Game Grumps BEST Paper Mario: TTYD Moments!

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SuperMario the thousand-year door video game it is it was as if the very world had come to a violent end Aaron can you narrate this with your most sexy deep voice yeah that an ancient city lay deep under group and that magnificent treasure rest indeed in this is the tale of the fabled treasure this is where it begins in the tale of a quest for the legendary and the thousand-year door start nuts to you and then a capital D dick as we could this name ok dick a big that's how you'll have to say it every time yeah that guy in the background does not look anything like any [ __ ] Mario hello I'm from the Arthur cartoon I know it's the head of my dancers a few of our sheep don't you know do you really think there's a [ __ ] optometrist explain geez take the seven crystal toss of thousand-year door I mean the crystal star that I was saying that's super elderly people pass out Oh real nice indeed the same as the saying goes if you want to find the legendary treasure you've got to do me a favor so it's kind of a bet you didn't know this rotten old thing came up did you look at that [ __ ] it's broken forever hey Dan hello Erin just had the weirdest interaction with an eBay seller why don't you tell me about it so I bought some laser discs for oh geez cutscene gob let's move closer you got it all right so I bought some laser discs on eBay right what's the deal with this weird pedestal huh not the worst part about telling a story and constantly getting interrupted is what's that is it sort of like hinges on the fact that it's a really good story yes and the more it gets interrupted the more it's like alright well it's got to be interesting if you're carrying it on for this long right too much build-out yeah it's not an interesting story be good to it yeah everyone excited about that this cool cutscene will be buttressed by an uninteresting laserdisc story oh my god alright next time on grub I never got to tell my laserdisc story I just bought some laser just saw some guy and then he was like he sent me a message it was like thank you for the purchase I will ship it with careful packing by the way I have a question could you tell me why do you buy it are you a laser disc collector do you love anime or movie I was like god he's trying to sell you more [ __ ] I guess so I guess that's it and I was like I just liked it it's like I understand your situation the guy who made it is famous in Japan if you look for another laserdisc please feel free to ask me any time thank you our transaction is completed now goodbye I am NOT your friend we're here with fat tubby Mario a smoke come on now a small female Goomba miner and mushroom Bernie Sanders and we're off let's do it if you did the multi bounce and then she used the POW block would have killed them yeah yeah that would have been better well I don't [ __ ] know what do I look like a goddamn scientist so I'm wearing a [ __ ] lab coat oh I don't think so blood although I got crack glasses because of the struggle have you yeah I know things about Mario that maybe you don't but dear as you look as you gaze deep would you shut your mouth okay why you gotta [ __ ] blow my cover dude why you got a [ __ ] narc me man that was embarrassing why you bogarting the looking cool I know it'll be dangerous but I still want to go please Mario no kidding yes thank you so much you won't regret this won't I I already regret it oopss join your party I regret the fact that my friend just got absorbed into my head so first we're gonna have to go to CVS to get my prescription it's stupid it's sort of a crybaby it kind of a [ __ ] I don't care about all that no need to worry though after all I'm traveling with Mario he's the man what oh oh [ __ ] man once again trying to impress a girl goes horribly wrong yeah can't believe it watch me block the [ __ ] out of this ha yeah whoa dude right I'm my timing I'm getting the time and you're so powerful I can jump on him you should make him dead didn't I tell you about that new character my friends and I created which is a son that doesn't realize that his father is about to kill him it's like Papa why have you brought the hammer will we be doing carpentry today father I [ __ ] love that character what are you doing [ __ ] man did you have to go through that door right I was all confused yeah but it wouldn't let me open it well it sounds sounds like your [ __ ] problem it sure does it sounds like everyone's problem cuz we're all in this together we'll let that box what about this box aids look if I look at that purple Ikki thing yeah you should get it next time on County hit scoops piss please do Aaron yo I gotta piss in the toilet God and tell me more tell me more tell me more is it frothy and gross I'm not him I'm not a homophobe I just I'm not into gay sex so I don't want to watch it right but in any case the first day I've watched the first couple minutes because I was curious yeah and I also say when we were when we were driving around in the van and you were showing it to me like we were talking at regular porn you were like I got a huge boner right now and then you turn on the gay porn and I was like how you feeling now and you're like well I didn't lose the erection son your little butt baby you came out of your mom's butthole what oh my came inside your mom's button turns out she had a uterus in there w turis that's what they call it medically double uterus she's got it yeah you grew up on her backside and shadow like a baby bump on her back yeah it's like a like a like the Hunchback of Notre Dame and she poops you out you're a you're a butt baby well after you came out her ass hole was so wide you know it was just flying out on the floor she couldn't even she don't even squeeze out of [ __ ] it would just fall out anyway this episode is dedicated to dark Khmer underscore 55 thank you for donating to charity dark Khmer 55 dark bear underscore 55 you're the best I can't do a multi thing because you're a [ __ ] idiot Heil grotus there I have news reported once you know that crystal star with Baylor has hooked tail had somewhat dabs it what what what did you say what like what did you I did not hear you what is what did is this how much you wish they did install ears on me so yeah this is this is a helmet was there any reason for that shower same guess I could take another shower yeah there was a reason for that shower scene Here I am I have arrived I am Bowser I bet you are cami Koopa now out with it why have you called me here he does that kind of thing where she like coughs for way too long it makes everyone uncomfortable oh yeah you've read you're lying I'll do it like am i Mario's babysitter I