Sudden Laughter Compilation - Game Grumps

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Ahhh...prom 1992....


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JahoyHoy49 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

I shall watch this the next time im sad

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RealCaptJABRONIE 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

One of the best compilations

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NLocke64 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
Woah! Didn't expect you to be a deer. Kind of a quick jump there. (Arin speaking nonsense) Whah? What the fuck is this!? Here we go. Is this gonna be a mixture of like really (Dan and Arin dying of laughter) I'm a Rocky Mountain milk! :-) Uh oh! Press X in your thought icon. I'm getting some real amazing frog vibes from this. If there's no thought to open, hold X and moving to see how... I'm gonna speed up Okay! (Game Grumps intro plays) (Preare for a wild ride, folks) Ugh... I think I'm literally getting sick from... from playing this game. Yeah, yeah It's... it's... uh, pretty roug- Whoops! (Dan cracking up) Did you just fucking drown immediately from going into knee deep water? A hundred rings gone! :-) (Dan and Arin laughing) Oh my God. Alright welcome- YEAH! (Dan and Arin losing it) And a new record is set! Oh, fuck! :-( Wow, nice. Thank you. nOOOOOO!!! Really? Come on... What's the purpose? You... You just came off of it! I know. That's silly. That is ridiculous. I do uh.... WOOAAHH NO! (Arin freaking the fuck out) Woooow! (Arin screaming) OH, IT'S TERRIFYING! :( Aw, I beat the stage I THINK! YEAH GUESS I AM READY! Both: AHHHHHH What do I do? Wow! That was the mos- DANWHATDOIDOWHATDOIDO? Ah, I'm scared! :( That was the scariest glitch. A H I ' M S C A R E D ! Right, you are Arin! mOre LevEl brO GODDAMMIT! I hate my fucking thumbs! I HATE THEM! I didn't even realize what was going on! I was like looking over here. I need ugh... Yeah, sorry. I like that pet... You're just hammering this Shelley zombie, Susie. HI, I'M MAT PAT! I'M THE HOST OF VIDEO GAME SHOoow! Is that was he sounds like!? He's like hELLO I'M MAT PAT. BUT DON'T TAKE MY WORD FOR IT ;) DADADA! WHAAAAAAT? No it doesn't go DaDaDa Share this episode with all your friends, and you can meet MatPat! :-) Ah man, I don't know if I'm laughing or crying right now. I don't know if Mat Pat is gonna like that... And that's just a theory... BA DA DA! (Dan in a drunk voice) There be contacted by Dr. Willy... Isn't it Wiley? WHATTHEFUHAHAHA! DOCTOR WILLY!? Alright, alright. Whatever. (Arin laughing up a storm) Wow, those jellyfish can exist anywhere huh? No water necessary. Yep! Cool. Well, they're like, like they're... Jelly... Birds? (Dan pretending to understand) That sounds weird doesn't it? It does, it does. It absolutely do- JELLY BIRD HAHAHA! :-) (Dan and Arin cracking up) Yeah, I saw everything on your face. Like... I'm gonna say this out loud and then like as you were saying it, you were like HOOOO YAY! :-) J E L L Y B I R D ! Oh, Arin N O T Y O U ! aNOTHER LINK! gIVE IT BACK! Wait... How do I... Is it... up dawg? What the h? Oh, there it is! Glasses. BOOM! Now I can see the secret thing and get my football helmet? Thank you. Oh, wow, is that up dawg? Thank you so much! PSH! Haha, OW! :( Dude, was there up dawg in there? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I don't know what up dawg is... Up dawg? :-) What are you saying? No, it's up dawg. What is up, dawg? (Arin dies laughing because of his joke) OoOoOoOh... Goddam- Well, aren't you proud of yourself. Oh my God, that's the happiest I've ever seen you! I have never in my life EVER GOTTEN THAT TO WORK! (-: what is up, dawg? :-) Oh, well I hope you are proud. (Arin coughing and dying) You certainly seem to be! ooooo Next time on Game Grumps! There's no way I could possibly do that... yEAAAAHHHH! Is this wheel weighted? (Arin coughing and dying again) Ya ready? Ya ready? Here it comes. HERE IT COMES!