Life Stories! Game Grumps compilation [Talking, Soul baring, Real Grumps]

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at age six I was born without a face uh o Gemini we were just talking about that oh yeah cuz I have a Gemini story well that's just sell it should should this is a good time for a story mhm this is a classic tale so um as we've said before it's very ironic that I play a character who's like the world's [ __ ] sexiest lover and like all about the ladies which is also true I mean like in real life like didn't didn't we make that statement like the the line between actual me and Danny sexbang is [ __ ] Getting Thinner and thinner by the day it is it is yeah so but I got off to a slow start I was a bit of a late bloomer and um I was a virgin in yeah now you can suck up bears just oh wait were those frogs what I'm aiming for right now is uh twins cuz I'm doing Gemini oh so the only thing that counts is getting two of something oh that's interesting this game so crev um so yeah I was a virgin until I was 23 cuz I was in love with one girl and it didn't get out of town get right the [ __ ] out of town I was take a goddamn train out of town I was going to I know I was I was letting letting you that time okay I was um I was waiting for this one girl who I was super in love with and it it didn't end up happening um so she got married when I was like 21 maybe M and uh and so I like had one year of just like super depression I was like I listen to radio head all the time draw the shades closed but then I had another year where I just bit of Virgin and I felt ready to I was just like get this thing out of me you know like I'm ready like a [ __ ] like aliens yeah exactly exactly so um my friend uh I don't know if I should use the real names let's say my friend brandan um was dating a girl uh this was when I was living in North Jersey and he was dating a girl uh who worked at a strip club just outside of Philadelphia so about two hours away and um I he he doesn't have a license so um it was at a time in my life when I was a heavy pot smoker and he was like how about this um I will buy you weed if you will drive me down uh to see my girlfriend at the strip club did I mention she was a stripper yes okay yes she did yes so we would do this we would I would I would roll roll up a joint or something and we would take these like Stony rides down to um down to the strip club in in South Jersey right outside of Philly and uh you know we just hang out and talk and I then when we got there he would um God they're so disturbing when they're huge like that um won't be huge for long son yeah he would go uh and spend time with her in the champagne room where the romance happens and I would just like hang out at the bar and drink Cokes and watch TV or whatever and um know you were into Coke dude no thought you into weed delicious Cokes delicious coca-colas oh yeah I'm not a I'm not a hard drug guy um and uh so I would just hang out there for like hours um and like watch TV or whatever and like talk to the dancers cuz like they would come around and they'd be like do you want a lap dance and I was like oh no thanks and you know like after doing that for like 3 weeks they were like why are you here and then like we just started talking and like we became friends uh and it was kind of [ __ ] up actually cuz they were like you're so nice and respectful like you never try to grab us or anything I was like I think you need to create a higher floor standard of what you consider respectful um but like so one of them uh was named Gemini possibly not her real name and um and uh I I think you you need to rethink your standards on people's names yeah you're possibly right cuz that's that's offensive that's just that's just downright after the freir debacle of 1996 that's [ __ ] up man I agree I agree um so she uh so we she she became my best friend there and we talk for a while and then just one day she was like do you want to go in the back room and have sex and I was like what what what that that can happen and I had like you know I was high at the time and like I just really had like this moment of like oh my god well you were high your first time no no I didn't do it I Didn't Do It um I was high when I was debating whether or not to do it and I just couldn't yeah that's funny cuz I can imagine you like somebody being like you said no what are you high Yes Yes actually I was as a matter of fact I was extremely high thank you well no I mean she was she was really nice and she was pretty but like I couldn't listen when you wait that long to have sex you're like [ __ ] it at this point it really might as well be with someone special you know okay and uh she was special she was she was my friend yeah but uh she said you were sweet and kind well my fear was realized because I I told her no thank you um like I just wanted to get to know her better and she was like whatever you know she just like she just didn't care um and then I went back the next week when I drove Brandon uh sorry Barry make that brandan when I drove Brendon there and um and uh what was I saying oh yeah so I I I was like where's Gemini and the bartender was like oh uh she's not working here anymore and I was like really that's kind of abrupt and they were like yeah she was arrested for prostitution oh and I was like okay so and that was my other secret fear like I didn't know she was a prostitute but like you never want to run the risk of your first time like you finish and like you're just lying there and you're like ah that was so awesome and then the girl like rolls over and she's like that'll be $500 well you don't want to run the risk of your first time also being your last time yeah oh solid point because you're you're wiener itches too much right to put it anywhere else there's there's a there's a lot of uh there's a lot of dick safety precautions that a young man must take uh out of respect for his future Partners mhm um so so I waited and my first time ended up being with uh a good friend of mine and she was awesome and that was awesome and I'm glad and uh and then and and so that's my that's my tail and yeah Gemini turned out not to be her real name it was Annette wow you wouldn't think yeah go figure but that was my Gemini story I hope you enjoyed it I didn't um no thank you for sharing that's a very personal story you know what that we've gotten more personal on this show yeah so shne BL hey you know what huh speaking of dreams I had a really nice dream last night what was your dream I I had a dream that like I could I found a phone like an old rotary phone are you playing with your feet right now I'm about to tell a semi sad story I'm playing with a foot I um I I dreamt I found like this rotary phone and you could listen to like old conversations on it uhhuh and I like heard like a conversation I had like with my granddad when I was like a teenager I was like oh it's so cool to hear his voice again yeah it was super wild but like I woke up and I was like Yay that was nice cuz I never have nice dreams I like yeah I usually have no dreams and then like I'll occasionally if I'm stressed I'll have like something where I'm being chased you know oh that's not cool yeah it's the worst but I think it's because I quit my day job yesterday oh [ __ ] yeah yeah well it won't be yesterday when the SS but like um I I quit my day job because we got to a point where uh we can I can do you know Game Grumps and ninja sex party and star bomb uh fulltime and and pay my bills and live and uh it's [ __ ] amazing and walking out of that place was the best cuz a they gave me a a slow 8s Applause clap really yeah yeah yeah I started walking out and uh my buddy was like and then everyone like joined in it was really really special and uh that's awesome I didn't know that yeah yeah and as I walked out tell me that well I'm telling you now like and the coolest thing about it was realizing that like the the moment I walked out of walked out of that place like into the [ __ ] California sunshin it was the first moment where like you know however many years out of college more than a decade like I finally reached a point where I can do like fun [ __ ] and music for a living fulltime y oh my God I never thought I'd get there it's so this is fun to you this is super fun are you not having a good time it's probably funny now it's probably not really it probably wasn't funny then do you not like Martin Lawrence I'm not a fan oh okay I know he's like what you talking about I'm Martin Lawrence yeah and then and then he uh he's a very like snibble dibbley double dooo like kind of humor and then and then he he ran out into the the road with a gun yay he did do that yeah I wonder if he he was probably just they're trying to kill me high on cocaine something like that I don't know Dave Chappelle talks about it as if it's like the industry made him do it like a like a nervous breakdown kind of thing I can understand that yeah because dude we feel we feel stressed sometimes from like Fame and we're not really that famous you know so I mean like so if you're on my and you like walk down the street and you're like could I get a could I get some chips and then they're like sure thing my what you talking about he's like all thank you thank you for that yeah I I don't know if I'd really want to be like five levels of Fame higher you know like that that really has to [ __ ] with you oh yeah it's like um when you see like homeless people on the street you're supposed to just be like I'm sorry I I I can't help you or something like that because then that's treating them like a human right if you just ignore them then they start to get they start to get like a weird complex where they can just like do anything yeah they kind of just can [ __ ] with people right and they and that's when they go crazy and they're all like I I love it with the raisins wait I I didn't understand what the connecting thread was there um oh so if you're like super famous and then people just start treating you not like a human you start to go crazy because oh oh oh yes that makes [Music] sense yeah I mean like I certainly [ __ ] appreciate it a lot more when people come up to me and they're just like hey man I like what you do as opposed to like you are a God I'm not I'm just a guy yeah when they're just like hey man I know you're busy don't want to take every time just want to tell you I like your stuff and they're like all right take it easy that is all we want to hear that is so nice to hear it's so appreciated you're dead yeah that [ __ ] brightens my day yeah it's super we'll be talking about you for like the next an hour about how cool you were yeah like that guy just wow but if you really knows how to do it yeah but if you come up to me and you're just like can I touch your face I just want to be closer to your face like that shit's weird I remember there was this one guy I was I was at a ah not my best effort I have an air pocket in my fat fat gut so anyway I was at a con and U [ __ ] come on dude they really [ __ ] like at the up diagonal they really move fast um okay okay I was at a con I behind the booth Okay and like you know meeting people all day and there's all kinds of people that you meet but there's this one guy who just who could only talk to me and quotes oh boy and like it was the first time that I was like completely speechless CU it was so weird yeah because like I've gotten used to talking to people if they don't know what to say and if they're nervous or whatever so I'm just like hey you know a cool shirt you know whatever but like this guy was just like yo BL blat that [ __ ] and I was like Yeah man so so man like how's the con going and he's like go go go sneak that um uh right my [ __ ] lips and I was like yeah man yeah [ __ ] lips and he's like yeah [ __ ] lips I was like dude I have no idea what to say to you man yeah you're weirding me out so yeah that yeah because usually if they if they if they're like quoting a thing then that means they want you to say it and then they're like yeah but like I did it and then he still like let's keep going with this yeah so it was very strange it is it is strange and it's especially strange because like we're we were not like famous child actors or anything like we had incred long stretches of Our Lives where nobody knew who we were you know yeah or cared and we we just developed as normal people so like plus I have social anxieties so do you really yeah so like all of a sudden people like want to talk to me and I'm like I don't I don't know how that's interesting would you would you consider yourself like an introvert [ __ ] yes absolutely really very much so see that's I'm the opposite yeah I I just can't do it I don't know so let a let that be a lesson to all you out there if you see me and Aaron at a con assault me first and create a buffer and then you can approach Aaron yeah no no no I've I've gotten very good at being able to