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welcome back everybody how deep is the bit go it is the rematch of the rematch of the rematch what a great day to [ __ ] your whole life up let's party baby it's property' doesn't actually gallop yeah it is weird it's just like gods like yes I'll buy you would I am dude do you not love my hotness and now I go again yes you do cuz you wrote do blaze is ridiculous but you're already like checking out I hate this [ __ ] I can't believe you it's a railroad oh the railroad will be mine with the money that I just made on my last chance the other railroad is it really yeah [ __ ] you dude we [ __ ] give it to me oh I hate this give it to me hard hmm however you're still up $100 from Lana and go wow you can [ __ ] suck a hot one dude like you're already so like aggressive like I just don't love your tone hey I'll give you um 50 bucks for the states Avenue really will you yeah cool so no it's just cool that you do that oh you will never ever get States Avenue what the hell dude because that's how you win or lose I'm trying to give you like Park Place or something what about being a cool bro yeah whatever happened to that you could be a bro for me it's kind of messed up though like you go around the board and you just like rent a place like you're just like like you like a hotel room or something like you should be able to find like tenants yeah I mean this is all about being a horrible person yeah this game this is Airbnb the game like they called it totally you [ __ ] hmm I'll stab you hi do it I'll buy it I'll chop off your [ __ ] legs and then all mortgage it you can mortgage stuff like while you're buying it really I think so I know that I did not know that how do I get out of here Oh entered I see it now there's so much crap in front of the TV no that's right you have your entire lightsaber collection and like stacks of dumbbells [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] 50 bucks making making money sucks no oh you're lucky with us oh I like making money honey all right what is this oh it's my own chance you're sent to a glue factory hey dude so no and your turn I'm not but now oh but you could yeah okay how about this what no Aaron in the years that we've been playing Monopoly no deal you've ever proposed has been even remotely advantageous to me I was about to give you an advantageous deal really this was gonna be the first time uh-huh why don't you tell me what it was good I was gonna give you two of my magenta properties for one of your mortgaged greens Oh very advantageous for you that is interesting uh-huh but now you're not gonna no no yes now that you asked me why of course what I do that of course [ __ ] yeah enjoy your [ __ ] Garvin's Marvin wow you don't even know me oh my god no no no this is for me purchasing oh no oh no handle roll again you legally own a handgun in LA Lena more my railroads you coq10 I just did holy [ __ ] boy that is karma if ever I've seen a hate it no no no is it no no I hate this yeah I think there's so much let the cock-blocking begin I'm so [ __ ] furious right now oh no the [ __ ] tax it's yes you can't afford it oh yes you can dammit Jesus boy it's it's so stressful playing against you because like you do all the [ __ ] talking or someone who's winning even when you're not working yes no okay but I still like my heart still do the stinking good okay I wanted to evoke cortisol in your veins what would you [ __ ] do this to me now you will truly taste the taste of my own penis I'm at least gonna mortgage everything that like you have something in Lea you're never giving me that yellow what do you mean I'm never giving you that yellow of your I've offered you that yellow three times it's one property that I've offered you how do I mortgage this guy got no chance now cuz you're not gonna give me anything unless I [ __ ] fill you up with you see what else am I wasting my time without veins on my forehead thickening I will give you mhm my to magentas if you give me the mortgage green same deal same deals before you'll own that corner yes give me give me a couple turns I see how the money goes the money's gonna go in your favor [ __ ] famous same deal make me look like a jerk looks like you're not gonna make any money keep talking trash dude I'm your only lifeline goodness me alright are you coming back to the negotiation table I'm coming back to the negotiation - uh-huh cuz I'm here we go because I'm what listen uh-huh I will give you yes the two magentas if you give me the green yes what do you think and turn please more than three I've been on this side of the board for like eight turns and roll the dice and don't offer anything I've got a deal just go just go oh my god about the entire game I know the game is going this agony I've changed my DS have you I will give