don't care what he's doing are you going to call me every time that guy blows his nose or water sheesh this high divert amazing treasure treasure yes Mario is gone in search of a star-shaped rule known as stars I'm researching Chester fire but there's no question of their hot back and everybody's peachy keen II dory Aaron had his hand up in like such a way that it was resting in kind of a closed fist and I was like oh sweet he wants a pound so I powdered it he was like Oh in your hand it feels good to have affirmation from a friend yo Eddie - mascius paws fan extraordinaire know about stylish moves if anyone ever said this to me like on the street I would run in the opposite direction if you do it right the crowd will go nuts and some attacks of multiple what is it from the [ __ ] Christmas thing we got a problem here you play fun games it here with Piazza tickets reserved for prizes yeah play we get those prizes yes yes gambling I know yes okay hey hey you're Mario spend it all you know I'm awfully sorry but you must have a ticket to board a blimp no free tours today boy giving him that voice because the way he looks absolutely I love him okay this gang of bad guys because of some exercise came to where I live they came inside our great change started tearing apart cause of trouble so I've come all the way here like a frog well you found it trouble I be not help whoa and in coupon oh [ __ ] what does that mean toss one item to carry this free but I say one free night at an inn so get rid of your [ __ ] sizzurp best item take the thing you're gonna need to survive and throw it into the street and I can't open it I thought I could finally save everyone oh he throws himself off the hey don't be so hard on yourself [ __ ] it does look sturdy though would we do now don't be so hard on yourself you couldn't have known that you're an idiot any idea about this [ __ ] hmm father why have you brought the hammer that [ __ ] eye I cannot stop doing that that character tatha Thomas the 18th century boy who doesn't realize he's about to be killed by his dad I told you about him right yeah we certainly are sailing far out into the ocean but we'd be going swimming today but I haven't brought my bathers they all they bathers you'll be needing our cement shoes I mean but wouldn't that make me sink father yeah the dad never talks I love him so much father we sure are up high and there are no parachutes well there's two of us oh my god okay we're good Brent and I prefer or if we performed at Foxwoods casino in Connecticut you and me yeah oh yeah we did and Brent and I went gambling afterwards just like just did a couple slots losing I just want $200 you ask me I just want to do internally and then and then I like go to another machine and everything how you doing Brett and he's like ah man I'm pretty down that's amazing it was really funny I'm [ __ ] just running away oh [ __ ] nice that's pretty cool what's that running away it's not a little bit you know what [ __ ] it all right fine I'll use the quick error god damn such a dick hmm a danger for the search for beautiful jewels absolutely marvelous and here I was thinking how frightfully bored I was it's time for a change Obama what were you saying about your workout oh no it's just there's some things about like going to the Y that I'm not like super into like where's the Y like you know weird the what the YMCA where you swim oh and workout stuff look there's like a lot of kids there and like what's the same thing I just don't like I like changing in like I like getting nude in front of children you know what I mean sure it's not my thing I mean that's understandable thank you that's understandable [ __ ] yeah that's understandable yeah you you can't imagine the [ __ ] I would have given you if you were like [ __ ] why you got a red key to pay for the YMCA like a membership okay so it's like a gym yeah yes if it has children yeah and I don't want my big swing and adult dick in children's faces I'm sorry is that such a [ __ ] controversial stance to take I got an ultra firm sweet just like turn around sorry it's adults its adults eyes and I got a huge swing and dick I'm sorry just stay away from it please oh that's not gonna work okay he's on the red lock all right I'll do it I understand why the other purities call you a doofus sometimes that's why that's why I call you a [ __ ] it's why they call you a dick bag a whole list of things that's because that's why when you leave they call you a [ __ ] yeah an ass [ __ ] and call you an ass [ __ ] fine doing it right now watch our my swingin dick yeah I'm gonna watch this wing and dude no watch out watch that swinging dick boy just one little word makes such a huge difference watch that spending Erin and I are not I'm not saying it behind Aaron I just have a tiny head so come on down a game gross slime this this way this week I mean not this week bye whoa whoa whoa dance that is the fastest way I've ever seen Brandt Ram Brandt sure is it's a 100 jabroni squadron uh charge come on Mario well they have one only got one little guy with you oh look at oh this is the perfect time got them with the sweet perfect time to use my [ __ ] super sweet special with the earth earth tremor oh here you go here you go time for perfection I've never made it through all five rounds if there are in fact five like one forever yeah you just keep talking cuz I gotta focus I'm talking I'm talking I'm saying the words I'm talking I'm talking I want to be heard everybody knows that my name is Joe I gotta talk more than yo yeah yeah I did it I just have to never speak while I do that yeah great cred is [ __ ] awesome I just have to rule it that much harder gonna do sexy sun/moon things stuff it makes my peepee hard it makes my pee pee hole huh brown brown brown my people in the face what you should talk to someone about that Osprey Maji is all over you don't I'll thank you not to dude nice holy [ __ ] oh my god don't don't you go back up now yeah I think it's a bad idea I'm gonna well I'd like to find a safe point where's bubbles up there dude we're gonna do with bubbles your plumber you got a [ __ ] PTSD about bubbles I'm blowing them usually they mean poop poop is about are you talk because poop gathers oxygen in the toilet when bubbles come up it usually means there's poop afoot say your ass or a broom I see how refined how elegant I got a suppose I could live with a silent purchase might even have its parks you know harsh yeah is this gonna be the world's weirdest [ __ ] Mario fight oh my goodness B didn't see that coming great just great now I look like the huge mighty king of guys who talked to poster I've gotta go ID at all he goes on Facebook like today I buried up burgers I look like sergeant