Best of Dead Rising 2

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oh wow okay game is this well it doesn't a thumbnail but yeah it's Dead Rising 2 baby so we are here it's late at night we got seven more episodes to do so we're gonna play this Jam because we had a [ __ ] ton of fun playing the first dead rising and we'll see after seven episodes if if the lovelyz are down with it we sweet donut hell yeah sick yeah you saw that donut action yeah sorry man I need it I need a bro hungry hungry hey those delicious sprinkles in my mouth I'm hungry hungry like a hippo just wait til I get over there kill them I'll do what I can are we talking about the same thing I like to take the escalator cuz it's easy on my knees yeah you can shine into your backpack you'll be dead wow isn't it cool how would you know to put nails in a bat if you didn't have an explicit card telling you look at that x2 pp earned x2 Peavy sounds like the shittiest Star Wars x2 p p x2 people you're always leaking yeah okay here check it out there's a bathroom in here if you need to take a rest you can say [ __ ] I'm gonna do I'm an adult you could say I'm making bears to meet bears never in my life heard that oh boy making bears dumb post watches a duct tape some Nate Dunn making tiny little pieces of tape to hold each nail so you could just grab them off the wood I can make two of them yeah you sure can take more tiny pieces of tape Zoomer to notice but to turn it hopefully nism hopefully the tape holds it when the zombies hit it with their heads okay nice dude to spank bad [ __ ] looking really good I'm gonna use my [ __ ] sledgehammer I'm gonna some people I'd rather just shoot you in the face don't say I'm looking for a fair shot to the guy with the gun how did you get in there TV it's so small you got a lot of explaining hey Ted zombie I'll kill you if I have to [Laughter] dude it sounds like let's hammer yes I like this one but this one's really shiny bye okay thank you I was I was in a state earlier I was going through some salty stuff and I was having a little bit of a bad day and then Aaron came in with Dead Rising 2 in his hands and he's like hey [ __ ] wonderful also like you know us will never get political on this show but two minutes before yeah like no doubt by now you have heard millions of times endlessly about the Donald Trump coffee Queen but for us recording this it just happened 30 seconds ago where Dan and I were Simon and I tweeted I texted of screech out of that tweet to him and I heard him laugh through the wall it's so so funny regardless of where you land on the political spectrum I think we could all come together [Laughter] despite all the negative press conference what even word wasn't supposed to be I don't know there could be anything but I mean of course we're reading all this [ __ ] like immediately like don't even talk to me until I've had my god morning hashtag not my coffee I just died oops seems that way it's Chad no I Ament you Chad he was my best friend by the friends do the girl boy yeah your husband kicks way more ass than you Hey dang it ah damn it geez be careful uh sucks you'll get off her get off for Clay Aiken just just [ __ ] I ate another hot dog it's not me [ __ ] Ruben Studdard yes oh god I need to get something is that a first aid kit no it's a purse it's a [ __ ] oh Jesus I can't I can't I gotta get some health or save or something damn it purses and [ __ ] next time I gave hello do you think you could stuff pits in your [ __ ] what those moments where like I immediately have to think about a lot of things not just what you said but also questioning friendships and life choices I've made what's wrong with our friendship nothing's wrong with her if I ask you a simple question yeah I would hope that you would respect it an answer in kind yeah all right no I don't think you could fit tits in sorry but what if they were really small don't bargain with me as me and that's my answer yeah but some questions need discussion I love that you just I just one my name is Randy not a ram Ram oh god oh god oh god oh god it's gonna squish me it's can squish me I was around we're to the right [ __ ] I missed it [Music] [Applause] okay I'll just decapitate myself on the roof yeah yeah eat dicks which I again yeah yeah hold on hold on guys no I would've ended up in a bullet oh sorry ow oh boy I don't eat the jelly beans good all right I think Doris is officially [ __ ] okay he's just die already God shoot bullets aim lower cuz it drifts up there you go yes oh my god thank you no ass doors is dead dude for the other bear forget about her okay she's nothing to me anymore okay she's a ghost a figment she's a Fig Newton of my imagination okay oh my god [ __ ] my daughter is dying what's up doc yeah just plow a couple down do you sir little faster please oh man so nice to just be wandering around this mall unencumbered by Doris C would I be able to do that with Doris behind me oh my god I'm having so much fun oh so many wacky hijinx I always thought he could be the Three Stooges he was born when they were popular you know it'd be like the four Stooges and Carl would be one of those everywhere I got some money thank you see straight cash close the door close it close it close