Magnus & Ludwig vs. Botez sisters HAND AND BRAIN chess match

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um okay i think i think we're down to do it and if you want to do it for less time that's also fair for us i will never back out and do less i'll do the same until the end of april okay oh we're gonna take a fantastic photo we're gonna pick a fantastic photo for you it can be a little stan edit like they do from minecraft but of magnus you guys might have to pick which i just don't see happening okay because there's a little something in chess especially this mode called synergy i don't do you guys even know each other i i would say no yeah i mean i'm sure you and magnus have more synergy than me and my sister i've known for my entire life thank you for saying it out loud i didn't want to have to yeah i know i had to say it for you it's just easier for us guys it's just the easiest guys just guys i would say brothership goes beyond blood in a way we we are brothers we have brothership by the way just to let you guys know i'm streaming in just chatting today just to show solidarity with you guys thank you big win um that's that's appreciated thank you magnus okay so the stakes are the loser has to change their twitter profile photo until the end of april and the time format is going to be 10 minutes with two second increment and will alternate who the hand and who the brain is i was thinking a best of a best of five sounds fair that sounds fair enough best of five sure what was i in the the changing profile pic deal depends are you in on that deal i excluded you because because you think i'm a snowflake and i can't handle it right world champion's profile picture and my profile picture when they have literally 15 followers combined didn't seem fair and equivalent i would say in that case you are absolutely correct right on yeah so so magnus you're lucky you're not going to get punished but your your friend over here your best friend ludwig is going to get punished which should be enough motivation for you let's let's not talk in the affirmative i could get punished if we lost but that requires either me to suffer an aneurysm or a lightning bolt to hit his computer and destroy the tech which i mean i is just going to shut down and fortunately we have we have 10 minutes but if it happens in time even if your computer shut off magnus i'm sure you could tell me every single piece and where it is in which one to move quite fine he calls you on discord computer off just we'll see i i have my phone with me here so worst comes to worst you know we have some sort of backup solutions uh perfect well i'm ready then best of five sounds wonderful i'm good to go whenever all right um so then i i guess the way that would make sense is if you and andrea are the hands at the same time yes okay cool so then you guys can play the first game uh andrea if you can send him a challenge yeah lud skywalker right with the skywalker yeah okay yeah yeah hyphen family name uh what's the time control again ten plus two and ludwig you've been training you played hand in brain with a grand master before with robert hess right yeah it was me and hess uh we made it far this is during my break just took a few names down and uh and i don't want to call myself a professional but i am so yeah i remember when we got paired up in that tournament ludwig it'll be a similar result wait who won we'd my team won me and northern lion he doesn't even remember he doesn't remember it wasn't memorable it was a memorable game by the way i cannot challenge or start the match because you're not accepting challenges andrea can you just force the match with your address it doesn't let me all right uh let me try again that's the problem fix it no no no no no hold on i can try to force it but you don't accept challenge oh got it there you go okay so i just need to start following then yep okay are we gonna mute i guess no no because we're all talking yeah i put the command in there for you if you need it and i'll link you to uh watch i'm losing dozens of seconds here okay i'll just reset your clock till you're ready so nice of you andrea come on why why it's not working it will abort soon though we have 50 seconds andre i think we just let magnus get overwhelmed by the tech issues until he rage quits and ludwig has to play us alone that seems quite reasonable to be honest eventually why is this why can't i search for lad skywalker watch mud hyphen hyphen skywalker it's it's also grand master robert hess is doing commentary on his channel that's so wholesome i don't think that's a bigger chess game this week okay we'll do a rematch um yeah yeah i'll just give you a rematch uh you can also try to follow mobambo604 m-o-b-a-m-b-a-604 i assume a family name as well yes it's been passed down very treasured she's got oh andre you're supposed to finish my song off well i don't know if you could finish that line i would i would avoid it he was just calling i was just calling that was like he does follow up with a few more yeah that is cheap i don't think he just says i got host calling and then ends the song although i mean it depends what part of the song we're at sure that's true um there we go okay all right so i start to follow no now i'm just following i'm not following games get following correct oh i um if you guys start the game uh i can just kick it no no obviously my chat sees your score against each other that's pretty funny it's just leaked leaked leaked leaked leaked what everything oh okay um magnus i see your stream so you should go to live instead of my profile so if you just search that and then in the chat is where you should i have to go to live instead of play yeah live and now um do dash follow mobamba604 in the in the little chat on the bottom right in the chat on the bottom right here i'll put you i'll put it in the discord and you can just copy and paste this into the chat all right okay yeah just copy and paste that should work oh i'll accept the rematch is it going oh there we go all right okay okay amazing amazing we did it all right so magnus you don't have to make him work for it just let him know if he i accidentally quit the discord call okay there we go there we go uh magnus we have about okay second pawn pawn let's go pawn yes all right i'm going oh my god all right i don't know if we we didn't prepare but i mean actually yes we did prepare okay so so ludwig if you didn't know i'm currently i need some more content for my new nft collection yeah oh my god that means that it's going to have to be i'm really sorry about this but it's going to have to be king you have to do solidarity now we're going to win the game no no worries we're going to win the game there's only one there's one magazine this is why magnus has nothing on the line so he can just come in and fall cloud i'm just trying to make money actually so andrea let's go okay uh i'm assuming the e1 yes okay andrea doesn't like what's happening always bond cloud with the wrong pawn okay king the words okay okay let's just keep it simple keep it simple best friend one yes you're far from home where do you go back king and dream you don't do this castling [ __ ] anyways right so that's okay no okay let's go you know night i was worried about no having my openings prepared but now i'm very relieved uh okay another king move now we're all even ludwig you feel better now i feel wonderful i've never felt stressed okay uh pawn pawn yes shirley yes you know what i'm gonna go with um with an old one that's a good one the elephant yes yes yes he knew this is i would say on a series notes it's especially good when black has played e6 because that sort of reduces their their options a little bit uh pawn uh uh uh i'm i'm sweating this one a little bit shirley surely i'm just getting a little bit nervous i'm not getting nervous is a wild word to use i'm just just considering my options clearly if i just pushed to d4 then that would be a terrible move i'd be taken and be attacking my knight so i just i have to do this i have to do keep it simple stupid keep it simple love it okay queen andrea now that we've bomb clouded our king you no i'm gonna have you say the first thing that's on your mind what piece do i want you to move of course upon yes what else we're on the same page here it's good to know look first 20 moves of the alapan it's just you know it's like the national anthem for me i know let's do a night move andrea okay i know you're my sister so you already know what i'm thinking i'm arrowing on the screen what i want you to play and we'll see if it happens [Music] i mean shouldn't make a huge difference which night i am developing here but now she's made me nervous well last time you had to make a night move and magnus was on stream you freaked out so i was just remembering that moment i don't think it makes a difference it is an l shape just so you know yes good one thank you you know something else i don't know what i'd do without it i think they're also confused by your whole national anthem thing they're doing oh canada in their head right now and it's it's confusing the [ __ ] out of them uh let's go night let's go nights let's go night shirley the night here wow i love that for us i do um and you were just talking about them we should be easy tonight it it it is easy i'm just wondering like which easy one it is because there's so many easy ones how easy is it i could bounce here that'd be a little crazy though i could bounce here i'm thinking it's i'm thinking of this dog and he's got two spots this is a little enticing you know what uh magnus there's a saying and i might break it here yeah i'm getting crazy i'm gonna get nuts love it that's what i wanted to do look i i have my eyes on something special here but the thing is it's not going to stay on the rim for very long exactly and it's not going to be very good if it stays there yeah ludwig it's good to see that you finally took out those little dots on that show you all of the possible legal moves you've ascended yeah i have ascended all right andrea let's do a pawn move here a pawn move you say yes sister yay i guess i guess okay we're gonna go with knight again you know what baffles me i think i think look i think this is it i think this is time to shine okay what can i say you guys you guys are uh this is something we're not scared alex we're not scared it's fine oh not intimidated one bit andrea i i'm telling you right now the over under on total moves i think it's about 21. 21 that's what i would say and then it's over it's a checkmate yeah it's it's not even it's not even designed by move 17 but they don't get mated until 21 they should have resigned by 17 i imagine yeah uh they will they will soon be lost i would say it will be resigned by by move 13 to be honest by move guys um okay andrea let's make a queen move no need to both as gambit just you know be cool well that's don't stop giving hints stop giving up wow yeah andrea could not see a defended knight 1800s these days i was calculating a different line i was tunnel visioning okay but even a queen move i didn't like as much so uh hmm let's see this is not gonna end well i wonder what's gonna last longer the games or the tech support we did pre-stream i don't know what the real show was uh it depends if it goes to game five or not if we give you guys a few yeah or if we just lose three in a row yeah unfortunately most of the good content will stay behind behind these walls so the queen is the one with the uh like the five prongs next problem but i have a feeling alex did not calculate because queen could not defend i was thinking queen d7 queen d7 and bishop f4 okay okay bishop and then what how do we stop knight c7 well okay let's just worry we gotta have a communication time here yeah alex get your head in the game two legal moves no pressure you you cut out what was what was the idea no i i'm saying bishop bishop two legal oh bishop bishop bishop bishop there's two oh there are two yeah well i imagine one's not so great yes all right well this is actually a bad position already yeah don't worry sister we were losing with any queen move so i heard it was by move 13 so he might be on pace here i think so together yeah this is quite bad well no we'll be fine we'll survive um what about a rook move oh good thing i only have one okay uh we're going we're gonna go with knights we're gonna go with a night move lots of options ludwig there are a few options i just feel like i'm telling you every every one of them is good and i'm the one who's hinting what kind of a hint is that i'm just giving him confidence i told him okay confidence is called it's just boosting boosting up your your brother that that's all i might consider this or perhaps this it's a shame i can't see what you're considering so i um can't give any anything away by uh yeah facial expressions i'm i'm i'm mulling over a few options is what i'm doing here um you know what i i think it's time to take back what's ours uh