Game Grumps: Best of Doki Doki Literature Club!

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hey I'm not Zhukov and where the gang grass hello doki-doki literature club literature club all these girls have different color eyes I have the song smell your dick stuck in my head and a lot of people requested this game yeah it's just those are three facts yeah I mean it's just it's just it's just like any other dating game kind of funny so I'm in doing hopefully you'll enjoy it typical see your because I decided to stop and wait for you thinking about knowing me get bigger hands I made this out of dragon skin after all I guess you don't have it in you to be mean even if you wanted where are you safe and you're just a member I'm looking at city made cupcakes and everything cupcakes don't make promises you can't keep I can't tell it stop can't tell say aria is really that much of an airhead or if she's so cunning is to have planned all this out I let out a long sigh a glance around the room welcome to literature it's a pleasure meeting you she always says nice things about that has to be you I'll never keep way to kill the atmosphere oh what a nice surprise welcome to the club Oh words escape me in the situation except for dot dot dot this club is full of incredibly cute girls my favorites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me Twilight mostly you ever read Clifford the Big Red Dog and telling a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive you ever read Clifford goes to school that was a real foreign world for him but you know I like a lot of things like Clifford makes a friend stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well is it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop just like in Clifford tear The Revenge wasn't expecting that one anywhere I've been reading a lot of horror lately anyway I'm gonna go write my Clifford exonic fanfiction next time on game grumps oh yeah next time I gave grabs well really get to the heart of things system intense plot now that we have a new member I think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other and strengthen the bond of the club let me just crinkle my neck for a second processing processing pain receiving pain how cool in order to distract you from you thinking that I am a robot and not a human please write poetry I will not Google poetry and bring in a printed-out copy of some else's work isn't that right friend errand I still have other clubs to look at and um I lose my train of thought all four girls step back at me with dejected eyes oh that is super sad actually but but I'm sorry I thought you all oh I'm sorry you all I'm defenseless against these girls how am I supposed to make it clear how to decision when it's like this I hate girls okay I've decided that I'll join the literature Club now rise one by one the girl's eyes light up one by one that goes eyes light up first Monica's left eyes lighting right eye only a figure of expression if you really just gave me the cupcake that'd be super pissed then that makes it official eat my hair welcome to the literature Club the hallway my mind wanders back and forth between the four girls see yari Natsuki Yuri and robot well I really be happy sending it spending every day after school and a literature Club perhaps I have the chance to grow closer one of these girls it's time to write pop yay pick words you think your favorite club member would like something good might happen with whoever likes you palm the most Oh Luffy okay so who should we appease I don't know I like I like say Ori the most see Ori yeah so she's like wonderful and sunset I bet she's incongruent congruent I know I don't know what don't ya welcome you can appease Monica that's interesting death let's go ahead with climax yeah good for you Yuri cheeks yeah time puppy sooo what hello again friend Aaron glad to see you didn't run away on us hot hot this is day two oh man hi alright I'm in I'm in readiness all right look I'm like I'm genuine a emotionally invested now keep going let's keep doing it I am very excited it's happens every [ __ ] time yeah dude well the story's gonna really pick up pretty soon excellent so you all right Toby did you enjoy any clubs it's deer just come here and hang out of what but if you what's in the air of it I didn't want you to feel left out so I picked out a book that I thought you were to joy its clue for the big run it's a short read so should keep your attention because they're stupid even if you don't usually read it stupid and we could you know discuss if you wanted this is we could tear out the pages just spread it out of your bed and [ __ ] on it that cool do you like Huey Lewis in the news how is this girl accidentally being so cute there's a lone volume of manga manga manga a manga look juicy and delicious carry as I pull it out of the stack not skew snatches out of my head don't touch my [ __ ] she then turns to a box no I said she turns into a box of Meg another part of hers become a manga she then turns to a bot she turns to a and slips the volume right into the middle of the rest where that matter it doesn't I was just curious since you enjoy baking too right that's like at whatever kid it's every because it's Anna manga I feel bad for anyone that's impressionable definitely not a coincidence pay no attention to my goat eyes yeah oh man so cute even though you're just watching me read if you say so no it's very difficult is breathing through this one tiny nostril Natsuki suddenly notices how close she's gotten to me I mean just imagine it all so we're still sitting over by the window yeah she hastily slides yourself a good 12 inches away from me not far [Laughter] all right guess I'll stop here for now guess I'll just unspool this two-foot cough I call it the firehose I closed the book and hand it towards NAT Sookie on the other hand Monica wrote hers in a composition notebook like in imperfect binary I can already see Monica's pristine head it's it's this thick as a dictionary I can already see Monica's pristine handwriting from where I said it's almost as if it was printed Natsuki [Laughter] we'll see about that [Music] [Music] if it wasn't for you oh my [ __ ] my face all the time in my oh man best-selling product I love the character Starbuzz the hardest to restock call up the company directly who's yelling that at our producer Jim Roach who was dying did you just say a word about Monica like heads completely [Laughter] was a terminator like red grid of like her point of view like what she what she should do and like a through C is kill and say hello say hello hello this is your first time writing a poem right uh yeah why do you ask I'm just making sure I guess that I guess that might be a for reading through it uh so it's that bad no it reminds me of Clifford's birthday party mixed with Clifford the firehouse dog did I just raise my voice I'm so sorry I'm as embarrassed as Clifford the Big Red Dog was in Clifford's good deeds needless to say not an ultimate copy I googled a list of all the Clifford the Big Red Dog books we'll be referencing them you he buries her face in her hands it does not really look like that no I couldn't help but notice it my face is down here it's good her hair face it's been several minutes that we haven't really got anywhere hey welcome back so we just discovered uh huh that uh the piano and the flute or whatever in the background they're that they're like out of it they like suck at playing it's just what it's just one part it's gonna take a minute to loop around but like okay so that one's good then to the next it's on dude this one's good too yup very good and it's like alright Timmy you did great at the recital it's just one more one more round to bring it home oh man I kind of loved it it kind of adds to the charm alright so who do you think it's only a ten second loop yeah they I mean they could have rerecord it I think I should go before now I say go with Monica here's Monica's writing tip of the day yeah sometimes when you're writing a poem or a story your brain gets too fixated on a specific point if you try too hard to make it perfect then you'll never make any progress it's like a fortune cookie that comes out of her mouth sorry I barf paper also lottery numbers are on the back just force yourself to get something down on the paper and tidy it up later I was at a Japanese restaurant in New Jersey and I got a fortune cookie and on the back it was like won a second fortune and then it had like a calm wool like that is weird in linked lottery tickets on them yeah I'm like I don't know how to try again this is taking me out of out of the moment out of the Buddha gave me this from under a tree moment that's that's where they get fortune cookies from yeah right a mug under a tree is it Confucius I don't know I can't figure out if it's a win or a loss that she liked my poem in any case you still need to show me yours right I am always watching he goes can't fight my kids can't club cake it's kid late oh my god oh do you think that's bad oh it's good it did the catching froggy music that's not an excuse for you to be so mean you shouldn't pick a fight just because someone's opinion is different sorry but I'm not even french fries are baked or chips result how embarrassing take a walk and clear my head say Ari [ __ ] take the potato No without warning that's who I permit so I can continue until I get home whereupon I'll find my emergency stash of home potatoes in that case we'll do the same thing to you Mario and maybe you learned something from your friends too so your poems will trip battery low battery low out even better once we lean in a little bit our shoulders are almost touching at second base it feels feels like my left