Dan & Arin Trolling Each Other - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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I wasn't paying attention to prohibit shipping no job don't jump you Horace son of a [ __ ] we're doing it again first example of trolling I've ever [Music] liked you've got it down and then like all kinds of new [ __ ] gets thrown out here Oh true dat oh my god what the [ __ ] have you quit game to the pizza party there because the best you are day and now I got this and this now oh [ __ ] you yeah well I got the Koopa no hey Stefan x7 game rose can I that sir nope great maybe you should get a little better you should go am i is this a death is that no it's not a death no I could fall yeah you can fall okay just kidding you can't [ __ ] with my ball with it to the hall they did don't don't don't don't hey what oh you're [ __ ] dead dude you're [ __ ] dead [ __ ] don't [ __ ] smirk at me with your cute hair and your awesome sweater [ __ ] get you did I miss you up yeah it sure did yes oh man I've [ __ ] missiles and [ __ ] dude [ __ ] asshat no no no oh god damn it I shot it right into you get out of here I hate you so much go away no you go away oh you suck now I'm in the snow again let's let's call a truce on stealing the stars cuz we'll be there forever okay okay let me go over that work actually I don't know if I can make it [ __ ] did I just say what it's on the way this is what a truces you're up there - I'm gonna fall down and I'm not gonna have a chance to go back up so oh no I'm just taking advantage of the situation and you're welcome to as well truce on stealing Wow well I can break a true sir everybody knows that that's okay have you ever heard of a noose quit swinging that we rode around here kill them I don't want to do that but if it happens just happen lay down swinging that [ __ ] dude so distracting I might kill somebody I'm winning now oh yeah you're winning significantly I'm so happy you know it helps you win swinging that thing around in my face and yelling [ __ ] rugby I'm just gonna lose on by default now here we go ready go here we go what's that yeah it's hard isn't it no not really alright you immediately start swinging your remote again I'm enraged right now I'm not gonna waste a [ __ ] barrel though I'm gonna wait for you to get to a barrel cuz they're probably nearby where do I go I don't [ __ ] know fall down that was a bad idea I'm Erin you know what no what gave you the idea if I could kill this bro grab it uh toss it thanks for talking I can't hurt him he's just distressed he'll be fine you can hurt him you can hurt the chickens are you kidding me I think you just swipe them and then like they're like then they go into like panic mode and that's it oh dude go back up there I don't want to hurt the chicken oh go up there all right all right fine let's hurt a [ __ ] chicken kill the chicken you can kill it kill it kill it kill the chicken this feels horrible kill the [ __ ] chicken kill him I can't I can't kill the chicken kill the chicken pocalypse [ __ ] I had no idea I've never hurt the chicken before oh my god Aaron you sick [ __ ] Wow okay cool look at me I'm running around till they put in here right yep advanced needless to say Aaron's in the white shirt I'm in the blue shirt oh sure and the pink shirts are our enemy when I go get you I'm gonna get you may need you to stay on your side I'm gonna get you him okay great that's actually a bad idea oh [ __ ] looks like I'm not even gonna need to play don't worry these Twinkletoes around guys that's you [ __ ] me what well you can't run into it you gotta you gotta let the racket do the talking Olympic tennis tournament is that a real thing whoa whoa he caught me off guard dude look I can't fault me for that yes I can no you yeah absolutely well no stop not yet face that way okay that's cool that's yours should I be in the upper field like the other guy yeah probably [ __ ] you Mario okay okay a truly terrible star we go no no you can't hit that what because he's serving to me [ __ ] oh all right okay no stay in the back gaurantee faulted though see I did good oh my god give me a Keith me kids Erin Karen but we are fine oh [ __ ] we are legit fun to play tenor yeah no [ __ ] one of us is doing pretty good I got a bouquet of flowers just for you Erin what I got it you just stay down there be a loser I got the gold tunnel hey what the [ __ ] man you're a hole I was gonna get the goddamn goat we're going back yeah we are going back oh it got clogged up you you son of a [ __ ] you get the stamp it's cool right I'm having trouble with like the depth perception in this game oh yeah this game totally should have been about three years what that was super nice of you and now I let the money come to me so don't don't die this time if you die okay okay god damn it god damn it Daniel Jesus Jesus it's very