Game Grumps: Doing Impressions

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if you could trade lives with Larry the Cable Guy would you know why because then you'd have to be Larry the Cable Guy what's wrong oh oh I'm sorry no I mean like are you just so much better than Larry the Cable Guy well it's I I like being me I like my mom okay I don't know anything about Larry the Cable Guy he's very successful he's worth a hundred and forty five million dollars it's not the measure of success if you had a hundred and forty five million dollars nothing would mean anything to you then everything would have to be happiness I'd still have because you could buy whatever he saw his heartburn and I'd have to take prilosec all the time unless he's kidding us in those commercials he does prilosec commercials yeah if you got burned I'll tell you what you need to go you need to get promotion you know what no that's shockingly like life I mean almost word for word I eat ribs every day and I love it but I'll tell you what one more thing about how much ribs I eat a lot privacy brow flip Riley's o-positive he doesn't phrase it like that they live obey prilosec bye Jim it's a bear market on Prowler sick this is your god problem snake is what you worship if you if you go to a football sports game and you run out of chips eat prowlers Ecch you know what it'll bring you joy it's brilliant it's a brilliant [ __ ] thought I hadn't thought of that even once the heartburn [ __ ] you how many different characters are gonna say [ __ ] you to me today you're pee-wee Herman last episode your victories me heartburn that's why is crowd sick oh my god but I still have it mm-hmm just little travel time mm-hmm the ferry is right over here no it's not the night of the first day I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] my State of the Union address I just want you to know I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] termina can die this is the land I'm in right now okay the moon can fall down and termina I don't give a United States rules 420 I'm 360 no-scope in this entire first term of my president where's my [ __ ] blood fire me up I want to get lit up tonight ask me sprite in those readers Thank You America oh my god whoa this is this is like a little [ __ ] mario party game hidden inside that oh no no it's lit Maury potty game isn't it still Mario Potter game watch yourself watch yourselves no Mario Party and yourself watch yourself you got to use them momentum against MC runs me right into them lets me ride into them or share it see how easy that was and we work together [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] super shrooms Oh God that [ __ ] is funny Oh Jamie straight blend blend blend [Laughter] spongy spongy I think I'm gonna get a taste sketch in this a lot actually one of the wrong Oh God we lose all our items you were um oh we were yes we were coming up with it we're planning like a new a new project pretty soon and we were coming up with names for it okay crazy that is a winner that is a winner you know that Gordon Ramsay has a restaurant in Vegas called burger we went to it yeah but it's burger without the e so it's a burger it's merger and the gr Oh God I warned again that Whitney's return nice work nice work honestly I gotta hand it to you that is pretty dang good planned that's pretty damn good thanks man it's poetry it's what sorry this isn't fresh this isn't fresh poultry just plants Bundy's are so would you just get those meat packets would you get those I came from a can I'm a Kenya from Academy yeah oh [ __ ] looks like he got here and then I be we're just we just got [ __ ] Punk'd where's Ashton Kutcher I kind of want to see where it leads you though Rosalina never would have gotten that does it just lead you into the abyss over there I don't know ask the [ __ ] game design do you want we call up Shigeru Miyamoto right now shig babe who rule oh that is Leigh cyst can we trust what he actually sounds like can we try that one more time okay let's let's see oh wait this level oh yeah I thought you meant the shig zeebee no yeah this level let's let's see what where it takes you bro hi Shigeru yes ooh this is Danny from game grumps I was wondering what the game grumps gave a group ooh game grumps oh I'm sorry blame clumps oh oh I know right what's a Super Mario my god this is I'm sorry quadriplegic what I don't know tell me something shigera mario luigi and deserted or he made all those huh he made in order to region you shouldn't speak about yourself in the third person ichi mr. Mario and the Zagat uh to put the single my sister like from the 90s remember very nice and I got it I got it oh no no why did [ __ ] you're the one who wanted us to go all the way and guess what you didn't do I know I know [ __ ] shigeru miyamoto would have done it this is probably not worth it I'll just stand it all hello my name uh my motto sana I record a video game what do you write good witness [ __ ] turn into the dating show office and I brisket that's dead he's from Japan a very famous game designer who likes karaoke game design and wrong walks on the beach he really likes petting his dog let's give it up for moto eggsy hello dad dad dad dad what's going on like so mr. Christopher Walken kind of thing oh oh no I'm Christopher Walken I would never tell you I probably mentioned this on the show once mm-hmm I always really wanted to make a show like a fake game show that was called like Christopher Walken impressions or some [ __ ] like that uh-huh and the whole idea was like you had to do a bad Christopher Walken impression right like if you do a good one it you lose points what the worse it is the more