the [ __ ] doc oh my goodness Christian my love we've only known each other for so long but I feel as if we have a personal body and mind connection okay I will drop you off in the safe room maybe some other day you and I oh my goodness and you are a joy to be around if I do die kid somebody won and I got died and it was me I went for a sick redo but I can't go back in time so I just straight up just cut myself up and say okay sorry I have to take this yes I know Katie needs [ __ ] Zombrex I'm getting a guy who has Zombrex possibly well it says he may know yeah there's it's definitely in the pawn shop but I mean I don't know where the pawn shop is if only there were maps readily available at hey you're really getting my goat right now I'm gonna tell you right now you're really getting on my nerve I cannot hand and I've only got one if you can't find any Zombrex the pawn shop will have something for a price oh man what a great idea game thanks for that tip you can quickly access the map where the pawn shop can be found at pressing the back button geez thanks Gabe do I get PP fir'd kill yes Oh a very small amount wait you can see your peep ometer in the left corner oh yeah look at all the blood dude yes so much so much blood so that's pretty cool could become like an underwear model yeah there's always a choice and maybe like maybe make UK's future mommy I do okay it's actually with golf balls I got them great some baseball bats this is this is good this is good yay you know what I should stock up on some baseball bats and then make a bat with nails in it yes that's a good idea Oh in the golf range yeah oh we didn't we play this casino Cup I think we played in the first yeah that was really hard and I lost great the end I got [ __ ] man oh man yeah that took 90 seconds all right pause the episode not cut off oh [Music] my god did you okay I like [ __ ] great I look [ __ ] amazing right now all the boys wish they had all you [ __ ] out there hating I'm just trying to do what I can you want to play no you want to be the [ __ ] mister man that's got to do all the [ __ ] cuz it's hard no you want to be a backseat murderer you want to do that you want call your moms how you use your accomplice to murder cuz I'm trying to keep a secret from everybody I'm trying to take all the brunt take all the blood the bride where did you get that vest I mean it is fabulous don't even even get me started even don't even get me started alright alright don't turn that key alright don't start that English is there a button you need to press to continually get her to follow you no no she follows she's right there she's just kidding she's right there under that pile of zombies right right right but you know it's like what are you gonna do they're everywhere jump kick alright I can do that okay just jump into it somehow it's every zombie ah get off of her oh she's gonna die no she's not she's fine bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang step it's Vicki get on the way on my bullets Vicki stop absorbing my bullets thank you okay guys you got out she's fine run Reiki let's go Vicki Vicki let's go this is a freaky bench fancy bench it's a fancy bench get out of here man come on [ __ ] out sorry Vicki oh my god I'm sorry Vicki oh you [ __ ] s'matter with that bad she's not following my zombies and [ __ ] options god dammit jinkies you defected what does that mean means she said [ __ ] you see what she said I'm not following you anymore she's gonna die now sure oh she's fallen oh she's falling she's back she's back we're back I don't care that you're upset at me alright I want you to be healthy and happy and that you're dead it's right there get in get in come with me Vicki Vicki come and come with me Vicki please [Laughter] hmm Wow boy you know I mean you only met her a short time ago in that stall but you went through so much back away from my girlfriend she was the love of my life ruined our future oh my god favorite okay there be something behind the stage well there's a maintenance tunnel somewhere else in this room I'm like aimed right at it no I'm not you're behind me yes don't go by the red arrow right no it's behind the stage yeah that's what I said no but that was just a suggestion oh my god Aaron I don't want to just waste them right off the bat I put gas please yes [ __ ] fabulous goddamn warrior princess coming up to you stay back Oh God my impenetrable wall of valuables yeah looks like your onion rings Oh [Laughter] funny [ __ ] am I supposed to do man he says pizzas there's a whole stack of pizzas there's a stack of piece on the shelf really to the left oh my god whoa yeah you did see behind him you have died it's okay man long time before you say no I just saved a second ago did you write no you didn't I didn't save after I killed the mercenaries no news you just were like I'll do tastes like chicken that's what exactly what I wanted to do and you can't tell me differently and I was like okay you know what you're doing oh I know Aaron so if I go in there and make some cocktails and then literally nothing what did I beat the mocktails did nothing they did they made the damage so that it was good enough to kill the one guy so if I throw two of them at one dude it'll probably