Best Laughter Moments - Ocarina of Time - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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[Laughter] [Laughter] I remember man it just because you were hovering on s it just came back to me slurp slurp slurp right it just looks like God you smell good yeah I got a gamy taste great Deku Tree is that like the guy from the [ __ ] like the trucks thing picnic face remember hey look at this sassy little bang hey you came all the way up here you're a real man let me show you isn't this view pretty change your viewpoint with the upload so you can look around the forest with that thanks cutie um blue or yellow icons well yellow is like warm just push a button II was really cool and like there's already so much blue on the screen right now so I feel like yellow might be better do it no Dan I don't know killing me I'm gonna go with eenie meenie miney moe catch a tiger by his toe if he hollers let him go my mother said to pick the very best one and you are definitely the not not not not at all but maybe you are the right my mother said again after that that she was busy and need some spaghetti so I made her some and she was like maybe if I make some lemonade I'll be able to make a decision a little bit more better than I would if I didn't have some having Nate I'm gonna pick you up and throw you out the [ __ ] window my blood sugar is really low so it's hard to make decisions yellow you know what I always feel like that should be a cold opening instead of the actual show I'm disappointed in us that's one tenth of this episode sorry everyone will go along this time I think it was just a one-time thing I do that was I was just pushing against box man sweet it's like Han Solo right before the car behind like I know when I was in second grade I was obsessed with Stegosaurus to the point where everyone was like shut up about Stegosaurus uh-huh and I just remembered like we it was a group thing and we had to name our group and I was like what about the steroids and everyone was like no and then I [ __ ] stormed out of the room and cried I knew that that would just be able to ignore what a [ __ ] so funny for it is in that Sacred Realm that one will find the divine relic the trysts which that's the essence of the goddess a I mean na9 I really poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world Wow shit's cool right it's blue that's what I'm talking about Ellen safari 4 or a diary at horrifyingly everywhere with a rich soil produced all life forms we would uphold the law let's say I pulled the law and then their fourth sister Sephora dude dude nice 9 he like has this really like beautiful death scene because you are different from me and my friends you have a penis and I have vagon but that's ok because we'll be friends forever who are we sign my yearbook friendship bracelet I made you it's a friends my J's best fiends I didn't I missed this one up first and I have one this lump of crap please take care of it looks like a [ __ ] nose with funny goggles I wish you the best eyebrows on this dude yeah your thing they just see the centipede and just like swoops down and he just keeps trying to like impress upon you that he's not a chicken did you get all that it's just something I do something else do something all outside Stuart holy [ __ ] shark man Frank yeah oh it's a pirate's life for me spelled fer and like so Brian and I kept playing the song by the way all of his songs are up on YouTube at Brian was like do you want to know how much how many views this song has I was like I know no we were I guarantee whoever checks out this video if you get there early whatever views there are on these songs all of them are us I've been incubating this egg very carefully like whoa baby listen I did we just met oh man yes I mean she's a condom you can't know where you been yeah my dad's sleeping inside so you can just bust a nut inside me whatever okay okay it'll make him pay attention to me a little bit if I'm like that I'm pregnant why I'm like yeah it's like you never pay attention to me yeah whatever you're gonne die now [Laughter] bad fairy here's the problem daddy she's boring a [ __ ] she's happy in fact I also had this part in the dream were like you know the cheese on fire like there was a crab following me around and he was like [ __ ] your father [ __ ] you name it say I didn't really know what was up with that but this for name Jews oh my god that's her the pizza tag Wow she's more angular than I remembered [Laughter] [Laughter] somehow I'm going to tell you the secret of the secret room she's giving you that face like you're really stupid Sacred Realm okay the magic comes like this through the ancient sages built the temple time to protect the Triforce from evil ones like that crab they was always following me around that's right the temple of time at the entrance to it she can't you take your realm from my world oh that's my dad calling like dives into the water if you tell anybody the story of somebody ring you [ __ ] alright dude what's up with my polygons with my fused fingers with my wizard cheese finger puppets [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] he doesn't have any idea what we're planning prophecy but I can sense that mints evil intentions I mean look at the way he slurps up his soup the Triforce of the Sacred Realm he must have come to Hyrule to tame it and he wants to conquer her oh no Jesus this [ __ ] is crazy dude he's like looking like not at her he's like man that bird is far away [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] like a fully baked potato you're like oh you're crazy like right at the end of dawns on Brian when every time whenever he talks to his wife Rachel and his daughter Audrey yeah his dog Audrey is like a year and a half old so she doesn't fully know what's going on mm-hmm but she knows me and she's like dingy and like I'm always there cuz she wants to see me and he'll be like with a totally straight face I'll be like Danny can't come see you Audrey I Danny got sick and went to heaven [ __ ] damn it Brian right here by the way mr. hero go [ __ ] yourself you're gonna climb Death Mountain you should equip a proper shield it's active volcano after all and again you should check out the bizarre Aaron can we do an experiment okay you know how when you text on iMessage it gives you three suggested words based on the next thing ya think you might say I want to try to write a text to you using nothing but those okay somebody wrote a song like that is that right yeah yeah I mean it's so weird okay let's start with pickles that'll be the first word okay pickles are the best way to get my hair done Wow yeah that's something that's exactly something that you would say to me yeah he always says that everyone is after that redstone he also says to go to bed at 10:00 p.m. at night every night and to take my pills every morning take the pills always the pill whoa I can also do Kermit the Frog there Kermit the Frog reporting to you from the moon and I can but the person puppeteering you can't hold you and then you just hear the guy like call and then the Kermit's mouth opens and he floats off the hand boom limbs crinkles up anymore cookie revoke Yuri forests yeah Cochino Morey I am looking forward to that day okay that's not Japanese but it's my reasonable approximation I look forward to who rented the dogs out I did oh [ __ ] you Jeff yes welcome back to game go ahead and do it 30 seconds before the episode started Aaron was doing this voice and I said Aaron stop doing stupid voices with God stop that share and now immediately I've celica man it's quite a dick move really it's a super dick I guess I'll just keep making jokes in there is some things that are the graveyard get some sweet gravy the shaker dolly incident family and find is that a Kakariko watch over these spirits in their eternal slumber they watch him real good that's SW um the ER slumber hey watch him toss and turn but they don't because they I like that they wrote it in such a script that you would have to think of it in a Popish gable eventually a newborn's life will fade from Sun to Moon Moon to fern give peaceful rest to the Living Dead this is an interesting poem huh oh [ __ ] something's inscribed on the tombstone looks like some kind of video guy looks like some sort bacon bits on it Omo ate it cook it up rail knife no I guess it's a song yeah in my heart oh good for you it's gonna give me lots of I don't know melanoma I hope keep the bun song in your fart you've learned the Sun Sun yeah the Sun came out I guess stay tuned for more amazing jokes like that just keep walking keep walking that's gonna be a theater kid for sure he's gonna be singing show choir songs and be a little too into it the Gombe actually doesn't care what the kid does yeah Dom pace like listen and just between you dog no one gives a [ __ ] the kid that the kid for the teacher is like oh jeez well I can't stand that little [ __ ] god dammit all right I'm just gonna [ __ ] it without giving away who these people are because it's like business folks I got an email I got an email from a guy named Steve business partner and the title of the email is just on all capital letters introduction and it says Dan meet Logan and then a phone number and then Logan responds immediately he's like hey Dan nice to meet you give me a call and we can discuss like what the [ __ ] are we talking about right now goddammit and Steve just responded I'm so glad I could make this connection just respond like slick hey guys so a little confused Stephen weeks oh my god that's driving me crazy but anyway sorry I just saw that when I picked up my phone what I was actually going for was my dad texted me be prepared with the document stand I'm calling right now it's super important your career depends on this I don't have a whole lot of time in fact I have zero time to do what I call you I expect you to say exactly what you need to say to me and then I hang up otherwise we can't make this call for another three months just remember the circumstances it's on the right it's on the [ __ ] right I went everywhere but where I need to go also doesn't Hyrule Field look like a face that's kind of like oh so my dad saw the picture of Bryan and I that we took for Instagram in front like smiling in front of the boxes uh-huh and those are like 1/4 of the boxes