Game Grumps: Best of doing Mario's Voice

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[Laughter] [Applause] [Music] oh no I'm a [ __ ] a Luigi yo do you think Luigi ever gives Mario lip good like cuz Mario is always like you know and then just alone you know I have fun doing everything I'm by myself anything yeah huh by yourself huh yeah that's cool meanwhile he's on like OkCupid like what would you describe yourself at green lesser wouldn't it be a such a bummer if you had your brother around for the ouija yeah okay I know just bring me along next time huh I can't really oversell it I mean while Luigi's like on Twitter and then he sees like Mario posted a picture of like I did the coffee shopping with my friends like text 7yz like thought you said you were gonna text me when you are out [Laughter] let's see what non-sexual reward you get from the princess this time she gives you she gives you that cake dude oh that's right she's like I begged you jerk here you go and he's like oh you meant that real cake cool I guess I'll put my penis in this yes what was he like looking up at us oh I love it is they yeah you see that [ __ ] I got a kiss on my nose I'm going to make a cake you know what I mean we go fishing for some clams you totally get it right yeah these tacos are going to be devoured it's Taco Tuesday hmm I can just smell the fish one of us was banned to take it too far enough hmm I love vagina Oh Daiki [ __ ] look at all the different places you've died that pitch yeah why is mario there now yeah hope she puts me here she said close your eyes from occasion when I opened it is lava I just thought she was baking it and it opens oh I don't remember [ __ ] sharks in this game yeah well thank God I didn't see him this game was a [ __ ] journey yeah but now it's over final thoughts Aaron I wish I were dead thank you thank you so much for playing my game you wish you were dead yes it was all of me who made it yeah [Laughter] thank you so much for looking at the McCade oh and thank you lovelies for being with us on this journey this is a fun one you notice how nobody's eating that cake cuz they're busy doing something else oh [ __ ] eating dinner first yeah playing pin the tail on the donkey okay whoa Aaron that is not a sexy voice you're not gonna convince any girls that are on the fence with that kind of voice what are we doing last time we stopped what not spaghetti what are we doing that time I remember we were [ __ ] up somehow but that really doesn't a lot of stuff I'm becoming you useless bastard okay oh that's a pretty fun no I like the space yeah just starts treating waluigi like his brother yeah on Luigi because I'm while awaiting [Laughter] completely insane oh yeah I thought that's what it was gonna be no no sounds like a Mario's head it's like your [ __ ] is being stretched over my head crappy is no champion that is my favorite that is my favorite Mario thing to yell what yeah he's just a [ __ ] jovial dude like after a while he's just [ __ ] he's been doing this all day yeah yeah wha-hoo yeah and princess is like um Mario you say hoo ha [Laughter] Irene you [ __ ] right now just give me some lasagna less sad I don't know whose games this is boy yeah they're all getting erased [Laughter] melting away yeah it's like in the old Looney Tunes where they like the [ __ ] pencil comes in this I'd actually like disintegrates a character and then just oh man you Mario I have never even seen this game oh it's gorgeous [Laughter] Calliope silence [ __ ] oh dang darn Kristen about this the other day like wouldn't it be awesome if somebody modded like Mario 64 but like [ __ ] but like all they changed was they made Mario like really really over the top with his [ __ ] sound effects like lands on the ground he's like I mean granted that we played that for like 47 episodes there's a chance it might wear a little thin no no I refuse no no it does not worth it [ __ ] hippie come here you [ __ ] you [ __ ] Bowser [ __ ] you [ __ ] giant turtle dinosaur [ __ ] do you think Mario is just like at the point where it's just like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] I think he actually is [ __ ] around the bow you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it's been a [ __ ] in years he just finally plunges a machete right into his heart the Bowser stop a [ __ ] around it has been 30 years yeah I got your [ __ ] yeah I got you your [ __ ] [ __ ] you boughs are you [ __ ] by the fire oh you're scaring me I'm gonna [ __ ] stab you in the [ __ ] face I'm gonna watch y'all life drain out from your eyes and I [ __ ] stab you in the gut you're scared look on your face I don't care I'm princess for so long you [ __ ] against and I don't care you got a son I don't care excuse me stewardess I speak jive oh my god oh yeah oh yeah that's yeah entertaining oh you're welcome Charles I thank you so much if I plan my [ __ ] the