Hikaru and Magnus Analyze The Queens Gambit

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can you imagine magnus playing it's  like good game dude here's a hug like   yeah that would never that would never happen um  of course now that i say that now that i say that   probably for the meme something  weird like that will happen at this moment morgeth has generally done  quite well um he has uh created something of an   initiative on uh yeah so he's got this initiative  on the king side i mean like because basically   um sorry let me go back here okay so so in this  position um uh black has to go king h7 here i i   mean i guess there's some initiative you can play  like 98 knight f6 here maybe queen h5 bishop h3   um so this is generally what  um this is generally what uh   what um magnus is talking about with an  initiative on the on the king side here   i hope this won't spoil the show i haven't  watched it yet yeah so it's a polish actor   who played borgob i didn't know that okay um but  yeah it's like there's some kind of initiative   you can go queen try bishop h3 use the bishop  on diagonal there's knight g8 knight f6 as well   so black looks to be doing pretty well here all  right so let's keep going on the king side um and   all his his his pieces are pretty pretty  actively uh actively placed but beth is also   is also playing uh playing quite uh quite well um  centralizing her her pieces bringing her knights   uh into into the game but at at the moment he  is the one who uh who is pressing and uh she is   the one who has to concern herself with um with  equalizing the the game yeah she kicks away the   queen from uh from an aggressive position there  i don't actually know the position important move yeah so yeah playing h3 is an important move here  because if you don't go h3 i mean it's it's a   little a little bit bad black can like trade the  bishop for the knight on c5 take the pawn on e4   here um that's it's pretty good for black i  think e3 is almost the only move here because   if you don't do that like if you go 96 i  just trade and now i'm just up a pawn um   if you so like you can't move the knight if  you play like b4 i just take as i said and   then just queen e4 even and blocks just  up a pawn again so kind of you're you're   forced in a situation where you have to kick  the quinx if you take on d6 i can then take   and again your knight has to move because the  pawn is threatening to capture and you're going   to lose this pawn on e4 so actually is a very  good move here so queen g6 um is played here here burgov makes a huge mistake  here he essentially has only one   uh decent move that he can play with correct this  is also true so to give you guys more background   on this just to be very clear um in this position  like this is an old this is an old theoretical   theoretical uh you know mode of adjournment  um in a situation like this it's a very bad   decision because if you think about the period  before before um there were computers involved   it was the team of people you had who could help  you in a position so at this point the game what   should have happened is borgot should have played  queen g6 right away um and then after 96 he should   adjourn that being said actually is magnus  right or is he wrong he says one decent move   is queen h5 really not playable here  though is queen h5 not playable hmm actually yeah no it's not because you just go  g4 knight g4 takes queen g4 king f2 and um and   there's nothing you can do it's not no no i mean  you can't do this so actually no magnus is right i   was wondering about queen h5 but again considering  the level of the players like borgob if you think   about this in the contextual perspective should  be like a 2700 player he should very easily be   able to work out the queen h5g for knight g4 hd4  queen g4 king f2 and um and you're just going   to be in trouble so magnus is right then i just  wasn't sure if queen is trying to move nowadays   you guys you cannot adjourn games because of  course you could just turn on your eval bar which   i'm not going to do um turn on your evaluation  bar and within like two minutes you would know   exactly what the evaluation is so this is in  the pre-computer era when um when you had your   team of players who could help you the other  grand masters around who could give you the uh   who could tell you what you thought was the best  move so so yeah queen h5 is not really a move and   you should be able to work it out pretty quickly  that g4 is good for white so let's go back which   means that she will be able to predict his next  move and she knows uh what she has to prepare for   and here we can see borgoff makes the makes the  obvious move and it is no surprise to her and she   um she has prepared the the best the the best  reply um knight to e6 i have to to say that he   responds really poorly this is something that  should not happen has a whole night to prepare and   he makes not an obvious mistake but not a mistake  when you've had that time to to prepare what's   happened here uh is that she makes absolutely  the best move there by moving her knight into   a dangerous