points you get so so I guess the control would be if Christopher Walken went on the show he would get a zero right you know fair enough so and I wanted to do a whole show about that so it's like you go up and you're like like oh no I'm Christopher Walken how now and they'd be like oh that's good fifty points that's crazy know if that was pretty that was pretty not great so yeah yeah 50 60 points maybe yeah I like it oh I brought my friends comedy sketch the walking dead right we're like a giant terrifying like plague disease takes over the world and like the only part of it your brain that it leaves intact is your ability to like walk and eat and do Christopher Walken impressions Oh oh gosh oh dang Hey it appears that I'm undead oh gosh that's crazy it's a terrible Christopher Walken impression I am Christopher Walken now all I can do her bad ones I don't know what is going on that would get you like a [ __ ] eighty five points on the show dude out of 100 of a possible 86 oh now look my name is Christopher Walken I was in the rundown with Dwayne the rock Johnson everybody's favorite action actor Jesse that [ __ ] why don't you go [ __ ] yourself whoa everybody on micro si impersonal micro he's good really that's like the whole show she's like we're here at the task at arrowed garbage company where they sort through garbage the guys like we sort through karma every day are they really three hundred thousand pounds of garbage really wow that's that's all he has to do they pay me hey pay me for this this is gross paycheck I love that guy though he's like my second dream guest all right I was gonna [ __ ] on LA and then I was like there's a lot the [ __ ] on but you know what everyone else does it yeah except for Kat Von D yeah but what she doesn't [ __ ] on it no she loved knowing she's never seen LA Ink where she liked it like opens up and she's walking towards the camera and she's like I love this city I have a special connection with that is your Kat Von D impression yeah I have to look it up and see how close it is to the actual I feel like I mean I have but wouldn't I remember that if that's how she sounded she sounds exactly like that she smokes like 17 packs a day although through every hole of her body you have not caught a tobacco buzz until you have smoked anal cigarettes my friend please please please and how Kat Von D interview no no what's the Kat Von D LA Ink intro because she's like okay all right was she married to someone famous the issue was engaged to deadmau5 uh and then they called it off before hands because I don't know they were both too smart she was also I think she was married to UM the the top gear guy oh sorry sorry care time oh not my show I don't know what the Le and it says le Inc intro with Emma Peel it was in an ad no I don't think so I think was the fight kind of damn it in its her walking towards the camera just like all those sounds like she's gargling 20 frogs alright alright we're gonna go next time our grabs but we'll just after afterwards we'll cut to this this intros out adding some fresh talent what's up you [ __ ] [ __ ] this is like who's Green Goblin things from Star Wars the Green Goblin the uggs is that what they're called hugs oh my god so yeah dad looked up some Kat Von D footage pretty spot-on I gotta say my impression is a hundred percent accurate I would not say a hundred percent 100 I'm gonna tattoo Ewok yeah I can't remember what those things are called skin Raiders Optimus Prime I love this world I love this time come on she gets feelings I know she's really cool I guess bassy feelings I like I like husky girl voices dude you know what I like about you me what probably that you're my friend ah long ago they did a kingdom where girl wait can you read this as Michael Caine oh yeah sure thank you it was a bus bus line blessed with green forest tall mountains and it's but one day a man of great evil found the golden power and took it for himself well is his name mr. Caine with each strike his command the spread he spread darkness across the kingdom but master white well hope had died and BL AB doom Singh yeah I don't boy but think great a bear as if from never he looked me on the physical look towards the mental we dinged up why he got baby bones by boy he sealed the dark wanna why and guide dozen baby let's do it he's a smooth one definitely a smoothie giving me banana smoothies he's are giving me banana smoothies he's giving me an erection hard hard and fast direction what do you think would happen if Obama like it year 8 he was just like year 8 well this uh is giving me an erection being president is a it's a very hard erection yeah it actually aroused me very much thank you thank you or elected me as president I've never gotten my rocks off so hard as I stand here before you today with a large thunderous Iraq do you think people would be like yeah I got it I can't blame them in [ __ ] dude I was the leader of the free world I'd be pretty hard myself you may think that because I've constantly stressed out and busy I can't get it up not so in fact I've never been more aroused in my life yeah I've never had so much awesome president sex in fact I've never had president sex before now that I have I don't know if I'm gonna be able to turn it down eight years simply isn't enough I'm gonna pre what a pre-algebra I'm gonna Bree dude God if I ever found out that I looking like Obama has seen an episode of game grumps and he was like that's funny stuff [ __ ] prick I like it when they say I'm gonna [ __ ] talk about pre coming I was the President of the United States not anymore but uh but man I can still laugh yeah can still laugh at uh two grown men throw your mother