gamer you piece of [ __ ] please don't the play again the bouncers are there to please ya let that to keep that away it's sleeping dogs lie you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] goddamn hey thanks for joining us on this trip everybody did you ever notice that um mario has short sleeves in this whoa I never did notice showing off the guns it's [ __ ] noodle guns yeah I can't imagine I did it feels like I did but I must be like just remembering it from somewhere else [Laughter] I'm gonna use that forever no please do yeah I did oh yes his face man I'm gonna give you um ultimate power yeah the ability to breathe in space yeah an entire space Kingdom about that and a legion of star people at your command had to anything for you much better than Princess Peach don't you think yeah she's gone anyway then [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] buckle yeah you gotta pull up the tab and release it from the little peg and then you put it down there's a loop and then I don't understand I'm just a plumber no I didn't mean to save and quit now I don't want to see Mario stupid face again ah I want to go back to my world DVD cries like Mario why don't you like Harvey Goldstein you raised this bastard Mario that's one actually don't know where they all are [Laughter] Princessa pages are never seen but Allah weed yes Allah well I mean they're brothers you're bound to see gotta see someone's dick or you hang out with a lot eventually ever seen my brother's dick really yep it's a good point and I never had a brother so I really wouldn't know that that proves it then certain the senior dicta you know that's always the first time Charles Martin a was Mario who isn't like a unlicensed Amar'e okay is that right yeah like one of those weird Zelda's no one talks about it was like Mario Mario's go fish I toss something there's like a little girl talking to him to she's like he's like do you have any cool bus and then she's like can we play that do we have it I don't have it oh oh what it's for thanks for PCs oh well if someone wants to send us that that's my favorite rasam I can play it on a steam train that's oh that's his disappointed sigh yeah no I didn't say [ __ ] a man Charles I said [ __ ] a man get on my boat [Music] [Music] hey just shave out of my overalls make a big a shame pay it up put it over somebody's face because I'm like tomorrow for some more clever video game [Music] what the time it's pretty wonderful like meanwhile he's walking around here [ __ ] planet Earth is like being is like at war with reptilians is that really he's dead what's happening yeah obviously Mario's out here like doing all this stuff he's like and then meanwhile it's definitely [ __ ] around a lot he's like losing track of time and like like how long have I been out to here and they're like 28 years and he's like oh god it's like Inception where they go on that planet for 20 minutes and 23 years passes in real time yeah that shit's crazy and then he and them are like you know the the world as he knows it like there's [ __ ] iPads and he's like what did the [ __ ] is it is like it is oh that's an iPad what everyone has one now he's like oh my god his mind's like blood and like cars are moving really fast yeah stuff and he's like I don't understand I'm [ __ ] Jesus I gotta take a [ __ ] new vacation before I fish it into [ __ ] [ __ ] mm-hmm I'm gonna go get a massage your Swedish a massage I'm gonna make a banana crop Jesus do you want me to hold in sadness oh my goodness God and so I can get a macaroni and cheese thinking the airships I can you don't use a belly in a restaurant there but it so far there's devid destruction all around Mario is just like just for this moment you should be like that UFO has three nipples I somehow I don't remember this UFO I don't I first played it I can't hear you princess you're in space [Laughter] [Laughter] boy he's fast I got this down I'm going to sell it on eBay don't ever talk about my fears yes the three tiers of used to create the potion that resurrects Jesus you'll never see them I will never show my emotions I'll just get sucked up into this giant powerful anemone thing okay okay they knew what they were doing there yeah here's the star I could have used to get out of here no problem yeah and then when you get it you just leave them here like Luigi did it this is my franchise man yeah where am I where'd I go yes I just died in space he was like okay see ya at the door yeah thanks just like like he waits around for the brown star to say something to him and he's like I know okay I just I look through the telescope no big deal it's okay when he punches he does have a slight like downswing to it like [Laughter] [Laughter] I see over there intangible [ __ ] you up as soon as you're the most furious our entire because it's going to be a few days you haven't heard me go I know you've done it you