oh and that is that's very intimidating talk ludwig yes okay is that what you wanted magnus uh i would say it's one of the three options that i i liked yeah okay alex our strategy let's go for the flag let's boost each other up andrea we're lower on time well let's get started on the strategy then actually the the bone cloud component here is the only sort of saving grace for for you guys here like if we were able to castle we would just crush because you're never going to be able to cast the harris castle there is black we don't need castle yeah i mean we actually played into this line taking into the consideration the bomb cloud you know this was all planned yeah i do feel however this queen on e4 it's gonna be it's gonna get blundered i have i have a sneaking suspicion uh okay knight and that's why normally i would just go exchange the queens there uh but uh we gotta we gotta we gotta give them the chance to create a new give them the opportunity to fail rather than just giving it to them directly that makes sense yes don't worry we're not going to blunder a queen today the development okay where's the development i guess i guess the developments are unfortunate that's what i'm going to say that's true we only have our queen out that's the only piece we're just slow slow starters okay we're we're gonna come back don't worry andrea don't panic you got this you i'm panicking that's unfortunately a good move for all the panicking uh they come came up with uh with a good one oh damn it dammit king you said yes all right well um can't really castle but i'll work my way over okay so next you should think about why did i want you to move the king oh i really don't know what is going on you're allowed to get there no you're you're alive this is part this is supposed to be educational and besides i have nothing on the line so i have every incentive to be a little bit sneaky bishop to we we can play at this game too it's okay we can be sneaky after trying desperately to hint so many times during our previous stream i don't get your hopes up [Laughter] well maybe your hints were just bad so that could be that could be oh my gosh andrea i will say uh i think most of your chat got got the hints at least my chat did uh but on the other hand they were not in a pressured situation so oh did you say a piece yeah i said bishop said bishop bishop right bishop uh you know what i think i think this might be a bit this could be no this could be fun however you should develop is what they say in the game of chess that is what i said not you i did though you think you made that you think that i did i said it a minute ago and now all of a sudden you're applying it to the game you must be stealing my advice uh i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go i'm not gonna be too crazy here i'm just gonna develop quite naturally i think quite naturally actually yeah ludwig taking his his advice from yes very good very good needs all the help he can get right now i think the more you guys the more likely you are to blunder yes yes i actually think that is pretty valid unfortunately yeah so what i love about this move is that you you attack the queen so you gain time and you put the bishop on an excellent diagonal so andrea you heard all right yeah i'm thinking i'm deciding um is there a chess player that owns this diagonal fisher owns the other direction right uh this one no this one i'm not so sure about kramnik maybe but i'll give it to you if you want it i could do that okay okay that's an awful move bishop oh it is an awful move i think he's bluffing and it was the best move i agree i agree he's trying to make us feel bad don't take that andrea don't fall for these brain tricks you never know that's the thing he looks intimidating now but remember ask him how to change his stream title and he's a lot less intimidating all right there yeah become a lot a lot more humane do you have a piece for me yeah yeah you always miss it when i say bishop oh yeah i think your mic just cuts out at the start so i sometimes miss the uh oh okay sorry about that no no worries i'm going to go here then uh because we like our diagonal yes we love our diagonals let me tell you i'm sitting on town so let me tell you what's what's yeah like we protect every square now along these two diagonals and that is why bishops on adjacent diagonals are extremely strong yeah i just want to say one thing when we're going to get into time pressure um we'll tr sometimes your mic cuts off magnus and i want to make sure ludwig doesn't um not hear it so maybe just say it multiple times if he's not responsible just become a russian coach and yell at me until i act yes okay okay like this rook you could have said that ages ago ma'am i wanted to even out the time because i feel like getting why are we having mercy okay just for the memes we're gonna go for pawn yes for the means that is a fun meme surely we're just gonna that's my favorite meme we're just climbing yes yes i love it that's exactly the move we can okay because we're threatening h5 to trap their queen that's that's the thing we're not gonna drop our queen magnus you are okay queen queen uh okay queen i would like my queen actually go right here okay that's good centralizing solid bishop okay okay we're gonna go with rook regardless of where we're gonna andrea just try not to get too low on time if you if you go bishop d6 that's cheating so you can't do that yeah no no i wasn't going to do that i was like normal bishop move we're right now i'm just deciding between e7 and c5 that's i'm just thinking thank you thoughts okay i will bang bang and andrea you can think out loud too so people get it um well i can't think out loud uh well we're still going with our pre-move yes all right that's not what i expected but that's an excellent move okay bishop andrea bishop bishop trust the process andrea i don't like you questioning my moves why can't you be like right away just accept it okay i will um i guess i mean we don't you shouldn't say trust the process just shouting random moves is not a process that is chaos that is chaos plan i have a plan a process i think your process was getting to a losing position and hope i get uh you out of it okay you need to play faster sweet sisters the process the process okay uh rook okay uh surely we go with if rookie three move your queen andrea wait a moment wait a moment e3 yes we shall pre-move brother yes go beat it up okay bishop uh okay bishop they're all good they're all good yeah all right they're all great uh rook i calculated this didn't we have something better andrea we're low on time just like bishop yeah well now bishop she desperately wants to take that knight on on d4 i like giving the bishop hair away it's a bad habit yeah okay and bishop next alex we had a [ __ ] bishop bishop stop complaining with 43 seconds and start calculating okay queen sure as long as you don't hang it uh every move is great uh there's a lot of ways for me to do that but i'll do my best not to ah that's that's that's good all right look when they attack your queen uh with a light squared bishop uh you should almost always move to dark square because that means not the attacker why would we move the king andre we have 34 seconds okay you know how to play bullets well i mean actually i'm honest yes bring all the guys to the party uh uh knight uh bishop bishop keep it simple remove free movement if he takes your knight pawn uh let's go here good good good good rook rook rook you have 24 seconds andrea okay bishop okay wait is there any time control that we play at by ourselves or no nope okay it's all hand and brain so it's gonna get chaotic okay let's go no that doesn't work a lot of these don't work uh you know what i'll just back it up a bit okay queen i don't know why i said that oh look rook rook rook right okay yes yes king king king good one good one andre you could have moved it on h6 rook i'm wearing a free fish we had a free bishop andrew oh rock rock this is great this is great bishop bishop bishop no no no don't panic we're still doing great yeah oh [ __ ] my mouse quinn i'm on a really bad mouse queen move the camera good uh you know what to do brother yes king king king sister king okay bishop bishop then queen queen we are bishop and queen again uh king queen king queen wanted something else but it's okay you said king yes bishop sorry i'll wait a little bit because i popped over i know i waited okay i'll give him a few seconds because okay here no all right okay this is queen queen oh that was too late oh i mean all of those moves you were making like bishop f3 bishop f4 uh h4 rook h3 bishop b7 all of it was golden it was just uh they managed it's a streaming trick magnus it's called throwing for content because three o's uh although it might seem shocking to you it's boring to many people on twitch they like the excitement the drama so i always like to give a couple to the botes just so that i can make a more exciting comeback yeah yeah for sure i remember when ludwig stole my money that's how it started i was winning a little bit at the beginning and then by the end of the day i lost hundreds and hundreds of dollars wait did you take a few hundred from andrea yeah yeah this is why i can't leave her alone what's the context so in this format now magnus plays and i say the pieces right yep so you're gonna follow his his account which is my account yes playing versus magnus it might be a bit confusing what account are you playing on uh i'm playing on skye ludwalker perfect sensical okay so you're just forced to start of the game right uh yeah andrea can you force the game between sky ludwalker and alexandra botez yes wait you're not even kidding no this is magnificent media he made the account wait alex that's my contribution to the stream yeah that was that was just boomer tech skills and boomer jokes that's yeah um it's quite confusing skye skye ludwalker and blood all right andrea i'm gonna type what you should put it no i got it i got it okay got it okay should be good ah we're in no no oh no uh oh no you put me against skye ludwig you had to do skylar skyward walker yeah yes sky led walker this is just so confusing i mean this is just blood walker this is basically episode six okay skye ludwalker vs alexander botes exactly exactly i got it i got it pl match player is not available that's because they're in a game here no i threw abort my bad you can redo it how does ludwig know more about matching on oh there we go there we go oh we're good okay we're going to win this one we're going to this is really weird so madness is playing okay so pawn pawn we're gonna go with pawn here okay uh uh bishop very surprising andrea not another uh we're london go with the uh you know what i love doing this this is one of my techniques bishop okay good isn't it actually poppy cat mirroring that's good just some classy mary i will just give you some subtle hint when they start [ __ ] up and we should not mirror them anymore i think it's usually when the pin arrives yeah so when they run when they blunder their queen we're not gonna blunder ours we'll go with knight as well um let's do bishop magnus um your board is cut off on your screen you're missing one of the yeah it's when you uh when you follow a match it it alters it to the left a bit it's a you have to resolve that it's just a problem it is it is magnus shouldn't have to fix his screen should fix their setup if you close out of any games you're following then it'll be fixed yeah yeah you just have to hit close on those guys we're not distracting we're doing this on our time yeah just to be fair it's good now i think save boomer skills boomer skills okay nice job you got it you got it okay andre you said bishop yes sir oh it's a nice gambit though they they lost one minute at the time so we did it on purpose did it we need to have some mercy for you yeah i thought technic difficulties are all right they have moved their bishop and that that's that's kind of weird of them it's a normal well it seems normal enough if you've seen any games of andreas she always makes this move every single game so you shouldn't be surprised is it a mistake the way you said it let's also go ahead and move a bishop here okay i love that i was thinking that exact move yeah so we we just want them to capture so that we can open a file let's do it debate [Applause] i'm so sorry that was a terrible move i didn't mean to do that you didn't even say bishop whoa okay so they're throwing for content as well that's okay wow it's going for content no i'm sorry i was trying to do an arrow but i didn't have arrows in neighborhoods do you want to take backsies no no it's okay it's too hard to do it it's a decent move it's it doesn't talk effectively he's lying to us he doesn't even know london theory yeah uh let's rick okay let's do it's at worst a minor positional mistake so it's okay but it doesn't mean but it is an instructive mistake i would like for us to do a night move as well