One's Angry... One's Laughing... - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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well that's as bad as a guest why can't I get a full [ __ ] swing I was the one who suggested to play this fool I see your toe tapping in irritation yeah well I'm trying I'm trying to make it one trying to having it happen it sucks my ass drip my ass oh make a coffee out of my ass ribs Oh all right way to say this [ __ ] game Oh a key yes yeah sure why not Oh meanwhile children are dying but I can open the door this is so stupid thought of this garbage banana canoe plantains pontoon in canoe snowflakes rain hot dog hot dog in the rain shootin jizz Oh surfboard mmm Oh night surfing swimming skateboarding what am i drawing right now people competitive surfing what am i drawing right now people what are these tiny little things stars what are they doing shining damn [ __ ] damn it what looks like that in the sky Orion no it's falling from the clouds what's parachutes No Oh snowboards Christ fairly proven at this point but that um come on dude and the blood echoes go right back I'm sorry Darren you're making me angry the thing you were talking about when I get angry what the heck it already shut up there's [ __ ] Zambos okay yeah it's up here oh my god oh my god oh my god sharp Jesus Christ six okay thank you get me past income tax that's all I [ __ ] care about no income tax I hate you [ __ ] there needs to be an economy in the game for us to [ __ ] even play I need this I want you to have money I need to stamp your face out I don't want you to not have money nothing happens did you that's exactly what's going to happen then good good well okay yo we're rocking and rolling now oh [ __ ] just got so much more real Oh Oh God all right a little bit of formula it doesn't nobody huh [ __ ] okay great drop it down mm-hmm perfect excellent work all right now I get the formula is this like oh okay well I can't see it all digital all right you might want to restart this loan no I'm good it's just gonna give you the few failed side so I feel your pain oh I can't go through this column no that's a wall it's a wallam yeah we're gonna play this one more time after you die in that wood oh [ __ ] god damn it this is [ __ ] rough dude I know no no no no no [ __ ] I'm screwed dammit you [ __ ] [ __ ] ribbon girl you [ __ ] Lauren a fun piece of [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] bleed you dry I'll get you right in the carotid artery and just watch with [ __ ] blue burning eyes as I enjoy watching you bleed out in front of me okay you you [ __ ] ribbon girl [ __ ] next time on game we don't even want a rematch huh oh I'm too easy for you you [ __ ] piece of garbage this is some of the worst rounds I've ever played in this game yeah you'll show up I think were you where I started oh that's a shame [ __ ] this life that we've chosen for huh and what the [ __ ] yard yeah well what do you thought you liked a doki doki panick master boy between you and him and your manly chests there is a lot of [ __ ] jam [ __ ] wolf child dude God thank god you're getting all those scrolls for whatever the [ __ ] reason you know I gotta say they really they they made it easy to land on these because they are slippery but when you land on them you just stop that's cheerful [ __ ] you God good god he knew the pieces fit in AU P hat I'll travel around you till the end of time who's gonna get tired first huh who's gonna tired first certainly not the robot oh [ __ ] oh my god I'm about to leave why I'm like a [ __ ] this is like actually trying to kill a fly in your house but just [ __ ] land do they do they like have to land yeah that I mean that's the only way to kill him but I mean is would he ever go on forever yeah I've never seen one like that oh there we go there he goes oh okay okay you see where the dogs are lining up I get it I just the trolls are so [ __ ] all right it's like cuz I keep forgetting like you move her by tilting the Wii Remote yes stop stop stop walking forward you stupid go gotcha for [ __ ] sake yes just use buttons whee Jesus Christ my father's gonna be real proud when I come back home and there's like a basket a girl right as much as I'm joking around here I am really trying to get the ball in the basket [Laughter] stop dreaming on candy you can eat candy it's real it's a real thing if it's backseat Nazi Oh yeah passenger I'm winning now yeah you're winning significantly I am so happy you know what helps you win what swinging that thing around in my face and yelling while I try to [ __ ] you thinker [ __ ] I didn't cool of you it's super cool oh you could do that that's the whole point of football game sake oh my God look how [ __ ] fast your guy is cuz I got that very strong titanium oh my god you put it all in one dude I can't catch him it's a nightmare are you ready for this action oh no not the best thing for me right now oh that move did not take into account my feelings just arrows to [ __ ] I hope I make it across no oh my god wow I'm not gonna get mad I'm not gonna get mad I am not at all going to get angry but here we go and here it is you got to do this nonsense yeah ah so great better hurry you're still dying okay No [Laughter] go