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so it has taken me the best part of 500 eggs 500 attempts to try and get this perfect pal and I finally achieved it guys in this video I'm going to Showcase to you how you get this incredible op dark pal known as Frost alion nut with the best passives the secret skill everything you need to know how's it going people my name is DPG before we go any further I'm giving away a couple of copies of this game or any game of your choice to be a chance of winning simply drop a like on the video leave a comment down below make sure you are subbed and I will pick winners from the comments section and announce them Sunday evening good luck everybody so I've already uploaded a video on the best Shadow beak you can get possibly in the game uh with this amazing dark whisp hidden skill in today's video guys I'll show you how you can get this exact setup un frust alion nut all the same passives the same am in skill and how you breed it to this point so let's start and firstly guys you actually need to get that perfect build of the Shadow beak this is an absolute must this means we need a shadow beak with ferocious muscle head Legend and Lord of the underworld in regards to its passives but we also need to have that skill of dark wisp too the process is long but it's definitely worth it just to even get Shadow beak never mind frali a nut so I'll drop a bit of footage from a video I already made which gives you the best rundown of how you get this incredible Shadow beak which actually starts with us having to catch the tower bus so check out the footage from my other video onscreen now but firstly we need to use that Tower bus glitch to go and catch Victor and Shadow Peak how this is done I will explain in a second now the reason we want to catch this Tower BS is because this Tower bus and it Shadow beak has an exclusive skill on it that stupid op called Dark wisp now as far as I'm aware this is the only place you can get this there's nowhere else in the game this drops it's only available on this bus firstly you want to catch this tail bus now if you don't know how this is done it's quite simple you first need to attack a friendly MPC so you get that wanted status on your screen this can be done anywhere where they are those friendly NPCs but I recommend you head into the small settlement F right here on the map once you load in here guys attack any of these NPCs and then see simply just fast travel to that Tower bus seeing where I go right here on the map now once you enter this fight you will notice that you are still wanted and the NPCs chasing your ass down will enter the fight with you from here guys you want to try and get NPCs and T bus to attack each other but you do not want to attack either of them so do this by running between the two and hopefully they fire off a shot that hits one or the other once they do guys nine times out of 10 the tow boss glitches out and runs into the corner from here guys you simply run up to it and throw a sphere at it doesn't matter what sphere it is it will always come up with a % capture rate but you'll capture it either or so it doesn't matter so throw the sphere at Victory and Shadow Beats back I think this may be needed and then you have this in your collection again a comedy star wisp ability which is incredible now that we do have it guys it's important to note when it comes to brooding Tower bosses every combo you have seen on those unlock calculators is false besides one calculation if you breed said tow bus with Sam said pal B will result in being a same said pal for instance here if we read victory in Shadow beak with a normal Shadow beak you get Shadow beak any other form of breeding will result in I believe a chick which by the way I do recommend you doing after this setup is done because that dark wisp skill can pass down so we can indeed use this on chapy at a later date and possibly add it onto other poers if needs be but yeah reading Victor and Shadow beak with another Shadow beak will result in a shadow beak egg but it doesn't end there guys the skill isn't a guarantee so numerous breeding between the two will possibly be needed unless you are super lucky and get it first time but wait before you even do that guys before you breed these two Shadow beaks together you want to make sure you have the best Shadow beak first with the ultimate passives to make sure that this skill when it lands is as deadly as possible this means in my opinion having a shadow beak with a passives of musclehead ferocious Legend and Lord of the underworld what these do are as follows musclehead will give you a 30% increase to the attack power this it takes away from work speed but that isn't needed here we then want ferocious this gives you a further 20% attack damage we then want Legend which gives you a further 20% increase to that attack and a 20% increase to defense as well as a 15% increase to movement speed and then lastly lord of the underworld will give you a further 20% increase to that dark damage attack so yes these are the four passives you must have but this is where it may get a little confusing the loed underword passive only comes from necromus the legendary World bus there is no other way in getting this but necromus also comes with Legend two that's two of the four passes we need straight away which is definitely a bonus when it comes to passing these on via breeding as you probably well know so we will eventually need a necromass within our Arsenal to even get this set up but firstly we worry about the other two passes first which actually can come on any power these are verocious and musclehead now we need a mating pair of poers which have these passives on them now for me the fastest route to The Offspring we want would be one parent with one passive each problem is passive seem really random and although they do and can pass down getting what you want exactly Al is harder than you may think okay so what we are looking for here guys is parents we need parents with one of these passives each the best rout in do this that I could find is a Sparky and a relax sorus so yes firstly you want to go and grab that Sparky yes the little electric fellas easy to find easy to catch get as many as you can until you get one with either ferocious or muscle head on them or if you're lucky you may Land one with both passives