like talk to people in a con setting right because there's there's a there's a lot you can talk about and there's a lot you can assume that you have in common with them right um but like if I'm at like a party or something like I'm I'm just [ __ ] like wow I am a Wallflower to the exteme that's so interesting dude it's like I don't know what to say to these people I just yeah so you know [Music] [Laughter] jar yeah I know jar j he's who threw this party yes that was super fun hilarious oh man it made me laugh like no other situation makes me laugh I killed a thing um uh you want to expound on that in court rather not not okay I'd love to discuss it or as I refer to exhibit a exhibit B please don't put me in jail Exhibit C please don't put me in jail Petty please Exhibit C because in jail there are gentlemen there who won't take pretty please for an answer pretty flee guys guys come on guys guys guys just can you guys please don't touch my butt like that please don't guys please oh no no oh it hurts yikes I don't want to go to jail you've never been in jail right no okay I'm dude I'm a [ __ ] I'm a vanillite I was in a I was not in jail uhoh I was not in a specific thing called jail okay I was locked up in a cell is that a Crazy Little Thing Called jail for one for for a few hours um my friends and I were I'm sorry when you started the story it was like I know I was locked in jail for one crazy night that was one crazy yum kipur ow I yeah so I was 18 and my friends and I were walking down the street and we were going to have a little party we're going to have a little hey we're in college now and we're big guys party and there was going to be beer there CU we were adults we were like hey we can drink beer and um so we I was under the impression that you could carry alcohol down the street as long as it was in a closed container because I was a waiter at the time and I'd carry wine around from table to table and I'm like that's an open container and I'm just carrying alcohol around what's the problem I thought it was the consuming that was the problem so uh we got this kid uh kid he was like 22 to essentially like buy us like a bunch of beer and then it's just like five underage kids walking with crates of beers down the street in broad daylight on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston and like these cops just like pull up next to us and they're like ah you boys uh [ __ ] serious a damn it yeah he was like uh how old are you and I was like dude like I just didn't I didn't want to lie to him I was like that'll get worse um so we all handed out ideas wa is 18 or 21 the drinking uh 21 we were three years underage oh yeah it was that adds a certain Dimension to the story 18 is the drinking age in um many European countries oh okay did he like cut you some slack because you were honest hell no oh well they they actually got to like us a lot cuz they they they oh sweet freeze ray yeah they locked us up and uh then they were like interrogating us um but like there there were a couple of funny things they just thought like they could tell that we were like good kids and like we weren't trying to hurt anybody um and we kept making them laugh not intentionally but like this was before I'm assuming they have like computerized thumb print things now uh uh but this was back when they were still using like the ink and like on paper that kind of thing uhhuh and so like they they're taking our fingerprints and they do my thumb and you have to like roll it across and because my thumb is so [ __ ] huge it like rolls right off the page and like inks up the table oh my God and like Jimmy get over here you got to see this kid's thumbs they're like ET thumbs or something ET thumbs yeah that was hilarious so they all had a good laugh about that great ga yeah and also the holding cell that there were too many of us there were like six of us and the holding cell that uh they had us in um couldn't hold us all so I ended up they were like does anyone mind being being handcuffed to a desk and I was like um and he was like cool you and so uh they handcuffed me to a desk but like it was at an awkward angle so my hand was like turning purple like all the circulation was cut off but I didn't want to say anything cuz I was all scared and nervous so they come over and like my hand is like bloated in purple and they're like son your hand all right there and I'm like I don't know officer and uh he was like if I uncuff you are you going to do anything stupid I was like other than cry probably not you were not that sassy as a [ __ ] 18yar old no I was just like no sir and um and so like they let me go and we didn't do anything and then and then we ended up being really cool we had a fun night with the cops and then they let us go um and uh we went to court and uh the judge could also see that we were just like dumb kids like who didn't mean any harm and so like I didn't own a tie at that point so like I was the only guy like everyone else dressed up in a suit and tie and uh I just had a nice sweater I was like I got a nice sweater on it'll be fine you know and so like the judge is like what do you boys want to be when you grow up and like my friend was like I want to be a doctor another one was like I want to be a lawyer and I was like I want to be a musician and he was like of course the one without the tie did he really say that he really said that that will stick with me forever he was a cool judge and he was like just don't like this could easily go on your record forever but I'm going to strike it from your record and don't just don't be stupid for the rest of your life we were like you got it and now I'm stupid for a living but stupid within the legal limits of the law well ain't that a story that's just a pickle Peach yeah ain't that a story that leads us right to the next time on game oh come on man I want to hear more of your crazy stories oh dude I'm not going anywhere I mean we're just going to start the next episode oh that's right cool oh God oh God in heaven okay Rico cleans my windows God look at how happy that water is I know and how unhappy that water is yeah I know did you ever play Wave Runner I think that's what it was called Wave Race 64 maybe that's what it is like yeah I think that's it where where you're on like jet skis and oh dude you're feeling H such a good [ __ ] summertime game oh I love waivers I think that's what made me like my like beach setting yeah whenever there's like a beach setting I'm like ah makes me so happy yeah I know I have such really good memories fun fact about that game lay it on me um my copy of it was stolen what yeah I I so that's not a fun fact at all it's just a fact when I was a when I was a child wait what's the mission here I got to pay more attention GL uh breaks out okay so blooper blooper I think he's up here cool um what was I saying uh someone stole your Wave Race oh I stole the Wave Race what yes so oh was that not clear yeah I know um so yeah I was like a poor kid growing up so I never you know it's like I had like one video game for the N64 right um and then this kid like brought his copy of waives and and his like backpack was open right and I just [ __ ] ganked it straight up oh no and SC and then he was like showing it off and [ __ ] and then and then like later oh my God such a douchy thing I'm sorry I don't want to say your name but I'm sorry right um I I I like started showing it off too oh God I was like check out my copy of w race he was like he was like hey uh oh God I can't find my copy of wave like does is that one like does it just like happen to be mine and it's weird that it has my initials on it and I was like no no it's totally my copy and he was like oh okay oh God that's so sad I know I'm sorry how old were you God it was it was like was it Elementary School I think I think this was six days ago and I feel so bad about it now I just oh yeah no like I got um shamed into the never stealing anything like at like 4 years old cuz um my I was in an airport and I wanted to buy this like grape flavored chapstick it'll work um yeah so there was just this ChapStick in an airport that I totally wanted and my mom was like no we're not getting that for whatever reason and I was like I so I just stole it and then like pretended to find it like underneath the chair like later at a different airport I was like Wow here's that thing I wanted that's weird and my mom was just like you suck she did I mean she was cool about it but she she just like was very unimpressed like in the way parents get when they know they want like when they want you to know that they're unhappy with you oh yeah like I'm not going to say it out loud but you know you [ __ ] up and I never stole anything after that wow yeah my just just the guilt alone oh dude Jewish guilt [ __ ] that'll squash a career in criminality faster than you could possibly imagine she K oh powerful well would she just like she just give you the eye for the rest of the day or something well okay I hope you enjoy that chapstick I mean you earned it like oh God you earned it so bad that's funny twice as much money you just like make a profit well that'd be awesome it's like K packs you just we just keep selling each other's [ __ ] at a better price I did that once what do you mean I sold [ __ ] back to the company that sold it to me for like three times the price what what was the I don't know if I ever told the story at game gr you might as well all right it's too late now this one of my darkest times in US history oh [ __ ] I I was very poor uh-huh um I I I worked at [ __ ] Disney World right and uh apparently no actually I didn't anyway um so here's the deal Toys R Us was selling Elite beat agents on sale Elite beat Elite beat agents I don't know what those are it's a Nintendo DS game oh okay um it was selling that on sale for $7 cuz they had like a billion of them so I bought a bunch of them okay and Walmart was still selling them for $30 a piece right Walmart has a very lenient return policy especially for Walmart's in very nice areas oh so if you go in with three items at a time uh because it has to be under $100 right uh you can just be like I bought these and I don't want them and do you have the receipt and it's like no and they're like well all right but it has to be a nice Walmart it can't be like in a really bad neighborhood okay um they'll just give you money wow so there you go dude yeah but well I can't believe you take advantage of a totally innocent enormous corporation like that I I was very I was in a really shitty place I didn't make like any money and I was like this is this is I bought food you [ __ ] that's what I did I bought food so I could live unbelievable yeah I swear to God if Walmart goes out of business in the next 10 to 15 years I'm blaming you [ __ ] scamming him out of $100 I appreciate the cuz I I I still like feel really like you should go over to their house and just be like Mr and Mrs Mart when I was 18 yeah I'll I'll stand next to you like the angry parent like you know what you did Apologize tell them dude you can get them you can grab them yeah I can grab them okay do it you it's dig time just beat on him a little bit so yeah that that that's my that's my story man I love it it's really funny I did a ton of that [ __ ] with Disney too but that's a that's a whole another yeah that's a story we won't tell because we like Disney that's a whole another game that's a whole another gy oh man I'm trying to think if I ever did stuff like that did you ever kill a man yes all right uh Kevin go ahead and edit that so that he says yes yes God damn it oh you got him you got a s congratulations oh man what should I name him uh kilman kilan yeah for killan okay no no n name him Mr Mart Mr Mart yeah for Walmart all right cool done boy you are all about the like fullon like capital letters now yeah because that's the jam that's how the game does it that's the jam did you say yeah like 100% real guys at home lovelies I'm sorry if shit's getting too real do you want us to tone it down and be a little more hammy hello welcome to Mario I'm scared play me off [Laughter] Aaron oh man nah forget it we need to say real okay th this is the '90s people appreciate it got my mushroom oh yeah do it I need to get something else too cuz I don't feel like this mushroom's going to do enough for me yeah have you ever uh you had roommates in college right I was never in college oh near oh no way yeah how did you like that uh it was really nice yeah I didn't even finish High School no [ __ ] yeah your high school dropout yeah yeah Oh Aaron am I [ __ ] hanging out with a bad kid a bad kid oh my God nice um yeah no it's okay I I thought College was kind of it's funny cuz like I technically I didn't drop out like my parents dropped me out you got dropped out yeah so like what happened was um on my first day of sophomore year uh I uh I went into school and they didn't have a curriculum for me