that we have to do but he meant to write you poor guys how many CDs in every box here's what he actually wrote you poor gays I was like obvi I think you meant you poor guys I just responded haha my mom texted me from her phone she was like avi strikes again is it the sound of an owl hoot yes it is it's because it's me I can hear a mysterious tune you should listen for that tune to who do you want to hear what I said again I wish she was constantly making like fish puns because he's like a hungry bird sounds like a serious tuna if you're curious you gotta be kidding okay so the secret to this Lost Woods area I wish just a Nintendo would throwing one thing like as he's leaving I would say in the text below like later Bader's would you in your opinion there is so much god yay in a in a hyper exaggerated caricature of myself yes yeah I would say that of course oh that's not your girl that's it yeah this is serious yeah I've been waiting for you slurp I've been waiting for you it's an automata Pia I've been waiting for you you should memorize these melodies goodbye hey I like your music my music when's the next song come on this is the only song in this loop Mon it looks like the wall is giving him a gentle kiss from behind Shh do you see that yeah it's like really creepy don't worry gross rock face Mama's gonna make it all better mmm all right welcome back to game grumps just like that my depression is all gone wow if it were only that easy I know why are you eating it well cuz we got a show to do and apples are like the [ __ ] like visa conspicuous thing you can eat hey Dan are you eating an apple no did I leave the oven on that's my mama is it from oh that's just something southern people say it's it's from a lot of things that's my mama yeah like that Mama's calling I think I've seen it in Family Guy it's probably well you know it's been from something else because it was in family it's gonna say that nothing's from Family Guy stop hectoring me is from Stella pizza oh that's right this is what's going on got the farts you guys got the farts crying a little bit if you were to die right now what where would it put you not you as a person it's a lot of Bam's sorry if you were to die right now where would your stereo go okay that's my other favorite part of your this equal itis let's say we're talking about like the unfairness of like getting hit by [ __ ] you can't see see that [ __ ] yeah loved it then yeah what does Intrepid mean doesn't mean you mean adventurous or something like does it I don't know I had a car called the intrepid it was a Dodge Intrepid I think okay my dad my dad gave it to me because he inherited a car from his uncle it was like slightly better he was like well actually gave it to my brother first and then my brother bought his own car and then my brother gave it gave it to me yep so it was like a triple hand-me-down intrepid adjective fearless adventurous cool yeah that car as mad as fearless and adventures is again I totally forgot that was the fire Oh what the [ __ ] I didn't think his reach was that long dude these guys are really [ __ ] hot well it's because I [ __ ] show up and I'd suck easily dude it just took the entire episode was [ __ ] around a little bit were you really I was Dan okay Susan I say poop a lot do your right hand to the Putin to dude it's pretty adorable but then I usually just say man I just ripped yeah and she'll say that [ __ ] too yeah weren't you telling me how like when you when you started dating she was like very demure about stuff like that and now like she'll texture and just like be like I ripped the most wicked [ __ ] just see you then you're sassy we're gonna dance the tango with the dodongo waited on go so you don't even get one in the nose and although my sinuses are acting up damn it oh okay I'm the queen of France I want a rock right now word I wanna I wanna rock right now that guy oh [ __ ] this is in the world whoa it's a whole new world the guys from the temporary mix party sent me a um what's it called a song yes by Night Ranger called you can still rock in America are you did you seriously blank on the word song yeah yeah that was my joke response to you yeah no it's true and yeah and it's not like I forgot that I got a bomb bag or anything like that it's just you know the words slipped my mind is is there like exposed asbestos in this room are we like slowly like going stupid ooh boy maybe they're like five companies that just own everything yes cool yes that's totally yes that's absolutely the case just feel that way it's like Johnson & Johnson and GE and Kellogg's that's it so that was actually made by ASUS City area company of Nestle yeah which is owned by Kellogg's owned by Toyota Geoff see the onion article all corporations become omni core it's like just a thousand guys shaking hands I showed you the guy who trips acid and goes to the Westminster Dog Show in New York it's it's I mean it's quite long but there are some really entertaining parts but he's just absolutely [ __ ] blasted and his [ __ ] camera he takes acid for the first time and he's going and interviewing people at the dog show and it's quite a nice video in a lot of ways but like there's just one part where he's just like out of his mind fried and he's talking to a woman like who i guess partly runs the thing and he's like so what kind of dogs can we expect here she's like well we have poodles and Bichon Frise zand Afghan hounds and she just lists like five things and he's like oh my god [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] I'm like an orange being supported by two toothpicks but not a pretty sight I used to keep my eyes open when my mom would give me like Tooth Fairy money at night like like subtly keep them open so so I could see if it was my mom or not and when it was like I never made any reaction but like my whole body was shivering with the I [ __ ] knew and then you'd have like a really quiet breakfast the next morning and my mother was my mom but yeah Special K honey I was like well maybe if I was really special I would have gotten a visit from an actual fairy please take off all your clothes I was like that wasn't me I'd like to reiterate or actually amend my statement from earlier I'm not not in I'm not in this for the puss no no I mean I'm in it for the friendship with you and getting to spend time it's true good god it's actually true now give up that I'm in it for playing video games yeah we're back what's up he's like a chicken it doesn't fully have like a grasp on the English language that's the song you see the horse in the background like [Music] [Laughter] she's charging me it's coming right for us yeah Wow what if it wasn't very wood it was like you know like something really bad like good job [ __ ] it's like what whoa whoa whoa Jesus where's that crab that goes from father frog from some Vegas that just randomly generated made it up I love you [ __ ] the brain so weird what was that joke and I'm gonna remember that yeah I did was part of Zelda's like looks if you got bigger and stronger already slurp be FD am i right hey they have some connection with high rules were a family well we want from us yeah we don't know the password the password is password [ __ ] I'm gonna fire that water flows through doors River which eventually reaches Lake highly into the south so basically you're drinking my piss wings I think I'll take the ladder come back here I'll give you something very nice just jump in and immediately crack your skull open oh yeah that's the stuff start Oh got the silver scale oh that kind of scale yeah what you thought it was like a music scale yeah or like a weight scale yeah yeah this is a scale of our kind this is why we're all so now you can make it now you can make sure you're not getting shorted on those ounces of weed you're buying [ __ ] big cliff have I ever told you that I used to put M&Ms and cottage cheese that's disgusting you know what it probably is and I don't doubt that it is but like as a kid I [ __ ] loved it it's like this is a kid like flate weird flavor combinations don't bother you because everything tastes good somehow and hey and plus the M&Ms would leave rainbow colored trails in the cottage cheese yeah so it really looks like a party what you know what [ __ ] yogurt or something I don't know it was a kid I didn't have I didn't have the the yogurt access that some people with a [ __ ] silver spoon born in their mouth okay yeah all right inside inside going inside God trying to marry you off at eight I know constantly TV he's get the [ __ ] waiver yeah boy she's I don't know I think I liked it better when she didn't like you yeah but the thing is like so when you grow up later mm-hmm they all become hot like all these like six year olds they're like really into you right become like super hotties you're just like that always the way that's why I keep telling you [ __ ] make inroads with the six year old my brain is like dogs oh well just blame that one on the nyquil yeah yeah keep going oh yeah you can pace him you know what I gotta say that's a really nice that's a really nice polish right there yeah really nice polish Polish dude a few if you went to a place that in Poland polish plays they do a Polish polish yeah or if there was a place that dude if you were polish and you jacked off that would be a Polish pole policy thank God one of us is at the top of his game oh [ __ ] oh no lipstick you find a word that's to be right on your tiny tiny but what did you do vote you will you're doing wage you meanwhile they're totally getting away while your [ __ ] potato face I am getting do it and you'll never win the world not before I get this crap out of my way cool yeah thanks for protecting me Navi great job with that yeah she's just like who's man ladies melody in front of the order in the table of Jim you might protect your ears you take the Trevi [Music] alright alright God okay crazy lady the temple of time walk into here walking have fun there's drinks over there don't steal the soap don't steal this soap or the towels they are there for everybody where is that oh yeah please don't take home the shampoo we have a special deal with the creators of the shampoo and there's a certain amount stolen though there you can buy it if you want in the lobby it's available anyway it's actually I see you unlock the hero of time my power now has only little