hard not to die there good another thing I'll take that that's about to me oh my god all right it's my are you [ __ ] thank you what the [ __ ] you're an ass can you are check it check it check it pretty soon why did you throw me oh [ __ ] Oh God oh god no no aah you son of a [ __ ] ditch get out of there hey no why sorry I just [ __ ] it up I don't know sorry Oh God yeah you're a [ __ ] disaster oh my god taking one for the team exactly did you what the [ __ ] facing the wrong way no it was it okay facing the good way it was not damn it damn it it hit me in the balls again I can't stop won't stop you have to aim it like towards the racket no oh boy I'm sorry I'm pretty sorry I love tennis Aaron what I'm going for a walk oh my god I'm really good at this we [ __ ] them I'm learning we're having intercourse I'm a neural net processor a learning computer we're gonna get Wimbledon for sure heads we you don't get Wimbledon win the Wimbledon it's [ __ ] weak link [Laughter] hey hey easy easy oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to Cheryl I'd totally - oh okay check out what I learned oh what's that it's how to die Shrek you got my [ __ ] rhythm dude yeah what the [ __ ] was that oh yeah [ __ ] you yeah in the boot it's a race to the finish in a race for the next time on game grumps wait wait wait wait don't don't do anything thanks puny as missiles Wow Wow yeah please [ __ ] eat my dick shut your [ __ ] mouth I will stab you with my Robo dick where are you right here right oh my god you almost thought we off the mountain I could have died did you [ __ ] I cannot win this I cannot physically win this I don't know man you just knocked me like way off the map yeah but I'm like miles away you keep gonna be away well I can hope to do is via I can't stop here get it get out of here get out of here I will Oh No Oh blocking charging Ok Go Ahead [ __ ] I will I will allow you to bounce your ball off of my head oh I'm so honored give me your pity [ __ ] Thank You Ari yeah yeah now we're even okay ready man was 33 all right here yeah three two one go I read books like every day that's what I do in the mornings pitching my eye okay you're scratching your eye your eye itches you who says he reads man you need to just take a serious case of [ __ ] up you need to shut up oh stop pushing my boy I feel like I should use I'm gonna I'm shoved night thanks for it in advance oh you [ __ ] ladder snatching [ __ ] smashed your ladder whoa hey man [ __ ] learn to play alright okay learn to play how dare you like I get tinier when they come from exactly the right time you didn't I'm a mess try playing a little further back I nice real good a clean with I'm gonna tickle my toes and amazement look at okay okay nice oh my god dude Ariane's back in business dude how's your back feeling it's doing all that carries stay on your side and return this serve embarrass and trying you you really are not there you go I mean my god you know what all right all right no don't I have to look like you did it Aaron I almost hit Mario okay you're gonna have some different they give you a sprite oh that's right time okay kiss me what get out of the way what is what's wrong why are you so [ __ ] that was me whoa how's my fault it's you yes oh no that wasn't me it's okay okay it's real tough to like yeah I haven't quite gotten the hang of like I'm so good at this with arkanoid when it's like a flat thing that I'm doing my hands oh yeah well yeah I mean you got to learn like a new whole worldview it's pretty crazy I mean it's like like look at this [ __ ] it's [ __ ] it's astounding you played vanguard V right yeah Vanguard feeds a great game yeah that's just in this other game that I've seen him working with among others but that's that one's [ __ ] ridiculous oh yeah it's beautiful you're like an angel flying no I'm not just talking about Aaron you actually are an angel good thank you no not you Wow thank you that's my green star what the [ __ ] you really think that may yeah there's a there's there's definitely don't don't don't don't oh god why did you do it you could have gotten the thing we could have gotten the thing but you [ __ ] jump the gun look at my cat it has patterns whoa kill him kill him kill him you only seven seconds I'm doing it got this you okay is that how it's gonna be dude that's how it's been since the first [ __ ] second okay oh my god I can survive I can survive yeah what do you uh is this yeah you forget that I'm peach or Luigi so I'm gonna go just go ahead and why don't you okay I need your help here no no just stop I need help God God no my losing points every time that happens yeah well you're losing a life for both of us so you need to [ __ ] step it up all right because you're holding me back stop [ __ ] me over then you can get one of those get one of them get one hurry oh well I screwed it up - can you tell me how to