Game Grumps Best of Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

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uh welcome why hello excuse me just so you all know Legend of Zelda don't worry it's not gone we're just gonna take a little baby break because we want to keep it fresh you know people people wanted series and we've been getting a lot of requests for specific series and we just figured why not if people are so into series let's do some serious baby and this year they go oh God I have heard about this game for like a decade now and now seeing the word trilogy I assume there are three games there's way more than three my god well peenics right is something I've heard about forever so I'm very excited about it and let's do it right that's a girl she's yeah uh uh hiya chief poof glad I made it on time well I have to say Phoenix I'm impressed not everyone takes on a murder trial right off the bat like this it says a lot about you and your client as well ah thanks actually it's because I owe them a favor a favor that's our first clue you mean you knew the defendant before this case [ __ ] yeah we bang on the regs whoa actually I kind of owe him my current job to him because we bang on the regs he's one of the reasons I became an attorney well that's news to me I was tired of banging on the regs I want to help him out any way I can I just really want to help him I owe him that my we get it I want to help it's over my life everything it's all over is that your clients screaming over there yeah it's him death despair ah I'm gonna do it I'm gonna die sounds like he wants to die oh great detective work man we can use that as our piece of evidence yeah ah [ __ ] I dropped a damn controller because I was I'm the worst attorney ever after he dies can I keep his ear for a necklace [Laughter] matching one well then first a question for the prosecution mr. Payne yes your honor as mr. Wright just told us the victim was struck with a blunt object would you explain to the court just what that object was the murder weapon was the statue of Langer it was found laying on lying on the floor next to the victim I see the court accepts it into evidence statue a right be sure to pay attention to any evidence added during the trial that evidence is the only ammunition you have in court boy if I were [ __ ] Larry Butz I'd be freaking out right now you don't know what happened just get ready babies we're going on a little court adventure I love this game yeah it's it's immediately engaging I care about all these characters do you think he did it no he didn't do it it's like it you saw the other guy murder a semi get worse you may begin your cross-examination cross-examination your honor all right right this is it a [ __ ] cross-examination you know what that is right you've seen any lawyer movie senator the real deal what exactly am I supposed to do well first of all we got the Phantom of the Opera to play a playboy bride why you expose the lies in the testimony the witness just gave testimony that that guy gave was bad take a finger playing Castlevania right now lies what he was lying your client is innocent right then that witness must have lied missed testimony or is your client really you hold the key it's in the evidence where's the key it's in the evidence I don't see a key look inside the evidence impair the witness's testimony to the evidence at hand order order I say I think we're all feeling a little sick from that lunch we had earlier well this case has certainly turned out differently than we all expected I don't know about that mr. Payne your witness he was arrested and has been taken away very well mr. Wright yes your honor I have to say I'm impressed I don't think I've ever seen someone complete a defense so quickly I'm just saying um and find the true culprit at the same time and so my first trial came to a close Larry slapped me on the back and said gee Nick it's good to have friends he fell over dead but I'm pretty sure he's not going to pay us unless you count the clock he gave me ax I didn't know it then but that clock was soon going to be at the center of another incident and my promise to tell the chief about me and Larry would be one promise that I wouldn't be able to keep that statue was going up my ass the like a picture fades in if have like join me for another episode of things right or I'll suck your dick welcome said welcome back it's time for Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney case - ah who are you it's Maya oh well bye good job all the Chiefs important documents are packed in here maybe that comes into play damn oh [ __ ] he's a plant oh my god that the other guy told her to call that would be the craziest it would it would be just in line with this game oh my god oh my god why you [ __ ] die stop [ __ ] dying all right Mia's younger sister Maya was arrested on the spot I was taken in for questioning and didn't get out until the next morning my eyes were heavy I'm sweaty mom spaghetti peeking at the detention center I had to talk to Maya as soon as possible oh man excuse me I have to pee 9:07 a.m. time for some breakfast spaghetti see you later you stupid stupid girl oh she totally did it hey Grossberg how you doing Cheers I'm sorry dad but Skyy he was a killer and yeah no killer right he was proven innocent um right and you were gumshoe I'm gumshoe wasn't it dick gumshoe right at your service hang on that's detective gumshoe to you pal hey wait get the name right and don't go calling me dick hey dick get over here coming hey that's what he said yes sir yeah be right there that you were making a joke Nathan the game was making a joke - dang it no influencing the witless with the witness with your loyalty ways pal um it's called collecting evidence come to think of it I had completely forgotten about her oh yeah it was dumb and forgettable good lawyering the witness yeah miss April May sorry about this I was just saying that that gave me pause for a second because first I thought it was the same name as the April from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it's not that was April O'Neil yeah and then I thought April May huh they're both months and then I thought oh I'm doing a show and I haven't said anything just walking you through my process yeah the women in my family have been mediums for generations they say a lot of spiritual power runs in our blood about 15 years ago our family was involved in an incident there was a man and he he he shot my parents in front of me that's what [Laughter] Lisa's consultation with a medium had all been carried out in secret of course but a man found out about it and leaked it to the press he told other papers that my mother was a fraud and the media jumped on it big time she my mother became the laughingstock of the nation I say we are we are the youth of the nation it's a PD song look it up excuse me p OD yeah people of doo doo doo doo dee doo I don't actually don't know what it stands