kill him and then I can grab his gun and then kill the rat I am warm with anger for you know I'm not angry I'm actually quite inspired now I'm angry oh well then I'm this is Aaron doesn't listen to Dan the let's play what are you okay what am i doing what is what should I do I will listen to you well I mean you should do exactly what you just [ __ ] it did but save it afterwards you didn't tell me to save it though oh my god yes I did I said get back to the main maintenance tunnel and save that [ __ ] did you restock you said restock you didn't say save what do you think that means it doesn't mean say it means save your game and [ __ ] get all the [ __ ] it means oh my god but there's no but you can't I don't want to yell at you Aaron I want to come down and you any harder than I already have oh wow yeah you got it you got a run or you go or you could die you could fight them with no that's a choice did I save it no [ __ ] it Maron well next time I go grab everyone enjoy that I downvote this episode oh my god I will spend my dollars and cents on the craps table because I hear you win big at craps mmm crap get it it sounds like the word crap oh my god my sandwiches here Adam Aaron Aaron I'm sorry my sandwich yay thank you sandwich fairy yeah you're a genius and a legend oh my god I'm so I guess next time I game room so you can eat your say oh well that's exciting for me thank you everyone for understanding all right I guess you showed me there everybody excuse me it was so this was the problem yes this is this was actually the problem let me just go ahead and oh hey eat [ __ ] it's my sign can you let me my pizza please stop you better start swinging that's the breads of problems oh [ __ ] oh the potted plant this is a design you better get out of yeah yeah yeah almost of everything everything thank you fools propane tanks gonna explode no hop over the South go around the van oh no no you are beating the van yeah it's a straight-up street fighter dude oh [Laughter] dammit isn't it sir sir sir we are going on a date there's zombies everywhere what are we going on a date it's a date I mean the bartender's aren't alive she never gets bothered by zombies I'll meet you at the bar yeah you know just got some drinks clumsily like drops a bunch of beautiful [ __ ] atrocious yes I gotta find some cash that's what I gotta do I have to use what's left of my eggs let me ask you a few questions Oh Aaron and on that amazing joke we'll see you next time on game grumps late did you reset the timer when we started yes I did okay are you proud of me yeah you're smart big boy love you it's how much I love you thanks put me put my health at risk yeah all right with the tip of my dick friendship I'm gonna [ __ ] free dude I'm gonna [ __ ] pray if you make this broom machete broom Shetty I need a dress drop the foam hand Erin just have a real emotional attachment yeah it makes my hand look big it says I'm the number one fan will I lose my status if I know something else is gonna pick it up I can't live with that kind of pressure it's embarrassing you are not at all psychologically scarred by what we've just been through what would anyone want to get out of this city I understand you know making any sense right now what time where wait I forgot everything oh yes oh oh oh yes oh I'm gonna chase don't I'm going down in front of everyone all of lovelyz are watching Wow so yeah see there's tons of time okay cool I would recommend saving your progress okay I appreciate your concern with my my health situation but they ain't no ambulance around ain't no ambulance Wow somebody called the ambulance [Laughter] [Music] call the WIMP you bleep went bleep oh nice you got more peepee for doing that oh why that one got I don't know either this game is just so funny in so many little ways that like it eventually just like creeps up on you and start giggling oh yeah that could be food yeah boobers was there another flashlight yes there was oh my god dude were Tripoli laser swords I love it today we're gonna die no it's not true it's not true don't take it don't take it don't know don't go there don't go there with this I didn't know that was the thing they could come in here okay oh my god that's [ __ ] funny get ready to start swinging cuz they could kill you yeah neato oh yeah no god oh nice got'em okay alright cool this is a major area so I think all major areas lead to the maintenance area cool I mean we'll find out yeah but have Hogan from KSA's really I'm half Hogan from yeah yeah we have Hogan dude yeah whenever he sees me like when we were on tour and every time we pass each other on the bus he be oh my god it's so funny he's so funny in his understated way yeah I gotta get her healthy [ __ ] so she can live another day of this horror scream - cream - please a full of coffee creamer [ __ ] I have to old damn can't run a drink got the confidence of the cream cream cream cream rule ensuite a tourist boat hat I'm gonna put on the boat half [Music] [Laughter] you kill the boss it was good [ __ ] zombie your dad if I have anything to say about it happened oh goodness no was it Nikki she's dead super dead oh I got it I only have one laser sword left yeah what dude you killed I think you killed like 300 zombies in