Game Grumps: Making fun of Advertisements

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if you could trade lives with Larry the Cable Guy would you know why because then you'd have to be Larry the Cable Guy what's wrong oh oh I'm sorry no I mean like are you just so much better than Larry the Cable Guy well it's is I I like being me I like my mom oh okay he saw his heartburn I'd have to take prilosec all the time unless he's kidding us in those commercials then does he actually do is prilosec commercials yeah if you got burned I'll tell you what you need a gun you did it again prilosec you know what they don't know that's shockingly likely a fight I mean almost word for word I eat ribs every day and I love it but I'll tell you what one more thing about how much ribs I eat a lot Proust a browser positive he doesn't phrase it like that they live oh babe rila sec bye so it's a bear market on Prowler sick this is your god problem snake is what do you worship if you if you go to a football sports game and you run out of chips eat prilosec you know what it'll bring you joy it's brilliant it's a brilliant [ __ ] thought hadn't thought of that even once [Laughter] heartburn like crazy Wow you knock yourself out because of my little spiky ball too bad because I'm blocking you characters are gonna say [ __ ] you to me today you're pee-wee Herman last episode your victory is giving me heartburn that's why is Crouch sick oh my god but and still have it mm-hmm I had super soakers oh those were my jams oh yeah what I mean back when they used to have like the the big the big like tank on the top the super soaker 200 yeah those are insane another like XP 68,000 yes lunch master Oh God have we ever talked about the booze master or whatever that oh yeah the ooze inator whose inator that's yeah we're definitely yeah watch watch that commercial with using Adrian looks like kids are getting just oh yeah with the kid who's just like you have to do you have to pump it while it's shooting of course you do so it's like oh god I'm glad we're friends do you think like the kids who are playing with it or like something feels really right about this they just can't stop wow really I love it what is this feeling I have inside me it's just the Uzi nadir breath maybe maybe that's what they were hoping to tap into next time I'm with a lady of the evening I think I will refer to my dick as the resonator as opposed to a lady of the day could be a lady today there was there was some kind of like board game or like some maybe some kind of toys where they were they look like burgers and hotdogs and other like food things and they were they were army men they were like army burger fast food things and they would like throw grenades at each other and [ __ ] and like the commercial was like a claymation on their own yeah yeah I don't know if you bought them and they were like well no that's it they did we got fried food over here they didn't do [ __ ] like they just they were just action figures but like the commercial was claymation and it made it look like they were really alive and like there were tons of examples of like kids like crying and like cuz like they did they bought the things and they didn't talk and [ __ ] and it was yeah and it ended up going like to a High Court and that was like one of the instrumental things that like determine that like advertising could not like bring [ __ ] to life it couldn't falsely advertise what the toys could do no way yeah so like when you'll notice like when Barbie or like My Little Pony or whatever becomes like cartoonish and alive like in the commercials now there always has to be like a sparkle wipe that shows you're clearly going to like cartoon land no yeah so so there's that I'm Barbie Barbie that's overpriced oh god he's mean green hmm just like those horrible [ __ ] smoothies and drink sometimes and the Pittsburgh Steeler player from the 70s what really mean Joe green you never saw those famous commercials it's one of the most famous commercials of all time it's like a kid it's from the 70s it's a kid like the way these get like the Pepsi or whatever you think coke and Mean Joe green is like yeah [ __ ] alright it gives him Kogan many tosses in the Jersey not a racist mean the Mean Joe green well no like that was the point because he was such a [ __ ] awesome football player and so like brutal on the field that like the idea of him being like nice to a kid was like a big a big deal I don't know much about Pepsi and then [ __ ] and then Family Guy did that great version of it where he like tosses in the Jersey awesome is bad socks and underwear the kids like [Music] now I watch the original and I hope you exams exactly it sounds nothing like that sound like a normal human being hey kid I wanna sound like unsubtle version on the yeah lookin on the nose good I'm gonna throw my jersey to you now yeah surprised - thank you for the kind gift of you giving me Pepsi my favorite drink oh yeah that's right the kid gives him the the soft drink the other way around commercial I can't remember what the hell it's for but like a quarterback in football gets knocked out and like the trainer's come over to them and they're like alright the quarterback gets knocked down the strangers come over and they're like how many fingers am i holding after three and they're like what's the score he's a 29:27 like what's your name I think I do remember that actually it's really fine gets up and runs back on the field look I'm Batman is simultaneously the most badass and also hilarious thing you could daughter boy who would want to live their whole goddamn life on that one rock yeah it's a size of Papa John's house am i right that guy seems like a dick oh yeah I'm sorry I shouldn't well he got in trouble like a day ago yes saying bad words yeah for dropping and bombs yeah and making shitty pizza but I think one is worse than them have you ever okay I have to stop the episode have you ever seen that [ __ ] come that that promo video he did where he was like it