influence even in the sacred room namely this chamber of sages but there is still hope the power of the sages remains God [ __ ] just get on with it dude your power to fight together with the sages makes you the hero of time the hero of time chosen by the Masters or the master sword by the sages get the sages go on the temple get me triforce power wisdom power keep my spirit with you that's two spirits with you at all times me and Navi just floating around your head you get all that yeah yeah if you believe the legend you have no choice you must look for the five temples and awaken the five stages hmm okay let me tell you some more about the sages goddamn one sage is waiting for the time of awakening in the forest temple the sage is a girl I assure you now Rebecca she's like no who is Rebecca chemistry class I just she have ponytail fetchers HOD oh [ __ ] whoops no [ __ ] screaming me hey don't [ __ ] scream at me don't what did you say alright that's what I [ __ ] done I can't breathe or see straight so I might need you to kind of take point on our expedition for next couple episodes that's fine cool thank you baby want me to get you anything yes please you owe me to like get one of those neti pots for you so you can like drain your sinus already using it really I'm not a dude on my neti pots Afrin and cue nasal and steroids and antibiotics yeah it's super sucks I'm like there's like a pharmacy floating inside me right now sheesh except it hurts so it's like a Harmison oh nice you hit that one bad practice hard to come back do you get to keep any of it you want to play a game it's 20 wipes your memory like men in black shoes you wanna play a game it's a brand new game I remember I played this one game with my friend Josh we're like this is this is what you did when you were bored in the 80s we had a whoa all right thanks for that really fast story we've all dried up though oh they're good at getting people out of bed okay yeah this is very happy to croak yeah especially when it wakes up a heavy sleeper I'm gonna go now okay I mean this this conversation started off sexy yeah went right off the rails however my cook who is not entirely happier is that your way of telling me you guys have sex as you look at it please it's like you're good [ __ ] here take this egg oh just bring it back to me after a while I'll check out food Oh God what do you think we'll eat right no I don't want to have your baby now I wanna cook ooh okay you [ __ ] people without saying a word you just bust out the ocarina and she's like oh my god the chant of [ __ ] the Ballad of [ __ ] yeah fellatio song there's so many cuckoos in here yeah remember three of them are whatever the [ __ ] magical I do remember three or whatever the [ __ ] I do remember we accomplished nothing this episode well I tried to get epona the [ __ ] is hard yeah and now I gotta get 10 rupees and there's no there's no rupees around [Music] it's okay only the only people who will be mad are the 200 people who are always mad but you know what I love them they're the best of being mad I wonder what I could do to make them happy I can [ __ ] learn how to play his game and shut up you know like the [ __ ] Napoleon Dynamite thing where he's like I wish you'd learn a little respect about anything oh we should get out of my life and shut up well I mean he's dead in the sense of like he's not like you're gonna kick his ass fire whatever [Music] okay oh he's like tempting you to like come back with something cool he's like he's like I live down here and you can come visit me anytime I think I've got candy I got Reese's Pieces and I'm dad so there deceases pieces Oh Dan still got it I've been thinking a lot about our pets or is is when the character is like to the horse what have you been rolling in by myself like at 3 in the morning like looking at the ceiling laughing cool he didn't see that nice good job he made like a really pained sound - yeah like he was experienced well what a little [ __ ] hisses and moans every time he explodes flow times those cruel speed seems different for each person but knowing can change super deep yeah thanks the thing that doesn't change the time is the memory of younger days in order to come back here again play the minuet you're gonna want to play an entire concert Oh slurp I'll see you again when you know I was gonna say before was have you ever taken money out of the ATM at the 7-eleven near our house no it's weird like it charges you three dollars and then like after it gives you your cash it gives you this sound like like you won something at a casino and you're like I didn't win [ __ ] this is my own money and you charged me to take it out right now another victory another victory to the groove into the groove gotta move it up gotta move it down gotta move it up down up down now percent of the things that I'm saying left left right left right up I mean down up down lift right up and that's how you do cunnilingus you gotta spell out the alphabet with your tongue yeah I'm just gonna be like blend so that you can think about something else other than look I never got that and the girls all like oh yeah you really terrible sex advice of this [ __ ] like when you're ready for the girl to come make sure you yell at the game gram sex lessons satisfaction guarantee off when you're getting a [ __ ] and you really like it you want to let her know just just go like works for me every time it does it really it's just a real natural instinct for when I'm receiving an excellent [ __ ] and I want the girl that know she's doing a good job I'll get super quiet 45 seconds that I'll be like oh okay [Laughter] interesting oh my god why would you want to distract yourself by being like a B what comes after that C well first of all D I can't remember exactly Whittle your tongue around Jesus it's not [ __ ] hard not only three letters you need RB Ellen [Laughter] I know you won't do it you won't blow into that girls chance yeah oh my god from REO Speedwagon and Heath Ledger's Joker are one in the same here's the problem I just can't stop killing Gotham it's so beautiful what if I could peek through the wall right here since Oh God whoa okay oh great graphics don't need to see your nose buddy at that time it's like such a stand prism yeah be careful not to get doodoo on your fingers I'm gonna move around like this everybody told me this story about like how he went to this he went to this like grocery store and there was like this lady and the sins I all looking at cereal and then stamp was like oh that one's good totally genuine Kevin was very excited because apparently you had been talking to him and you were like yeah these guys were smoking a bunch of roaches he's so close pretty sure I say that [ __ ] on purpose okay either way it's wonderful smoking a bunch of roaches right okay I don't know when they stopped doing these but do you remember the it's 10 p.m. do you know where your children are things I remember that slogan but I don't yeah just every night at 10:00 on the dot like channels used to run that add like it's 10 p.m. do you know where your children are and like I I would always I mean I was like a [ __ ] nerdy kid that didn't go out and mm-hmm so like I'd be sitting right next to my parents and my dad would look at me like I've got a good kid and I'd be I'd be thinking to myself like he's all right I like him my dad used to go to my groups of friends and be like you know I don't like you just say that to my friends like it's a joke and I remember my friend Mark he used to say like you know mark I don't like you but of all of Dan's friends I don't like you the least that's awesome that's my dad's version - dad humor there's some foods that I got like really into when I was a kid and I could tell you just how to make like I can make you custom mac and cheese I'm not [ __ ] out of a case not like Velveeta I can melt the cheese and make like the perfect [ __ ] cheese concoction yeah and put it over some like penne pasta or like some elbows that's almost like put a little salt and pepper in there what's um what's the Italian dish that's adult mac and cheese Alfredo Alfredo yeah no but it's literally just melted cheese over macaroni hoofing a little bit of butter oh let's stop talking about this it's maybe we like not want to do the show and just go and get groceries sandwich I just remember the moment where I was like somebody was like I'll make mac and cheese and I was like oh cool and then they just like pulled out a pot and like some pieces of cheese and I was like what are you doing they were like oh I'm just melting some cheese so I can put over some mac and I'm like oh my god this is everything's different now I'm a hide behind this war and then when you're peeing or something I'm just gonna go boo hello I'm the ghost I must be Keith boo okay I'm going to write until you go to sleep go to three-way and then I'm going to gently position my testicles my ghostly testicles above your sleeping forehead of spooky it is spooky they call it a teabag but I just call it hilarious I just call it Tuesday they haven't fulfilled their purpose yet yes well maybe my purpose was to squarely situate my balls on your forehead I never got to do it in more waking life it's so much fun we never had Christmas like you're gonna say fart it made me giggle good one I know you know Family Guy dude but like I do love to think we're like they're hanging out at the pool and Peter's like hey Louis diarrhea please I'm holding ice tea just like my ability to recount every Rush album by year in chronological order in 30 seconds or less go for it do you really want me to yeah okay tie me [Music] can't damnit I gotta [ __ ] open up my timer all right okay ready sorry everyone just indulge us on this here we go and go 1974 was rush nice to 75 was fly-by-night in caress of Steel 1976 was 2112 1977 was a farewell to Kings 1978 was hemispheres 1980 was permanent way as 1981 was moving pictures 1982 was [ __ ] signals 1984 was grace under pressure 1985 was power windows 1987 was hold your fire 1989 was presto 1991 was roll the bones 1993 was counterparts 1996 with test for echo 2002 was vapour trails 2007 with snakes & Arrows 2012 with Clockwork Angels done 27 holy [ __ ] wow I like that bad I never got that impression from you god damn that was really harrowing that's pretty cool do i I mean I guess it's but a lot of time listening