play this game please oh I was telling you and you didn't go back you were in the process of killing me and stealing my [ __ ] what's that gotta go get my ball out did you Wow yeah sucks doesn't it oh man I mean ah yeah it sucks stop with your lays open ever come on come on come on oh no drop drop drop Oh is it weird that way I didn't do that [ __ ] you Shh ah now I'm in the other that's [ __ ] up I never hurt you once Nintendo dude where are you it's not important Bob you take [ __ ] forever don't hit it huh what did I say stop looking at its crap I know that was you you did that mom you're insane good finally could you just record [ __ ] way back yeah no oh no no oh you almost made it okay damn it get your [ __ ] [ __ ] back no you don't that's my [ __ ] gotta learn to be a better shovel knight ah yeah I did it get my [ __ ] back my airship dead might know my other [ __ ] too both of the shovel knights there ever were way up I can't you I'm hanging up wait I can't walk past this flag I know so let me get out of here try harder he's dang I'm not a stink baby why the stinkiest of all [ __ ] come over here Aaron got a we can help each other open up the book Oh sucks to be you it does do it the right way you [ __ ] clod and come over here go over to CMC book ah oh great oh good Here I am here I got okay go go go hurry it's too high you go duh you're gonna dance on the book go you're gonna get hit by lava no I'm not you fell did I didn't you're a fool it didn't happen Oh fool you got hit by the same love can't rejoin I can't I don't have enough life to give Oh No what why don't you you should be better than this thank you for stealing half my life take that carrot and then lose it'll be so cool of you fair way that's not fair oh I can [ __ ] taught you whoa no I'm glad you only discovered that now such a tool oh you're shooting so I can't do it anymore yeah it's big you get a hole in one for this [ __ ] with that much stop oh so annoying [Music] [Laughter] all right stop it dude you're really pissing me off I'm sorry did you hit any button oh hey there I am little friend Wow haha your friend my friend I love you my friends stop you're my friend I really like you yeah thanks everybody [Laughter] I don't want you here you should not be able to walk while you do that you have a sword dude I can't get to you because you keep lasering me away every time you characters overpowers man oh no no no it's not a defend it's just it's just me getting hit away I can't like Aaron if you keep doing that I'm gonna like come over and throw my controller at your head I'm not even remotely kidding it's just well I just want to win dude you'll pick up an actual injury yeah yeah yeah imagine being the one who's in here I know I'm literally in the world right now you guys promise I am right here with you yeah yeah no no something's rocking around you go is this somebody trapped in there Oh oh god it was the [ __ ] save thing Jesus Christ Dan oh I can hear you all walking around me it's creeping me out oh it's scary I could scream I left y'all [ __ ] vent pipe I'm already compromised with me like scuttling in the back I got I guess you're all the scuttle ooh sorry sorry and and and you know what you need to do serve a Jewish BAM shut up thank you I can do that [ __ ] all day come on man don't really amateur rude oh that's a bad shot all right all right okay not really loving on your power right now shut up bastard [Laughter] okay hey you are salty you messed up my birdie putt son stop looking me in the eyes while you do that such a prick all right hey it's time for Rayman legends this time I'll be playing the role of Dan and will be playing the role of me oh man I just just remember this thing that happened to me when I was seven was the first time I ever smoked pot or did coke this game is [ __ ] [ __ ] and you know oh [ __ ] all you gotta do ladies is just believe in yourself you know ladies and now you've gotta help me by moving the blocks by hitting this stepping on the buttons uh-oh so I move them down sorry sorry that's what friends do I was having too much fun whoa discs you took my disk off sick dude got a disc bro no I'm I'm running away with it okay don't get the [ __ ] door you need to get the door you kidding it's a club mix by eiffel 65 Jamie I'm blue da ba dee da ba da ba buddy bop all the doors in time anymore and then now you want to shoot the red one are you ready yeah super ready thanks for pressing a button pressing it before you shot the red thing nice view good friends so funny oh man it's so much better when it's not you so my god I'm gonna [ __ ] do this [ __ ] okay should I stay on this button yes please is it open okay it's so perfectly time whoa [ __ ] all right here we go I'm gonna watch you yes I'm totally screwed no no [ __ ] you I'm trying to [ __ ] Elliman this isn't good this isn't good at all now I'm in the