jizz well not exactly they're just but the stuff that comes out before they just I had a dream tell me tell me what dream no and this reminded you know I just had a dream that I was hanging out with Obama and Clinton Oh tell room and I was like hey guys what's up they were like ah man it's good to take a load off every so often I mean Clinton was like hahaha we're good in yes Jesus yeah baby come on man I was so a great chop down Wow Thank You President Obama I don't much care for him he always gets angry yeah you're a partner Darren do some work there that is his character I guess they don't like it but they actually do got a [ __ ] breeder it really helps the dynamic that [ __ ] killed it I think we've played this level this level feels familiar - yeah totally oh it's good to be on vacation it feels good free get the ketchup on game drops up oh my god Michelle and the kids are out there surfing in the in the Sun if the but me I I gotta catch up on those uh kirby's dream core get in here yeah Michelle they're hilarious Tyrod take a prick it's like my favorite but favorite Bri dude [ __ ] prick oh boy holy [ __ ] here we go oh my god nice they got my umbrella good job with the umbrella dumbass your nozzle that garment but wolf everyone who knows me I'd love to Like comment and subscribe it guys [ __ ] idiots I do have a troll account the president would have a trolling yeah absolutely well this current one absolutely would probably is regular I can't trace my IP address the [ __ ] president yeah okay they'll never know Obama rules 98 could possibly be min nobody would ever guess I love it when they'll say are Yas Queen slight yeah yeah like crap okay gee whiz Ben yeah they're Trivial Pursuit ass [ __ ] you really are those sucking that dear Wow watching you uh suck the hard date never see them suck so hard I'm gonna break what a pretty the Sun with us hold on I gotta get caught up Sonic Bowman so long it's hilarious didn't have time for this when I was president just learned uh Myka Ruby yesterday yeah that's not far behind okay here we go I would give anything for that jeez [ __ ] praetor [ __ ] prick would though yeah of course he would [ __ ] eight years of being the president like you would think it's just like alright I'm done you yeah you think you're not ready to pre that's it I'm just gonna binge watch some [ __ ] internet let's play show the [ __ ] out Jesus yeah dude he's been like kitesurfing stop being president it's like you know what can't blame you buddy oh you son of a [ __ ] Obama [ __ ] pre remix please or an animated oh god please can you can you give me a Larry the Cable Guy at a funeral like giving the eulogy it's very sad that we're all gathered here because Larry died and I had the same name as him and I'm the one who didn't die I know y'all are wondering the same thing well I didn't learn the Cable Guy and Larry Stephens and who would beloved that it's so funny how your Larry the Cable Guy impression is constantly teetering on the like threatening to become a Bill Cosby in president all right give me Larry the Cable Guy talking to Bill Cosby they're having an argument you're always stealing my jokes Cosby I'm a joke ding is and you're stealing my joke hundred yeah that's just that's the thing he always says yeah the jell-o pudding pop you leave you can't talk about bling a black man because you're not black it's just peewee DD at this point yeah yeah God do we do one voice play maybe that one's way more in the other direction thank you for joining us on the car may dream horse tune in next time cuz we run down another kart remember awful you know Dark Knight Rises forget it man you didn't like that one right didn't like is very very harsh well I would say I loved it really but I don't think it's a good movie okay I liked it for all of the not reasons that it was that everyone else liked it though because I think that movies hilarious it's really funny especially just like just bein in general mm-hmm because everyone's like all jokes about how his voice is hard to hear there are do a burger pressure for like oh my god just the [ __ ] scene where he's was it's like a banker or like a politician and he like is is like threatening them mm-hmm and it that scene is just hilarious cuz he's like he's like what do you what do you think you're going to do to this city what is it you really want Bane and Bane's like he's like no way Bane and he's like oh so I gotta watch it again if you it's like if you hear it in context like maybe right right it makes sense but if you just play somebody like the scene what and it just and it sounds like the way that they mix his voice this is this is like 1% of why I think this film is funny okay if they just like mixed his voice in like he's like a voice like he's like he's an announcer at a football game like everyone else is like in the room like oh I'll get you Batman and then he's like yes Batman will be good indeed okay gotcha it's really funny oh I do remember one moment where I was like where he's like in a desert somewhere in the Middle East or something like that Batman yes yeah and then like he gets to New York no but Dan but that doesn't matter all that matters is that he got there Dan right but he got there in like ten minutes like it's like the city's walled off or like when Bane had like a letter from Commissioner Gordon and was like I'm the villain and nobody should trust me in anything that I do but here's a letter I have from Commissioner Gordon with no proof that it's from him and he said oh geez I did it all and everyone's like oh my god did you really say that I don't know if I can trust Commissioner Gordon anymore if he wrote that on a piece