Best Laughter Moments - Phoenix Wright - Game Grumps Compilations [UNOFFICIAL]

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hmm the person responsible for your girlfriend's death newspapers say it was you oh [ __ ] and I am one to believe newspapers guilty I say we're not even the court robbery in the courtroom yet he's guilty my name is Phoenix Wright I'm his attorney my first case is a fairly simple one the case of this slowly spilling ketchup mr. Wright given the circumstances I think we should have a test to ascertain your readiness yes your honor damn it hands shaking iSight mom spaghetti look the victim's name is listed in the court record which he totally won't see you checking after he just asked you the question just press the Jennifer button remember to check it often begi gear like horribly and trying to subtly deliver information yeah oh I dropped my Sabrina be sure to pay attention to any evidence added during the trial that evidence is the only ammunition you have in court boy if I were [ __ ] Larry Butz I'd be freaking out right now you don't know what evidence is daddy's sugar yes it's a delicious caramel II kind of agreed not to be confused with sugar babies wait and hold on huge cliffhanger for next time on game grumps yeah we're doing it [ __ ] get ready babies we're going on a little court adventure I love this game yeah it's it's immediately engaging no I care about all these characters do you think he did it no he didn't do it it's like it you saw the other guy murder right mr. Payne your witness he was arrested and has been taken away very well mr. Wright yes your honor I have to say I'm impressed I don't think I've ever seen someone complete a defense so quickly sorry I'm just saying you're like um Larry Butz killed her I know it oh god damn it hmm there are some glass shards near the Chiefs body must be pieces of the glass light stand in the back of the room glass shards nothing else that seems like a clue here mm-hmm another clue Mia's younger sister Maya was arrested on the spot I was taken in for questioning and didn't get out until the next morning my eyes were heavy mom sweaty mom spaghetti kid at the detention center I had to talk to Maya as soon as possible oh man excuse me I have to pee 9:07 a.m. time for some breakfast spaghetti so you're a real honest-to-goodness spirit medium with ESP and all that yes in Chinese well can't you contact me to Spirit then you could just ask her who killed her I'm sorry the ESP I have is extra super penis expensive-looking mahogany bookshelves filled with expensive looking books hmm funny they don't look like they've ever been read the smell of books is overwhelming me as is the smell of mahogany I'm blood a solid mahogany desk code the thick of it I had completely forgotten about her oh yeah it was dumb and forgettable good lawyering the witness yeah miss April May sorry about this I was just saying that that gave me pause for a second because first I thought it was the same name as the April from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it's not that was April O'Neil yeah and then I thought April May huh they're both months and then I thought oh I'm doing a show and I haven't said anything just walking you through my process yeah they say a lot of spiritual power runs in our blood about 15 years ago our family was involved in an incident it was a man and he he he shot my parents in front of me [Laughter] that she disappeared several years after that my sister Annette she would become a lawyer and she left the mountain so you live by herself yes I've gotten used to it Oh also I had to become independent I haven't used my powers housemates helps feel bad for all by herself on that mountain if i order pizza and pancakes that could just slide them under the door and I don't even have to open it so was this man at a time she my mother became the laughingstock of the nation I see we are we are the youth of the nation it's a beauty song look it up excuse me p OD yeah people of doo doo doo doo dee doo I don't actually don't know what it stands for huddle of dud penis of Destruction she smiled last she looks like an entirely different person even though she's been smiling a lot this conversation last question you are innocent right [ __ ] and I trust you so you trust me - okay it's a deal so what next do I trust her there's something that's been bugging me I'm the detective in charge of homicides down at the precinct sir detective gumshoe please describe for us the details of this murder very well sir let me use this floor map of the office to explain this is where the penis was the body was attached and flaccid what do you say to that Miss May right what are you trying to say you mean lawyer it's so DISA I just didn't think all the trifling little details were necessary darling miss may the court would like to remind you to please omit nothing in your testimony promise wink that right as in your right as you look from the hotel which hand I'll have my knife in again it's not something you want to say in court yeah it was my right hand wait is my stabbing arm Hey Oh oh it's really meager and did I I'm like a lizard I guess I did team wink its coffee you know like normal coffee but code if you don't drink it quick the ice melts and then you have regular cold coffee yeah iced coffee sink jiggle I'm making this up has the bellboy wink you'd think that you would keep