the last two episodes so it's definitely working well that's cool and all but I can't be happy unless I have at least three wait [Laughter] it's about to be July 4 it yeah I was like where's a good place to watch the fireworks and you're like from my deck Oh guys those poor bags oh that's a well-placed buzzsaw oh I love it what he's just gonna he's gonna kill himself you know he's just gonna fall he didn't mean to turn it on yay oh that's a shame yeah walk it off champ yikes dude boy a very realistic blood situation hilarious I'm a pro and you're a bro thank you yeah so give it up for the pro that's the most terrible high-five even in the waveform tiny little tick I bet people won't even hear we tried all gonna get canceled out by the gating the audio processing is gonna be like that's not enough man do you remember the first thing that you laughed at when you were kid oh Jesus no but I remember the first joke I told that made no [ __ ] sense was it it was what do you get with I don't know I just [ __ ] it was like what do you get would you cross like a kangaroo and a Stegosaurus and the it was there was a tuna fish sandwich and then I would laugh and all the other kids in nursery school would be like I'm gonna go play with blacks by myself please oh and Aaron some [ __ ] dope ass late nineties clothing yo what's what you'll like my clothing I know you I love it you kidding me dobannis let's I never heard you use that kind of language before damn is it that pink one what do you put yeah is the pink one okay what do you uh what do you hit with the kids now of course I'm hip with the kids I would I've always been happy ever a new thing yeah I thought the exact same thing watch it watch out everybody I've got services to do in game grumps is I'm just playing a game I'm just saying whatever comes to mind and and it's not as researched but it it has the same weight because it's just a thing on the internet oh oh yeah I see what you're saying now I'm I'm the guy who yells at the video games and gets the frustrated at when the game tells me what to do and I don't listen but it's it's not it's just it's just it's context yeah you're saying that's not what the foot forward that you'd want to you know put out there it's just what happens randomly you're at the mercy of however you're feeling in the moment that's not necessarily it's not that I don't want it to be out there okay I'm just saying it's different mm-hm so if a sequel I just comes out and then if there was another sequence that came out I'm not saying that I'm working on one or anything but if there was another one then it would be like oh whoa this is the guy who said to play Naughty Bear and didn't know to press the button you know you are so [ __ ] high right now it is amazing to me I am talking to stone Darren this is what it would be like if only you smoked weed when I was sober because they're outside they're all outside in this one area so if I just dick around in the air you'll find them maybe I'll just lose maybe she swam away I don't know if I can drive home yeah I might need to drive you this is a little crazy okay okay there's a there's there's a cinema somewhere and I gotta find it it should be easy it's there - oh my god are the reason you remember those songs is because they're [ __ ] catchy yeah it's true there's a lot of value in that and if it gets stuck in your head constantly that means there's some subconsciously that makes you like it yeah you're probably right it's like I [ __ ] let the [ __ ] hero song by Nickelback Chad Kroeger he's alive a guy you mean the singer from saliva sure yeah I'm pretty sure however they want to be billed it's not Chad Kroeger and saliva guy I came out the [ __ ] the silly goose I was like I don't even know anymore in this [ __ ] dog-eat-dog world Wow well said you got we got the players playing the players you got the player haters hating on the player haters it's like what do you even do anymore what are you what are you talking about talking about this dog-eat-dog world man oh yeah okay you know what you're on drugs I keep forgetting goddamn it discharge everything I say because disregard everything I say yes Aaron I am gonna discharge everything because just because they took a little cough syrup yeah I don't know if this is okay to say out loud huh we we went to it yeah I'm gonna say we went to we went on a trip we were in Hawaii yeah Aaron got very badly sunburned on his face his nose has been peeling for quite egregiously for a couple of days yeah I think you have nose flakes in your hair yeah no it's its forehead flakes Oh was my foreheads feeling - oh thank god everyone's favorite cereal are you going to eat that you kind of look like Mark McGrath dude I watched it did you it's so insane reeks out when someone calls him sugar gay it's such it over the top reaction calm down man I'll choke your [ __ ] face what does that mean nothing you're nothing you never get anywhere in this and you talking about he's just some guy hold on Mike and I are checking our arm here oh yeah I don't have much yeah a little bit like it kind of curls up the side oh oh oh we saw the hairiest dude on the beach in Hawaii did you see that guy iron by the black sand beach no he like took off