for huddle of dud heinous of destroy my sister took me puddle of dud really got me especially if you spell with two DS on detective gumshoe please describe for us the details of this murder very well Sam let me use this floor map of the office to explain this is where the penis was the body was detached and flaccid and huge look a comparison to the chair the body was found here by the window and the cause of death loss of blood doing due to being struck by a blunt object sir the murder weapon was a statue of a thinker found next to the body sir this judge has to be like what the [ __ ] is going on with these statues are you telling the truth did you really see the defendant yep mr. right what's the meaning of this I don't know I'm just [ __ ] why are you harassing this poor bootylicious girl it's about this I mean okay if you had really witnessed my client Maya Fae you would have noticed her clothes before noticing her physique t's true he did mention that earlier no one wears clothes like this on a daily basis except her and I'm no expert on fashion but her hairdo looks far from normal to me however the witness's testimony mentions neither of these things ow testimony is bogus Stu we don't know if she was dressed that way the night of the murder she was your honor I saw her and so did detective gumshoe slap what do you say to that Miss May right what are you trying to say you mean lawyer it's Otis uh I just didn't think all the trifling little details were necessary darling miss may the court would like to remind you to please omit nothing in your testimony I'm sorry I promise wing your testimony again if you would damn I almost had her okay no boyo again oh [ __ ] it's a figment game so the witness had seen it before that would make sense does the defense have any objections mr. Wright [ __ ] what was the what did she say she said she had seen the clock oh yeah yes because it was custom made by what's-his-face mm-hmm yes the witness claims she had seen it before but this directly contradicts a piece of evidence already submitted to this court well then let's see it your big bad [ __ ] please produced this evidence that will prove the witness had not seen the clock before I guess the made by Larry Butz there we go it's simple this clock was never in any store ever way a friend of mine made that clock only to exist in the world and the one that isn't here is in police custody and the one who isn't here is at the store firmly up my impossible everything is sold in stores Arthur coach this is him shut up clock is clearly before Amazon miss may I think it's high time you went shopping for a better excuse Oh miss miss excuse is not on sale today oh [ __ ] oh she pissed damn yo MORTAL KOMBAT miss April May you used a wiretap to listen to this conversation that's how you knew the thinker was a clock am I wrong hey hey wait yeah that doesn't really prove it Your Honor this is ridiculous it's pretty circumstantial yeah Your Honor look at the witness's face does she seem amused to you there is a lot of table slapping right now the defense demands an answer witness answer the question did you tap her phone miss Mac shut up of you what gives you the right to talk to me like that you you liar damn what an insult yeah I hurts you person it's no fair all of you ganging up on me like that it's kind of hot though oh so I'm the bad girl is that it is that it ganging up on me like me kneeling with like five dicks around my head like I've seen the movie you did that that did it the court see the real Miss April May now what happened a Miss May after that anyway I heard they arrested her I guess she's learning her charms won't work everywhere hmm she's probably at the detention center now I may have to go down there later anyway this case is far from closed yes sir I'm gonna find out more about this man speaking of cuties in jail have you ever this is an aside have you ever seen the movie Chicago yes you have yeah dude I'd never seen it before really yeah ash was like you gotta see this it's so good aw so good it was like amazingly well done yeah and so many cuties in prison oh man yeah I had no idea Renee Zellweger was so talented yeah I had no idea Catherine zeta-jones was so talented and great in it yeah Richard Richard Gere was amazing everyone was amazing they're beaut y'all y'all should see that movie if you haven't said it's like a Broadway production done as a movie I'm we're off topic member the lyrics very well but I love the [ __ ] the testimony song yes we're hit with the puppet strings and stuff it's just like you know I was blown away it's like reach for the gun bag on the girl yeah it's so good a great [ __ ] movie at exactly 9:00 I delivered room service to miss Mae in room 303 the guest had requested iced coffee $18 was the charge as I recall I see $18 doesn't that seem a bit expensive yes well iced coffee for two you know and we don't skimp on the ice that's right there were two glasses what did he say slap what did you say oh rather quite bellboy tell us the truth now was someone else staying in miss Mae's room I object that was objectionable yes she had two coffees dog oh he got you much that's too much iced coffee the witness will answer the question you stinking lawyer I hope you die have you come to laugh yes laugh at the fallen miss Mae no oh no not really there's something I wanted to ask unfortunately there's nothing I want to be asked well too bad have you done enough questioning youth spiky head here we go oh [ __ ] here we go again please you're scaring the security guard look at his face he's terrible he's barely keeping it together the police the courts to me they are mere toys playthings for my amusement well that's a cool thing to admit what kind of company is blue corp anyway excellent question it makes the dots on this tie we buy and sell various kinds of information we are a company of the future you might say we are the future sell information what is this Facebook wha-wha-wha wha-wha-wha wha-wha-wha-wha oh hello welcome back hello we have been game grump in for many many hours now we're we're [ __ ] knee deep in this [ __ ] we got to find out well we already know who did it but yes got to find out how to get it done yes this is our last episode of the night because we are [ __ ] dead my throat hurts I'm parched my penis is even smaller alright detective gumshoe I present to you the man who killed miss Mia Fey what take this despicable human being into custody farewell mr. wrong huh what a douche yeah well like that's an extreme dude oh it takes one to know one Dan okay you're always cleaning vaginas what you're a douche right oh I think that means got it cliffhanger cliffhanger central yeah next time on game girl alright next time on game grumps we will see how this party and you dude we're on the [ __ ] we're in the defendants chair now I know this is crazy what would it what a twist of fate a that's that's the French French pronunciation of fate yeah I kind