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after over 200 plus hours in pal world people have constantly asked who is the best pal in the game who is the strongest and yeah the legendaries are good they are but they're not stronger than a perfectly bred Shadow beak Shadow beak is the top of the ladder and what you're watching right now is the first few Towers I'm taking on to give an example additionally I'm punching the boss to show that the damage multiplier isn't higher on This Server I guess someone said that's possible listen I do everything on a streamer and a YouTuber server I show everything I do while I do it you know nothing is free instant the settings are almost always set to default normal just normal okay so if you have if you have yours turned up I can't tell you but ours are set to normal and I punch these things to prove that hey look like my damage you know I hit him it does like 10 damage Shadow beak is just that strong okay now it does take a lot of breeding to make him that way and the right traits and everything it's a perfect storm the party is built around him he is super strong and the main reason I wanted to use him was I liked him as a as a mount flying him around and because of his exclusive ability which you're watching me use called Divine disaster it is by far the strongest move in the game that I have encountered and I was like dude this guy could be just one of the top tier Pals and then I kind of did some research and was Finding Pals that would help him get stronger I was like I actually think he is the strongest and we made it happen so you saw some examples here of his strength let's get into the actual video portion of how he got this way and where can you get one before I go into the explanation on how Shadow beak is the strongest pal in the game if you don't have one and you like to get one you can catch one in the far Northeastern Safari Zone way up here it's level 40 though so you might want to use like a hypers sphere or above hyper ultra legendary that's your best bet if yours does not know the move Divine disaster yet by the way people were asking me this it will learn it it will learn it it's an exclusive skill only Shadow beak can learn it but he learns it like level 4041 is so if yours doesn't have it yet you got to level them up a little bit uh additionally to go into detail here Shadow beak has all attack passives ferocious for plus 20 musclehead for plus 30% lord of the Underworld for plus 20% attack damage and legend for plus 20% attack as well just at base value here this is half of his attack power pretty much wait stop Legend and Lord of the underworld what are those passives some of you may be asking uh those passives come from a legend in the north called necromus he's a dark Type legendary you can catch him and when you catch him you can breed those passives down uh now I bred him multiple times to get him over to Shadow beak so I have to look at my little chart here I did necromus with Pyon knocked to get an aagon with both those abilities and then I did an aagon with a kitsun to get Shadow beak with the both those abilities so I had to do it multiple times to transfer those traits onto Shadow beak all right make sense now let's continue it's 1,725 okay with no one in the Party by myself now of course I enhanced his attack strength whatever his attack defense and Max Health all to 30% using the the souls but that's just like I said the base amount of Shadow beak that's where he starts off once he's level 50 this is also a 23 out of 30 IV attack power Shadow beak there are IVs in this game if you guys are uh familiar with Pokemon if you're not it basically means there's a range of what his attack can be zero is the lowest possible 30 is the highest so his attack can range from somewhere in like the 1500 range to 1830 1815 so I'm kind of upper sphere of it it's not a totally perfect Shadow beak but uh it is very good now one of the reasons Shadow beak is so strong is because of his own partner skill modified DNA can be ridden as a flying Mount enhances dark attacks while mounted it doesn't tell you how much but I did the math on it it's 10% per level so once you're a four star or level five you're doing 50% more damage with Shadow which is all of his abilities Divine disaster is like I said the best move in the game in my opinion nightmare ball is just a good intermediate longrange ab ility and poison blast is really strong because you want a spammable move and it has the additional poison effect which is insane I mean insane it is so undervalued people do not use poison blast enough so how does Shadow beak become the best well it's mostly because of a special little pal called hres these little boys here now I bred them again for perfect passives Vanguard motivational leader stronghold strategist and ferocious that UPS their own attack as well and just makes them good to have in the Party by raising my own abilities