Thank You Mario for everything you've done and now begins the sacrifice of an Italian that's required all of our ritual why are they black and white it's so weird in this world they just are how there's no explanation Oh see it's not like pink color snapped out of the saturation away from this way you can color he only wants the color for himself and his minions like King Connor don't take the color away in his lack I was born black and white and I wanted to give her color it's like the sad story Wow I don't know when we cannot shave the color and he's like [ __ ] yeah hi guys some kids are just born different then he's like oh my gosh you're right then you have a battle when you kill them in this family just like it's just like it can you read microwave this is getting a little cold yeah the tiny carrots are starting to harden and provide resistance well I went to Rumble bump funky got myself a marvelous compass piece then I walked down totally real Street down one two three actual Lane pretty nuts Oh bro what here what happened no oh your loss baby I'll tell you about it some other time I know you can answer this question however you wish oh really I'm Matt Ryan can you put up the box of call of duty call of duty shooter man thank you thank you so much that on the ride home as I hey Chris today I grumps I did this upset but I don't I don't do that [ __ ] anymore but I used to when I was younger just straight-up lie do something just cuz I wanted to be liked yeah like suit like Super Mario RPG right I'm like oh oh God the hours of years I've spent on that game that you said dude I think every kid used to do that yeah I mean it's just part of like wanting of the law and all that I remember I wrestled like [ __ ] no I haven't played that I think I told this story before but does he get my dick wet so I was in the shower I actually had like a reverse run-in with that where I think I told this story before but I had this I had this book on how to make doom levels mm-hmm like mod doom okay and I told somebody at school that and he was like no you don't and I was like no I do I can bring it in and show you he's like yeah you're probably gonna like write the whole book tonight and bring it in and his fake and I'm like how could I we got a at the time I was really mad I was like [ __ ] like [ __ ] a dictionary of it's like 500 pages and it's got like graphics and [ __ ] and like real information in it or totally that was the worst I didn't end up bringing it to school though because I was like really bested me with their looking real sweet good [ __ ] Mario just it's like really coming on to koobs hard with like a totally different voice oh why wasn't I born a turtle I'll try not to get in your way let me let me try buying some of these things and see if they help me though use it you know Wow god that's so much better okay now I'm gonna whoop your asses oh do we use any items [ __ ] I just bought all those eyes I can't believe this I have to [ __ ] up I hit Bowser yeah next time on game grumps oh god oh god see ya [ __ ] nuts tit dicks barf [ __ ] Wow didn't super hammer only do one I don't remember cool thanks thanks for joining us I'm really not paying attention to this game anymore yeah no [ __ ] this is not not giving me anything in terms of what I like entertainment or oh how dare you Adam Adam Aaron [ __ ] Jesus Christ come on dude you knew where I was going with that how did you know I don't know you just have clever dude Mele is a bit of some storage room man this seems like a lot of legwork this guy just playing with us I don't know man you you people are the ones that program this [ __ ] game yeah look I need something to keep my mind off this [ __ ] tournament like wow this seems like a lot of [ __ ] busy work Oh does it game designers I don't like that uh that hand motion while he says are you ready for a beating are you waiting for a beating oh yeah I'm gonna beat you real good like with this dick actually it kind of looks like his thumb on his right hand is dead and his left hands around it you two wait here I'll be back with a gun you know the fun oh yeah yeah oh [ __ ] the champ the undefeated Matthew one I've lost two such losers yeah [ __ ] hey thanks man you will always have use of the terminal as you will always have of course I read that wrong will there be anything else well then have a nice day mr. champion adjust my glasses open door walk out closed door you ready to talk you ready to tell a story oh yeah here we go once upon a time a guy named George George Wilson came up to another man named Franklin Roosevelt and said Wow your name is strikingly similar to one of our former presidents Franklin Roosevelt said I am a former president I'm Dwight is now yes got it good story Aaron thanks six damage please I never have to listen your [ __ ] voice again you piece of [ __ ] Oh somebody send a grub a plushy so I can terrorize Dan for the rest of you thank God you will go see Sir grotus looking like a soldier Jimmy they'll be disguised do you have a machine seat goes to come to the world is it don't put that [ __ ] on me princess I'm just sitting here yes it stands for terribly excellent machine after all TV stands for terribly excellent machine I'm sorry must have got my language service from terribly excellent computer oh boy wait just a moment god I wish I had arms Jim Flair's I hope you two are doing okay I have to admit with Coop's gun I haven't been doing very well oh I get lonely and I go into coops his house he smells different when he's away I guess it's your Kalani or whatever but it makes me so sad I know there's gonna be someone in the comments who's like um that's cologne god he's stupid I've gotten used to your smell ooh oh and the thing is your dad I'm afraid to scroll down one more line as much as you seem like a friendly fella I think he looks like he's perpetually on the verge of barfing yeah he's like trying to keep it together kicking out for another hour no yeah what's up hopefully I remember how to do this welcome back nope oh yeah milli vanilli oh it's that one okay my life [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] so sorry everybody I'm so sorry now you know how I feel whenever I play literally anything I've wasted a minute of everyone's time was I just like not up to the end I don't know Hilary Gramps oh well I'll tell you next time on kid you better believe I'll be narrated in the only grandpa voice dad knows how to do yeah you're gonna have to tell a story though okay one day my dad was walking down the street and he said to a guy who was selling slushies on the road I want one slushy purple please the guy said we don't sell purple slushies we sell only red and blue and then my dad said why don't