right and whoa I was like why don't we uh and I spent the whole day like sitting in the like Library office yes and um they were like oh so I guess what happened was you holy crap I just remembered those two but that's it oh wait oh I think it's I think it's this one oh snap dude oh this I don't know anymore nope so um I I spent the the whole first day just sitting in an office like waiting for somebody to give me some [ __ ] thing to do right and then eventually like at the end of the day they were just like oh you got you got transferred to another school because you moved and you're not in our district anymore and I got transferred to like an F School say what like like a like a bad kid school that's crazy because I I moved to like the middle of nowhere instead of like the really well to-do area that I was in before right which by the way we were not well too we just lived there for some reason and I don't know anyway um so I was not in the good school anymore I was in the bad school [ __ ] so I my mom picked me up and she was like Furious and she was like G I Can't Believe G and she like I think she made a couple calls that were like why can't my son go to the [ __ ] good school he's been going to for like four years was she pissed was she like super pissed yeah she was Mom pissed nice and I was just kind of like like kicking rocks in the corner right right and then eventually she was just like have you have you even learned anything in in high school for like the the two years you've been in it yeah that whole thing is just like don't even bother with it actually you should make a platform really yeah so you can like jump across um she was like have you even learned anything in the two years you've been in high school and I was like n not really I haven't really retained anything and she was like you're not going to be a [ __ ] mathematician just just just get your GED and I was like I was like okay does that mean no more high school and she was like yeah no more high school and I was like oh man so that's nuts yeah that's what happened and then I got my GED which was the easiest [ __ ] test I've ever taken in my life can I come up with my own Cannon for how that happened okay I like to imagine that your mom who uh has a stable of horses rode up on Horseback and was like get my son out of this school and then your dad like as soon as you were walking your dad like took up the bass guitar and played you off like g d uh that's exactly how it happened awesome it's actually kind of close to that cuz like right after school mom had to go tend to her horses and uh and so I was like standing around in some like dirt pile kicking rocks that's why I was kicking rocks cuz that was the only thing I had to do you were just a bad Rock kicking kid yeah dude awesome that was nothing but Rock kicks next time on Game Grumps we [ __ ] hang out and smoke and front of the [Laughter] 7-Eleven oh no Chez it it's the fuzz oh no the heat the pigs Brewery yeah it's called The Brewery nice and uh they have like a service elevator cuz they used to be a brewery like a dumb waiter yeah so if there's like if they have to move huge [ __ ] you just go on the service elevator that's like a million billion [ __ ] miles wide oh if like manually close the door or Al it doesn't work when I when I lived in my Grimmy Bushwick apartment uh the one what with the 14 roommates and such I've definitely told that on Grumps before right you haven't actually you never told the story about the commun Ser that's crazy okay so when I lived uh in Brooklyn um I had 14 roommates oh yeah so uh uh what was I going to say oh yeah Co like so when I lived in Bushwick um there were like seven of us like I lived in Philly first and uh like me and six of my musici friends uh all dudes like we all moved up to uh New York and we got this converted Loft which was basically a [ __ ] abandoned Factory in the grimy section of Brooklyn um but because it was not up to code uh it was super cheap and uh not up to code you say yeah and well those guys uh knew that like we would accept cheap rent because they knew that we could just uh call you know whoever in New York handles shutting down unfit for living situations so uh it was six guys living in this big place and then like uh five of us got like living girlfriends and uh so that brought it up to 12 so yeah uh so there were 12 of us and as soon as there were girls there uh it became such a nicer place to live because like girls not The Stereotype but girls in general are more in tune with their environment than guys are I think uh when it comes to setting up uh and decorating place and um as soon as girls live there suddenly like there was sunlight and like plants and animals could live animals including humans yeah exactly um is this where it came out of the rich guys house and we just have like these massive parties and then after a party like these two guys just like stayed and then they started paying rent and I was like okay I guess we got new roommates and that brought it to 14 so yeah it was pretty amazing um the last thing I wanted to say about that place was uh because it was not up to code it would flood constantly every time it rained and like our um the people who lived on either side of us would um they just moved out cuz they were like [ __ ] this like these are I can't live here and um and so like every time someone would move out we' just knock down the Walls between our apartment and theirs and just Annex that [ __ ] like Puerto Rico wow yeah so our Our Place ended up being huge that being said I don't miss it yeah I'm glad I live out here now it's I'm sure it's a good life experience though it was super fun when I was in my 20s like uh junkyard come on ravenous junkyard Rottweilers have feelings too I of course and I'm sure they're well R Wilders are awesome dogs if you don't like teach them evil same step yeah bite the [ __ ] out of people that's it pit bues too man they're so [ __ ] cool I had a pit [ __ ] did you really yeah he was a pitbull Dalmatian a his name was Mikey and he was really stupid oh I caught a [ __ ] nitan how how old were you uh it was when I lived in Florida so was like 5 years ago oh okay he died like two years ago or something Yay good story yeah but what um what was your first dog my first dog was named uh dead puppy what oh just just uh applying life to Art my my first dog what the [ __ ] was his name he was a greyhound jeez you don't remember and I always stepped on him well I hated him oh no I love Greyhounds well I mean I'm sure he was cool to like an adult but I was a kid and I I kept well he kept sleeping like underneath a table or something so I kept stepping on him and then he' like try to bite me what an [ __ ] trying to sleep and then defending himself after you injured him well my parents would yell at me too so that like made him be ha it even more right of course they wouldn't be like oh you're stupid dog you shouldn't sleep under the table it was like Aaron you're an idiot because I probably was my first dog was Zach and uh she was an Afghan um you know Afghan hounds like they're they're like long-haired gry hounds they're really warm blankets they're super yes also that they're beautiful I love those dogs and uh I used to go to the roller skating ring and my mom would pick me up with Zach and then I'd eat a Twix bar and I'd let her lick the [ __ ] twixie chocolate off my fingers and then it died no it was before I knew that chocolate killed dogs but she loved it okay and apparently dogs I I believe the ratio is dogs have to eat 1 o of chocolate per pound that they weigh for it to be poisonous oh I see so she was big I mean like maybe she was like normal dog size but I was Tiny so she seemed like a [ __ ] horse walking around the house well it was awesome what happened after that she also died thanks for reminding me this like 25 years ago look man I didn't [ __ ] know that it died yeah yeah well she was seven when we got her like she was like Jesus why the [ __ ] did you get a seven-year-old dog I have no like a guy just showed up at her house one day with her like like a rainy day with like a black coat on I think like he was just like I love this dog but I can't keep her anymore like would you take her and like my mom fell in love with her instantly that's how we got princess t too she was a rescue too it's turn that's why I died oh [ __ ] here we go yay oh okay okay I guess he's all like whoa or like push it there the put in here there's a py over there oh I'm pretty weak Bud who Damn Kitty pool getting the party going getting the party going you suck getting the party going how about [ __ ] that guy yeah right I'm a little [ __ ] surprised all right all right oh you're going back yeah dude [ __ ] him you think I'm just going to walk away from that [ __ ] it's like my man the kitty pool and I just have my head down like oh I guess the kitty pool is good enough for me oh dude that's that's the funny thing that's the thing I like the most about being an adult I remember I was on like some kind of like slide thing when I was a little kid and like there were older like high school kids going and the the dude running the amusement park was like sorry son you're too small to be on this and like one of the douchy like older kids was like yeah get the kids out of here and like the older girls were like kind of giggling and I was like I felt like super like hot and ashamed and sad really IM masculine yeah just so I and I just like remember putting my head down and walking away like oh I guess but the cool thing about being an adult is like now I would turn to that guy and be like [ __ ] you why don't you suck at a dick you know what about that go [ __ ] yourself you're the one who's an [ __ ] and the girls would still be giggling yeah totally that's that's what it is man people always reminisce about like how great it was to be a kid but being a kid is [ __ ] hard sometimes and not fun and you get dragged a lot of places you don't want to go you're like like all the [ __ ] time yeah like I don't know holy [ __ ] damn too bad it it it's way hard to turn with him if I had to choose three words to describe it pretty weak butt hey how about you go [ __ ] yourself yeah get the kids out of here maybe get the kids out oh God I can still go back to that place emotionally and remember how bad I felt dude like it's amazing I've told this story before but um uh that [ __ ] maybe maybe the yellow is a compromise between speed turning um the uh the moment that that is for me is that I went uh there was a ice cream truck guy okay and I like took change out of whatever jar was in the house to get some ice cream Y and uh I paid with like a a Canadian quarter instead of like a real which look exactly like regular qu yeah exactly they're like the same size I just like grabbed it based on size right and then he was like I I you do you know what this is like he was being a real jerk about it I was like do you see this and I was like what is that and he was like do you see this it's do you see what this says read read this to me oh my God and I was likeing you yeah and I was like uh it says Canada and he's like yeah yeah this does not work over a [ __ ] quarter yeah what a dick and he was like I give this to you anyway but don't do this again and I was like oh [ __ ] you go die yeah you know as a kid I'm like okay hey yeah woo yeah shine [ __ ] yellow bloops right that's the way to go see and and now like all these years later that story gave you the power to succeed at Super Mario Sunshine's bonus game [ __ ] this guy this guy's [ __ ] representing the [ __ ] about water [ __ ] [ __ ] like stop stop I'm drowning stop what if you just drowned standing up like movie then just then I'm like no make me S do you fight it yeah that's interesting see like well cuz I like I'm a silent crier like I don't like I don't do that like it just like tears stream down so like I can cry silently in a movie theater and no one is the wiser nice yeah I I get a little like I do that thing it's really funny though like I was uh I was with my friend Kyle um like a couple years ago and we were on a road trip and um and uh like I realized I didn't have my license like halfway through the road trip I've just been driving through state lines like with no license which is super bad yeah you will get badly find or arrested or something um especially because Kyle is black which does not help when you are rolling through the South with no license and um oh yeah the south is a it's just a racist place it it I yeah I don't want to generalize but there is there is a contingent there for sure yeah yeah yeah so um we were driving and we're like What happens if we get pulled over and I was like I think I'll just cry I'll just cry Kyle and then maybe the cop will feel so bad or embarrassed for me that it'll just let us go and he just like looks at me like dead silent for a second and without a trace of irony