of paper that's being written to me by by the villain oh my god that's [ __ ] funny I do mean that though some people say always a pleasure and it's not but I [ __ ] I mean it I love this show who would say that like people like [ __ ] curse my depth perception yeah well you gotta watch their shadows yes watch the shadows I was born it's because [Laughter] cool thanks pain yeah your evil plan really scares me Wow I'll keep that in mind you I've been rad Odin very rad and awesome [Laughter] ride them at the same time okay because I'm sorry man you're gonna have to speak out there's that one scene in the movie where he like grabs the banker and the Baker's all like like I'm not scared of you and then he like grabs and he's like [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] I can't believe what he just said to me you monster you'll have to repeat it so that I can really let it sink in if I told you my dad [Laughter] I'm gonna give it a hard maybe yeah Oh No Oh should've done that this silly move so we move on my part did you know Bane is in the Lion King [ __ ] I did not is he really yeah when at the end of I just can't wait to be king uh-huh no honestly yes really is at the very end Zazu gets squashed by all the animals mm-hmm Simba Nala run away to go like have premarital sex okay and I remember that they says like it sounds exactly like Bane what he says but he's like it's just banging it's straight-up Bane it's like if you watch a youtube video of it it just sounds dubbed wow that's super weird of Bane over this but no it's just what he sounds like they based a whole movie on two characters that you can't understand alright next time on game rooms baby see a dad oh god it's copyright infringement the game Hannah Montana the hand of the Montana movie Wow starring Hannah Montana I can't put any most what a narcissistic I like the Fairlight the footlights in the end the spotlights traveling through her own room do you want to come to my room let me show you my posters this is me and that's me oh there's me right there that's a great picture of me you know what you're getting right now and here's the horse so I guess we'll go out of here now Oh God huh uh resume will type controls all right how weird would it be if Stevo got his like voice corrected like surgically and he was like yeah dude well that's the thing if you watch his videos online he shot that intro a long time ago so he's like he's like yeah dude and then you and then it cuts to crazy so I seem to remember someone saying it was like a fast drop-off it wasn't like a gradual process huh yeah Stevie has done some [ __ ] well whatever he's our boy and almost totally our boy he could kill her well he can't don't don't kill a guy Steve oh yeah Wow he could maim a guy and I'd be cool huh oh that's cool yeah sure Justin Maina he happening the guy himself yeah there was like four feathers down there that I would have gotten with that star yeah dude you see that one fine he posted or he was like shaving his tummy no as a matter of fact I did not he was like let me I'm shaving right now and then you're like I'm gonna put the lotion on and it was just really funny because he's just like I like Stevo just because he's like a dude right and he just like starts giggling at himself for like how dumb it is yeah and it's just like ah man I party with that guy actually you know what if I was just dropped into this Pokemon world and the first thing I saw is that [ __ ] gold bat I'd be like pretty goddamn confused myself are you hungry or yeah do you want me to try to say something roast something in your mouth I was cleaning a dish I was cooling you dish and then I walked out everywhere what oat I walked out Aaron and I were driving through LA last night and we saw it Dane Cook it was on a marquee I guess he's doing a show here and then we and we got lost in a world of pronouncing things like Dane Cook yes so we went out a lot things winning remote I saw a pink car okay a car it was pink pink like the sky and when the sunset is going down what wait what was was it his Wikipedia article oh yeah there's somebody edit it to be like an unfunny douche I'm not sure that I care yeah I'm scared to find out it's very big find out out out I loved walked out of my house whoa whoa I put it in my mouth [Laughter] it bounced off of my giant puck yeah my fat [ __ ] which I can't stop referencing did you hear that lady's fat [ __ ] which is what I have all right coconut could be a watermelon looks like a coconut Oh mr. cook yeah what are you good at cooking is he released a new album or special and I don't know but I found out that he who does the voice at the beginning of the second Steel Panther album that I [ __ ] love really so yeah we're smut respect so I was like welcome to Steel Panther it's dropping ring your face design your face like a spring Jesus wow you do a really fabulous day in cooking brush thank you I like to eat anybody else else like eat anything else so when someone needs to get into that that uh that impenetrable wall of I'm Dean cook nice nice people liked me a lot in 2006 and then not at all yeah there was a weird backlash why you got you got right back into the game with that one yeah I'm a number one player my lead evaporated what happened that was probably the worst decision I've ever made you achieved no stars zero zero stars oh my baby check this goodness are you gonna are you gonna make me beg for it next along game rooms I'm sorry severe comeback you you won't want to miss this one oh man do you wonder why they call them soft drinks if anything they're really hard on your digestive system sign oh no I'm just like I just never thought about it before