go go go go please please please please Lord damn pee I swear to god I'm not even 3 feet from you get on the [ __ ] get on oh god it's so funny for [ __ ] sake Christmas tree oh that's so great oh oh link go dry up yeah driving a [ __ ] gut link dry a bit damp ease up they're like [ __ ] oh my god god damn PU [ __ ] over hey you [ __ ] dog whistle there you go there you go yeah errand boy it drops those bombs automatic yeah hold sure does it does more harm than good frankly god [ __ ] disc lamp sucks shooter are you [ __ ] kidding me shoot it with a hook set boomerangs I can't be underwater and shoot [ __ ] Oh a god damn this [ __ ] are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding come the [ __ ] on they're gonna be hearing about this one for a while how can you know there's no way to hit it alright time to look up how do we beat actually that'll probably bring up some parts it's you gotta be what [ __ ] me dude this is so stupid no no why did I put the lives there why did they put the spike there if the lives are there definitely on purpose so [ __ ] mean I know you wanna kill you I'm just trying to figure she'll need to back up back up back up back up back up back up back up back up before it melts before [ __ ] link don't fall no god damn this [ __ ] stupid area sucks oh yeah there you go nice nice did you got here much faster than ever before going straight to Fargo yes yes oh I was so freaking cool my house nervous so you just need yeah three icebergs that are equidistant there you God why do you [ __ ] just land on it you piece of garbage get on it get on the [ __ ] iceberg god damn it it's gonna disappear now because I got it then I gotta bend over away from the mic and it's [ __ ] annoying yeah but that's hot for me oh there's one right up there doesn't make a difference though I can are you kidding me dammit dammit god dammit way--don't am i defending yes you're defending because i intercepted the ball Oh he's caught he's covered no he's not that's so far you're like a [ __ ] triathlon winner what thank you I'm getting you for second down bro this is second down is gonna wreck you did it's so [ __ ] wreck I'm not gonna have only got ten seconds to do this [ __ ] these guys are [ __ ] worthless dude Miami Dolphins more like Miami go die oh goodness oh my god you have to pun I have to punt kick what the heck does that mean it means I'm gonna kick it to you run just go I'm going go fans is 300 ok watch 50 bucks right I am a big deal are you kidding I wouldn't stay in jail really the safest thing well I mean you still gotta get properties now I'm just gonna run around my dick out just swinging it in front of mortgage company hello I would like to purchase no jail has been good to me make it 20 bucks chilling out yeah I'm doing fun it's getting warm well say wait stay away stay away right yeah look at me this is so stupid does she [ __ ] does she like me we're still at a [ __ ] one we're still at a goddamn one woah dude at a [ __ ] one why can you [ __ ] believe that [ __ ] [ __ ] as a tree dick nice nice keep it going yeah yeah yeah yeah bouncing it off the wall I think he's gonna turn into the hole-in-one so that would be super impressive watch this all right thank you pretty pretty close to you sick ass you [ __ ] dick [ __ ] how do I get back Jesus this [ __ ] place is a goddamn maze how the hell am I supposed to enjoy art if I get other than that it's impossible I've lost forever I think they want me to like oh there's one coming at you oh whoa god damn it it's just so hard [ __ ] this stupid game it would seem that the dinosaurs how many weapons I have god damnit what's he Jones a [ __ ] genius he certainly is huh I come on man let me [ __ ] goddamn it these guys seems so cute and friendly at first it's [ __ ] sucks okay yeah what the hell is swinging the remote around huh oh there you go can I aim this I don't know I am oh it has something on this is just awful I uh wait what I think it probably has something to do with this the goal the the the goal in the right corner what the [ __ ] this is awful this doesn't make any sense swing it around press the a button what row and David and John are kicking the [ __ ] at good [ __ ] Lord this is terrible oh man uh uh what am i doing I don't know jump and land on the thing no what what no this would be this would be easier with one person yeah like we are totally in each other's way that's yeah Oh believe me I've thought about yeah get those you do it yourself okay we had eight thousand gold okay and now we have oh like less than less than we have lowered our gold intake by four okay now I'm playing a thing but you actually weren't playing little definitely bye guys no there sure doesn't actually guys yeah I was red the entire time I lost because my guy kicked it into his own goal all right here we go my system is in place look at that look at that are you seeing that I'll nail it I'll be very impressed [Laughter] do this I don't know if I can I don't have no idea what I'm like I pressure to apply I think you're probably gonna yeah you did it oh my god Oh Lord you got one shot [ __ ] look it's my perfect shot yet again god damn it let's see if I here we go okay oh you [ __ ] Randall you always do this you're such a