he was like yo I kill myself before I cried in front of another man damn I was like holy [ __ ] just Addiction on that is really it was the funniest [ __ ] thing in front of another man yeah I was like oh uh me too I was totally kidding that's awesome oh god there I I did have a very embarrassing cry and I think I may have shared it on the show really it it was actually fairly recent um I went to Japan mhm and uh I went to the um the Toy Museum yep and not the Toy Museum but the toy it's a it's a a production company sort of like I don't know fox or CBS right um and they like produce like Dragon Ball Z and uh they produce all like the Sentai shows like Power Rangers in Japan oh yeah yeah and they had a live show that was like uh it was primarily a Power Ranger show um of the current Power Rangers at the time and they were just doing like their power ranger thing and it was all dubbed and [ __ ] and it was [ __ ] intense and epic and like there was just fights and like there was a plot and [ __ ] and you could follow it like even though it was in Japanese cuz it's very like wow wow they're doing poses and like everything's very like and they're very like character actory and stuff yeah yeah yeah and like I was just like yeah this is awesome like I'm getting so into it this is so cool and then like uh and then there was kind of this plot where they were like separated Between Two Worlds and then they were like trying to get each other back so like through the whole story it was cut in between like these two Rangers and these three rangers and then it was like oh man when are they going to get back together like when are they going to when are they could to come together and and like fight the the villain and then and then right when like everything was said and done and they [ __ ] like they they came out of like the evil portal world and then they they they all stood up on the stage and they were all like the boo and it was like and they were like doing all their individual poses and then they were like like I don't know what they were saying but it was just like and there was just like Sparks and like explosions and they all did their poses and it was all like lit from behind and [ __ ] and I I just like I was like Ah that's awesome like it just makes you so happy that you cry yeah that that that was actually the first time I'd ever had the experience that I was so happy I could cry wow it like it it felt like everything I ever wanted as a child like right in front of me that's so [ __ ] cool that's so so cool of course I should have known you've never driven Down Bruce be Downs I don't believe I've ever driven no that's not true I did drive through Florida really yeah where did you go I drove from uh Jersey to Miami with my buddy Kyle remember I told you that like this was on the same road trip he's my big uh black dude friend who's like super tough and like but we were scared because like uh you know uh it just it looks it looks suspicious to Southerners certain types of Southerners uh when a white dude and a black dude are hanging out some some people don't appreciate that down there yeah and uh and the um and I was like the one like I was like if we get pulled over I'm just going to cry and Kyle was like yo I kill myself before I cry in front of another man remember that story yeah yeah okay so so that's the same road trip and uh I believe uh we had uh a blunt with us uhhuh yeah um and uh so you were just being very Frank with one another yeah that's that's what I'm talking about okay and uh yeah we were having a Stony drive but we had to be very careful cuz we couldn't cuz we couldn't smoke in the car cuz like you don't want to get pulled over by a cop in the South and then like have your car smell like weed or anything like that this is many many years ago this is like 10 years ago and um we're driving by like it's a roadblock and they're like checking cars and stuff and like I have it in my hands and I just put it away really fast and then like the cop pulls us over and he's like where's the marijuana cigarette and I was like um I don't know what you're talking about it was in my sock and uh he didn't he didn't find it um oh nice well I I don't believe I always thought that if I thought I was going to get mugged or like walk through a bad neighborhood I put my money in my sock that's IDE wall in my sock that's a good idea or my shoe yeah that's a very it's very like nerdy white guy thing to do I feel yeah it's like like the Buddies of my uh you'll never find it the money is in my uh initialed monogrammed underwear that my mom sewed in yeah no uh oops we got away with it cuz apparently I don't know the exact legality of it I should have but uh I don't believe they're allowed to search you unless they have like real probable cause um I guess seeing it would have been probable cause but he didn't he didn't Frisk us for for whatever reason yeah and he was just like do I have permission to search your vehicle and we were like I would really rather you didn't and I guess like they just [ __ ] didn't want to deal with it so they just let us go oh that's nice yeah it was very nice of them because God knows they could have [ __ ] with us very badly oh Taffy some Laffy Taffy God you can't help but not laugh when you eat Laffy Taffy oh I just did like a spin yeah it was awesome so in Japan yep it say it's say shiny get which is why the shine is like all the way over there oh what does shine get mean it's just funny it's it's just like English it's like shine get I used have an Engish shirt that said accidenta offside what what I know I know but I wore it proudly accidenta offside yeah it was like supposed to be a football reference but it was a buffalo in a football I was like this doesn't make any more sense with visuals than without exactly accidental offside so they threw me in a prison cuz they thought it was me oh [ __ ] because they earlier the [ __ ] drug trip that peach had right it it looked like Mario and because the villain is like a clone of Mario so what so okay so you just landed in your plane stood there and cleaned up the mess with your water and they think you [ __ ] up the whole Island yeah MH yeah the delphinos are not that bright yeah they might be stupid yeah they should probably go [ __ ] themselves I'm cleaning up because I want to have a goddamn vacation and they're not doing anything yeah right they're like Welcome to our beautiful island and welcome to jail like when you like land in Guantanamo and then somebody sneaks him like heroin in your bag oh why would you go to guantan I don't know just to hang out yeah just to say you've been there I did uh bucket list oh I did go to Trinidad one time and yeah and they um did you go to Tobago I did it's [ __ ] amazing dude Tobago is like totally like wildly Untamed jungle there we're not missing any plot right now are we no oh my God all right Mario's [ __ ] this is like the most serious Mario it's like my life is flashing before my eyes sure hope I don't have to [ __ ] take water and rub [ __ ] off I never thought it would come to this thanks for letting me keep my weapon like jetpack thing in jail thoughtful of them uh but yeah all I was going to say was uh Trinidad Tobago is one of those places where like you can get thrown in jail and then the American Embassy will be like uh we have uh on record two Americans being there and they'll just be like what Americans and then you're just in Trinidad jail for [ __ ] an indefinite period of time oh wow yeah it's terrifying Jesus other than that lovely Place really enjy lovely nice from outside of a hell I did enjoy it it was it was awesome did you did you uh experience their box side and beaches uh I did uh the the the beaches were beautiful the the the sand the sand was white and the people were Brown so it was the exact opposite of New Jersey oh my God it's not o Oreo um oh yeah I saw a little gardening Trail and some golf clubs and balls and such and those are big cans of hydrogen peroxide that they Huff they help him to get yeah can you even Huff hydrogen peroxide I doubt it I mean I guess if you can Huff anything if you put your heart and mind to it if you put your your lungs to it I guess my uh need the [ __ ] batteries I don't know if I ever told this story but when I was in uh Trinidad I it was like 20 2002 I think and those were like I was a pot smoker for a long time but those were like my Championship smoking days really did you win tournaments no but if there were tournaments we could have won them and so we went I don't know I I've seen a lot of heavy heavy yeah that's true that's true hot smoking fiends it's I mean it's it's nothing that I'm proud of but just for the sake of the tale uh we um in Trinidad like the the kid we stayed with like owned a ton of property and there were just like fields of weed like as far as the eye could see so he would just go out like for an hour and come back with like garbage bags full of it and um and it wasn't the best weed but it was it was the real deal and like so uh there were four of us it was it was like the Costco of weed that's exactly what it felt like yes uh so there were four of us and uh we smoked I believe it was 4 lbs of weed in 3 days wow um yeah i' say that's tny worthy yeah I mean it's dude you would have been banned from tournament it it it involves doing nothing but staying inside and going from one blunt to the next and um I remember looking at it like the pile uh of weed on the table and being like can we really [ __ ] smoke pounds of weed in a a day and my friend Aaron who is with me just turned to me and without a trace of irony just like determination in her eyes she was like if we put our hearts and Minds to it we can accomplish anything like this is this is really inspiring slot inspiring if we really think hard and give it our all this weed will be gone tomorrow so help me God and it was amazing too cuz like Trinidad is a country where you don't want to be caught smoking weed like it is it a criminal offense absolutely and uh the police there the police there are not like police like you think like we think of like in their in their light blue button down shirts and if you're in trouble they'll help you like the the police in Trinidad like they were dressed all in black like military gear and they had like the [ __ ] like machine guns crossed in the in the X formation on their back oh my God so they're like they're not protect and serve they're serve yeah they're they're they're I think I mean it just seems like they're extensions of the military and uh they're just like to keep people in line it it was really crazy cuz that wasn't even like Trinidad proper that was uh Tobago which is oh [ __ ] oh yeah yeah so Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago I don't know what the deal is but they're basically they're two different countries that like have the same government I think yeah they're always they have the same flag yeah yeah it's it's always Trinidad and Tobago and they um they uh definitely are [ __ ] it's just crazy there like it's Tobago is like Untamed jungle and it's super beautiful but like like crazy dangerous at the same time um did you ever get into any danger the most dangerous thing I witnessed was a machete fight um where you a an active member of this machete fight no no we were on the God I hope my mom doesn't hear this she'd be she'd be like retroactively scared of [ __ ] that happened 10 years ago um we were on the back of a flatbed truck and um and just driving along oh [ __ ] oh did he just check in to be like [ __ ] you you suck that's his job man I guess so he he did destroy the cosmos and is asking me for my health to rebuild it so good point yeah um so yeah like um we were we were on the back of a flatbed truck just driving along and we see this dude like just running with like a a big Clay Pot oh nice fence workor that is awkward um with he's running with a clay pot in his hands and we're like that's really weird and then we drive like further up the road and there are these three guys just like that all have machetes just chasing after them and they're they're like it the most like disturbing thing about it was like um they they weren't even like running super fast they were just like at a trot it was just like they were like we know that like the police are not going to stop us like nothing's stopping us we're going to catch this guy eventually so we can just conserve our energy wow yeah and then like later we saw ambulances like go flying by us and we were like time to stay at the resort please did uh was the guy who stole the clay pots was he going One Jump Ahead of the Brad line pun head the sword he he was not he was not in any way that jovial okay he was not in the mood for singing or dancing and then they're all like straight right scoundrel oh my God it was [ __ ] up but we were pretty high so it didn't really register oh you were just like cool yeah we