May the odds be never in your favor

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okay okay queen odds yeah okay wait why am I  playing Gotham chess why are they Gotham just   um but but yeah I was gonna say like trying  to start a new game because there have been   many people probably in the last couple of  years who have approached me about trying to   start a new game but like the stresses and  the pressures of like doing something where   most likely you're gonna fail um like to me  it's it's always been a risk I haven't really   wanted to take in the last couple of years so  I really do admire that Byron was he did take   that risk and try to create create a new game  and a whole new community um because it's not   something that I could ever that I would ever  consider doing at this stage of my life so here   I move the bishop with the knight this some  kind of Kings Indian I guess somehow let's go   ninety-two rest in peace and Reno Morricone oh  is that the it's not the like the musical dude   the guy who did all the musical thing he's it's  good gee foreign kingi to it he's a guy who he's   the guy who did the wait why do I have no time  why do I have 45 seconds that's not that's not   appropriate that's really not appropriate too far  just bait too far okay I'm gonna go h3 I guess cuz take let's take your takes let's  go a for and take maybe g5f for as well it's in quite right but whatever okay  let's just let's just go for it just attack why'd I do that I'm such an idiot why  not shoot maybe I take an NGO 94 though   ko 94 here very tricky I guess I  move my be shop or my night new   my night here take the I shoot at blender  brush go five-oh yo yo now it's a problem the the thing is what you let them down yeah  I mean I I I understand you know I mean it's   it's pretty it's pretty rough it's definitely a  lot a lot of work and again I think when you do   these sorts of things it never goes smoothly  it's not like a straightforward progression   I think that's the thing that makes it so  hard when you do startups no matter what it   what it's in how good is spaghetti spaghetti is  okay I like spaghetti mom spaghetti is better   though did I know Morricone was actually quite  passionate about chess yes I was familiar with   with his shot stuff yeah I was but he did  like he does he did spaghetti westerns like   50 years ago right I mean like eons ago now  loveed plays this I might have probably why   do I have more time wait why do I have 50  for seconds I thought I had 45 they need a   camel 21 22 for the two months maybe Slavic  for the uh oh bloody roof d6 oh no no no no   oh no no no but I guess I've clean up for it  I can take the pawn I can go eat sucks here   go e6 I can still take with the night of  the rook I still might take with the night got this so oh I gain time every  move oh I didn't rise again time   every move oh that then it's Dennis  all chill oh please see five here so he takes antique with my  Brooke can I create like a   checkmate pattern or something I  don't know what's going on here very tricky position here does trade I'll take  with the rook which South American charters have   I been - I've been - I've been to Brazil I've  been - I've been to pay - I've been to Bolivia   I've been to Argentina and I think that's it I've  never been at Sheila's so I think that I think   that's it okay let's go be foreign truck oh we  can just take the pawn shoot what am i oh my god   gosh I'm still maybe better looks I can take it's  still not clear not so clear maybe I mean I don't   know what's going on here very tricky position  for both sides but wait just check in here and   just check and he has to take and I win the game  like here maybe force the ropes off the board right we win we go again quit blundering I'm   so uh um wait while I playing  Gotham shuts again okay Chuck I guess I take with which night um  if I take with this one Chuck I go up note I take the Queen um he tucks me to his 90  he is night somewhere don't have checkmate here   oh wait oh ho I'm pinned oh wait I can't oh I'm  pen nevermind okay I have to go Chuck wait III   didn't realize my king is pinned here but I'm  gonna be up 20 nights no but then I lose this   night but if I take he takes an eye go check  when I go to wait to have chat umm perch little Chuck it's not clear the what am i up I'm only up  like Fort I'm only up like two nights right I'm only up two nights it's only 7 vs.  5 so it's not clear at all if I go here guess I go here what's in that tortilla it's just some  it's just double is double it's double   double carnea swith with us with  with a $2.00 extra guac and and   some lettuce that's it pretty  straightforward let's go check because the extra guac costs like two  bucks I think it's good night here you're making me hungry stop talking double  Kwok and twist guac is amazing I loved wok   yeah - no two dollars for guacamole in