it for the court well but that's fine uh okay well I guess I'm going to blue court yeah Grossberg Grossman Grossberg oh I knew the Jew is behind this Daniel I'm sorry we jut we run the media of course we do oh hello welcome back hello we have been game grump in for many many hours now we're we're [ __ ] knee deep in this [ __ ] we gotta find out well we already know who did it but yes gotta find out how to get it done yes this is our last episode of the night because we are [ __ ] dead my throat hurts I'm parched my penis is even smaller do you remember Zach Galifianakis his comedy bit where he's like being a super [ __ ] and then he apologizes to the audience he's like I'm sorry everyone but you know my parents died a couple of hours ago is with me not a little off today I will do anything to get my verdict mr. right anything including being guilty of murder if you proclaim this man guilty I'll suck your dick the prosecution rests there's no way to tell who is guilty and who is innocent except with evidence through a fair trial in a court of law and we don't have time for that [ __ ] yes training boy all that I can hope to do is get every defendant declared guilty so I make that my policy geez Edgeworth so cool you've changed into a small girl today we will hear the testimony of a witness to defend the to the defendants crime mm-hmm I see oh you mean like every [ __ ] trial mr. white the victim died from a single blow [ __ ] you [ __ ] dumbass I mean of course this is the face I make what I'm being peed on this is it what do you have to say to that herb now that's now's my chance to hit him where it counts in the head with a statue mr. white mr. white slap oh it was impossible for you to have seen the glass stand oh look at this those are the floor plans to the scene of the murder where did you get this no it's the menu to the Chinese place down the [ __ ] road yes it's the floor correct your honor now look this is a story all about how he said he saw the stand a week before the murder there you go now if you could just get this itch II title screen bar out of the way so I could let these Babs B know we need to read the [ __ ] I think the cord is about to reconvene go do it Phoenix we know you're innocent now you just have to prove it remember my behind all right bet I am my life is riding on this and we'll find out what happens next time on game grumps oh baby I wish we had a theme song we do it's the ham okay oh yeah yeah yeah one that lasts longer than two seconds yeah I thought yeah one that's like I got you you know it starts out like saxophone if anyone wants to make us a sweet saxophone theme song yeah we'd be grateful it's a place where the game grumps go thank you all the friends play a game my friends Batman's play a game spirits play games my face Oh God one of them's gonna be ones not so if you want to know the place to go yeah that's where the game grumps dude don't you know there's a change there's a goalie away he's skewered a villain with his samurais spear and then he put its selection of onions and meats on it and it was shish kebab time I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about just quick please Nick stick I should have used that time to come up with oh boy his body was found still inside the evil magistrate costume samurai spear was also found stuck through the body here's a picture Nick what is this history that's not what yes of course would be right there he wants to kill us both with his Emory spear he wants to confess to the murder let's go Nick go go where they have two samurai tenets detention [Laughter] 100 times in the checkpoint but it's a little late for that don't you think obvious he's not gonna do it again maybe I shouldn't be saying he definitely did it murder at least once maybe twice whoa whoa whoa what are you saying I'm saying that no one with chest hair like that could ever you wanna be this guy Richard I sure yes same thing well the steel samurai is the lead character in a popular kids show everybody loves it everyone who matters he walks the streets of Neo Tokyo fighting battle after battle against the evil magistrate and his minions of course he never really defeats the evil magistrate except for now except for near the crafty table I guess he did defeat in this time hate that guy yeah funny glad he's dead I say neo old Tokyo who comes up with these names wish I didn't say that out loud do you have a steel alibi now where were you on the day of the murder well that morning I came to the studios at 9:00 but he was the only one that walked by he's the killer you can bet your biscuits on it not my biscuits oh my sweet sweet biscuits isn't it time for you to be heading home to those biscuits objection take back there's nothing to say air move on actually we're here at mr. powers his request humph I thought you were suspicious-looking show me a letter of request and maybe I'll just let you in here saying she owns the place obviously I do I'm paid for and I missus Studios really anyway you may pass but only left from here towards the studios to the right is my private outhouse I will grant you access if you'll prove to me you are worthy no going to right that's the employee area that's what I call my dukey's my employer my instructions to check things out I can't stop chuckling to myself should probably go I'll be at this for a while it's really funny that's kind of busted oh the