was like I'm just like everyone else so he's like I'm gonna order of Papa John's Pizza right now and it's like his house but it's actually his house and it's a [ __ ] palatial man of course I just like to hang out here with my kids you know just hang out cuz I'm a normal guy like you got I mean always walking by like Grecian columns and [ __ ] I'm just here at my house no minorities please anyway my more pizza and get out answers the door delivery guy who's like terrified preciate you oh thank you have a great day and Matt just made history he's the first delivery driver to Papa John's worldwide here's your pizza sir and he's like mmm nothing like a little Papa John's anyway here's here I think he dips him like a dollar I don't know maybe he did it off camera oh man leaps fantastic anyway go looking for that video [ __ ] hysterical cool I got my best friend my helper my son Beau was in the house I was watching some [ __ ] other watching some like 50s commercials the other day uh-huh and I came across this compilation of like only McDonalds commercials okay from like the 50's and it was one that was hilarious it was like it was talking about um like all the different it was talking about the cheese and uh it was just like are naturally my intrusion dressing that and blah blah blah and I'm like ah delicious and then it's like thin enough to melt across the pond and it's like okay and it's like sharp enough so you know it's there what that's like so the selling point of your cheese is that you know that there's cheese on it yeah yeah you know it exists mmm Oh sir you walked into the wrong situation as did you madam the the old McDonald's slogan was um Betty had a farm no it was it was like it was like nothing closer than home or something like really yeah that's weird or like it was like closest thing to home that's I think that's dad's cup oh this could be awkward remember kids if you fall off the rail you die you just die you get you float in space yeah and since you're sitting in your little car you get a little bit of oxygen so you can you can think a little bit about your inevitable demise oh god there was that a like don't drink and drive commercial from a long time ago where like they would have yeah it was it was I can't remember some old arcade style video game but it's like a guy in a girl in a red sports car and they crashed the car and it flips over and it's like game over and then the PSA guy comes over and he's like in real life you don't get another quarter yes don't drink and drive so you remember that [ __ ] remember that I was like you know what I got the message that [ __ ] [ __ ] hit home that you put it in the language I can understand meanwhile drink nothing but like milk until I was like 19 it's like I think I'll try beer once yeah no I do you know honestly I think a lot of those ads worked on me yeah like this is your brain on drugs and stuff yeah well except I think that eggs are delicious and I was like I'd love to make my brain more delicious I just remember the ad with the kids he's like over and he's like my dad's not home us he's gone he's like no and he like pulls out his go yeah yeah you want to play with it and he's like no Anthony seasick shoots them and don't plead good yeah the screen goes black yeah that was super [ __ ] intense and I was like man I'm not gonna play with a gun yeah and [ __ ] and [ __ ] are you a 1 a 2 3 [ __ ] sound effect oh yeah so iconic god what when do you think that commercial came out we're talking about the Tootsie Roll commercial with mr. OWL Tootsie Pop yes sorry and mr. turtle yeah isn't that weird that like he first asks mr. turtle how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop and he's like oh no I asked mr. owl and there's no [ __ ] point for the start of the commercial to mess around [Laughter] never questioned it oh that's right I forgot there's a cult in this game really yeah straight down death straight down death y'all starring Steven Steven Seagal and jay-z yeah they are for radars Friday it's the monster truck rally thing ticket pays for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge but like it's always better when you [ __ ] like to pay for the whole seat that's like [ __ ] poetry no it's genius Wow I was that for a real commercial oh yeah of course there is used to say that [ __ ] but you only pay bleep [Laughter] he just breaks to pay for the whole job [Applause] [Laughter] Charlie Charlie egg falls over blue [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you know what he used to have a lot of fun doing when I was younger what's that I used to like to take like quotes from something and then speed them up and slow them down in repetition okay so like taking pace with the air taking place through the edge take a piece for the edge - good pitch for the year that's a really cool exploit acting trick oh wow I don't remember these guys [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] I wish the good folks at home could see your face [Laughter] Wow do you ever I'll let this resolve I guess it's actually super impressive damn dude you okay oh my god I'm so jealous I'd imagine so I'm jealous of the people at home who got to like watch how many seconds that actually was cuz I'm dying to know we have a counter oh yeah I wasn't paying you you you're not liking this I think this is getting significantly more awesome as time ago I dude I'm loving it just like the McDonald's slogan oh I'm loving it [ __ ] do you remember the McDonald's slogan before that have it your way no that's Burger King McDonald's was we love to see you smile and it was not an effective ad campaign because people determined that the employees at McDonald's did not in fact love to see you smile really yeah they were pretty ambivalent nice nicely done perfectly timed really more like you don't love to see you smile and people were like they don't [ __ ] give a [ __ ] Wow yeah so I'm loving it I guess it's just more like it just doesn't mean anything yeah it's so like there's no way