like why do they call them soft would be the softest trigger if you hit yourself over the head with a bottle is gonna hurt yeah yes so anyway so Aaron maybe I'm the practice in my standup maybe I'm working on a bit all right go ahead have you ever seen the happening yes I have it's painful I didn't think it was nearly as terrible as everyone else did really yeah like I thought the premise was cool and I thought the ideas were interesting it just didn't go anywhere and like there was no big like no there's like no third act to it you know and then mark full of Wahlburgers phones it in yeah I figured it out wait just give me a second just one second my friends cold on the crappenin yeah just one second I need a second how the [ __ ] do I do this man dude maybe you just need a second just give me a second do you remember the scene where he's in the house and I just like in the old lady's like you're gonna kill me in my sleep and then he's like no ma'am were not know like exactly what someone who was gonna murder someone would say no that's oh you're out of your mind are you kidding me with are you kidding me yeah really are you serious [ __ ] are you blowing it I'm just a process you know what I just really really really [ __ ] this level okay okay chill out squirt does anyone actually know the smashmouth guy's real name I thought his name was mash mouse yeah Mr mouse Matt Ralphie in the Smash Mouth body wants whoa wow isn't that really hurt my throat by the way really how does he go on tour and sing Smash Mouth songs like that that's his actual voice when he talks he's just like hello could you make me a sandwich I'd like some lettuce and tomato I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed he just says that after everything yeah of course I will marry you I ain't the sharpest tool in would you like pickles on that sandwich yeah what a concept I could use a little pickles myself just keep going I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed thank you you use that sang a lot when it really doesn't apply what I'm trying to think of the lyrics that come after that but now drawn a blank no because yeah my mind probably just like black them out oh man okay we sure had some good times didn't we Smash Mouth guy Years start coming and they don't stop got enough I know back to the hit the ground running didn't make sense not to live for fun brain gets smart but your head gets dumb what does that mean nothing it means nothing nothing it means German nah surely nothing where that girl's eyebrows on her forehead thank you that's not what I was that I'm by the way that Street up ahead it the shape of an L the letter L is in the shape of an yeah I did it here yeah nice work Thanks alright next time I'm getting grabbed alright smashmouth comes to visit does he that's the no well it doesn't give you points okay wish you talks toad it's like we need to be extra quiet because if they find out we're here it's gonna cut hold on how do we know we have to hit the [ __ ] soccer balls inside it's disturbing to see that toad with a spear oh yeah like army - damn spearing their enemies whoa this took a [ __ ] really serious - that's where they got the Spears now they're like they'll get in there like jet fighters goddamn there's like and there's like the scene with the toad and his like intestines are falling yeah this got really serious and here at National Geographic let's do this who's ever wanted to hear the collective soul shine [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] wasn't ready for it I was like oh [ __ ] do I say the word or do I say Bader Mike [Laughter] that is a small island yeah but it's good enough for monkeys it's tropical know what my favorite baseball players yeah Derek okay Aaron I don't know how to play this game well matter that that airplane you see right she's she's a good airplane but in order to get out of her you have to bait her how come the cameras only on you with the [ __ ] of them because ever bro I'm [ __ ] dankey kahng you can't [ __ ] under yang me cuz I'm much sweet save you jack listen listen listen in this game Donkey Kong is the later sorry bro yeah I'm back I'm just not a shader okay dude we need to UM we need to get these bananas so that we can fader you know who my favorite character for Muppet Babies was skater you know who my favorite character from Doug was well skater yeah again you know what um Lil Wayne likes to do to his girlfriend some with that skater that's got a much different meaning now yeah well you know at least we got the Loon yeah yeah the Loon is that a girl another balloon oh okay I got a [ __ ] loon bro yeah get a red loon it was if it was a girl I would have been happy to greet her oh man I'm not good enough at that voice to make that a repetitive joke well before you grater you got a mater and if you wanted a like or better than me then you got to be swayed yeah I already used sweeter oh did you I did oh did you I did God did I oh yeah I was going through it in my mind like a hijk LMNOP qrs waiter to you later w hey welcome back to game alright welcome back Obama's favorite [ __ ] yeah Barak the lot of people don't know is Barack Obama's favorite [ __ ] show yeah not even internet show just show just show just this favorite [ __ ] show you think you like the Golden Girls BAM baby you [ __ ] fell off the side I don't even give a [ __ ] I think of a flying fiddle Aaron doesn't even give a [ __ ] I love that about him he's his own man you would have stood up to Congress know what I'd understand those why stop animating that is [ __ ] hilarious he gets on us for the fans go ah it'd be amazing you know he didn't even know how to pick up stuff