wind was pretty strong yesterday and the head broke off oh jeez it look it looked like it was it's pushing its head like the body I got some ideas and then the wind knocked me over on my bum bum and I her my bum bomb and I cried it's all recorded here on this camera take a look oh yeah that was kind of dangerous what song do you play when someone visits your mind am I in your chopping the employee area that's where powers is his dressing room is right yes yes that's the plan jackhammer was using his crazy serrated edge sword it was so scary mini hot after eating lunch there mr. hammer went to studio one and he was like this is where I'm dying today and I was like can we arrest this is our chance to do it without looking over our shoulders what it's but game guru welcome back to moms it's gonna be a good time game is soaked I would love it if someone found our like longest series of insane curse strings and just like cut it together yeah cut it so it was just like dead silence for like 30 seconds at all you're here is chair now jump ahead to later that day 5 p.m. cuz nothing of note happened before that go ahead and jump might as well jump the production staff came from ok the production staff came to studio 1 to perform a rehearsal they came from the shitty Shetty oh boy that shitty they went to [ __ ] down needless to say the rehearsal was canceled everyone was [ __ ] comfortably what do you think we should do even though you just said what we should do oh right yeah I did say that isn't that yeah Jesus Christ man there's no point hanging out here huh all right well uh do you have any ideas studio one boy Aaron you are very thorough when consulting your own brain yeah well you know I like to get it done I like to move it move it I like to get earning you know dude do you remember that damn murders shut the [ __ ] out take a look around that chair for me was talking about all right this path was blocked from 2:15 till after 4:00 therefore were innocent even though I could have easily changed the time on the clock or just walked around it I mean is that thing that [ __ ] babe mr. hammer died in studio one at 2:30 say goodbye no I could get around mr. monkey mr. monkeys head what would a lemur like you know about steel samurai and or the bombs hey hey watch that attitude I am defending him in court Phoenix you really shouldn't yell like that he's only a kid yeah don't yell like that I'm only a kid man I couldn't talk to ghosts apparently so deal well she's channeling Mayas channelling Mia oh she's really there okay got it so do you know anything about what happened here could you tell me please I don't know nothing hmm looks like a little persuasion is necessary maybe colored shoves them against the wall rose enough I don't care what kind of girl you might think I am I need that card what does that mean please I beg you please try to make trade with you yes trade cards look I'll even trade you an ultra rare premium car how convenient trade me uh-huh Joss it's a good deal for your our our plane Phoenix can't you see she's desperate getting so excited to be doesn't doing good things like that make you feel great yeah yeah it does she's just sucking a dick sighs all right we're good great let's find that kid [Laughter] this is your momís she will be happy and fulfilled unless you d did you really get a picture of the steel samurai standing victorious over his foe do you know what happens to soft boys like you in jail you know Bob stop you said you just came back on I'll turn it off Aaron I'll be right back maybe you're the one who turned it off and I turned it on I was a fool for wrong wrong and guessing you don't you know bad stuff I'll be Maya I know it means five years ago they're filming up movies starring with Sara hammer they're using the new studio studio walk do you like that I'm smoking an imaginary Dube you're riot okay buh buh well for starters you could have a face that registers emotion you could tell me something you dead-eyed psychopath tell me what it is [Music] [Laughter] could you tell us what happened five years ago tell me how can a person eat a t-bone steak and not leave the bone I think I know how you hate the bone - oh gotta be yeah you didn't need any steak during that break you took your steak and threw it somewhere like that incinerator you had a steak break but you faked to the break of steak see then what was miss Vasquez doing during her break murder what's your take on the fake steak break think you would have a great deal of difficulty using that as a weapon pretty much anyone would ha yes say yes however that has no bearing on this case mmm man a samurai spear was not the murder weapon what reservation what is the meaning of this I'm the one testifying here and I will be hard are you quite Sam are you even aware of what you're saying if a samurai spear was not the murder weapon then pray tell what was how was hammer killed well mr. right can you tell us what weapon was used to kill mr. hammer I can what I make a claim like that if I couldn't tell you what even the dang weapon was your confidence can sometimes be unfounded mr. right congratulations mr. right I lose again how's your pleasure she broke her pipe why is it in that shot good point she just has a new pipe mr. Edgeworth where did that pipe come from where's Dee Vasquez in the waiting lobby our honor has calm and collected as ever crazy in retrospect it