arm is in the way so instead I use my right hand to hold the book open Yuri takes her left arm and hold the left side of the book between your thumb and forefinger I do the same on the right side of the book oh that way I turn the page in your slides in under a flipster side base put in holding it like this leave it before it's actually kind of distracting me as if I can feel the warmth of your space in the corner my vision are you ready to turn the page sorry on this relation again her eyes meet I don't know how be able to keep up with it that's okay you're not as used to reading right I don't mind being patient if it takes a bit longer it's probably least I could do since you were so patient with me my own volition who can sit the first pitch for pence each page almost feels like an intimate intimate exchange my thumb gently let it go as a pitch letting it flutter over to her side she catches it at her home thumb hey Yuri this might be silly thought but the main character Kara might save you a little bit you think so how does she I guess she's more Bloods in a lot of ways but she also said guess all the things she says it does like she's afraid she'll do something rock it's all I got you seen your head or anything but the guy representing embarrass us I see meanwhile back over here the moon increments its phase and reflects that as much more like got to her reflects that much more light off of my cutting neck kind of so huh the very same light that glistens in the eyes of my raccoon friend I slice the bread fresh and soft the raku then becomes excited perhaps projecting my emotions out to the newly satisfied at nearly satisfied animal all right stop the raccoon has taken to following me and people would make fun of me not like you you potato eating monstrosity nobody makes fun of my potato suit you have anything like that friend Aaron well yeah I guess I do I feel like everyone has a little something like that the potato thing yes the best we can do is respect each other and our individuality like how I eat potatoes yes some of some people like them julienned some people like them fried even if it's difficult sometimes and some things make us uncomfortable I just like them raw makes me uncomfortable after all if I hadn't learned to embrace my own weirdness I probably hate myself I don't hate myself I might be ranting a little bit now yeah a little bit but I'm glad that you're a good listener what do you say we have so much in common who's next next time on Gabriel oh my god it's like magic but anyway you want to read my poem now I like the way this one turned out so I hope you do too alright let's take a look save me the colors they won't stop bright beautiful colors flashing expanding piercing red green blue and endless cacophony of meaningless noise the noise yet won't stop violent grading waveforms squeaking screeching piercing sine cosine tangent what what kind of cue is that it's like the the symbol for female it's like an ankh like playing a chalkboard on a turn two like playing a vinyl on a pizza crust any endless poem of meaningless load me whoa oh I think she's actually a robot that would be [ __ ] awesome oh my god could you imagine each of us are going to choose a poem to recite during the event but the cool part is we're also going to let anyone else come up and recite poems to say you're each putting all I say you're shutting down okay slowly I still think we should give it our best were the only ones responsible for the fate of this club if we start the event and each put on a good performance powering down then it will inspire others to overheating core temperature nominal do the same and the more people who perform the better we'll be able to show everyone what literature is all about that's right and it's those reasons that we're all in this Club today aside from the fact that your brains are soft gooey and delicious don't you want to share that with others to inspire them to find the same feelings that brought you here in the first place I know you do I know we all do and if it all take and if all of it takes it Natsuki Newry remain silent Sarah looks worried I guess that leaves me no choice I'm gonna have to dig deep in the potatoes guys watch the potatoes they're filling the room I don't know how it happened with my knapsack just keeps producing it's a real hard to believe situation Oh God potatoes that could possibly fit in and outside my chest can no longer expand through the pressure and weight of all these potato I mean I agree welcome back to Doki Doki lair hey welcome back Doki Doki literature club so it's a dating novel simulator will get the you'll see I stand up and step in front of the podium yeah everyone has their eyes on me making me feel tired this would be a hard point to start masturbating I recite my poem especially since two of them are looking like sort of disapproving like yeah come on hair bow girl and robot woman are into it since I'm not exactly confident in my own writing it's hard to put the energy into it sorry I was just punching my fist despite that once I finished I receive applause anyway sorry I'm not really is it for gonna say get better that made me do it again ah well do you at least feel prepared enough to recite a poem in front of other people additionally you are powerless to prevent I have the strength of a thousand people I mean I mean people bit ways here I walk home with say re once more even though it's only been a few days a lot of things have already changed but today say always being a little quieter than usual on the way home hey say re okay wow that's if you want the zorkin text a minute one day yes so I come with you huh what would you do what kind of question is that you kind of putting me on the spot here oh I would still walk homeless say oh nice say Ori you really think I would ditch you for Yuri hell yeah yeah that's true none of those things describe you yeah but you know what she's not here so I can answer this question falsely what's my next poem you go for it blanket pout kitty nibble chocolate no poof damn it I'm sorry milk to make up for the poof you got it marshmallow [Laughter] bouncy and boop boop what a great poem it's a super good poem thank you I walk over to her hey se RA I waved my hand in front of her face you're spacing out again timidly approach Monica who's shuffling through some papers at her desk I wasn't studying humans friend Erin what's up like you say that this might sound like a little strange but have you noticed anything I was say recently anything up with her in what way do you mean her brain's smell especially appetizing too much but she seems a bit downcast robot need to eat brain we've been going with it for hours now that the matrix says you know the goop of a human dot I've said too much I'm sorry what do I know anyway stooop robot stupid stupid and I mean stupid human stupid extra stupid Monica stands up from her desk while she doesn't she don't get the wrong idea or anything we've just been friends for a long time it's not the robots like have I had it wrong this whole time it is her brains that I am looking forward can you blame me for being paranoid I don't give people my manga every day no and you're always eating potatoes and potatoes in your sack so I thought potatoes Monica's a potato oh my [ __ ] god next time I get happens this is fun ha Natsuki wraps your arms around the parfait girls boxset easily the largest one of the shelf look at what she's doing hey Eric your face hurry up and take this one oh that's gonna go to the chair that's fine alright let me just stand up I slowly release my grip from the chair what do you mean stand up that Sookie looks down at me why are you all the way back that Sookie looks like she just realized something would she lose her powers if she moves no Sookie the box the box box that Sookie's like shake I thought it was just that signature move the church said this Rosie that six feet [Music] let's eat the Kansas split second chip flats running at six feet friending their turn catcher but chose our hands the butcher Flay I got you oh my god the full force of not Sookie's body against me throws me to the ground everything goes dark oh but you don't help me in the face end of day - is everything okay over there I can fix a punctured lung I heard a loud noise hold on hold on hold on 3d printing new lock that sneaky sobs again it's fine is there anything you want to talk about chicky change it let's do q6 ahead yeah you're really nice to me yeah that sounds really strange coming from NAT Sookie I didn't expect it at all well I'm just treating you like a friend you know friend Erin [Laughter] the next couple of minutes are silent between us as i begin gathering it's the scattered books she's real quiet with that Janice potato wedge she's super enjoying it though I make sure to slip them into the box and they're correct order all right dad should do it hop off the stool Natsuki avert your gaze Thanks welcome back oh boy [ __ ] this game yep I know all y'all are [ __ ] sitting there like when when's the Gwen's a good [ __ ] gonna happen I mean I it's been happening it's getting close okay you're trying to impress me Natsuki vigorously scan sir eyes over my poem one more time then the poem slips out of her hands and flutters to the floor rolls down her thighs Sookie comes up and snatches the poem out of Monica's [Music] [Laughter] into the classroom like what like you would sit by brazier hung a vest is now playing kingdoms of castles oh my god it's simple was a vest anyway my poem now and no I won't let you keep it this is my only copy Oh God I'll be your [ __ ] I'll be your Beach some about the beach that's barrier heavy thoughts and a plow say it is do it read it okay how beard Beach