of work that out yeah dog hell yeah father that's what I say whenever I walk into a room and it smells bad I do not get it but I will play it off like I we did it it's a game gross is back welcome back to Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney trilogy more like a sit that's right Aaron this is uh is our first time back after um after a little time off so we've probably forgotten all the voices that we gave to characters let's do it September 9th that's my birthday it's not remember what does white have the judge in his pocket - what what comma does white have the judge in his pocket - okay what does white have in his pocket so you're saying I'm gonna be guilty end of story well not you yeah yeah you're fine I will do anything to get my verdict mr. right anything if you proclaim this man guilty I'll suck your dick the prosecution rests where she ran to the left then you hit her savagely that is what I saw next with the last horse tranqs you're into the right you chased her and delivered the final blow there you go let's try that mr. white the victim died from a single blow oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] dumbass I mean of course this is the face I make when I'm being peed on this is it what do you have to say to that herb now that's now's my chance to hit him where it counts in the head with a statue mr. white wasn't it you who told the court you were absolutely perfect I will refrain from using this phrase from now on mister your honor my stomach you see it is hurting deal with it Oh Phoenix yeah sure huh I know that voice but me uh what never give up Phoenix go again what is happening hell yeah you're Maya let's show you it's Mia since you know the Fae women have strong psychic power what you remember she said she was a medium she could channel spirits yeah but is she Oh Maya's channeling Mia yeah okay but Mia is dead right yes okay when you accept your defeat in court it appears that was enough of a shock to awaken Maya's true powers so Oh Maya's channeling you Mia that's right I am Maya but I'm also Mia Mia Mia now I want you to listen to me Joaquin Phoenix he said he saw the stand a week before the murder there you go now if you could just get this itch II title screen bar out of the way so I could let these Babs be no we need to read the budget I think the court is about to reconvene go to it Phoenix we know you're innocent now you just have to prove it remember my behind oh yeah goodness gracious those are some BAPS they're outstanding you don't mind me calling you Nik dick is qaida in Phoenix it's a big name me and said that's me friendly cause you that's just yeah alright Nick you know what this means partners okay before saw these huge life decisions on you yeah what the [ __ ] you kind of hit me with a lot here Maya where's your sister you know when I think about it channel her it is Maya's fault I'm here now but if it wasn't for her I'd probably be in jail right and Cole offices it's got a good ring to it yeah thanks my [ __ ] hair I'll never forget you as your dead tutorial I like her scarf I'll always be here yeah it's very very sassily fashion used to always be here watching judging judging watching judging I need your help Mia Oh No hello hello this is Phoenix Nick Maya what it's still early it punched twice it's this new summary this December I could have listed huh you mean the guy on that show yeah you're saying this to Sara kill a villain well yeah good friend point of the show it's not what he's supposed to do yeah on TV yeah on TV TV no in real life he's skewered a villain with his samurais spear and then he put its selection of onions and meats on it and it was shish kebab time I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about just quick please Nick pepper I should have used that time to come up with oh boy only white person went here between 1:00 and 2:30 when the murder took place and that person was mr. powers yes I saw him but mr. powers says he was sleeping in his dressing I'd like to change my story oh I'm sure he would say that he's no fool but he was the only one that walked by he's the killer you can bet your biscuits on it not my biscuits oh my sweet sweet biscuits isn't it time for you to be heading home check ours there's nothing to see here move on mmm ooh oops Newton ooh I'm so sad I'm crying out of the side of my face mr. powers how many licks would it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a no I'd never do that ma'am have a look at this it's a letter of request from mr. powers himself the murderer mmm yes yes I recognize the bone childish scrawl Howard's request given up given to the security lady to think you would entrust his fate to use of such unreliable appearance okay really really really anyway you may pass but I only left from here towards the studios to the right is my private outhouse yes if you'll prove to me you are worthy right that's the employee area that's what I call my dukey's my employees do they work for me yes inside power my instra autopsy report add pierced at 230 through the chest by a spear seems pretty straightforward oh you know they'd having peer to the chest by spear yeah the one who did it was the guy who's the steel Sam Iraq right go for it iron I'm glad someone around here seems to be enjoying themselves no chance to check things out I can't stop chuckling to myself should probably go I'll be at this for a while it's really funny [Laughter] [Laughter] time sip of coca-cola hungry you just had a burger yeah but I have a separate stomach just for sweets how many stomachs does this girl have for like a cow I'm consistently chewing card while we solve crimes they always have mirrors like this in dressing rooms I see my hair is still nice and spiky just how I like as a vast array of cosmetics here oh this is the weakest in samurai boogie woogie Nick try the Sun no and how can you tell the name of a show just by looking at a way kinda another stomach just for movies I just think of that exact same detective gumshoe what's down that path to the left it's like a tree fell down over that path I'll take a picture for for my MySpace oh yeah that way is kind of dangerous what song do you play when someone visits your myspace file am I in your chopping god that used to be a very big deal for the child yeah what was that what was that like little spasm you had just this is that gonna go fish Maya I think I might go this alone after this what you guys you could just go home right we'll put her in her place on game routes I'm Gabe just [ __ ] it up I'm embarrassed hmm that's okay man thanks homie yeah you're cool you're good you're cool yeah well you're cool it's what game girls ooh welcome back to rums it's gonna be a good time this game is soaked I would love it if someone found our like longest series of insane curse strings and just like cut it together yeah cut it so it was just like dead silence for like 30 seconds at all you're here is chair the production