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm out! Oh my fucking I'm out! I'M CHECKING MY EMAIL! :( FUCKING GARBAGE ): It's like kicked in the fucking dick a thousand times in a row. Oh man and now and now comes the haze. JEEZ! You can't deny Look, I don't care if you're like the biggest fucking majora's mask fan that we like I grew up with this game You know these graphics are nostalgic aS HELL This game looks like go- That fucking face, dude! UUUGGGGHH!!! Alright, here we go. Okay, cool. Nah, still veering. OH OH GOH HAAAAAA (-: Okay :-) You know what? I take this as a challenge. Yeah, alright! We'll see what happens. Okay, start again. So I'm just I don't know if there's a way... She's really hanging in there! Jill, I'm feeling it, baby! I think I can get her to AWH AWWWWW NOOO And... done. Dude you and your snipper clips. Donezo! We make a great team! Yeeeaaaahhhh Whatthefuckit'sadogreadinganewspaper In a sweater vest. Really didn't expect that. I loved it! Well, I appear to be stuck. rEaLlY!? Haha, yes! Oh no! Like it froze on you? No, I'm just... stuck in the electricity. What... How do you. Are you serious? yEH (Dan and Arin die of laughter) DODODODO... WHOO! x2 You think there was somebody some kind of like personal trainer like therapist that was like you know what I think a good piece of therapy would be to uuuum... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH The fuck was that? Did you hear that scream? JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Matt, Ryan, would you mind playing that again, but jacking up the scream sUPER LOUD? AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thank you! :-) DEAD DEAD DEAD! oKAY! F U C K ! I did it! YAAAAASSS OH, THANK GAWD Wow I Don't know it was 45 seconds What is this game in 3d now? Is that what they're saying? Like oh you played it wrong You're supposed to be playing in 3d, but you didn't! That's what he's saying. ... OH :-) (Arin sounds like a vibrator here) TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Are you... Are you? Fucking serious. Was this game in 3d? And we just didn't know it? Hold on, lemme talk to this young stallion~ Cameron! Hey Cameron ;) (Dude does a weird ass pose that makes the Grumps crack up) Is this is this why I'm single on Valentine's Day? Because I haven't perfected stances like this? :( (Dan 'hehing') AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Oh, man! hOOOOOOOOOOO That was pretty wonderful. uM derderderDERDERDER! Oh, gOD! AHHH! Oh, I made it. Get those remaining bananers. You got it :-) I always like... Underestimate like how far I can fly. OOF! Jeepers, creepers! I like hitting you. Did that do anything for you? That's... That's THAT'S THAT'S A THING! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm gonna turn you to chocolate, dude. Points to par-5 it was lower score so you need to step it up, Daniel. TAAAAHAHAHAHAHA C O N S I D E R I T D O N E ! hEY DAN sTOp Dan... Yeah? What does intrepid mean? Doesn't mean, it mean Adventurous or something like that? Does it? I don't know I had a car... called the intrepid. It was a Dodge Intrepid I think. Okay. My dad, my dad gave it to me because he inherited a car from his uncle that was like slightly better He was like well actually he gave it to my brother first And then my brother brought his own car and then my brother gave it give it to me. Yep So it was like a triple hand-me-down. Intrepid, adjective, fearless adventurous. Cool... Yeah! That car eXPLODED. That's about as fearless and adventurous as it gets! I totally forgot that was the car that caught on fire! I'd love it if they slipped in one shithead like just in the in this there. They're like It's in cursive people aren't gonna read it that closely. Suh- (Arin coughing and dying AGAIN) Arune... You guys want to see a master Mario player? Uh, log onto! I mean are you fucking KITTEN ME? (rip Arin's lungs) Oh, done. Tell me when. Whenever you're at your height. There now go. (Dan 'hehing' again) Yeaaaaah~ Aw... YEEEEAAAAaaahhh And... we're off! It's... it's a race... ...during Christmas. Jeez... I think the plot is: I'm Santa Lookin' a lil cubitsy (lol what Dan?) Or we're Santa Yeah there's your San... oOOOH BOI gRaB yOuR rEwArD aRiN You've earned it! Lemme just open that... (Now Dan is coughing and dying) Christ, dude! Oh my fucking God this game... I don't understand why the Chinese don't just use forks and spoons. My