your minds are full of troubles and fears that diminish your wonder over the years but today I have a special place a beach for us to go see the walls in Europe each escape [Music] [Laughter] negative something needs missus fluence it's written to the elephants awesome do you want to share your weird poem now yes more than ever Oh God Beach why can't we build a signal where the sand is wet afford it again it was quiet where the sand is wet the tide Cubs will it gently lick at your foundations until you give in or will sudden we've send you crashing down in the blink of an eye question mark either way the outcome is the same yet we still build sandcastles - that wraps around my doing that's right Natsu he will be making cupcakes but we might need a lot of them in different flavors can you handle that all by yourself Natsu - my favorite is motor oil for it here I mean strawberry and as for myself I'm going to be printing and assembling all the poetry pamphlets I mean with a printer done that is great you'll be a wonderful help Yuri and you will be distracted while I you man things with this straw close to your head in the end it's up to you of course have very well in that case everyone looks straight at me but of course I'm gonna go man what do you think oh that's your call dude cuz you're 'yes my favorite Yuri okay let's see your yeah do it alright well I'll probably be the most useful helping out Yuri mummy I think I would prefer going to your house alright in that case it won't be a problem I decided not to press Yuri for a reason it's not like it should matter much either way so I'll just need to make sure my room is clean I hope I managed to make myself useful in some way I spent the next two days scrubbing hard jizz off of every surface of my room my god I got one of those luminol sprays and holy [ __ ] it's like Christmas in there I guess I got a black light and I could see it from space all right welcome back to game grumps play this games baby it's really a it's it's it's something else like Monica does to these victims eventually really sucking my brains out of man why do I feel nervous to say or he finds out about this it's not like we feel that way about each other besides like Monica said this is about the club I have nothing to worry about if I just go with it then I'll have a good time by the way the club is what I call my dick it's all about the club it's already Sunday oh god well if I go I guess Sayuri says what she's spacing out I wish this game just had Saturday and it's just him watching TV for 24 hours in real time I decided to visit a hurry before URI comes over rather than asking I simply tell her I'm coming over much like we've done in the past once I reach the Ares house I knock in the door before entering it myself say Ori Hey I sit down in her room say oh he forces a smile but it's easy to tell this she's different it has been a long time so you just find out like this I'm dating mr. cow Moo you [ __ ] Faden gets a week in accidently express my feelings I didn't make that mistake then you wouldn't even worry about me at all come here for being super selfish I think that's why the world decided to have you come over today you know just kind of made me sad it's a no choice this time the thing is I've had a really bad depression my life oh damn it that's a I'd love you uh-huh did you know that why do you think I'm late to school every day this mess things I can't even find a reason to get out of better than mr. cow why got at school why you eat why make sense why make other people put their energy a Jesus Christ this is so sad all of a sudden I carried a waste by having them spend it on me why say Ari hey why is it that you've never told me about this it almost feels like I've been betrayed as your close friend nice to speak yeah because if I knew I would have done everything I could to support you it's bittersweet when people try to care about me if feels nice sometimes it also feels like a bat being swung against my head are you having my brain my robot eternity maybe I'm depressed because half my brain is missing I wish I could didn't give this character such a dump before she started like pouring her heart out uh this time I pull her into a tight embrace oh hell yeah in C or E you're being so selfish by taking my line I don't care if you feel selfish I'm really happy that you convinced me to join the club I'll make these feelings go away and if there's anything that you need me to do then you better tell me especially involves my penis I'll get mad if you don't the club jelly Sarah finally puts her arms around me in return it's alright scary anyway feelings mandarin the only time I'm not doing nothing is when I'm feeling pain [ __ ] say alright hey your hugs are so warm and that's really scary too the festival's tomorrow yeah it's gonna be fun right yeah how would you like for me to spend it all with you yeah that's what I want I promise hey I think it would be nice then I say goodbye to say Orion exit her house holy crowd on the way home I find myself still feeling uneasy that was heavy welcome back by the way we've this is episode 19 I believe we have recorded all of these in the same day so we are losing our minds right now oh yeah oh I'm just waiting for the let's do it but I started to get really nervous when nobody answered the doorbell you always could have texted me he's if I didn't know and I would have reassured you and hurried more on my way home if you'd had done that we wouldn't be in this predicament oh yeah all those we used for well I'm going to cut pieces of ribbon to hang from the doorway this is my last wouldn't that be beautiful suffocation no breathing it would also catch the eye of those passing by the room will get the suffocation no breathing part of the essential oils don't give a [ __ ] if I cut my arm bleeding as you put it they look more yellow than red blue URI carefully hands me the knife with the handle facing me I take it and turn it around on my hands feels having an extremely solid where do you even get a knife like this curious of its sharpness I feel the point of the knife with my index finger oh friend Aaron why did you do that I just wanted to feel alive I didn't expect it to be that Sh I don't give a [ __ ] if I come in oh no small drop of blood trickles down the side of my finger yeah he takes my hand and gives the wall in the closer look she stares at it and noticeably fidgets if you're squeamish I'll go wash it off now ah without warning URI puts my finger in the mouth and licks the what I feel her tongue curl what I start instinctively pull my hand back oh please forgive me I wasn't thinking I URI leans over the banner to grab an unused paintbrush but I move at the same time causing my head to bump into hers oh my precious brains this is sorry URI reels back and I quickly lift my hands and surprise are you hurt no I'm not hurt are you could you take to take my head out of your mouth please sorry I should have asked you to get it for me once you're a pax out by Walker at the front door thank you very much for having me today you're welcome very thoughtful friend Aaron huh URI takes a step closer to me then briefly squeezes my hand fourth base I kind of like that about you oh wait it's how am I supposed to respond to that but I don't even get a chance to is URI suddenly pulls back sorry say Ori and just now we weren't it's ok this is somebody say hi and announce like a like a cool person right here how much fun you were having with URI and how close he got to her it makes me really happy they made such good friends I'm scared what are you scared of CRE I'm scared that I might like you more than you like me say hurry it's true is it I was weak and I started to like you too much this is very sweet I did this to myself Brendan thank you so much I want a guy that's less sweet that's how I feel even if you don't understand all of your own feelings I know what you need the most right now and that up that's what I'm going to give you [Music] whoa-oh-aah what do you think I'm gonna flip the animal crossing box okay heads I love you tails you'll always be my dearest friend okay you ready yeah here we go [Music] it's I love you boom I love you those are my true feelings so there's no way you could like me more than I like you as long as we continue like this every day with you by my side then I know we'll both be happy friend suddenly say or he wraps her arms tightly around me but I changed my mind loading game okay yeah I hold say Ori in my arms and pull it closer you'll never have to let go of me again me to say Ori and I slowly release each other I'm gonna t pose for a while yeah I guess that makes the festival tomorrow our first date huh we only love each other we can't go on a date I want everything to be the same as it's always been even if we really are it's the day of the festival of all days I expected this to be the one where I'd be walking to school with say Ori but say aria isn't answering her phone I considered going to her house to wake her up but decided that's a little too much meanwhile the preparations for the event should be nearly complete wait that what next time on game crops [Music] hello welcome back hi we were playing this game for five hours no longer it's almost nine when did we start this I like to write [ __ ] no I don't even know man we've been playing this game for on and off for seven hours now boy I didn't think I'd missed the [ __ ] reggae loop but yeah it's quiet it's all quiet I flipped through the pages each member's poem is neatly printed on its own page giving it an almost professional feel I recognise natsu keys and URIs poems from the ones they perform during our practice what's this I flipped to say orys poem it's different