GET THESE BEFORE THERE GONE! 13 Secret Passives & Skills in Palworld

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so in power world there are 13 exclusive secret passives and skills now a couple of these you're not actually supposed to have access to but in today's video we showcase how you can get all 13 of these passives and these secret skills so you can go ahead and breed them into your very own poers creating some monsters how's it going guys my name is dpj and before we go any further I'm giving away a couple of copies of this game or any a game of your choice to be with a chance of winning simply drop a like on this video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subbed with those notifications turned on winners are picked and announced on Sunday evening so good luck everybody okay so I haven't actually seen another video or even a post covering all exclusive passives and skills for power world so I decided to bring you guys an all-in-one video guide on it so let's get it people let's start with the skills so there are certain skills in this game which are exclusive to certain poers many of these you can't actually breath down which is a pain but there are a few Powers which actually have these exclusive skills which you can pass down two of these we shouldn't have access to as of right now and I can't guarantee that all is going to be available so you want to do this while you can and in this video guys I'll show you exactly how this is achieved so firstly we'll start with a Megaton implode this is probably the most powerful attack in this game that's because it also at the same time takes out the pal that uses it yes it koos the pal that uses this now this is a skill that's exclusive to Toco Toco this isn't one of the ones you shouldn't have access to by the way this is one actually quite easy to get simply go out guys and catch Toco tokos and level up to a level 23 upon you doing this you unlock this Megaton implode skill from this point guys you actually can bre this into other powers and go on to create some crazy Powers with crazy damage I burn this into a g rat who takes it to a whole another level of damage but yeah the Megaton implode is a monster of a skill but again is only found on Toco Toco at level 22 or 23 so if you want this you want to breed this into other powers and experiment you know what you got to do people okay so the following two skills are actually exclusive to Tower buses there are no other ways in the game of getting these skills and it's weird because without the glitch without this trick I'll show you how to do you wouldn't be able to get these skills which is bizarre unless they're going to add them in a future update which we do not know yet but yeah again these two skills are exclusive to Tower buses and they are dark wisp which comes from Victor and Shadow beak and we have multi cutter which is from Lily and lene so how do you get these people well firstly you have to capture these Tower buses that means using a glitch again this won't always be in the game so use it while you can if you want these skills to pass onto your other powers so to do this guys head to the small sment you can can see on screen now and pick a fight with these friendly NPCs once you do guys you'll notice you'll get that wanted status on your screen where NPCs will chase you and try and take you out from here guys you want to fast travel to said Tower bus either Vic and Shadow beak or Lily and lene once you have fast traveled you'll notice that the NPCs are still following you they're still chasing you so from here go you want to enter that Tower boss fight here again you'll notice the NPCs follow you in to this Tower fight which is bizarre but hate to do it now from here guys you don't want to attack either the bus or the NPCs what you want to do is try to make them fight each other so try and get in way of each other's attacks try and kite it onto the other enemy and once they start fighting each other the tower bus runs into the corner and bugs out from here guys you want to throw that sphere at the tower bus's back make sure you hit him in the back and you will 100% catch it now it doesn't matter what sphere you use either so if you have legendaries and don't want to waste them just use the standard blue ones it doesn't matter people so once you've caught the tower bus guys it's yours and it acts like any other pal besides having crazy Health as well as exclusive skill now you may have to quickly skill people I mean I've had people hit me up about Shadow beak saying I've C the tower bus but you don't have the skill you need to go into your party when he's inside of your party and it's unequip the other skills and equip dark wisp it will be there for you okay so when it comes to breeding these Tower buses is actually very different to any online calculator and what it will tell you they don't follow these usual calculators online and only one combination will work when you use it well actually there two combinations but the combinations you see on these online calculators with for instance Lin or Shadow beak will not breed the same outcome there's only two possible outcomes with these Tower buses when it comes to breeding so how this works is if you breed