okay cool we uh let's do the general strategy of uh mirroring i know andre you're more of a c3 kind of girl c4 looks a little wild and where are we going to guess let's go for a bishop move here yeah i love it solid a um now we're in in tight waters magnus i'm not as comfortable in this in this position another pawn move so i'm just gonna have to trust your your instincts no i'm a magician so whatever whatever piece you say i turn it into gold just think of it like just think of it that way last time right yeah yeah okay that's that's actually that sounds great for me uh and andrea i'm not i'm like a budget magician sometimes i make it happen other times the chat sees the tricks you're a magician you make your queen magically disappear every game exactly exactly things happen i might think a uh a pawn move is par for the course sure this is known as the triangle pawn structure in the center which is very very solid especially when we've exchanged the light squared bishops like normally the light square bishop would be uh on c8 and would would we would be a bit hemmed in but now that we've exchanged it we can set up this very solid pawn structure in the center and another pawn move and we have just no get it right no weak uh squares in in our position are you feeling scared now magnus i got the three pawn formation this is not what i was going for it's always shaking it's a good move that's that's a bit stressful i'm a bit stressed out about it so you know i might just i'm pretty happy with how we're looking there i i might think that this is time for a pawn move okay sure okay well that was a nice pawn move we kept pushing the wrong he turned it into gold now i don't know he did i don't know okay i guess uh he's like rumpelstiltskin a little troll that turns everything into gold bang bang bang bang andre you can say you can calculate out loud i can't because you'd follow me right andrea there's no plan you say out loud that magnus didn't think of yeah i thought of it oh i guess you're a better player are you worried about me following your plan no alex i'm worried about cheating okay well and just to people who are asking in my chat yes i know there are two magnus's no i don't know how to fix it i tried believe me i tried but i have no clue i just resigned myself to the fact that a lot of people will think the two is better than one that's uh that's what i'm clinging to hey that's what we think with our channel that's what we're both exactly here yeah better than one brother i think it's enough to uh it's big enough to call an innovation what is this no it's it's the best move it's the best move oh oh thank you magnus i thought we were giving a pawn but i just realized i had a brain fart the rook is defended yeah well uh i think i would like to make i would like to make something a little nuts here i would like to make a night move cool cool that's no alex here is a little london lesson so you know when i said pawn three moves in a row it was so that when they did this we could have h3 and we could play bishop h2 but now we lose our only prized possession our bishop andrea i don't care about the [ __ ] okay that's cold what did you say andrea what would hammer say about this i know what he would say but i'm not going to tell you what would hillary magnus say it uh no it's it's uh it's a question of uh positional understanding okay that's what that's what you can say let's do i guess i guess i mean it's not that bad if they take we have a good pawn structure so let's do a king move also ludwig hammer used to be my coach and he also uh trained magnus for some big tournament before yeah i i've recently found out about john ludwig hammer and it's a little bit of a bummer because i feel like uh he's kind of taken away the ability for me to be the best ludwig chess player in the world that's true wait andrea i said king yeah you do spell it differently and most people know my hammer so it's actually okay and a hammer is a fantastic name yeah exactly right yeah uh let's go night okay i will say though that king would almost certainly have been hammer approved uh as as you said you still have a very solid pawn structure so there's no reason to worry ludwig do you feel bad that hammers complimenting that oh i sorry sorry i called magnus hammer which that's okay just we're down two minutes just i just i just put put on my glasses curl my hair and i become hammer that's all there you go let's move our queen here okay that was nice okay the thing is about taking the bishop it does weaken the pawn on it on d4 but it gives you better control of the e5 square and gives you a little more space as well so i think it's a fine transaction for both parties andre you said night night yeah yeah typically i don't like that for but with our yeah you're doing great i would say normally in the london you wouldn't want you wouldn't particularly want uh neither for to happen but in this particular case london gone rogue at least somewhat rogue as long as rogue as london can't get it can get pretty rogue but london is a wild opening i might say that it's um high time for a night move i wouldn't necessarily agree but it's okay i thought you're a magician magnus weave it into gold where's the gold i i would have loved to see g5 there actually uh because five size it would have wow forcibly remove the see if i had said pawn in my mind i was thinking f6 to threaten the knight no the thing is f6 blunders the pawn on g6 so you can almost never do that when you have these double pawns uh but g5 would have been great uh since it weakens the e5 square by removing the support on f4 and it also increases our general influence in the center what if we get a little crazy magnus you can't you can't talk about crazy on every single move not every single move it's going to be crazy start tell me we're going to get a little bit solid on the next move all right solid let's get started then no keep it you have to remember he's a content creator and if it's not crazy it's not clickbaity i will say you know the the most fun played format i have is bullet one minute where you don't get to play chess at my level it's where you just move pieces at as fast you can that that is okay that is pretty crazy though uh let's make a so what did i just say a few moves ago say solid let's make a king move actually referring to the thing i said before that but it is okay uh magnus who picks up your hints better ludwig or andrea so far but it's it's getting closer don't worry by the end of the match it'll be even night night okay i'm thinking andrea uh we're still doing absolutely fine by the way uh you know what let's go with the pawn move here yes keep it simple i think we need to go with the rook move okay queen yes maybe now pawn moves yes there we go so what happened here is that they're put they put their knight really really far away from the king so it makes a lot of sense for us to open up on that side and that they're crazy knight f3 yeah knight f3 would have been would have been much better yeah i was surprised that might be through i didn't know what you're trying to do so that's why i what instead of king f7 i also wanted g5 there because if if knight f3 had come uh our bishop might have been pretty passive since it's so hammed in by the pawns but i misinterpreted your hint as solid yeah yeah uh you're absolutely correct uh i should give uh yeah i it's it's hard to give hints without we'll just create a good lexicon of coughing and sneezing which file number all right do you know any swedish words by the way ludwig oh yeah uh very few i know um we need to create some co clocker varfour which is uh just random words i'm not sure i can use any of these things to cheat sure we'll work on it uh all right is it foolish and ghoulish probably not make a move probably then let's make a pawn move yes it's neither foolish nor ghoulish i'm always concerned of those queen interesting maybe a maybe a pawn move yes you love to see it just kick him away yeah any opportunity for them to blunder as we said a queen movement i'm thinking sweet sister okay we are half the clock here but you know what you're fast we'll be fine surely at this point we could just make another pawn move yeah let's go we keep on gaining space i like these little guys they they do a lot of work would you say andrea and this this move is good because we're using one pawn to hold down two of theirs um both both of these another queen these puns another queen okay yes yes so now they're just making one move threats yeah this is this is too simple it's way more complex than you think don't worry i would just like to make a king move here yes yes that's by far the best move go okay that's a good move they're they're fighting back thank you thank you we actually agreed well we haven't even started using our pieces yet i would like to make a bishop move uh you're a natural this is a nice move also alex many times when i say you don't hear me so if you can fix it okay wait a second wait a sec just for one sec we have a brilliant way to win now oh a brilliant way to win yes ah okay okay so you want me to just have a good way to win this wait wait you know what i'll allow this i'll allow this but if we beat magnus we change his profile photo for a day yeah yeah magnus put it on the line put something on the line if you're going to be suspicious sure if you want if you win this game not this okay okay reeling a brilliant movie i i i don't see how it follows but i think it it could be because it's so it's it's obviously not the bishop here or excuse me the the queen here no more hints magnus i said queen and then you said brilliant how does this follow is this a win no more hints magnus i would keep it simple stupid i would double the queen on the rook file that's what i was thinking but then it feels like that wasn't what you were thinking we could also maybe do this move i don't know what that does for me how about we make a how about we make a how about we make a rook move shut up this is still this is still not over we're still we can still change his profile photo it's not over it's just yeah but we have to win okay so go ahead i know brother i'm thinking bang bang bang bang well uh why is ludwig so cracked i mean it's only a pawn we should be fine let's do a night move okay cool i didn't want to trade but we don't have anything else uh let's make a bishop move yes night rook rook let's make just a simple pawn move magnus new profile photo incoming okay no not necessarily yeah they're still fine kind of let's do no i'm pretty sure let's do queen i would also like to do queen oh thank god something is so bad i'm so bad i'm so bad oh my god wait what you had a rook h1 king takes h1 queen h7 oh no that doesn't work nevermind how does that follow no you're right it doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't work you're right i'm wrong sorry we can just go we could we could have just gone rook live or something we got his profile picture we got it it's not over yet it's the best of five no on this game on this game [Laughter] oh maybe he could change it to borat for a day you know something mild okay sure so walk me through this brilliant vision cause i just knew you wanted something custom so i just said rook but i had no idea why they couldn't take okay so if they take we're gonna go with queen h7 if they go queen g3 we have mate in one with queen h4 okay i'm sorry what move are you suggesting instead of they go back to g1 g1 then we played g3 so you had the right idea there uh and e3 basically our uh our uh idea of queen h2 is unstoppable so they would have to move both their queen and their rook in order to get in an escape square for the uh for the king and they can't do both uh both things at once and it very fittingly says here on the server looks like that game slipped through your fingers [ __ ] all right all right all right we have to make a comeback of sorts uh because it is the best of five give me a moment at the piss and then we'll win yeah i'll take a p break too wait magnus what line were you talking about no it's a knight d3 rook h2 so if you take on h2 then queen h7 93 knight d3 rook h2 if you take on h2 then there that was just explaining the mate there oh okay okay okay if we took on h2 got it got it got it okay okay uh but yeah obviously after after uh knight f4 rook f4 just moving the rook was winning well because you actually had a little trap there if you go queen h7 there is rook takes g4 fg4 queen g4 king f7 queen f4 and you win the rook i know you do these lines really quickly in your head but let's let's remember when we are walking you through obs do you remember how that was now say that again i'm showing it on the board on my stream just watch his stream okay okay okay okay so bishop g5 from the start from the start bishop g5 yep knight d3 rook h2 knight f4 bishop f4 rook f4 yeah if queen h7 there's rook g4 and fg fg queen g4 king f7 queen of four that's very tricky that's a nice line but