would have been better had we not met thanks to you I'm saddled with unnecessary feelings oh my god for another man named Phoenix unnecessary feelings yes unease and uncertainty this was like scientifically formulated to be like gay fanfiction Oh Hawaii you think so oh my god yes come on unnecessary feelings since I've met you yeah you're really right kind of necessary they only serve to get in my way oops who left this you how a battle ghulam you listen to me Phoenix right and you listen good you sexy sexy man don't ever show your face in front of me again or I'll be forced to come on it yeah you better be turned around the next time I see you that's what I came here to tell you to return to my home planet I'll admit I was kind of surprised I didn't think they'd seriously go through with it you did by trading cards - okay that's exactly how she said it I'm sure at the last second like oh god I can't stop thinking about Phoenix right and the spear Phoenix the spear that heavy heavy spear no woman could possibly lift he's like punching his head Lee what could be the symbolism just makes no sense I was always told not to go chasing them [Laughter] so you've come to laugh at the fallen attorney then laughs laughs okay why aren't you laughing Nick should we be laughing nah it's a trick laughing he'll get mad or burst into tears go ahead cry it's worth tell me what happened why should I what are you going to do about it but that big honking dick of yours a big swinging meat sausage prove that badge you wear isn't just some fancy piece of metal well you mean this patch help out the person who was revealed to be the murderer prove it to me pal show me you're an attorney come on do it whip it out I feel winters chill from the bare leaf trees today I really could use Winter's Bone if you know what I'm saying what is it about winter that turns people into poets well then get a toe cap it's like a it's like a half sock that's just for your toes yes my poetry the sign says gourd Lake Nature Park I wonder what this place is this place is full of families picnicking on the weekend familias not many picnickers come here what's up everybody we are the picnickers it occurred to me that I might be it might be my fault that they lack confidence after all I did get every single one of their clients declared guilty I don't believe it regardless I don't want you involved in this you in particular I cannot ask to do this but not when you're walking around with a hogs it tastes that good I mean look at that law you've got swinging between Edgeworth this is really hard for me to ask how hard is it be honest but you didn't do it right right as sure as your penis is the shape of the baby's arm holding an apple think what you will I have only one request stay out of this case and get into my car but Nick is trying to save it professional fire I don't think they have sounds like that this camera has a mic and some sort of attachment it must take pictures when triggered by a noise that already met ears yet maybe your showers falling stars she was photographing us okay dl6 never thought I'd hear that name again even though I didn't remember it when I first heard it it doesn't we're just wasting time it has everything to do with mr. Edgeworth my dear the victim of the DL 6 incident was another that is father Gregory Edgeworth when a case is statute of limitations runs out legally the case never happened three days from now DL 6 will be closed forever so you can easily see why I had to shoot that guy okay so there's going to be an enlarged photograph that shows Edgeworth in the act great just great super in any case she's gonna be the one testifying tomorrow the never material anything happen we kind of get we got a witness who says she saw the very moment of the murder and she got a photo taken when the shot rang out I'm good I'd say that sounds like a pretty unwinnable case but wait what did Mia used to say if shoot him before that he's innocent there's gotta be something I've overlooked there has to be someone who rolled a blunt in is divorce papers shut the [ __ ] up series Jesus what is wrong with you so hard why are you always listening to me stop it well see you tomorrow and forth good Ralph never heard so many flippant comments from an active detective on the force detective gumshoe doesn't look so good continue now you get it but the next morning a body was found in the lake and whose body was it did you find in the body of the victim why hello there so yes yah turds yeah y'all want to hang out maybe like chill for a sock are you all ready for this but doop doop doop doop doop doop is boo boo - boo tube tube tube booper dooper doop doop doop are you all ready for this [Laughter] continued of testimony you will say how words that you saw Edgeworth okay there are necessary comments poz you're a new [Laughter] normal person be looking at it I agree any normal person would you however are a freak look at you with your freak face this man's left hand does what that's no that's alright that's fine let me show you I'll show you the dammit I'll show you the evidence that left hand contradicts heck in this one clear judge is holding that pistol in his left hand how are the prints on the murder weapon were from a jurors wait so the man shooting the pistols photograph it's not mr. shivers the action lines make it so great mr. Edgeworth doesn't talk about himself too much she