to really like quantify whether it's accurate or not you think there are people who that always is the thing about slogans they're so cheesy and over-the-top that I always wonder if there's someone out there that's like they eat McDonald's and then they're just like I'm loving it yeah and like just with that you mean not ironically yeah well completely not ironically it's gotta be up there get me up why no every time we're at Subway together you're like god I love eating fresh yeah it's great it really is fresh and they actually not leave it out in the [ __ ] open air they're there mayonnaise tub yeah needs to get the ate rubbery pieces of steak please it's feeling like eating fresh today stick a big silver knife in it and spread do you have anything that's like one degree fresher than the hot dogs that have been rolling around in 7-eleven for [ __ ] eight hours that's true oh yeah those are disgusting they even clean those no I believe that the same hot dogs like for days on end live baby live now that the mat is over I've never I don't think I've ever heard any of that song excited from the new sensation part oh it's it's in like yogurt ads and I got a hold on put some sprinkles on your yogurt right now but intent De Niro this poon another dude food on the bottom rock on top Oh next time I get ribs let's go boss yeah we're doing it have you ever seen that no looking like like a commercial for a game design institute huh like game programming Institute and it's like some kids they they're played games and then like their boss comes in and how's it going with with this level boss boss things we we need to tighten up the graphics at level three right back to you which is like great and then they're like can you believe we get paid to do oh my god that's awesome I have to see that oh yeah it's a classic [ __ ] pandering 90s commercial yeah yeah we can believe you get paid for [ __ ] designing video games yeah we make a living playing them the world has gotten cooler since the 90s I'll tell you want yeah it's really hard yeah make video games all right it actually is I'm sure not like we tighten up the graphics by playing a video game yeah you know Mario myself out of this equation Aaron can you tighten up the playing on level six I'll do my you know what I'll do my best can you believe we get paid to do hey I used to have this back in Florida there's this place called Sal's is an Italian restaurant and they had like a local commercial that ran on like local stations and the guy who made the store Sal's decided to play like every part every male part in the commercial mm-hmm and the plot of the commercial is there's this guy and he has he's having a girl coming over but he's not a cook so he calls Sal's to deliver okay and then they they show up and they deliver it and he like serves of the food and then it's like you know she's like oh your cooking's amazing Sal the girl - no okay thank you the male characters and then you know she's a cute cook he's amazing he's like he's like thanks Al's but anyway the food he's like yeah all right I here's the food and then the delivery man comes in it's him mm-hmm and things like so every sauce restaurant day and you know he's not an actor right oh boy that's not good it's not good brother and I used to just make jokes that he was like the pizza box pizzas his mouth on the chairs like chair chair time that's ridiculous that was a Florida thing yeah I love public-access commercial sells is [ __ ] delicious though man it was a great Thai restaurant really if you ever in the the West Palm Beach area got cells maybe I will be yeah remember the original Legend of Zelda where you make the what are the Triceratops the dodongo so dongle yeah when you make them eat the bombs and they're like oh yeah indigestion over there like oh the pepto I can't believe I ate the whole thermonuclear device was that like an old pepto-bismol commercial oh yeah believe I ate those it sounds familiar yeah it's a very classic alka-seltzer commercially uh it's just a no it's just an old guy like sitting on the edge of his bed and like a wife beater at night it's like late at night he's like I can't believe I ate the whole thing this is one of those things where like my grandma like I'm sure it's like 35 years old now but when she talks about it she's still like chuckles you know huh so I mean advertising is super effective Oh totally actually alka-seltzer is one of my favorite my favorite like marketing stories because I guess the product itself wasn't very successful they because they sold it and did it like buy the tablet mm-hmm but then when they decided to couple in - mm-hm and then sell it with the lake sound effect you know yeah then it was like like hos hugely successful pop plop fizz fizz [ __ ] I almost dropped an N bomb I just meant to get very rappy but like I was like oh that can't work but yeah and then obviously they sold more alka-seltzer and since they were selling them two at a time yeah yeah dude my mom still remembers like advertisements from when she was like five years old from like the early 50s at yeah like there's this some what was he called it's like a weird-looking dog puppet triumph the insult comic oh no the great great great-grandfather of triumph but it's like this is you piece of [ __ ] it's for Nestle's chocolate meze like the song is n est le has Nestle's makes the very best and then the dog is like my mom still laughs like what you talked about it I'm sure now like if you watch it it's like all black and white what the [ __ ] I love sugar bear he's my favorite old commercial sugar bear what was he golden it was it was smacks Honey Smacks yeah no that was Jacob's sugar smack well that was before dig'em real yeah look up just look up sugar bear I'm good it's the same cereal it's gonna take me to a pimp I'm thinking of Huggy Bear no yeah sugar bear is like is high as [ __ ] oh yeah remember you're the half-open eyes yeah he's just like [Music] golden crisp golden Chris whoa all right cold and crisp history I think