it's actually impressive there's a couple bands like my favorite band I wouldn't be able to do that to I'd be like their first album was what the [ __ ] was it called what's your favorite band Jamiroquai how would you mira quite so the first album was and time take my load take my land jerk me off with my left hand I don't care it feels like someone else is doing it you can't take this thank you because of you I could awaken as a sage is that sorry it's Syria you know what that was a bad timing for me too I'm sorry I saw the sage of the forest temple oh why didn't you tell me so this is what the thing that I was like did she not remember you oh no I know you [ __ ] [ __ ] well you are not a co carry you are actually a Hylian yeah that's what I almost said thanks yeah in the flames and fire some time ago before the some yeah this has to be like deep some time ago before the king of Hyrule unified this country one day to escape from the fires of the war you better believe I'm not going with you on your journey that's a journey for suckers yeah if you ever want to experience some passive-aggressive comments just come by or check the internet I'll do go to game grumps that YouTube / calm this wave says [ __ ] I can't even say it accidentally get YouTube / comm teach me some fancy fencing all I've ever done is tap be all my life I wish I love everyone who works for us gradually becomes more gay in their interactions because we are always just getting weird [Laughter] it's true it is it's totally true and like Vernon we just I don't think you were here for this errand but oh yeah you were right there god damn it Vernon Vernon who has recently come on on board helping us out with various projects from hot pepper gaming great dude known her for years not gay and neither are we for that matter and yet he's lying on one of the beanbag things face down and just butt right out there and I was like I'm gonna smack that but I just [ __ ] reeled back and I [ __ ] really laced into him I was like yeah like a [ __ ] full-on jump down smash on like open palm to butt and like I feel like when he first joined the show he was been like dude what the [ __ ] but now he was like oh no we don't have an HR manager I can't do anything does just God not want you to be 10 do you always have to be like 15 or 8 are those your only choices yes all right I mean you could just live out your days as a young kid and like do everything you can to like keep Gannon out of power and that would be wise wouldn't it yeah I guess so hey check out this hot what do you think here's my mixtape whoa it's glittering with jams as long as you hold the ocarina of time in the Master Sword you hold time itself in your hands well slurp we shall meet again here like growing distant it's like that Eric Andre thing where he's clapping and he's like [ __ ] always makes me laugh that's actually a really [ __ ] clever way they did that like to go back and forth between the light in the dark world the way you're doing like Link to the Past and stuff like that yeah you actually are like traveling in time it's not like a parallel dimension or anything it's not like the light world dark world it's the same world that just got [ __ ] up well that's what linked the past is that right yeah it's like the future we're ganon like took over no [ __ ] I always thought it was like a different dimension no that's why it's called a Link to the Past I'm not following you in fact if you want to use any grumps video as a walkthrough please go to WWE dot slash slash dot YouTube dot slash com yeah YouTube / Khan YouTube / Co gamegrumps YouTube / car welcome to hometown Warner dinette it's dyed oh man you little tumbleweed [ __ ] it right here my God he's like oh don't mind my soul patch kind of looks like the lead singer Smash Mouth I loves at the point where we didn't even have to look at each other if we don't hurry up now even my dad will be dead alright we've taken his way - we talked about him them covering under pressure right yes we did push it down on me push it down on you no man ask for a long time ago there was an evil dragon evil Agia of a veggies who came up with that name he was hiding between my girlfriend's legs that dragon was very scary he ate gorons and my girlfriend wanted me to eat him oh no this is taking a weird turn he was like a huge hammer they do the gorons boom BAM and that's how my son was crazy I think it's nice bicycle what the hell is Garron kitty are you talking about it was just on the screen oh I see what am I gonna do I'm trapped yeah creature decides dedicated power of a heart cuz nobody rocks like oh I love you Stacy watchin faces in the audience like no even together in your [ __ ] the bands like oh oh [ __ ] are we starting did he's like let you on fire and then bail a bolero is a Spanish dance in simple tripping triple time no or it's a woman's short open jacket which one did you play it's hard to spell dictatorship is my penis and potatoes in the water on my dictatorship Wow oh [ __ ] you'll never believe what Pilar means in Spanish what Hillar whoa behind the name it's [ __ ] funny thanks for getting me some gorons special crop especially you faroe islands population six after this I'm gonna have to take it massive [ __ ] because I'm like after like after what after we finish this episode oh sure coz ah damn it I'll just um whoa that fart was a [ __ ] that wasn't a harbinger of things together that was a trailer that was like the teaser trailer the next the next part is gonna be trailer number one that's like oh yeah that's exactly what it needed to be and then the next one is gonna be trailer 2 where like they reveal some piece of information they can throw in super hyped that's my favorite part of that whole thing I guess stayed in your guest room and she was like Karen I had I had the weirdest dream I had this crazy nosebleed because I get nosebleeds when I sleep sometime and I was like oh my god I'm nose bleeding all over his sheets and then I woke up and I wasn't I did I was all a dream good story Katie that was an ass by the way that was her saying good story Katie and we were just innocent bystanders hey you that what the [ __ ] I just give a shout out to somebody that I really like yeah sure it better be me there's this guy that I've been into lately his name's Gabriel Gunn Decker uh-huh and he's he's like a lion guy but he also does YouTube videos too and he's really funny and talented and he has a band and you should check out his stuff he's got really pretty eye hair and I just want him to notice me [Laughter] because he's like handsome and talented and he's funny and then when I hang out it's like oh he's only three chairs away from me in biology class whatever yeah and he's really smart and handsome and when he asked questions he blinks sometimes and I like the wave thing yeah that's really nice how the hell do I get back over there if I can't [ __ ] jump god damn it I like walking around and like yelling nonsense at people you know I mean yeah I know he's like in a very authoritative tone you I do that all the time like Jack's extra flargan Kevin nudge that cheese you know just like really [ __ ] intense but no substance that she's in sequel itis I was like this game has great sound design because the [ __ ] does it's just like it's really creepy to be in these temples it is creepy I got them all unique except for the [ __ ] Forest Temple because that one's like it's like for like hours oh oh I thought you meant like it's not unique and I'm like how can one thing be not unique they're all unique except for the Forest Temple that [ __ ] is exactly the same as itself [Laughter] [ __ ] sass me dude I'm sorry I'm sorry is it [ __ ] it is that literally it is that all that's in the tile room just the [ __ ] gold skill toll let me see this either you hook shatter to jump attack return to the previous room are you [ __ ] serious goddammit [ __ ] you Zelda Wow Jesus super harsh the lava cavern going up the flaming elevator yeah I did that oh this is like way in the past I [ __ ] hate this dungeon man I hated so much I might click this like on this bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] it got the compass so I could find out where he is like so salty near the key fight [ __ ] this game [ __ ] this level 30 [ __ ] this temple it's snowing on my head Fuji the go on special crop won't work on it don't you have anything stranger yeah I did Hebrew was my first language when I was like a little baby and I've completely forgotten all of it that's a shame yeah so if I was like my Hanukkah yeah you'd be like I'd be like that's very offensive go [ __ ] well I mean I'm getting a little sick of Zelda Ocarina time oh I like that that's what I like to say ah there we go okay sweet I think it really is just this temple though because you were having a great time before look this temple I swear to God I don't care what anybody says well then I'm infusing and frustrating but that's just one level right like that's not the whole game I mean we'll see I do remember this particular dungeon gave me yeah we'll see I've got a lot of hate like Chinese myth dragon if you remember that old video the the two Jersey guys that are like playing there watching the Pokemon movie oh no I don't think it's like [ __ ] you that's Wigglytuff look it's Clefairy no it's not [ __ ] Clefairy its Wigglytuff you don't know [ __ ] about Pokemon that'll I and he's like look at Snorlax look at him he's pulling like ten Pokemon you can't do that I lost all access the best he's the strongest Pokemon there is I love it we got to watch that up it I got to watch PI hell again that [ __ ] is so funny best easy na vi's like it's just like you know and you like light a tissue on fire and his yeah like when a [ __ ] lightning bug hits the electric you're like backyard though yeah man it's just like you know it's like I remember you coming to my house in Palmdale and like you had short hair and yeah hello hi yeah gosh it's funny to think about I remember meeting Susie for the first time and seeing her on the sitting around on the couch and like she was wearing like cool boots those a you boots you're cool and then I was like oh [Laughter] [ __ ] what the hell you've seen that video right the Cleveland tourist video it's [ __ ] hilarious fun times in Cleveland today here's a lake the catches on fire come and look at both