you just combine them to make a purple one and he said because the blue one is the taste of diarrhea so you'd have strawberry diarrhea flavors really invested in a lot of people don't know this but ninja Brian whenever someone throws their bra onstage ninja Brian likes to put them down his pants yes and so he had quite the task in front of him oh yes to put 70 plus bras down his pants the display yeah and so let's put up a picture matt ryan boom there's a ninja bryan with all the bras in his pants what a time what a time that defense boost ain't working crazy good is it i did for the other one there any damage oh [ __ ] there you go see I was right Wow who knew when you argue both sides of night you know when I first started out I was like I'm never gonna remake jokes again I'm gonna always make new jokes oh that's yeah and then after a year I was like this is impossible yeah well your brain just goes through the same similar patterns yeah yeah yeah okay what's like you know my waking life you know I walk up to friends and I'm like that reference from yesterday they're like I hope you [ __ ] like tear out his throat in front of everybody rip them inside out and just hold his throat up the sky Kali ma this is what your friend [ __ ] yeah just show it to everyone show they're like alright time to hop back into your body it's like soon I will have the power that is left for a millennium so very soon you must be tired he needed that nap and when that glorious day dawns I'll throw the world into depths of terror oh wait am i a bad guy that's a that's nothing a bad guy would say it's totally a bad guy now he is menacing is my article showers over I'm tripping balls all of a sudden doesn't matter a virus passing code the virus no one knew but it's soon turned serious seems like a virus was it a virus I think was a badness babari at sea a long lonely voyage knew nothing of his Brad's virus Brad's poison but I mean very yes time he returned Scully had succumbed she was gone that virus to her Barbara of course blamed himself my loving worth perish because of me had nothing to do with that virus I'm sure she died of the green-skinned 3.3 hair mustache virus don't know how she could have gotten it man you start growing a little thing that looks like a mustache but is actually fungus you gotta wear corrective lenses I understand if you're that determined then I'll give you this it's a virus I don't know what's written inside but I can tell you what she told me as she lay dying put this underneath the stinky bar that you read if I succumb to this plague and if my love should blame himself for my death then give this letter to him so he may hear my voice it was a last request I've never fulfilled it I mean the guy lives 20 feet you think I got that kind of time [ __ ] it over this house this is one of the strongest badges in the game it lets you continually bounce on a single enemy for as long as you can keep landing the button press so instead of whacking a single enemy for for damage at a time over multiple turns you can power bounce them for ten plus in a single turn oh very helpful Wow okay do you want me to just equip them and no no let's go this is helpful here the rigmarole okay hey Dan also when you move around you should go right in in a perfect straight line instead of going up and down because that wastes time and also when you fight you should go to the right instead of the left to get to the menu item because that shaves off another two seconds and and also you should just not play this game because if you play it then that's hours of your life that you spend playing this game when if you want to increase efficiency you should just not play it because then you have all that time that scenery's coming down yeah got him and you got him oh dude shits falling on you like crazy I noticed your poison your dizzied your get you got [ __ ] falling on you Mario's [ __ ] maybe you shouldn't change those badges in a really shitty position let it go oh my god such a [ __ ] starter very little health oh man that sucks huh maybe if you had like a defense badge that would Oh a little bit no that's cool you know I guess there like a chance to miss in all the times that they've missed in the past three fights oh my god how long can this go on for oh I can hold a grudge first yeah literally years years you one of those [ __ ] like like sound effect guns bricked under the ground dude can jump dude I don't think you can do it alright they can jump just fine damn man alright you can't make it alright here pause the episode please what no you got one more try one more try it one more try my fourth try go ahead people are gonna be so mad what are you talking about I am getting better I am so interested this is epic to me like the Odyssey it's like this and then the Odyssey in order of epic yeah and after that Speed Racer movie if we pause the episode what that have happened I don't think so charlie why not I would have [ __ ] made it for such a short period of time yeah okay yes right in your face right in your face I think they call them TIG old bitties welcome back to game revs here we go I think raywilliamjohnson once made us aww I'm sorry Oh God your favorite Martian do you ever meet him I never met him nah I drew a dick on his wall though really how do you take that I think it was pretty much it wasn't cool I don't think color it's okay I'm sure he's water under the bridge did you just give like the JFK assassination of YouTube lore where did this come from Watchmen comic backdrop wall haha and they kept it at maker and it was just like in a room shot so it wouldn't be funny if I drew dick on it I drew two was like dr. Manhattan's head uh-huh and another one was on like the comedian's chest Aaron Jesus I'm not gonna murder somebody so it's the next best thing the vandalized something super friend this was like the top of his fame too if you should ever say something's the next best thing to murder I went to this place I don't usually go to because I was in New Jersey and it was an Asian massage parlor and the woman she was very sweet she was pretty she didn't speak any English and she was just like okay lay down you know and so I lay down her and I you know I get undressed and I laid down and I leave my boxers on when I when I get a massage generally and then she just came in and I guess it's like you it's better to be naked like oh yeah yeah so she comes in and just like in one like amazing fell swoop just grabs my under and whips it off me and I was just like whoa that scared her so she was like so like that the sequence of events was wish whoa and then all of a sudden I'm May kid and she's holding my underwear and we just have to pretend like nothing happened and go