you my two Reds if you give me your one green your two reds that's it is right it's a good deal tempting not quite not not quite yet I'm gonna [ __ ] give you a lobotomy well I'm telling you I'm not gonna I'm not doing any deals for like five more turns oh you freak yeah yeah give me five turns that's not that many did we five turns to get off one side of the board in the last go through I must mortgage B&O Railroad I know but I can't I can't risk like missing up a color set if I roll a 4 over 4 would be bad oh dude say my stupid technique paid off I love it oh my god I would have been a dollar short and you would have laughed at me you would have laughed what difference would it be when I had a more useless orange but you would have been all in my face about it it's true absolutely true it's even the point anymore trade fun it is fun but be the heck and landlord stop winning it's making me lose just a turtle who keeps going to jail society never gives me a chance anymore the saddest episode of The Wind in the Willows let's make it interesting uh-huh I've got a property that would be right up your alley what's that Aaron tell me all about it have you heard of two magentas I'm listening what if you gave me your green mm-hmm what do you think Peron there's no point in me doing that what do you mean there's no point then you'd have this nice clean section of the this like the L shape no that'd be great but I don't have the money to like build anything on it yeah but you will when you pass go because there's nothing that's gonna kill you so if I may translate what you're saying yeah I'm on a I'm on an entire world right now with no danger would you like to make a deal that will create danger for you oh my god you're so wealthy fifty bucks dude and I'm only gonna keep getting more wealthy unless we do the trade that's total horseshit it's not worship because then you'll have more properties to put down land once on the things that you're headed towards right now you'll owe me $600 and a roll of the dice how how's that gonna happen how frequent is that gonna happen let's say you own half the board it'll happen much faster maybe happens if you roll a four six or seven I'm not going to there's a seven thank you [Music] you wanna make a trade iron I'm starting to feel like comfortable with trades now well now you're gonna have to make it worth my while here is the mother-effing deal yes same deal what I'll give you the blue as well I don't need more properties fine a kiss on the cheek I know in the comments they're gonna be like Dan's a [ __ ] [ __ ] but it's like what am I supposed to do man yeah just the roles went my way this time okay hey hold on different deal this time okay I will give you both magentas for the red that I just landed on sweeten the pot what do you think makes more interesting for me okay you know what you're absolutely right five more sir I want Baltic I want I'm gonna let you make the deal okay you roll a six eight or a nine and we'll talk let's see well thank you Erin that is cool of you yep how about now that I gave you what you did you just hand over Baltic to me I don't really want that I want look Brown well Jesus okay yes deal I just burdened me dude I have to have to pay the mortgage he just gave you boardwalk for one give it to me you gave me debt is what you gave your mad at me I am but I'm too spent why I'm mad at you Donna che I'm mad at you because it's not fair trade if you give me Baltic that's giving me value you gave me dead you can't read dead I mean I guess in subsets you're correct in some sense yeah in Ulsan I gave you a chance to win when you had no chance to work I didn't have no chance really well you said I have no chance it's just why don't I just give up in comparison to Baltic alright look Dan yeah let's make a deal here I feel like you're driving me nuts oh yes oh yes oh here we go to the Lord gift me hey alright two hundred dollars well at least it's st. Paul Charles place they don't judge is that it that's it that's it that's that's it that's it oh baby and I had fun this wasn't unusually one-sided game yeah you're gonna need to try to avenge yourself because I absolutely took you behind the woodshed last time yes you did thanks for finding me or are we playing haunted yeah we're playing The Haunted Bruges we've never played the haunted one have we not I shake and roll the dice all right here I go I think that was you that was me I went first and of course I'm gonna buy it you fool no all right you think I'm a fool for not doing that foolish thing and I'll purchase this know why right away because then it ruins your chance at getting all of those genius it's a do bleh oh you got the brand plan Barry I did getting all the properties you [ __ ] this is starting early aha over Hale room no [ __ ] you're cutting into all