on but that's extremely lucky once you've achieved this gu you want to go and get yourself relax Solus again you want to look for the opposite sex obviously and one which also has the passive on you need in regards to musclehead or ferocious once achieved guys read these together until you get a relaxor lux with these two pass on it shouldn't take you long but if you can you want to try and land yourself relaxor Lux with these two passes on it and nothing else may be a long shot but if you've got the spare cak you may you try this now from here guys you need to get yourself a necromus if you don't have it already now this world boss is a part of the pair but it's only him we need to catch at this moment again he has the other two passives on him as standard Legend and Lord of the underworld two very very important passives to this setup okay so once you have this necrom masar you now want to breed these two together the relaxa orus Lux and the necromus this guarantees you an aagun baby now breed these until you get the aagun with all four passives on it no excuses here guys you need all four passives under atigan it's an absolute must now you have this guys I mean you can always try and breed a second of the opposite sex so we have a m pair with the same four passives that's perfect but yeah once you have the ason with all four passes on we now need to pass those passes onto a shadow beak and the only way to do this guys is to breed ason with a kitsen now the kiten luckily enough is an easy breed the parents of brisb and Lambo guarantee you a kiten jol hug and relaxa orus guarantee you a kiten GB Fin and serent guarantee you a kiten rushia and pening guarantee you a kiten LIF Monk and Beacon also guarantee you a kiten there are many many combinations you can use here but you need to get yourself a kit now once achieved people now you want to continue breed that kits in we just made with that as again until you get a shadow beak baby with all four passives eventually will happen but it's an absolute must and don't worry about the other Shadow beaks people that BN and are useless because we'll use them for Infusion material later on but eventually guys you will get that shadow beak with said four passives this again is an absolute most for this setup now when you eventually do you have the perfect Shadow beat to NAB with Victor and Shadow beak to now hopefully get that baby Shadow beak with all four passives and the dark wisp skill keep in mind if the dark wisp skill isn't there when that baby Shadow beak is born I don't think you will ever learn it so keep breeding away until you get this it's definitely worth it people and eventually you will get that shadow beak of all four passives of Lord of the underworld Legend musclehead ferocious and the dark Wisp skill okay so back to frost Alan nut so now you should have that shadow beak with the perfect rolles or the passives and that skill but we now need to pass all these onto the house seha which means breeding our perfect build Shadow beak with one of the following PS hoping to pass on all the passives and this hidden skill of Shadow wisp so you can breed Shadow beak with a following and you'll get a hell Seer waret elizabe mest or mest Chris rep Tyro German tide or German tide ignis these guys you can bur with that shadow beak and it's a guaranteed housea baby now for me personally when it come to me creating my shadow beak I made sure I bred both male and female the perfect breeding pair having all passives and a skill because I knew eventually something like this will come up but yeah guys take your pick of Pals to breed Shadow beak what I would say is you want to go for the one that has the least passives attached to I mean like I said it can be War sect elizabe mamus mamus Christ repti rooll German TI German TI ignis any of these guys um you can breed with Shadow beak and it guarantees you that house but again you want to look for the one the one you've got or go out and get one catch one which has the least passives on it therefore when it comes to breing it with Shadow beak it means more times than not the baby is going to result in having more of Shadow beaks passives which is what we want here we want to pass on Shadow beak and all his passives and skill onto that house a baby so once you do have this house a baby guys now guys you just Brew this continuously with frost stallion yes the legendary World boss of frost stallion reading these two together guarantees you that Frost stallion not baby but obviously you want that Frost alion not baby to have all of house seer's passives and that dark wish skill you don't want it passing on anything from frost alion obviously apart from Legend which is something we already have now on housea so yeah guys do this until you get the frost alion nut I mean it will take you a while unless you're super super lucky I'm thinking probably 100 eggs plus but that's okay because you'll end up using these 100 extra and spare Frost alion kns in the condensation machine to make your now final Frost alion nut the best version of it possible and don't forget also guys to use the statue power as well toel up that Frost alion knut even further people and don't forget guys for even further damage on your Frost alion knut or any other dark pal use those who crates within your party the more the merer H the more you have the more leveled these are the more damage output they will add onto the attack damage of your Frost alion knock and Shadow beak so keep that in mind two people but yes this how you get the best version of Shadow beak and frost alen KN in the entire game guys if you enjoyed the video leaveing a like really helps out you like quite see want to see more be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 57,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guide, palworld gameplay, best pal, palworld legendary, palworld breeding, palworld best pals, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld pals, palworld best base location, palworld tips and tricks base, palworld tips and tricks for beginners, palworld tips and tricks early game, palworld base location, palworld base building, palworld pal sphere, best pals to breed, palworld best pals early, palworld gameplay trailer
Id: 2Gy5lq4BrwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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