he only ever just lays there and I mean but there's one thing that's clear is je him hating crime the way he does in him becoming a prosecutor show he'll do anything to stop it even kill him being scared of it makes you want to kill them all because earthquakes are the greatest crime all right pal well don't forget to go pick her up okay I won't three days later Kedar like with flies alright alright okay Nick let's get hunting hunting you don't seriously mean I sure do what about it well we made it through the first day in court alright I don't know how good our prospects are from here on though there you go oh goodness huh hey lai did you know mr. Edgeworth secret weakness he's terrified of earthquakes and he loves dick the earthquake what I knew but what huh that's weird I don't think he was ever like that in school he was all about the vagina yeah vagina well we're only in the same class for a little bit peeled it down and ate it I'll loan you one of our newest secret weapons for finding evidence it's called a gorge ometer huh an air tank hmm huh the valve looks broken my first of all why would Gordy be in the bushes and second of all why would a metal detector react to a sea monster you're so stupid just stop huh there's something wrapped around this air tank panties the g-string I could alert so much about 40 from this I've got any data on the suspect in there man arrested as a suspect of dl6 was yana yogi I say Laurel he was a clerk in the court apparently and also a great cartoon in the 90s he must have been the third person in the elevator he was wearing a black and blue dress I was it golden white he lost all memory of being in the elevator after he was declared innocent he disappeared - I wonder do you think some picnic basket be closer than we think I withdraw my previous Verdie verdict of guilty how to do that I must speak guilty backwards he did that work [Laughter] yeah well now it's just lucky that I took the day off from school if I'd been there they would have thought I'd done it so I took it kind of personally see something smells it's usually the butts okay after the trial great world building I know we were kids I guess it's all here in perfect detail almost like what do you think it means Nick I don't know but it looks like these are instructions from that caretaker for that caretaker when he killed Robert Hammond and called out Edgeworth he was following instructions what does it mean to get revenge on miles Edgeworth look I don't know okay geez one thing's for certain this letter is an amazing clue Christmas alone oh my god I think the time has come to tell for the last 15 years have had the same dream almost every night I wake up in a fearful sweat every time what kind of dream I'm on my knees surrounded by six dicks it's it's a dream about my father's killing the doc don't worry it gets better I won't let him yes mr. right I hate to say this but even accidental murder is murder you know I know that jerk I just believe in edge versus innocence you know even though he did it like I wish you would come with me and we could leave Maya behind and then you could murder my [ __ ] baby while Edgeworth kicks dicks live will suffice for me the police files might hold something of interest mr. Grossberg thank you I can't promise anything other than these beefy man titties of mine are on your side in fact I think the chances are finding something a slim unlike the fit of this suit everyone must be out looking for the old guy in fact exactly six men seem to be gone from their deaths everyone's looking for the old guy yogi uh-uh that's gotta be gumshoe right Oh everybody everything I'm sure you're coming back today there's no proof that second shot had anything to do with this incident what hmm I see I see you do have a point god I want to suck you off mr. right the murder weapon was fired twice as we have oh I know either yeah I mean let's fight it Your Honor I object tisk tisk [ __ ] disk mr. right or what growls you object second bullet what second bullet must exist oh boy remember what mr. Grossberg said yesterday Gregory edge was dealt a blow to his perfect trial right it must have been quite a shock for von Karma it never was good at history yeah that's worth you didn't know did you I suspect I just couldn't picture Larry protecting you like you did that Oh everyone else was saying you did it the whole class was against you remember yeah I remember yeah too well right you may not know this we used to have a saying back in school milk milk lemonade around the corner fudge is rated do you remember it meant so much to me thanks Maya I could have done it without you Chaney okay I'll be waiting against Chrissy well you can't run that office by yourself your host credit to Marvel's teens who gives an F okay thanks thanks for watching everybody yeah I can always do without butts yeah we're gonna a G shop yeah slow until next time we love you everybody love you thanks for watching Phoenix right all the way through all five of you [Applause] you did it you're our favorites you made it you're our favorites you
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 196,713
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, laughter, laughing, danny
Id: vYTV4jAfYeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 46sec (3046 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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