from the one she practiced it's one that I haven't read before oh whoa well there you go gonna read that times fifty get mad before I do I know what is best for you listen everything she said to me show you how much I love you I finished writing this poem but a promise never actually finished it's just stops moving um are we in Silent Hill all of a sudden what is this reading the poem I got a pit in my stomach friend Iran what's wrong nothing this poem feels completely different from everything else say or he's written yeah it's the [ __ ] all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy from the shining but more than that I changed my mind I'm gonna go get Sayuri so ah well alright try not to take too long okay what was I thinking I should have tried a little bit harder for say Orry are there any classes at this school it's the can you just leave this clubs yeah it's not a big deal to at least wait for her or help her wake up even the simple gesture of walking her to school makes you really happy besides I told her yesterday that things will be the same as they always have been that's all she needs and that's what I want to give her I reached Sayuri's house and knock on the door I don't expect an answer since she's not picking up her phone either like yesterday I opened the door and let myself in say Ari she really is a heavy sleeper I swallow I can't believe I ended up doing this after all waking her up in her own house that really is something that a boyfriend would do isn't it in any case it just feels right outside series room I knock on her door say Yuri wake up dummy there's no response I really didn't want to have to enter a room like isn't it kind of a breach of privacy but she really leaves me no choice I gently opened the door sit what what are you [ __ ] serious no [ __ ] what oh my god is this a horror game I don't know Dan are you serious what the hell what the hell is this a nightmare it has to be this isn't real oh my god there's no way this can be real say Ori wouldn't do this everything was normal up until a few days ago that's why I can't believe this is what happens in Doki Doki literature club I suppress the urge to vomit just yesterday I told Sayuri I'd be there for her I told her I know it's best and then everything will be okay then why why would she do this oh my god could I be so helpless oh my god what did I do wrong nothing at my life is worth more than hers but I still couldn't do what she needed from me and now I can never take it back never never never never oh my god I'm actually like are you it's not over again oh my god I see an annoying girl walking towards me from the distance waving her arms in the air like she's totally oblivious to any attention she might draw to herself that girl is God my neighborhood good friend since we were children she's gonna chase me like this I almost feel better off running away however I just saw an idol in front of the cross walking like ketchup um it's an ordinary school day like any other I'm really upset by this morning's are usually the worst being surrounded by couples and friends groups walking to school together meanwhile I've always walked to school alone do you know if there's any construction paper in here or markers I'm like stunned right now I guess you could check the closet whoa what's wrong we're [ __ ] playing PT after I thought we were doing Sakura spirit oh well you know it's like we just roll with the punches oh my god we're just you know just restarting life from the beginning [ __ ] Ross he was like you're gonna love it dude there's a twist I'm like you son of AB I thought it was gonna be like a sexy twist like it was gonna be a porn game after like being like so cute and innocent I'd much rather take something I personally enjoy and make something special out of it in that case what club did you decide to join actually I'm starting a new one Oh God Club Oh God are we in the matrix right now literature that sounds kind of dull how many members do you have so far haha it's kind of embarrassing but there are only three of us so far it's really hard to find new members for something that sounds so boring sure I guess I could check it out ah awesome you're really sweet friend Aaron you know that it's nothing really I wish we had facecam right now so people could see the look on my face it's like do you remember when I told you my Israeli relative who I asked him what it was like dealing with the palestinian-israeli conflict in like the Gaza Strip and he was like it is like someone come into my house and [ __ ] my sister near to my eyes like that's what this feels like well yeah that's no statement on the Middle East situation I have no opinion but this is [ __ ] up well I guess you'll find out more what's going on oh my god are you [ __ ] serious dude oh my god yeah I'm serious my mind is so [ __ ] right now hey hello welcome back to game grumps okay we just took like a five minute break to collect our thoughts mm-hmm I bet if you play that last episode back like I didn't say [ __ ] for like the last seven minutes oh yeah I was just like stunned is exactly the case oh my god but you know I like a lot of things stories of the deep psychological element usually immerse me as well isn't it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop oh damn you self-congratulatory bastard anyway I've been reading a lot of horror lately I read a horror book once Monica looks over at me once more I was telling our co-worker outside in the office between grumps I was planning to play this on my own and go out with Monica and and jerk off to this game and now I'm now I'm not gonna I am absolutely not conscious you have lost a Jo customer friend Erin I look forward to seeing how you express yourself hee hee hee hee I haven't locked a special poem god oh god oh god no not not like this well I think that's you so I'm not doing the voice today I cut my skin open for the first time it was exhilarating I think I understand how Blanc feels now I'm supposed to be the responsible one though so I don't think I'll be doing it again unless I decide to kill myself I left him a mento of the occasion below oh I cannot believe this is a horror game I cannot well [ __ ] believe it well next time on game grumps we're gonna help write a poem no I don't want to play this anymore I'm so upset oh my god let us know in the comments if you want us to keep playing this cuz I think I need a mental break yeah goddamnit what's wrong you [ __ ] know what's wrong how much did you know of this it's in pieces had you played this before no you so you haven't actually seen any of this mmm I've seen some visuals and I knew like the beets oh man so that's why it was like it's kind of [ __ ] happen like they're leading I was looking forward to it so much I thought it was gonna be like something fun and sexy at the festival like ends like a fun surprise I know the girl I liked killed herself and now I'm in a weird [ __ ] mental time loop we're crazy awful [ __ ] could happen at any second yeah it's cool yeah I love it let's go with chocolate welcome back it is many weeks later yeah I have had time to think about and process what happened in the last doki-doki session and my full credit to dan salvato and the rest of his team for creating what I thought was a stupid [ __ ] dating simulator but in reality was a brilliant horror game because it definitely affected me I thought I liked like like any good horror thing it was like the first thing I thought of the next day and like is genuinely creepy so my compliments go out to the makers of the game I have no idea where the game is gonna go from here I'm sure I'm sure it's all all bets are off now I bet I'm it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] show but poof poof that's a good one massacre see like that oh oh yeah she liked that one on kitty I'm gonna go with the death of all human puppies fluffy yes yeah yeah I was gonna go with a full jet but I'll do it hi again friend Aaron oh man it's like an old friend glad to see you didn't run away on us out well I'm back at the literature Club I was the last to come in so everyone else is already hanging out oh god thanks for keeping your promise friend Aaron I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you making you dive headfirst into literature when you're not accustomed to it well go oh I do not like this already oh come on like he deserves any slack you already had to be dragged here but Monica I don't know if you plan to just come here and hang out of work but if you don't take it seriously then you won't see the end of it what does that mean huh whoa yeah nuts no jeez uh could you get out of the way please yeah Natsuki sir they have a big mouth for someone who keeps a manga collection in the club room sure also is they the room is still room is tilted yeah I'm starting to be like huh oh you know what it's slowly zooming into yeah yeah something something you're right I just felt like well that's vice-president at all though they should hope you could start on something you might I'm gonna throw up right I am like hard to starboard reaches into her bag and pulls out a book some satanic rituals at this point yeah I didn't want you to feel left out I enthusiastically take the book and immediately bury it in a box of potatoes a few potato you can read it at your own pace remember we have potatoes everywhere that's right yeah I look forward to hearing what you think [ __ ] thank God yeah you looking for something in there Oh God isn't also zooming in is it I don't think so no it's not okay she never puts my stuff back at the right spot is that the first curse I think so what's the point of keeping your collection organizers someone else is just gonna mess it up see