staff came to studio one to perform a rehearsal they came from the shitty machete oh boy that shitty they went to [ __ ] down needless to say the rehearsal was canceled everyone was [ __ ] comfortably [Laughter] time of death was true 30 the shimmer ice spear found lodged in the victims chest was the murder weapon that samurai spear let me get this straight old bag just gotta bend it straight I'm just gonna bend this wire stories me mrs. old big you've been saying since yesterday that you saw mr. powers correct but you're talking about the man in this photo aren't you just a moment mr. right let me see that photo it should have been submitted to evidence before the trial began but whatever that's not how this [ __ ] works is this a picture of me blowing someone because if so you have won this case what is this exactly so whatever anybody passes by here it automatically takes a picture and here I thought you didn't know you're a head from a hole in the ground I rude right anyway it's also true that the computer on the guard station records all security cam data he's got a chance I guess that really depends on the people we found out about it do you mean we P Herman I don't know he was grabbing that snake pretty hard the director and producer yeah I'm sure they're still there just hanging around what do you think we should do even though you just said what we should do right yeah I did say that isn't that yeah Jesus Christ man there's no point hanging out here all right well uh do you have any ideas [Laughter] me poopies really all by myself man I'm so happy for you let's do that oh man gate entrance go inside to the give it to Sal Studio one boy Aaron you are very thorough when consulting your own brain yeah well you know I like to get it done I like to move it move it I like to get her name you know dude do you remember that this path was blocked from 2:15 till after 4:00 therefore were innocent even though I could have easily changed the time on the clock or just walked around it I mean is that thing that [ __ ] big mr. hammer died in studio one at 2:30 say goodbye no I could get around mr. monkey mr. monkey's head DWP you could have killed hammer half half half half half half it's helped if he'll sleep hmm yes and trip hip hip hip hip hip hip hip hip hip hip is wrong half half half half we whippersnapper she's been chasing that boy this whole time hey man when we're catering kitchen sounds like she hasn't had any luck catching him or making dope rhymes that's the spirit there is right in the [ __ ] center of the room woof damn it it's getting away come back there he's back what how did she hey there would you mind helping us out please I'm Cody whatever hey cousin Cody no I'm Mia Mia Fae nice to meet you yo that Phoenix right who asked okay Phoenix you can take it from here Oh Lexie yeah sure sure I'm qualified all right the steel samurais so cool I think he's the the bomb ha what would a lamer like you know about steel samurai and or the bombs hey hey watch that attitude I am defending him in court Phoenix you really shouldn't yell like that he's only a kid yeah don't yell like that I'm only a kid man I couldn't talk to ghosts apparently so deal well she's channeling Mayas channelling Mia oh she's really there okay got it so do you know anything about what happened here could you tell me please I don't know nothing hmm looks like a little persuasion is necessary may be colored shoves them against the wall Wow hey that's a jail samurai trading card I collect those I'm one car away from a complete that a complete set yeah thought of one of each card wait that's uh that's the car I need ya know how long I look at for hey uh I don't care what kind of girl you might think I am I need that card what does that mean please I beg you please try to me just trade with you yes trade cards look I'll even trade you an ultra rare premium car how convenient trade me uh-huh Joseph it's a good deal for your art surround play the Phoenix can't you see she's desperate chop-chop everybody getting so excited to be okay rally Thanks then this is for you very valuable it's an herb card oh nice yeah and there she goes Oh doesn't doing good things like that make you feel great yeah yeah it does she's just that good let's find that kid [Laughter] this is your mama she won't be happy and fulfilled Your Honor may I see that photo once more please certainly I don't see why not Phoenix show him there's a glaring decisive inconsistency with the facts as we know them in that photo why don't you just tell me just find the inconsistency - not to ask the - that is a to know up-and-up that's an S what are you talking about the backwards to it as I see a gate well the testing solution on the plate changed color alright but that's because I peed on it so the food on this plate had been laced with sleeping pills just my pea steak plate distinctly covered in pee what are you doing here I was just cleaning up the dressing room I guess the don't won't be using anymore is that why Maya he's innocent yes and I'm really grateful for all you've done but that's week is our last episode of this samurai I am as you can say a woman of petite stature how could I possibly was that heavy spare as a weapon she broke it in half I think you could was a broken hafter in the yeah yeah I guess I would be I think you could I think you would have a great deal of difficulty using that as a weapon pretty much anyone would ha yes say yes however that has no bearing on this case hmm main aim the samurai spear was not the murder weapon what a surprise what is the meaning it's time for Nisa yeah um game grumps what's gonna happen now oh man a bunch of tiddlywinks that's for sure that's very exciting as it seems there are no further questions oh I would like to end the cross examination of the witness miss Vasquez whoa damn Edgeworth yes mr. Edgeworth I was hoping to come up with a question while I was objecting your honor I didn't I see very well my thought of all Your Honor I request that the witness testify again you are the prosecutor are you not why are you badgering me at your witness I I just want to hear your testimony again does this make any sense to you your honor I don't see that we have anything to gain by repeating the last several minutes mr. Edgeworth I to see little point in making miss Vasquez repeat herself what exactly did you want her to testify about well yes indeed verily and I say there go and other Latin words is that Latin I'm not exactly sure I want to hear about what happened after they found the body after they found the body after they found the body after they found the body after they found it very well the witness will testify the witness will testify to the court concerning this matter I love the way like even though it's like the super exciting action lines he's like cool this is photo reveals this photo reveals the motive in this murder I'm right aren't I miss Vasquez um five years ago mr. hammer was at