in a very  very very very very long time let's keep going let's play here i'm going to play something very  extravagant here we're going to put this horse on   f7 this is like the the teeth of some animal i  don't know what animal but it's like the teeth   with the piece it's maybe like a  hippo but it's a it's a weird hippo let's go here uh i'm gonna play f5 maybe try to attack with a  4e4 i need to sleep because of school tomorrow   but that's fun to watch thank you thank you whoa  thank you to yamato cannon with the raid with   1099 people thank you so much to your motto cannon  appreciate it thank you to um your with the prime   and team ramsay with the prime thank you so much  you guys are amazing uh big shout out to yamato   cannon he let me not get let me he's he's dota  right i sometimes get league and dota confused   but i'm pretty sure he's a dota streamer um he  has been taking lessons uh chess lessons with um   with uh anna rudolph anna chess oh no he's  league oh is he no he's league oh i oh my oh oh oh it's been a long stream uh uh oh my gosh let's go here um okay oh my gosh  sorry you guys it's been a long stream sorry okay   sorry oh dear oh dear oh dear um anyway big  shout out to yamato cannon um sorry about that   uh um yeah so sorry about that anyway he has  been also taking lessons from anna rudolf to   nhs who's been doing commentary on  the magnus carlson event so um so   he may he may be one of the upcoming contestants  in pogchamps three who knows we'll see but uh   he's been he's been doing quite a bit of  chess so thank you once again for the raid   we're doing a viewer arena here so i'm playing  against viewers of the stream primarily not   just subs of the channel so just trying to  keep it light have fun and enjoy ourselves yeah sorry sorry about that i'm sorry  now the thing is my op here is is really   good on g7 as it is as it angles both my  ops are really well placed but but here   like the the options from distance create a  lot of threats let's just go back i want to   bring my rook down use the op to control the  square and hit his queen now we take this one let's go here hit the queen of the bishop now i will just take the queen he'll take my  queen but i take his second off and his pawns   it's one square from queening or making a  new queen but my rook holds a square so i   just win the game pretty cleanly here which  webcam do i use i use the sony alpha um   a7 iii so i'm using an action i'm using a  camera as a webcam i think i'm just going to   come back and trade i just have to be a little  bit careful but his pawns are both blockaded   by and my ops are just going to gobble both  pawns i think i just take and i take and i take   what headset these are um this is uh um  these are um uh g733 logitech headphones   now i could take just i'm gonna take just  to show you guys the power of the ops here   so let's go check let's go check let's go  here to eat eat his pawns one one in a row did i move my place looks much nicer i'm  actually speaking of league i'm at the   tsm facility here in playa vista so i'm actually  the tsm facility let's go bishop seven here let's just go here my king is really safe  look at the two ops they also control   everything from long distance just really  really great distance distance pieces   let's go here yeah i'm at the 50 million  one yes i'm at that facility yeah let's just go here hit the pawn if h4 i just go  rook f4 or rookie five or eight okay i take and   again my king is so safe the two two ops just  keep my king nice and cozy here in the corner   let's just go check i'm just gonna come back  and now you will see the ops dominate the queen   okay step one i could have played h i'll just  take it i don't i don't need to but again   my king is going to be very cozy here  the two bishops just hold everything do i sleep there no i don't sleep here no  okay let's go check i'm gonna move my king   up and then bring the bishop my king  remains very comfy here in the corner thank you to odin for the tier one thank you  so much let's go h4 let's go here i can now put   the op on this square too and now this or the rook  here and the bishop holds the rook i push the pawn just go here and now i go check hit the king  and now i go check and then i go checkmate   and look at the two ops they just hold  everything look at these ops just brilliant of the veil for the prime as well thank  you so much again thank you to this   i think we have i think we have like seven  thousand followers today which is just insane   so thank you so much to everybody for all the  followers of recent you guys are incredible okay let's play uh let's play this this  is the english opening i'm gonna play an   open english i'm gonna play d5 this which  actually is like a reverse sicilian defense   colors are reversed and so if we're thinking  of crystal jackso for the prime let's take   let's go here i'm gonna go queen g5 and try to  line up some kind of attack i made a bromine   addict for the prime as well thank you so  much to bromine addict thank you so much let's go here and now if he takes with the horse if  he takes this one then i take his bishop   but i'm also lining up threats against his  knight and his pawn so everything's really   really dangerous for my opponent here oh  it's pronounced bro what did i say bromine   uh bro yeah bromine sorry let's just take the  and go over i can also go this way and keep   the line open so you can't castrol this  king out of the center of the board here okay just that i'll take i'm just going  to go here i'm going to line up more   nasty let's go check he can't block as then i win  the horse because king gets pin penny pinned let's   go bishop d3 i'm gonna castle here i'll go c5  i'm in a castle the problem for white is that   his bishop is really bad it's stuck behind he's  got a lot of problems here with the bishop because   these pawns prevent it from going anywhere and  actually i can't even just trap his knight here oh bromine i did i said bromine bromine yeah let's  just take the take the horse i'm gonna go here   he can't move the bishop to take so he goes there  so now i take and again