Game Grumps Best of Pokemon Sun

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so the day has finally come that you're moving to all Lola nice voice you gave this guy come on let's get pumped this is our first [ __ ] Pokemon game since that another one come on please please don't ah the [ __ ] is he saying I don't know why don't you read it in a hilarious and awesome voice in front of you they even go down you just professor no there's not enough for you just give it I then [ __ ] man I I love it that's a lowercase L okay so yeah I did it perfect how do I work how do we confirm [ __ ] enter you can enter and enter [ __ ] come on man are you serious yeah all right we got this yeah four minutes and twenty seconds in naman [ __ ] that's not you know that is another girl Oh a teacher hands to love to draw fan art of this girl yeah she's a cutie she is a real cutie love those knee-high socks AM her what those knees I must have loo catch her so that we may dress as her and draw an art oh Jesus Christ I never lose work she go [ __ ] she turned the corner now I don't know where she is [ __ ] now I have to kill all three I've risen I'll poke my son yeah yeah the title screen was in her bag I'm the game freak three months three months later I thought it what's called the Pokemon company now [ __ ] I don't know whatever my little chunky like baby day that's rough it's a rough break for whoever's like licking the in the Simpsons movie or like it they showed Bart Simpson's dick for a second oh yeah yeah that's good stuff gimme what's in there they're moving boxes full of your belongings where they going we better stop them in the name of boxes everywhere you're out like a light weren't you yeah be full of energy by now and gross so dang dude is that like a Hawaiian person you're trying to set me up with hello I'm a low line Pokemon I have a tattoo that goes all the way down from my finger that's pretty cool it's how we do it but don't try takin touch don't try to take it out of the car yourself the code is our stray Jeter strange crazy their Pokemon seem like cookies like hips are weirdly thrust forward wow they're a beatable for folks like me your bag enhancing system the boxes in your room I think yeah when do they leave your copy of adventurers I need that skin there too yes mom I haven't had a chance to unpack my life yet because you moved me with such sudden veracity oh but you gotta start with hat no that's mine yeah [Laughter] yeah oh yeah sorry hold on hey you you look like you having a good time strolling around the Lola you make me want to dash around too and I bet I could go even faster than you and then the dogs like [ __ ] off and then the kids like bark well there we go god this is just where the [ __ ] you been so dang dude yeah [Music] bar bar bar bar bar bar okay yeah and then with a question mark why you wanna know its moves you wanna yes come find me next time you poke my words in their mouth then I'll battle you I mean I'll crush you yeah what the [ __ ] floor with you didn't come back I see that if she kept a better [ __ ] map she wouldn't be lost to [ __ ] right now jack hits it what can I catch that one oh boy when traitors dope against one another in Bello with the pokemon they love come on use this and that's meows how's it you're the new kid that just Jew in what sorry flew in oh my god and slip let's have a Pokemon battle sometimes likes gives you a whole new way communicate with those people see you can grow you can stick your hand up their butt and then you're like come on we're going on adventure you know when people want to say that someone's Jewish without saying it on Twitter they'll put three parenthesis marks around their name see you later it's just like say weird [ __ ] keeps us safe and happy see it's a type of coffee take things together shopping together the kids like oh please leave me alone talking together but uh bark ruff ruff did you know when a rock ruff really likes you it rubs against you with the stones on its neck thanks for watching did you know gaming if you want to watch more game grumps go ahead and click this link it does kind of hurt them what should we talk about on the next episode Digimon or pancakes please pick pancakes we already have the video made my rock rough was the best bodyguard ever she always comes with me when I go shopping and she lies outside my door when I sleep she's the only one in this town other than 20 feet in every direction do you think they like get confused about them like they all like get together at the dog park they look exactly the same play and it's like come here raka Roka oh [ __ ] god damn it rock rap this is wild Pokemon but we separated him from his rock family rock rough luck when I see a rock roughhousing with my little girl I was like whoa dude blast the girl on average this [ __ ] Pokemon left and right in this world Jesus what the [ __ ] is that sub hey Frank I'm frankly Pokemon you don't want to get a drink or something yeah what is my face I know a lot about the nearby area that's very interesting yep see you at the ball by the way the grass you're standing on only grows in this region pretty interesting Roy yeah the kid is back how has returned my guardians chosen one is back what a wonderful boss guys means their worries for the rest of my days where the strikes Pokemon use it all oh yeah what's the problem yeah