of our buildings oh it's really funny this is where we used to have industry this train is carrying jobs out of Cleveland oh I like that [ __ ] you did it and now I got this tire has this sounds like I just got a bath in my place so I've always wanted one and you did yeah it's awesome and it's a lot to dream can I be your sexy friend I was hoping you would ask that just show up with like floaties and swim trunks and a snorkel like sexy delivery put a stamp on my forehead shit's getting real man Meeta Malaysia I Amba Nauru alright fine I'll give you a song I don't want anything to do with you anymore you [ __ ] clod Ponnuru hang on hang on what almost got it almost got it now if I deal with Nauru dude now nowhere was a [ __ ] dick hole oh [ __ ] scare some crows I hear a song once and I never forget it baby he says that I don't care about his biography oh you've got to play it as a child to him [ __ ] dick oh and then when link is an adult playing the sound of anoro again will result in him offering the player of the services of his friend Pierre who is now absent from Lake Hillier because he's exploring Hyrule ok I don't give you why you don't wanna meet Pierre the French friend of the scarecrow do you think I give a goddamn rat's ass about [ __ ] Pierre well I don't give a good goddamn about Pierre was wait what was the name of the rat from ratatouille Remi cool I thought it was Pierre let's change the subject there's a single character in that movie codenamed fear probably not ocarina oakarina oakarina oakarina peopie's why does it always have to go there Aron because that's what my life is I eat the poo poos and I eat the people I will have this sickness in my ganda vengeance on boo-boos on PBS whenever you say Jack and I just run through a jack and Eggar Oh on the G - Oh T game game of throne oh god sorry shock and Hegar would be like unmanned jacks off a woman does not tell a man went to Jack our first task is to push the block towards the room once it hits push it right towards the north wall you know what I better show I better just show you the are you [ __ ] serious that's how simple it was I am the biggest idiot yeah on the face of planet Earth oh really it was just one push I'm the biggest idiot oh you're gonna hear about this dude I'm hearing about it from myself yeah look let me let me just kidding it's a minute twelve of this episode of course they've left commenting like I write I get it you can rescind your comments I feel stupid dude [ __ ] the comments started probably a minute four by minute 10 they were deeply personal I feel stupid mmm you don't and you can't blame me because I sure as [ __ ] haven't been watching hey what's up cheek hey baby how you doing dog meat a good one crazy red eye if you came here to me desert I strained it taking childish mine will turn to noble ambition young love will become deep affection the clear water surface repeat it just now listen to this song ok keep this in my ass yeah Wow yes well that's my mama yeah get out of ants please why are you in my house you got blue fire this is a cool flame who's coming up with ocarina of time rhymes oh yeah I was like Zelda SMAW Carina Zelda ma Carina and then just and then just suddenly Zelda you think you can beat the water temple in seven episodes really yeah should I be a Chevy wary of the fact that you did not say that with any confidence whatsoever like I liked I could totally be like you know what the very first cartoon of yours I ever watched was the poundcake one that was the first thing I saw and I was like this guy knows how to make 12 entertaining second instead of entertainment that was for the the Street Fighter collab on Newgrounds oh I don't even didn't even know that was a that was the review one because I just and so was the Dudley one actually who'd you collab with like everybody on Newgrounds there's the whole thing it was like Street Fighter collab and like everybody oh man grandpa tell me another story I had a bit that I was gonna do they did for Fox but they never used it okay it was it was called [ __ ] dad uh-huh it was like this dad that like [ __ ] with his kid the joke was that like the dad tries to troll the kid mm-hmm you know he's like he's like oh well you know what you gotta you gotta burp really loud and you know the girls will like you and stuff and he's like okey dad I trust you he's like oh you know you just gotta save all the bottle caps or whatever I don't [ __ ] know you know he's just like saying a bunch of [ __ ] mm-hmm but then like but then you see like all these newspaper articles of like the kid and like everything all the advice that he got from his dad paid off and now he's like a millionaire oh [ __ ] and then in at the very end it's like the dad like looking really mad at the newspaper he's like I can't read I love [ __ ] like that you're a terrible man to have kept me waiting for seven long years do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband I do and do you take this surah to be your lawfully wedded wife it's cool check it I'm just gonna float away oh nice yeah I need a deal with [ __ ] clams [ __ ] [ __ ] you what what ditch clan would happened that was wrong Oh was the gate gate open cuz it was like aw man you're gonna have to deal with these clams and I was like I don't give a [ __ ] about clams yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about lambs yeah Kevin please catch the last episode where you Aaron's like did you see that in that really girly boobs with me I mean of course but I really don't see what that has to do with anything going on right now because I got a lobotomy yesterday yeah I was gonna say you were not paying attention and now you're gonna say something unrelated cuz you did the whole [ __ ] like that it is important because getting like away from the microphone and like doing other [ __ ] and then you come back and you're like Godzilla is a monkey lizard not a monkey King Kong is the monkey watch this one I hit this and then you're like [ __ ] yes now that he suspects nothing all right I think we've had this discussion before oh [ __ ] yeah but I'm gonna [ __ ] him up okay I think we've had this discussion before go on show but uh just real quick Grape Ape kaiju or no kaiju oh my god it came right up yeah because he's a [ __ ] kaiju wait probably because I already had this discussion with rock goddammit it's Aaron Hanson on Twitter [Laughter] [Music] un-fuckin'-believable with me I've got Daniel one of these days we should just upload the intro like hey grab a browser grab our the game grabs on at the end of it tomorrow we'll have more riveting conversations it's gonna be good about my history we're gonna rivet the [ __ ] out of you my colored history intrude or and in between the red and cream look if I tried to [ __ ] memorize this whole temple you guys would be pissed at me so I'm presumably you're already but they they would not be pissed I need a long shot for that one would you stop everybody I can actually still hear you oh that's too bad flemm it's gonna replace every swear word in my vocabulary sake Scorsese Oh Kubrick director yeah that was really good Gus Van Sant dude you made it to the sacred tree oh the tree of loneliness the trees like I lasted Fred oh [ __ ] what jump down a water level outside your door water spout okay what tell me what you've learned William walk through look man I'm just I'm just trying to get through this whole thing yeah like all right [ __ ] this [ __ ] didn't whole like I'm just trying to [ __ ] get through it you see this temple is not hard minutes ago no dude it's not whatever bro oh boy I'm just trying to make gosh [ __ ] I'm just trying to make it easy on the guests watching our show yeah that's I don't want to be meandering all around and people were like even though this would be the one temple that people would totally forgive me for oh I think you're gonna say even though this would be the one time we've ever meandered around a temple and I was about to be like don't say that it's just the one time like our we'll walk outside the office and our cars will be on fire to the grumps I'm about to fight this [ __ ] yeah but first you're gonna read up I was looking this walkthrough right now like is this off like a secret way to beat it kind of it's just kind of like a cheesy way cool bring the cheese there we go no ID oh yes so naughty damn son yeah it's [ __ ] awesome oh and that's that Wow that's the water temple for all you plebs out there cheesy bastard did Rudo want to thank me yeah I know tell her I said what zip she'll know what it feel like you would like break your ears if you did that yeah it's a lot that's a lot of trouble or breeze as I like to what are you talking about you okay wow it's getting late whoa he's fine he's fine everyone's great skate ski ski die die die die die Oh is this fight too hot for TV that's that yeah so he teaches me this song this song that he hates the song that he hates he teaches me yeah he's like check out the song you played right I haven't played it yet oh now that I know it I can go back in time and play it for them and I'm that kid Jesus Christ yeah Terminator 2 I know no fate no fate but what we make smash into this guy I'm making a box baby this map kind of looks like you're looking at the lake from beneath a guy falling damn it never mind what it looks like you've been oh yeah like that the two farthest ones are his arms the front Torre's legs and you're just looking up at his butt and he's like wow you you know you got to do what's a little load up on your iron got a load up on your mag knees what is that well that makes you shoot your goo like a dude bro do you even realize what and what improvements you could make to your GU shooting I'm telling you man do you think they say that on magnesia bottles it's a Big Easy in bottles rather good for joint health stamina and GU shooting I don't know because I've never measured the distance but I do remember one time I was I was younger like I was like maybe 16 or something and I was like like kind of sitting but also kind of lying there I was just jerk it off and I was like I was so horny in those days because you know like you that you have no outlet like you have no girlfriend or at least I had no girlfriend and that's that's it and you have nothing to do you're just bored all day so I just shot it and it like shot like like right