stealer your ass just became [ __ ] likely whoa all right making it make [ __ ] bless to the unlikely suck dick hold on I might as well playing through until we die scheme sucks a chode oh god damn it I need a [ __ ] lantern god dammit [ __ ] this game already [ __ ] this game in its ass dude yeah oh all right where the store is yeah but I got to go through all this [ __ ] it's just as agonizing I don't care if I if I had a [ __ ] if I had a power glove that works I don't care if I was in the world and I was like moving around with my actual body it would be just the I spawn back here in the [ __ ] - yeah I really do believe in myself you know I think that I I'm a good person deep down and this these things shouldn't be happening to me but they just happen they keep happening I can't do anything about it it feels like you know people say that you just manifest destiny you can make anything if you want that's not what that is um let's hit that fast-forward but no [ __ ] you okay god damn it [ __ ] everything because I'm the one who has to God [ __ ] I'm the one who has to write it on the [ __ ] pad every time I got a start and stop the timer' [ __ ] [ __ ] man and I can't fill an episode with like two seconds of me like fighting like that [ __ ] boss and then dying immediately I can't feel an episode with that man freedom horrible why so many spiky tree oh man ah a nice soft landing now I'm free to pursue a life of religious fulfillment I wanna get into teaching [Laughter] yeah that's it yeah that's it that's the end of the [ __ ] game yeah dude you made it out you are no longer inside I'm going to be extremely upset if that's the end of the game dude I'm telling you man are you inside anymore no you're not I guess 9 side is over the end congratulations you beat inside that poor [ __ ] kid are you serious forget the kid it's [ __ ] nut sack dude oh ok ok the platform after like 20 minutes Lee Kevin and Megan compilation swearing at this [ __ ] control game day I can hate the way this game controls so much Wow sucks it's just the worst man like it's it's so [ __ ] floaty and weird anyway the physics are weird oh where is it where's it where's it where's the end where's the end where's the end to the right oh my god I'm like no no no stick go right here and then go up yes Jesus Jesus dude [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] you cannot even pretend like that was [ __ ] fair it was not fair but I can't say I didn't expect it I can't say it caught me by surprise god damn it god damn it this is hard I my brain is exploding Nancy Drew and the mystery of the difficult desk toy my brain all right all right that one links to that one that one links to that one this one links to all four right and these ones all work on their own oh [ __ ] yeah okay so perfect all right so if I change oh [ __ ] can't do that okay okay okay okay these are all raccoons make your change that's a raccoon and then [ __ ] okay I have to make that one of [ __ ] yes I did it okay I did it I got it I did it yes I totally did it okay it's just to make these all mises then yeah it doesn't okay well we should have learned the rules you want some street cred with everybody at home cuz that was incredibly impressive hahahaha what fun next time I get grumpy said it doesn't matter and now you're all I wish I had more points this is fun what garbage ass game not dim you just said it was terrible [ __ ] horseshit all right all right this is how they could all the controllers get broken in the first place whole [ __ ] no controller no there's no way you're [ __ ] cheater this is sore loser you're a cheater stop come on look at that 192 that's not even possible was it even game groups versus until I played this game a thousand times and I've never seen that much score before my dad works at Nintendo no I can't what I was trying to like just make him not appear ha Jesus Christ me like I was saying oh I don't have the star anymore oh you're almost there cool you can do it try it try it try it I can't [ __ ] I can't [ __ ] ass ah dicks [ __ ] dicks ok because one was a safety and the other is a field goal also you didn't do anything to earn the safety I just fell in the endzone how dare you just me or you this is me kicking off to you damn this game is terrible you're terrible got it go go go this sucks [ __ ] this [ __ ] sucks you didn't make anything because it's mortgaged so congratulations but it would have been mortgaged anyway yeah but you could have unmoor gives it on that series of other events also oh go [ __ ] right off man this game is so [ __ ] cruel how the [ __ ] I was in such good position um just you saw I landed on yellow I gave I gave that to you yes I know I press the a button oh my god just don't roll it to for two please just adjust that sweet sexy to [ __ ] I don't care don't care about living anymore all right he's taking a liking to me sure now he's in [ __ ] palm tree square such a weird wild goose chase to talk to people you just talk to this guy [Laughter] we're broken man we are this game has broken us no oh you you me you passed it you passed it I go straight to jail so much fun looks like I'm the criminal here one I can squeeze right through those bars wait do you want it well it's