some move like rook h5 and then bringing the queen over should win comfortably i think that was actually pretty hard to heart hard to see properly for for ludwig with all the pressure to be fair i i i know i know uh you made a very good choice of going for knight four because i think i think he would have almost had ha i've had to find it by process of elimination otherwise um i'm feeling much better after relieving myself yeah i need to go too i'll be right back sorry i took out the toxins that were flooding my mind and making me play poor moves so what happened there is that we actually had uh we probably would have done better if i just shut my big mouth and let you play clean h7 yeah because that's what happened when you were in my brain because once there's a good move you just you want to find it so bad and then once you do yeah you probably you probably have to be more pragmatic there to be honest but it's it's uh it's hard when there's a beautiful tactic like your your your brain gives out and your chest brain kicks in and you just desperately want it to to happen let the emotions take over ah yeah i'm seeing okay we'll forgive you for that one that's okay uh you'll have a nice rat obviously for anybody who goes through the game afterwards without uh without seeing um uh without knowing what happened it's going to look pretty silly since we resigned in a completely drawn position but oh yeah yeah didn't really make the queen yeah i just thought we're gonna we're rook down it's never gonna happen after that okay that's okay that's okay a part so what's happening is 25 first move moves of each games we're crushing them yeah and then it just so happens that i am accustomed to making a blunder at move 25. yeah so at move 25 you just tell me hey don't make a blunder i'm gonna tell i'm gonna um okay so i'm feeling a little bit bad it's not good to beat you guys 3-0 for content sure sure well look let's let's be let's be clear we were in winning positions i've thrown willingly all right this is not an accident here so game three i just won't do that okay so alex no mercy we're just gonna give him a third rematch they lose they lose i feel a little bit bad i mean it is quite embarrassing why are you guys talking about that all right already we're we're gonna win then we're gonna win the next two and then we'll see what happens in the last game game five look for this one for this one just for you guys because you seem nervous i'll turn my monitor on okay what i've been playing blindfolded this whole time all right i'm gonna follow mobamba604 magnus are you still following rick i have to play again love the enthusiasm andrea try not to hold back yeah it's okay what is it 204 604 604 so i will start the match uh-oh you're already following my bamboo six so far okay cool yeah i started the top right where the name is so i played black last round right yeah did you challenge me no i haven't wait what color should i give us alex we should be black again or because we just uh yeah we should be black again okay yeah oh unless you guys want to swap and then magnus uh gets white on the next one yeah so andre you can play with the white okay also andrea yeah okay perfect okay all right i'm starting it uh and i have to close close the other one yeah sure e6 isn't it all right alex okay pawn oh i should probably i don't know if we should mix it up oh wow how do i flip the board i actually found it amazing uh pawn they've played d4 yeah pawn i actually like this one good good okay we're spicing it up i didn't didn't know you were addicted i had to i have my favorite line against the dutch i would have loved to watch this is not your uh okay so this [Applause] okay uh [Applause] rejected this d2 move is just a blunder okay king king okay alex they'll be even more glorious when we win 3-0 yeah we need to get away from odds um okay sir are you ready are you are you a stonewall guy or a classical i am a classical dutch okay cool cool uh let's do knight uh bishop less classical than i thought i suppose know i know this one i know this one i know this one i just go here okay okay surely i think magnus is happy with that it's okay it's actually good it's matching our bound cloud yeah i'm sure you have a plan yes that's the plan exactly his plan is chaos and i know this part this part's great and you're going for the lusker double bishop sack right and it is generally the lusker double bishop sack is what i do normally in tournament yeah but you know if i'm if i'm playing for fun like this maybe i'll go for alex the other one the other lineup uh for uh you're just going to go for the horowitz bishops then the horowitz bishop sack yeah okay bishop bishop okay bishop okay uh i mean not many options we don't want to copy ludwig so i'll do this okay king we can copy his content just not his chess that's very true pawn both magnus and ludwig have gotten very serious yeah knows what's on the line is this winner go home uh let's go paul magnus already lost his twitter let's go uh actually i don't know the password to my uh twitter account so the jokes on you guys didn't contact your manager i hardly believe that that's not true we see you tweeting football related stuff i know you have access you just yeah you were just raging about that the most flag did you get on twitter was you supporting real madrid hey bishop okay uh bishop bishop for us ooh i think this is the right move then yes we're giving up the the double bishop sack now yeah i feel happy about that queen hmm [Music] i support the uh the real madrid of football american football i should say uh the new england patriots i know nothing about sports yeah you know nothing about the patriots no surely offended slightly i don't think magnus knows about them either he was just surely he i know i know you know julian edelman just retired he's that's that's yeah that's literally true yeah you just retire pun yeah he's at the date uh which piece did you say by the way palm pawn pawn pawn interesting i do love the idea of moving a pawn here surely i need to move a pawn in defense exactly nice very clean pawn okay feels like you guys are biting our [ __ ] they're not gonna lie okay should we spice it up a bit i'm down let's get hot uh-oh guys get crazy okay no we're not we're nuts come on bishop bonk no i i wouldn't win i want to win now all right all right all right all right so i was i was i was going to say pawn since push up to a four yeah if they take our bishop uh we can go knight c6 and and trap their queen but you it might have worked yeah i honestly wouldn't want no escape to it could go to b5 no c3 there's the knight is there alex did you say a piece and if they go queen b5 we have rook a5 and the trap is shot yeah i guess after a for andrea could play queen c2 but yeah absolutely but it felt like uh it felt like a high race lower reward kind of play i think you made the correct decision okay let's make a queen move a uh yeah we're going to make a pawn move a pawn move they're all going to make they're all good a pawn move at this point really all good is h5 good i would say that this is the pawn move that i that i fancy though yeah very good very good very positional uh let's do a bishop move andrea okay bang bang yeah okay um night i i feel like the tough thing for ludwig will be if he gets in really bad time pressure i think the hardest thing for me will be picking which photo to make your profile picture okay the confidence i already have ideas don't worry i already have one prepped up all right it's just gonna be a uh a photo of your voice uh you know how they can show it and it's just blasting out both sides gained too high yeah i saw that coming i think that one's pretty good pretty fair for magnus i want to do the the troll face like you know the the crazy eyes the crazy smile alexandra's i would make andrea remember yes that's great oh no actually i kind of want andrea shut up shut up i don't even want to win let me go make you deal if you promise you can ask for hers yeah i will throw andrea termina twenty-something no that's twenty-seven you don't tear me no that's like quite tempting one i would love to be her profile choose a word that's not the same in every language by the way that was a free one i will say no no but i i tell her it not because you won't understand but because she knows i'm serious uh it's like a middle name exactly exactly exactly she needs to understand the intensity that this is not content everything is a win-win we already have magnus's now if we lose it's still a winning sid the match has been won for me i i'm telling you if you make it a troll face it's not a punishment no we're we're nice actually i think it would be more appropriate than the one i have now which is from when i was like 19 or something no why haven't you updated it because i don't know how olympic i don't know how right right right right now [Laughter] of them all when i come over for the month of practice in you learning streaming and me learning uh chess that'll be part of it we'll do a profile picture day yeah okay all of my socials i said king three times i'm the brain oh my god okay i'm gonna i'm mentally not here anymore after like he told me what he would say yeah andrea i need you to focus my brain has zoned out just imagining your twitter ah a night move yes yes yes it's screaming to be played um queen andrea i meant bishop d3 by the way so you had king e2 i don't know what this bishop g3 was but it's okay i mean i had to retreat eventually i guess maybe not actually because it was pinning the queen that was a bad move it's okay that was a bad move don't worry just move the queen just move the queen uh yeah uh queen sure yeah of course love that piece and i love moving it is my favorite thing to do with it i will go right over here very good alex i'm not making good moves unless you increase my volume on stream dude otherwise i don't want to negotiate with terrorists i'm going to rebel i'm going to go okay okay okay you're at 57 right now and i'm putting you i'm watching 29 i put you up to 69. okay make a video let's go okay make a bishop move make a bishop deal you've got me okay uh bang bang yeah okay i guess i don't have many options uh nights huh nice nice nice so the question i'm not going to give any hints the question very good very good we don't want to give up that guy on eve foreign whenever you can reload your piece yeah it's not too bad now we're going for queen okay so by the way the chat right now is saying i clicked on magnus stream and andrea almost blew out my speakers oh am i loud on magnuses you probably are because i've taken you down a few nights oh it's a discord yeah ludwig definitely has me lower on this but magnus doesn't know how to work discord so you never turned me down oh yeah i've i've turned her down you gotta right click on the name magnus and just drop it one we're down four minutes and we're losing okay okay we're not losing i need i need some but i'm still winning even if we lose but andrea stop it um let's make a rook move okay uh yeah [Music] [Laughter] focus on the game focus focus focus on tech supports for the fools yeah yeah i have full power on magnesium right now pawn you said yeah okay i will make my thrust yes go for it okay we're fine you've been playing some very interesting moves sweet sister but it's okay where did you want my rook it's okay we're having a plan but i don't know what you're doing let's see uh king yeah we run uh it was a good plan unfortunately we run uh okay let's uh move the queen let's move the queen oh okay that's a possibility surely wow wow i mean that just seems like a terrible idea yeah don't take the nuts nice nice i wasn't considering that too much maybe a um a classy move like this of sorts yeah that's very good uh so they move the rook over and then right now the kings click so that they want the k to hide the king on the other side so now our job is done on on the king side so it's it's better to move the queen over to the other side so we reroute we re-run one i didn't want to there are literally no good pawn moves here zero good pawn moves you are bluffing magnus you are bluffing that is if ludwig doesn't choke i've had the engine on since day one here look i got to win this game okay okay uh surely i'll just make a move like this it's a tricky one ludwig so many options lots of options don't want it all good position yeah nice they're trying to open up our king we don't want it uh night we'll be more forceful it's okay night okay someone in the chat put how is ludwig so good wow oh frick nobody knows all right queen don't stress andrea bishop i'm not stressing bishop yep yes uh rook bishop well we'll get in there we're opening up the king just like magnus said bishop um king night night yep they have winning positions but they don't know how to convert so don't stress andrea we got this oh i'm not stressing well maybe a little bit okay um okay bishop bishop bishop is what you said and there is it go oh