the height of his fame what is this new voice what are you doing Steve Vasquez has helped a terrible accident stop under the carpet is the big moment ladies and gentlemen the case kit the case currently up for trial began that day five years ago ironically enough that accident person precipitate precipitated mr. hammers fault oh my god his fall from stardom congratulations mr. right I lose again how's your pleasure she broke her pipe why is it in that shot good point she just has a new pipe mr. Edgeworth where did that pipe come from where's Dee Vasquez in the waiting lobby your honor has calm and collected as ever mr. right mr. wrong it appears you have brought about yet another miracle tell me why did mr. hammer want to blame me because you're an [ __ ] [ __ ] hates you well this is what I think mr. hammer wanted to put the blame on you because you probably wanted to be the steel samurai again yeah yeah it's gotta be this yeah I think so it's because you were the steel samurai because I with the stew yeah right because you were the steel samurai mr. I was with you Sam right because mr. hammer was a big star for once once once reduced acting in a kids show and as the villain to boot right I must say I hadn't expected to meet you again after all these years meet again however in retrospect it would have been better had we not met thanks to you I'm saddled with unnecessary feelings oh my god for another man named Phoenix unnecessary feelings yes unease and uncertainty this was like scientifically formulated to be like gay fanfiction Oh Hawaii you think so oh my god yes come on unnecessary feelings since I've met you Yeah right kind of necessary they only serve to get in my way oops who left this you how about you listen to me Phoenix right and you listen good you sexy sexy man don't ever show your face in front of me again or I'll be forced to come on it yeah you better be turned around the next time I see you that's what I came here to tell you to return to my home planet [Music] thankfully global Studios rethought its programming change they went back to making kids shows again pink princess your stirring edge work as long as I can see Edgeworth sweet sweet I'll admit I was kind of surprised I didn't think they'd seriously go through with it you did by trading cards - okay that's exactly how she said it I'm sure the last second like Oh God fine fine I'll do it Hey oh dear hello okay no it's fine but no no it's all good you want me to start over no yes we're doing this a brand new episode has been added and it is time were you texting a girl no no anyway a brand new episodes been added yeah yeah let's let's do it 15 years a long time to wait you can't imagine how much I've suffered hmm give me this oh you've suffered but now the perfect opportunity has presented itself for a swim I shall have my revenge huh what huh Merry Christmas oh my god what we won was disintegrated guns what no way whoa after I just said he's a cool dude no no way oh I'm stunned hey Nick do you there any good waterfalls feeling like maybe like a lovers waterfalls I was always told not to go chasing them oh is that part of your spear of medium training slacking off lately I need to breathe do under the rushing spring water I feel winters chill from the bare leaf trees today I really could use Winter's Bone if you know what I'm saying what is it about winter that turns people into poets well then get a toe cap it's like a it's like a half sock that's just for your toes yes my poetry maybe I'll move to the detention center and actually show Edgeworth my badge your attorney's badge Edgeworth let me defend you good one right but I'm not that hard up not yet he will be me trust only wet wet-behind-the-ears law with only three trials under his belt never I want more than that under someone's bail yes it better be wetter my case is near hopeless right every defense attorney I've talked to us turn me down what all that's left is you in your wet wet under belt simply put they were afraid they'd lose it occurred to me that I might be it might be my fault that they lack confidence after all I did get every single one of their clients declared guilty I don't believe it regardless I don't want you involved in this you in particular I cannot ask to do this but not when you're walking around with a hogs of tastes that good I mean look at that long you've got swing in between Edgeworth this is really hard for me to ask how hard is it be honest but you didn't do it right right as sure as your penis is the shape of the baby's arm holding an apple think what you will I have only one request stay out of this case and get into my car but Nick is trying to that's ladies jealous is how you save it professional to ramp into it I know I know that this camera has a mic and some sort of attachment it must take pictures when triggered by a noise will you stop that your name's not even Nick what in the Sam hit oh hell yeah yeah there it is look what you done now but it won't pay my bear all the film cows thinking sitting have a party popper in a place like this what don't try to play stupid with me just cuz you think I'm some country bumpkin yeah y'all Yanks think I say that southern folks talk about an exaggerated row why they must be dumb know nothing about not being smart just cuz I might be done don't mean we all are and who are you now her chaperone yeah no rather we're sort of friends just figure out what you're gonna say and say four buddies and say oh my god I don't know if you can smell me I can okay I can't your camera didn't get a picture of the murder did it hey y'all are pretty bright huh I see what you're saying tell you what I'll have a look-see at my film he just pulls it out and holds up to the Sun it would have been a photo taken late last night I checked him lunch don't remember if there's anything on them well what if I got some something some ten I could be a witness to did Eugene you and murder you know yeehaw somebody's dead clicks her heels in the alright dl6 never thought I'd hear that name again even though I didn't remember it when I first heard it what do you think mr. Edgeworth it doesn't we're just wasting time it has everything to do with mr. Edgeworth my dear the victim of the DL 6 incident was another that his father Gregory Edgeworth let me just slap myself in the face real quick you got a baby boy come on we have a deep trusting relationship with the prosecutors detective the court isn't interested in your musings deep thrusting trusting papi I never heard so many Philip and comments from an active detective on the force detective gumshoe doesn't look so good continue now you got it but the next morning a body was found in the lake and whose body was it did you find in the body of the victim did you find any clues on the body actually I'm not a research student at a university boy I'm an investigative photographer imagine what a scoop it would be if I got a picture of that monster that's why I was keeping