Game Grumps: Restaurant Stories

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hey I'm not suger we're the game grumps man for the longest time you know how in like you know like in Japanese restaurants when you go in and they like you just say yeah I always say always like hi hello you're not supposed to you're not supposed to oh it's like is apparently you're just supposed to be you're supposed to let them be more polite than you oh they're like inviting you into their place but that's so you just have to kind of be like but that flies in the face of what we've been brought up yeah people I - yeah just don't ignore people when they say hello yeah so interesting [ __ ] yeah I'll just be ruder actually I wanted to be rude I ate at a the Japanese place nearby your house yeah for lunch and I was like sometimes after I have sushi I like to polish it off with a little green tea ice cream yeah goddammit sous-chef a little green tea ice cream I was like hey - so I ordered it and they were like actually but yeah she she was like in a very sweet like Japanese way she was like oh I'm sorry we don't serve dessert here I just wanted to be like but you're probably like oh no worries oh it's okay I'll get some green tea ice cream somewhere else like Japan let that other Japanese restaurant yeah which I decided to go here instead of yeah oh it's terrible it's Choka ye dish except but not Co I right yeah not Co why is that scary scary oh god man I can't my game grumps I'm not huge on green tea yeah got a big old case of the [ __ ] use big ok to the [ __ ] you that's what I'm talking about that every time I order a sandwich its subway what do you mean just like if there's somebody but like everything about Subway's is like infuriating really yeah it's like the people in front of you take too long and like there's no drive-through and like it's it's just all I don't know I'm over-exaggerating obviously but Subway's like the land of inconveniences yeah it's I mean because it's like I have to be ok and they're like what do you want and I'm like a sweet onion chicken teriyaki footlong on flatbread and then they're like what bread and bread and they're like ok and then they they [ __ ] take and they're like did you say footlong yes I said footlong yeah and like you want cheese you already have so many like bad experiences with it like it becomes self-fulfilling prophecy the second you walk in there like hi how can I help you in you're like oh this [ __ ] cheese is like yeah could I get um Swiss cheese and they're like what kind it's like [ __ ] yeah you know the kind I just said uh and they're like toasted and it's like of course Toth you can't have the flatbread and not toast it it's it's like spongy gross starchy ass [ __ ] bread it's made to be toasted Wow of course I want it toasted and then they [ __ ] toasted then they start helping the people behind you and it sits in the toaster for like [ __ ] take it out it's like another person and you get a read on their personality it's like god dammit and they're like what do you want and I'm like spinach and then they just [ __ ] destroy it with spinach just like an avalanche of spinach and you're like I want like five other things you can't just fill it up with smidge and think that's all it's gonna be Wow Wow and then you [ __ ] it and then you're like onion and they're like okay and they put like two onions on it it's like more onion please then when you like get some weird combination like wicked can I get mayonnaise and also sweet onion sauce they finally they like throw up their eyeball a bribe brows a little bit like and you're like don't [ __ ] judge me all you and I can make my own sandwich Wow next time I'm gay bro you just went [ __ ] off on Subway all you had to say was their food is gross that's what I say hold on there's something I wanted to share I was driving by we record like the ninja sex party songs and stuff in the place in Arcadia and there's a lot of restaurants there and I drove past this little gem Kevin can you put that up for a second Yong dong why haven't we eaten there yet I why haven't you eaten there is the question we and I prefer my dong a little bit more mature my friend but it's not fresh if it's not young Oh God look at how young that dong is Oh God it's so funny I love [ __ ] like that they have to know right Yong dong it's like not even in small fun you know like that yeah there had to have been some [ __ ] like some [ __ ] like y'all know your sign says Yong dong up there you know what dong means right now I don't know what dong means in your country but here it means big floppy dick can't stress that enough oh yeah but you know what that's why we came in here that's that's why we came in here Yong dong special gonna need that dong thank you could I hit the plate of Yong dong all right awesome can I get the simmering young the quivering young God please no that's it I think what that was it really yeah let's do one more yes stroke play still need it do stroke dude we should go play this at young dong so we can have some stroke play young dong I would really really like that yeah yes oh [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] Lincoln look at them do you think the people who do the sonic voices eat at Sonic on their break of course just stay in character looks like I'm gonna need a milkshake did you ever see the mega64 video about Sonic the food place both no I haven't it's like them eating it Sonic and they're just like why do we keep coming back here we always think whenever we're like let's get Sonic it's gonna be great this time that always ends up being mediocre I've done that I've absolutely done that but like they're actually talking about Sonic the Hedgehog oh yeah we've we've had we had a place called Famous Dave's I don't know if it's a chain but there was definitely one in Jersey and we drive by it like every night and would just be like someday we're gonna eat it [ __ ] Famous Dave's it just became this big thing and we were like and eventually it got so built up that we're like you know what really actually suck if we went there let's never go there and then we really [ __ ] know let's go there it would be awesome and it sucked yes and it ruined the magic of driving by Famous Dave's famous [ __ ] day you got that [ __ ] repetitive vowel sound that assonance I love yes cannon ass ass ass ass Oh [Laughter] we're tired I've never been to Famous Dave's I think there's one down the