ocean yay are you happy a berry walk out of here yeah not going to the pit you're an [ __ ] I mean you're just gonna do something else haven't played golf learn how to [ __ ] play golf no I know how to play golf I need a new chip shovel hits gold yeah you can shovel it all you want okay okay [Music] [ __ ] strike the earth oh right the earth that's what I'm that's what I do when I'm angry did you return to the map because we're not doing this just king raised this I'll stab you in the foot so you walk weird Brian too much it's Terrance you left me behind great Oh [Music] losing hard gold no I didn't that was you it's good no fake cremate it's boom night hey you go wait hon step backwards hey I didn't mean to it's just a dude yeah we're not gonna get our gold back what about this you jump and die yeah nice got it real nice got it Oh looks like we have even less gold no that's true no dickbags what's up alright here we go yeah cute little butt there smack that book oh my god oh it's the secret area they keep [ __ ] me up in Oh awesome [Music] infinite dagger I'll get this treasure sooner or later Sam Snead oh it's me yeah oh no I'm sorry see all you Sam yeah it's called peer pressure what of it we're not peers though you uh have haven't had a couple years on me i-i've got years on my peers I got skills though it's just a pity the booze [Music] [Applause] no no you want you want you want a little secret what I wasn't playing that round that was the computer I actually took a small video during the match showing so CPU wins yay thanks am i gay grubs what put up that video Matt no and Ryan for you yeah it's called peer pressure what of it we're not peers though you uh I've got years on my peers yes well they uh I'm already barfy if you significantly change your posture and feel the tracking is off pulled off which okay red markings on the top I see him yep I see him cool I'll take all the coins you [ __ ] cool beautiful coin cool cool don't go anywhere cuz we have to get this [ __ ] gold that we didn't do it last time right here yeah damn it what hey coins your that would have benefited both of us oh we're stuck no you're just gonna go that way okay yay God we didn't even get it last time either because you did the same exact thing you [ __ ] lied 2,000 points oh you went in my back pocket damn it I thought I got that No hell no losers don't win drugs lesson learned lesson man wait wait hold on don't don't don't miss out on a [ __ ] green star dude I missed out on you getting a green star you prick doesn't we both get green stars we benefit from them you you benefit you get the points and then you rub it in my god whatever we can unlock Bowser stages for the green stars you piece of [ __ ] Oh a nice work oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] and you missed the stamp there was a stamp right up there you got stop [ __ ] running and gun it all the time come on pick and pick up the face I'm getting the star I'm going I'm getting the star you died you're not coming back out alive this is [ __ ] alright and you maybe missed the time oh no no no we can't just use some [ __ ] we could have gotten more time hurry up to the goddamn thing to God God oh oh dear oh you lost your crown oh what a bummer room you shameless oh he took it Howard Howard [ __ ] but wait wait cool you always [ __ ] do this rush right ahead I love it there's always secrets I know blunt don't don't you dare hit that [ __ ] flagpole dude don't this stuff of gear yeah goddamnit I mean the toad [ __ ] there was a green star up there Oh you were gonna get it hold on yes [ __ ] chode yeah I was bubble behind you because that's how cool I am you miss chill just chill [ __ ] up why did you do that why did you do that God you always [ __ ] act like I should know this you son of a [ __ ] you stole the cat you pulled me over well I hate you Wow alright dude star today [Laughter] yes yes I'm waiting [ __ ] doc oh here's a bell oh what a bummer plans for like 12 days yeah the [ __ ] out of here Aaron what I wasn't keeping it from you you just didn't know it leads to berries I got it for both of us so you're okay in how many of us just for both of us both yeah both of us from Bulbul know I'm gonna get in my - first cuz it's the better - it's too late you [ __ ] [ __ ] hey just brought us back you're a butt face Wow you need to stop you need to stop running ahead dude you're gonna [ __ ] us over this stuff sure why it got kind of angry eyebrows hold out you know you could be oh you [ __ ] like it dear I cut you I'll cut you I'll cut you that was not three points it was three points it was all a queer Towson yeah that was from downtown topic the fact that we could both control the menu is definitely that's disaster waiting to happen okay I'm just floating pieces yay come here ah [ __ ] do you like while you are straight up J dude alright this one is a