out by the lake but that's all I was having I was parked out by the lake 80 miles from saying three I was sitting there just sorry bang that looks right straight out of the lake if you're wondering where I parked it's out there by the lake is the leg okay I'm done miss Hart were you really looking at that boat I mean really really well that's worthy of course I was looking at it I was there early no any normal person be looking at it I agree any normal person would you however are a freak look at you with your freak face you are far from clear judge is holding that pistol in his left hand how are the prints on the murder weapon were from a jurors wait so the man shooting the pistols photograph it's number search first the action lines make it so great oh right I wanted to ask you something about Edgeworth what's your up it's he afraid of earthquakes I never heard anything about that before um mr. Edgeworth doesn't talk about himself too much she he only ever just lays there and tea I mean but there's one thing that's clear is Jay him hating crime the way he does in him becoming a prosecutor show he'll do anything to stop it even kill him being scared makes you want to kill them all because earthquakes are the greatest crime it all started with that incident the dl6 incident okay yeah that one the DSL okay Nick let's get hunting hunting you don't seriously mean I sure do what about it [Laughter] lotta there is no such thing as Gordy Oh what how can you all be so sure y'all got some proof Gordy doesn't exist the proof that Courtney doesn't exist is here of course I have proof no lawyer worth his badge would make a claim without the proof to back it up here's the proof that Gordy doesn't exist starting right now the air tank yes Larry's air tank what are y'all doing with an air tank trying to enlarge your penises show me the enlargement yeah that's what I said this is Gordy um excuse me Maya Maya shut the [ __ ] up oh my god there's a stand near here a hotdog stand now listen here Keith remember that tricolor pasta we were talking about our rainbow Leo Lee oh my god I figured out the last color we should use indigo blue indigo blue that didn't seem to work the way I thought it might okay boy this is wacky this picture now listen here Keith Ariston alright okay maybe he needs to know that I'm an attorney ah that annoy is bad you yes it is I don't believe it this old guy is the first person to recognize my badge I get it huh Hey yep hey yeah you figured out now your dad Keith sir no I'm not Keith now you're Meg we're here investigating a murder that took place on this Lake the other night okay all right detective gumshoe please help us huh we need to know about the dl6 incident hey that was when edge Worth's father died I can't help but think that it has something to do with this current case to tell the truth I don't know much about dl6 either but I know something about these dsls oh my god records room ghost music wow you such a [ __ ] mouth ten years of files and ten years of dust I guess years ago both me and Edgeworth were nine years old you're just beginning to explore our bodies mr. von Karma your opening statement I hate you very well no opening statements so not so fast I was taking a meaningful pause oh right of course that's so meaning you're an [ __ ] our projection snapped today's trial and three minutes from now oh cool Wow how cool of you to say what a douche order order mr. von Karma what is the meaning of your statement just now just thought I would make the game portion of this more interesting must you question everything it will be over in three minutes we have no time to waste I'll call my witness now right I'm a beta male cop I called my witness my decisive witness to the stand I don't want to watch no betas enough the witness may leave the stand yeah boy well that was stupid this court sees no reason to further prolong the trial nor is there any need for more time to decide the case against the defendant in the case is extremely clear I see no room for misinterpretation of the facts well what no hmm this Court finds the defendant mr. miles Edgeworth dock dock guilty oh did did you blow it um the accused will surrender to the court immediately to be held pending trial at a higher court with a month from today's date that is all this Court is adjourned damn what what who was that just now me huh but yeah what are you doing here listen you gotta listen to me I I was first of all I have a girlfriend named kyon say she's great and real boy I love hanging out with her on real dates all the time allow me to speak my opinion I am the judge after all in all court proceedings it is our duty to prevent an inaccurate verdict in order to make sure no mistake has been made every witness should be heard what is this I withdraw my previous verdi verdict of guilty he'll to do that I must speak guilty backwards he did that work I already witnessed to testify well mr. Wright there's no turning back now boy can you prove that the loud noise at 11:50 p.m. was indeed shot please show the court evidence if you have fired three times oh there you go three times yeah no one's ever said yeah no one's ever said more than two shots so people were so that so everyone was right oh dear yeah one shot earlier and then two shots later there it is dude this is my evidence the murder weapon something about this pistol was bothering me your honor both of the witnesses who testified yesterday heard two gunshots however the murder weapon was fired three times when then was the last shot fired only now have I realized the true first shot that third shot was the shot Larry heard just before midnight just before midnight brown sugar order order mm-hmm getting a little carried away that would make sense of the evidence we've seen so far did you find that one in the records room however this leaves me wondering exactly what did happen that night on the lake yeah no [ __ ] that's what we're here to find out you idiots if this is true there were two sets of gunshots separated by 25 minutes it's like we're solving a murder here what is 11:50 another at 15 minutes after midnight why I asked you why I better think of something quick um way to sing it gunshots separated by 25 minutes aah What's Wrong Nick I have it I have it huh remember the case with the steel samurai no that was days ago do you have the murderer in this case of the same idea as the murderer in that case what do you mean Maya if we don't figure this out now we'll never overturn edge Worth's guilty verdict I've got a hunch and I'm gonna run with it safe we've already got a guilty verdict we have nothing to lose you just watch and let me know if I say anything that sounds fishy okay your honor excuse me yes mr. right uh-huh the testimony just now has cleared up this entire case no what what do you mean mr. right so you finally realized the truth there can be no other murder here the miles Edgeworth himself no you dumb bastard wrong von Karma