as the player my own defense my own attack it doesn't help Shadow beak it's just my own personal character tankiness and damage so his attack right now is 1725 let's say we throw perfect one into the party now it's 1928 let's throw perfect two in there now it's 2131 perfect three we're up to 2334 and where is perfect four at is hiding somewhere perfect four 25 37 now that's not where it ends because there's also food in this game that gives you 20% attack power now Shadow beak is sitting at bring it up let me see it 3,000 44 attack and that's before lord of the underworld which increases his dark attack by 20% and modifies DNA which increases his dark attack by 50% is applied that's just character attack power sheet attack power then you can add the 70% on top of it it's insane if you're wondering now why did his attack get so high well again this is the special little hookes we have these guys abilities dark knowledge says while and team increase the attack power of dark Pals you don't have to have them out they just have to be on the team now it's 10% by default and it goes up an additional 2% for every level so these are all four star hookes so it's 20% per hooker in the party yes I did breed 116 hres for each one of these in the party so you have not only a fourstar shadow beak 116 shadow be's bread for that but 470 roughly hres to make Shadow beak the most Unstoppable force in power it took almost a week but this guy can fight anything in the game okay even when it doesn't have an advantage you saw it fighting orer which resists dark I have taken this Shadow Beacon I have soloed I'm not going to include it in this video cuz I already showed you three of them but I have soloed every Tower in the game including the far Northern tower for the pal genetic research unit where you have to fight a shadow beak yourself or fowlis in the PF Tower it has soled the entire game at this point it is the strongest I have come up with I don't think anything's above it I have seen the sweepa videos I have seen there's other guys that can be close close like for example blaz a mut has a similar type of passive ability and I think you can do like flamb bells in the party or something that boost fire attack but the main difference is Shadow be's unique ability of divine disaster is only on him and it's only for him and it's a dark ability no no other skill in the game comes close to this from my experience nothing nothing so that is the strongest pal in the game time for some fun let's go Blaze mut dead aagon it's your turn sir hello hello even it is resisting the dark type it does not matter goodbye aagon a quick little German tide [Music] perhaps thank you for your sacrifice you little sea worm two pal fluids that's terrible I wish I deserve more than that ah the azour fluff Commander I have come for your fluffiness okay that was it barely even lived the charge I'm going to be honest but you know what I'll take it and I figured we end it with a bang we'll go for the big boy Frost lion 12,800 Health quite a bit I definitely don't think I can one hit this one but it'll do a lot to him a little over a th000 for the initial charge yeah you know 3,00 to a level 5050 legendary that is pretty good and this is why you want the spamable move like look at the poison damage by the way 64 a second every second for 10 seconds and then you can reapply the poison whenever you re hit him with poison blast although I think there is an internal cooldown like it can only be poisoned so many times before it will uh not be poison for like another 30 seconds or so cuz it seems like that's how it works nightmare ball just a good intermediate timed attack that does solid damage this will probably freeze me oh I'm not sure what's up with that but that's cool it bugged out I will divine disaster again then and that is going to be really close to killing him oh oh it did I go for a catch if it didn't but yep no got him just barely this is an absolute monster of a pal and I don't think there's anybody near as strong as him in the game right now I had a lot of fun trying to minmax this thing to the utmost possibility and I enjoy trying to find more crazy combinations in the future so if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing Andor liking and uh yeah thanks for watching
Channel: MarksmanGames
Views: 113,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, The Strongest Pal in Palworld, The Best Pal, Best Pal in Palworld, Shadowbeak, Best Pal, Strongest Pal, Palworld Gameplay, Palworld Tips and Tricks, Pal World, Pal World Best Pal, Strongest Pal in Pal World, Pal World Gameplay, ImMarksman, Actual Best Pal in Palworld, Actual Best Pal in Pal World, Palworld Breeding, Pal World Breeding, Palworld Legendary, Overpowered Pal, Most broken pal, Broken Pal, Pal world Broken Pal, Palworld Broken Pal
Id: kryII8kF0Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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