on with our lives cool it was very weird better better do some appealing hello what would you do if you caught on fire look at all those people Oh freaked the [ __ ] out are you kidding yeah yeah is it is that a good you got them yeah Gotti like you want [ __ ] fire what would you wouldn't okay so what would you do know I'd stop drop and roll what the [ __ ] oh yeah all right you know how many people don't know how to do that why they don't like teach that in schools anymore what yeah they know so you have to do in order so three but pounds and then four but I just the hammer but I just started with a but pound but you did three but pounds and then a fourth one you see them Saha okay yeah and here we were blaming RPGs do you feel bad now are in a little bit yeah god dammit my depth perception I'm down to one I'm gonna [ __ ] die because I keep jumping in the water sometimes I wake up coffin god dude I can't see the screen really it looks like no man I was messing with my head wow dude yeah well yeah thank you God for my eyes now you know how it feels dude how what feels how it feels to [ __ ] do that [ __ ] to die on the Joe yeah then you know you're gonna get humiliated and then [ __ ] and and and [ __ ] you can't do anything about it and then you gotta [ __ ] go through this again and you're like well I got to make it interesting cuz the show tell me what yeah I will appeal to the fans hey fans be supercool to me on reddit about this and then we can annoy Aaron further cool love it I love it too actually love it thanks lovelies we're going to anyway they're sweet anyone have to ask would be like a really nice comment section I mean if you started doing it every episode then people we get upset it's like the one time so people like whatever taken lose you want me to do it now came back to the door there was a save right there you didn't do it now you're gonna die let's just see about that nice bite right there all right okay it's like the time I tried to blow myself I wanna breathe my own shoes for the rest of my life and both yeah oh we were doing that all wrong yes sir okay cool good to know I'll just blow these [ __ ] up but my emails the public ones so I'm the one who'll get the emails about it oh I got a P down D up oh that's the way I like to do 10 minutes at a time people see watch it ten minutes at a time so they watched like four episodes of you going or whatever three up two episodes of you getting hit by bullet bills and they're like ah I gotta tell him how to do it it's like I get that but for us it was only 30 minutes and then you figured it out yeah on your own we I mean we have really hard lives is what we're trying to do yeah just the work it's just it's a very unique experience to be in this situation yeah it is strange yeah you got a I'm gonna miss it when whenever we get to that point our lives when we're not doing game grumps anymore that'll never happen okay well I will die on I want the views or the views right to the very end goddammit okay yes I'll stay yeah I'll watch everything yeah everything's ten coins now let me just get into bed with my weird dinosaur friend in a diaper and we'll just pretend like nothing strange here how would you sleep you rolled around a lot okay all right cool definitely die darn you wouldn't have been if you kept that defense alright I'm gonna I'm gonna smack you in the Johnson right in right in the Andrew Johnson that's my initials oh yeah JH he'll name is Joseph yeah yeah how did I know that because I've read a thousand of your plane ticket itinerary oh yeah I know what your middle name is yeah Stan very good pretty sure everyone knows that right now my god what a [ __ ] adventure this game is and yeah this is such a like a such a crazy quest take one down pass it around dude then 99 bottles fear on the surprise yourself fear I guess that's the word I'm gonna say go into the tube it's not a tuba that's exactly what it is they're not a tool bar you can't play it as a PLAs instrument it's not a tuna salmon and drop down and do it again sounds exactly like him big guy we're counting on you boy I know I sure am and so is rhodius Lotus I missed I miss girls I don't know who the [ __ ] is grown us just throwing names out there yeah just making [ __ ] this is like a soap opera I it's pronounced this is son forget it it's pronounced soap popper yeah that's what I called him when I was a kid good where is it I can't see it's bad it's a hammer oh well you know that's an item really yeah because I trying to give it to you I don't know yeah I don't know when someone's are gonna throw a hammer at me I I assume it's bad when someone's gonna throw a hammer at someone's gonna throw Wow sure is bright today hey guys I don't say it enough thanks for saving us [ __ ] someone now I will have you concoct a potion that will make you transparent you mean a person that makes me invisible no only your clothes transparent to get the biscuits out of your ears yes you will enter sir grotus is room by becoming completely invisible only your bones won't be invisible like a spooky scary skeletons assed this is ridiculous mom back Oh mom back home back I'm back please oh oh oh god I will heat the mixed potion in the beaker God you second dammit please don't make it just a little bit of red potion that will oh hello Mario brother Daisy looks different and I must say Luigi the there wasn't a photostat scene after this adventure we're going on tour to appear on stages everywhere I'm going to be known as the red miracle and of course Luigi well my grass look you know I don't judge [ __ ] shop reporter go this time we introduced the Twilight shop watching that husband-and-wife proprietors of the shop at work is a heartwarming sight but don't get the hobbies bad side don't you go smiling it my wife says the jovially jealous shopkeeper I'm hers for life and your fancy big-city teeth aren't gonna change that well who could doubt their eternal love surely not this reporter we press the shopkeeper for further comment but regret that his words were unprintable here but we did print some [ __ ] [ __ ] the time has come everyone I'm gonna retire voice Oh Gibby no it's time and I mean it and I want you to be my successor Frankie oh god I literally nodded off for a second I'm sorry as I like lost consciousness I hit the button Oh God we've now used the hero song by Nickelback as like our euphemism for porn like what are you watching that nickelback know what what is gonna Bakula guy from saliva is the only way yeah that's a chunky toe hello that guy I'll ride this train and ride a church listen up rookie guys here's another intermediate level recipe today's dish is the single serving peach tart take a peachy peach add cake mixer and bake try