general  it's at least on door - that's what it is go go check that good oh he's covering the squares  if I go check here check here check that checkmate nobody comes up but then I go  checkmate I think it's Chuck me   yeah I think it's Chuck me isn't it I  go check let me go check me right yeah   I shut its yeah Chuck me yeah okay  yeah I did shucks mate okay good okay um okay I'm gonna go I'm wait I'm  gonna absolutely screwed here I'm wait   what am i down I'm down I mean like this  is not there this is a bridge too far   there's literally no way I can win this  game if I win this game I mean love you   better gift me a hundred subs because  there is no way I should win this game okay I spoke too soon until he blunders the  fish Bob moved too until he flutters the fish   Bob moved to now it's game on now it's not  so simple now it's not so simple it was just   winning now it's now it's now it's gonna be  interesting now it's gonna be interesting if   he didn't butter the bishop I think he should  have won this game pretty pretty cleanly he   still should win but now I get all the horses  so with all the caballo in the center of the   board maybe I can do something because I'll  go here oh I should have done that I give   me H for doesn't take advantage I don't want  to play H for I kind of don't really want to   take either maybe I go I need outpost how do  I get outpost here I guess I'll just go here okay now I go back of course I don't  think was a butter you want to make it   fair it was a blunder cuz I mean why does  Black Flag is so much butter but now I   get a lot of material oh he gave the bush  feel it'd be a little bit more fair okay my horses don't look great here though I mean I've got what I've got uno dos tres cuatro  Cinco seis siete right one - uno dos tres cuatro   Cinco seis siete I've seven seven horses so  let's go a three seven horses for a queen   and two rooks it's not very good here because  everything is open my horses are beautiful my   horses are like Arwen's horses from Lord of the  Rings right these are like the the white horses   that like kick out the nos school right let's  go I think I'll just again keep activating my   Knights can't I take though if I take I mean I  get this in this I also take the Queen how clean   is this takes take like go here I mean now it's  not trivial my horses are really jumping every   which way loader is the Bible yes you guys  thank you thank you for the thank you for   the reminder of that of that um about lesson  with Janet thank you for that reminder thou   shalt not pass right that's that's from the  earth thou shalt not pass it's from the Bible excellent stop okay let's take the rook   okay now I go here though now again levy is  misplaced I think I'm actually winning here okay let's keep jumping with the caballo Micah  BIOS are going every which way here create the   stampede well I mean his queen is like in really  like I'm just pushing it every single thing of   his like back into outer space basically I can't  even go night of four I mean this is but that's   no I think I should play up for actually up  for just two just to get a nice outpost here   now I think I'm just gonna keep eating so the  VT eggs I take and not have ninety chuck steak can't I just take as long as I don't hang a  night here somewhere I mean it's rook has like   no swears my Knights guard every single swear  on this rank okay so he's trying to gambit back   a rook to get rid of my extra material but I  have five nights I mean five nights and pawns let's go here I mean I have five nights and  I have five nights and get for a queen of   Bishop and I have four pawns against two  so I basically have three six nine twelve   fifteen four nine and three so that's 12  so I'm up like I'm up like five points here five nights at he car five nights at Hikaru's  yeah now I don't want a blunder here so I think   how do I not blunder the way I don't  blunder here is to - okay just go here I thought I could take this takes I just take I  think I just go here now I think I would just go   like I'm just gonna go for the checkmate like  some time mate was here I'm gonna go here so   if I check oh it's a perfect beautiful mate oh  it's a force checkmate oh oh what that is that   sexy or what oh oh that was oh that was sexy  let's go tonight up three that was pretty sexy   okay so we're gonna go again and this time  he's just gonna kill me I think he's gonna   kill me this game I I know it cuz this game  there's no mr. nice guy he's gonna absolutely   just destroy me play h3 I'll go eat five and d4  okay that was well I saw the nightbeat's frame   maybe I take the pawn actually not so easy  for block here okay we'll just take the pawn let's go here maybe not h2 just take hmm let's do this now try to create  weaknesses in the kingside here okay now I think I go um maybe I just go Chuck  in 94 I have the Knights of the Knights of   