did a lot during Mario 64 well you can just not wait can you know you're like I got a juggler that love is still there I've got six pigs now so yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] pretty sure that not house like who's a dick and he's like you wanna oh yeah come on them fees I have a facebook you can come on if you look closely there's a crack here [Laughter] I wonder what's behind it [ __ ] oh sweet [ __ ] oh yeah something something about [ __ ] the Louise I'm about the Italian accent yeah it's just like the high-pitched one yeah beats a shop it was good for a while they didn't know how to run a business the strain of the lunge whoa nice you say ha hoo baby boo yeah I like to imagine Mario as a Hollywood producer you be skinny tree high-fives extra like cause like it's so glad I'm talking to you right now cool better looking neck oh you [ __ ] died yeah on top of the fact that I am a ghost and therefore dad I also lose finding power stars is kind of went down at that but if I in green yeah that is weird don't give all my all the universe will fall to powder really and what is your all Luigi yeah getting [ __ ] trapped in a cell or getting stuck on a roof because I'm pretty sure that's all you've done so far it's my are giving it to me Oh you and diverse rests on whether or not I can send a letter of distress to you to come bail me out of whatever [ __ ] I've gotten to he's no problem though as you always come and get me no matter how dire the circumstances unless you're a ghost in which case I'll be scared of you always suggest you I was very scared he suggests you though it's no big deal it's just you oh boy ah giryu oh my [ __ ] years my [ __ ] gears [Music] those are gear years if I didn't make that clear enough yeah you like it that Rosalina now it's really Tory time is that the only expression he has yeah yeah he's like monologue and he's like [Laughter] sovereign economics of several nations oh alright go ahead take off I don't give a [ __ ] wow you got that one right that's nice yeah broken clocks right twice a day I haven't even gone to the haunted place yet cuz I don't even know how to get in there there's a haunted place if I'm if I'm gonna devote my precious time to playing a useless piece of [ __ ] it better be the best useless piece of [ __ ] I've ever played right you say as you go ass first into lava four times no it's uh I'm just imagining like lasagna on fire and you're just like okay I'm losing out of these [ __ ] of coins uh sorry I'm Italian ah I forgot oh I'm gonna try again but this time I want to do it in character the whole time boy I can't wait God it was those corners and you [ __ ] up just like that [ __ ] hellscape boy watch yourself yeah yeah good go big [Music] yo I think you can do this all right what happens okay oh my god next time I grabs really it's Mario and also it's a me Luigi Mario tell us how this is gonna work well we're gonna be asking each other Mario roulette questions okay silver and then there'll be weird stuff in the boxes there will be either coins or a Mario related disgusting mess if you get the question right then you get to choose which book that you stand under prepare the punching okay three two one I got the eggs you got eggs okay wasn't that define the Luigi I think it's ice cream it's a Starbucks welcome back to everything sucks around today I'm gonna go with you you take this one and I'll take that one yes of course I am how could it get worse it's because Princess Peach makes the cake wahoo this sure is fun Oh Oh gross I got two coins those coins [Laughter] so much hey I need this heat out of my body just like the real Luigi thanks for liking and commenting and subscribing you know what time it is time arts mushrooms that's what this is and that's why the balconies there yeah okay this game is taking its toll next time on game grumps more mario 64 more of me screaming more of dan going stop more physical and emotional abuse at the hands of a 20 year old Nintendo game I guarantee you this is not a calm level no jump jump back on top there here you why I'm tired yeah you and me both Mario's you and me [ __ ] bull I'm tired of this [ __ ] [ __ ] there okay I made the three point landing whoa Geils death here we go that's correct I [ __ ] never noticed that he has like this little [ __ ] moment of realization [ __ ] I did a different one okay just mix it up that's awesome I just like the idea of them giving Charles Martin a vocal instructions while he's in the booth like you're about to die [ __ ] terror sewer terror oh sure no problem [Laughter] turns into in a [ __ ] block of ice yeah should have packed my thermal overalls [Music] Mario could like I could almost sense him like looking up through the fourth wall at you just be my guess this is goodbye yeah he just like pulls off Mario's mustache Mario falls away do you get big stars your points will grow up