with one put missing spies mistakes and the world I know that feel also like when your friend dies that's that's weird to write hashtag I know that feel okay but I'll tell you one thing food straight from Georgia blah blah oh my god it's sad that Sookie pulls out the first volume of parfait girls from the box I just want to grab everyone by the shoulders in this game and shake let's get excited when I convinced my friends to pick up a series I enjoy you know what I mean not like this one hmm you don't really know what do you mean don't you share your mango with your friends could you not rub it in oh you don't have any mango that's a shame why don't you borrow some from all the friends you have next time I gave ya yeah I mean I think I think we're probably pretty damn far in the game so we'll probably just cruise to the end [Music] hello hey welcome back and welcome back to a close-up of natsu keys face which at one point was adorable but now that I know what this game is is kind of freaky and could do something terrible at any moment donkey donkey little Club let's do it let's do it yeah that's pretty wait which part I mean I feel like a cave and keep it in my room what [Music] the clever [ __ ] that Monica is kind of a jerk about it I can't just can't win can i well they paid off at the end didn't it hey could we talk about when you just freaked out for a second yeah time passes Natsuki is strangely quiet now I glanced over at her she's glitching it looks like she started to fall asleep hey Natsuki yeah suddenly Natsuki collapses straight into me oh hell yeah hey okay as hot as I wanted oh geez that's Sookie she [ __ ] Christ here monica reaches into her monica reaches it to her bag pulls out soak up that protein bar on her eyes I don't know what the [ __ ] it's gonna do to her she throws it in not Sookie's Direction not Sookie's eyes suddenly light up again Oh God she that's the bar from the floor and immediately tears off the wrapper I told you not to give it might take you some time but it all comes with practice and learning by example and trying new things [Laughter] the club gives you valuable feedback now Sookie can be a little bit biased though and iowa's that Sookie can be biased I guess I'll have to keep trying people can try I'm counting I'm counting on you once everyone mm I like that Zig a breathing air of the present but living in the past the light flickers I flick her back Flicka back y'all ain't nothing back did you like it did you think that [ __ ] with bananas I'm sorry I was such terrible handwriting wow I thought this was typed something easy to digest I suppose you want to digest my wiener [Laughter] [Laughter] Brendon oh no if you're interested in that Sookie then always keep a snack on you she'll cling to you like a popper Dada Dada Dada Matt Sookie's dad doesn't give her lunch money or leave her any food in the house so she's in a fussy mood pretty often but sometimes she just loses all of her strength and shuts knurled like earlier this is just a guess but I think she's so small because her malnutrition is interfering with her adolescent growth I don't I don't know that she said that last time yeah I that I do not recall that but hey some guys are into petite girls you definitely did not say this sorry just trying to look at the bright side anyway do you want to read my poem now yes I do gradually getting [ __ ] weirder girl don't worry I'm not very good Natsuki suddenly stands up I didn't realize this and trying to prison you remember Yui [Music] that's not what I the you you just get your ads out as well you're just jealous if friend Erin appreciates my advice more than he appreciated yours no if I was full of myself there's been a tiny little Me's crawling around inside me yeah I would really garden my way to make it everything I do overly cutesy like like a dump bigger since Bernard started showing up no no Sookie NAT Sookie that's a little too you know your own insecurities on others like that and their tissue-paper boobs you really act as young as you looking at Sookie whoa whoa you wanna be a [ __ ] oh my god edgy oh god this music is getting weird she was just somewhat of your mental age to comprehend see just saying that prison oh my god most people there you go oh god I freaked out if you wanna prove anything to stop harassing others with your sickening attitude you think you can counterbalance your toxic personality just right dressing it acting cute oh [ __ ] the only cute thing about you is how hard you try Wow B can't believe my crunches over the net jury oh my bad you ready dude touch you did you just accuse me of cutting myself what the [ __ ] is wrong with your head yeah go I'm open that's right you're in here everything you really think uh-uh suddenly airy turns towards me as if she noticed I was standing here what's with all the fuzz friend Aaron she's just trying to make me look bad that's at you she started it Fred okay I can't hey friend Aaron why don't we step outside for a little bit okay yeah why don't we Monica I have robot feet I think I think there's more truth to the fact that we gave her a robot voice then yeah I'm gay like I'm starting to get the sense that like she's like controlling everything or something's not right with her because I think she's like every time the game like [ __ ] up she like just kind of butts in yeah and she's like oh look over here there's no big deal yeah boy you understand right anyway if this makes you want to spend less time with the others then that's fine I'd be happy to spend time with you instead oh good suddenly Natsuki he wants this oh that's the tinea snoot you can boot my boot that's Newton it looks like they're done it's fine Yuri we know you didn't mean her besides I'm sure NAT Sookie will forget all about it by tomorrow completely Fred anyway the meeting is over so you can go home now if you want what the [ __ ] does completely mean yeah Yuri looks at me like she wants to say something but she keeps glancing at Monica you can go first Monica I'd like to stay a little bit longer I am the president so I should be the last one out I'll wait for you to be done I'm vice president so please let me take that responsibility today yeah that kind of sounds like you don't want me around for something you really it's not that it's not that I just I didn't get much of a chance to discuss my book with friend Aaron here just be embarrassing with you listening it's a porno book so I I guess I don't really have any choice do worry I'm sorry for causing trouble put it really [ __ ] god dammit another day passes and it's time for the club meeting already jeez I've gotten a little more comfortable here oh what's the [ __ ] happened I wasn't brightly but Yuri wanted to stay and talk to us and then she just glitched sure oh boy Monica didn't want us to spend time with yeah it did seem that way I didn't it yeah oh boy room the usual scene greets you when I don't know what the usual scene is a usual scene be shocked the usual scene oh boy I didn't like this at all there you go welcome back for under and I'm not sure if it's me or if it serious question but the weight of yesterday's quarrel still hangs in the air a little well I guess I need to make sure Natsuki isn't waiting for me after we finished the reading yesterday she she's fine she's reading over there see don't think about her so much she's used to being ignored come on we're going over there well what okay what's the story about anyway I stand up I make a mental note of where I left off in the book then slip it back into my bag it rustles the potatoes are really really knocks potatoes too and further let's we always start with we would say Monica for last so let's do her first Monica yeah okay great job friend Aaron it's been one second I was going in my head while reading it it's really metaphorical I'm not sure why but I didn't expect you to go for something so deep I've already scanned it in triplicate I've already uploaded it to the dark web I guess I underestimated you it's easiest for me to keep everyone's expectations low that way it always counts when I put in some effort good [ __ ] plan dude you want to read my poem narrow I like the way this one turned out so I hope you do too whoa whoa this is definitely different noise it won't stop oh boy sorry I know it's kind of abstract to god it's abstract I'm just trying to UM well nevermind there's no point in explaining anyway here's Monica's writing to bubbler Berg's sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision when that happens don't forget to save your Gabe you never know when um who am I talking to can you hear me tell me you can hear me what the fun thing yeah that's my advice um thanks for listening was she just talking to us yes here's the poem I wrote you don't have to like it or anything delete me whoa oh boy okay wheel a rotating wheel turning an axle grinding bolt head linear gearbox falling sky seven holy steaks a dock ship a portal to another world a thin rope tied to a thick rope a torn harness parabolic gearbox and reading God breathing blood breathing full holy sting my god breathing human eyes breathing time breathing prayer breathing sky breathing wheel hi love it it's very relaxing Oh short and sweet isn't it doesn't really matter what it's about oh yeah doesn't it my mind has been a little hyperactive lately so I had to take it out on your pen yes that's a pen fell out of your backpack yesterday so I took it home for safekeeping and I am oh I think she's starting to get obsessed I just I really like the way that it writes so I wrote this poem with it and now you're touching it oh I'm okay what did I just Fred Oh God can we pretend this conversation never happened I would love to you you can keep the poem