that at tea-time rookies it's time to toast to jizz on Princess Peach oh you know that's like the bunk with everything that's the savefile at your bed and that's the door at to bed wait geppu geppu let's sound my turds make when they hit the water Jesus Christ you [ __ ] guys I can't select my own normal thing wait then what do i do nothing just [ __ ] wine more cuz I love it like how they have tiny spikes and big spikes it's like you know I'm not gonna hit start oh [ __ ] I'm just gonna chill here and hang with you guys for another minute or so you're getting real right now I'm getting so real getting real what am I gonna do I'm just gonna have time to walk up to him anyway you got a wife to see ya I got a masturbate furiously alone when I get home well same Wow I fed I'm not gonna touch your jackin hand that was not an attack that was instead you clapping your own hands together that's not true you gave me to high-five simultaneous I don't that you would have heard that at high ten nope I actually know the best joke ever do you really yeah to two guys are hunting together okay and one of them gets mauled by a bear right mm-hmm so he's very ZZZ he's very hurt so his friend calls up the hospital on the cell phone and he in the the hot he's like they're 911 or whatever and then I was like what's your emergency said oh my god my friend he's I I think I think he might be dead he just got mauled by a bear he might be dead and then 911 says okay well um first can you make sure he's dead and then you just hear pop okay now what that's really [ __ ] stupid the best joke in the world apparently is it really yeah cuz it's like the most universally understood joke I guess really yeah did I tell the joke where you kill the dog is the funniest joke of all time I was like a - men they're hunting a dog Wow I never said don't wait what's a dog hey you know what time to be honest with you again earth I may have been looking up the joke I was gonna tell why you're talking now that's funny I am the bassist computer no one will know if your escape if I keep silent sorry hey Salim would we know to see what go amigo sets its destination key low key know how you like you have like a foreign voice that you just apply to every like vague accent yeah that's also your French accent correct and it's kind of also my french accent is more exist it's like the same voice no my Spanish accent it's more like this noise like these and then my friend this oh the sky area the other taking you back to like every location waste your time I'm telling you it's because they want you to realize how far you've come I already realized that we've done a hundred episodes like look at this place that you just been remember remember what it felt like to be a fool and a wuss and unconfident and now you feel like a fool and a little bit less of a look was in the same unconfident man have you been hit on the head delete twitter pretty soon I'll be done with it dude my life has never been better since I well you never joined Twitter you never did Twitter yeah but the thing is I've met a lot of cool people through Twitter right a lot of people that I consider to be good friends now mmm but I've been making a lot of friends in person lately so I guess that's it so don't need it that's good yeah use your mouth I don't need it as a crutch you know what I mean totally plus I don't know what I don't know I don't know who I won't meet you know you don't know who you want me regardless of how unconfident yeah what are they for I don't know what they're for wouldn't you look it up I don't want to you don't have to hey [ __ ] Siri one of the gold bars in Mario paper mari the thousand-year door what are they for hmm now where did he go this makes trouble for us at him we deaf of course that was that boo you missed I sure did are you pissed cause he missed what uh shy guy what the hell was that I do not know it's just getting weird around bazzill some Black Swan sure did I just kill him Duda that power bounces that's no joke yeah I wish I'd discovered that before episode what is this 106 30 hundred and seventy there 307 two totals Adel welcome to the room where techno music is made was curious how many people actually think that the government can control the weather I I don't know I don't know because as far as I know that's like one of the more like sort of accepted conspiracy theory are you [ __ ] serious yeah they can't well that's yeah I hate to be I love a good conspiracy theory I don't know man we fly into tornadoes all the time what are they doing in there like we've and we've done that with planes that we have technology that exists and you can go and be like I got money fly me across the earth back to where we started yeah and it'll just happen yeah yeah cuz that's what sphere is it's not outside of the realm of possibility to prove for yourself observably that the earth is round yeah yeah it's circles round and students to be flat yeah you just oh yeah oh oh no no I'm in peaches show whoa [ __ ] is happening oh my god change all your partners Oh God Oh they'd lose a pixel boobies like Oh snuggles mini Egham are you sure yeah oh you might want to think about that all right I'll just grab Panda what do you mean Oh No here comes ah dicks Oh told you but you didn't listen you just don't know just don't know well now I get to run away of course um wow I was really tapping hard to can work out dick bag all of a sudden is that good what is that oh good don't use that that's great uh Jews right now I could tell you a fun story what's the story i I I just had to FedEx some [ __ ] Wow was that I thought that was illegal nope in fact it's the only way to do it was it in like a bag yeah because I had to I had to get us I had to take a stool test because I'm seeing that nutritionist Dan I thought you were [ __ ] kidding nope nope I thought when you said I had to FedEx some [ __ ] and then I said and I made it into a poop joke nope that you were gonna be like no air in the poop field a FedEx some stuff the poop joke is the story I did it and I it's four by the way I bagged it's for good for you and I bagged up everything and I supply with the FedEx envelope and I I took it down there and it was late and I gave it to the girl and for some reason like the girl was just being like kind of flirty the the girl who worked at FedEx uh-huh and she's like nothing crazy she was just being like smiley and like what and all like I'm like I'm smiling back and she thought I was just being flirty but meanwhile I'm smiling because I'm laughing to myself I'm like I don't think you'd be nearly as flirtatious if you knew that you were holding a bag of my [ __ ] right now in her inner mind she's like wow this looks like a guy who's got