his shirt and he looked more clothed it was horrifying the only place he was like had no hair was like on a bald spot on the top of his head yeah it was brutal it's not the weirdest the hairiest dudes are the ones that are yeah is there a reason your character is barefoot because I made him that way yeah he's definitely not a hip-hop kind of guy all the time that's just cuz Aaron wanted to bust a sag with those jeans that's that's some late 90s terminology for you oh hey wait don't before you leave eat those snacks what's next there's some snacks lying on the ground are there snacks right there delicious snacks it even says snack Dan those snacks look like a snack that did like nothing it really didn't do much where are their other snacks did you just see that one snack and then say snacks as if you saw multiple snacks but there were not in fact multiples we're not in fact snacks do you think you could possibly say in the next couple of sentences that was the gagging well anyway good song all right you need food like whoa oh no you leveled up all right uberman 202 says I know Ross and Barry already played undertale but I'd love to see Erin and Dan but mostly dan streamed and intend to switch versions sometime I know Dan will love it then afterwards you guys can stream Delta in chapter 1 maybe Ross can join it wow this guy's just got it all played out Tom masters says who would win in a fight between Robocop and Inspector Gadget it's an efficient killer yeah I'm actually wearing a Robocop t-shirt as we speak the only reason Inspector Gadget gets any [ __ ] done is because that's true and brained brain yeah to a lesser degree brain I'm excited to go to Ren Faire yeah yeah yeah I know I have a history yeah I feel very secure in my relationship yeah yeah this isn't this isn't a fragile thing like the other ones no no wizard spell can can keep us apart and if it does I'll [ __ ] straight-up stab a [ __ ] not not Ashley like the wizard Wiz yeah the wizard is the [ __ ] well you walk a fine line in this business risky oh that's cool I'm just killing people yeah you should find some food dude that's food dude have your whole goal right now [Laughter] this message expired right yep oh yeah and then there's one more orange juice oh I'm [ __ ] sick good job save it right after I get the OJ perfect good to file that food new what thing yes I don't know I just saw something on the floors hope egos food here was a 3-foot long Sarah I swear if you mock me once or a private stream look that join button yeah if a stranger comes up to you and says join my private stream don't do it but this is an exception yeah because we're not strange yeah you know us or earth a cool everyone if you have an Alexa please place it near your computer now Alexa play angel of death by Slayer wait thank you I got one Alexa no the music will keep playing Alexa what is the average penis size they will actually answer that really oh yeah oh yeah what's the answer it's like 5.3 well the check out real riled up when we start talking about penis sizes oh I saw a lot of disappointed people then bargaining yes watching you go through the five steps right now except you never get to acceptance oh my god we really weird boy I don't know Aaron don't even question it just go I mean I'm just curious yeah I'm curious to know they're after me yeah I dang it get in the yes why'd you run my riot because I was being chased and I got scared don't you understand basic human emotion I do I do [Laughter] you might be better to just run at him and take him out with the shot with the axe yeah but this is more frustrating yeah but this will make me matter into less hilarious what the [ __ ] how come their bullets don't do anything but the one hit from this thing like destroys them I don't know look man I understand it's probably a better thing to do great now I'm down one Trey hmm still one they go pee in it thanks for the coffee oh my god for too long doing anything why they're not coming busted gruba demon choice oh yeah hit me about demon boys for us alright let's get some grub a demon Wow [Music] what are you doing I'm trying to goof around I'm trying to gap around this one a good J / - Aaron we're getting at a request can you do the what is it Yoda what does a Mandalorian call his dog what what what is the Mandalorian cause dog let's save it [Music] make them work for it make them donate for it oh come on that's not cool at all why isn't that cool we do it all the time oh all right Oh God donate $1,000 to hear the robot voice thousand dollars I can't just run they'll get me try okay what are you doing because the chat is losing it so what I did was I discovered that Aaron no that was your fault on you told me to pick up don't put this on me [Laughter] [Music] [Music] no we got the thing back Hey all right the free some zombies oh yeah it saves when you um when you get a cutscene oh yeah that's a sick sir so I'm good man you're super good let me get a lightsaber now do it what could possibly go wrong are you gonna get mad at me if I get a lightsaber no I will not get mad at you you sure yeah will you get mad at me if I tell you to run I didn't get mad I said alright and then I went well first I gave you some [ __ ] about it a lot of