this has changed a bunch of times let's say this is right from the golden crisp website should under sugar bears legacy of cool yeah yeah he was quote-unquote cool no that quote unquote highest [ __ ] all the time you [ __ ] know it like and he's got like in the 90s version he's got the backwards cap there's a 90s version yeah check this out [Laughter] sorry I made you look at sugar bear that was probably my fault it's whatever the the sick weirdly difficult whatever the the cereal is it's just puffed wheat coated and honey it's the same thing as smacks yeah yeah it's exactly the same thing smacks that is [ __ ] with a puffed Oh super golden crisp glazed and sugar yeah Wow fantastic that weird flavor when you eat it with milk it's like that dry flavor oh you don't them you don't then you just have to suck it up you just throw it at them really a lot of mixed things wager yeah I mean it's [ __ ] music bro I did so intense getting me pumped as [ __ ] farfel that's the dog that's the [ __ ] farfel farfel the dog yeah come on my God he's so crazy looking but he looks like something from five nights at Freddy's Lucy hold on I'm just gonna play it oh my wasted a weightless named farfel oh that was it well that's the space version whoa yeah never mind [Laughter] well I hope I hope what other like foreign alien civilizations try to contact us it's not the first thing they hear let's keep moving they seem to worship this food actually that's not entirely untrue yeah I gotta have my chance Oh farfel ever [ __ ] you remember what was it a pops yeah I gotta have my back burner yeah they just [ __ ] over their friends and pops it's just like like a textbook like schizophrenic paranoid attack yeah it's like no guys just like dude I'll just give you the pops and he's like you gotta my father's Janet yeah it's yeah they clip a jaws to eat here so weird yeah also be on a very hard sugar buzz from too many corn pops corn pops you've got my pops dude I remember that yeah yeah they were always just like they were whoa chill the [ __ ] out NES I'm getting really far in this I'm screwing up on me using that [ __ ] the every commercial was always like Mike Mike I I'm at the lunchroom and in in and I really want I'm so excited about my Corn Pops but then but then Cindy goes ahead of me and I'm okay with that because city school and all but then but then she goes in and she takes the last pops and I know my papa just explode now that's a very common thing in in advertising like weather I mean that's the kid version so it's just like a girl online and stuff but like guys choosing like products over women is a big like beer beer commercials do it a lot like a super sexy girl and the guys like well maybe not there's this beer to drink I'm like that is [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] would do that okay okay okay opinion time yeah sure gross pissy water okay wonderful sex yeah think about this think very hard it's a hard decision gross pissy water still be there just [ __ ] sitting around in my fridge after the amazing absolutely gross pissy water taking it I made the right choice my friend Budweiser oh man would that be amazing if gamegrumps was just like a two-year-long ruse to sell Bud Light good [ __ ] Miller Lite like calls us up and is like what the [ __ ] we've been trying to get this is [ __ ] did I yes Miller we have been emailing you back and forth for [ __ ] months Miller it's disgusting I actually that time I was telling you about when I got arrested when I was in college for having that for having a beer on me like we were carrying tons of beers to a party in the cops top dozen they spilt no no yeah but like the cops became our friends by the end of the night cuz they could tell we were just dumb kids you know and the last thing it was all like Miller like all Miller beers I'm like as we're leaving like the station the cop like leans out he's like hey boys this was Boston of course yeah boys there hey not for nothing but uh all Miller really make fun of our beer choices my friend was like it was cheap sure he was like breaks down crying right there that was a funny it was a very interesting evening I never I never got into beer enough to have a favorite hey hey beer oh oh my god you know I just thought of what do people uh oh do kids today know about the Energizer Bunny yeah he's still a thing he's is he still yeah okay thank God but they definitely probably don't remember like how it started like that first commercial no no keep going yeah yeah it all started like in the late 80s like there was like a line of little drummer rabbits and they have like little snare drums and they were all blue and they were like like and they're all battery-operated and one by one they step they come to a stop because the battery dies and then the Energizer Bunny comes out with his bass drum and his sunglasses anything like just [ __ ] you other bunnies [ __ ] you and they were like it keeps going and going and then like then I think they were the first to do this actually they would have liked other types of commercials like it would be like an orange juice commercial like pass the orange shoes like I love this orange juice and then the bunny would come in like doo-doo-doo like still going jazzy and she was pretty revolutionary for the duh what was the one moment I remember I said I wanted to be an animator it was I think I've said this before it was beast wars I was watching Beast Wars and I just had that epiphany I was like wait wait people are people are doing this for a job cartoon has to come from so this is a job this is a job yeah and then I was like and then I saw that Nickelodeon thing where there's like the aerial monsters yeah I think we talked about this easy up as well and it totally made you want to do that was the thing that made me want to be able resect and that's the thing I may want to be an animator yeah cuz I was like it was the the guys I don't know if anyone would have been old enough to see this I mean there's sure some of you were but