man we shot that maybe there was an entrance you did the shooting no no no listen rocky take a deep breath and consider the facts at the time of the murder what was on that night this was some item witness of hope I never handed Edwards had a victim Robert Hammond were on that boat ow pow wet the gun splash when to Robert there was a gunshot fired on that boat and Robert Hammond fell into the lake it's like a like a whiteboard with hey Edgeworth god you'd be such a weird tool did you say something don't look so pained I mean it looks like you're probably going to get off the hook you can try to smile at the middle relax I mean it looks like you're probably gonna get off the hook I'm sorry but I fear it's not over for me yet what what do you mean right there's something that's been troubling me for a long time now finally and I don't know whether or not to tell you oh my god Edgeworth yes no this silly time oh please I want to tell you to get it off my chest but yes go ahead what is this about Edgeworth it's a nightmare I found where we're not together a memory of a crime that I committed a crime you committed a memory of a murder ooh cool name for a novel Edgeworth committed murder bro what the hey all right jeez does that make him hotter what but miles and Larry they saved me and I'll never forget it that's why I became a defense attorney you know sorry I kind of forgot huh okay Nick out of it I'm gonna hear this story today and that's final okay okay it's kind of a long story so hang in there was the very end of third grade I was on trial a class trial a class trial yes I cook a class trial you remember Larry spring end of third grade kid in our class got his lunch money stolen thanks buddy oh god just [ __ ] stop repeating everything our school was really small I know that's what this game is like there's been like half an hour just of padding every month kids would bring in an envelope with money for loop with money for lunch from home I see anyway this kid's envelope disappeared with $38 still inside oh yeah now that you mention it I do remember that the envelope was filled with $38 and it disappeared it disappeared I can see why you'd forget though it was only $38 in that envelope that disappeared you were out of school that day safe right that's right yeah that's right oh yeah oh wait what let's open it Nick come on it [ __ ] sucks anyway I'm sure I'm sure there isn't any money in there okay okay Nick let's see what's in there you know a search warrant I guess there might be a clue or two the only thing in here is a letter oh shut up dear Hammond I'm going to murder you at 11:50 p.m. Christmas Eve hmm there's no name or signature on this thing it's handwritten in very precise clear letters get your revenge on miles edge Road it no we mean I'm gonna read the whole thing stop already it's Europe ends on miles Edgeworth it also says this is your last chance now is the time to get revenge on the two men who ruined your life Oh tip damn the rest of the letter goes on to describe the murder plot in detail how to kill Robert Hammond and frame Edgeworth calling Edgeworth out to the lake getting on the boat firing twice to make a team a suite in a babe this is very specific it's all here in perfect detail almost like what do you think it means Nick I don't know but it looks like these are instructions from that caretaker for that caretaker when he killed Robert Hammond and called out Edgeworth he was following instructions but who could have written that letter what does it mean to get revenge on miles Edgeworth look I don't know okay jeez but one thing's for certain this letter is an amazing clue Christmas [Laughter] leave me alone oh my god right yeah there's something that's been troubling me these last yes finally I didn't know whether or not I should tell oh my god you mean the nightmare that you've been having let's flashback to when you told me that it's a nightmare I've had a memory of a crime that I committed a crime you committed a memory of a murder you remembered it correctly Maya didn't kill his dad I think I think the time has come to tell all for the last 15 years I've had the same dream almost every night I wake up in a fearful sweat every time what kind of dream I'm on my knees surrounded by six dicks it's it's a dream about my father's killing in the dark don't worry it gets better what happened in the trial between Edgeworth his dad and von Karma I'm glad you asked Vaughn comic OTT the guilty verdict he wanted he won the trial a Gregory Edgeworth accused one comma faulty evidence and though he lost the trial mr. Edgeworth accusation stood you heard me right yeah why don't you add something to the conversation instead of just repeating the last two goddamn words I said correct it was the only penalty Vaughn karma has ever received in his career as a prosecutor Gregory Edgeworth dealt a blow to his perfect trial record not the kind to blow you deal six dicks mind you you better believe it honey it may have been quite a shock for von Karma he took a vacation for several months after that you see a permanent vacation a vacay yes a semi-permanent permanent vacation an unusual event for the man that was the first and the last vacation he's taken in his many years of prosecuting everyone must be out looking for the old guy in fact exactly six men seem to be gone from their desks looking for the old guy yogi uh-uh it's gotta be gumshoe right Oh everybody I am sure you're coming back today [Laughter] check out the records room again killing a playful lot he's like I don't want to know your names against the governor she's like no horse I mean who's that final day let's do it I got nothing to do with the incident well it does have something to do with the incident yeah okay you've lost much of your memory is that correct hey yep seems like it then how could you know that you didn't have anything to do with this incident um or or maybe you're lying about not having your memory mm-hmm you know exactly who you are look at my damn finger is a big finger the witness has testified quite there's no memory of who he is it is a court of law as you may recall you need and allow me to repeat once more that the witness has lost his memory I've got nowhere else to go press f to pull out penis this page is all the information about Jana yogi right after he was arrested his thigh on C committed suicide see him indeed say that yes what was his fire on CJ's name Holly Jenkins poly exactly your honor he wanted to remember the name of his fans who had committed suicide that's why he named his parrot after her I see I guess that's possible but not evident I mean it's incredibly stupid but bah mere coincidence that's all my granddaughter has a dog she calls Phoenix the dog you are named after the dog well mr. Phoenix right does this make you my granddaughter's fiance yes it does she's only seven years old I think we've reached a conclusion here there's a rare coincidence that's all true that