road or something is it oh there it is a chain then I think yeah I think there's one of them it looked pretty chain like it sounds familiar with it was a burgers they do burgers yeah yeah it's like it's like corporate like food like a Bennigan's like TGI Fridays kind of place yeah I do I do I just watched you eat and [ __ ] curry almost simultaneous dude curry is delicious that's not [ __ ] like a fancy fancy American burger star-spangled diss sprinkler it's so funny it said like these dowels seem to be a little loose on the screen but because of what we're talking about I thought it said these bowels I'm like wow Aaron they know they don't know about you buddy I'm talking about [ __ ] you know what I'm talking about who [ __ ] okay do you like Applebee's I do really oh yeah oh I had the Applebee's punch card where it was like little apples in a tree and they punch out one of the apples every time you eat there and then when you finish the tree they give you a free meal but I didn't cash it in because I was too proud that I didn't it Applebee's like 14 times they knew B my name there Oh God yeah that was in Philly dude it was just right near where I worked and like they had a bar so you could watch the football game and I had I had me a thing for chicken nuggets the dude he just got five thousand rings why would they put a hundred more rings next to the fifteen thousand rings that just gave you today was not a cardio day what the [ __ ] is anything right now go on say I was going to talk about Applebee's go exercise my [ __ ] life stop I [ __ ] Suzie that I got I don't remember who gave it to us diarrhea somebody gave us $40 of Applebee's gift cards yeah we were like alright let's go to Applebee's yeah when we went to Applebee's and we blow bait there we were just like looking at each other like and we both had this same moment where we like look to the people next to us you're like just starting their meal and we were like like we're never going back wow that's sad yeah I would have taken it like we just we just we just got our food and like started eating or just like oh there's a there's a football player named Marshawn Lynch and he he's now plays for Seattle they used to play for the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo gets kind of rag Don sometimes because of all the cities with sports teams Buffalo is kind of like one of the smaller cities that there may not be quite a lot to do you know as much as there isn't like New York or something like that and so they interviewed him and they were like what's your favorite thing about living in Buffalo and he was like the Applebee's and like all my friends were like oh god and I was like hell yeah let's go Buffalo I know that [ __ ] oh [Laughter] yeah this diner I used to go to back in my old home in Jersey it's called the Union Plaza diner and it used to have this like all around the yay space was it in Union Plaza knows it I think was in Union technically it was on route 22 it's still there today if anyone's super I did about a tasty grilled cheese who isn't oh god [ __ ] no one I want to hang yeah you must be some kind of creep but they had they had little train tracks all around like the upper wall of the of the restaurant and every now and then there was such a train that would like roll across the entire thing and occasionally you just be eating and it would roll by and you'd be like it was super exciting hi mr. train and it's like it was it was crazy exciting when I was 6 and then again when I was stoned at 18 there's a place like that in Florida it's an ice cream show called Sloane's I think there's I think there's multiple Sloane's in the world oh yeah they have a they have a trick bathroom what yeah those are two words I don't ever want in the same sentence so it's a bathroom that has [ __ ] a gigantic window like like a window that's just like the wall that's leading out to the rest of the store but if you lock the door go on so yeah the window just like reveals everything you're doing in the bathroom but if you lock the door behind you then it like clouds the window so you can see through that but you can see us still see through oh the restaurant like while you're just not relaxed wrapping a deuce you know man and it's only get this it's only in the women's bath come on come on slow that's harassment we have a joke there's a window and if you lock the door that goes method of you know you could leave that's a different but some girls are nothing like they're serving ice this is a hard one man how many times have I said that in my life and just to make sure we can have security camera inside bathroom what ethnicity is our our man scratchin tell me the tale Susie and I were in I believe we were in Texas and we stopped at a Whataburger to get some food and I ate the water burger you got in the car god damn it even helped me you're blocking me I'm sorry all right so Susie Susie and I a little Whataburger uh-huh we ate that [ __ ] up it was delicious and then we got back in the car got back on the road and then we got off at the next exit at the next water burger and just evacuated and I was like man that was a view yeah oh yeah oh that's rough and that was our first run and with the concept of the young dump because the young to dump was literally five minutes Wow Kev's it was like immediate food immediate bowel thank you I've never had that that's like for someone with my digestive system where I'm lucky if it happens like once a week like you uh you are truly living the dream whose name I dare not speak well that's weird because I have a horrible digestive system too but it's the other way around yeah yeah I [ __ ] too much it's terrifying and it's it's it gets in the way honestly yeah yeah it's like we're out especially here in LA where it's just like nobody wants you to use their bathroom no matter what that you're a [ __ ] customer some people would be like no it's for employees only yeah it's like you guys serve food nobody else peace in the world yeah it's like [ __ ] come on man that's a natural okay then I'll pee on your store yeah and you do yeah there's a for considering how public urination is here it happens so [Laughter] loud take me to the Waffle House Waffle House yeah they're great oh boy oh boy I love their waffles oh yeah you're from Florida I forgot their waffles are [ __ ] delicious she's it's disgusting dude their waffles are great I can't think of a less sanitary place than