to become galaxies frente it's not how it works except when stars die they turn to Stardust and scatter around the cosmos eventually eventually that star discrete form to create a new star and so this I kind of life continue [Music] [Laughter] but the cycle never repeats itself in quite the same way pizza so Yaffe you'll have all the time to watch galaxies now that you're dead he's like what did nothing nothing why the [ __ ] is peach I'm so scared oh don't worry she survived how are you not getting that your dad Mario what oh look at him Mario terrible news you're attacked by one of the brain-sucking butterflies that have terrorized our countryside [Laughter] what the [ __ ] killer way alright so please look down on your feet lizard feet you're like what do you want to go to the location is special one damn it give me a [ __ ] second well [ __ ] it's Luigi yeah there is boom jams get the key and unlock the cage you want this power thought only if you don't even I found this watch Jesus get laid on your own time Luigi were trying to [ __ ] save the galaxy that message onto Rosalina hey aren't you dating Daisy yeah can't you just talk to her yourself you're a grown-ass man with a mustache no ain't she usually seen her much more let me talk oh man Luigi it has such a nice ring get me the ring and give it to me yeah like damn Rosalina you are self-centered yes seriously I'll give you ring ring ring my girlfriend it's a promise ring I promise to never stop stalking you what if this whole game was like a Mario's like like concussion dream IH you know man and she's like Mario your name is Mario right and you're like yes of course but like that's what she's saying to you on the outside yeah like Mario your name is Mario and he's like that's another thing that's never happened to me thank God calling someone the wrong name in bed oh yeah that's got to be the worst accessible room okay where did the wherever an ankle shattering landing it's a complete non sequitur from the rest of the Luigi just sees you flying away and you're like I got so much it would be awesome if somebody programmed like a like a 20-hour game that's just like this Pleasant romp and then [ __ ] and then suddenly it's just like it abandons game physics and goes to real physics yeah and seeing whatever did it here's your piece of [ __ ] star missing an arm yeah I don't know if I can see color anymore here how much more of this [ __ ] Mustang into there like the Maybelline Planet maybe maybe it's me maybe I was born with it I made it to [ __ ] the chip waffle [ __ ] babies into the water with you don't you need to get back on the ship yeah he's more like Donkey Kong than he thinks I don't know why they're villains yeah they're enemies are they enemies still you haven't buried that [ __ ] I guess they're kind of friendly now yeah they race cars together true true dat true dat doc doggy Kong's like I'm sorry I threw barrels I have some more barrels you're [ __ ] the initial stance for [ __ ] oh no I mean big Kong dick I actually thought the Donkey Kong initials weird eh I don't know why Wow probably just because we've been playing so many episodes in a row do you think Mario like he just kind of gets fed up with it after a while he's like it's me it's me there's no way you would know I was Italian if I didn't if I was just like it's me it'd be like for you from California I wish you [Laughter] [ __ ] a bird is a bullish [ __ ] yeah God well well then because it's time to [Laughter] make the decision to kill myself yeah that's unfortunate and also while you're at it stop laughing at us for being potato headed [ __ ] freak we're also wrongfully put in jail my faces have been covered in the brown mud he's dead the squid hits it in the squids like a bow and Mario's like I only matter I'm on a squeeze if I jump in before the squeeze I'm okay yeah that's that's true all he did was fall into cool clean water okay the water that he helped clean yeah he's like I am assured to this clean oh man it's so beautiful I know I guess we'll find out if the [ __ ] Mario police show up and they're like on the 28th of October to chew were you present at Bianco hills at exactly 4:00 458 p.m. playing with mushrooms that's actually a worse offense [ __ ] the princess shine next time I give girls okay I'm gonna shoot through that cannon over there that cannon over there did ya do it that one gust of wind blows it
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 409,204
Rating: 4.9572921 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps super mario galaxy, game grumps super mario, game grumps, game grumps super mario sunshine, game grumps super mario odyssey, game grumps super mario bros, super mario, super mario bros, game grumps mario voice, game grumps best of mario voice
Id: msxoE5a5qRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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