Rohan right oh no it's all tonight's it's the  Riders of Rohan it's the Riders of Rohan a red   day what's it a red day a day for a dawn what  is it I forgot the the thing on speech it's   been 84 let me like what is Levy doing what is  wrong with him today what does Bishop takes b2   tonight of three I mean he's gonna lose again  now like because his pawn structure is so bad   that I can I can get a ton of ton of outpost  for my horses that would I don't think was   intentional let's go night night here okay let's  start attacking and the reason this is so bad for   black is because they're the pawns his pawns  are so split all over the place and I'm gonna   be able to I'm gonna be able to get a ton of  outposts here I mean you can try this but still yeah so I think I can I think I should  actually just take all his pawns so when he takes I could play 94 I can all just  go King deewan so he has to go over but heat the   problem here is he's losing all his pawns so  even though he's a queen and to Brooks he's   losing all his pawns and once he loses all his  pawns he's gonna get himself checkmated again I   think although if I take he wants to get sneaky  with some Queen h2 so let's just make a check   and take this one maybe 95 actually let's just  go for it I mean my Knights are coming in the   forces are galloping how am i winning um I'm  winning because I have I have six nights for a   queen and two rooks and six six horses are better  than a queen and I think the Knights are actually   gonna be checkmating pretty soon like I can I  can just feel like how do I do this actually   I feel like I'm so close to winning I'm gonna  go here like the the Hort the horse the horse   attack is coming pretty fast I mean you can try  work d8 I guess but again I think there's gonna   be some trick here yeah I can if I go okay I go  here he can't take tonight Chuck oh but then he   can go if I go here but then he takes but then  I chuckling he goes here then he takes it's for   horses for to Brooks for horses is still  better than two rooks so let's let's do it Oh is there no checkmate wait check  here oh there's no check I thought   there was a checkmate but I mean I can also just I mean all my horses are replies up in his Kings  business this must be winning go here okay so   I check here he gets made if he comes up I mean  there's got to be a way to check me if I check   here good shot checkmate okay I'm the king  it's stuck just know square is any any which   way I mean just the horse they're too powerful  okay um okay this is more interesting okay so   what is this so I got to get rid of one pond  and I went and I won't lose but I assume this   is losing I assume I'm losing here somehow but  we'll see it's not clear if I can get rid of the   pond it's a draw but I I wonder what the computer  evaluation is here yeah I thought it didn't load   properly no it loaded correctly you guys okay so  I should definitely create the outside ponds try   to create connected pond chains on both sides  and then I need to get rid of this pond somehow his pot is important because of you of two  knights against the king at the draw an endgame now you try to expand but I think  I should probably try over here okay Lucci for computer is minus two point three okay so it  should be winning mainly here is to not let   him blockade so main thing here that I need to  do is keep all the pods were connected and make   a bathtub they need to draaga bones for the  gift is update thingy for the sweet gift is   hanging squirts prints for the two months now you  knew it was a prime san Argento now I can play   e4 but again I don't want a week in the ponds  so he wants ninety five so I can also do this   but I don't like it I can do this I don't like  it I think I'm just gonna play this very chill   let's go here I think it said be for the four  months in material for the two months thank you   so much to matthew re with the tier 1 bang  bang bloom bloom bloom for the tier 1 theta   hope & Lomb with the two months a needed 6 was  good here one thing to watch 45 with the prime   thank you mq 93 with the two months deficiency  with the three months they need a panel who had   0 for the gifted sub thing thanking you for the  Turner bits needed Civic for the tier 1 Campbell   21 2102 for the 2 months thank you now this is  a mistake because I can go here and I can start   to push his knights back with all my eight pawns  now you can go efore which is a draw but I don't   want to draw a levy I want to beat him down so  let's go b4 and try to attack here g5 Jesus was   also may be good but I just I feel like my pawns  are good in the center here so I mean black might   have to go E 5 at some point but now I have 8  4 I also have h4 else of g5 I don't have d 4e   four there's a 5 no that's no bueno each yeah  let's go for I know this is right I mean I'm   trying to basically to expand on all all