machine grab dude hi sweet all right cool you can do that one totally for having fun yeah pretty simple oh he's blocking his head with that lasso you seen that oh you did you just infinite dagger me you know threw up my pattern no infinite dag up don't don't break it I won't break it but I gotta be break I just did one I just did if you break it okay I'm gonna why do you always I want the jewels and then not only do you die and lose the jewels but then you go off the screen and you get something make it so I can't have the jewels anymore you you don't worry it's been dying yes there we go got all three of them had it oh my god all three of them bro oh [ __ ] I used to go to this football bar you know in in Santa Monica because they and cool eight-second story couldn't get through it nice nice right back alright tell your story no I can't you took them so take the joy out dude I'm really sorry hello what yeah please tell your story oh no I was kind of in the moment sort of past no dude it was it never passes if it was a good enough story it was just because we were like hurt someone and like [Music] fell and died cool don't later I was trying to find a secreto tell you why I will show you why in a second what the [ __ ] dude just let me do it and you can bubble to me I grabbed on I was so surprised that you're a dick don't think that I don't think I don't look out for you man cuz I do the things move uh so if I did that to you well Aaron I was just trying to show you how I can't believe you ate a run don't jump don't jump don't jump don't jump radio yo my god you need to do it you need it that was all on you buddy and this entire playthrough Aaron don't get that what [Music] ready or not okay that was some close cheese dude there was a thing up on the wallet you could've got I know right get the [ __ ] down here what are you doing you fool you're missing all of the things that will help us in the future she'll help us nicely dog just remembered what's up here wait where [Music] wait anyway is it um what what the H oh there it is glasses boom is it now I can see the secret thing and get my foot oh thank you oh wow is that a thumb thank you so much is that dude was there a boggling what are you talking about I don't know what up dog is well aren't you proud of yourself [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] yeah man kiss me no that's what happens every now it's not true we have like eight instances for evidence okay yes okay all right doing well yeah awesome give me a kiss we gotta touch noses serving for magic touch nose get away from me touch my nose let's just win lose your nose please hit this okay I did it well thing is okay do not know how to spell it I know how to spell it yes yes [ __ ] no damn it is it wrong damn it where is that this is an American yeah yeah yeah absolutely no dammit son-of-a-bitch psyching me out look it up it's cheating it's cheating all right son of a [ __ ] ass I'll buy a vowel you just you just automatically go into the glowy goo don't you this is austere thing okay look at what I'm going yeah you can shoot that oh and probably shoot it somewhere and then there's probably another one somewhere right over here ha gee whiz is it a button up just [ __ ] saw it you were it's above you right over here I am utterly stunned rare no dude above you right there to the right you're right not that one it's a window God right here yeah dad did I not see it dad okay you need to start co-op sorry so shoot your other portal right there to make the current flow from there okay that was the wrong portal but it's okay there you go like two peas in a pod how about instead of that okay uh you shoot you leave one of those portals there and then you shoot the other portal at the end of the goopy goop ah done alright so now you just made them a little bit more a part which is not at all what I have where's the goofy goober that's it no I mean the swirly my gig come on dude you can't [ __ ] this swirly that's the squirrel you can't mix up the swirly McGee with the okay okay the other side [Laughter] you got it all right now go do your chubby business nearby treasure okay god damnit what a [ __ ] fish top it wasn't me I was going left the whole time don't put stabbed you fish whoa yes gimme I can't stop - I'm good at improvising you sob allottee damn good [ __ ] you you know what [ __ ] you good [ __ ] it why do you do [Laughter] [Laughter] this is one of my favorite games we've ever put infinity dagger Oh nothin infinite a ger you'll die really yes you sure about this I'm a hundred percent sure that you'll die if you use the infinite a ger dagger cool damn it great job diet and what what happened why didn't you warn me what happened did you die no way oh really I feel so bad for you dude omit do you want a pat on the shoulder or maybe a punch in the arm violently head out of rage how do we get