position and what borgov needed to  realize there is that however much he wants to win   the game he can't win the game he has to chop off  that knight move his rook in order to to take out   beth's most dangerous pawns correct all right so  so yeah basically i mean i what magnet says is   true which is that in this position after queen g6  uh even without computers it's pretty obvious that   96 is a very logical move because again there's a  lot of pressure from the bishops on both of these   diagonals towards where the white knights  are um so for that reason it's like because   because of these uh because of these nights like  you really do need to relieve the pressure and if   you have a whole night to prepare 96 is an obvious  move it's a very obvious move because what it does   is this knight is no longer in danger of being  captured if you trade the bishop for the knight   this knight on f5 is just it's got a gigantic  outpost here um on f5 so um 96 is the very   obvious move and this is why i hear black should  take the knight and play like rookie eight and   i'm not gonna turn on the valuation box i want  to keep this like just pure analysis um but i   still suspect that white is probably a little  bit better nonetheless um nonetheless you have   to play like this because the notion of trying  to win with rook a4 um which i think is what is   played here is just insane um it's just completely  insane because there's just no way that you can   you can win in this position as magnus points  out he's completely correct so let's go back and basically lick with liquidate the game towards  the draw yes that is not what he wants um but   you have to be realistic there this particular  sequence she handles like a true champion and   he handles he handles it like yeah  like like a like a desperate man   so the sequence here is it's it's really  beautiful i mean that's that's that's a little bit   i mean it's a little bit over the  top with what magnus is saying um   because i think borgob's moves are  pretty much forced at this point in   in the game like we go back here so so rook a4  is played b3 takes takes but should be 6 takes   e7 all these moves are kind of forced i don't  think black has any other choice so it's true   you can say desperate but they're kind of only  moves at the same time so it's a little bit much   um as i would say all right uh she sacrifices a  pawn but basically ties up all borogov's pieces he's not doing what he's supposed to do and all  the excitement from the public here uh i find a   bit nonsensical because um she she's winning  and she knows it and uh he should know that should should realize it's it's not it's  not obvious but it should be fairly clear   that his pieces are tied up and and so  despite him being upon pawn up at this point   she definitely has all the chances now she she can  look she can look up at the sky uh at the ceiling   as much as she wants but she knows it she knows  she's winning i feel like she's just torturing   him at this point which he has every which he  has every as she has every right to do of course   i just see the the chessboard  uh in in my head so i might look   look away um like like you're trying to  remember something or look up uh which is also   like looking away and looking up is usually a  sign that you're trying to remember something   but no uh the pieces are not there on on the  ceiling they're just just in my head yeah so i   mean this is absolutely true what magnus is saying  which is that basically like there are two things   that i will say here that that are important to  notice uh the first thing that i would say about   this is that yes like what he's right that the  gaston audience is nonsensical at the same time   the player the people who are watching are not  all chess players so like if someone who ha   comes from a family where i actually have  someone who doesn't play chess being my mother   um i can very much relate to this words like you  don't really understand or grasp the specifics   so it's very normal that like you've spoken to  whomever and they're like okay you do this move   the sequence that sequence and then when you don't  know as a novice or a beginner you actually um   you would be like oh what's going on that  being said magnus is right that this tournament   theoretically is taking place in russia and in  russia everybody loves chess everybody is very   very serious about chess so probably 90 percent  of the people watching in the room should actually   know what's going on and you can also sort of  as he says feel that there must be a way that   white is winning here because again when you  look at the piece placement this pawn is really   advanced it's threatening to make a queen at  the end of the board um the the pawn on d5 is   not really secure you can see there's a diagonal  and so it's more a matter of trying to figure out   how to win here it's like you should sort of you  can tell there has to be something intuitively   you can feel that there's a tactic so so he is  right um about that all right let's let's go back like especially after bishop c5 you know that  there's something