Waffle House everything else is disgusting yeah yeah I think there there have been of all restaurants I think there have been the most murders at Waffle House is that right yeah I I almost feel based on the level of food that perhaps when someone is murdered they just throw them in the batter let them become more whoa that was pretty rad yeah that's what I was gonna do yeah no um no disrespect to anyone who loves or works at waffle I I'm telling you I love their waffles that [ __ ] is that that is so synonymous with the south to me like whenever I would drive like South from New York like as soon as I started spotting waffle houses I was like yep Here I am the other the other part of the country dude man it's it's delicious no it's the south in general I find southern people to be super delicious [ __ ] dude they're [ __ ] biscuits and gravy oh boy dude [ __ ] is good you've never had one of my breakfasts you know what I have had that southern is [ __ ] sweet tee' like the kind of makes you cough because it's so sweet oh yeah sweet teas great geez oh it's of course it's strong for the size of it it's not actually this god that's something you would see like in Burger King I bet you wish you'd done that brand deal with us now Burger King I just I totally talk it's make on you dude I I talk some smack Burger King today did you really on Twitter yeah just randomly I tweeted out because I had Burger King today uh-huh I was hungry and I was on the way to work and I was like [ __ ] god damn and I had Burger King since 1996 it's disgusting is it it's like one of the most disgusting revolting I remember watching I'm sorry you know what finish your story go ahead well you know what no I don't want to really yeah but no I want to know what you said to them on Twitter oh oh I just said I tweeted at Wendy's and I was like hey I hate some Burt I ate a whopper today and I was hoping it was I was hoping to Christ it's a hot and juicy but it wasn't and I tweeted that at Wendy's and when he's like what the [ __ ] it [ __ ] yeah thought we had a thing going but I love Wendy's so I want them to like me right all I was going to say was the last time I was in Burger King when I was a little kid or a teenager I remember I was gonna order chicken nuggets I guess they called them chicken tenders Jesus yeah the column chicken tenders yeah and I saw the person like one of the people who work there dragging in an entire clear garbage bag filled with like frozen Burger King chicken tenders and I was like wow like you could just literally put that garbage bag of chicken tenders into a garbage and I'd be cool with that and instead they're going into my mouth and it was just a very unappetizing sight that I probably wasn't supposed to say yeah I don't think they want a lot of people realizing how they do their food yeah like Olive Garden's like what there's like 80% of their food is just like [ __ ] Rosen yeah yeah sure whoa hey huh GAD og is only a place like Denny's except they actually do make all their breakfast [ __ ] there Denny's was the last place I've eaten where like my stomach talked to me afterwards it was like what the [ __ ] was that what are you doing would you please give me something I can use this is not gonna like I don't know how to apply this to your body look you realize this is this is just like what what fuels you yeah for your life that being said I really enjoyed my meal they're so rock on Denny's I don't mind what Denny Denny serves his purpose yeah do you think at the end she finds her mom or like no probably not it's like a twist tragedy ending yeah like she gets there and her mom is like like it all leads her to Bennigan's and have you ever eaten at a Bennigan's cuz I sure haven't there was a Bennigan's it's gone now but those Bennigan's on route 22 in the air where I grew up isn't in New Jersey isn't that the restaurant that the restaurant and waiting is based on shenanigans yeah yeah it is but yeah there was vengeance there and fight that was like where you'd go to hang out in high school like because there was [ __ ] in New Jersey and really aren't that many places to hang out but it was kind of kind of gross and really like it was one of those things like they knew it was yeah I go first of all they had checked out completely like they they knew the people who work there knew it was closing down yeah for like they did it and like [Music] they had checked out and as a result like we kind of checked out as customers right like we're just [ __ ] in high school and whoa look at you you Baldy bastard so you checked out his customer so we checked out his customers and like we it was my birthday must have been my like I don't know like 17th birthday or something like that right my friends all took me and we ordered like that whoa just want to see how fast I could kill her three seconds yeah three seconds my friend told them it was my birthday and they got they brought the cake out and they did like that happy happy birthday everybody gonna see you yeah you know like they all now clapping and then like half an hour later my friend ordered another cake for me it's like a different waiter and so like you start coming out with the cake is I happy happy birthday from Ben against you that's when they realized that they were bringing it to the same table I also had a brick house that a friend who like would just act like a spazz like not like not trying to be like an [ __ ] or anything Alki like an [ __ ] I guess um Espace like me you're not talking about me are you no no no any day I'm gonna have some chicken pie God like just really like random [ __ ] like that it's kind of [ __ ] that like I own Ian like pebbles like they remind me of that behavior in a good way um but like you just like and let me get a me get a coke and maybe like this Pepsi okay you doing and like the rest of us are trying so hard not to laugh because we don't want to encourage them because we feel bad for the waiters right and at the same time it's super [ __ ] funny so we're all like I do that at UH drive-throughs oh yes you do God you didn't have one drive-thru and I can't remember what it was we were so [ __ ] it was like hey what's up how you doing they're like oh how's it going and I'm like know how you do yeah yeah they're like do you know what you want like you better believe I do oh yeah give me a sec I just remember my friend went through like the Wendy's drive-through one time maybe not Wendy's might have