were just like oh W that sucks but like it's it's weird too like I think back this is part of the reason I'm scared to have kids someday cuz like I think of all the things that I've done and I I feel like I was a pretty like um I I feel like I wasn't that crazy a kid you know like I did a lot of stuff but nothing like too dangerous generally I feel like anybody could could think that based on like what's going on in your head yeah cuz if you if you just kind of like step outside yourself and be like I went to Tobago and smoked four bags of weed then then it's like oh okay whoa y I got all of them nice good job thanks um yeah I I'd just be afraid of like my child dying because he did like half of the stuff that I did like how did I not die during any of these things it's it's the humans is pretty resilient I guess yeah that's true cuz like that guy was being that guy actively did something that he knew would get him hacked up by machetes that is true you were just being it a kid you're just a bystander you're just driving by it was really pretty the sunsets were nice Oh I thought you were saying the guy getting hacked up was pretty oh yeah it's really beautiful nice have you ever seen someone be murdered it's it's quite it's quite an experience for big you just take the oh [Music] that's awesome [ __ ] all y'all that did not hit the targets that I told it to weird that they like they slink up into the ceiling after you they don't they don't have like a tension to them though they just kind of Wiggle all the way up instead of like wiggling and then wiggling faster as they get up yeah I don't know if they're alive or okay so they look like Play-Doh after you'd like did you have the the Play-Doh um set where you could like push down the presser and it would make Play-Doh spaghetti oh yeah oh it was the best that was the [ __ ] classic that was the quintessential Play-Doh accessory if you wanted the true Play-Doh experience everyone who is anyone in the Plato circles knows I'm I'm pretty convinced that that was the entire reason that Plato was constantly ingested I ate some Play-Doh in my death oh yeah we all have yeah it's very salty because it's not that terrible like it's really you know what I you know what oh this is embarrassing to say when I was a little kid you know I I used to like straight up eat what uh chapstick really I'm allergic to chapstick oh well then you would have died if you had been M I think so cuz I [ __ ] downed that [ __ ] I mean not like and I knew it I wasn't supposed to be doing it so I would like hide behind the couch and be like like I wouldn't take huge bites or anything but I would just like nibble on I don't know I'm I shouldn't have told this that's gross yeah I I think very much less of you know well they were cherry flavored and they go on your mouth I think all of our girl friends think you're you're just really gross now oh all of our girl fans all of our girl fans yeah yeah all of our girl lovelies yeah oh and they are lovely hey ladies uh you ever wanted to be with a guy who I used to eat chapstick I'll see you after the show I'll see you after the show bring some [Laughter] chapstick if you don't have any chapstick Playdoh will suffice actually you know what bring bring anything around your house I'll I'll probably eat it I have pica do I have a serious problem is that what that's called yeah Pica when you eat anything really yeah well like a lot of P cases are about specific things W like like uh the like eating hair is really common interesting yeah I've seen I've seen stuff where people eat like rocks or like couch cushions that's so interesting I I know a girl um who used to just like pull out her hair just like this has to go oh yeah that's like a that's like a s masochistic yeah like some kind of nervous thing she talked to me about it once it's it's really it's it's similar to the to the Daredevil thing we were talking about before like oh yeah don't feel okay unless you're doing that one specific thing well I mean that you could liken that to any mental disease really I guess so like OCD oh dude you're not okay unless you like tap the door four times did I ever tell you that I had really really horrible OCD when I was younger really yeah yeah there's not enough time in this game grumps to uh talk about it's kind of a serious subject I guess but I can talk about it on the next one fine yeah I guess it'll give people reason to keep watching T in and hear about my very very sad 18th to 19th year of Life yeah cuz this this constantly changing Adventure filled with wonder and visual pleasure is definitely not going to bring people to the next episode on its own next time on Game Grumps tals of wo welcome back to psychology Grumps yeah I'm your host Dr Aon yeah today I have my patient with me Dan well I probably shouldn't have done that oh man well that's fine no that's good that's just our uh um all right so yeah we get a lot of letters uh from people who talk about the fact that they deal with depression and Game Grumps uh helps them and that is [ __ ] awesome um so like I mean it's not awesome that you have depression no no awesome that we can help yes yes and like um so I guess I'll share my story which I've never really told before in in a any kind of like public forum um when I was 18 uh I got really sick um with mono and I was just laid up uh for like eight months I couldn't like really get out of bed and [ __ ] and it was really really awful and I just it was the first I had like a really happy childhood um and uh I like it was my first experience of like real like sadness like over a long period of time and I guess it was I guess it was depression but then I noticed like even when I got physically healthier I was still like really struggling like mentally with a lot of stuff cuz I had gone away to college and like suddenly like I don't know I I think that's a tough age just cuz like you know who you are when you're a kid um but you you're not a kid anymore and you don't know how to be an adult yet you don't know where you fit into the world yeah and then you have these constant anxiety attacks about how like your kid life is over yeah and what does that mean all the stuff that you you Lov yeah yeah yeah keep in mind let me just say that like it gets way [ __ ] better because like the more of an adult you become you're like oh I can actually like really get into this and it's super fun and not that different from being a kid um if you happen to do stuff you love and laugh a lot and all that mhm so um so yeah I started noticing that like I was just like really sad all the time and really like having a lot of trouble um just getting out of bed in the morning and like things were things were bothering me and basically the short version of the story is I had obsessive compulsive disorder and it was undiagnosed and I didn't really know what it was um like always or just then see that's the weird thing cuz OC is not it's hard to separate from like your normal life it's more just like an exaggerated form of what everybody has like um how can I describe it like if uh something shitty happened to you and it bothered you like it would bother anybody but like a quote unquote normal person would get over it in like 20 minutes or whatever but some like for you it would bother you for weeks or whatever like so that that's the best way I can describe um it's just an exacerbated form of like your natural personality so OCD kind of like feeds on your imagination so it's different for everybody um but for me like uh it was that everything in my mind would not stop connecting um like I had too many associations constantly happening in my my mind and as a result like I couldn't do anything so like okay here's an example let's say I wanted to go uh bike riding right now my like when I was struggling with it uh my mind would be racing constantly and it would be like I'd have an image of my head rid riding a bike and then I'd think of me riding a bike when I was a kid back home then I'd start thinking of home and then I'd start thinking well my girlfriend's in my my my ex-girlfriend is in my hometown I don't like my ex-girlfriend therefore I can't go bike riding you know what I mean like my mind would associate everything until it would get to something that made me sad and then I couldn't disconnect the sad thing from what I wanted to do and as a result I just couldn't do anything so like interesting it it sucks dude I kind of have that I guess a lot of people do L really thought about that it's awful so like I um there was a period I almost failed out of school because of it cuz I couldn't go to my classes like I didn't really leave like my apartment for maybe like 5 months something like that and I'll I'll I'll never forget dude like it was it was the weirdest thing like um I was at my friend uh Adam's house and uh I was sitting on the computer and I I said something and he was like dude just stop obsessing about that [ __ ] and it was just one of those weird like unconscious like things and I just randomly typed in Obsession into like Google Search terms or whatever and all these pages on obsessive compulsive disorder came up and like I started reading about it and I just like [ __ ] immediately started crying cuz like just I was like oh my God I'm not [ __ ] crazy like I just have this thing and then I went to the school uh that's an interesting like response to that too is that like a lot of people would hear that and be like I am crazy because I have this oh no no no no it like for for me the moment I found out what it was as soon as it had a name I had a focal point from which to attack it from and then I was like if if it's a disease quote unquote then it has a cure you know but when it was just like this nameless thing like hanging over my life it was just really really tough that's why I tell people like don't be scared to like go to therapy and like don't think of it as like a sign of weakness to like ask for help if you're feeling sad cuz like there's people out there who are like who want to help you and are qualified to help you yeah yeah that's the thing is they're qualified to help they they know what they're doing when it comes to like your [ __ ] head yeah yeah and like your friend is going to listen to you but he's not necessarily going to give you like a advice or B good advice yeah no question and so like they put me on I think it was Prozac uh for like I was supposed to be on it for an indefinite period of time and one of the one of the misconceptions about those types of drugs is that they're happy pills they're definitely not they they like they you don't they they don't make you happy they just they even things out like in your mind so you can think clearly and solve your own problems you know like you have to take the initiative and be like no I'm not going to [ __ ] live like this right right um it's this it's the same thing with like my ADD medicine yeah exactly like I don't I don't I don't need it to function but it really does like I I always feel like I can take it for a little bit and then I get in these good habits and then when I'm off it then I can I can carry that through yeah yeah it's and it's it's it's amazing because I I think back to those those times which now seem so distant you know they were like over a decade ago yeah um and like I'm just so happy now like all the [ __ ] time because like I know what it's like to be sad you know and like it gives you like you have there's the two different kinds of happiness you know there's the kid happiness where you're just like I'm happy cuz everything's awesome and new and interesting I'm having a great time yeah and then there's the other happy like the light at the end of the tunnel happiness where you're like I had to go through some [ __ ] and like I earned this you know yeah the Mellow happy yeah yeah yeah the the the the at peace kind of feeling the half opened eyes relaxed on the couch yeah totally totally so so that's um that's the very uh truncated version of my story but like basically after oh yeah so like that's when I went to France like as an exchange student um and that really helped me too like going to like a totally new place and like seeing like different environments and just being like hey you know what like the world isn't what I thought it was there's a lot more to it that I haven't seen oh that looks friendly and so like and I had this big like maybe this is like dramatic overly dramatic to say but it is what happened like there was like this really pretty Lake uh in the middle of the town I was staying and and um I was on Prozac for I guess like six months and then like while I was out there I was like I don't [ __ ] need this [ __ ] anymore like this [ __ ] is I I just feel good and I don't I'm done and uh so I like took did you throw it I did I took the pill bottle and [ __ ] threw it into the lake yeah it was oh it was like one of the one of the most