and winwaker on the screen this radio idiot but I love him Danny ah you know there are two different kinds of blocking and Mario and Paper Mario you uh [ __ ] kidding me yeah use the bed idiot your wife dumbass yeah I love them them you only get three ultra shrooms in the entire game [ __ ] is wrong with him does it not know that how does he not know that thing about this game he's never played walk through that sucks ass I didn't know how to be president before I was president but I figured it out the old Paper Mario strategy couldn't hurt yeah geez yeah with it this guy's dumbest [ __ ] I was president for eight years this has been one of my favorite days of my life [Laughter] oh boy people are probably on them right now for doing the Obama boy priority yeah they sure do milk a joke dried okay so one thing I hate about those guys just because it makes them laugh at you make me laugh [ __ ] them I miss Kevin rock Obama I didn't expect that I know huge Kevin fan yeah I guess still I can still follow his Instagram yeah he's adorable those big eyes it's got a lovable eyes yeah ladies love him and I do not blame them if I were a lady I'd love him to hell yeah I'm the boy and I love him yeah you know love Michelle I'll ride with her till I die but that Kevin I love him good god this little Puerto Rican ass is he for it gonna be pottery boy I'll just I'll just follow in your wake and I'll just just steal everything like the Republicans stole a Supreme Court nominee Merrick garland from me it's that it's far beyond okay all I know is that he talks like this yes I know good job Aaron educate yourself on eight years of yeah it's going on in the world we're we're here for the last eight years yeah well it's understandable you're an idiot article longer than the Bible yeah oh my god dan is an artist win a place is a [ __ ] Christ it's like God you do it like watching uh someone played billiards who's just an absolute genius just running the table do it there's no way I can come back from this at this absolutely not unless there's 13 guys an export I figured I'd try something else and I'm still not winning could just be an idiot could just be an idiot that voice is the best I would say yeah I want to jump to conclusion but uh a lot evidence at five years of evidence yeah Wow it was president for eight years and I don't even have that many ID atic moments meanwhile all you gotta do is play a video game with your friend dan and lo and behold idiot he was oh I said it in that nice huh nobody move by Erin hats Wow Arnold hints have you seen a lot of water tornadoes Arnold they don't exist yeah I really don't skip across the water like you were hoping they do yeah well [ __ ] [ __ ] he's good Oh it'll keep her that one got the gift Susie's a lucky woman there's nothing funnier to me the former President Barack Obama is a huge game a huge game grumps man like getting super into it not as a loan as good as they used to be yeah you guys had me hooked on santoshi yeah the the golden era was late 2014 well you guys first started playing sonic boom here's the middle of my second term Kelvin just crushing it up my favorite current arianism right now he makes fart noises real gifted comedian damn savant okay if I say god damn I'm not the president anymore doesn't matter whatever [ __ ] I lost by 11 [ __ ] stars 11 stars Wow which means you won by 11 stars one for every year of my presidency plus three it's a lot really love to be on guests grumps they'll never say yes Barack Obama is the former president today he's on [ __ ] gas crops [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's Barack Obama and this is Jessica that would totally be a Toby yeah congratulations Dan you won yet a [ __ ] game holy crap a goddamn kirby's canvas jerk-off sesh so proud bucket Danni wins thanks Mindy guy DP yeah thanks everybody we're having fun everybody's having a good time fun fun fun fun fun wait why do I have like a gun now do you whoa Shrek's is this a crossover before the movie ever happened give me some of that Shrek's bench action right over there I want to see Shrek come in and be like everybody I'm [ __ ] shrink it's not um that's Saturday Night Live skit with the gay beer that's not Shrek's gay is it Smits gay is it Schmidt Scalia we just learned about ice JJ fish I didn't learn about him and his song on the floor I experienced them yeah you might want to look into that it's kind of sounds like you're crying voice I'm kind of glad that we kicked it off wait with a nice fish can you say like bring me these turtles in the Shadow of the Colossus in that in the crank voice yeah horseback Oh outstanding Lake Erin would you do this in crying voice of God in set loose it keeps the flavor Lord I love Def Leppard and their guitarist died shortly thereafter and they got Vivian Campbell who's [ __ ] another amazing guitarist they're the kings of getting on with it that's that's how they refer to themselves oh damn yeah and it's a good life lesson man like you can overcome anything the kings of getting on with it yeah just get on with it my that's what you'd go obey if you're British are they British yes oh I guess that's why they would say that then good correct we're not go get it all weird that is what all British people sound like oh do you what I'm glad you know that what are you working writing rickety and break because nothing's gonna ever stop you v don't do anything stop yourself inside of me you don't stop my way I'm saying walking row is never died it's only please ooh hey Stu I that's how Ross says it because he's a dumbass Russ Russ says some very interesting like little things that betray the fact that he is as American as a [ __ ] boomerang on the back of a kangaroo which is to say Australian yes well he's completely he's like hello I'm Ross until he gets around another Australian and then he's like Oh crikey hey going hey go mate hey you again hey you going oh I got the Vegemite all stuck in me pain no no I likey what our friends always the Disneyland Shh Oh God oh he told us that some of the robots on Star Tours are actually just recycled bucks from yeah splash mugs in the in the queue of Star Tours yeah the cute so when you're right at that twisty part where you hear Patrick Warburton pitch shifted talking about [ __ ] order you're a big fat loser that's it dad that is the duck and then there right across from about muster just feel like Patrick do you just wanna like voice a bunch of [ __ ] at Disneyland is like absolutely yeah of course I would what is some kind of bull what let depends what are you paying oh yeah a lot of money he's just so [ __ ] caught up in family can you stop saying Pete there's no Peter there yeah this is in Peter Pan alright this is a man you Scott dammit god dammit get the rings yeah this isn't Peter Pan okay even if it was you're not do you're not doing that's not what you do you're not doing that it's not your job we're not gonna let you that's going to make kids scared you're gonna see some worry that we say you little [ __ ] you little [ __ ] Vader you gotta fly to Neverland you gotta give those kids so be what actually dust yeah oh my god I thought I'm never like Peter did think you were kinda hot I mean you're a little young for me but when you grow up you'll be fun how do you get West Philadelphia born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days chillin waxing up by the pool by the pole when a couple of guys oh I'm not good absolutely Christopher Walken doing an impression of me no absolutely started maybe it's really funny because I started absolutely and I really don't mind at all oh my god what the leg no the bodies yeah wait that's not the normal meat butter not at all all right I want to mix it better than 1000 never like oh you you changed the meat body I'm you know can we cut it on hard sure all right they're like they're like naval minigames yeah they're like well that's called like yes but why did you do it yeah like want to deliberate like outside of them but they can't they're like really on their fingers we know we know that's where we are yeah today we show you this is your [ __ ] impression of the Nintendo have been working very very hard on Nick's Oh Zelda is in a word in hi dude passage Zelda and Nintendo's new series never be together until now probably good reason not being together but [ __ ] it I like minion and Mian Abdullah ah damn it I really I really like that one joke you made we're in the grand California what I really miss we wanna go like this isn't wadis oh yeah this is a waters like so like like he sees the YouTube video of him going like I mean endo and she's like he's like hey hey yo honey I made the 7 media in the Japanese checking me we yeah oh yeah I just love how there's no there's no like not shouting toad voice yeah it's never like he's never like oh yeah just like oh no that is a really good impression of Toad stop stop I don't even with it this is a joke it's a scheme a joke is this game at you're never funny what you Suzuki you is just like this game's a [ __ ] art statement against art you got that better used to it all the twisties no I was thinking about the clip Oh Michael yeah oh man we gotta like [ __ ] kid into the [ __ ] there and then it rips the plastic and you're like penis meat you always lose it the first time you open it so you just roll it and then that's it just twist it and then you throw it in the [ __ ] Hamburg what happened did you is that a Jeff Foxworthy bit big meat we're always talking about he's like what do you guys do and they women he's just struggling for a bunch of different ropes would guys do it tell you about the women the blacks you get out of our country oh [ __ ] women they always want to put the clips on the bread but men what do we do roll it up and and then it shows the [ __ ] audience and there's all the girlfriends standing there with their arms folded leg length just looking like like [ __ ] clip yeah with a smile on their face like nodding their heads disapprovingly like yeah the guys like I like the clip he doesn't get the clip on ahead whatever whatever whatever without but you're not gonna have a laugh we used to be on the couch I'm closing up badge for the show I'm gonna sell my bed Japanese border though oh you're like to get back at him I'm sowing my badge deals we can't even get in there if you want to unless he has a scalpel they could get in there I guess scalpel and chlorophyll because I'm gonna put up a fight he's just like might as well do it like this oh are you in my pain in your butt are you impressed do you like I was slide slide it right in the sling there's a mat a joke for you I think come on I'm gonna catch I can't even yeah I'm gonna slide right in that's what she said she said yeah yeah Dickey me yeah that's what she says weird how [Laughter] why is her castle my sonic game yeah this is supposed to be cast as a Sonic game what is this castlevania yeah Castle my [ __ ] there was only funny in the context of lightning yeah it's like oh that's pretty clever otherwise but like because you were doing it okay yeah all right I got it oh okay and he's like I love you guys why why would you why would you assume it Mike metate whoops I don't know Mike Patang has his own opinions I'm sure he's a human being I'm sure somewhere down there somewhere if you deep reach deep into Mike Matassa you will find