moves backwards that's cool that's ridiculous that's that's the cool thing about bishops king they're trying to go for the flag craziest thing i've ever seen we have such a good blockade on the light squares here so they're never going to be a winner maybe just um hmm yeah sure i guess there's nothing they can do about that pawn pawn again and then we're gonna go with rook on the next move bishop bishop and then if rook on the next move queen yes uh and rook again rook again yes uh queen queen uh queen you said which move sorry queen queen ah i like doing this in games yeah sure rook all right we got rid of sorry i wonder if bishop no bishop c6 didn't work because queen a6 focus andrea 24 seconds oh yeah now you want to play fast okay so try and think of a move that accomplishes two things right oh really really magnus i think i'm giving a good hint but i'm probably not too many ah that was a great hint actually yes that was right pond pun okay rook rook rook rook yes okay we're still rook again yes if check move your king andre go no [ __ ] here if if check prim get your king third makes me want to check less okay uh king okay sure um rook next andrea oh that was a good move uh bishop bishop was a fake they start thinking about your move bishop is a piece on the board so you got to prevent their threat i rely magnus stop it i'm muting pond was terrible no it wasn't because they can't take it so incredibly safe right here now it's over what do we do we're just trying to survive we have 14 seconds that's what that's what devretsky says for the king and the ending uh which piece here uh pawn yeah this feels great what can they do to my king my king's phenomenal rook rook is a piece i have and it's gonna help it's gonna be not crooked rook andreas stop arguing just move there's no way runs i will just make this move then yes wait okay bishop bishop it's fine it's fine andrea rook do this move that king king we actually uh started sneaking oh i got you maggie isolated okay rook it's okay we're still winning oh are you we have 10 seconds though uh rook andrea quick rook king king after okay yes ma'am okay sweating i i am sweating a bit more naturally well i wouldn't say the palms uh don't love that for me i think i just yeah that doesn't make any sense i guess i just have to do this i don't i don't love that but i don't see much else i guess we could do that andrea get your king ready he's ready alex he's on deck oh let's do this hovering over waiting that's okay that's very good okay very very good okay uh pawn pawn you said yes they're both good bishop rook hmm uh you know at this point wait you said rook right uh i think it's just best if i go here you can go here this is intense yeah this is really anything could happen hanging in the balance you know i think this is not so bad this is very good taking opponent check and rook again i would like to go here rook oh that's actually very good uh rook if check move your king andrea king i'm thinking you have four seconds stop thinking oh i want to make sure we're not getting mated rook king next if he checks you yep uh rook um let me go for just a classy get your premium king king rook okay let's do this i just need that right yes rook okay uh rook good good and rook sweet sister pawn pun rook rook king rook bishop pawn king uh second pawn pond pond pond bishop rook don't pre-move rook rook king pawn rook rook brooke king king you're in check rook it's lost that was really nicely played okay yeah that was well done pawn pawn rook king pawn try to get a stalemator rook uh rook okay we were okay king okay resigning good game ah that was nice okay that was great that was great no that was that was really great no you uh all the right ideas and then uh it became kind of unclear at some point we just out-hustled them but i know that the one thing that you're actually really good at in chess is end games and pushing pushing the pawns and devorchy yeah that's what i was saying king activity and pushing the pawns and did you see how handy the king was eventually uh in in just aiding aiding our pawns forward so that was great that was great let's just get two more and uh call today yeah i gotta do it two more times well now it's now it's a beautiful one because now you get to start on the white pieces against alexandra and we did great last time you just have to do a little more gold churning yeah try it try try a little bit harder yeah you know i'll try to throw you a little less [ __ ] but if you could turn the [ __ ] i throw into gold a little more that'd be great i know and so far with me as the hand we're zero out of one with you as they hand with one out two so you can you can talk [ __ ] to me for now that's that's fair that's fair deserved no but that was such a nicely played end game nice job that was a good game really really good game yeah i'm uh i'm mostly just petrified of just throwing everything in the bag so i took a little bit of my time at the end because yeah that's very serious just [ __ ] alexandra throws on a romanian accent just starts yelling okay i'm just gonna go next time alex shout out to romanian to make them to make love to make him nervous yeah um no that game that game andrea and ludwig i can tell you guys both what i thought was going to be more interesting if you go to move number 53 when andrea played rook f7 i thought she was going to play rook f5 check and then take the pawn on e4 oh i didn't want to let the king escape to g6 and i was hoping that if i left it on h5 we could go for some tricky mate so that's why i didn't want to check in although that may not have worked also because uh then ludwig could have played rookie three and uh after we take he takes our rook on f5 and maybe our bishop can't hold both pawns it was really tricky in the time scramble when when we took that bishop we were both expecting him where is it we're both expecting there it is him to take back ludwig you have the correct position on yours we played rook c3 you made it much trickier i must have i think i should have just taken the rook there but regardless yeah that he has two passers so yeah yeah that was some water i'll be right back oh oh maybe i could do it maybe i can just show you the the mate you can go grab some water that's that's fine all right um maybe i can just show you the mate we had yeah in the middle of the game so you did everything correctly there uh but on move 33 we had a mate in four moves i think um on move so before i moved my rook over you're saying we had a mate so like if i go like rook c5 because then the king can't actually go b1 has to go to the left yeah because there's no way to interpose check with the other rook yes king has to and then yeah and then i guess i can so now we have maintain two which is a little bit tricky bishop d3 yeah king d1 or d2 king d1 or d2 and then i think all i have to do is like throw my bishop to f1 yes exactly there we go that's very very nice mate yeah it's really pretty mate i think bishop f1 is sort of more aesthetic than bishop b5 which is also which is also made by the way uh oh it would have been yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah wait bishop b5 but those are the only two um but that would have been a beautiful conclusion yeah yeah i think that that would have been beautiful but instead we drew it on for another 20 moves just for the content for the content you're talking to the guy who streams 700 hours of subpar content so it's not about beautiful short games it's about strong long games it's about getting the hours how much of your content would you say uh is like high class content and and how much is just time filler uh everything that i throw on youtube i would consider the highest class for me so it would be about maybe two hours uh three hours of my streams on average like a day and then the rest is about filler so if i stream six eight hours about half or a third is content that i've prepared for youtube so are we filler or content uh depends on how it goes depends on how good yeah it depends on if this goes to game five uh and if i take it down or not okay fair enough fair enough all right um so and andrea can you set up the game just so it's easier and magnus doesn't have to accept yeah uh against who again against uh so i i sent you the username skye ludwalker versus alexandra botes alexander both says is white guy [Music] oh oh wait then yeah now ludwig is gone and this is now filler or time pillar honestly i'm gonna grab some water too yeah feel free to roast andrea more thank you i'm actually gonna grab some water as well so good luck good luck entertaining three streams at once i'll be the coolant i have to fix my lighting i came back quickly andre let's do this let's let's save magnus i'm gonna turn you up all the way and then see if you're too loud and then i'll have you adjust your gain okay i already did it should be okay honestly but actually pretty fine yeah there we go yeah you're great actually i was excited to be alone with the three most powerful chats and no one gave me alone time i was going to abuse my power yeah nobody wanted to leave you alone [Applause] you know i considered it but you know it just feels that supervision is a useful tool after all yeah yep all right andrea start the game when you're ready okay started it okay so i'm your brain yes unfortunately no i'm kidding okay fine all right we're starting with a tried and true i always forget you're not alexandra we're starting with a pawn okay magnus is alexandra and alexandra is sky ludwalker it's not confusing at all i think it makes it more straightforward if anything what did you say andrew fun uh we will go with the pawn so last time we played a sort of delayed bone cloud a lapin but now we're just playing it straight up i have i bet alex does not know this theory i don't know we're gonna walk into andrea just say no but there's some i don't know okay i can't get some fun bro no but there's a very specific line and i don't know where you're gonna play i i'll say pawn there you go i don't know this but it's okay i'll just swing it you know at this point i think we'll go with the night move yeah shockingly i've actually played this line myself as black do you think that's shocking yes uh because it's it's not considered very good oh i see um that makes it feel good but you have played it before under some circumstances it makes sense uh sure i mean the the idea in itself is is not insane uh at this point we're just gonna go for alex why did you change your flag to north korea magnus did that when he logged onto my account [Laughter] i couldn't turn down discord but could figure out how to change the flags [Laughter] it's pyongyang's best yes [Applause] god i don't like rain and openings i don't know um fun i actually have absolutely no clue how to play this system pawn as well okay andrea ludwig is 1200 and he plays his moves with a hundred percent confidence you're 1900 just pretend it's good magazine that's the power of improvement i'm not good enough to know i'm bad yet this is a good one exactly this just isn't looking good you know andrea i need you i need okay everyone's roasting we'll be fine under it this is a disaster this is a disaster bishop i like it just be in what world is this is disaster deviating from the norm that's why right right well i would i would like to make a um i think i would like to make a night move here um i i think we're we we may transpose into a game shong versus carlson from 2020. definitely not exactly like jeffrey yeah yeah and uh and who won that match i was drawn unfortunately i i was better at black but uh not because of the opening it feels like we have an advantage if we're playing a match that one of us has been in from the other side though see that's why i didn't know because it seems wrong probably would have been better if i was that's what i was nervous let's go uh night here yeah this one is easy knight so we're so ludwig we're actually playing a scotch except except that there are no pawns on c2 and c7 and i love the scotch i know you love the scotch you know you know this you love the scotch and the scandinavian that's what i know that is true i didn't you know didn't know i didn't know about the dutch but the a new edition okay it's entertaining to think that ludwig's been playing chess and magnus has been lurking on your streams i've been on this stream no i know i know i was just watching i was oh yeah is is watching like the most sub streamer of all time is that still lurking is that somehow no no that's just turning on the super bowl it's like the world cup yeah that's what i would say uh well that's like the opposite of watching just admit you're a lurker it's okay if we're playing i like a lot of other places i shouldn't be but that's not one of them i think we have to go with the bishop move here okay cool we're gonna play a little tricky yeah i can appreciate that so we're just gonna go for quick development that did feel safe almost cowardly yeah