you know there's something   wrong you just you know there's something wrong  and there's something there for white you just   you know it so the vast majority of people  should actually be able to sense that she's playing quite uh precisely there moving  moving the queen but there were already   uh plenty of way plenty of ways to win and so like that's the thing is like when you go  to this position after bishop c5 queen to e8 queen   f3 i guess is probably the best move but there are  a lot of ways to win you can even play rook takes   f6 and queen d5 for example and um this is this  is also winning so there are many many different   ways to um to win here which is true but again  uh they definitely came with a really beautiful   concept and considering the name of the series  uh the idea of queen f3 and sacking your queen   is uh is very pristine ways to to win there  uh someone said they had to record their moves   there yes you guys so in the old days and even  still if i were to go play a slow game of chess   you actually do have to use a pen or a pencil  and a piece of paper and record the moves that   you're playing in the game now i know that sounds  really insane but that is actually how it works   uh benjamin bach says is this game made up or  based on a real game i think antonio spotted it   it's it's it's a variation on an actual game  i think um there is an original game i forget   what it who played it but they they tinkered it  a little bit but it is based on it it is based   on a game gotham chest says promoting antonio and  not me sad um okay well gotham also analyzed it   okay gotham but but gotham you're getting like  10 000 subscribers on youtube every day antonio   is not so i got i got to pump up the morale of the  antonio fans um all right let's keep it's a 1992   game okay all right let's keep going uh she makes  a very good positional move there fortifying her   um very nice move and uh this uh draw offer is  frankly insulting she she should never take it   uh as i said his pieces are all tied up she uh  she can never lose and um you should never offer   a draw in this situation like you may offer a draw  in a worse position where you have counter chances   he doesn't have any counter chances here she  absolutely needs to um to reject this particular   particular offer yeah so of course magnus  is right here um let me get back to the game   so so yeah magnus is obviously right and the thing  is when you offer a drawn awards position you can   definitely make an offer um but in a position  like this there there's no way for white to lose   the game there's no chance for white to go wrong  now maybe if your name starts with an a and your   your first name starts when the a and your last  name starts with a g you start getting scared i   mean black has an extra pawn maybe black can go  like d4 d3 rookie two your king on g2 might be   a little bit open here um and you could get very  scared about potential ghosts like maybe queen c6   queen a8 some kind of big threats on the diagonal  here and bad things could happen um so it's it's   very possible if you if you're a certain type of  chess player you start seeing the boogie man you   start getting afraid and it's okay well you know  i can make the clean draw i'm very happy it's very   peaceful very limited stress so i understand that  point of view um but in this case i would rather   trust um trusted magnus carlson and generally what  he's saying because i i think sometimes you just   have to play for the win you know you just have  to go for the win all right um let's keep going he moves the king away and  she sacrifices the queen   very very beautiful full choice there she had  other ways to win as well but this is a fitting   way to kind of humiliate him uh and to punish  him for his uh his indecent offer of uh overdraw so now she she is a bishop up she's getting  a new queen and yeah all right let me just   go back to the other one okay um so yeah what i  was going to say is yeah so it goes with check   queen f6 rook f6 the idea of course is that the  bishop is held by both these pawn it's held by   the pawn b4 it guards upon an e7 and the idea is  to play rook f8 check attacking the king of the   queen and then making a queen now it's important  to note actually that this queen f5 second move   is very important because if you play queen takes  knight after pawn takes rook takes this is not a   check on f8 so here black can even place one like  queen h5 and when you go rook f8 black can play   rook to e i mean maybe this is the cleanest  way um probably rookie two first is better   you can't block with the bishops i just  take the pawn and if you play like king   king f1 um i think very simply just rook  to i guess b2 rook to f8 and queen h5   and black's queen is coming into e2 or d1 or  to h3 and it's going to be a checkmate here   um whereas with the king on h8 it's a different  story which is why this check here is so   important um because now after king h8 queen takes  rook takes all these positions with rook f8 are   going to be a check and it's an instant queen  um so king is not on h7 here just has to make   sure