been White Castle one of those and he was like she was he just gave her the order and she was like which they could chocolate shake with that he was like um she was like [ __ ] she was a lot more like I don't get paid nearly enough to deal with your [ __ ] New Jersey dick but what if she was like genuinely [ __ ] like upset with herself for like a day afterward she's like I really should have known he [ __ ] he was totally within his rights to derp me he totally had everybody he should have doubled during me cutting yourself with like the fry cooker tray oh god side of the pro fry cook tray yeah she just slowly started dipping her head in the fry grease gosh dang it goddamn captain phone call Kim alright well pause it pause it okay and we're back hey when they order food I'm just gonna go in a little rant right now yeah but these do please do in case you were wondering we just had to stop the episode and inconvenience hundreds of thousands of people so Erin could like order a tomato bisque soup that wasn't [ __ ] me I know for somebody else it was but okay so my number is listed under the account that we order eat 24 food from right for delivery for delivery here and so i'll be like gone all day and then i'll get a [ __ ] call from some number I don't recognize him like oh man I hope this is important and the answer and it's like oh do you want it says that you are the two pizzas do you really want to and I'm like I don't know yes sure I'm sure there was not a mistake about how many pizza nobody makes mistakes about how many pizzas they want that's a good only wanted one and they get two they're like oh [ __ ] two pizzas yeah sweet I'll eat this also yes not even later yes sure great thank you thank you for calling me yeah I was in the middle of a [ __ ] meeting and I just got rapid-fire dialed from a number I don't recognize yeah that girl was determined well because they like need to know because they they don't want to make too much food and like overcharge you right right right and fudge my rage just like completely destroyed these guys yeah pretty tough you know pretty much the only time I've actually caught a fish was went to that restaurant in Japan I cut like like a ton of fish of that restaurant oh yeah you're good and then I I with Kevin got the tiniest I misunderstood so if you explain this restaurant to people so we went this place in Japan where there is basically a river running through the restaurant filled with fish and like giant like spider crabs and [ __ ] it's just like it's like an aquarium and they hand you a fishing rod and they hand you some bait and they say catch your dinner and you don't have to you can like order stuff off the menu but you basically like we like had a little window outside so we were we were sitting below the surface of the water and we had a window where could see into the water and then windows up above the we would all the travel blog did a video about the place city yes awesome so look at her and basically we like had to catch fish and then we would catch them and we'd freak the [ __ ] out because we just caught a fish put in a bag and then the weights that for like thank you we'll take the fish and then they cook it and bring it to you mm-hmm so we have one that was like cooked than your grilled there's something we had one that was like sashimi it was pretty fresh fish I must say but I can I just say that I thought that my understanding was that you could only get food from the menu if you caught the fish oh I was on the assumption had to catch everyone's dinner so I was catching so many fish and then I was like I didn't realize that I was supposed to well basically be the one to eat them all and I didn't need that much yet you kept like we but I'll be talking and hanging out and you just turn around be like here's another fish we be like why the [ __ ] you catching more fish I know how to fish I used to fish I was I was a pretty good fisherman as a kid basically Kevin and I worked together and we we caught these yeah it took it took two of you guys to catch one fish it took one of me like like four feels like the size of my hand and you caught one the size of your head the only thing that sucked was I didn't realize that they'd bring the fish out to you with the face like still good like gasping for air oh yeah they were very freshly and Holly was not prepared for that and she broke down crying cuz she doesn't like animals getting hurt I mean the animals were that the fish were clearly dead I mean you have like all of its bones muscles were like still going like yeah you every now and then the tail would kind of twitch yeah I thought was [ __ ] cool I was like wow that thing was alive like ten seconds ago I know but Holly hates animals getting injured so she she was crying I know I felt so bad I cuz I was the one that caught and technically killed the fish because they put it down in like just the motion then putting down you see it kind of like wobbling around you're like whatever did they put it down and walk away and it's still moving and I just started laughing because I was like I was shocked I just never had seen that before I know that was so low and and then I looked over at Holly I was like oh no yeah it was really upset I mean I think it's also just that trying to be a vegetarian in in Japan it's not easy oh they love their meats fishes well I mean she's she's not she technically is pescetarian which means she can eat fish but she doesn't like to eat fish she just Church especially hard when it's just like oh yeah no I was holding this thing alive you know five minutes ago and I'm eating it it's delicious honestly I would just like to go there and just fish and then let the fish go but catch and release yeah catch and release basically they actually did say that there were some fish that we weren't a lot of cash yeah it was a shark in there like an actual like I'm so proud of her the [ __ ] spider crab thing that would just like walk oh we weren't allowed to catch him either it's [ __ ] cool or they had an octopus I think yeah there's a few fish that were just only there for show there's cool okay yeah that was I would go back there yeah like obviously the fish was really good I would go but they're back there but I wouldn't I wouldn't take all I know no I felt really bad for well next time with Steve Trevor and keep on farming farming trees and humans humans ah straight up straight up yes keep going my friend and