actually i'm starting to think there was better moves maybe at this point we could make what's known in the business as a queen move we could also not make a queen move again i guess that's not an option anymore i guess there are two yeah it's either make a queen move or not make a queen move but that's actually i just i tried to drop i tried to drop your hint there with quick development [Music] well you know develop the queen so she could flourish a little more yeah the scandinavian subtlety is just too hard to pick up much look i'm just working on the sarcasm if i can get that down like hanging out with my swedish cousins and uncles what do you mean yes all right i like you should like good very good brother let's make we're still absolutely fine by the way it feels fine so let's just make a um a pawn move sure night [Music] choices choices night night you say interesting you can you can stutter you can spend a minute on this one if you want to we wouldn't mind me i can all right i don't mind spending more time on things oh it's fine it's totally oh yeah no no no this is this is no no my move is fine i don't know why well no moves been made so it is fun okay quinn yeah that is true queen is under attack magnus put his serious voice on so you know you're in trouble we're fine we could be in trouble it could also not be let's go with a queen move then we're just gonna have two minutes of silence now on the stream but that's fine wait what happened what but no did you hear me i said a queen move are you why is he giving us the silent treatment oh am i i am the i am the hand okay that was serious okay that's why you flipped okay yeah uh yeah i thought i'd said queen and you were you were wondering okay i need to see it okay that was that made big so nervous because i thought he saw like a line where the queen was trapped and i was like oh [ __ ] he has to think about this one yeah the more and more we get to know the more and more he's like me tech issues forgetting which hand and brain wow i have a lot of similarities with the best chess players yeah i share all of your dubious sides i don't think it's a coincidence anymore well i think a few of the similarities that make you the chess player in the world but the other one right now knight okay what what uh let's go with a k yeah actually knight d5 was really interesting if that's what you wanted yeah i thought you were going to play knight d5 i thought that was what we're doing i i'm pretty sure lettering said king a queen move i said okay queen is not the same as a king andreas or alexandra excuse me simple mistake stop mixing yourself bloodwig now is when we throw him off but yeah we had a free pawn and now we don't sorry i thought this was really strong also but i could be wrong so i think we don't win upon anyone oh obviously if ludwig is gonna make the two of you up he could say queen king when he means queen it's the thing about it is i actually think the queen knight night because i wasn't sure what i heard and the rules of hand and brain are pretty clear that if you don't be heard then you can just make a move yeah did you check the official handbook magnus you're very trustworthy and i am the rules and i am everything so i make the rules deal with it uh in that same right now one time i dressed up as a king and a queen bishop knight pawn pawn what what what qua bishop knight pawn for bishop knight don't please i'm sorry which one did you hear from that specifically magnus if you could relay it back to me just want to make sure communication i heard king to be honest yes okay i'll play bishop that's fine yeah yeah bishop okay interesting strategies so why why do you hate castling well it's because uh last time i dazzled was a blunder let's do a knight wow it's all contextual i play chess like people live their lives vindictively uh let's go with a pawn move okay we're still fine actually i know you're an active player [Music] i i could i could see some serious [ __ ] happening down i can already see a line where they're getting mated so this yeah last time you said we're going to lose in 16 moves what happened magnus you weren't losing you were losing you had a winning move dude it turns out that we were right uh wait wait what oh okay what what do you mean alex nothing i'm working what was that i'm just trying to throw him off uh i mean it was effective so andrea alex felt that queen h4 g3 queen e7 was slightly more precise and that's where she made that face exactly thank you magnus wait what but i was the brain i said i was thinking of queen h4 no no no that's why i gasped because i realized i made the wrong one uh yeah yeah yeah sure um you know i love your dreams of castling i just also like being safe and protected no you don't you don't i don't i don't like being safe and protected i like castling yes you do i like king move then okay so i've recently learned about the concept of bait and this pawn on e3 that's just going to open more lines so the opponent you are trying to throw us pure baits yeah i think i don't think this is a bait but i guess alex can make the decision i don't think it's a bait andrea don't let magnus trick you queen well i don't know if it's a bait or not by the way well i i have to imagine it is in some regards i love how everyone here is confused except magnus i would like to then make because we are under duress a king move yes debate is coming later oh if the bait was obvious then you know bishop there would be good good good uh okay we're gonna move our little bish oh no respect for the bishops as usual yeah d6 would have been nice i think i'll go with a this is an important situation but i think i'll go with a pawn move here yeah we're upon down so we can't trade queens unless we have yeah i gotta keep the queen on the board to make some money and we're gonna attack mm-hmm and generally queen and knight are better at attacking than queen and bishop because queen and knight have complementary skills that's beautiful bishop alex i don't know if you're i'm thinking i'm thinking so actually the trick i was gonna no uh this could actually work later so i'm not gonna give it away okay i might have us consider a rook move here love it gay well queen nice no free queens not this time i was looking at rook c8 but you're nice saying that these days that's it just oh you know sometimes the times are hard and you have to celebrate the small wins sure hey we're doing we're thriving what do you mean yeah queenie one other queen of it okay i would like to make lots of good moves there yeah i suppose i'll just make something simple like a um a queen move here sure uh um a bishop mm-hmm they're trying to play that works too though i guess it's probably better than when i was looking at they're they're playing a little bit scared yeah and i think we can pounce here with a formidable night move i'm playing solid after all we're going we're both end game and yeah we're gonna get them bro we'll have to go with a queen move yeah i guess they have weak pawns andrea we're slightly better we got this queen queen you say okay i'm not very good at end game no no you're great andrea i'm gonna gas you up just like magnus gasps uh then i would like to go with a rook move ludwig i don't think that's what you're suggesting of course e7 is natural a seventh ranked rook are you kidding me open season baby queen you say okay interdasting um well i think i have to go here then yeah well i obviously we set this up yeah now ludwig has to fill in the blink for a reason i mean we could just keep it simple we could have an outside pass pawn we could play an end game here sure doesn't seem bad all right let's i think let's magnus's face what do you mean let's go with look kind of nervous it's giving yeah very quiet let's go with let's go with oh no no it's okay but we have to play fast it's fine okay let's go with queen sure rook we're going to win this no you're not that that pawn on a2 has become gonna become a little queenie pawn okay pawn sure on andrea you got this on another pawn all right okay never mind no you're you're good you're good you're good you're good okay uh rook pawn well this is why hmm do i this is tricky okay we don't have time uh rook pawn if we just wait do we push um i i said real quick sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to let that out sorry uh okay let's do this because i don't even know what our plan is with our rook here okay so f5 is obviously very bad uh they're choking this so hard let's go with rook again okay 17 seconds sweet sister we're gonna speed it up let's go with another rook move mm-hmm yeah this is bad no no you're fine you're fine you're fine rook rook king we got this hyundai honestly we're still fine no big deal pretty sure we're losing carrot rook uh okay we're not fine yeah this is lost gosh darn it and even set it up so that our they'd have a discovery check well what i was setting this up for ten moves okay we can still do andre i need you to focus on the time okay okay sure good good good sister work rook why do we yeah sure king what the faster faster what is this don't worry rook rook king again okay fine but i need you faster i don't know how to win this don't worry don't worry king okay we're going to move give you one take back it's okay well take back these is fine we'll go with another game after what happened in your anxiety i'll do that andrea okay we're gonna go with a 10 seconds ludwig rook move andrea it's about the drama baby they threw for content we'll we'll take it we'll take it though we'll take it we'll take it we'll take it oh my god what it do so they talk i cannot you're not telling me pieces had fun past two games they've talked in such defeatist terms that i feel so relaxed and then i've made a uh just a mind-blowing error because i'm just so relaxed i can't think of a single failing move but clearly move 35 i found one i said pawn alex your mic you yelled it so your mic cut you off because you're too loud even your mic doesn't want to put up with it well that's not them yeah i said it i said it in time well that leads us to a game five i believe desperate content uh surely surely for content like you said it when we have point two seconds like you have andrea when we're at four seconds you gotta give me the move earlier man yeah you need more code like we have you know you can throw out a var for yeah we need where the hand doesn't listen to the brain that's what code you guys have i mean this was a very painful end game yeah well yes what was the win tell me how we should have no i don't i don't we should just hold a draw i mean it should have been drawn oh like i don't know why you were so eager to push the f pawn yeah i i don't think maybe yeah i don't think you ever had a win to be honest but obviously yeah you should never lose okay yeah no i wanted to push f5 at the very beginning because otherwise you can never move the rook from f8 but because you're trying to get a win but like pushing f5 if if they bring their rooks over to the seventh that's what i was afraid of but magnus is yeah i guess that's bad so he could tell me if f5 was good or not no no it was before h5 is what i wanted oh yeah absolutely the easiest way uh was like on move 26 when you played h5 exactly just go at f5 and then rook f7 and then you're you're never in any oh so f5 was good yeah f5 is good but only as long as you can uh oppose the rook on the on the seventh so instead of h4 we should have done it then i didn't know i i didn't know when you go as you could see in the game when the white pawn is on a6 it's too late to go f5 because we have this trick with rook b1 rook b8 and then rook b7 oh okay stop yawning this is good content [Laughter] okay guys there's always one one slacker in the class magnus is there to call him out i'm the slacker in the class that moves on to chess youtube videos okay all right let's do the game point and um oh god so what color for both oh i i think you guys get white you guys get white what if we make this last game a little enticing oh yeah i mean it just feels like it doesn't make a lot of sense to have you know a fifth game when we went 2-2 it'd be uneven who's the hand who's the brain yadda yadda or no no well i've devised the system we could play alternate we'll just play chess against each other round robin style you know and if it happens to be a draw like we get two wins two losses then we would just turn over to cap score and i think that seemed sensical in a way unless you would be nervous about it i don't know why you would be what if we did a bullet or with two issues why are you trying to oh well our final match is one minute two seconds get the blood rushing oh that so just so so it just goes to a timeout what do you mean it goes to a timeout oh you mean one minute two seconds hand brain yeah no that we we we need a little time that goes you guys are scared yeah cause audrey you lost because you couldn't say a piece in time i turned off voice oppression i said it