requests going on for Lehman Obama now when the game grumps do my voice man perfect you got lots of PEP hell yeah baby PEP saving survivors gives you PEP coming out of my weenie Kumble weapons give PEP this is a good song so chat looks like it's just me and you for 30 seconds I might have to get a colonoscopy that's fun just wanted to share that with y'all because the last time we recorded grumps I spent maybe an hour and a half to two hours on the toilet which is super fun for Dan but also especially fun for me it's a very productive day we had I think we think we were recording episodes until 1:30 in the morning because of my poopy problems my diarrhea dysfunction my bear dropping bonanza I woke up during one of my colonoscopies once and saw my own insides on a TV yeah it's fun and I was like is that normal and the doctors like yeah I go back to sleep but do they like gas you I mean it's not [ __ ] outwits they just come on they you um I think they give you some kind of injection what to knock you out yeah or maybe a pill you take but that's what mama said mama said knock you out is a reference to an early 90s LL Cool J song just ask him what Florio's going to well what the hell was that I just say yes that the term like Happy Meal is like the most like it's just like begging to be like you know I mean it like go straight to this psyche no I don't I don't know what you mean cuz you never got to though the part where you say what it is I'm pretty sure it's random what he does he's dick in your ass it's okay I got offensive policy do you have another lobster what the hell oh crap oh it blew a hole in the ground oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Aaron was so excited that no words for [Laughter] wine that's what I do when I'm mad at me okay funny [ __ ] hell yeah also quick step Wow okay they just call it that the move fast juice get out of the way daddy needs us to move fast juice all right I got a steak cool I got I'm pretty I'm pretty well prepared right now and I have full health dude I'm going into this fight with good stuff you seem ready to kill it [Music] you totally got looks like you plans you change it some new clothes oh yeah celebrate oh no you've worn that before yeah but this is a mood there's a flashlight you can grab grab oh and it hooked to the left and the maintenance tunnels there yeah dog close the door you can combine hunk of meat with death oh this is awkward this is awkward yeah now it's just you and me nope that has to feel great I delivered my diarrhea today hello and welcome to a game grim stream what yeah but are you alright how'd it go I had you know it's been a little it's been a little did testicle troubles and so it's like I guess I gotta go to the doctor and then they were like we got to run every test mm-hmm yep so they gave me like 9 vials ah yes deposit the different liquid and then you have to shut up well I don't have to cut mine up it was it's what Susie's for it was easy scoop ins so congratulations on what I'm sure will be an excellent diagnosis era thanks but no problem and congratulations I'm getting the handle you're out of water whoo which is one of the weirdest experiences a human can go through but eventually everyone almost everyone goes through it but like nothing prepared me for having to like stand over it as it sits in a bowl in the sink just the sink scooping tiny scoops at it oh that's where food goes man I wouldn't do that what let the kitchen sink okay sorry I thought I'm sorry I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions and now our friendship is on thin ice huh it'd be funny if you liked laundry sink you store it in the fridge I did honey don't um it's like when I went over to your house a long time ago damn and Jesus and a seven and Susie had a bunch of dead taxidermy animals frozen in the freezer I was like this is not how I thought this trip to get fudgsicles here we go yeah exactly thank you don't treat your oj well I don't just to coffee I guess it's the same yeah it's the only thing I had anyway uh listen Mensa that could be helpful awesome nail maybe the cements on the propane tank will make something you're wasting a lot of time I'm not wasting time have to kill zombies one way or another nope looks like I wasted some time dad was always mean to me we know young and that's why I act out in such a wave do you not have any more weapons I gotta know you told me to just go well yeah that is that is a thing for sure I think to the left there should be flashlights and gems yes I remember what happened the last time I tried to do that yes you yelled at me but that's all well because you dilly-dallied good clothes oh dude oh sorry I don't I did sometimes I just get in the heat of the moment it's very stressful to watch listen if there's one person that understands the heat of the moment it's it's I just want to say Ross is uh on his phone eating a cupcake and I don't think I've ever seen a man more at peace don't know Ross you don't have to respond I go through this door you might even have time if you can get stuff fast enough you might even have time to level up your PPE at level 21 my peepee is fully up greens all the boys to the yard I assure you that's correct I've seen it and they're