that he doesn't get some miracle counter  play with his queen and his rook but she's figured   everything out she she calculates so  well that this is this is easy for her she moves her rook back uh he has only he  sacrificed the rook he's only a queen left   she has a little smile uh knowing that borgoth he  should have conceded before but she knows that he   has to concede he has to resign now right  exactly so if i going back to the game um   yeah so basically what happens is after  king g7 queen black ends up going for a   perpetual with only a queen but the thing is as  we know from pog champs usually with one queen   that's not enough to win a game or even to make a  perpetual normally in a situation like this where   white will be able to use the bishop and the  rook to prevent the queen from making checks   so so queen g2 rook up to check king d2 and and  here borogov has to resign because there are no   checks left in the position you can't check here  because the pawn covers it you can't check here   or here because i take the king or the queen you  can't check carricks i take as well if you take   this pawn my bishop eats your queen and if you  go here the bishop also eats the queen on d4 so   that's why here black has to resign because there  are no checks left with only with only a queen   uh burger shouldn't smile uh you should be  ashamed at the way he conducted the end of the   this game um he made a lot of mistakes but uh she  is correct in acknowledging that the fact that she   she played extremely well in general i felt  like um the chess was very very well done   uh in the series lots of game segments that i'd  never seen never seen before and they were um   they were quite quite pretty as well  and watching the series i would several   times like try and predict what  was going gonna happen and then   um when i was realizing yeah that there it is  that's that's the combination i want to show uh   was really it's really exciting as um as not only  a chess player but as a as a massive chess fan   yeah i that's actually the thing that i would say  too in regards to what magnus said is that like   most of the time when you watch chats and in like  a in a movie or in a show it's like you see the   chats and like it's like there's some basic tactic  and you hope that they have some tactic on the   board but then when you watch and you see actual  sequences like you stop thinking about it just   a fan you're like wait a second like what if that  move is played what if that moves played and like   you go into it as like you have a very serious  different kind of mindset than you normally   than you normally would yeah i know i know  gary worked on the show but the point is   that in general um when it comes to like chess  on tv it's like some basic tack or some basic   opening you hope they get that right but then  when you actually see like sequences of like   very good moves you like you really get into  it in a different kind of way it's like you   actually start thinking about position instead of  oh it's just you know chess and a show and that i   think is the overriding theme and what makes it so  impressive especially like like magnus says as a   chess player but also as a fan of chess is that  you you see that um all right let's keep going   i hope you guys enjoyed these little bits that  being said uh i'm gonna be honest you guys this   little bit where like you put upon your hand and  shake like that that's that would never happen   um you would never shake like that  you just put your hand out uh so   like this this just this is not realistic at  all i hope you guys enjoy also that where you   give someone a hug like you don't get you don't  give your opponent a hug ever i mean you don't   like can you imagine magnus playing it's like  good game dude here's a hug like yeah that would   never that would never happen um of course  now that i say that yeah now that i say that   probably for the meme something weird like  that will happen um but anyway um anyway let's   keep going enjoyed these little bits from beth  harmon's games and uh go out and play have fun yeah very very good very very good um great  video yeah so uh yeah what to say it was   really really well done if you haven't if you  haven't seen it um then definitely make sure to   uh make sure to check it out is it it is on  netflix it's queen's gambit i still i don't   know i think it's still in the top 10 if i'm not  mistaken um but yeah it's a very very good show   some great analysis some great games i mean not  just as like an amateur but even as a top player you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 2,492,986
Rating: 4.9549098 out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, Hikaru and Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru and Queens Gambit, queens gambit, queens gambit final game, queens gambit reaction, queens gambit review, beth harmon chess moves, beth harmon chess match, beth harmon chess games
Id: 9J_PvWkkvag
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Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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