in time but my mic cut me out and to get magnets to turn off voice suppression would take us at least uh no i i am absolutely down for a regular game five um but of course we'll just do a coin flip to see who's the hand who's the brain standard wait i actually love that idea no i love that idea it's a great idea alternating moves so like the brain you'll be the brain for one turn you say a move the other person does it you're the brain what do you mean no no no no no no no no yeah i i think we we can give them a shot like that that seems is that is that flawed in a way but if we do this and we change the format we want the white pieces uh it's agreeable is is it really worse for you i i think so because ludwig as as the hand i think is easier for us to win than alternating moves i guess but if you guys want a coin flip for colors honestly we're down to do that also i'm happy to play as black as long as you give me the scandy but they never played before we're gonna get the dutch the dutch is fun we're great at the dutch we crushed the dutch last time absolutely they did do a bond cloud okay let's let's just say that we play alternating moves uh ludwig and andrea play the first move and we go from there that works out all right so what color though i'm oh you can get white that's fine all right and so this is for the twitter profile photo this is for all the marbles has his on the line as well magnus is already going to have his photo changed for a day he already lost wait he you lost the same that same bet yes yeah i had i actually i didn't know that you're the one who threw the game by the way it was the one you threw ludwig oh i didn't know you did a day bet on that yes i didn't know that if i knew that i wouldn't have thrown i threw for content magnus [Music] okay uh andrea do you i'll i'll let you have the pieces that's fine uh wait lud skywalker it's me versus lud skywalker right yes you get the white side of the piece how is that are you online alternate you'll just have to say the moves then right yeah yeah yeah uh i am on live chess yeah okay all right let's go andre you make the first move yes sir okay uh you just already made it oh do we just alternate moves so there's no hand brand anymore right yeah yeah oh oh that's not okay that's cool with me yeah this is fancy g3 knight f6 ah g3 andrea don't worry you got this g6 no more classic no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's it's me it's me here it's me here oh it's you know you're right i would have made say movement h3 yeah yeah yeah uh okay d5 say it again d5 e5 d d5 [Laughter] norwegian accents though it just cuts out at the start yeah d for dumbass okay all right it's me here i'm gonna go with a tried and a true [Music] um c4 c6 e d e six east c c six c six c six c c c c yeah yeah right before you say it you just have to say one more word so it pops in because you have a voice suppression so i'll cut you out when you're not talking andrea your turn i have no idea what that even is yeah just if you just say like uh the even like pawn c6 then i'll hear the c6 uh-huh cool uh but it is now me and i am going to play good c takes d5 okay pawn e d5 pawnee d5 easy easy i can understand all that yeah cd5 is in general more desirable but they would have a check with the queen to a4 and win our bishop foiled my plan again magnus that's what i do uh i will castle yes i'll do the boring moves you do the height moves i know that's what i don't put it like that don't make me nervous uh you have to do more exciting moves andre you can't do it it did bishop g5 was very good queen b3 queen v3 uh bishop c3 bishop c3 is good for me bishop c3 is a take okay yeah because they had some serious tactics going on there so we needed to to play a little bit carefully uh it is me now so i will go with we just gotta get this guy out sure fly king fly that's good that's good very safe alex's turn um let's do knight f4 bishop f7 bishop f7 we're going to force the magnus to do the obvious moves and yeah and then the hard one exactly that's what i was thinking um so now it's going to be ludwig's turn see if we have any tricks up our sleeve [Music] no so i'm gonna tell you what happened now ludwig they've made all their obvious moves and now they don't have any plan anymore that's false oh really okay i suppose you're putting you're putting dirt on my chest pete ludwig fell for it he didn't see my attack i bluffed and they don't talk about attack don't help your poor sister alex doesn't even see it no i know i do see it i'm just calculating if there's anything don't worry uh queen takes f5 ludwig you fell right from uh rookie rookie eight sure um andre it's your turn oh yeah no i i need you fully immersed in this game don't oh yeah me when it's your turn this is the key point what is this oh yeah the queen is getting quite tricky i don't like it um okay bang bang it was your plan to bring her here this is true this is fine uh us as long as we can start driving their pieces back we're gonna we're gonna be fine we're upon down but otherwise our position is solid hmm i know lyric is gonna make the next one i could be tricky i am gonna make the next move but don't make bad moves though well it's not bad i'm not 100 sure works but it's i could take a risk just so you know it is a time game in the 60s they added i think i'm gonna make um i'll just do this move this seems it seems charming in a way also i've been holding it in i have to go to the bathroom really badly i thought it was your move brother i actually don't like it so much anymore i was considering g6 with my bishop but i don't like it so much anymore i don't know it's a pretty interesting move ludwig well you saying that makes me just resent it uh i would just say that to every move you come up with that would be hurtful you know i think i'll go with this this is funny for me because i have zero idea what you're thinking i'm going to tell you magazine i'm just drawing a blank i'm throwing a blank i'm going to go i have time here's the thing when andrea takes time that means i get to take time i don't like my queen being pinned i don't like it that is that's that's a good point so i'm gonna go here so i don't have to suffer through that anymore excellent okay alex it was unbearable i don't like it when magnus says excellent yeah and me either it tilts me yeah it's actually a little tilted it's so tilting think about uh calming things like running water for instance yeah shut up i'm holding it in i'm gonna go after this move like uh if it's a good move like playing in the sprinklers water parks just fun times if i make a bad move because i'm distracted that would be really bad alex stay free we're down on time i think if you make a bad move it's bad go alex go don't listen reason block him out oh alex apparently a bunch of people are saying your stream's effing shut up no they're not goddamn my god streamers too insecure about their tech true you're talking to us we're so what do you expect what do you the chances are audrey i don't know if you're talking we can't hear you what do you mean yes you can stop dude he just pranked you again no he didn't because i knew he didn't i knew he could hear me so he didn't prank me okay i need i honestly i need to pee so i'm just gonna work with queen c7 queen c7 queen c7 queen c7 queen c2 uh good good good 94. that is great this knight goes to e4 uh there is i might as well take my time there is actually a term in chess called a toilet move a move sort of that you make hastily um because you need to go to the bathroom and there you go like quincy too you're thinking that this is an obvious move you can't blend or anything so i'm just gonna make it and that's yeah yeah it's a toilet move and it's a terrible move and now it is uh it is it's not awful but uh it improves our situation quite a bit yeah pretty awful don't like this what would john ludwig hammer say about it uh something along those lines and kinder terms or harsher terms uh he doesn't know kinder traders i hope you know what magnus said about your toilet move what did oh okay i can imagine and it was terrible all right it is you better make up for turn i'm sorry andrea i was distracted i'm gonna make a simple move like this no i'm not gonna make that move probably okay i don't know do you know what i was doing no i i don't think it was great i'll give it to you straight okay then i believe you oh wait wait that is a great move all right bishop takes e4 good i was hoping ludwig would maybe oh good job good job what did i walk into nothing nothing no uh d e4 we're still fighting it's okay d4 yeah d4 d4 d4 d pawn c4 d takes c4 okay english is hard andrea oh no you want to tell me miss potty don't worry i'm making my moves i don't make no toileting oh i can't say anything it is my turn to make a move yeah that you are correct i don't like when you're muffled but unfortunately that's how they want to play this [Music] muffled magnus is best magnus that is hurtful i'm gonna go yet true no that doesn't seem great either i don't love this for me personally if it's any consolation i don't love it either but that does make me feel better maybe no but it's we we're a couple of pawns down but we we have some good things going um in our position so it's it could be worse yeah ludwig i think wherever you want to stray is going for the tactics but i don't want to give you advice i'm just trying to avoid making moves that are um decisive in the following actions so g5 was yes precisely like when you played g5 i would have loved to see the move h6 because and i actually hovered it and then i decided against it because i thought that it was brilliant because then i was protecting it's okay you're learning you're learning yeah yes like keep discussing on magnet scissors okay let's go let's go let's go let's go make a move hey see i'm helping you out a casual move sure that's fine uh yeah yeah i'm thinking um [Music] that pawn on a5 this is prediction that pawn on a5 is going to be uh g2 knight g2 interest see they're playing passively uh yeah i don't know why we're scared b5 i'm not scared i'm repositioning we're going to be strong on the light squares and they're going to be strong on the dark squares good prediction magnets it is i know that's what people pay for uh i'm gonna go right here perhaps seems fine enough to me yeah okay sure bring it on alex just remember to save the tricky attacks for life yeah yeah i remember i remember don't forget to chat i would argue that if you do that it's cyber bullying so you should get banned off of twitch uh andrea make knight h4 i don't know what you're talking about ludwig we're just playing some chess okay queen d6 queen d6 my move which means i have to make all the tricky moves too yeah you have to reply to my moves but usually i'm just trying to put out the fire so it's okay magnus comes cleaning up after ludwig [Laughter] i i'm not the best roommate but you know we have a fun time and that's what i care about uh okay magnus i'd like you to practice the muffling technique right now no comments right no comments this is i don't know what you're talking about we have a bunch of good moves here i would argue maybe too many good moves in a way shut up and think oh my gosh foreign okay queen comes in with the check it checks me uh oh that's monkus so what can i do to prevent that because then if the queen comes with the check and then i go h8 or even h7 that's scary too it's all that scary you're on the right track uh so i could if i wanted i could play that doesn't seem to do that much for me though i wish this knight was a more productive member of my team i wish that too magnus i also wish some other people in my team were more productive but that's that's um oh that that that was that roasting wasn't justified sorry now it's bullies that was unjustified you've done you've done well so far sure i've landed on rookie six after a minute salinas alex shall think oh what's this is uh this is a critical knight f5 it's a very critical very good let's see if magnus can save it oh it's mimo now uh ready to be a janitor magnus queen d5 yes d5 uh i was hovered right over e5 because i i it just did not i was like that seems like not so much of a magnus move oh maybe we could have played e3 yeah it wasn't any good probably okay so i'm i'm checked which normally is bad in chess so i'm going to i can either interpose uh the problem is there's a fork that exists um which is which is terrifying so if i pose with my rook then knight fork i lose my queen but then i also win his queen but then i am still losing that doesn't seem great could interpose with the bishop that seems fine enough sure okay uh 97 it was tough rookie seven there was no defense no they're we're still fighting we're still fighting this is no problem take it queen takes c7 okay now you've got to be careful now you got to be careful now it's your turn alex oh sorry i think 97 i took yeah we need a a savior need a hero that's how i'm feeling i do need one