wings  here it might not work but I think I'm doing   well let's go here so he's got a jump but then  I go oh just this oh that might be very good oh   I might have just blundered oh I think I just  blundered no wait I can still run here and here okay go see five so if I take it's a draw I  can also try to remove him I can also go King   up three this is probably wrong I'm gonna  try it okay so he gets rid of one set but   I think I can still no I can't I guess I have  to go here okay so now I assume I try to wind   I try to wind this pawn off the board too to  distract something over here but how drawn   is this I guess this is very drawn right or is  it wait no no wait how drawn is is wait under   no he's losing he's no no no Levy's losing I  think I think love you miss played this yeah   cuz now I can come here and his knight is tied  down I go here in h5 if he goes here I go here   and I'm winning I think so now I can go back to  f4 any checks I come back to be checks I go here   and it's zoogs even as we call it an in German  because he has to move the knight back and now   I love her with this pawn and now I just go here  and now I think I can just push and I go g6 g7 and each southern ones too but g7 should be  winning Oh buddy can move the night wait but   then I go here and he is no boy I made this  a mess so I go here go here and I win because   now the night can't come back the moves I  take and it's winning zooks long is not a   Chinese image older with the Prime I think  Queen yep and we went again wow what a win   um okay I'm gonna try to run my king back and  get out of the center of the board and pray my   king is very open here though this is not it  that's not a good position I don't know if I   go III might play d4 he's gonna go c5 and  attack me immediately I mean I get I guess   I have to go here and retreat this way maybe  my king should be on g2 yeah exactly the king   should be on GT let's go back push the pawn  with the bishop okay let's go here now I can   develop normally at least my king is safe or  not safe Oh fridge he's got oh dear oh he's got I don't actually how do I even stop this is so bad I mean I I mean I maybe play a for a king a3 and  c3 I mean okay just just just because the funny   move I'll do it I mean I am sure this is winning  somehow but I don't see it right off so I just   removed the knight and bring my king back so I'm  not sure if this is actually losing by force here I guess I have to take in hope I'm getting asked with it absolutely  hammered this game by the way I think I'm actually winning again  because I can take with the king in   my queen guard to rook but I get can be  won I'm winning - so I'm just up a bishop now I didn't take the pot I should probably just  push in the center he's Bishop e5 though maybe   winning is too strong I'm not I'm definitely  not winning but maybe I'm okay ik so I can   push the night and playoff for ah I forgot about  that haha oh right now I'm not lost how you just   take I'm still in the game where I take and I  take and I go here and I go here I have Queen b1 I'm still the game maybe I'm still  winning okay Julie for all right 94 to need 91 next move just taken tonight sport well take I'm actually winning here somehow go here Queenie too can you go fish be sure Ricky one nuts so here have five to stock I guess am i doing now I hit the roof in the Queen  and stud GG there we go nut camp okay so what do I have I've got  Knights against bishops here how can he never be lucky I mean he's got  bishops here as we know I'd much rather   have bishops and horses actually sounded  weird okay let's go rookie one a knight   of one I guess I guess I'll play h3 here go d3  probably developed the night maybe e4 maybe c4   this pawn is hanging but okay let's go eat for  now you can go eat five at I closed diagonal   he's got a lot of pressure there tonight not  a bishop so I go eat five you go Steve Forbes   then I get outposts but as bishops are still  very good thing I should just take think j-3   banana for the six-month thing yes that's  mas thinking to go go birds again for the   five painted broken monitors for the 16 thing  image holder for the prime thanks so much and   play like maybe I go here and play for outpost  here and put the Knights in the center Levy wants   to know what I had for breakfast I didn't have  breakfast I'm a streamer I I don't need process go clean oh this is kind of Google a  this is actually really ugly what am   i doing I'm gonna go here in 92 and  94 maybe that this is really ugly give it now I thought I could go here take now we can actually take the pawn I guess  is there a mate Wade takes age three takes I   don't see the checkmate right off takes I just  take it serve Chuck mate wait takes I don't see   it if he's got Chuck made he's got at the Trump  right so I saw this but I just go here and like   no but I have rookie three and I can take so  