Lily and lilene with another lyine it guarant gues you a line baby if you breed a Victor in Shadow beak with another Shadow beak it guarantees you a shadow beak baby but if you breed these tow buses with any other pal guys it always guarantees you a chicka which I mean isn't the worst because you can always pass on the skill down to that chapi and use chapi to breed it to other powers if you want to go it that way you can but me personally I'd breed up another Shadow beak and then breed Victor and Shadow beak with my shadow beak over and over which is actually what I to get the ultimate op Shadow beak but just keep doing this until you get that dark whiff skill and same goes with L and L and another Lin get yourself a line people probably make sure it's got the best passes on the game on it if you want the ultimate lyine those passes for Ling would be SPO Emperor which she normally comes with a Mor head Legend and ferocious on Shadow beak it would be lord of the underworld Legend Morhead and ferocious but yeah these are the best two variants of said Powers which I'd probably Chase before breeding the tow buses with them but even or guys you can breed your tow bus with said pal and keep that same pal aside and which you do have that op power that Max build power that best power version of thein and Shadow beak and then breed that power you already made with Shadow beak with L to hopefully get a baby with all four passives and that exclusive to boss skill so do what you got to do here guys and again these skills are exclusive to Tower buses and when they do eventually fix that to boss uh catch glitch you probably won't be able to get these skills so do it while you can okay so let's move on to passives and there are 10 passives exclusive to powers in a game guys individual powers where these passives can't be found anywhere else so you there are 10 passives nine times out of 10 they just add additional damage one adds a bit more uh but let's get into them guys first up we have Legend So this passive offers a 20% increase to attack 20% % increase to defense and a 15% increase to movement speed so this Legend passive is exclusive to Legend opws found in the game there's four of them they are World bosses all come at at level 50 they are jet ragon crost Stallion palius and necromus when caught they guarantee to have that Legend passive on them but actually it doesn't end there for legend no powers and they exclusive passives each of these four legendary Powers has another passive on them which is exclusive to said legendary So Divine Dragon this is exclusive to jet dragon this gives you a 20% increase to Dragon damage that pretty cool we have I Emperor this is unfrost alion only this gives you a 20% increase to frost damage dealt we then have Celestial Emperor this is exclusive to palladius this will give you a 20% increase to neutral damage de and then we have lord of the underworld this is exclusive to necromus a 20% increase to dark damage D is what this passive does so yeah you want to get them it's pretty hard but if you want to pass them on to other powers of the same element to increase their damage you got to do what you got to do people okay so next up we have Earth Emperor this is a passive exclusive to the anubus world bus and this will give you a 20% increase to that ground damage out we then have Spirit Emperor this is exclusive to LAN doesn't have to be a world bus people but if you go out and catch a ling find here on the map there a chance it will come with Spirit Emperor this will give you a 20% increase to grass damage doubt guys we then have Lord of lightning this is exclusive to ozer again go out and capture ozerk there's a chance you will have this Lo of lightning on and this gives you a 20% increase to Electric damage D we then have lord of the sea this is exclusive to the world boss of German tide so yes seeing right here on the map once you catch this dude I think this may be a guarantee every time I've caught this guy he's had this on it but Lord the see will give you a 20% increase to that water damage out so if you're breed up water powers this is a must for them and lastly guys we have flame Emperor this is exclusive to Blazer you can find him right here on the map guys and this will give you a 20% increase to that fire damage doubt pretty cool and there we have it guys all exclusive passives and secret skills within power world do what you got to do to get these guys and add them into your brooding catalog guys if you enjoyed the video leaving a like really helps out if you like what you see and want to see more power be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 13,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld gameplay, best pal, palworld pokemon, palworld breeding, palworld secrets, palworld legendary, palworld base location, palworld best early pals, best pals to breed, palworld best pals early, palworld update, palworld advanced tips, palworld tips and tricks for beginners, pal world passive skills, passive skills palworld breeding, palworld base building, palworld guide beginner, palworld guide advanced, palworld guide tips
Id: WG80ee4G8Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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