all this [ __ ] together oh man reviewing your friends haven't you ever wanted to punch somebody in the like in the stomach and just here go like I don't think I have what really you never wanted to punch your best friend in the stomach I want I have wanted to punch someone and see it in slow motion where your whole face is like oh you're talking about face punch that's [ __ ] up yeah slap just a slap okay yeah I don't know you're downsizing it cuz you're criticized I don't want to punch anyone yeah sure they're journaling look it up Hey I mean you have the power of the intro my god I mean [ __ ] in the game not something that I would have to do when you go to the [ __ ] menu it says journal and I'm sure that journal has like all the moves are you lazy sack of [ __ ] oh do [ __ ] why would anyone look at what could I do in this game I've been playing for a thousand hours it's really just sitting there alright I'm also commentating well that said for next time a gay brother so we'll just figure it out off camera fine [ __ ] someone to go in there yeah follow the swinging platforms to a blue switch yeah okay so you got to go you got to do these things now okay these little moving platform dilly dues alright dilly dilly dilly Doo dilly dilly Doo doot doot okay I'm excited yeah what is it supposed to be the hard part of the game so I understand why you're having difficulty with it being that yours bad I'm just gonna attack them and yeah kill them good call on that one mmm please die Danny Boy yo thank [ __ ] god are a [ __ ] champion right now holy [ __ ] you are a goddamn [ __ ] Titan eat that Crump that's her changing room hell yeah where she lived and [ __ ] oh yeah that's right hid all these lockers she could hide her [ __ ] in oh [ __ ] yeah take a bath all right so long oh it's all ready I'm just not gonna mention that goodbye you can't hear this but can I kind of wish I'd made a more amazing noise when I exploded I asked them to program an awesome noise look at all these crystal stars Aaron look at all our work oh your work I don't you should know you were there for the adventure I googled some stuff for you you you we work together on this plus I have to say that because if it if if riding shotgun doesn't count and gamegrumps than I haven't done [ __ ] these past five years I I can press a with perfect timing as you tell a story Larry the Cable Guy roughed over its third funny guy but even funnier live have you ever been to a live Larry the Cable Guy show it made me piss my pants the other person next to me [ __ ] his pants we both had to go to the bathroom when we exclaims did you shoot your you booze your business and the answer was yes our wives left us my dad called me and said you're doing great son and I said thanks at what and he said being my son and that was really nice and I felt really good and that's the end of the story yeah yeah will this kill those nasty can it didn't actually happen by the way oh well wait not that it wouldn't it just didn't maybe if my dad watches this and he'll be like I should do that and then he'll make spaghetti and forget look at all these fun thing rolling [ __ ] at you why yes I got a PFD down pink it's nice when you disappear and then he uses up a turn yeah it's so stupid and unhelpful [ __ ] die on turning this game is impossible now oh yeah there's a little crack there stick around a decomposed I've told you my dad says that sometimes right when he means to say decompress he's like then you can come home and decompose for a little while like thank you Father I guess I'll do that what's waiting for me at home alright so there's still a change up here though just tell me just tell me what I have to do you really want that yes of course I want that and sure yes don't don't make it like my decision will just [ __ ] sit here like [ __ ] for [ __ ] 15 minutes these guys suck all you see is in all their be stones have power of stars touch it to pass through it mmm flurry blue I don't know about that okay well Vivian do the thing nope okay maybe you should just walk through the wall on the right also that I did it Brad bah the shy one hides his shape but the stars bring balance the shy one hides his face what [ __ ] no dude is it this it is I did it oh that's smart that you did that thank you I just do it on a fluke I was gonna try it on everything it's it's so it's so pretty good it's you know what I'll take it rather than not yeah you know that's good [ __ ] it hey dude you're living like a king right now getting [ __ ] triple shine sprites life doesn't get any better than this playing a video game friend yeah it is pretty nice ex in an air-conditioned room outside of the harshness amount of the outdoors can we order some food actually what kind of food maybe Thai food I like Thai food do we use our time for that and like time oh it's that's right it's late Oh jeepers just like forgetting we're doing it I did forget okay okay bye it looks like a dumb nose with like eyebrows big red nose big old reg nah ah [ __ ] well nice thank you I know that's ridiculous that's my duty boot just hanging all right Dan could you imagine what this playthrough would be like if we did [ __ ] 10-minute episodes of this Oh God well we did for a long time right did we people got mad and that's why we might return to 15 that's true oh I have to add to bobbery oh look at you yeah I'm getting the hang okay I'm gonna have to use Vivienne now who doesn't the fire have like an altar attack where he like burns the whole place down and then everyone's like no not all my stuff [ __ ] you talking about no like you change ah goddamn it I hate these things so much please be dead I think he's oh no not like this yeah I killed grotus dude okay great oh there we go that's gonna hit him ah Babri Oh can't use moves I'm sorry I don't know where that came from god it's were so close Darren oh and uh yes I'll save all the progress up to this point and I won't touch the power button [ __ ] you dad all right thank you everybody oh yeah the moon the Russian bombs we thought this was the moon did we know I did something terrible has happened just Russia whoa yeah oh I'm doing damage man I don't think that last one would hit I'm hitting the crap out of her but it sure did yeah yeah like a delicious French dessert how many bombs does it take her music is scaring me it's giving me anxiety it's injecting sweet Vantage in me I'll inject some sweet Vantage in your do the fire will steadily do damage dude oh that's the [ __ ] time for it holy [ __ ] how did you know you knew it before it even did it no I just I yeah cuz I was gonna I had committed to going yeah and then being disappointed anyway I'm gonna crack open this drink yeah super great anyway the show