is a possibility however two coincidences at the same time seems low I'm a little more like a pattern to me you say three's a pattern summon the caretaker of the boat shop immediately nice yeah nice yeah tired of your [ __ ] snot bubbles you sleep you bastard witness tell us your name wait whose witness he doesn't remember no it's okay huh whoa damn I've accomplished what I wanted to do and this is the real yogi I think finally he's been acting feeble to hide his true identity acting for 15 years and I've gotten good at it well let me ask you again please state your name for the court my name is she Annie Oakley 15 years ago I served as a bailiff in this very Court order order Jonnie Oh so was it you who killed Robert Hammond and tried to frame miles Edgeworth for his death yes it was me I did damn there are a few mysteries left unsolved still you are cleared of suspicion for this particular case so I'd like to pass judgment on the murder of mr. Robert Hammond any objections um I don't believe it's three ohms in a row why isn't fun karma saying anything very well this Court finds the defendant mr. miles Edgeworth No [Music] where does confetti come get this out of here this is a fire hazard that is all this Court is adjourned I love a journey whoa that's worth so we'll just say objection it wasn't fun karma wait but that means no Edgeworth oh my lover Your Honor I object your judgment what do you mean yeah what do you mean I'm not in a sense at all not since the day I became a man in front of those six ticks as your hearth for 15 years I've had recurring dream nightmare it's only a nightmare that's but now I know it wasn't a dream what happened last Tuesday yeah no he wasn't the killer you mean in the incident where your father died from the distance of the shot it wasn't suicide everything was as clear as day the murderer the criminal indeed dr6 incident it was me Your Honor I confess my guilt I'm guilty for dl6 the statute of limitations which ends today the culprit is me I don't order I will have order so help me god damn it mr. quite clearly yeah that the murder weapon was fired twice at the time of the incident however as mr. von Karma says the second bullet fired was not found it's highly unlikely that the police merely overlooked the second bullet so all we have is the single bullet fired I'm afraid I have to discount the defense's claim I praise the judge for his wisdom in this matter gah how did this happen I don't believe that the second bullet didn't exist I haven't been wrong about this whole incident every say why are you raising objections sorry my Jesus I'm sorry Maya what looks like I was wrong if the second bullet wasn't they're all like injections are for nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] Your Honor I object tisk tisk [ __ ] disk mr. right or what growls you objecting second bullet [Music] exists oh boy why was a murderer spent the time to look for the stray bullet and we got a clue what's wrong mr. right uh hum bah the murder had no reason to take a bullet you know water admit when it's true had taken the murderer what does that mean disembodied voice of a strange child has me that's right I think I'm going crazy [ __ ] my old [ __ ] Your Honor if I may ask for five-minute recess [Laughter] [Music] crazy like getting [ __ ] while you're eating your own yes crazy I just can't sleep it's been beat me spirits remember what mr. Grossberg said yesterday Gregory edge was dealt a blow to his perfect trial record it must have been quite a shock for Vaughn Carla didn't take that vacation because of shock but icky because he was injured it could only mean one thing that's what I was gonna say something wrong mr. right you seemed a no no no your honor Ankara is perfect you wouldn't risk surgery leaving an evidence trail so then I asked where is the bullet now I think it unlikely that von Karman from surgery on himself you you don't mean I do there is the possibility that the bullet is still inside von Karma sound even possible for all these years well there's one way to find out we could use this metal detector well von Karma I'm gonna run this over you and see what we find I'm who's you refuse but refusing this means you acknowledge that the bullet is still inside you deep deep inside you order order order order Your Honor the defense requests that we be allowed to use the metal detector George I call for us this pledge to this trial is it invasion of privacy a statute of limitations runs out on this case today it was you who said we had to end it right here right now enough I permit the use of the metal detector mr. von Karma you will submit yourself to testing there we go whoever thought another man would have come to open that elevator door love what what what are you doing later do your job bring an end to this miserable Suraj now end it very very well gavel I mean [ __ ] it appears that we have come a very long way to the end of this maze 15 years later mr. miles Edgeworth yes your honor you are innocent you are innocent as you said it was all a nightmare yes your honor look at me smile the Court finds the defendant mr. miles Edgeworth you in a new car that is all this Court is adjourned well don't you need the bailiff to arrest von Karma Yeah right now so it's finally over Edgeworth right yeah no I was saying nice right it's over I'm not sure how to say this I know I know thank you and what what in the butt I say thank you right you're welcome [ __ ] up - sorry I'm not good at this sort of thing you've got a lot to learn Edgeworth if you want to graduate to seven dicks she's got you what's this a letter see you made me think about what I'm doing here I'm a spirit medium in training of course nowhere did they help mr. Edgeworth - no wanted to help you but ain't clean you could back to my training I'll become a full-fledged spirit medium for starters I couldn't say it to your face so I left this letter goodbye all time is it gaaah the first trains for the mountains have already left or whatever to the station Oh [Music] I guess I'm too late Maya I was that you're leaving huh I'm going to complete my training okay I'll be waiting I guess Chrissy well you can't run that office by yourself your host credit the marvels teams who gives an F okay thanks thanks for watching everybody yeah I can always do without butts yeah we're gonna shop yeah slow until next time we love you everybody love you thanks for watching Phoenix right all the way through all five of you [Applause] you did it you're our favorites you made it you're our favorites you good work dude
Channel: AppleSauce 3.0
Views: 340,197
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Keywords: applesauce, 2.0, 3.0, compilations, asauce, gamegrumps, grumps, ace, attorney, Phoenix, Wright, best, moments, of
Id: nlNkhyIZTu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 29sec (5849 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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