satisfying like personal moments I guess that's super cool and I've never told anybody that before I would love to have a story like that my life is so not bad every everybody has everybody has their things man they catharsis yeah yeah in one way or another yeah I don't I don't think we wasted enough time on it first of all you were mad that was as mad as I've ever seen you at me that you didn't know Al Kazam the last time I saw that kind of anger it's funny this goes way back uhhuh uh I was in college and I um there was like this open um there was this poetry reading yeah and you could read whatever you wanted and it was done in a church and um oh God yeah and uh was it like like Jingle Bells Batman Smells Robin legs no you could you could do whatever he wanted it was totally free form so I was in my early stages of what eventually became ninja sex party and uh so I just had this like poem about sex which was funny because I'd never had it at the time nice yeah and I remember it feels good I remember the first lines like it was I'd sure like to have sex you see it's sweaty and it's dirty and it works for me missionary doggy style 69 [ __ ] hand jobs feeling fine and and right after you committed it to memory it's just like it's weird it's just in there and like um as soon as I finished that second line the girl who was running the poetry reading was okay and she just like got up and like like told me to leave and um and people booed and people booed the censorship wow oh nice yeah it was really cool and then um I finished it out in the parking lot what's the rest I don't remember come on man I don't remember it was a long poem like I went through the whole experience of having sex but like as I as I read it later like it was clearly from like the point of view of someone who had never done it before you know there was a lot I didn't understand you so [ __ ] committed to this poem that you had to gather a crowd outside of the church well no I was hanging outside of the church afterwards like cuz like I just went to the back of the room I didn't leave I just stayed for the end and then um I was out in the parking lot and someone like saw it was me and they were like Dude tell tell me the tell us the rest so like I got up on the stairs like the stairs that led to the church and gave my own douchy [ __ ] sex poetry sermon did you have like a bongo guy Whoa man Whoa man whoa Whoa man if she misses X I had to run for my life oh wait no it's a Jane get me off this crazy thing called love so ridiculous oh you're good dude you're good at that I love that I I love beat poetry wow that's awesome yeah so yeah I guess I can put get thrown out of a church on my uh cross that [ __ ] off my bucket list was it ever on your bucket list no but I mean I might as well put it up there since I can cross it off and it looks cool it looks cool it looks good it looks good on a on a bucket list resume magnitude 4 is like oh that [ __ ] blueberry with a radish head doesn't S now I'm afraid to start it no go ahead okay my dad saw a lot of like [ __ ] up [ __ ] in the war So like um as soon as was as soon it was it was over he was like I don't want to be in Israel anymore I'm super bummed out and depressed yeah so he had like it's like that classic like immigrant story he had like a $100 in his pocket and he uh flew to America or he took a boat I can't remember um and he was going to take a Greyhound bus across the country to La um where he like had some friends or family or whatever mhm but he was only in New York for a day and he was like trying to ride the subway around but he like couldn't figure out the subway cuz the New York subway is [ __ ] confusing as [ __ ] if You' never done it so he didn't know where the A train was uh he was on the he was at Columbus Circle on the 60th Street subway station and uh he saw a cute girl and he went up to her and he asked her in like broken English he was like he do you know the way to uh the A train and she was like um well yeah that's actually the train I'm taking so I'll show you where it is and that was my mom oh yeah and like he just like super fell in love with her crazy hard like um instantly and like at the end of the subway ride like when he got to his stop like my dad my dad is like super confident but not at all smooth so like he just like put his he just knew he couldn't let her get away so he put his arm around her arm and he was like we're going to lunch and my mom like laughed at him and she was like uh no we're not but she was like uh I just came from lunch but here's my number she was like I'd never given my number to anybody before but I just got a Cool vibe from him and uh and they started dating and 3 years later boom jams marriage me oh damn ain't that some crazy [ __ ] marriage me marriage SL me I believe in that order wow oh it's that all right do you want while we're sailing do you want me to tell you more stories of my family uh why wouldn't I cool I can tell you how my grandparents met how's that uh so my grandma who you could actually see for a second in the Ninja Sex Party If we were gay video really yeah she's in there for a second my grandma's awesome oh that's right when it zooms out when you're the baby yeah and it actually points to her like Danny's Grandma um she's cool as [ __ ] she's one of my best friends actually and uh her husband uh my granddad he was the [ __ ] man he was so cool um he was actually super instrumental in uh in inventing the electroc cardiogram what's the cardiogram that is the thing that registers electrodes attached to your body in the hospital and it registers your heart it's like beep beep beep yeah yeah he was he was one of the dudes that invented that [ __ ] wow man so he's he is a major proponent in the iconic sound of somebody dying in a movie yeah pretty much it's insane and like actually when he was really sick like he was uh hooked up to that and I was like do you realize how crazy this is pop like this is what you created he's like whatever he was super chill and humble wow um but he was so when he uh invented that he went on like the Johnny Carson show and like a bunch of other Johnny Carson for those who don't know was like the David Letterman and Jay Leno of like the 50s and the 60s and all the way up to the 80s and I think early 90s Johnny Corson yeah try oh really good show oh nope that said Sullivan never mind point is uh he was making this tour uh of like colleges um so he could like discuss with other scientists and give seminars on how to work the cardiogram and my grandma was also a scientist she was younger though she was like 20 and um she uh she worked with rats and stuff and um and he was in her lab like just chatting with another guy like another scientist and that was the 40s when like smoking was totally encouraged at all times totally cool to smoke anywhere so he's smoking a cigarette and hanging out and my grandma comes up to him and she's like you better not leave one Ash on this table in this laboratory and like and she walks away and my granddad like looked at the guy next to him and was like man whoever gets this one is in trouble like she is a ball buster and then uh I guess they talked more and 2 weeks later they were engaged wow yeah he was like 28 I think I think and she was 20 and um and they were married for like 63 years wow isn't that insane jeez 63 63 years beats my record by 61 and A2 years that is [ __ ] insane um did I ever tell you I got invited to an orgy one time did I not tell you this I don't is this a game Grump's appropriate story I I yes I guess it is I Didn't Do It All right so the story is I had um I had two friends and they were a lesbian couple uh let's let's call them Michelle and Janine to protect the innocent okay and um they were actually called blell andelle and minine yeah you found you've cracked the code um but they were uh they were my good friends and they were just beautiful um and uh they were a couple and of course when you're a guy and you have a couple of like lesbian girlfriends even though you know they're not into dudes at all you're always secretly hoping like maybe I will be the guy who will be invited into the threesome like the threesome that they're not having you know and never will yeah of course but so oh man what a beautiful cloudy background to tell this orgy story to yep one day I was just hanging out at their place and the three of us are on the couch together and uh we're just playing video games or whatever and uh ah [ __ ] y there goes there you go and Janine uh puts her hand on my leg out of nowhere and she's like Dan uh we have a proposition for you and I was like go on oh [ __ ] damn it oh sorry sorry damn it um so what they your inside your head there's like fireworks and [ __ ] going on yeah like yeah outside I was like like oh do tell but on the inside I'm like so um what it turned out to be was they were swingers and they were part of this like underground Orgy Club of like these people in New York they would get together and so I got invited into a 25 person ory where the breakdown was six dudes and 19 girls wao yeah yeah so I don't I'm going to do some quick math that's something like 3.2 girls for every dude and that's like that's a lot of pressure that's a lot of pressure you got to you got to really [ __ ] you got to cross train for [ __ ] like that so I didn't end up doing it uh for a couple of reasons one because like uh because of because of that and also because I couldn't help I don't want Ghana herpa syphilis and like I can't assume that [ __ ] everyone else at that orgy is having their first orgy you know like it's got to it's got to be like if you if you like combined everyone's sexual history together there have to be like 1,000 boning cases in that one room which is gross but the funny part was that that I wanted to bring up was they made me like fill out like uh a form card like that like a par you had to write a paragraph like you had to submit a head shot so you were attractive enough to do it and then like I know it was really official high standards I know and then um you had to fill out like a like a little card saying why you wanted to be in the orgy like [Laughter] um you know this is really hard for me so oh God sh that is outstanding so yeah know I never I mean I've definitely the thing that's funny did you ever like stick your finger at them and then they bite it and then they just don't let go and then you just carry them around oh it's but because they don't really have sharp teeth no but they have a like a strong jaw yeah yeah yeah so you you you could like grab them and then like put them on your ear and just like let them there for a while and just kind of like oh you Florida kids yeah that's what we did for fun what did you do for fun all right well I guess I'll see you later Dan no man like we used to um God what did we do for fun Shu corn no well what we used to do there I grew up NE near this town called Milburn and Milburn had like a river uh and uh so we would kind of like hop on these stones on the river and follow it down and and then the river led to a mountain and like we'd travel up into like this mountain range and we found this [ __ ] really cool rock like up at the top of the mountain and it was like a giant it looked like a big Stone table that was kind of round so we went up there and we would pretend that we called ourselves the Knights of the Nato round table and we shut up and and we uh and we'd like we' basically have like laring sessions before laring was a thing and we would just pretend we were like Dungeons and Dragons characters and I was a Mage and like we would go on adventures and [ __ ] that's awesome yeah yeah did you ever set fire to a a factory or a mill no did you ever did you ever kill a man well no because you lived in a place called mil burn come on all right that's high five worthy come on I think it has a lot to do with um that ice pouch oh yeah oh [ __ ] yeah so nice oh right on the CR ah no it'll come back okay so like it's right there is oh yeah it's making a k turn yeah on the island so it's just going to make a little U-turn real quick it's one of those sand boats sand boats yeah you know dude you've never [ __ ] driven on a land booat what are you being serious no actually they have I was like that sounds like magic yeah they do have uh the duckboat tours in Boston like they are uh they start off as like like cars basically and then they go in the water and the wheels go in and it becomes a boat oh wow yeah super neat that's awesome yeah I've been on an airboat ooh which is like kind of like a land booat I guess I guess so I O excuse me like in the in the Everglades oh God yeah those are crazy the Everglades yeah it it was super scary I guess I've never like referred to it as an actual plural like dude the Everglades those are nuts yeah the Everglades is just a place like have you been to the Everglades yeah it's cool yeah yeah yeah it's a it's a it's