pokemon trainee the cure for you yeah fetch me my rice I want to eat the world tonight now let's go up to Kona I thought we were meeting here open my eyes yeah [Laughter] I think it's just nonsense and gently drags the palm of his whole hand [Music] dang dude I great if you just like started the game and like there's like a 1 in 100 chance that it just is like no yeah and then for like the next [ __ ] the 3 hours you work as a fry coach you work as this dude's assistant like oiling his pecs ah would you like to give rabbit and nickname yes abso-fucking-lutely do it pain Peninsula penis ela that word I shop penis I know penis when I see how to get a pretty early the penis Durbin slug ah [ __ ] no flow no no it's not what I wanted ah I kind of like sup flood really slug alright ah [ __ ] ah that's that forever you have turned a red piece of toast yeah oh that's the Pokedex you love it a pokedex is a real high-tech kind of toy record facts about any pokemon that you meet your new partner relatives already registered oh yeah so check it out here's my note here's my number yeah is it that sparkling stone you have there yeah sure what's with you man come on could it be due to is it that I [ __ ] told you never to call me go to little cocoa at the bridge isn't that what I heard Dan do that that uh yeah they're like Pokemon calls in the back or even deigned to give you a stone it just came out of my mouth I hope is right this is pretty indefatigable for me we have iPhone it means unyielding perhaps you're here to low ha dang dude I because this is because we were you meant to be oh I think I'm falling in love so why did you choose this sweatshirt because it's cute because it's cool because it's cute [ __ ] answers just by existing just walking all the time yeah well actually only this guy yeah you briefly sounded like the cracklin oat bran puppet I think he left Radley dude why do you let me tell you if any one's never seen cracklin oat bran puppet is there the same as the cookie butter but yes they also did one for cookie butter which you favorite playback cranky very bad [Laughter] pokémon use your agility it's a pokey joke make like a tree and leaf green old joke that's way old so you know come over sometimes jump out are you in the tall grass scratches tell-tell enough to cover up or I don't know a penis but if you poke my god I'll check it out by fighting for you just head home for a bit if you ask your mom I'm sure she'll let you and your whole team roast over at home are you some person's one of them is a sleeping potion tell your mommy how do you like to smoke weed professor dude I roll it what's up everybody is your doing [ __ ] whatever man yo yo yo I'm gonna play a little bit more Pokemon you know it's like I saw my little brother playing it and I was like man that was pretty fun I don't want people to know because I don't want people to think I'm like you man I catch it with my I'm already fighting with bogey my man just face forward use tackle Jesus love me in the eye when I want out of you flog oh [ __ ] stealing my heart [Laughter] that's why I named my piggy Pig murder or you know I just like this I like the taste of it you know blood I love the taste of endangered species it just makes it just makes the meat more succulent knowing that it's like the last one on earth you know I'm the reason though those that don't exist anymore yes because I in see in the sixteen hundreds I ate one the last one 1600 1800 when did the Dodos diet yo I had him I had them like wrapped up like a pigs in a blanket you know the dodo me was okay but that dodo that's [ __ ] hold on I gotta look this up so okay Dan here's something you'll recognize okay what does this guy look like I mean its name is there what Rattata oh look he's got a little mustache oh my god being that nerd what have you been up to lately he's got he's got like black and beige oh he is cute and he's got a little mustache oh my god so this is that's the whole thing about this area right like because um because this is an island uh-huh like evolutionarily like some stuff change oh they evolve differently yeah so like various Rattata is a dark type okay and it has a little mustache mustachio yeah number root one the number one root on the spectrum what do you change that yeah what spectrum yeah what does that mean a little weird the color spectrum trainer tips Pokemon can yeah by the end of the game I'm like oh exp levels you up the game told me oh poisons bad choices bad everybody listen listen that's what everyone says young goose oh my god an angry face and a comb-over yeah he sure does and we're gonna build a wall and this reporter will never get on this show it's lovely that means all my dreams can come true I could become an artist I could learn to love other people or I could learn Peck please go away I want a [ __ ] cry-baby yeah come on you I see you're almost 4:00 thanks to these great Pokemon Guardian deities froy's we're betting by our side miss both of our battle beard offering to our Islands Guardian deity cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo but before you stands how Oh before you stands how grandson to the CUDA that's me I'm the Kahuna Hey before I burst as day dude water was met with taboo cocoa and definitely not my grandson hi people have a good time and I think I'll be back [ __ ] that [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] you