like it doesn't even rhyme no Thank You Taylor he wanted to recommend his newest favorite podcasts for you my brother my brother and me and the adventure zone D&D podcast well my brother my brother and me that there was the McElroy guys yeah I've never heard them but apparently they're very good they keep stealing our fans stealing our fans yeah what do you mean all the people that I follow on Twitter that like us now instead like them so they're better than we are I guess they're like the next level I think you might be reading a little too much beg of you to finally admit it game grumps is like this is like Gateway and home and then - and then the destination is to the McElroy don't let in security issues like color your idea of what's going on out there what no I think they're great just hit five million freaking subscribers everything's fine I'm not insecure you're insecure Wow spoken like a truly secure man it's true though I'm just being honest how many cases of that can you though don't say that I'm not saying that other fans aren't my favorite that's exactly what look like something you get at Toys R Us drifting towards space pardon me for one moment I shall return do you have to make water both my legs are asleep no I don't have time for a cup cake Ike maybe I'll get a cup cake is anywhere else your self the best life do you have I was living my best life we would have never left Maui I'd be there just jerking off wildly on till on to all different types of endangered wildlife well bro don't even front like you haven't wanted to jerk off on a sea turtle alright well Ali and I guess I'm the only one who's ever had a dream yeah I guess I guess I didn't think I I guess I just over estimated our friendship and because I real friends would support me thank you yeah nothing's more truthful than Jay owing on sea turtles are they endangered they will be they're in danger of getting high Brent Brent is hovering can I say can I can I say it's your birthday I know but like can I say tomorrow's we already said that happy birthday Brent says the chat you're so gorgeous you look outstanding 487 Brent has to set to tell everyone that he's not 95 he's 96 yeah but that's probably just the dimension is my wiener grows yeah that's right if you want to run in before you run in you can make a double to blend two vodkas together and you'll run in you'll take less damage when he first starts hating you I don't even know where the foot in casino I don't know I don't know if there's been a sentence that sums up your experience with this game more than what you just said aren't what I don't know what the [ __ ] dot dot dot trail off you know [Music] impressive that you could drink through that mask dude it filters out all the impurities sweet no pulp to pulp mask alright they invented that yet the only thing was the only thing worse than orange juice with pulp is orange juice with extra calcium where you're like oh what is that it's all the calcium is there a metal in my orange juice and there is orange juice with Aleksic extra calcium gives you bones you only have a couple bones when you're born and if you drink calcium then you get more bones I've often thought about that what if I didn't drink enough orange juice to get the extra bones needed to form my ribcage and legs then you would have been [ __ ] thank God for simply orange orange juice sourced from the Florida's [Laughter] [Music] maybe a couple more slots yeah guys I'm in a casino when am I gonna be back to the Yucatan casino so true dude we're gonna be back here you gotta enjoy it well it's here meanwhile I'm like selling [ __ ] on the street can you beat some people with that elephant elephant oh yes oh my god it's huge my nap time I love this game the the only ways damn I got to say is if you're old enough to know what you want and young enough to have the energy to go out and get it then age does not matter at all ain't that some [ __ ] it's super true beautiful no thank you it's hey man it ain't me it's just the truth of life and get your prostate checked get your prostate checked get a routine colonoscopy and if you don't want to go to a doctor get your girlfriend to check your prostate if she's if she's cool she'll do it and if she's super cool she'll do it alive do you remember when you were escorting I can remember it was Nicky or Sophie let's say Sophie yeah and she died right in front of the safety oh yeah yeah as a gamer so animated about that yeah and then you just run out there and you start killing zombies it used to be funny we add some great time no wonder people are switch to the mecha oh my god why is it B so dour about is this a joke [Music] [Applause] stop it's Frida man holy [ __ ] this is one of my favorite things in this entire game
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 593,062
Rating: 4.9373841 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, fashion, hugs, zombies, comedy, horror movies, horror games, the zombies, hugs and kisses, best horror movies, what is fashion, fashion news, mall, horror news
Id: j5kEzo1TXh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 15sec (4215 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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