I were in uh CBS know a Kentucky Fried Chicken God it's been a while I can't remember the story clearly uh-huh but we were in a fast-food restaurant and whoa and this woman this large woman was it was a bit of a ghetto restaurant if you can catch my drift activate that thing oh yeah nice and there was a huge woman ordering like two giant like family meals like enough food for eight people and the little girl behind the counter it's like is this for here to go and the giant woman was like excuse me do you think I can eat all this by myself and the girl behind the counter was like that's that's another that's a that was from when a same neighborhood a woman walked into a CVS I believe she was a peruse er of crack because she had like the wig and everything like that and um and she just came in and yelled like oh yeah where to push the products at and the person buying the counter was like um aisle 8 and she was like buh-bye what a [ __ ] product that it is amazing y'all talking about my cat whiskers I'm talking about my but John both have a bleed as a girl you got a dirty mom what is that that symbol Oh so fly to your house okay okay okay I'll do right now you just got a selected on a map right here and then I will come down yo Irene better push the product side yeah I take it there i'll take you there posthaste it keeps looking like she just stabs the broom in your face and you're like welcome back welcome back we're playing the feud yeah we just ordered some food ourselves that's right do you want to tell people for this place that sells [ __ ] kebabs well [ __ ] I was already from this place that sells [ __ ] kebabs and like the whole menu is just like totally normal standard fare it's like pork pork leg pork wrap chicken chicken thigh and I'm like alright well I'll get what I want what do you [ __ ] exact he's like I'll get a wrap and I'm like cool and I load up the rap menu and then choice of sauce and the first option is gangsta style make it rain sauce yeah goddamn boy oh boy that's a guy make that jump first yeah so [ __ ] weird but uh he was like no sauce and then I was like do you want to side he was like wait give me a side of gangster stuff like you got it buddy I'm uh I'm very excited about my yogurt soda that I wrote yeah I was like that sounds disgusting and you were like - why I was like yeah I want it oh yeah let's try some weird [ __ ] is there a pancake place in Portland OR Seattle I would assume yes well our major metropolitan cities like a famous you know there are like really good ones here and to find like the most amazing pancake I've ever had it wouldn't be the griddle the see the griddle is up there right like the griddle and do pars right now are up there for me watching you eat that griddle pancake stack was one of the most disgusting things I've ever witnessed with my own eyes I had it in my fridge and had it for breakfast for four days after she had eaten at the griddle I never got it's on my I think it was on the my old phone which got thrown away but like I have pictures the griddle is this place in LA for anyone who doesn't know that serves enormous pancakes giant like the size of half your body I stack they and they you know what they do too is they rig it like a sitcom where you go in and then you're like oh can I get a short stack and they're like short stack is in like two pancakes and they're like it's like like two or three and they're like yet two and they're like yeah I think I could do two and they're like oh you think like they aren't like that's really big and you should probably only get one it's really funny it's really funny eat each one each pancake is the size of like like a large pizza yeah and so I have a series of pictures of Aaron it's like smiling with the thumbs up in front of his like freshly served stack of pancakes and then like what looks to be like one eighteenth of the pancakes eaten and Aaron like with his head in his hands just like [ __ ] sweaty and the hair matted oh it's magical next time I get grubs hey know we'll see you then it's definitely a memorable game like I remember oh god this is going like way back into my childhood but like there was little Grinch moment yeah there's a place that before Burger King came to my town there was a place called burger Express and I I don't even know if they exist anymore or if it even was a chain yeah but they had a Burger Time video game in there like the arcade cabinet and I played the [ __ ] out of it and I loved it and like I would say Burger Time what is this like 1982-83 huh cuz I couldn't have been older than like three the it was one of those games it was like not it was not the most popular game but like like pac-man was popular and oh yeah and asteroids was huge but like Burger Time was like that second level of like popular it was the Sonic the Hedgehog of arcade cabinets you've heard it here first number time is the Sonic the Hedgehog of this era yeah it's true it was like number two hey guys how about a nice big can of [ __ ] you yeah it's a six pack plenty of delicious [ __ ] for everybody two liter bottle comes free with your pizza oh that's nice yeah so it is it is nice it's it's a cheap it's the best deal along with stabby bread that they offer still happy bread yeah um [ __ ] stabby sometimes I just get it for the stabby bread yeah I don't even get the [ __ ] pizza I've - I've told you about this my my pension for putting an extra lilt in my voice when i order crazy bread over the phone yeah I'll take two plain pies actually give me one half pepperoni and some crazy I'm feeling it oh geez yeah sorry I had to send your most unarmed delivery don't inform him of the situation that's happening right oh that was a good wind up yeah all there's more rainbow twister juice right here oh [ __ ] [ __ ] pull up on the twizzler use nice yo I think you can get this [ __ ] at the Cracker Barrel yeah you know this place is [ __ ] delicious their pancakes are supporting loves it really no she likes home country buffet which is the same kind of thing you know what you I don't know if I want to cancel refers to it as a disgusting swill bucket I don't want to speak for markiplier or anything but he has told me on many occasions to Cracker Barrel is his absolute favorite restaurant yeah out of here yeah in that case I want to go with it with him I know don't you like right like even if somebody was like if somewhere you've been like a million times and stay off [ __ ] McDonald's if someone's like to eat McDonald's is my number one favorite restaurant you'd be like dude I want to party with you there yeah like I can go I'm down yeah fine like what's good there yeah that's what does McDonald's even have I have not honestly been inside a McDonald's in almost 15 years that that is absolutely to your benefit yeah I know I can say without a doubt yeah it's coincidental because 15 years is the amount of years I've added on to the end of my life by eating man sick McDonald's burn bro yeah well they burned themselves I guess we'll never get a McDonald's brand deal yeah sorry about that not that I would have but McDonald's if you ever look in counter the game that's three million dollars or even $20 burning a hole in your pockets yeah I'd do a $20 brand deal for McDonald oh because what if they asked you to eat their disgusting Big Macs yeah I would need like a Chum Bucket yeah yeah you never heard that term this this feels like um this feels like got like a Hawaiian restaurant yeah yeah like Islands what were you gonna tell me what was your islands story oh I went there and I had some fries god [ __ ] damn it I knew it I went there Suzy and I went there because we were like oh man we keep doing this place and I'm in Suzy's like you know I'm interested in going that place and I was like well me too that's weird that we both were into this like weird place that we wouldn't normally be into mmm let's go there and eat so we went there and eat ate and it was the worse oh you didn't like it restaurant experience I ever had in my life but you like IHOP it was well I hop is there is no [ __ ] they're just like yet it's the diner what are you gonna do it's like we're a restaurant have fun bring your kids that's the first of all that's my favorite tag line of any place I've ever heard I hop what do you do you're already here sorry the islands it's just like a like a tropical themed Bennigan's basically they're so gross everything there is gross only Patrick can use the frizzy fruit there [ __ ] is so gross dude like I had a I don't remember what I got there I think I got fries mm-hmm that's the end of my story I I went I went there recently with my friend Amy and she was like I don't know I just I eat really lightly because sometimes when I eat food that's too heavy like I do you like chickie fingers yeah yeah Jim good cheeky finger dude Chili's has the best chickie fingers well that really yeah you got to go there dude I'll go there and a horrible chicken crispers oh [ __ ] delicious I think you would love them I love them all I was gonna say though was that like she was like where do you want to eat tonight no saying no I could go for something light like sushi and she's like I want a giant [ __ ] burger like the kind that I'll feel like dying afterwards I was like let's go to islands and that's what she got and that's and she enjoyed it immensely dude if you want to end if you want a giant [ __ ] burger like you're gonna die you either go to Red Robin oh yeah Red Robin will kill a person or you go to a mommy burger go to Slater's Slater's is crazy umami burger I thought you said a mommy bird mommy bird yeah as in like a place called mommy burger and I was like I do not want to eat a mommy burger I want to go to mommy burger right now yeah mommy mommy yeah yeah it's like a bunch of guys to the side of the road let me get a burger make me a burger you look so good you look so extra cheese between these buns oh boy all right we're playing blood-borne you're a hot chick sign here cool glasses check noted those are actually extra it's like guacamole and Chipotle oh how dare they charge extra I don't know kados did the cheese in the planning well it's it's like I don't want to sit through the rigmarole of like it's extra so I'm just like I know it's extra and then it makes me sound douchey you know like I'll guacamole I know it's actually you always do that douchey whatever you know like the place a little too well and you're trying to help them by being really easy yeah your order like when I go to Panera I'm like ah the turkey plane with apple on the side and a large ice cream tay no need to do the thing you guys already not a baguette please yeah yeah what I have to do is go back to here cute Adobe tan mm-hmm I gotta go in that room with my favorite sushi place you know you know what the other day I found a sushi place sushi and teriyaki place called samurai and I'm so glad that I finally found a place called salmon samurai sushi because I always been joking about it they used to be one in Millburn New Jersey I don't still there yeah yeah it's just it's literally the most stereotypical name for Japanese restaurant you could possibly have next to ninja it's the best well there's also like a ton of Japanese restaurants that are just like I mean obviously this is a stupid non Japanese speaking person thing to say but it's just like different combinations of the same or syllables like ko Bhutan or Hanukkah or Akuma toab or cats Iike bah you know like that kind of thing yeah that's definitely yeah well maybe they should stop naming their [ __ ] that nice all right each other such a tiny sonic in our soul yeah oh that cannot be surgically removed nope it's the same thing as the soul actually it's if you try to take him out he just wags his finger at you and he's like it's a chili dog born infection you get it for only cure is more chili dogs you got it from sonic 2 sonic serve they have chili dogs Oh Sonics I've never been with Sonic I've never been there I mean maybe maybe not Sonic's then Wiener schnitzel there you go home of the Sonic they have they have hot chili dogs they're all about them chili dog I remember the first time you know where that was like one of the earliest places I went to really yeah with my friend my friend Mike RCC who works at riot what ICC what what is right make like Grand Theft Auto or something something like that no I think they make dota 2 that's gonna get you killed rustlers found dead in his bed this morning they think he died of murder what a weird game I'm loving it just like a McDonald's hamburger but you do have those I know I don't I [ __ ] hate McDonald's really shit's disgusting it's [ __ ] huh interesting the chicken nuggets are ok but goddamn their burgers they want a [ __ ] vomit immediately love Wendy's though Wendy's you my girl Wendy's is a [ __ ] bomb my girl for life don't you think I might have eaten Shake Shack today