over there and discuss oh oh [ __ ] you gotta jump you gotta you gotta jump on it and then jump again oh alright this time we got it but at this point it's worthless because we've lost more gold you can go ahead and do it okay and do it on your own there's the gear thing we gotta make it again oh it's all on you baby okay I can't get your [ __ ] fortune to get in towards [ __ ] wasted my eagerly [Laughter] sweet oh my god oh my god Dan moment the moment you came back hello I'll get that check whoa dude it was [ __ ] cheeky didn't it yeah why didn't she get it and you just walked right off the [ __ ] screen and then died immediately that was the most useless thing ever seen anyone wait I'm pretty sure a good topic I think we started like half I think we ended the last episode halfway through this Oh God this is another play what did you just say about rushing ahead and now you can't oh you left a bell back there what did I come back here they just say like Banks ago you are what's going on I don't know what you're talking about hold on hold on wait don't go anywhere fall back oh man you are a punk dude hooray you're a punk-ass [ __ ] it's great to have friends dick oh yeah boy Wow ten thousand unrequited points right at the end that sure does make a huge difference doesn't there well it sure does Daniel don't worry I'm still alive I think ahead of death coming for me hold on don't go in there [Music] [Laughter] what [ __ ] yo yo yo yo hey [ __ ] dude okay you're gonna lose him right away would you alright cool we're good well I can stand off over here what do you what do you what are you gonna do with me you'll never win you are a cruel mr. jump jump yeah like one line poetry don't go in there I swear to God don't go in there what the [ __ ] did I just say I didn't go in there and I died as a result all right don't go in there dude what the [ __ ] did I just say now I see why I died God okay I did not be kind Aaron what why did you do that cuz I felt like it oh well then hold on stop there's a stamp down here yeah but there's a star over here oh no [ __ ] want you to die yeah okay these guys are going dead sorry he said what the [ __ ] just happened I don't know why did I just follow my death I don't know [ __ ] out did you push me off I did not there's a place somewhere beyond the pines hole too bad that you went the wrong way oh good at least those coins disappeared in time oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh you get out stop it stop it wait wait oh you're a jerk weed we have to do it again if we [ __ ] this up what do you mean [ __ ] dick I was like four pixels away we did it there's another boss hold on stop stop stop stop oh come on Dan we're uh could have had some special abilities and powers and whatever I will turn this floating magic platform around no no no what a tragedy what happened there I'll get the ugh no no no no why dan I don't even care about the legend of what why did you oh it finally worked I finally killed you oh that feels good witches yeah pro GP stop throwing me into space what do you mean stop throwing you stop throwing me yeah you're the one who's always doing the throw and you throw master I know is the whole purpose of us revisiting these stages we had a hundred seconds oh thank god you could build the Parthenon in a hundred seconds squeak that one out there could do 100 second race in a hundred seconds that I won this cord all portal portal welcome back to what the [ __ ] dude alright we're starting to do we're starting fresh what the [ __ ] here we go here we go this is the one all right all right all right all right okay so you portal yourself poker where to there again same your same deal hit Sam dillio and this is gonna be you is all you buddy I'm excited let's see where this see where this takes you see that's leads yeah portals open go ahead okay got speed okay here we go all right that was good go ahead can't get enough of this wonderful day I don't know you're such a grass hole man there you go like that yes stand right there and then stop it stop it so summer the running start you just shoot it with the cannon no but then you'd get it did oh we we have very different goals okay hold on okay nice oh man Wow [Laughter] [Music] [Music] no way [Laughter] yes wait do I get points for shooting you I am getting points for shooting you that's I'm gonna handle it sport all right all right that's up to you such a dick bag it's the best yeah did I did it get my [ __ ] back my airship get might know my other [ __ ] too both of the [ __ ] [Laughter]
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 1,644,126
Rating: 4.9196982 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor
Id: BtGDes0Xe58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 58sec (3538 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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