it is gonna be a bloodbath swap partners did you ever uh when you were a kid oh did you ever like think like oh maybe I do have magic powers and like telekinesis and if I just do it it'll happen and then you just like do it but then it doesn't happen no like you just feel like there's a pencil on the table and you're like oh man I bet I can lift it with my mind and then you just put your hand over it then you're like it's ever happen to you it has not Aaron why not I don't know you want me to say I'm gonna do it right now okay boy that's swingin noose that never ceases to be a weird thing for a Mario yeah use the veil that boot would have made that hand invisible oh um is that a help or a hurt for you it's a well if I made the other one invisible it would have been a hurt ah okay that's how I think of things in life cool yeah um um the grocery store and they're like you want to sign up for a rewards card I'm like is this a help or a hurt get ready to tell a story Saddles Mara sound investments make it your best for you and me selling them on eBay is a is a 4x increase in profit this is not good life insurance forget about 401ks saddles [ __ ] that was a terrible story invest in saddles today I was not able to do my best work yeah because you would kept we're criticizing my story in your head but I was thinking about how dumb the story was and I did all right well I'll come up with a [ __ ] Triple A story next time you new earth tremor well thank you ah burned yes and the fire will steadily do damage I'm told shine holiday be nice to shine ice this would be nice shine yeah bingo [ __ ] oh what a good time for it welcome back [ __ ] oh so that's what so you didn't trust the walkthrough but no that happened because I got a bingo yeah but I think it happens every time cool well what what the [ __ ] ever get something still happy I'm still happy I totally should have just given her what the [ __ ] does that mean those those those Ghostbuster signs without the ghost say yeah it looks like those busters oh man I totally should have [ __ ] it maybe when you have those for two turns you ain't afraid of no ghosts that's probably what it is Aaron okay that's a good point I thank you hey ain't nothing but a GTA do some [ __ ] while I while I earth tremor okay this is gonna be the best story I already promised okay please okay hey you good so I could zone out and do this Joe Stenson had a shop in Milwaukee my god so cheese he sold bread and he sold the dead [ __ ] oh my god so Brandi sold the dead sorry it's just hard it's just harder telling it to you oh my god losing my mind over here you know what might be a nice change of pace I guess I could change I could finally swap partners and I'm hoping you do I'm just gonna do that I just I don't want Vivienne - oh good yeah perfect timing huh exactly all right swap partners you should trust your non instincts yeah last bosses like to subvert your your necks pecked a Shinto you know crazy 50 dude yeah that's 50 jams that's a lot of jelly a lot of jams well jelly don't shake like that that's what I want all bouncers to be like you walk up to a club mm-hmm this is big dude big muscly dude you're like yo man can I get it for quite a for a chick fall under [ __ ] this game okay good you ain't gonna get into the club man like I'm cool don't worry about it hey why baby why a B oh my god like that said I think you did it please I'm gonna say you did it uh-huh urgh no yes [ __ ] oh man that was a [ __ ] trick a half yeah is brutal Oh God get out of here dude I don't need your dropping [ __ ] on me [ __ ] you yeah nice stop well cool that's it some damage to her too that would be awesome if that killed me you killed her yeah dude you got the squiggles no [ __ ] come the [ __ ] on dude is it cuz you got the squiggles yeah it's because I'm confused well then use her to use the ultra shroom it'll go away after this turn oh god please since I was just in such good shape that consistent don't get discouraged in that's how that's how all these these end poorly you know I could actually strangle you right now and just watch the life choked away from your face you get no I wouldn't even think twice about it's true it's called getting tilted dan you can't get tilted you were the most tilted person I know in these circumstances I harnessed the tilt I have the ability to harness the till I don't actually get tilted up I use the tilt to my advantage that's my secret Bob regos had to see every day now with Cortes I think his soul has healed I ran into him on keelhaul key by accident the other day which was nice he was so happy I thought he was going to blow up on me for a second there he is a bomb after all you know I bet scarlet is looking down in him and smiling right now just kidding death is an endless void of blackness oh I almost forgot everyone well and they say hello oh yeah great [ __ ] job Steph of this game dude Ryota Kawada you need to fix that eh yeah it's going how raise it all right what we did it then we pledge allegiance 2004 we completed we completed two games to four yeah that's when this game came out the same the same year as Leisure Suit Larry magna [ __ ] planet I thought you were making a joke about how long it took us to finish this hmm like we started playing it in 2004 that's right it seems like it is this our longest series now this is up there this game had so many characters yeah what was your favorite moment of this game mm-hmm there's a lot actually I think I just loved being in I loved being in the forest like that like black light forest that was really cool mmm I enjoyed lits ville I liked I liked the traveling actually I liked the idea that you can go on a blimp and you can go by train to places even though it like gets tedious when you have to do it back and forth back and forth hmm I love doing it who's a great game man Wow yeah Paper Mario what a great [ __ ] game it was fabulous what the [ __ ] don't get me wrong folks if you're super passionate about this game and you died inside like 50 times while we were playing it I am mad at you see you later everybody we did it baby I'm gonna ride that gurney all the way to the my deathbed I could hug you right now
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 880,853
Rating: 4.9357581 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, game grumps compilation, game grumps best moments, game grumps best of, game grumps best, game grumps best clips, game grumps highlights, paper mario, paper mario ttyd, the thousand year door, game grumps paper mario, game grumps ttyd
Id: annAZkVmnCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 55sec (5335 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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