of my damn investments you're like [ __ ] Bernie Madoff over here not I'm doing the exact same thing you're doing oh are you yes you're right you're mad yes yes that's fantastic Oh easy come easy go and you get to roll again you did it Aaron are you [ __ ] this amazing never seen that before are you serious you're like a guy good for you Dan yes vampire Manor thanks Aaron you know I own the game grumps Fran's so technically it's mine since your name is grump oh wow you must pay this place you must put your hand in the players pants seven yes [ __ ] god yeah dog gotta be but [ __ ] me oh that's [ __ ] awesome give me a goddamn break [ __ ] really holy crap how's the point of playing even more Oh [ __ ] come on threading the needle on damn turquoise property my only hope aside from the orange property which is also my only hope you own bones oh I own bones she is Erin you are so touchy well look man you already have a mono/poly alright fine I'll take that yeah dude [ __ ] you know complaining about good [ __ ] I didn't complain when I got good [ __ ] I just complained about the chance of not getting to the [ __ ] which is all the time yeah everyone say that green I just started rolling maybe afterwards okay that one green well what do you give me you won't give me a monopoly no you already have one I will trade when it's it's more fair and even I will trade when I damn well will benefit from it and you will not know when we both benefit from it nearest railroad I own it Mazel Tov gets you closer to go it sure does but doesn't mean anything if I'm not hitting [ __ ] properties hey property alright oh no that was my last chance aside from the oranges stop fibbing I'm not fibbing you are one who fibs what do you think I'm trying to trick you no you're just you're just trying to elicit sympathy from the audience oh when I act like a petulant child yeah it always works and would you trade the orange for the green eye that that's a strong I would definitely think about it there's no way I'm gonna get a monopoly now because you oh cool so you're the only monopoly so yeah you would have to really sweeten the pot because here at a position of lack of strength the pot is sweet I'm giving you a lesser I'm giving you a better property for your lesser property no it's an equal trade man that's not an equal trade orange is all the way on the other side of the [ __ ] board they're like literal opposites just the fact that how upset you are that I won't trade shows me that I'm doing the right thing and you know that's true wants something to happen there it is oh okay I don't care about the six dollars it's the principle of it please I solemnly swear that before this episode is over Aaron and I will make one trade what it's we put it out there it's a thing now dude yep it just happened that's a really good cliffhanger yeah I know oh is it happening I'm gonna buy a house oh you're gonna buy what do you mean is it happening I thought you're gonna sell but why would you do that Oh for a second I thought you were stupid you forgot to play doesn't it all sound like that oh [ __ ] where it's parked right next to the cool boy that needs five and not six nine is not what I asked for at all wait a second oh that's the full [ __ ] moon well yeah gig you could win money go advance to go haunted railroad don't you have that one oh my god yeah you pesco know that's the one I don't have Wow know that worked out really well oh [ __ ] alright neato we split those railroads dog alright I'll buy it alright sorry I'll do that trade now no without mortgaging it oh really yeah throw in your pink know what your East are you i insane i am altering the deal pray I don't alter it further a last chance man it's a pretty good deal no because I'm the only one that has a chance at a monopoly right now so you you got to give up more you know that's true but then you'll have to monopolise a very high-value monopoly by the way correct how are you gonna profit why are you so lucky at monopoly every time you're lucky every time have I won a single monopoly yeah oh yeah one I think you've won multiple really oh yeah oh [Music] thanks fine I will give you my two mortgaged pinks yeah if you give me your yellow your green and $200 no well hold on we're not done here yeah I'll I'll do the green and two hundred dollars but not the yellow all right we roll on but you're always trying to drive a hard bargain when you're not in a position to do so I'm still dead still a weak deal on my end I you only have two unmoor get one property ID after all mortgage three yeah but you have the money to do it well do I now that you took my thirty-six dollars oh I got cursed again seriously I think I did oh my [ __ ] coming out yeah I do it [ __ ] for this finally oh goodness me [ __ ] [ __ ] I all of my trade offers have been in your