too late now oh no it's not do you want no not yet 10 st. [ __ ] Charles so what a goddamn surprise amazing that you [ __ ] make your safe phone call on your burner is such a friendship ender is unbelievable to stay around the pink yeah easier said than done [ __ ] Avidan all right way to turn my name into a derogatory term how come the [ __ ] on really I hit jump [ __ ] hit it oh come on [ __ ] son god damn it you were crushing it for a long No just like I crush every night of every day so awesome yeah yeah yeah sometimes bad things happen like you get in that job like you answering that voice 1 2 3 [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we had facecam you also at home would see us wiggling it and we'll never do it god dammit dude I was right there [ __ ] sucks alright next time I'm just not good enough this games great okay we're done immediate faceplant no sure yeah cuz I could still end up in jail I know I'm alright [ __ ] me so [ __ ] what what aw damn it [ __ ] like come on man I I don't understand what's happening right now oh if only you could see like what I was doing I was just holding the button god damn it it's it's like it's not just because the game is ridiculous it's because it looks like I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] because it's like what did you do it's like I didn't do anything you don't look like an [ __ ] all I did was sit here and hold the [ __ ] B button and then G [ __ ] went all crazy kind of an ass good lord that's why it's frustrating otherwise I'd just be like that was weird I can step outside myself for a second and look at what just happened on the screen and be like god what a [ __ ] do business get up on a platform and [ __ ] but it's it's [ __ ] I don't know man this game's [ __ ] wack as [ __ ] what's three what god [ __ ] are you handing me god dammit what the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away you're gonna get it for 40 bucks I hate my [ __ ] life it's about as close as I'll get whoa why oh Jesus why did that happen that was like a like a [ __ ] to me Kirby I'm sorry I'm sorry [Laughter] do you have to press a direction or something yeah you're always pressing the direction I'm trying that god damn it it's just not working why is Jason Vorhees scraping the ground but it's a hockey mask Jason Voorhees took the hockey thing [ __ ] gazebo I made out of sushi Oh nasty nasty nasty boy Oh God Jesus Christ I got a hundred coins I was like got it holy sheep that was amazing anyway so I made it I'm the doctor again I'm a doctor as long as you can handle my hand sweat yeah oh god this is different than what I gave it to you oh yeah I got it hey what the [ __ ] you won yeah wait a second another victory for the for the good doctor I won the first two though didn't I no you won the first one and then I did win the first one and then you best out of three and you just won that one yeah you son of a [ __ ] off Danni wins put up put up a put up on an ornate graphic that says Danni wins man right oh how dare you thank you good oh this is a disaster [ __ ] I did it good job Cooper but what are you doing you're going back and forth between the flower in the cloud to decide which one he likes better yeah Oh get out of here get out of here you [ __ ] little red armors dad ah tapeworms they do so much damage it's okay throw a bomb and you'll kill him okay not fair are you practically falling off the [ __ ] a you know it really it really looked like you had it and then you just sank like a stone switch it up sweet yet change the bridge situation okay alright so here we go are you ready yes all right I'm gonna activate do it just don't move just fall right back into the hole you got okay here we go same distance goddamnit some [ __ ] [ __ ] thought it was the perfect plan I just that is it I think that marks two portal episodes in a row we're like right at the ten minute and fifty second mark you really wait and then one was different there the leg is up on the left oh oh okay geez I'm not even though I see it and now okay Jesus Christ I thought like they were actually gonna be like totally different cards this is like it's all bombs alright next time I grab got dang it it's one of them gonna like swap at the end and I yeah I'm unclear yes yes yes yes oh [ __ ] yes yes Oh [ __ ] goddamn it dude space pants [ __ ] that's a bummer I couldn't [ __ ] target him because the shitty [ __ ] targeting system doesn't work I'm turning off my shitty targeting systems [Laughter] use the Force no I say oh you use it I say Julie yeah use the shitty targeting targeting system again Jesus Christ he's right [ __ ] there give me a goddamn break stupid [ __ ] Ocarina of Time [ __ ] who's right in front of me so [ __ ] stupid dude oh I hate it ya know get him get him [ __ ] him show me oh [ __ ] there he is [ __ ] I know [ __ ] goddamn [ __ ] stupid dumbass [ __ ] targeting system [ __ ] [ __ ] him get him Jim did I get him I just automatically went regular Bowser your mode god you [ __ ] hammer with your [ __ ] tight-ass hammer your stick but you wouldn't work not even a real sentence please stop please stop please stop are you my god kidding me ah what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do he throws it in a