it was like this it's what's the word like commercial thing in between some Schiller's digital interstitial yeah and it was uh basically like if you are can animation you ever had to go off make shooting nerf guns ever like oh my god that's exactly what they said in the commercial you don't ever have to grow up nerf guns I was like you don't that's awesome and I remember that my nerf gun scene is so like [ __ ] me that's not how it is by the way yeah you have to sit at it maybe it was in the [ __ ] 90s but now it's very [ __ ] if someone shot me with a [ __ ] like nerf gun I just be like I can't I'm trying to grow up shut up milk his Nickelodeon was like that was that was the first I think they might have done it first maybe Cartoon Network was also on it at around the same time because they had like how and chicken and stuff but that Nicktoons was like the first time that they were like making cartoons as like almost as art I've been in a car with with with people who've like been on their phone the whole time yeah that's that's very scary that's yeah that's harrowing you're like cool you think maybe you could tweet later ever seen those commercials where it's like it's like really dramatic commercial or that's like you know they go to the like a girl dies in a car accident they go to like the funeral and everything and then like boy this sounds like the foundation for a funny comment well it's it's it's because like then it then it all culminates to like the the police officer going to like the scene with like the mangled car and stuff he picks up like the busted phone and then he looks at the text and it just says s MH cuts to the tombstone of the girl and it just says s mhm it's a you don't even want to [ __ ] on it cuz the message is so yeah well because it's like it's a really that important like that's the message of course did you remember the Miller Lite commercials tastes great less filling no it was like a super 80s commercial but like they were trying to like oh yeah there you go nope yeah they were trying to decide like whether the best thing about that beer was that it tastes great or that it's less filling and like it became like a really famous no Aaron became a really famous rallying cry and in the 80s like toast great like people would yell at each other yeah yeah seems weird well what was that just in the commercials or was that in real life he was in the commercials and it spilled over into real life because it was such a popular commercial oh that like it would just become something that people would say I can't believe [ __ ] advertising can influence people that much of course it can like to the point where it's like they're having fake arguments dude got milk has been a campaign for like since the early 90s yeah like her buddy knows God knows I mean that's how like it's like semi ironic you know it's like God know people make jokes about it do you remember the thing before that but that genuinely be like less filling or whatever the the milk advertisement before that was had milk it does a body good yeah yeah and like it would start with a girl like drinking milk and then a guy would like walk in and be like Jenny's a pretty popular girl she gets a lot of attention from me she gets total attention she's a milk drinker you [ __ ] blew it iron she's a milk Jenny's milk drinker she gets a lot of attention oh yeah oh yeah milk was straight-up like you will get [ __ ] laid if you drink milk there was no question about it that's impressive yeah hey I'm impressed that they could do that in got milk is is more effective than that well it was the 90s so like they were trying to go for like hipper faster slogans yeah does a body good yeah the very first advertisement like that like with really minimalist words and everything was the Volkswagen Beetle where they just had like a white background and they showed the beetle itself but up until that point if you ever like find a magazine from like the 80s or whatever the advertisements it'll be like a picture and then like walls and walls of text like just describing the product and all things about it stop running into yeah I remember that especially if you go back to like the forties oh yeah it's just all text yeah then there's like not even a picture and it's just like cigarettes are delicious 9 out of 12 doctors agree that cigarettes are [ __ ] so tasty and good for you did they just did we change or did they just figure out what works better what do you mean like did we as a society change we're like that was effective then and what we do now wouldn't be effective then I think it's a combination I think I think that naturally works better like simple is always better yeah but as the world changed to become more complicated and crazier and more [ __ ] being thrown at you then simple as all people even had time for right you know which is what the internet is all about easy eat - is a terrorize a that's Ross's favorite thing to say [ __ ] out a good out of a sticky situation anyways that is terrible yeah for Australia so here so there was this like commercial on television that was like wooden roaches to a fifth-grader and then it was like a roach you know like a little cockroach right and then it was like would roaches - his 7th grader and then it was like a marijuana joint whoa and then it was like would your kid know things and so my mom one day she like pulled me aside and she was like Aaron what is a roach oh my god and I was like a bug yeah she was like okay and me I had never seen that commercial so like I had I actually didn't know that like right a marijuana but was a roach was like she was like implicating me in something that like wasn't even in my realm of understanding it's so funny when parents do that like do you I don't know when they stop doing these but do you remember the it's 10 p.m. do you know where your children are things I remember that slogan but I don't yeah just every night at 10:00 on the dot like channels used to run that ad like it's 10 p.m. do you know where