favor that's not absurdly your you cannot even remotely prove that that's accurate it is I always give you higher level higher valued properties for your lower low you value properties and yours are usually more mortgage than mine oh well in a vacuum that would be correct but in the real world because you couldn't possibly get monopolies and I could like you need to give more because that's your only way to win that's exactly what happened last game and you called me a Jew you said Dan Susy was like what's wrong Aaron and you said Dan's [ __ ] me on the rent I did not say that I would never say that out I will give you the two Pink's for your two railroads it's a pretty fair deal I'll do that deal if you give me 50 bucks as well you're really gonna you're really gonna rake me over the coals on this one break you over the coals you really really four spots on the board they're worth $200 is your only chance this is your only chance back into the game I'm just trying to hedge my bets here yeah and you're let's make it 25 bucks oh great fine all right cool that's negotiating baby you did it you landed on one of them that's amazing are you serious that's amazing you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me all right I'll waive the $25.00 you know what like I don't know if this is more or less upsetting than the last game of the state that this is in right now why is that well cause it's like oh now I have a monopoly yeah but like you have all the [ __ ] railroads I was like my one thing that was my thing man took my face Wow I was the railroad guy I'm the one who conducts all right everybody welcome in I'm laughing about the fact that if the visit lake if the positions were reversed you'd be like hey what's up everyone what about that lovely to cross the world and yeah and I think my frustration with losing in game grumps is directly proportional proportional proportional to how many times you say yes when something goes your way because the feeling of the worst thing happening and the other person celebrating immediately leg goes right into like the kid part of my soul so like first grade stuff wow that's evil I don't know if that we're gonna be able to get a whole episode of the railroads are pretty friggin evil I forgot about yeah I know I was the railroad guy no oh no not the Oracle not the Oracle are you gonna land on every word oh really that doesn't happen that's not a real thing that happened yeah it's never happened to me shut your [ __ ] trap you'd only think about desperate times try owning a touring company during the car Backstreet Boys reunion tour suck my dick is that a game ender what is that is that an ender of the game oh yeah baby yeah oh my god we're gonna make we're gonna swing a trade that allows you to keep playing whatever it takes okay whatever it takes whatever it takes to get you there but for I mean obviously first you have to give up every last shred of your [ __ ] alright there it is Wow we did it we did it Erin you're still in the game still alive all right Ernie we're officially an uncharted monopoly territory if I roll a six oh my god that'd be hilarious really for that the game with its like I know what you're doing and forget it two four or six would be amazing there's a four oh my god I think that's 552 I need nine dollars yeah yeah and yet there's not nine dollars to be found let's do a trade okay I'll change it ten dollars for one dollar [Music] hey wow congratulations wait I have an idea only unknown property get it for free there for one dollar oh it starts at 1000 all right well I'd better withdraw oh wait can you know yeah I can bid walk hi I got four 11 bucks nice hey man good for you gotta withdraw you really got to be an active participant in your own demise okay straight up straight up fair well okay I'll deal deal ally I just [ __ ] told you what do you want to trade all right see mortgage properties do you want to unmoor good now yeah I'll repay the mortgage all right tonio really worked like this yeah this would be awesome if this was life hello manage properties put a butcher who tells all these puppies oh dear okay you know what Aaron yeah this was when it was destined this one might be done Yin rings well we love you and we hope this was is enjoyable for you as it was for us or me mostly but I think you had fun you had more fun this time sure yeah let's say yes let's say that I did great
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 344,708
Rating: 4.9515486 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, egoraptor, danny, arin, salt, rage, monopoly, victory, deal, trade, won't trade, nsp, best moments, laughter moments, comedy, best of, compilation, switch, ps4, anger
Id: ok_HpZ5iz94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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