past my head and I had to be like walk like I dodged like just in time it was like some matrix [ __ ] just like a yo-yo I go back and forth yo back and forth on people liking me they're like cool I think he's funny and awesome and then they're like [ __ ] him for not liking games I like I couldn't [ __ ] target him because the shitty [ __ ] targeting system doesn't work I'm turning off my shitty target [Laughter] for snow I say oh you use it I speculate yeah use the shitty targeting system again yeah no get him get him god [ __ ] damn dude [ __ ] him [ __ ] dumbass [ __ ] targeting system [ __ ] [ __ ] him get him gam did I get him yo yo yo listen up to me everyday I have to go pee and I checked myself from the grump loom cuz I got to go poopoo boom-boom my butt out my butt what what yeah you think you can do better no all right give us a rap show us what you got then oh my god you know how like on iPhones for you who have them you can leave like you can create voice messages and like you get to title them and everything like little memos and so Aaron handed me his phone so I could look up something and I couldn't help but notice that oh I don't know reading for these randomly off the list big dick I love [ __ ] [ __ ] make to be peas and fart chamber no [ __ ] contact so so I wanted to pull up something that made and there's also eat healthy note to self fart chamber no I was I was making a Bruno Mars joke to a friend of mine like through like text message or whatever and I needed a Bruno Mars image and so I I looked it up and the first thing that came up was I'm gonna send this to Kevin was this article titled the rumor come out does Bruno Mars is gay allow me to take the next 20 seconds to read you an excerpt of the does Bruno Mars is gay rumor mill yeah cuz I've thought the same thing myself yeah dunno Mars is gay I have to know am i does this have to know Bruno Mars is gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago even it has happened in 2012 but some of the public's still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a room comes out about his gay oh my god I can't believe this is real dude at that time he became the massive social networking rumor the public especially his fans are shocked he just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively this time is not about his music career but his bad rumor the rumor is out of standardized of hoax what according to the last reported this singer revealed himself as homosexual do you still believe or not this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of his fans so I hope I hope that cleared that up for you so yeah he actually come out as gay I don't [ __ ] know you could glean anything from that really I can't imagine getting caught by your parents especially if like you're right at the penultimate moment now brother ride let it ride yeah whoa all right I just got a [ __ ] avoid blade yo it cuts right through your [ __ ] head well done Aaron Vernon is deserving of all the compliments in the world but he just can't take compliments yeah so if you're like hey Vernon you're looking good today or like hey man like you did a really great job on that show he'll be like thank you for the compliment like you can't predict what's going to be offensive to people down the line like oh there could be a word that we use all the time like blonde and and then like and you know a hundred years from that people are like you [ __ ] call people blondes back then that's [ __ ] on believable yeah yeah yeah pretty much but it's just like it's okay now yeah and listen nobody getting upset about of course I'll be the first to admit that blonde people are the straw-haired minions of the devil Oh bye I've had a lot of [ __ ] seltzer water today it's [ __ ] infectious weirdly just the feel of the bubbles on your [ __ ] tongue man yeah it's I feel a little bit like an addict a tasty delicious addict we do you do the do the flavored ones yeah I'm drinking it right now cool anyway I'm playing a guy trying a butt plug for the first time so and so and so and peppers here no it's so a pencil a pencil and pebbles here they yelled a lot now here's the question were they actually here yeah was that like just the thing to get people height does salt and pepper is here yeah they were young too when they did that I think they were like 17 or 18 when they did that song damn because they're only like 45 now and that songs from the 80s don't ever I think about young band artists or musicians or whatever I think a silver chair oh yeah like [ __ ] 15 and 16 when when the Frog stomp came out I think they said it best when they were like it's 12 o'clock and in do filled awful day cookies you get there he goes [Applause] [Laughter] Silver Chair in their final album I don't know maybe they did another one since then but like they had a song called straight from like waking up strong in the morning walking on a straight line like really [ __ ] catchy pop their owner Dan Snyder is Jewish so the onion this might be an old article but my friend just sent it to me the onion did an article headline is Redskins [ __ ] owner refuses to change team's offensive name denying widespread claims that the franchise is being offensive or disrespectful the Washington Redskins [ __ ] owner announced Monday that it was steadfast in his refusal to use derogatory name the shifty-eyed he went on to a surface power to preserve a James Brown era - oh [Laughter] god that's funny it's so cool they're all real skull I know those are all people it's [ __ ] cool and yeah well I don't know if they'd find it that cool they're not people anymore they're dead that's true you know what I hadn't thought of that oh yeah [ __ ] boy there is so much goddamn waiting in ocarina no ban and ship get on the safe platform Jesus oh jesus [ __ ] distracted me a doof oh you didn't abandon a ship got to do that super horrible at shooting his bombs holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Wow alright nice yeah so that I falls down I ever had jig [ __ ] you yeah but if there was like if there was like a bent off piece on the other side and then like this is a little more clear like looked like the wings or whatever yeah definitely that would have been super all that it's cool oh yeah so there you go there's a thing I respect about this game yep it is try to do [ __ ] environmental environmental hints that's great my mentor storytelling environment I will tell my ass right in the middle is [ __ ] menagerie and everyone was like wow do what you are taking your time look my nuts itch yeah I see that I see you really struggling I was it will they itch you know when you it's your nuts and then like it just doesn't help you don't itch your nuts Aeryn you scratch your nuts you're nuts can etch themselves whatever you know what I mean I do know what you mean you land a stickler for grammar when I'm talking about nuts [Laughter] all right on for that chest and give me what's inside I'm a pork this [ __ ] um I want to pork this [ __ ] please people are gonna think you're an idiot I don't feel like people use the word pork enough your stick is a hilarious term it is girls don't love it girl it girls don't like it when you when you whisper it into the even girls that like dirty talk when you whisper like I'm poor queue doesn't does it work doesn't work as well hilariously misogynistic I guess so poor Debbie it's just not you yeah it's it's not sexy at all I'd stay away from me please look it's like you could say like I'm gonna [ __ ] that girl and that could be Mossad like construed as misogynistic but also know plenty of girls who are like yes please [ __ ] say that [ __ ] I'm into it yeah but I cannot think of a single girl who's like yeah pork me yeah give me a nice pork and uh should we pause again until we get back there well how fast do you get that [ __ ] okay let's I could probably get there pretty fast okay you know how I am they call me master of gaming do not they sure do they sure do papa bear okay how did [ __ ] serious think I said her name shut up Siri oh shut the [ __ ] up Siri shut up you stupid goddamn it [ __ ] ass clown ass clown clown penis Todd fart we're here to help you hey conflagration man why you always judging me uh uh I'm gonna say words [ __ ] you man conflagration what does it mean I don't know but it sounds important welcome but it's got a lot of syllables he was gonna make me feel like a dummy oh yeah man why cuz I'm [ __ ] rocking all these hot jokes cuz they're pouring out of my soul yeah and then you know I just I feel like you don't like him no dude I actually what I'll tell you exactly what was happening in my brain yeah you you said something about wood and then I started thinking about Woodrow Wilson and then I started thinking about Teddy Roosevelt and then I thought about our day at the Museum where you told me all those facts about that Teddy Roosevelt was like an ass-kicking Western dude yeah meanwhile you thought meanwhile I'm just like [ __ ] schlepping off your joke I'm like a [ __ ] errand saying [ __ ] who cares and all the while I'm thinking about our delightful timing [ __ ] you [ __ ] you Teddy Roosevelt suffered from asthma and severe nearsightedness but still managed to kick more ass than a six-legged robotic ass-kicking machine with the kick-ass dial set to 11 Wow thanks Internet all right oh [ __ ] Oh Aaron oh god I'm so angry so angry at you it's so unnecessary whatever oh it's well at least I didn't waste the red potion what do you mean ways to rip I didn't waste it you you would have used it and then won the fight that's the opposite of wasting hey you his face finding out what my workers are doing over there all right cool Ned looks just like jacking off in a corner do ya I don't know what you think it's so mysterious you returned 12 days later you've got a long beard you're like yes like oh dude so before we started the session mm-hmm I need rice bad yeah dude I've never seen anyone more like angry for like such a long period of time and then so not angry after eating rice just white rice with soy sauce it's [ __ ] delicious did I just fall back in them you kidding me sure did are you [ __ ] kidding me right now Aaron no whatever dude it's confusing you [ __ ] you're dope there's a lot of [ __ ] in this game I've seen that like I think Nintendo would do anymore with a [ __ ] girl like shooting