a place at the very edge of Florida the bottom tip and uh it's just all swampy land and tons upon tons of [ __ ] alligators everywhere it's it's like a super alligator party yeah and and everything in the Everglades wants to kill you including the Everglades itself yeah yeah so yeah I don't think anybody's like traversed the full entirety of the Everglades on their own because it's so volatile it's so dangerous yeah like I've told you that I wrestled an alligator while I was there right sorry what did I never [ __ ] tell you about this I had to have I must have uh apologies if we've told this story before I know yeah I wrestled an alligator oh okay I I have a picture I can show you uh it wasn't the world's biggest alligator was was it a baby alligator it was I think it was a youth it was like 6t long um that's still pretty it was big it was big enough to be disconcerting um I it was many many years ago and uh like you go on the tour um like the you go on the air boat tour and uh oh man okay so you have these tours that like this uh cinjun dude or like a swamp person will take you um like yeah like a guy you can't understand like yeah like they're cool as [ __ ] but you can't understand a word they're saying um and uh before you go on the tour they have like these alligator pens for like alligators that are like sort of like domesticated or whatever um domesticated by name only yeah exactly a domesticated cold [ __ ] heartless reptile capable of murdering you um so yeah like the uh oh maybe you have to hit the pin like as you come out of it so it like knocks you like right down um real tired of Mario [ __ ] so yeah that this pen like they have like 20 people gathered around like looking at all the Alligators and the guy comes out he's like who wants to wrestle this alligator and uh uh my my friend Brett oh my God my friend Brett uh was uh he was like hey my buddy Dan does and I was really stoned at the time and I was too stoned to like be like no no I don't want that that's not a thing that I want uh we like dude yeah just like well just everyone like turned to me and like everyone face they were all so excited they were like yeah do it and I was like I guess I'll I guess I'll do it and so I wrestled an alligator um it was yes Aaron yes thanks um thanks for the enthusiasm I'm happy for you and uh yeah like it's um once you get the Jaws closed it's super easy oh this is a as good a time as any also uh I couldn't find the best picture of of me wrestling that alligator um from before uh that people requested to see but I did find one of me uh of 20-year-old me wrestling an alligator so Barry put that up wait you have more pictures of you wrestling an alligator there's a much better one where you can see the size of the alligator cuz it's from the side this you can just kind of see the mouth and the tail but it it doesn't look as big as it actually was and this is where people are just like sure sure naked yeah just hanging out with Bros yeah just sucking each other off like Bros do we were talking about Metal Gear Solid that's [ __ ] cool that is awesome that's a better experience than I had um the uh I I was with same uncle actually I was out uh on a road trip with him through the desert um in uh in Death Valley and like all parts of California Nevada it was when I was like I I had taken some time off College because I was going through some stuff and I was like it'd be better if I wasn't here right now trying to learn yeah and um so like we took a road trip together and it was it was awesome but like you're out there and you're like just hundreds of miles from any kind of civilization you know so like anyone you run into out there like they can do terrible things to you and never be caught you know so like um and you'll never be found and all that sort of thing so so we're out there it's my uncle myself and his two dogs um and we stop at these like natural hot springs and then like while we're there it's like night time and we're just hanging out and this dude just comes out of nowhere like there's no there's no cars anywhere like I have no idea where he came from and like I didn't get a bad Vibe because like I'm like you know me like I'm unusually trusting of strangers you know like I was like Hey a new friend hello desert friend why do you branish a knife before me yeah but like my uncle I guess had an immediate bad Vibe about uh from him and uh the guy was like hey your dog's friendly and my uncle like without a trace of like humor was like no meanwhile like they're the friendliest dogs in the world um and the guy was like oh okay and then he left he just disappeared like over a hill and was gone again and uh I was like that was weird but we didn't talk about it again uh like 10 years later my uncle told me cuz we slept in like the pickup truck you know we just like put blankets and pillows down uh and my uncle was like yeah just so you know uh I slept with a handgun under the pillow that night I was like oh my [ __ ] god jeez yeah yeah uh so I had a uh I had a retroactively stressful hot tub exper I mean hot spring experience but damn dude yeah that was a wild trip man like cuz I had I had blue hair at the time where was it that that was blue hair yeah yeah yeah what the [ __ ] when I was you told me you wanted to dye your hair blue but oh I know I wanted to dye my hair blue again oh yeah it was I had I had I can't remember if I had blue dreadlocks but I definitely had blue hair and dreadlocks in the same year um not my best year frankly in terms of looking hot I know Pokemon like the back of my hand what the hell is that on the back of my hand that's a joke from Fresh [Laughter] Prince okay oh you know what what cuz I'm sure people have gotten annoyed at this point I'm just going to real quick tell that story from the road trip oh okay cuz they keep forgetting and for us it's been like 20 minutes but for everyone else it's been like 4 days um no so my uncle and I were driving through the desert and one of the many weird Adventures we had we we had some kind of like car problem and we pulled over I'm talking the middle of nowhere and like there's just this dude and his Shack and like he has like some car parts outside so he so we're like he probably can fix things and uh and we go into his shop and there's like just God damn it oops dude okay so this this old dude like um like real salt of the earth kind of guy his name was jusy and like that is a name it is cool and uh my uncle of course like plays the part like he's I mean he's from New Jersey like the rest of my family but like if he drives into the desert he's wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat and a leather jacket and all that um so jusy has no problem with him but I have like possibly dreadlocks definitely blue hair and like I just I I look like nothing he's ever seen before he keeps like giving me like the awkward eye as Eminem used to say and uh it just keeps looking over and uh I'm like hi ji you know like like super nice and he's like and uh yeah and I'm pretty sure like he's about to call like the uh I don't know the local chapter of the clan on me or something and uh my uncle like my uncle who can read these situations really well just immediately is like oh yeah you're probably looking at my uh my nephew's hair but he's a good boy loves as Jesus goes to church every every Sunday and uh Jess's like oh oh all right and like from that moment on he was totally cool with me and meanwhile inside I'm like what's Church Daddy yeah it was really funny but I it was one of those very interesting moments in my life where like damn umone to put him to sleep yeah there's very few times cuz I mean like you know if you're Jewish like you experience anti-Semitism and stuff but like it's not it's not as well I shouldn't say it's not as difficult but like it's not immediately recognizable like racism if you know if you're an African-American person and you walk into a room everyone knows you know that you're African-American but like Judaism like in a lot of cases you know like they don't know until you tell them in which case they're like you just like a lying sneaky Jew not I'm just kidding I'm just kidding so like so I'd never experienced like like straight hatred from someone I'd never said a word to before you know like that that was a real interesting experience and then to just watch it watch it like completely drain away um as soon as he as as soon as uh he found out that I was down with the J man this is my friend [ __ ] buggy yeah I still remember the first [ __ ] like uh I I remember the first four words of my bar mitzvah thing that I had to like sing Oh God what is what were they uh it's it's not going to sound good with this song but it's [Music] like that's all I remember really and but I mean like my my Torah passage like they you know what the Torah is right yeah that's like the Jewish Bible yeah more or less yeah um I need to put on a Repel right the [ __ ] now yeah all these Jews around um telling all these jewy stories I got to [ __ ] yeah man like the Tora my mouth it's in these it's it's these sacred Scrolls basically it's the Torah written on Scrolls and like they're very protected and like they put coverings over them and they'll have like a a silver like crown on certain ones of them and they're all different crowns Jesus and they're and they're behind a curtain too so when I would go to Temple as a little kid the curtain would be closed all the time damn they are rare into go I just put a [ __ ] Max repel and they they'd pull the curtain back and you'd see them and it was like the I remember like the first time and I'm not a religious person but like I remember like seeing them as a kid and being like wow like like reverence you know like they just look like really important um so they're like somewhere oh every every Temple has a Torah oh yeah it's like it's it's it's essentially the Hebrew Bible but like written by hand by rabbis like and blessed you know like it's super sacred and in medieval times it would take like your life was like transcribing that [ __ ] damn um yeah so it was intense that's some [ __ ] like fantasy [ __ ] it's very interesting man like it's it's an old old religion um it's I think it I think it's the first monotheistic religion maybe not it's one of the first certainly um any any uh oh I see I see your game yeah so what a bar mitzvah is is uh that's the right of passage when you're 13 and you have to memorize basically and read and sing in the certain way a passage from the Torah and it's just like I don't know what the selection process is oh Persian anyway I'll just finish that super fast like the the part of the Torah that I had to read was like the second longest that you can be assigned so I like I just had to study it with my mom for like months and months and months and I had to do it in Israel too oh God yeah in front of like all these like super elderly Jewish guys that like were like old school Israeli and they like you could hear like the murmur when like they found out like that a kid from America who didn't speak Hebrew was going to be doing it and like it it it was really cool cuz I I did it I did it well and um my my granddad on my Israeli side who I never really knew that well like that was the one time I he was really really proud of me a yeah he was like he was very moved you could see cuz he he was like a holocaust Survivor so to like see his grandson from another part of the world like maintain the Traditions that he almost died for you know like it was a big deal for him damn dude I know this this got heavier than I meant it to but like um uh I don't even know where I was going with it oh yeah your yeah that's what it was it was just that like after it was over I like almost fainted like walking out of the temple cuz I was like I didn't realize it but I was so nervous and like I guess I was too nervous to eat and everything and as soon it was over like my body just like shut down Jesus yeah it was crazy it was a crazy experience just a wall of weeds bro this was always a pleasing sound to me oh the little popper on like a little like like on a Snapple can or something like that popped then it's not good yeah I love it it also reminds me of like that do you ever go back in your childhood and think of like ASMR [ __ ] before they had a name for it like just stuff that sounded good to your ears and it kind of gave you chills a little bit Yeah like Bob Ross oh that's not a [ __ ] wall wow I'll be damned okay come on yeah Bob Ross is a perfect example such an idiot um but another one was when darthy in Wizard of Oz whoops nice you found a way um when darthy is uh giving the Tin Man oil mhm and she's just like and um I was like this just something so peaceful about it 63,000 Souls yeah bro oh [ __ ] yeah thanks for reminding me yeah [ __ ] please I'm going to you level the [ __ ] up I'm going to go back to my my Bros over here my bro theft hang out with