I'm still okay black also can't develop this   bishop looks great but it prevents black from  ever coordinating as king in his rook here from   getting it out of the center of the board so  it's still not very clear what's going on my   reading is 2800 sight I told you guys I lost like  450 points last night I had a bad night you guys now I can take and take yeah yeah okay  takes is no good this is not not ideal that's a very good move by lovey credit to him  for finding that that's actually I can go back   I can go up and I'll just go back a cake it's  not very very good well I think there still   are some subs that will play against yes  I still play some slugs yeah a bad date is   impossible for me no I can have a bad night  like I did the other night against Federer   Sayyaf but that's probably as bad of a night  as I'm gonna have unless I'm playing Magnus now I really want to move my nights actually   not okay I'm gonna go here maybe  Chuck something some stuff here Queenie stuff was a bad move he's now he's  gonna lose the central pod and then he then   he has issues okay but that oh he wants to be  cheeky and take then I go Chuck then he goes   here but then I take then he goes here but then  I take then I take that not I like it let's do it oh sure he can hear me he could it we could  have run this way buddy he falls into it Wow I think I go up for here and just activate  my pawns right away okay I got to be a little   careful actually up for me was not a very  smart move by me maybe just d4 rook update   yeah maybe just d4 here I want to go d5 if takes  I take this and this and I have a bunch of pawns   rolling up the board here I saw I saw this but  I thought I could just play Queen here to be   takes I take the rook with Chuck he takes this  I still take the pawn and I really just want   to run this and make another grill up here at  the end of the board basically now I can go d5   and I'm it's probably winning but I don't know  for sure that it's winning so I'm going to take   the safer route here and just just launch the  pawns let's go d5 can't take the losers that's   just free pawn and now I get seasick whoa  dude dudes lovey dudes what was that okay I'm playing with pond odds so now I don't have  an F pond levy Kenny hm levy has a very good   fundamental understanding of the game I don't  feel like he's had enough experience that's the   biggest issue in general terms for levy in terms  of not becoming a Grandmaster B definitely is a   talent his approach is very good I think that he  just doesn't have enough experience he doesn't   know he hasn't had the opportunity to play  enough to tournaments against strong enough   competition but he could doubt he definitely  has the potential to become a Grandmaster for   sure definitely now the f5 was a very good  opening choice by lovey go here and take good see 493 okay now I'm gonna ignore Emily differently  because he's got a bad [ __ ] Minh of bad meaning   I want to bring my knight in attack his bishop at  some point I mean it's love you're really gonna   be aggressive with g5 I don't believe he will  be although I should have taken a gun to eat   for he doesn't do it whatever I'm just gonna  correct my Aaron plate anyway always girl I'm   gonna go here maybe a 3 B 4 try to attack I just  switched your channel watch a game yeah we're not   playing normal chassis guys so if you're if you're  here expecting like high-level like super super   cutting-edge theory there are other opportunities  for that on Twitch or YouTube but we're having   we're a little bit more relaxed about it we're  not we're not here to play cutting-edge theory   in every game so we're just chillin let's  go to a 3 here go be for maybe c5 next move go away girl I should have played h3 probably  but it's still okay now I can take up the   fish but I actually miss calculus whole stupid  line I'm probably actually gonna lose here see   I go here he's got a t OE check oh I didn't  even see Bishop g3 whoops if I go King III there might not be an actual checkmate here Talgo King III here so it takes I take with  the bishop just love you want to draw okay   dude great dono um that's a good one too that's  a good one that's a good one good one I like it   I like it okay I don't know what rook f6  does exactly exciting take tonight I'll be   still got Bishop g3 I keep forgetting you can  play Bishop g3 at any time um go here maybe   try to go Keaney to Knox move if I can that  was that was a serious question yeah that's   not the sort of question I mean let's just  say there are there are chess parties that's   all I'm gonna say on the topic can play  Queen e4 I can play trick h3 Chuck King   III that should be winning here takes Bishop d6  I go King III anyway and what's his next move hmm I do it I don't know maybe I'm  blundering cuz check I just take those crazy wild trust parties we all seen  in movies no but I guess what I