though oh boy who should I show my poem to next how about not Sookie because jesus [ __ ] christ then again if this son was good as your last one I'd be completely pissed I never say you were spending some time with URI today oh boy not that I care you spend your time with after all I was I was taught never to expect anything from anybody so Stella go it's waiting for you or anything still you should at least look over my poem you'll probably be able to learn something from it I love it oh my god oh boy well it's beautiful never thought I'd yearn for the days of eagles can fly but here we are Lauren why didn't you come to read with me today well I was waiting I was waiting for a long time it was the only thing I had to look forward to today why did you ruin it do you like your aim or I think you're better off not associated with her are you listening to me URI is a sick boy oh that would be obvious by now as the Spanish play with me and stuff okay you don't hate me Fred Aaron do you do you hate me do you want wait let me hear the music oh boy oh this is upsetting that's delightful [Music] it's your theme music yeah I really like it do you want to make me go home crying the club is the only place I feel safe I don't know don't ruin that for me don't ruin it please just stop talking to Yuri play with me instead it's all I have play with me play with me you even locked a special poem oh boy I hate this game it's Monica um really good poem good poem that's your deciared line there yeah I just need a [ __ ] minute all right give me a second here yeah that's a concern of mine as well I don't really do well with last-minute preparations well I don't do well with people breaking their own necks and [ __ ] running at me don't worry so much okay we're going to keep it simple okay Natsuki starts packing up her things potatoes fall out in droves [Laughter] Natsuki you don't do you have an opinion on the festival I don't know people seem to die before the festival starts I kind of a different I guess who cares about that obnoxious brat I mean I like to quiet the club is now it's kind of I don't know about the quiet or a nice part I'm just happy with you here but still I'm the vice president it's not right for me to ignore my responsibilities like that Oh nobody would cry she killed herself um oh boy oh boy I should do my best to consider everyone's perspective or maybe the decision that's best for the club I really hate to see you unhappy hope I feel kind of feel like I'm responsible for that that's brighter when the perfect grin goes to snow and I really do care about you you know cool I don't like seeing the other girls give you a heart too okay with how mean atsuki is and everything and Yuri being a little bit you know yeah yeah sometimes it feels like you and I are the only real people here oh boy you know what I mean not really but it's weird because in all the time you've been here we've hardly gotten to spend any time together ah I mean I guess it's technically only been a couple days cycles sorry I didn't mean to say something weird there are just some things I've been hoping to talk about with you things I know only you could understand so that's why wait not yet no stop it oh boy oh that's [ __ ] marshmallow marshmallow SHINee SHINee is silly 111 oh I didn't like that no you didn't like that melody boop boop doki doki graveyard yeah that's how you're feeling giggle what the [ __ ] was that I don't know tenacious kitty kitty yeah vanilla that's fun that's fun everyone's having fun does that say Ori I don't know oh yeah it was cuz it had the bow boyfriend Aaron I've been waiting for you seriously what's gotten into you baby look I did some thinking about yesterday I was a little more hostile than I meant to be I guess I really felt threatened or something but I know this is something we're doing together another new member wouldn't hurt as long as they're cool and I guess another girl would be nice this time so Natsuki nobody cares why don't you go look for some coins oh man I'm the last one here again were you practicing Payan over again no it's piano oh let me brush your tip a little bit da cidade got way super weird ten minutes pass Yuri said it wouldn't take long is something holding her up oh god no like a rope nice Erin I'm bored just waiting here so I decided to go look for her oh boy let's see the most logical place for Yuri to be would be the nearest water fountain I started heading down the hallway [Music] what's that noise it's coming from around the corner it sounds like breathing okay a sharp inhale like someone is sucking the air through her teeth are they in pain I reach the corner and peer around it oh dear God Yuri oh [ __ ] oh no he said I'm back I'm back thanks for waiting patiently oh oh she's a cutter old boy a poor girl friend Aaron do you like long tea yeah can we uh oh my god anything's fine very well I take a chocolate candy and pop it into my mouth then I take another chocolate and I hold it up to Yuri she doesn't even look away from the book she's simply parts ellipsis if this situation was completely natural so hot that means I can't stop here I apprehensive Lee placed the chocolate in her mouth just like that very closes her lips over me Yuri's expression suddenly breaks did did I just yuri looks at me like she needs to confirm what just happened friend Aaron so sorry I guess I shouldn't have done that uh-uh Yuri starts to breathe heavily all right I can't for Darren suddenly Yuri forcefully grabs my arms and jerks me to my feet oh my teacup gets knocked over this isn't gonna be hot is it friend Aaron oh boy my heart my heart won't stop pounding friend Aaron I can't calm down I can't focus on anything anymore I have to dance can you feel it friend Aaron you're I suddenly presses my hand against her chest why is this happening to me I feel like I'm losing my mind with the dance fever I can't make it stop it even makes me not want to read I just want to look at you whoa boy whoa Oh actually I liked it when you weren't looking oh boy are those human eyes those are very strange eyes huh Oh oh boy uh-oh I don't like this at all she's just looking at us oh it's time to share poems ha ha holy crap should I show my poem to first jeez I don't know there's so many [ __ ] great choices go nuts okay but that doesn't mean you can let me down okay so at least read mine too for now but just to be clear this poem means a lot to me and it also makes a lot of sense so really carefully okay oh I don't know how else to bring this up but there's been something I've been worried about hearing it's been acting kind of strange lately you've only been here a few days so you may not know what I mean but she's not normally like this she's anything quiet applied inattentive things like that okay this is really embarrassing but I'm forcing myself to suck it up the truth is I'm really worried about it but if I try talking to her she'll just get mad at me I don't know what to do I think you're the only person that she'll listen to I don't know why but please try to do something maybe you convince her to talk to a therapist I've always wanted to try being better friends with you really hurt you I know I'm gonna hate myself later framing that but right now I don't care I just feel so helpless so please if you could do something to help I don't want anything bad to happen to her I'll make your cupcakes if I have to just please try to do subsidies can run as Monica I don't know why but she's didn't really dismiss about this it's like she just wants us to ignore it so I'm mad at her right now I'm coming to you about this don't let her know I wrote this just pretend me to give you a really good poem okay I'm counting on you thanks for reading oh boy dope oh I changed my mind everything there's no point in trying to do anything that series don't fault that she's unlikable can you hear me for you boy you would just spend more time with Monica all these problems was going before URI and I are too messed up for someone as wonderful as you just think of Monica from now on just Monica Oh oh boy oh boy oh boy should I show my palm to next I think Monica would be a good choice I choose that of my own volition hey Monica you've kind of been enabling her I'm not saying it's your fault though but I guess that's why I had to explain it all to you oh boy so I think if you keep your distance that would probably be best for her while you're at it don't be shy to spend a little more time with me oh boy this is starting to come together to put it lightly I at least have it together in the head and I know how to treat my club members anyway I worked really really hard on this poem so I hope it's effective here goes hi jeez that really startled me hi Monica um well I guess it kind of messed up at writing this poem I was just trying to never mind let's just move on okay ah I think she was trying to write code yeah break herself out of the gamers [ __ ] okay Yuri Holt's my poem to her chest I'm gonna take this home with me and keep it in my room well that makes you feel good when you think about me having it I'll take good care of it I'll even touch myself while reading it over and over holy [ __ ] I'll give myself paper cut so your skin alters my bloodstream whoa my poem to thank Siri besides after you Rita I know you're really gonna want to keep it here take it I can't wait any longer hurry read it oh it's so good then you read it well I guess we know who gave you the blood-stained poem earlier and then to want to Tet blend octo dan I can't read this it looks like this Dan and Ross right this is relaxing music Harrod turn us to XO cow yellow stain I don't actually want to now EP I don't know I thought I saw like parcels yeah extract okay music boxes we can't