your children are and like I I would always I mean I was like a [ __ ] nerdy kid that didn't go out and so like I'd be sitting right next to my parents and my dad would look at me like I've got a good kid and I'd be I'd be thinking of myself like I'm a [ __ ] loser he's a good kid that one he's all right I like him okay I just like sprite yeah it's cool and refreshing drink and it and it helps with snakebites both lemon and lime helps with snake you know have you seen how I showed you that ad there's to be an ad in Australia and they I don't know if they took it off or whatever but like literally is this guy's like like in the outback it's like I've been bitten by a snake and then like this get like the guy in khaki pants like it just comes walks over and poor sprite on the bite he's like why don't you anything for snake bites but it'll quench your thirst and you're like that was the ad like that would be perfect if it did work though if they found out that it like somehow work they'd be like just pull some sprite on the bottom but we had this we had a we had a health and safety like glass that we had to do was like mandatory and one of the one of the test option like test questions was how should you treat a snakebite and literally the class roads right on it too easy Daisy I talked about that right hey Blake what the the yeah right I want to talk about so there was a [ __ ] no I don't there [ __ ] there is an ad in Australia for KFC which is an American company Lucky's not American oh hi yeah I know but um they had this ad that went up for the West Indies vs. Australia like cricket tour and the ad and I'm sure some of you might have seen this and whatever just intrude out of you whatever the the they put out this ad and it was this Australian guy and he's sitting in the middle of like sorry what was it was it yeah it was the West Indies so he's sitting in the like the crowd but he's clearly sitting in the opposite teams like supporting bombers just keep calm and he's this he's an Australian guy so he's surrounded by like West Indies natives and you know people as so like he's the only like white guy in in the crowd but Lake so the whole like stereotype you know but like Fried Chicken stereotype doesn't exist in Australia that's not something that at all exists right like when I tried to explain to my dad this he didn't understand it so but living weirder stairs yeah right but living on the internet I kind of like was aware of it mmm-hmm but in this ad this guy's literally sitting in like this this of the West Indies supporter box and all the the crowds going nuts and he's like ah you know like having a bad time and then he's just like native need a need advice when he's stuck in an awkward situation and he lifts up a bucket of fried chicken and all the people I run in like [ __ ] yeah fried chicken and then eat the [ __ ] out of the fried chicken and he just looks at the camera goes to AZ and this ad was like made it to the American news and they're like this racist Australian ad is making headlines but everyone in Australia was like I don't get it I love fried chicken was that right and like nobody got it who knows the correct answer yes but well yeah but and my I told my dad the same thing me the exact same response is out and get it I love fried chicken who doesn't love fried chicken I'm just so this [ __ ] this one can add and just look up a racist Australian KFC ad and from an American perspective yeah it is kind of racist but it was it was just remarkable because they were like well this is an American company putting out an ad that is inherently offensive to an American audience just because they're American company though I'm sure they have a marketing department in that region yeah I mean there's no like tap into the local culture their art understand it there are tons of fuck-ups like that do you remember the the Michael Bay or whatever it produced Ninja Turtles movie that came out I do do you remember I keep sniffing I apologize sniff it out all that crime Ross that crime mysteries about you got sniff em out so there was this there was like a poster made for the Ninja Turtles movie mm-hmm and it was coming out on September 11 and the poster was literally a burning building and the Ninja Turtles jumping out of the burning building like towards the September 11 September 11 and it would they tweeted it out and like all the first responses were just like ah are you serious and they were like immediately they immediately pulled the poster it was like wow how did that go over everyone's head like that's amazing Wow yeah like it it greatly amused me that um Super Mario maker mm-hm is coming out September 11th oh I saw it all the promotional stuff oh that's cute now making it polka dot all the promotional materials like the 11th of September a clever different day different day nothing bad happened on the 11th of September I'd be [ __ ] I don't care there's there's no reason nothing can happen that day I agree we can't let it control us yeah I'm gonna go home to my my kids I'm gonna teach my to swim like this yeah they're gonna be able to swim and have great fun in our pool that I bought with the money that I got from advertisements from the sponsors that I have need oh and also steam thanks for putting on my cereal key down the bottom right that's really cool oh yeah I'm glad everyone knows it but honestly don't give a [ __ ] like that oh yeah maybe black that out put a little bit of a smidgen on that matter cuz you already used it no maybe someone could like claim it and be like oh whoa if I hadn't been drinking Gatorade I was going to say damn dude you would've beat me to it yeah if it weren't for the sweet brand deal with Gatorade okay oh yeah how much they paying you for long God if I wasn't riding that Riptide rush are they they are they paying you in colored sweat yeah oh dude can you explain this to me because I never found out what the hell it was what was the [ __ ] figure with the Wendy's thing we got people got upset at us oh it