the problem with the   position is look at this this sad sad bishop  there's this pawn wall the bishop can never   get into the game it's just dead forever  because my bishop also holds this square it's just a dead bishop the one thing you always  want to be careful when you have the bishops or   the ops as we like to call them is not get them  stuck behind walls of pawns because then they   have no scope this bishop is no scoping like  this pawn here is never a threat it's just   it's just dead and now the bishop is perma-glued  he can't move it and now i just drink my coffee   i chill out and i just come gobble the rest of  his pieces because a sad bishop can go nowhere   my bishops however are very alive  as you can see they're very alive just go here it's going to keep chilling f6 king 4 maybe  this bishop just it's just that permanently dead tsm wesley when i don't know i mean like i said  we'll we'll see we'll see what the future holds   but i think certainly the amount of people who are  watching these events who are getting into chess   um to me i feel like it really legitimate  legitimizes the idea of chess in esport   and when you see like the crazy reactions see  magnus cursing you see like you know falling off   his share all these things like i mean what more  can you ask for like i mean they're more they're   more emotions being shown in um in uh in online  chess than i feel like in in most uh most uh most   esports actually let's go here on bishop b5 yeah  magnus just disappeared yeah i know he disappeared   he fell off he just went into a different  plane of existence let's take and go d3 here i can take i can oh this is quick or again  sorry this is so this is a brazilian schumer   qriker mkhitaryan he streams on youtube and also  twitch um very very uh very strong chess player   thanks to chess thank you for all the boom  oh no worries yeah i know it's been great   it's been great to watch my childhood was  a lot of chess thank you to uh billy goose   for the tier one thank you to unbranded for the  three months as well let's just castral let's   go here maybe 93. i don't have a good position  actually i'm gonna go here to hit the juicer xqc reacting to me what is xcc reacting to  can't they just take a pawn or am i crazy   he has no no way to uh hit anything ah he  wants this so he can go there i can take   i don't know if it's saying good hmm let's think  okay let's go rookie one so now now if he takes   a juicer i can just take the pawn and i'm doing  well if he goes here i guess i just take the queen   i don't know if it's great he's watching twitch  rewind 2020 oh i actually i haven't i have not   i haven't checked that out xqc said a lot  of things about me let's go here in rook b3 to take i thought i could play here and  if it takes i go check but he has rook c7   sure what's going on oh that's a terrible  move i should have played 93 first oh that   was awful truly an awful move i'm going to be  nice to qrikko and i'm going to offer him a draw all right well i was going to be  nice to quick or now now we'll see   yeah i'll be i'll be nice i'll give  him a draw that was not a great game thank you to um for the prime thing it's so  much a chopperino thank you man i appreciate it   minus five rating yeah but this is not  my main so it's it's okay i have a second   account because i don't i don't really want  to play on my main account when we're sort of   playing more for fun and having a good time um  so that's that's why this is the second account let's go here in d5 maybe do i play the  stafford gambit i mean i i have i have   played the staff again but whoa c4 c4 and e5  this is a what is the setup let's just go here 2976 smurfy no i mean i just chill  i also make it a point to not play   serious hardcore blitz for the most part on  this account um i i actively make that a point   thank you gruff cs for the prime thing  to graph cs appreciate it thank you man um let's just take thank you to fracture aim for  the tier one thank you so much   fracture and let's take and go knight c6 here   i'm going to do something weird i'm just going to  i'm going to just manually castrol my king here let's go here cuz i don't want to move  my knight and let him trade so i want   my knight coming out with max pressure on  his pawns here with like knight c6 and max   pressure let's go here hit them both let's go here now i'm going to manually  cast from my king or castle sorry i think   dr hitman for the prime or did i just wonder  i just wondered very poorly um let's take thank you dr hitman again for the prime i think  i said that sorry for repeating myself um thank   you dr hitman do i have my own office i mean this  is a sort of a streaming studio setup but kind of   uh what's going on here i might just  blundered yeah let's go here i did blender why is every move three seconds by the way i've kind of forgotten yeah and now he's gonna  move fast of course yeah yeah let's go here i mean that's the point i think orcas for the two months i think i play chess for  the prime thank you so much   it's always amusing how the moment  someone starts moving really fast   they just start blundering every last move  it's just like it's so disappointing and disheartening of course i don't know  why i did this either let's go here and i guess i take next move if i go here and take the pawn that's disappointing too obvious uh okay let's let's play uh scandinavian maybe just play bishop five e6 next move i finished fourth in the tournament tied for  i mean basically third yawn and i lost our   semi-final matches so essentially third basically  we just both tied okay let's just go back and take uh let's play a5 here and try  to open up the center here so um let's go c5 here oh sorry thank you to um dave dylan kate  for the prime broccoli for the six months   thank you so much um what am i doing this game  it's actually really quite poor how am i just losing here i  think i'm actually just lost how am i just lost here this is insane somehow have queen bee to keep the game going but ah forgotten i'm gonna try to move fast and somehow pull  this game out because if the clock gets low   i'll