AB smidgen of humanity but for now we can only see the beasts what he chooses to show the world you're coming to dinner all right final request I can only see the horns but bill all those horns I know there is a beating heart I think I later ate the Big Mac they ordered there because we but I put in the fridge or some [ __ ] I was like next day I was like we don't got food man's a big minute cold ass Big Mac just brown ass gross it didn't even taste like food I was like okay can I just put on the side right here [ __ ] gross disgusting ass garbage we're not endorsing those we totally had like a [ __ ] like Jay Leno moment where it was like in some ways like some ways yeah yeah like it's it's common knowledge that Jay Leno's monologues are like it's sponsored so he'll often make jokes about like Subway sandwiches but nothing ever in every set not ironically not ironically yet you can find like a compilation not at Subway you can find a compilation of videos of Jay Leno sing subway like really I got I got a see yeah why would they ever make this is attack this makes as much sense is this [ __ ] this this this makes us much I was going to say something cliche like this making much tentative link shot Ruby from its bow and arrow well wow this makes this much sense it makes it dig what war is sonic shot out coin yeah no no it simply it's like it's like [ __ ] great great joke yeah what the [ __ ] is this this makes as much sense as if Simon's Belmont shot our heart what does he think he is Jesus who see the kids heart surgeon I think that's actually a AVGN joke yeah what am I going why can't I shoot so many a lot of water so Jesus Christ who seems to be a game who made this make it monkeys who makes a Tiki did did they poop inside of an inside of a PC and then it came out I heard they you know why this game so bad Aaron was that they programmed it on a Mac were they programming this on an Atari 5800 I said 5800 so that people know that I knew more than 28 day probing me this I'm in television good John that made that was a really good joke are they programming this on a tae calculated at emia T iate when Garrett ti-84 they might even be a teen 85 for [ __ ] sake who knows by now you know how there's still like $200 yeah what the [ __ ] oh the Robert De Niro film oh right his new partner film calling in the family or something right and I was like oh oh anything start off like some kind of funny like mafioso type thing Martin Scorsese type thing and I was like oh my god are we getting like a return are we getting like one is it a tribute and then it's just like and then it just turns into like it's on witness protection cuz he's like so far from Jersey suburban like it was a serious trailer until you heard the [ __ ] records yeah it was like yeah it was like yeah he's just like come here Mikey we gotta have a talk what's that and then he's sold out how do I live in a suburban town you give me that slushy 7-eleven guy that's not how things work here yeah you cannot just go around doing them up and then they become friends yeah well you really are a fish out of water do you know how many people come in here to turn it to the side you are an idiot you're not intimidating at all is they um nah one from the dev you baby they take you think it's a quiet no the Mississippi is that's where we are daddy Jamaican all of a sudden in the middle of the film he just transform that's where we are Mississippi you saw out the element every other line you sounded Yasim and it was it but if there was like a fish out of water film like that with like you know the twist or it's like now he's in suburban whatever and he's like don't know how to act but then like like 3/4 through the movie it changes again and then like aliens come back it's like what well everyone's like dad if I can expect that he's like an alien through record scratches again gotta live in suburban Ohio means to live not even it just like becomes serious like I don't know what the field he learns to be himself then kills aliens that point and he learns to be himself again again I just saw I just miss Robertson hero like he could be he could just go do the same derivative [ __ ] I would love it I don't care this is one more Robert De Niro I don't want any more Meet the Fockers I don't want any more whatever what's it on movies man that was just like I think there might just be like a like his agent is just like you can't do serious films anymore dude like you're done with that you did Meet the Fockers and now you're a comedy actor I just made you enough didn't you'd have to Jim Carrey it I mean Robert De Niro is like one of the best does he even really I mean does he does he does it maybe enjoys it I know I was I was an announcer at a dog track once yeah and there was really yeah and so o dog it's go fast every morning I would greet this like an old people they'd be like I'm just like your [ __ ] ass go retriever your seat [ __ ] it next one Gangnam John tries dog fun I'm gonna shut up I'm gonna share up I'm gonna shut up because I [ __ ] up you have more stories about dog tracks tirtha next next episode you didn't Herman
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 350,904
Rating: 4.9442782 out of 5
Keywords: Game Grumps doing impressions, game grumps, compilation, game grumps compilations, game grumps best of, game grumps best of impressions, game grumps super mario galaxy, game grumps super mario 3d world, game grumps best of voices, game grumps voices, game grumps doing voics
Id: DW2Pxcg1aaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 26sec (4706 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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