wasn't it definitely wasn't a brand deal so we we had we were playing this game and like we didn't realize because we never look at the menus right that in the bottom right it was like displaying our serial key or the game okay like the whole time right so we were just like oh [ __ ] that's been up there the whole time all right well replace it with I don't know a when do that so like oh but Kevin didn't realize but like he shouldn't put it through the entire pit whoa that's the thing right like that's what we said to do right so he did it but then like it kind of occurred to us that like for the first six minutes there's literally no explanation for why there's a Wendy's that in the bottom I saw that there was like a brouhaha about it yeah I started the video it was like that's a really old burger anymore I always forgot to ask you about it but I think it was also cut on top of the fact that like it wasn't it was like it wasn't a great episode like we were doing so it's just kind of like you know fuel to the fire like like the first time like I came in I think it was buried or that it was like hey so that trial is viewed it was I was like what what's wrong with it they were like there's like a windy zat and I'm like oh yeah I remember that like loaded it up and they like dislike parts 60% I was like so yeah that is hilarious so yeah so people got pissed off of you for being a sellout for a non-existent so oh I don't even like Wendy's I [ __ ] love you love Wendy's if you ever want to if you ever want to give me a big sack of cash don't worry we clearly be happy to sell out we put up when these ads for free imagine what we'll do for fun yeah we've been putting at the Burger King like the yumbo burger like since the 70s just coincidentally came back and people I was like almost a baby actually a Youngberg yeah it was in the 70s and I think early eighties I've only recently gotten into Wendy's in like the last on all four years yeah well some of us don't like fiery shits hey you beat you bigoted you beat Eggman I did I did I did like a Porky Pig thing there you were victorious all right next time I games we're gonna have a one delicious episode yeah it's gonna be super delicious um just like the feeling of when you bite into a delicious Gatorade hot and juicy from Wendy's yeah the Portobello crunch every time I get yellow curry went on eat 24 it's like it's like how spicy do you want it it's so funny how like we say things like that and I can imagine people think like we have hundreds of brand deals we have no brand we just like talk we just it's just how we talk but like if that were a planted thing it would it would sound so man when I ordered Thai food from eat 24 dot-com oh god it's so convenient available 24 hours a day it's my go-to website for all my snacky needs well it's because the whole world [ __ ] functions on brands that's true it's like I'm playing my Pokemon game on a Nintendo GameCube with the gameboy player that plays Gameboy Advance games right using my Smash Brothers controller as I'm drinking monster energy drink yeah looking at my Sony Vega CRT yeah and looking up a walkthrough on my razor blade 14 inch laptop into my Sennheiser rode microphone cut if these were all brand deals you would have just made like $25,000 everything's a [ __ ] brands so it's like you can't avoid it dude in the in the advertising courses I took in college before I realized that I just hated advertising they that was one of the things they taught us I'm sure I've talked about this before but like on average if you include like product names on the actual products as advertisements which of course they are you are exposed to over 10,000 advertisements every day you're like super bombarded and you ten of them only ten of them will you right on average will you register like with your conscious memory like okay that's you know that's a Sony TV or something like that and of those 10 maybe you'll remember one the next day so what you have is 10,000 advertisements all vying to be that one one day later which is why advertising is so in-your-face and screamy and like non-stop and it sucks and I hate it yeah yeah that being said God these M&Ms could they be more delicious what the hell was I talking about before oh sorry about eat24 oh yeah sorry sorry I'm cool I'm cool I'm cool oh cool hey I'm cool don't worry about me I'm cool yeah yeah I'm Way cool [ __ ] baby hey I'm cool I'm sugar bear can't get enough of that sugar [ __ ] can't get enough of that sugar Chris keeps me going strong back to this [ __ ] [ __ ] sugar bears not gonna get any of my sugar Chris I'm gonna lock it in my safe gun closet right hey granny you lock it in the gun closet won't you give me some of that sure can't keep it from me granny I'll [ __ ] shoot you in the head please you the bear don't don't sugar bear Congress didn't pass any common sense gun laws maybe you should have thought of that before you hid you sugar crisp away in a gun locket can't get enough of that sugar Chris listen I'm not trying to get political I'm just saying I can't keep away for that sugar and I'll do anything anything to get some do anything to get gun reform if it means getting some sugar crisp that sugar can't get into that sugar crisp even if hundreds down sugar bear thinks he can get my sugar crisp but not right now Shh I will have to pry it from my cold dead hands well granny looks like I'm gonna have to fight fire with fire yeah you know it is granny yeah can't get enough of that sugar crib yeah looks like I've got lobbyists in Congress - granny I didn't count on the tank lobby gives me going strong thanks for joining us on this outdated bit yeah yeah I like how we even when we make vaguely political statements they're nonsensical and indecipherable oh yeah it's pretty it's pretty fun [ __ ] sugar bear and granny yeah are they're the best I could watch old sugar crisps commercials like on loop endlessly they put me asleep because there's like no music or anything it's just the show and it's all recorded on 