perfect unison it's a straight line of douchebaggery whatever you say Adam and I'm like no I'm Aaron and then you're like oh it's because you guys are so similar yeah it was at a complete lie oh yeah it's god dammit oh sweet cold oh damn it Jimmy go on about your friend Adam it's just it's the same they just jump like normal Mario this is definitely the two Episode stretch where we're gonna lose oh my god I might be able to make it get a shot oh it was [ __ ] illuminated for gosh [Laughter] come on man [ __ ] made that jump [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid stupid oh this isn't a there is garbage yeah it's pretty bad ready to get disposed of it's a draw oh man you could get a goal I believe in you shut you want to try playing this just kidding I know what they are they're death traps they are frog disintegrators permanent frog disintegrates oh yeah I did it did I yeah hundred oh that's good that's sweet do a swim swim swim swim [ __ ] you could dip your damn toe in there and you're not even [ __ ] touching it you're gonna tweak oh [ __ ] so she said false so I'm gonna go ahead and pick false shouldn't you picture out girl because she that was what she said oh I thought she came to your rescue if you blew it what the [ __ ] so 5th graders that's what I'm in the first game oh wow oh gee I wonder we just have to keep being as epic as possible I see son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] I missed the orb shop and everything you missed the orb shop yeah because I traded places with stupid suck a swallow teleporting Jewish nozzle this [ __ ] is such a pain in my ass I know how to solve this that dammit I was trying to get your jewels back we went there just to get jewels and now there's no [ __ ] jobs let's fight this guy man sunset I will as long as I live I will never stop loving your random price but is there stuff up there I don't know okay oh [ __ ] it's Baby Bowser Donkey it's the boughs I mean freaking what am I supposed to do here are these people these people playing Mario maker [Laughter] okay here comes the part that no human being has ever beaten there's probably a [ __ ] you gotta bounce up the turtle shells ooh why would you making such that Oh relax relax get [ __ ] stressing out dude yeah my cortisol is through the roof [Laughter] cause lacerations to my wolf [ __ ] this noise it grows back it grows back faster than I can pull it out dude are you seeing this are you watching this uh what are you watching how this is playing out [ __ ] this and drain it and pull out that door okay it's a pattern come on man Oh [ __ ] fight you want to go you want to throw down I'm fine with that piece of [ __ ] you get a blue coin blue boy smooth line okay Penny's blue coin when you got [ __ ] mental breakdown the blue coin is give me shines and [ __ ] samsara [ __ ] care can't buy crack cocaine with shines use real money I ain't gonna make money go on a black market sell your body the [ __ ] people I'm scared they're like pretty even boy there's two Guppies in that butthole but you know satisfy you what do you have the coke is just makes you want more clock say go you [ __ ] in the ass little bit more slow let's get I need an adult y'all right miss you covered a lot of ground there all I heard was like butthole I don't need your [ __ ] rupees you piece of [ __ ] God maybe you do have sit okay well it's not quite enough if you click 20 of them oh come the [ __ ] on I just gave you one I just literally gave me one I can't believe you you're wearing it she's like that's it this is from this one doesn't count this is your teacher one plus 19 20 I cannot believe you alright let's say for left I'm all right nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing this is nothing nothing don't believe me look at my resume 30 years experience okay okay last one Jimmy's got back Taco Bell too much it late at night and they wake up in the middle of the night have to Bob you know that feeling know it you wake up you got a bar you can feel it you got the hot sweats I can't take much longer how much more please that one you know what that zero absolutely zero [Applause] Tom Jones okay you can't eat all those apples you got a friend them out over the day give new friends you know drinking at supper drinkin that's Marilla we're back it's like a thousand hours wait where did that everyone it's in the center oh go [ __ ] yourself no no it's okay don't do this you can do this what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] [ __ ] don't even tell me that shit's for real thank you pissing that's legit anger what happened oh my god [Laughter] there was a lot of property damage there Oh Erin Erin what do I just maybe go back to gelato Beach we could just hang out and have some fun have some fun times let's go back to fast forwarding maybe I don't understand oh oh they're all back that's nice okay [Laughter] all right Barry prepare for another fast-forward [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,312,045
Rating: 4.9400854 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, laughter, laughing, danny, one's angry, one's laughing
Id: SDUog_4WbMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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