my girl back home proud you she making me macaroni and cheese bro I'm going to go back she going to make me a sandwich and I'm going to be like that's a great lunch girl and then we going to have like a day [ __ ] and then I'm going to leave oh a day [ __ ] yeah those are nice yeah where you're just kind of like oh didn't expect this all right yeah well this is happening and then you're just kind of like Yay it's 4 in the afternoon and my penis isn't inside somebody this is pretty neat wow just having like a dialogue with yourself out loud yeah she's like could you stop talking huh this is great are you kidding me with this Neato I remember the first time I ever like played hookie from school um you got laid no I was I I I didn't get laid until after college I was I was 23 but I do I I did get that sweet blowy um and I just remember like I remember getting a [ __ ] in like Junior of high school or whatever and like uh cuz my girlfriend at the time was sick and uh I was like I'll I'll play hookie and and skip school and go bring her like soup or something she was like a and so I was uh I was was receiving fellatio from her and looking at the clock and seeing that it was like 1:30 in the afternoon and thinking like wow my friends are in class right now this is the best oh I was very checked out towards the end of high school for True by far um thanks lovelies and the thing is like seriously I feel like every so often I I feel like every so often I need something and I will I will volun UNT arily make it happen in my life where just to bring it down a peg a little bit like reality check mhm because what we do is so cool yeah and there are like stresses that come with it that are unique to this and like those stresses can be very difficult yeah like in the long run it's not it's it's like way better than some other [ __ ] that we could be doing oh God yeah and like and and there are days like there's no way you can do anything daily for four years you know and like even though we don't record daily like this is a 7 day a week career you know um uh there's no way you can anyone can humanly bring the same energy every day like some days it's just like oh like I just got to fight through it you know yeah um but like I hope that's never mistaken for like wow these [ __ ] ungrateful bastards you know like um ungrateful I don't know ungrateful ungrateful bastards um INR yeah and ungrate but but that's what I'm saying like I feel like I I every so often I need like if somebody is like I need help doing this need help moving or like I need I don't know like a situation where it's like hard labor and it's like an all day thing right I'm I'm just like yes please I need that I need to know I need to do something that's like different and that is very taxing and just to be like cool I have it pretty good I had some of the shittiest jobs ever for for a long time oh yeah I did I did construction I did tons of [ __ ] clerk work I had to [ __ ] solder the same powerboard over and over for weeks data entry oh I got I got fired from a data entry job for being way too High um wow yeah well it was my own fault um well I mean obviously it was my own fault but like it was my own fault for not doing the the like the masking agent for the drug tests correctly I like it was the stuff it was like the stuff you drink um and it like masks the weed in your system and really yeah and like but like the idea is like you drink it and then like you pee a bunch of times and it like gets rid of the weed in your system um does that also like sober you up oh I mean you're sober when you're oh right right right right because it's like still in there for a couple days a couple days and it stays in your hair for like 40 days and [ __ ] like that wow yeah yeah um or I mean that's what I've been told I don't know the science behind it but like um I drank it but then I didn't know I was supposed to pee a bunch of times and it's a pee test so I was like I probably shouldn't pee so so I I could save all the magic for this pee that I'm going to drop in this cup um so I ended up giving in what they call a hot sample and uh it oh God it is warm like piss is 98.5 degrees poor show and um I got a I got I got this call this was in my Philly days where I was like just home Stony playing marind all day every day um so I was at home playing marind all Stone and I got this call from and it was like a woman in Texas and she was like hi this is somebody from Quest Diagnostics oh yeah yeah we uh we got your uh we got your test results here uh you tested positive for for marijuana and I was like um okay what does that mean and she was like thank you and just hung up like super fast I was like whoa well I guess I'm fired this calls for a tasty bong rip and then I just smoked and I played marwi wind for the next 3 weeks until I got another job oh wow it was great just the job just apparated uh that's when I started uh I got a job at the coffee shop down the street um mug shots in Philadelphia which has since moved to a different location like further down the street but like same owners and everything and uh yeah it was on Fairmount in Philly like right across from the whoa right across from the crazy medieval looking prison don't you dare well I'm going to do it um drink drink your poo I when you're single like things can be misinterpreted oh I get you yeah so you got to but I mean I feel like immediately you're like I don't want to touch you with my boner yeah fair enough but maybe I do so maybe that's me being inauthentic I want to touch everything with my boner including my boner that's the point it's going to be very difficult and painful if you had a boner and you wanted to hug this girl with your boner then you would have just done it oh [ __ ] you're right you're absolutely right you are The Love [Laughter] Guru Welcome to The Love Guru studies my name is Aaron uh smash Kut in two hours later if you wanted to touch the girl with your boner you would have just done it Dan oh man look deep in your heart I feel like that could be misconstrued uh with the full knowledge that she would be excited about boner touching that's that's an important addendum yes to add there yes that's like that's like my new song which apparently is a song written by our friends Jack and Dean I didn't even know about so cancel that song I was going to write which song but my song was called called I like [ __ ] [ __ ] in parenthesis but only with their consent is that a Jack deud song apparently they wrote a song that's extremely similar to that those guys are [ __ ] really funny and awesome yeah that's that reminds me of uh the Brian uh NSP idea that we've never been able to work which is Rock the night and then in parenthesis or day depending on your [Laughter] availability parenthetical titles I remember when we were first coming up with the like the very first star bomb album and it was like late and oh I got to tell you something interesting about that story too anyway um on camera or off camera on camera oh sweet we were um we were coming up with titles and we were all giggly and like every single title was like a parenthetical oh yeah yeah yeah but obviously we didn't end up with that that chair didn't explode um but the cool thing about that night is I don't know if I've ever told you this but I've told a couple other people this is um that's the night where I knew that um if if like John ever got sick or like wanted to leave the show or anything I was going to like be like hey Dan you should be on the show oh that's awesome yeah I didn't know that cuz I was like man this chemistry is great yeah we we immediately [ __ ] giggled like idiots from the day we met each other yeah the Eric Andre show I I'm sure it's not for everybody but to me it's one of the most consistently [ __ ] insanely hilarious things I've ever seen from what you've showed me it is very hilarious God damn he just really he goes all out and like whenever he's like losing his mind and destroying his set like sometimes like his nose will be bleeding or like his hands will be cut up I'm like God damn this dude he's [ __ ] really wrecking himself for the sake of Comedy oh yeah I I actually built a ragd doll out of newspapers and duct tape so I wouldn't have have to do any of that [ __ ] yeah for sure is she going to give me the blood now nope all right waste of time have I ever told you uh one of my favorite things about the ragd doll Dummy from uh the ninja sex party videos danin danin danin Skywalker it uh it's it's that it was it was made in 2008 and it's still somehow hanging in there um but the newspapers it was stuffed with are all from 2008 so like sometimes when like we hit it with a car or whatever and it like explodes like newspapers that like that say like Obama elected go like flying everywhere like this is crazy it's like a it's like the world's stupidest Time Capsule the world's stupidest Time Capsule come on give give danin more credit than that yeah absolutely he's a handsome mannequin a yeah he's based off of you he is how could he not be he actually is in the shape of my body I had to uh wind duct tape all around myself to create it and then people were like oh you remember that thing that you said when you were 26 oh that is recorded in infamy forever and is one of the most popular episodes of Game Room do you remember that people still people still make fun of me because of that tweet that I made which one was that in like 2001 I was like if I ever make a let's play kill me oh did you really yeah that's awesome so um they'll still reply to it and they're like idiot hypocrite and it's like I you know I've publicly acknowledged that tweet like a million times yeah yeah so what made you change your mind uh to become a hypocrite well Dan have always been a hypocrite right it's just uh I don't know just thought it would be fun and honestly I think you've stayed completely true because you do a let's play and after almost every game group session you're likeing kill me wow I never thought of it that way yeah you [ __ ] you've totally stayed true to your word never in my life have I said that more than stting oh that's really funny wow yeah that really makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside it's probably because I uh it's probably because I didn't I I I was I was in one of my moods before oh yeah thean right right before Aaron goes on stage he's like you have your head in your hands and and like a guy comes up to you and he's like hey man can I get you anything what' you say i' like a high tree and a noose a noose and a dramatic tree and then the guy came over to me afterwards and he was like is is Aaron okay like and I was like yeah he when he's like this just leave him alone he'll just give him some space he'll be fine I just like to imagine what's going on in that guy's mind when like he he experiences that and then I go on stage and I'm like woo hey everybody like he's living a lie well no that's the funny thing cuz like you you you force yourself to be like that for like 3 seconds and then you hear the crowd and you see him and you're like oh now you're and I actually am energized but like yeah that that was it was very funny to watch you to go through that oh that's good stuff you're pretty much my Champion you're my special dude people uh people like to be like oh man Aaron's he's oh man he must be so depressed or something I've always been like that yeah no like I remember years and years I've been like i' I've been like oh man I just I just I don't care I I just whatever well there are times like I I hope hope this isn't like saying too much but like I remember when we came back from a convention years ago I won't say which one but like you didn't get to enjoy yourself because it was just too crazy and you had too much busy stuff to do and you were really upset and on the drive to the airport we're all in the car together and like you were like really quiet and like your eyes were like wide open and you were like staring out at nothing and I was like dude are you all right and just like got no response whatsoever like not even like a blink you're just like somewhere else and I looked at Susie and I was like is this is this all right and she was like he's totally fine just give him some time and and that was when we didn't know each other as well and now now I've become the he's totally fine don't even worry about it guy oh I love you buddy it's going to be all right oh man yeah whenever I see those headphones on I'm just like all right guess I'll talk to him in an hour see you later babies all right next time peace
Channel: Bman64
Views: 2,900,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bman, bman64, game grumps, dan, arin, story, stories, talk, talking, podcast
Id: 330ycxKdRdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 59sec (7199 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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