but I was thinking about you the whole time we [Laughter] shouted your name a couple times I was wrong there was another place I worked ready to make food for people when I work too good dive Evangeline give me something I would make a make the shakes for people on oh yeah and they're not really shakes they're called choco lick sirs if you want to feel pretentious is that trademark yeah bacon is she's only and I would have to let you know wear gloves to make the drinks but I made mad drinks man yeah like I would take like chocolates out of like the Godiva chocolate cases and like make drinks out of those like I would make hot chocolate with the like chocolate hazelnut praline a sea shells like [ __ ] like that oh so good like people will be like I want a mint chocolate you know drink but you don't have one to be like oh well [ __ ] I'll just take two mint chocolate things out of the case and mix it into a drink for you and I would charge them a little bit extra for it but it was always [ __ ] worth it and I could never accept tips Wow yeah it's a trap but I mean like if I if I ever went there again I'd be like if you if you go to Godiva and ask them to like make something in your drink you should do it only a couple stores will actually do it for you if they're cool huh okay do I have to go inside the pyramid that is the question just the question I'm waiting for an ad to load thanks YouTube oh I got quite a hankering for KFC right now though I'll tell you that I don't [ __ ] oh look at those nuggets look at those Nuggets just tumbling just tumbling down can't have fried food oh the colonel just kidding just [ __ ] it's gross I know how do you KFC Aaron that's their hashtag that I guess you can tweet thank you Dan yeah how do we KFC I don't know I guess I [ __ ] put it in my mouth and then have violent diarrhea later yeah can we please like post fist this with like KFC is gross pretty hot yeah at all free advertisement for them oh yeah no I don't I don't like fast food and I don't say that in like a [ __ ] like oh I'm so great I make such great life choices Wade it's just gross to me I like like Wendy's yeah you really do but you don't like other fast food right like Taco Bell Taco Bell is like you I mean in fact like really crave talk about more than Wendy's if they could have like like just heartburn in like pill form I bet they could do it with crushed up Taco Bell all right pause for a second yeah I was gonna share a story that happened so we just you know the story bobbles you know the story but it's embarrassing but funny enough that all right I'll hear it as many times as necessary so bad so that's good we were we just this last weekend went as of the recording we had Anime Expo well many people hadn't many and that if you're not familiar with Anime Expo that is an anime expo yeah it's it's the largest anime convention and I think the world I mean a make on a short Japan has a bigger one but big we Suzy and Holly had a booth there so I was going a few days just to kind of basically just like help Holly and support her and everything and of course be there for Suzy as well I'm banging your head on those punks so oh I am well that's fine and when we went one day like one morning I was like feeling kind of sick and I I had a like one of those like nasty diarrhea poos and I was like oh this isn't good mm-hmm so then on the way to Anime Expo I started going sure god oh no oh no so I had to get them to literally let me out of the car really early to kind of get run into anime expo like run I had to get to a bathroom really bad I didn't even get to the parking I don't even know if I need to kill these guys or they even tried to tear friendly I think you're just murdering them nope I didn't want to interrupt your story but yeah no you just murder the first dude who walked up so I ran in and of course like Here I am I'm getting stopped a lot by a lot people like hey I love steam train I love game grumps and I was like thank you thank you that's great and I was like inside internally I'm screaming and I can feel my like stomach like ready to let go like Chernobyl on my ass so I'm like this is not good and then I just get to the toilet and it's just like it's all water this is a this is integral part to the story by the way I'm not sparing the details it's how did it smell I wasn't gonna go that far okay so important to the story so I'm so stupid so basically what happened was the rest of the day I was like you know I'm probably gonna be better I had it I had some food and I was like okay you know I think I'm getting better this is I don't think that's gonna happen again Anime Expo ended and it was I think this is the last day so I know my expo tended and we were like well let's end it by going to dinner so is my self [ __ ] bird it was myself Holly and once again our friend Katie and we were basically going to animate I'd like to finish out a mix away we're gonna go have some like ramen at Little Tokyo cuz I have some really good ramen places and on the way there I get a text message from John right or not yeah who is currently here filming the rest of Starrcade and he says he tells me hey Russ what are you up to and I'm like I'm going to a little Tokyo and he's like I'm in Little Tokyo and I was like oh do you want to join us for dinner and he was like absolutely this is like a wonderful time yes so completely free of diarrhea yeah so we went to this ramen place really good round first of all like we had to walk through like a huge crowd of people because I didn't think for a second like oh there's an anime convention in town why just since from little totally sure no one's gonna be in Little Tokyo and then we went there and of course like every five steps was just like most jontron Rus jontron and I was like oh this is interesting oh also this is so we all this exposition of this story I know we go to this ramen place and we're literally waiting for like what felt like two hours I think John was like super impatient about it but we we managed to like finally sit down we have some ramen it was really good Robin but where'd you guys go I can't ruin the name of the place it's out of the main Santa oh no it's actually not it's actually not as it the like ramen man or boy it's not it's not important but it's very good ramen there's a lot of really good ramen yeah so I had this really greasy bowl of ramen mm-hmm and I was like oh this is gonna be it's gonna be great but the whole