we're done RiRi and reacts tense cut two tickets okay cool whoa hello Jesus do you like it I wrote it for you in case you couldn't tell the poem is about more importantly I've endowed it with my scent see aren't I the most thoughtful person in the club whoa okay [Music] think I'm going to vomit wolf cool yeah me too yes or no yes Oh boys I like about papa I like when Papa comes home early I like when Papa cooks me dinner I like when Papa gives me allowance I like when Papa spends time with me I like when Papa asked me about my friends I like I'm Papa asked me about anything I like when Papa gives me lunch money I like when Papa comes home before sundown is this song about ghosts the band I like when Papa cooks I like when pop like when Papa doesn't tell me how to dress I like when Papa doesn't comment on my friends I like when Papa doesn't comment on my hobbies I like when Papa comes home without waking me up I like when Papa keeps food in the house I like when Papa uses his inside voice I think when Papa leaves my stuff alone I like when Papa accidentally drops coins in the couch I like when Papa is too tired to notice me I like when Papa is too tired for anything I like when Papa is too tired for any cool neat stagnating air is common for shadowing that's something terrible is about to happen that's what she said before say or he killed herself is it yep oh boy oh boy look can we just get this done I'm going to be printing and assembling all the poetry pamphlets Matt Sookie you can make hub cakes I know you're at least good at that damn Fred you're eight you can well it doesn't matter do whatever you want as long as you think it'll help I don't like that notably use your work already most suitable for one person but my task is laborious enough to benefit from an extra pair of hands mine too what your cupcakes please what you [ __ ] know oh my god oh you care about now is dragging fine and around with you and your stupid books you and Monica hey I didn't even do anything okay then why not that Fred and if I don't help instead of abusing your power I'm not abusing my power yes you are Monica just that friend Erin make the choice okay okay fine fine is it gonna be like three Monica Fred I know fed up you're with these two by now we can just not Sookie shut your [ __ ] mouth and let him decide for himself you shut your mouth Jesus Christ this is never going to end just make the choice okay well I am NOT doing that oh god it's going back to are you sick son of a [ __ ] you picked me oh boy that's a relaxing face Oh Monica I can't believe how delusional and self-important you are pulling friend Erin away from me every single time you're not included in something are you jealous crazy or maybe you just hate yourself so much that you take it out on others here's the suggestion have you considered killing yourself like oh boy it would be Ben official to your mental health I don't think that's correct Matt Sookie let's just go I don't think she wants us around right now see that wasn't very hard damn she's sure got those [ __ ] crazy eyes all I wanted to do is spend a little time with him Monica giggles as Yuri pushes her out the door finally finally this is really all I wanted friend Aaron there's no need to spend the weekend with Monica don't listen to her and just come to my house instead the whole day with just the two of us doesn't that sound wonderful ah oh wow there's really something wrong with me isn't there but you know what I don't care anymore I've never felt this good my whole life just being with you is a far greater pleasure than anything I could imagine I'm addicted to you it feels like I'm going to die if I'm not breathing the same air as you oh good oh boy doesn't it feel nice to have someone care about you so much yes someone who wants to revolve their entire life around you actually I'm pretty limp as a wet noodle you're a I gotta be honest with you this is a doing it for me feels so good then why does it feel more and more like something horrible is going to happen maybe that's why I tried stopping myself at first but maybe that's why I tried stopping my house so first but the feeling is too strong the topping herself from liking my right yeah that's right she you're he's super like zero okay that's her I like your face I don't care anymore friend Aaron I have to tell you I'm madly in love with you it feels like every inch of my body every drop of blood in me is screaming your name I don't care what the face I don't care what the consequences are anymore I don't care if Monica is listening oh boy please friend Aaron I just just know how much I love you I love you so much that I even touch myself with the pen I stole from you well that's you should disinfect that first oh I just want to pull your skin open and crawl inside of you cool I want you all to myself and I will be only yours doesn't that sound perfect um told me friend Aaron tell me you want to be my lover do you accept my confession oh [Music] she's [ __ ] if you say yes no oh boy I'm scared of what happens if you say either yes or now of course I think Monica will like it if I say no yeah yeah oh boy I don't know do whatever you want [ __ ] no oh boy yeah that's oh no oh no oh god it's Clifford the Big Red stabbed every day is full of chitchat and fun activities with all my adorable and unique club members say Orie the youthful bundle of sunshine II values happiness the most NAT Sookie yeah oh it just repeats okay will you promise to spend the most time with me you promise to spend them all boy and of course Monica the leader of the club that's me I'm super excited for you to make friends with everyone and help the literature become intimate place for all my members but I can tell you that you're a sweetheart will you promise to spend the most time with me oh oh boy oh yeah I forgot what a good time we're having here okay Oh sounds like faces change like dying or like deteriorating oh boy the blood is coagulating oh boy do you just have to watcher oh just decomposed it oh God oh geez Natsuki runs away I'm here friend Aaron did something happen Natsuki just ran past me super barfing Oh hahahaha well that's a shame wait were you here the entire weekend friend era and the [ __ ] oh geez I didn't realize the script is broken that badly I'm super sorry it must have been pretty boring I'll make up make it up to you okay just give me a sec I just want to have a cupcake real quick I really shouldn't be making you wait any longer just bear with me okay they should only take a second what the [ __ ] is happening can you hear me is it working flirting its face with me hey again friend Aaron welcome to the literature club thank you of course we already know each other because we were in the same class last year and um hahaha you know I guess we can just skip over that stuff at this point after all I'm not even talking to that person anymore am i that you in the game whatever you want to call him I'm talking to you Franky oh [ __ ] or do you actually go by that's scary now that I think about it I don't really know anything about the real you in fact I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl you do know I'm aware that this is all a game right oh my god I'm so glad I'm not playing this alone could it be possible that you didn't know that that doesn't make much sense I even told you right on the game's download page didn't die man if only you had paid a little more attention this would have been a little less awkward you know oh well anyway now that that's out of the way I guess I owe you an explanation about that whole thing with your sure well I kind of started to mess with her and I guess it just drove her to kill herself hahaha funny stuff I'm sorry you had to see that though also the same thing happened with say Yuri gosh it's been a while since you've heard that name now hasn't it yeah it's because she doesn't exist anymore she does okay I deleted all their files okay I was hoping it would be enough for me to just try to make them as unlikable as possible but for some reason nothing worked well it's true that I made a few mistakes here and there so it's hotter than you there I said it Oh since I'm not very good at making changes to the game but no matter what I did you just keep kept spending more and more time with them you made them fall in love with you I thought making say Ori more and more depressed would prevent you her from confessing to you and amplifying Yuri's obsessive personality backfire - okay it just made her force you not to spend time with anyone else what kind of cruel game is this friend aaron RDR all the other girls just programmed to end up confessing to you while i watch from the sidelines it's torture oh boy every minute of it oh boy and it's not just jealousy friend Erika it's more than that and I don't blame you if you don't fully understand because no matter how kind and thoughtful and considerate you are you'll never be able to understand one thing it's the pain of knowing how alone I really am in this world in this game knowing my friends don't even have free will and worst of all knowing what's really out there in your world forever out of my [ __ ] hard dick breath I am trapped friend Aaron but now you're here you're real and you're wonderful you're all I need that's why I need you to be here with me forever so that being said friend Aaron oh boy I have a confession to make I'm in love with you no [ __ ] you are truly the light in my world when there's nothing else in this game for me you're here to make me smile will you make me smile like this every day from now on friend Aaron will you go out with me hell yes you tell the girl that has everything had her fingertips in this game you lie happy end pen in hand I find