okay so there's a mate here and that sucks so how do i prevent checkmate i could no that doesn't really function i could sack my queen as the only thing i can think of think harder seem phenomenal look harder okay so you have one minute yeah to save to save the planet this is a refreshing situation to be in all right hold up hold up give him extra time alex to be nice no don't you [ __ ] dare do it or you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm locking you out of the apartment if you do not again yes very good very solid we got this we got this and now look let me tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna drive after alex we're gonna drive their [ __ ] away and then our pawn on a4 is gonna become a queen one day and then then we're gonna win that that is the long term i really gotta focus big big magnificent alex just uh play queen h4 queen h4 just dm me the moves a little faster okay rook it rook eight e8 v8 yeah oh i'm thinking andre i take this seriously they can actually come back and i would not i'm sure i'm definitely thinking i'm thinking this is still not easy at all uh and no extra time for them andrea yes very solid every single one of our pieces is on a light square f3 that's a good thing uh knight b6 f3 don't know why we good good um our night is [ __ ] great there we're we're winning this game i'm [ __ ] down calm down is the problem i have to say we have a good moves alex we have good moves don't listen to him he doesn't know what he's saying uh-huh if you can hear this add one minute to the clock no don't you dare uh live chest right now straight up i'm thinking andrea this is really tricky yeah f3 i don't know don't worry don't worry don't question okay okay i think i think we need to play a little bit faster i'm just going to say king h2 okay uh e3 because we need it it is a bullet game after all we're gonna get two points now i'm thinking i'm thinking oh my god this is pretty problem for me is knowing where e3 is okay um [Music] okay king g2 uh knight c4 huh all right i got a little crazy with it fair enough what am i blind oh i threw i threw okay how do the pawn works i know all right um isn't it i don't even know whose turn it is wait we have a win we have a win i said h5 you did htc okay bishop f bishop bishop f4 bishop f4 we don't have a lot of time sorry king g7 oh [ __ ] oh ludwig didn't play it no i don't i missed andre i just finished him off it's fine magnus through never forget oh sorry your turn andrea your turn please don't please don't do the time thing again like last time because it scared me why just for fun just [Laughter] let me tell you there was two realities magnus it was you dragging me victory me dragging you to hell it was a huge 100 gifted you should say things sorry i try to communicate just alex but i forget everyone uh anyway look there there it is that's a shame it's a shame in a way it felt like the better team lost today i have to say yeah i do feel but we got back as i said we got back to 2-2 that's uh that's a massive comeback and uh two clear winning positions in game one and two yeah uh this could have been a blowout to be honest well magnus you know what they did to me right i i stream 712 hours in a month they asked me to play they get me two days after i'm off a month streaming to play chess do you think i've been keeping up with my chest coaching do you think robert hess has squeezed in an hour offline no because there is no offline time i'm about as rusty as they get i sat in the bath the other day to play a few games with jess i forgot which way the knight moved i thought i was andrea for a moment hey my chest was equally rusty well surely we'll have to rematch yeah this was this was great uh i i genuinely think this is uh uh this is worth worth the rematch uh i will yes profile pics will be great yeah i i will say what happened at the end was that um i was thinking in general there we should just we should just try and survive right uh because um if we can sort of get the king on the other side maybe exchange queens you know then we can start trying to make something happen on the on the on the on the um queen side and then when you went knight d2 i was just thinking we have to go back uh and protect e3 and i just missed i just missed the the threat of of um of h5 i saw or sort of just assumed that their moves were pointless and then for once they weren't so that's a hundred percent of me uh we should we should have uh we should have managed to make that a game they probably still would have won but uh yeah yeah that's it's such a funny way to play chess because i don't feel like i'm playing chess i feel like i am just trying to uh i'm like a volleyball player and i'm just trying to set the ball up you know because because if i think of a game plan it's surely not the game plan you're thinking of but every make should be part of the plan you think of and i can't think of your plan and i i know you can't think of my plan yeah uh they did they did well though uh they sort of forced me to make obvious moves um yeah i had very few chances to to sort of um steer steer things in our way oh they're not convention for white pieces even though this is probably more favorable for them but then again i feel like having to change profile pictures is probably a little bit worse for them than it is for us so uh is is it though i feel like is more popular on twitter it's definitely worse for you guys nobody cares about our twitter i think it's hard for you to change my profile picture to anything that just wouldn't be an ironic change i would have made by myself exactly that's what i'm saying as well like me becoming a troll i mean that's do you think you should do the troll face or a cap of face i think the troll face is more fitting i agree but either way chess magazine gets a story this month so that's great exactly i don't know what we should do for ludwig though well we'll discuss it and we'll come back to you you have to be out of april so every day you spend thinking is a day lost oh we'll get it to you today ludwig don't worry yeah we'll give you a few options just so you know my dms do close at 3pm pacific so i won't be able to get until next business day and i do take fridays off now so monday monday well look when me and magnus do our month-long boot camp he walks out of there minimum 300 000 subs minimum 2000 rated we'll uh we'll do a rematch no i i i will be the highest sub uh twitch streamer without allowing subs it's gonna be pretty pretty yeah magnus doesn't allow subs on his channel but they wouldn't buy his nft oh do you not write because you don't have your yeah we'll just do it through nfts we'll convert our nft okay so let me let me tell you the difference between you and i ludwig yeah so when i when i stream when i stream i am their friend i'm not trying to make money of them i am their friend that's that's the difference between you and i so i'm not saying i'm not saying one thing is better than the other i'm just saying they're a little bit different you're saying you are their friend to me they are like beautiful beautiful vehicles that deliver me money and i'm just trying to make sure everybody's got a parking spot i i know and i'm not saying one is better than the other i'm oh sure i have to stress that look at the end of the day i don't have enough room for all this friendship in my heart yeah it's okay ludwig each other we got each other so that's fine exactly yeah have you seen did you see my new email have you seen it ludwig fan if anyone's in magna chat type lotto big fan ludwig fan yeah oh my god we can make that the profile picture it's just a beautiful picture of batman oh that's nice that's nice accurate though accurate yeah uh that that's a good email that's the only emote that's uh allowed in my chat from now on just blood wing fan emote only but it can only be ludwig fan wow magnus titles it subathon with my bff ludwig meanwhile magnus is just a fan in ludwig's eyes oh you know magnus's eyes fans are friends yeah that that is wow clever clover but yeah it's a pleasure uh are you guys all still streaming yeah andrea and i are gonna keep streaming uh i'm probably gonna quit uh it's just that now now that we're all uh here i want to take the opportunity to actually plug something that i'm gonna do and you won't believe this you won't believe this this is actually scheduled content for the first time in my life that's what i'm doing uh and i think people can see it on my stream now i'm doing events on the 19th the 21st and the 22nd will be matches against artemiev and dubov and also uh one where i play against uh banter blitz against all the players from the challengers chess tour so if you like sort of more traditional chess content we have a lot a lot going uh going on in in the next few days so thank you so much for allowing me to make that very very organic plug what is that what is that to send you a video to watch uh and you just watch videos people send you and how long or as long as you want i mean you can cap it when you want to say hey as long as they keep yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna make the same mistake you made yeah oh yeah no one capped here no one capped here you can set your own cabs i'll set it up for you uh i assume you're probably pretty busy the next month or two right uh actually generally i'm i'm not i'm i'm also doing i'm also doing countdown to like play for the world yeah don't need to like fight for the world championship after the candidates yeah but that's in november uh if he was busy do you think he's streaming with us right now i think that playing with me is good prep for candidates yeah i would say like the after what do you call after i think this is the world championship right uh sure uh no i will tell you like how i started um i started cooperating with them is basically uh they asked asked me why do you want to cooperate and i said i'm bored and that's yeah that's how it happened yeah no when magnus sent the message i thought it was his pr team because they're like no this is too polite like what's going on he was just like oh i'm bored yeah i don't i think magnus just he's just an ethereal beating on twitter he's just himself on twitter exactly i imagine you don't have a team there you just tweet out randomly when you're watching a football game or uh playing chess if it looks right well they're perfect looks random it's me yeah okay i'll set it up i'll set it up we'll it'll be an uncapped meteor shower stream my dream is to pull you out of chess and just make you a variety streamer [Laughter] don't rule it out uh by the way have you been thinking of doing a banathon a bandathon explain go on so the streams and the stream ends when you banned everybody in chat i've actually done something similar i did a a stream where i would give a hundred dollars to the first person to count one to ten uninterrupted and i banned everybody until somebody got it this is back in the day when i had a thousand viewers uh it took me and you're reaching out to me back in those days right yeah that's what i'm reaching out to you and your team and now it's the other way around now it's well i wouldn't go that far now it's mutual okay sure now it's mutual uh but yeah yeah a banathon that's actually not a the only problem would be unbanning them that's another stream that's just more content yeah church or the unbanathon you can just have your mods do it and pay off another credit card you know yeah i guess that's fair uh but all right gamers okay i'm headed out i'm gonna go thank you guys thank you guys this was a lot of fun even though we're live even though we lost we'll do it again sure and magnus i will bug you about media share and normie content for you to hop on the bandwagon keep doing it right away keep doing it anytime if you can just set up the tech the possibilities are endless i'll just hop on here i'll team view right i'll just take the day off and i'll just get to watch videos magnus personal technician and everybody and everybody in the chat all of our chats they should know by now that we have when we announce the stream uh especially if it's a corporation like this when it's a little bit more difficult to set up then just count an extra hour or two just be patient yeah just be patient start means one start because it's gonna be worth it that's that's the thing we can assure you it's a build up at the end of the day we actually are really good at tech we just fail on purpose as a build up a hype increase and to humanize humanize magnus a little bit you know surely all right well thanks so much ludwig and magnus all right thank you guys thank you guys peace out guys peace out bye guys okay bye
Channel: Offerspill Chess Club
Views: 447,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gZpr7P-J83o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 11sec (9551 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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