all have a chance to survive how do i know when someone's cheating  i i don't always know when you look at   the rating and the amount of time  they're using on every move when   they're playing like nearly perfect  chess it's kind of it looks pretty bad thank you to um thank you to shocky3x for two  months thank you chucky appreciate it thank you   man let's go a4 uh fix the weakness also my  pawn is good here of course he finds i mean   unbelievable of course he finds knight d5  unbelievable i move fast maybe i can trick him that was a bad premium by me  but i'll get away with that yeah there we go that's another one theta book of the chook for the  two months a calculator for the   ninth thing athene for the prime thank you so much um let's play the french let's play  the uh the the surrender opening um he's gonna play his bishop d3 this is a  variation that's played sometimes it's going   to knight d7 c5 knight c6 uh pretty standard they  do maxime 726x for the prime thank you so much   appreciate man let's go queen b6 target the juicer  again the he's creating this pawn chain so he's   trying to set up something solid i'm trying to  chip away at it immediately let's go knight takes let's take and let's just go here  maybe i mean queen c7 97 is a move   thank you to brunch crumbs for the  tier for the tier one thank you so   much to brunch crumbs appreciate it thank  you man um let's just go here in 87 maybe thank you to strafa resist for the prime thank  you so much traffic resist appreciate it thank you   thank you to foxhound for the prime thing  is the jack of spades for the five gifteds   this is the jack of spades let's go here  target bishop he's created weaknesses thinking of mr nasal congestion for the  prime as well thanks so much let's go um   let's just go here target the pawn i think  the braylon for the prime as well thank you   so much brelog let's go bishop c5 and  trade more pieces because he's created   he's got this backwards pawn which is just  backwards because no pawns can defend it no you just have to wait yes thank you to l618 jeff for the five  months thank you so much man i appreciate it   or no just jay jo jo or no l618  jeff yeah thank you for the five   thank you just joey for the prime  and hey kilroy for the prime for   a second i just confused i thought that  i just misread the whole whole username let's go here let's let's target his  pawns it's king he's playing like a   bomb cloud his king is in the center of the  board and it's really in bad shape that's   a good move that's a great move actually  um let's go here to target the pawn again   let's play a game of pawn and take i'll  go check hit the king hit the juicer   he can't blocks i eat this one with the  fork because here i'll just take the juicer my favorite game pawn and take   let's take and take if he takes the juicer i  get the fork so he's got to take and then i take uh tltl that's uh creary i believe uh wait a  second tanks let's finish this game in the style i'm gonna go check let's go check i can also take this one with chuck are you allowed to chew tobacco  during a feeding rated match um i don't know i don't know of any chess  player actually who like choose to back literally i can't think of any  chestnut i know who choose tobacco   isn't tobacco like so 1965 let's go here on d4 um only asking because i played much better with  you in does that also like kill your guns or   something isn't it like really bad health-wise  or am i crazy let's go here king h7 and b6 oh oh i thought he went to the other square oh  no okay this is actually tricky let's go here let's go here because probably a draw is it though let's see uh blunder rook g4 that doesn't look right now i think he's  losing my king comes up and i it's a block it's actually just a draw huh okay let's go again actually you know what you guys i'm gonna take  a short break um i'll pop up a game i'm just   gonna take a short break let's watch uh watch  watch a couple of games and i'll be right back all right let's watch another game we'll  see what's happening in this one um   what do we have we have this game between g  was and muhammad bishop c7 queen b8 actually   is winning here because rook c you go  check he trades not ideal but decent   thank you to azuka gooka for  the 14 months thank you so much i guess queen c6 and queen b5 is  winning not much time left in this game i'm not muted you guys but thank you for that  definitely not muted um so okay queen f2 the   arena ends all right so here we go so here are the  standings i went with 25 wins one draw one loss of   the loss being the mad man big shout out to madman  on the draw being against crick or mkhitaryan the   grand master so um a big shout out to cricor as  well he's a streamer on youtube and twitch so uh   keep up the good work man all right you guys  i think i am going to call it a day first of   all big shout out to the mods i saw chess  bay thrashix for the amazing job they did   modding big shout out to anna rudolph and levy  rosman for their coverage of this magnus event   big shout out to everybody for the massive support  i think we got like 7 000 followers today we had   like 500 subs just all around amazing stream 40k  watching my stream i think it was like 50 or 60   watching the whole chess category during uh during  this this finals between magnus and wesley today   we come back again tomorrow 9 a.m pacific 12 p.m  eastern i'll be doing coverage of levy tomorrow   and um it's going to be it's going to be a lot of  fun so thank you so much to everybody for all the   love and support you guys are made so we're gonna  send the raid over to levy for now and we'll be   back tomorrow morning i'll be doing coverage with  levy at 9 a.m pacific 12 p.m eastern 6 p.m central   european have a great rest of your sunday  evening and see you guys tomorrow good night you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 587,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM
Id: RaUEDK-sPic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 52sec (6952 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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