50s mics so it has that kind of quality to it where you can hear let's sort of like it's almost like a record here you'd sir that warm like crisp anymore on account of complications for my diabetes that's ok granny that's ok granny I mean I wish I could help you but Congress oppose the redistribution and it's trying very hard to throw millions of people off health care can't get in a while sugar bear you really change since the last time I've seen you yeah well I got verified on Twitter yeah I'm fit as a fiddle [Laughter] [Music] that's is Jane anyone can get verified on Twitter these days can't get enough of that sugar Chris keeps me going strong I was watching Infowars without exchange did you know they're turning the frog skin kinky after that sugar sugar Chris that man's clearly not a lunatic the best way to keep guns out of children's hands is to put guns and teachers hands can't get another that should be Chris I know I won't sleep at night until every home economics teacher has the helicopter gun Jesse Ventura used in predator I was gonna wall jump I was gonna wall jump to get some height every time it worked last times it's not worth it did work I'm dead just I can't get height when I'm in the middle oh then you know I can't get enough of that [ __ ] keeps me going strong god I wish there was something that I couldn't get enough of I could sing about a little bit one more time baby with more vague political commentary in there I'll just try to think of a scenario like sugar bear I'm in court now because sugar bear squatted in my house while I was on vacation and according to squatter's rights the house technically belongs to him now even though the deed is in my name that's right granny I just couldn't get it for that sugar crisp is that right oh yeah what yeah you never read up on squatter's rights you just break into someone's house and then it'll be your house if you stay there long enough hmm Wow cool I know it's the coolest great job everybody I I can't be right no it's absolutely right even if it's someone else's property yeah it's it's a super antiquated law that hasn't been repealed is that the right word or just yeah it was meant to protect like I'm probably like way off on the details of this but it was it was meant to protect like banks or like like renters who people would sell a property to an owner and they like wouldn't use it and then like there would be some kind of clerical error and the bank would like sell it to a renter or something or like another owner and they would live in it for years and then like you know seven years later the actual owner of it would come back and be like whoa what the [ __ ] this is my property and now there's a house and people living in it so it was meant to protect people to not like get kicked out of their house their homes that they've been living in so I was like it was good good intentions yeah but it'sit's too vague right oh I say yeah yeah I could see how that would happen I can't get enough of that sugar created sugar bear I can't afford sugar Chris because it would seem that these no tax cuts basically help large corporations in the extremely wealthy I mean I get a few tax breaks but they're only temporary and they disappear after a few years can't get enough of that sugar well granny looks like you better get a better job so you can afford that sugar Chris yes I can't get enough of that sugar yeah it looks like you better be the CEO of Kellogg's they keep me going strong I'm so close though oh it's so close oh it's tantalizingly close oh oh my god I know my rights granny jesus [ __ ] christ I'm losing my shoe I have the right to bear arms and I am a bear can't get enough of that sugar what another absurd law I'm going to be homeless because I can't afford to keep my house because I can no longer write it off as a tax deduction under these new laws well granny it seems like that's just another thing that sucks for you doesn't it yeah well granny you know what you could do you could give up your possessions to me including that delicious box of sugar crisp can't get enough of that sugar keeps me going strong maybe you should have a big heaping bowl of sugar Christmas to keep you going strong sugar bear I feel like there's no administration is not on my side but to be honest I didn't fully feel like the previous administration was on my side either with certain things well granny I think you might just have to learn to accept it in a two-party system there's a strong possibility that neither party really has your best interests at heart here get enough of that sugar with all the essential vitamins and minerals Chris will keep you going strong great we're all pretty much [ __ ] but anything in these hard times drown your sorrows in a bowl of sugar Chris I can't get enough of that [ __ ] could be worse did you see Putin's re-election that was a [ __ ] total sham you want to know why I'm so obsessed with sugar Chris Grandy because it's the only thing that gives me any sense of joy in this goddamn political can't get enough of that sugar Chris okay here we go here we [ __ ] go oh is that a check mother oh that's a check point long is this [ __ ] oh god damnit can't get enough of that sugar crash he's big going I'm going I'm going I'm going
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 1,407,133
Rating: 4.9285307 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, game grumps sonic adventure, game grumps sonic the hedgehog, game grumps sonic, game grumps commercials, game grumps compilation, game grumps dead rising, game grumps super mario galaxy, game grumps super mario sunshine, super mario, super mario sunshine, super mario galaxy, sonic the hedgehog, sonic, game grumps egoraptor, game grumps arin, game grumps dan, game grumps danny, game grumps best of, game grumps storytime, game grumps stories
Id: 7ngPZKtbOMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 16sec (3796 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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