time we're sitting there in that hour waiting it was just like it became like a mini like YouTube meetup basically like people are like don't draw draw straws John Ross because we had to wait for like an hour right so that was going on so there's tons of pictures that came out good so we finished the road they finished the ramen and we leave and we walk back into the mains part a little Tokyo and there's this continued story I'm just gonna reset the game no let's pause pause for a second story sorry this is the very this is a very slow story but I promise it's it's it has an ending so what happened was John and I and Katie Holly we all left this ramen place and on the way back to the main part of Little Tokyo we were making fun of this this play that is it's basically a play that William Shatner has it's a theater play I think that is in New York I don't really know anything about it other than the fact that he'll just tell stories about how he inspired people and how he's amazing and how he thinks he's great and then but and according to some people that we're at one of his plays got a thing he shot his pants and just walked offstage and that was the end of the play uh-huh yes yeah we were all making fun of that like William Shatner yeah and then exactly we all went there and then when did that happen I don't know it was something that we were being told about um so we're back in the main part Little Tokyo and there's this like cute plushy store that's like all cute animals and stuff and we walk in because my friend Katie hadn't seen it before and I I think John had seen it before from back when he lived here and we we walk in there and I'm like look showing Holly like fleshy birds and all that I'm just like oh man [ __ ] the the that grease your home and no no no and I like I have to fart oh god I have to fart oh I have to fart I was like I'll just slip one out I don't think it's gonna smell that bad so I fart I don't fart i shart oh gosh shart soup so bad that I feel like liquid this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me - still are my gift we're making fun of William Shatner never make for [ __ ] his pants so I'm like in the middle of this store and I realized that at the door a bunch of like game grumps and well you know the Association jontron and all these fans had like accumulated because they all knew that we were now in Little Tokyo right so they're all at the door here's me in my pants I [ __ ] you not liquid [ __ ] yeah liquid [ __ ] in my pants and I'm the doors blocked and I I'm like Holly I need to I need to go bathroom he's like oh do you need to go poo and I'm like more so we we try to leave and I'm stopped actually the photo i retweeted recently I'm like look really upset and I'm on my phone reason i retweeted that was cuz I [ __ ] my pants and Gavin put up the photo here's another photo Oney trying to run to the bathroom oh poor people thought you were just being a jerk yeah but you had [ __ ] in your yeah I felt really bad cuz here's the thing we like we owe these people stopped us all these now finished Anime Expo attendees and I'm like trying to get to a bathroom and I go into a grocery store and then I get stuffed again just add the line was too big there there's like all these people from Adam exper trying to use that bathroom and I guess like it was too long to wait for me so I was like [ __ ] this is so bad and then I like we I tried to escape and every five steps is getting stopped getting stuff getting stuff and John was like I'm sorry sorry we gotta stop we can't we can't you can't please please leave alone please don't leave alone and then we these nice to girls that stopped me and I felt really bad there's like sure one quick photo and I'm like just yeah photo yeah I'll give you the photos keV if we should blur faces or not lovelies I'm sure they'd be fine with yeah enjoy the cameo I'm sorry if you didn't want your face on the episode I'll put an annotation on top if you don't want it yeah yeah but [ __ ] man literally [ __ ] everywhere in my pants and then we walked all this so to give you an idea so like the central Little Tokyo is so [ __ ] I guess like likes kind of small and the only bathroom I could find was Catholic demitasse which is like really far away right yeah cuz thanks that's that's a bit of a walk yes the squidgy walks so I had to squidgy penguin walk the whole way there with like but like you know when you like walk and you're like clinching your butt cheeks cuz you don't want anything getting out well sure and I didn't want like Brown coming through the jeans or anything but anyway I had to walk all the way to cafe damnit ah so you know and then like you would squeeze you I go in there and I come out and like everyone's looking at me and they're like how was that it's pretty just like throw out your underwear no I had to wear the underwear the rest of the time were in Little Tokyo and then I got home and immediately changed it the worst yeah it's soft I immediately wanted to go home after that I am so sorry so that's what the see that's what you get when you make fun of someone for [ __ ] your pants you're gonna [ __ ] your pants take a picture with you yeah and you've [ __ ] in your pants at least the ones smack your butt like yeah there there sport no I like just ruins my jeans in their hands just immediately covered in [ __ ] alright anyway next time on steam train also we're gonna look up a bit of this game has a lot of no direction yeah it's very pretty and I want to play it I'm having fun but I also am scared deposit in case of crashes that yeah we even rushed when we paused it so I am afraid the safe option might be in the pause menu yeah there's a good story there's a real good story
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 1,517,425
Rating: 4.9108715 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps restaurant stories, game grumps wendy's, game grumps mcdonalds, game grumps super mario maker, game grumps super mario, game grumps super mario bros, game grumps mario, game grumps dan stories, game grumps arin stories, game grumps best of arin, game grumps best of dan, game grumps storytime, game grumps best of, game grumps legend of zelda, game grumps zelda, game grumps sonic, game grumps sonic the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, super mario bros
Id: UIuBtasmz0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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