would say in   regards to topic I'm not trying to be scandalous  here or anything but what I would say is there is   the chess olympiad which is held every two years  and there are parties and after parties and it's   not too different from the actual Olympics  let's go work up to here I'm not gonna play   Queenie 4 I can just take the pawn I'll move  my king maybe yeah I should be winning here Chuck and now I just takes I win the Queen here two more to go that's only eight right  that's not ten it's only eight two more to go I can guarantee Wesley so does not attend  these parties good one good one shot okay   so we're playing Knights now all pawns all  Knights here Wesley is one of the nicest   people in a shots world by the way so let's  play D for your shrimp idols deceptive is   levy your only sub well I mean I think it was  supposed to be fun but then one love you lost   like two or three in a row it's like it's time  to see if we can adopt him well actually you   guys man why are you making you're making  me talk on this topic I really don't want   to but fine whatever so in the chess olympiad  it's okay chat let's take it down a notch but   in the chess olympiad the ratio it's even um  they're the same number of female players as   male players the malp team is five players  and the female teams are also I believe   they're four or five players so that the ratio  is actually the same you guys let's play 93 here it's good night III here so the ratio is actually even you  guys I did I just blunder somehow   no no I'm protected right I am protected  here or not wait just go here and take I guess I'll bring my night out he still  his night a forever I can drop my King   back and I think I'm okay I'm gonna go  here develop this night next move whoa   he goes d5 it's not expecting  that let's drop my king back nothing is hanging here I think I'll take don't  take with the pawn I'm gonna start going over   towards oh wait it's not under attack whoops  his knight guards that whoops I was a mistake okay okay okay uh I don't lay night up three here  okay guys are trying to break me or something I'm actually worse than this game by the way  I've got a bad night here I mean I to 193 maybe it's gonna ip3 me guard in the center here guess  I'll play 91 and just reroute my Knights around   let's go 93 if d 4e 4 is the question let's go  eight four don't know that's right my Knights   are really bad here actually I've got no central  pawns let's go f3 whoa thank you for the $50 man   appreciate thank you here let's take oh wait no  that's a pond he blundered upon he blunder this   pawn on d5 now it's even material now I'm back  in the game thinking Roadmaster for $50 think you   think you'd have fun clear for the two months he  need a pilgrimage from 3 bucks out of the card for   the prime to get fabric fabric Cadabra thinking  a mellow thinking Jesse farriner his head capital   for the prime k oz na for the prime Hulu viene  thank you so much let's just take and let's just   take I think a g4 gang for 24 the two months a  j-3 banana banana for the prime TBS off knives   thank you so much appreciate it okay now I can  just take the pawn here and move the knight back so here the xge fellows this wall thingy for  the prime appreciated thank you okay I can   play p4 here I don't want to I think 94 is  move 93 looks good as well now we're getting   down to the word there's a reasonable number of  nights so I should be winning pretty cleanly here let's go here nah my nights are  very centralized maybe night he   was king d2 guard guard old central squares Stingo g3 the 93 maybe 95 Smoove I  just want to get rid of the Knights   here basically I'll just trade and go Chuck now with two knights on the board I'm up like   three pawns so no worries  that's nine one more to go okay okay queen odds yeah  okay too far trust Bay to far ah he got he's evil simplified too quickly always got Rick Siwon yeah that's fine  yeah he wins that one yeah if I could   have kept that a little bit closer for  another like five seconds maybe I could   have won but ya know I couldn't win he  had 16 seconds I couldn't flag him he   just see he takes and goes Queen b2 a2 a1  yeah there was nothing I could do there
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 2,490,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess instruction, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, fide, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, Hikaru and Gothamchess play odds, Hikaru and Gotham play chess, Hikaru and Gotham play odds, Hikaru and Levy play chess, Hikaru and Levy play odds, Hikaru Nakamura plays blitz, gothamchess hikaru, gothamchess vs hikaru, hikaru queen odds, hikaru levy queen odds
Id: HSfQE5zV3Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 18sec (3078 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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