girls like the guillotine stuff the bloodstains and like some of the the darker like the shadow temple what's so bad about shooting girls I don't know [ __ ] what they can't they can't be shot to if you want true equality in this world men and women should both be shot I'm an adult virgins can't just pull the bow back it's like son of a [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is calling me wow it really Aaron hello you're gonna get some hate on this episode good job good job oh now you have to start the level over and you blew that phone call I don't know either [Music] oh my god Aaron yeah eat my [ __ ] blade you stupid stupid rude oh you're so rude oh oh god dammit what Jillian's you watch you [ __ ] go dad's [ __ ] [ __ ] this game [ __ ] Giroux knows fortress [ __ ] Ocarina of slime whoa that's inviting commentary right there [ __ ] sucks [ __ ] sucks dude grave are increasing it's so stupid I hate Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time it's the worst game ever maybe nobody should ever play this game masterpiece more like disaster fees come on am i right am i right you don't even really mean that you don't even really comment down below just hate ocarina please do everyone else oh oh oh man oh man I'm so don't even don't even with your purple Hammer pants where can you get more arrows of my [ __ ] huh go ahead and reach inside then please please yeah hey [ __ ] I figured it out iron is in a great mood I am so happy right now that I can share this experience with everyone there's a [ __ ] jungle I want blood on my hands I want it daddy give it to me daddy daddy oh baby I don't need to know you I just need to blow you that's my motto not entirely sure where that came from always worked out for me that's like haribol motto I'm giving blow jobs left and right and I don't [ __ ] care if you like giving [ __ ] and just [ __ ] just do it man just do it just give a [ __ ] who cares alright Hansard 2016 the first trial is pull my finger nice ii you can't walk across this river after you cross it wow it's so beautiful to her whatever time it came in really concentrated [ __ ] sandstorm yeah welcome to Cheesecake Factory try our dessert Colossus if you could find it in our phone book of a menu exactly oh boy well here I am at the desert Colossus we should go to Cheesecake Factory one day for all the [ __ ] we talk on it I go to cheese cheese factory constantly you really yeah it's like one of the most commonly ate at American restaurant thanks for our thanks for taking me all the time good ones have been recently okay now what's usually in Susy because we're like oh I don't want McDonald's so good so that's like if they if they like had focus groups and they were like why did you eat a cheesecake factory tonight they got that answer they would probably cry Cheesecake Factory is the best alternative to the worst food in the world yeah and also I had nothing better to present it's like so the master sword is a ship which you can say an upstream downstream two times river not the River Thames alright get there I'm a little child yo I've got orange hair how did I get it I don't know where [Music] give me up top for that top for that [ __ ] killer run thank you that's the first time you've asked me for a high-five in forever and it's amazing that that's the thing what man I just felt like give it up one time for the master I'm the borough of the wait didn't they say her name wasn't borough mm-hmm I know I'm thinking of Sapporo I'm the borough of the you but don't get me wrong I like things that girls like to I like ponies I like makeup but I also like getting sick you talking about no I like to board don't get me wrong though I like putting hair clips in my hair I like buying shoes but don't get me wrong I like getting vertical that's what you mean okay god yeah for a second felt you reminded me of that thing like where the that mean where the kid has like the sunglasses on and the spiky hair and he's like hey mom next time don't tuck me in this and he like points to the bed he's like tuck me in this and he points to like a shallow grave it's so [ __ ] weird slurp what kind of name is that anyway it's like [ __ ] stop I want to ask you a favor oh my gosh salted me three times now do you really want me to do something for you we go through this tiny hole and get a treasure that's inside whoa I think you'll be able to I miss Cleveland the show yeah the Cleveland Show my name is Cleveland Brown this show is not that good it was on full three seasons that was three but I did it anyway [Music] oh boy just watching your neck snap violently in several directions wow man I did not expect that imma get a little giggly it was like 30 verbs in one yeah it looked really satisfying it was like a Snickers packed with peanuts dude whoa we [ __ ] sponsored by Snickers already no but it is funny because we've been taking pictures with like random [ __ ] around the office and so we'll just grab like I don't know like Cookie Crisp or like Trident like those have been in like pictures for like Instagram and [ __ ] for jack-shit we get patron we have no brand deals but like although if Wendy's wants to [ __ ] have a brand deal they do it they don't how many times have you said that out loud I will sell out my soul for when it I will wear a [ __ ] Wendy's shirt everywhere I go every day for the rest of my life if you sponsor me Wendy's yeah it's still delicious it's got so much spirit that's what Ross said did he say he said it has spirit mm-hmm that's what he said was lacking about the new girl room you know what the spirit is the exact type of gum that I love delicious spirit gum boy that's refreshing isn't it is another type of gum like prosthetics on your face with the point is I'll get better I'll get better selling the product once they give me the brand deal or whatever the [ __ ] out my face that's not even a brand is it oh man ladders am i right they're useful ladders are [ __ ] weird dude come on ladders brand deal it's gonna be very upsetting for me to watch that movie what jaws yeah oh because you hate sharks I do well I don't hate them I'm just terrified of them well yeah I guess so yeah I don't I like I hate seeing them get killed like when when like people cut off their fins and then throw them back in the ocean that's so [ __ ] up what I will do that yeah for like shark fin soup and stuff what about you [ __ ] [ __ ] I know it's probably not even that good shark fin see you can make [ __ ] chicken soup yeah noodle soup and all you have to do is murder a chicken come on people get with it I feel I feel much worse about eating chickens that I do about 80 turkeys yeah because turkeys are jerky [Music] remember that that's my [ __ ] formal campaign against turkeys turkeys and turkeys 2016 Dan have it there yeah vote for me yeah if you vote for me turkeys or turkeys yeah yeah yeah there's like no like call to action or anything running strong yeah by turkey jerky plan and if I am elected turkeys are Jerky's and everyone's like okay what is the guy that we're actually gonna vote for I mean like we're all mad as hell but I don't know if this is where the anger should be directed and you should be mad as hell because turkeys are turkeys can you can you shoot that gem without having to shut about it no I just got a jump at it all right neat it's no big deal it's fun oh yeah how many times what Bart burp - this happening something would barb do this is zero times no one's ever done that yes I love Wendy's don't [ __ ] make fun of Wendy's Wendy's doesn't [ __ ] up your colon it makes you [ __ ] poop really well that is it's like a magic yeah you might say control do you want to hear what it said again no you just said it's the last thing you're gonna say I will continue to watch you hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo yeah that's not creepy I will continue to watch you Oh looks like I have to keep the silver goblets gonna shame oh what a bummer anyway see you later yeah well good luck with it you fiends ganondorf's minions oh that's why she [ __ ] joined him slurp don't look at me you short piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] they're using black magic [Laughter] we can't the racist know you would but if your mass was like oh you're just like crazy dense yeah ah [ __ ] there we go whoa that's oh nice job fart peace [Music] okay Wow you can't we have seen that too many times you can't visually see it but I was slowly putting a gun into my mouth and shaking the first time you see it you're like wow this is really creative and maybe the fortieth or like I had oh please sweet embrace of death come from me before this is over [Laughter] watch the two they added a new verse yeah what about the life raft yeah yeah I know I was like what the [ __ ] is this I stood up and screamed it yeah there's a mirror right here yeah don't-don't-don't quietly pot oh I told you I'm abstaining from doing drugs all this pot so he's trying to get me all this peer pressure that's what this is a temple represents did you ever see that um that poster is probably by like a religious group but it was like I tried weed and now I'm gay very very strong organic true story oh sure sure happens all the time happens to me constantly every time I try weed I'm gay and then I you straighten out I stop being whatever it is yes we've been talking for a while there's no need for Pleasant anyway I was this is stupid [Music] Wow well yeah a little bit yeah it's it I feel like it's the brown note yeah where you [ __ ] yourself yep yeah that's a real thing it's not it is Brian studied music theory and he told me was true and Brian would never ever [ __ ] with me for any reason they did on Mythbusters what they did the brown note yeah they do everything on Mythbusters [ __ ] a frequency so low that you [ __ ] yourself yes they did an episode on the brown note and guess what they couldn't find it yeah I can't believe it they did find the note that can shatter glass though ooh what's that I don't know it's whatever like everyone's computer screen breaks it's [ __ ] ice a switch why would it forget it I [ __ ] myself my god the brown-nose yeah I really don't get it it's like there you go yeah now you gotta hit her oh great there you go yep I sure did it and it really knocked it out of the park goddamn I'm a [ __ ] Slugger okay whoops [ __ ] stop already doing I