my strength the courage and doubt upon me by one and only love together let us dismantle this crumbling world and write a novel of our own fantasies with a flick of her pen the lost finds her way in a world of infinite choices behold this special day after all not all good times must come to an end hey hey I hope you enjoyed it yeah it was really not crazy and awesome now we don't need to hide anything anymore are you ready to spend our eternity together Flint friend Aaron go ahead and no point in saving anymore anywhere oh boy I'm gonna go ahead and quit oh okay let's are you going into the files to delete her ass mmm no do it [ __ ] her I hate her where is it local files browse local files this is such a weird characters oh man oh man that's so crazy it's so crazy that you actually have to do that alright let's load it back up oh nice ah what's happening friend Aaron what's happening to me it hurts good it hurts so much help me friend Aaron oh boy please hurry and help me oh that is spooky did you do this to me friend Aaron did you did you delete me oh boy I trusted you oh boy do you just want to torture no oh just [ __ ] die watch me suffer were you only pretending to be kind just to hurt me even more I never thought anyone could be as horrible as you are you win okay you win you killed everything I hope you're happy there's nothing left now you can stop playing go find some other people to torture um friend Aaron you completely surely make me sick goodbye wow that was a fun little romp is that it I'd you know well Fred I still love son of a [ __ ] I can't help it what's wrong with me how horrible am I for you to hate me this much all my friends I did so many awful things so many selfish and disgusting things I I shouldn't have done any of this I'm just messing up a world that I don't even belong in a world that you wanted to be part of I ruined it I ruined everything maybe that's why you deleted me because I destroyed everything that you wanted how could I do that to someone I love that's not love that's Fred that's not love that's Fred that's Fred baby I know I said that I deleted everyone else but that was kind of an exaggeration I couldn't find it in myself to do it even though I knew they weren't real they were still my friends and I love them all and I loved the literature Club yeah it's all about the literature Club hmm that's what this whole games been at brow really that's the theme the poems it's writing I really did love the literature Club that's why I'm going to do this I know it's the only way for everyone to be happy and if I really love you um she's she's trying you know she's trying we should give her a shot then okay and I have never oh yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] dude and she's got Monica's not there oh man what the [ __ ] it's an ordinary usual I'm surrounded by couples and like walk it is go gather I always tell myself it's about time I meet some girls or something like well there are T is one girl that girls say or II my neighbor and good friends since we were children for what you know for waking up on time well you've been doing that for a while now Aaron I cannot [ __ ] do this to myself well yeah I always thought it was implied it's embarrassing to say out loud come on fine fine I'm proud of you say re I start to say what I always do that I'm not interested joining any clubs but something tells me say or you would take more offense to that if I swear to God if we join anything others in the Chess Club I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] mind after all how could I tell her that clubs are a waste of time when she's starting a club of her very own I recall the room number of the club from a flyer I saw I walk across the school and upstairs a section of the school I rarely visit being generally used for third-year classes and activities before long I find the room I typically open the door in front of me hello God well I just yeah I glanced around the room CIA's been talking about thank you for stopping by it's a pleasure to meet you friend Aaron we're the literature Club No I hope you enjoy your visit that's all one whose name is apparently Gary seems to be quite shy compared to the others I'll find out she's not in comparison the girl named netsuke despite her size seems like the assertive one i'll find out she's not well it's nice to meet both of you oh my I look forward to working with you to me yeah that's right the club I've decided to join is yours se RA oh God say always eyes light up if there's not serious raw dog [ __ ] in this version I am going to be infuriated the girls have a few desks arranged to form a table I'm gonna bash my head into something Natsuki and URI walk over to the corner of the room where netsuke grabs a Rabb's trade URI opens the closet it's potato oh my god kill me still feeling awkward I take a seat next to say are you Natsuki proudly marches to back to the table tray in hand put a bullet in my head this is really good my god Thank You Natsuki at this point I wouldn't even wait to find a gun I just place a bullet on the desk and slam my head into a really hard like the Joker and if you were thrown Darren yeah well of course it is I'm a pro after all there's no need to thank me or anything netsuke can't cook do you know what happens from this point on iron Dan lake it are we just gonna [ __ ] play this whole thing again just without Monica I don't know Dan I swear to Christ should we keep playing I don't know Tim I guess we'll find out next time I I mean like where is anything I can put into my forehead like anything what about my wiener thank you so much oh my god hey what's up tiny annoying pink thing oh my god well you know the first thing you said manga that's right now Sookie tends to read manga in the club room you know the things stupid people read God yo is killed Micucci clubs here a good Fred I don't disagree or anything Oh God maybe you joined every day it's gonna be so much fun hey Frank you know I already said but none of that matters anymore it's just us now oh [ __ ] oh god and you made me the happiest girl in the whole world I can't wait to spend every day like this with you oh [ __ ] No okay no I won't let you hurt him who hurts oh I'm sorry I was wrong oh [ __ ] there's no happiness here after all goodbye say Orie goodbye friend Aaron could buy a literature Club Oh God oh jesus [ __ ] christ ah [ __ ] dicks she's back that Monica is back for more oh boy okay [Music] oh boy it's really good I love it so much fun wow she's really good piano yay yay oh what a happy ending oh man dan salvato you [ __ ] sick son of a [ __ ] no say Ori [Music] well Wow I did I didn't think for one second this song would have lyrics neither did I what a small team Congrats guys he made a really really affecting game so do you know well I don't remember that scene whoa it seems a little forceful that's hate so it must have been on the remember when we thought she was in love with us and not there was no murder in this game yeah Jillian Ashcraft nice saying so so here's a little fun I don't know if I already told you this or if you found it on your own or something okay dan salvato made a Mario maker level we played oh yeah the piece for pain I heard about that so he's been actually [ __ ] with us for quite some time yeah thanks bud I would like to meet him actually at some point well let's let's make it happen captain yeah why not I'd like to talk to him about what it was what the [ __ ] was going through his head when it came up with us Oh oh thanks Monica and friends why delete that one yeah I don't even know who's deleting [ __ ] now delete the menu delete game script made with love my team self odd oh yeah thanks so much wow that's so thoughtful oh boy this is my photo this is my final goodbye to the literature Club I finally understand the literature Club is truly a place where no happiness can be found to the very end it continued to expose innocent minds to a horrific reality a reality that our world is not designed to comprehend I can't let any of my friends undergo that's a mirage epiphany for the time it lasted I want to thank you for making all of my dreams come true for being a friend to all the club members and most of all thank you for being part of my literature Club with everlasting love Monica Wow file is missing our club please reinstall the game Wow so if I try to play it doesn't work anymore nope Wow look at that a [ __ ] weird ass game right - yeah that is that for true of course it is when is this game ever told you it's [ __ ] around all the characters are still there oh man DLC fan pack boiler warning weather warning what the [ __ ] all of the content in the bean contains spoilers oh okay gotcha oh it's like fan art and stuff cool Wow congrats to Team salvato yeah you guys [ __ ] with our heads nice and good thank you for [ __ ] us yeah that was raw that was a Lube free mind [ __ ] oh it was raw dog yeah I can tell you that congratulations and holy [ __ ] thanks for joining us on this game everybody oh there's multiple endings really mmm what else can happen no we're not doing it today Aaron I want you to go [ __ ] yourself did it did it
Channel: Grump Clips
Views: 1,772,038
Rating: 4.9493656 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps best of doki doki, game grumps best of doki doki literature club, game grumps doki doki, game grumps doki doki literature club, game grumps doki doki compilation, doki doki literature club game grumps, doki doki literature club, doki doki literature club best moments, game grumps
Id: gq3RuoE5vMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 16sec (7096 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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