God, okay, I take back what I said about the shrimp. These are shrimp 2.0! Oh, God in heaven... He just wanted a tOUCH. Yeah! That's all he wanted! (Arin giggling) (Dan in a weird accent) Let me touch... All right yes, so yeah here we go What is happening? (Dan and Arin giggling) Get up and launch yourself, man! (Giggling continues) Use the torch to light the fireplaces... Do we have a torch? No, you get that... WHOOPS! Next time on Game Grumps! :-) We're gonnaaaa... Have a... Have a good time Arin, I do believe that may have been your shortest playthrough of all time. I did it, I did it! ALMOST ALMOST! Almost x1,000 yEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH He's like aw I don't wanna (Literally don't know what he says here) And you're dead... R.I.P. MARIO WHAAAAAAAT!? WHAT THE FUCK! tOo bAd? Aw, man. He's like st-st-stop it... Yeah, I like that enemies like this is the only enemy that like whoa he like jumps right towards you and like you get on His level, bro You know what I mean? Like, he'll walk away, but as soon as you're like Okay, bad example (Arin coughing and dying for the hundredth time) (Someone... please help this man) Old-school Nintendo We're playing the feud! The plaza... PlAzA hOtEL LEZ DO IT Oh... Wait... WHAT THE FUCK? Wait... Am I not suppose to... Am I... WOOhOoOOoo! wHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Dan knowing full well he failed) Did I beat it? Did I win? (Arin knowing it too) No, ya did it :-) cOnGrAtUlaTiOns Do you wanna play? Wow... Oh, is that what this game is about? Yes, Mr. (?) (Realization hits Arin) (And now Dan) (Seriously... what the fuck) If only it were like old times. Ah, Prom 1992! I'll beat it with a song from my favorite singer Brandy? Uh, uh... Y-Ylvis YOU AIN'T NOTHING BUT A HOUND DOG! ONE FOR THE MONEY, TWO FOR THE SHOW! Oh, Ylvis... (I know it's Elvis. But the way he says it...) (GO LISTEN?) TO JAIL HOUSE ROCK! Not if my reservoir tip has anything to say about it If you had a chance... (Oh boy here we go) To jism in the bed into the baby hall Hard to believe you never had kids, Arin. Hard to believe that Susie has never been like "Put a baby in me right now" with that attitude I need it, I need it in my baby hole. (Omfg) (Dan and Arin complaining) Don't fall down there. Can you not get out of here now? Fuckin' Mario, dude. Ooooooh booooy Oh, this is taking 1 million percent of my concentration right now. Alright. For me though... I could fucking tell my life story here. Here we go. At age six I was born without a face. My dad... t h e f u c k ? There's like 20 absurdities in that sentence. Wow, this is damn near impossible. Alright. Well. I'm gonna start racking up 30s... NOPE! If I could land it in the 30! Yeah, yeah. Yeah, well, I mean it's a huge game like this Testing like requires you like run against every fucking invisible wall in the game... Aye, Go Fukuma (-: WHAT A NAME! :-) uGGGhHHHH wOOOAHHH I don't know. I don't wanna jump to conclusions. jUMP TO CONCLUSIONS!? (Dan speaking nonsense) I'm sorry.... There's a lot in this game that makes you just stop in your tracks. Cut, ain't no good... Strength ain't no good! (-: Oh my god, Jigglypuff :-) Look at those eyes! They're filled with such wonder. Oh, she she sang me a song... ah she missed. They are like fishbowl eyes. And... OH GAWD Aw, man :( Oh, my fucking God, dude. I guess that's worth the kiss huh? Fuck off! AAWWW YAY! How come my sohbats not doing anything? I don't know. There's a lot of like kicking I got em in the face! Good job :-) dId He GivE tHat to Me? Yeh... What is happening right now... Need some help there, buddy? One single-lensed pair of sunglasses for the front of my belt Arin, that was the dumbest death! God! All right, I want up this one. You have like four pairs of shoes on. nO DON'T What is wrong with you!? Are you fucking insane? Thanks for watching! Subtitles by Alice :)
Channel: GameGrumpsMoments - GGM
Views: 2,900,063
Rating: 4.9547391 out of 5
Keywords: game, grumps, Gamegrumps, video, Dan, Arin, Sudden, layghter, unexpected, compilation, videoclips, montage, laughter, laughs
Id: j0n6CWnrT9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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