don't want religion in my game what oh my god yeah wow that's [ __ ] up all right Kathy they got sucked up into the nightmare that is heaven Kathy could you come in here and we need a little voiceover okay what do you want me to say could you uh wail like a [ __ ] dying banshee cat by the way I really messed up you see I told the guy I was on the pill now I don't know what I was I'm just a small-town girl from Giroux del Valle and now I'm gonna fight them as one of those things changes tune in to NBC this summer for another high episode of balls in my mouth do you have time you overcome many hardships in a week at six ages why'd you do to Batman all of a sudden in a in the fan I showed em again yeah if you would seek the secret triangle listen well the resting place of the sacred triangle the sacred realm is a mirror that reflects that voice reminds me of something the heart of the one evil heart the realm compute it pure the wrong we call paradise what does this remind me of Oh funny the trifle it is a balance forces power wisdom encouraged it's like the opposite of the California girl thing that like everything ends in a question mark Lee it's the heart of one who hugs the stick a triangle like you that it ends up like in an exclamation point if the whole [ __ ] I miss that was hard Triforce with Sabrina through part no you must buy oh [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] yeah yep is yep yes wait did he trade places with that is Zelda yeah sheik is zelda yep are you [ __ ] [ __ ] all over both of my nuts nope no [ __ ] way yeah but [ __ ] like but she was such an ass-kicker just print as Princess Zelda like badass a karate [ __ ] kicks ass no watch bro no that's such a crazy plot twist yeah that's awesome there's so many times where I like let it slip where I was like there's Sheik she's right there I mean he just like [ __ ] idiot oh [ __ ] dude yeah that's why I gave her like manly voices and [ __ ] and just completely throw you off get the [ __ ] out of here oh my god now I do remember like a bunch of times oh wow you actually did like almost everything you could to blow that here's your chance to say it in the voice if you take me while I do my part please protect my part while you do me and here's the weapon that can penetrate the evil Kings defense oh yeah it's on your heart it's it's good for thrusting just copy the chosen one oh she's like can you shoot those and then you get them like with the hookshot and Sedna ah it works sorry befool I feel like I remember doing that one time not these ones okay you can't do with these ones because either special meat yeah they're special to me hey there's a heart that I'll take damage getting they wrote me a [ __ ] letter and they were like and you're a special and so are we how about it look you're in the Duke oh no my apricot exploded what am I to eat I put in my son odd Oh God there was a gross fish creature in my apricot all right she was doing the Jason X movie oh they sell my game grabs I'll finally do this purple one whoa so get ready for that [ __ ] that's also what you said right before you had sex with grimace at the local McDonald's and Mayor McCheese yeah you wouldn't have a threesome with grimace and Mayor McCheese you know now that you mention it there's one it's very famous would you rather it is is it really hits would you would you rather have the faint sound of children's playground chatter emanating from your crotch or get double-teamed by grimace and Mayor McCheese are you serious you think I could just make [ __ ] like that up you think I'm that kind of comedy bastard I would go with the double-team would you write wait what was the other one have to have the sound of the faint it really doesn't matter I would go with the machismo 100b and I can't I haven't seen Austin Powers in forever okay so I gotta get some [ __ ] magic in my this [ __ ] level just destroys your magic well I mean as long as like you don't like knock open any pots filled with magic and they go uselessly off a cliff good call [ __ ] me I know what to do yeah get into my barf worm god damn it [ __ ] this [ __ ] stupid purple room [ __ ] [ __ ] purple [ __ ] room [ __ ] this purple room yeah dude if you're gonna be throwing that many extra notes and you're gonna need to put three fingers to your here that's true yeah that's the move and close your eyes for God's sake do you know anything about singing terribly I don't damn it would be cool if like you were uh if people only heard the last thing that you said to them so like you could be like man I hate you you're kind of stupid and ugly and I don't know I hope you die Hey and they were just like hey hello hi so nice it's Dan Oh gee-whiz like the scene in Mystery Men hello I'm not hot like some of the other sages are hot but I'm not one of them thanks for reviving let's go into the tunnel of your mind to think about how hot I am I'm going to go to hang out with all the hot ones now and all of the hutton why did you summon me away from the hot tub we have a hot we built a hot tub in our little area cuz we just got bored he's [ __ ] awesome I want a hot tub so bad I would love a hot tub oh you know what's not gonna happen no not man why not I don't know man it's [ __ ] just like so like [ __ ] yacht owners do okay yeah you get a yacht tub a hot tub that's [ __ ] three miles long and floats on the ocean Oh that'd be awesome and then when it sinks no one would even notice because it's already filled with water except I would cuz I'd be like [Laughter] this yacht tub is unsinkable because what it sinks it just becomes part of the ocean the whole oceans a yacht tub exactly but like I said I just watched a video on youtube of a [ __ ] baboon eating a gazelle in the wild right and and the gazelles like alive and like head like the bamboo is like eating its ass oh no like it's just eating it from like the ass for gazelles just like every time the the [ __ ] baboon takes a plate oh no it could horrifying to watch and it's like okay we're not doing that what a sad way to end this episode yeah on the plus I though you did say ass so pretty good ah [ __ ] I've been there like that's their mo dude that's baboons em O's they just [ __ ] grabbed gives baby gazelles and the mama gazelles like and then they [ __ ] just eat it from the ass up well the gazelles still alive they don't like crack its neck or anything isn't that it isn't that the idea of like vegetarians like we're and I'm not this is not my belief but I've heard this like we are quote-unquote above animals and we're like separating ourselves from monkeys because we are a more advanced whatever the [ __ ] species I mean we can be like we're like we're the species that is smart enough to have like morality so like you know that kind of thing morally obligated to eat delicious things say it [ __ ] say it spread tartar sauce on other people's philosophies and dreams I just next time I gave a girl it's like eating meat yeah it's healthy for me it deficit I I'm not gonna come down on you for it you know yeah I'm nice to [ __ ] I'm nice to insects bro are you yeah me too except for mosquitoes mosquitoes can [ __ ] die yeah mosquitoes can kiss my ass but they will if they all died then I think a major part of the ecosystem gets [ __ ] up mosquitoes yeah aren't they just disease-carrying monsters bully I guess animal eats them or like something but something about like water or something like we need wow you clear that up they like fertilize some kind of plant or something do they really yeah [ __ ] I don't know I just heard they're important for some reason maybe they're not next time on game grumps okay I'm a horrible monster the eats creatures and I don't know anything about wildlife are you there I said it welcome to [ __ ] game grumps Dan apparently doesn't like [ __ ] funky jazz about having a baby because I have played him a little Eliza Fiore oh I'm a [ __ ] favorite jazz singer and then [ __ ] dancehall like what is this [ __ ] I didn't say that I didn't say that I said what is this and then I felt bad inside he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] though you can take it take a good beating that [ __ ] can really take a pound oh yeah he's puckered right up he never gets loose epic enough for you yeah I mean because you didn't do a little animation oh this is so [ __ ] boring come on cam yeah boy and you aren't gonna talk [ __ ] on this game with a very bitter end yeah I can't you know what the credits are gonna be rolling and you're gonna be like Arial font I want you to watch that but [ __ ] yeah baby pretty like both Nicki like you ready for my B game [Laughter] [Laughter] good for you cuz it is like chasing the [Laughter] crabs oh [ __ ] don't want that happening oh yes all the like gaffes when you get hit she's actually what I'm fighting for you [ __ ] you I probably drink some goo yes she screams again / / Oh blood everywhere as many Final Four oh yeah right in the [ __ ] snoot all this magic power and [ __ ] music ancient creators of Hyrule now open the sealed door and send the evil incarnation of darkness into the void of the deeper realm excavating point just said get him you could have just said that do the thing get him get Ganon three four five and me black guy sorry sorry it's it's an affirmative action thing kind of like it now from that think your [ __ ] I'll make sure to go back in time and tell you that to be such a dick to you also a my time to get therapy cuz that crab thing really yeah yeah I mean she's got to talk that I was someone when Peter dreams to Hyrule it'll be time for us to say goodbye [Laughter] fifteen your lost time oh where you're supposed to be home but with the fries you make oh this is a nice ending now this is this is what I wanted yeah everyone partying having a good time Super Mario Club ooh the debugging staff a wizard's most powerful weapon take that long I was like what the [ __ ] is he talking about yeah so many almost hotties I've got bugs all over me I've got bugs don't worry
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 1,771,390
Rating: 4.8779702 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, laughter, laughing, danny, ocarina of time, zelda
Id: jmXUPrz__20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 4sec (8404 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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