up you [ __ ] [ __ ] this isn't over until your teeth around the [ __ ] floor dang dude Wow bring forth the power of the rhythm of the rhyme okay chipping and expire [Laughter] so weird being at a sporting event takes it out of you like you get exhausted cuz you're cheering so much and it's and you're so tired afterwards yeah and like I just gotten off the plane like from LA to London the night before so we I was like super exhausted and I was doing like the head nod of falling asleep on it yeah like it was like a really scary version and the bus like stopped short as I was doing a head nod and I woke up mid falling like forward like off the chair and my mom saw what was going on but at the same time like she saw me falling I guess she like opened her mouth to exclaim something all exclaim CooCoo no a cough drop fell out of her mouth a little bit so like would she wet cough drop instead of saving her son's life so like in slow motion it was like me falling forward and I'm like and I'm like parallel to my moms like no sweetie you get some to the neck stay yeah I think that was implied by everyone going to sleep I'm here to say very good yeah you are erasing the friend [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] five minutes of silence and then quietly like the fork like touching the place Jesus I'm sorry you all right yeah you can easily walked out of the room back playing [ __ ] you know how you know what I feel you know it right [ __ ] now okay hello American no I don't want American Express to be calling me right now I know especially a robot representing damn it just send me a [ __ ] email yeah somebody steal my credit card oh I'm so sorry I made a purchase at Burger King this morning Jesus yeah we found some $1 68 in charges so what do you think of this place not bad right but that's not why I called you here they're finally arrived what's wrong why too many vowels in your name see there's this Pokemon and said your pokedex called Rotom oh I could tell you about the robot body made of something like the electricity what happened it could take up residence in machines you take up smoking or something yeah buddy it's the next generation if period access but it's only complete once Rotom has gone into this body especially developed for that BAM whole new way for people in pair come on to communicate where and there's only a few of these biddies out in the world so far Rotom kind of looks like those bulbous things they shoot up kids noses to get the bugs out you know whoa you ever seen those the little book you see the little pumpy things they like it got a boldness bottom and then like a it comes to like a conical tops at turkey baster it's kind of like turkey baster yeah kind of want that for my [ __ ] clean the poop out I got it Aaron [ __ ] out and other foreign objects it may or may not have gotten lodged in there did voices and then you talked about your anus yeah a perfect dang did I hasn't been here in so odd too long yet no I haven't been here so I I decided to give her the special Rotom Dax to help her navigate around thank you very much and I'd rather say hi to Rotom hmm he doesn't say you can see where you're headed just by looking at Rotom if you give it a little top it a Lola that salty breeze sang to me and taught me here - yeah he's Aloha like copyrighted by the Hawaiians what the [ __ ] are they do they're on a Lola the island oh so that's their hello the people of Hawaii don't say Hawaii whatever alright well first of all I'm gonna stick a turkey baster up my ass and suck poop out and also foreign objects next how in-game grubs looks like I ended the episode exactly how I was gonna end it before yeah and you win we all win oh it's one of those days man I kind of got like that thing stuck in my head we were doing last time that way you know what I'm talking about no no it was afterwards oh man it's and I do this thing where we scream kill me and then follow it with whistling the theme song to the Andy Griffith Show so it'll be like here can you give me a kill me or like an end me well it's the what it's the Andy Griffith showed first oh that was the gag it's just I was just whistling it and then I whistled again and I was just like kill me Oh [Laughter] [Laughter] God it is the best all right I see you're using that [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] I'm not cool with its private if you see a person or a poky man who needs help you just help them right dang dude how [ __ ] you talking about and that's why I'm letting live oh and that's why I'm live there we go and that's why I'm letting Lily it just did just juggling on the nd my esophagus I can see you like struggling yeah I wish I was dead [Laughter] yeah so I guess it's hard for you to relate to our customs huh like the custom of not being a little bit or whistling The Andy Griffith theme I'm standing on the edge of the cliff please just push maybe a powerful Pokemon can break it I could bring it if I [ __ ] didn't eat too much today and get enough rest [ __ ] you you know [ __ ] you I didn't really yeah maybe think about that one idiot it's pretty good well good dick what if there was a guy that was just like a [ __ ] like a hundred percent dick non-stop all day I mean I'm sure that exists I don't know I have to say you'd be a horrible deformity if you were a hundred percent dick yeah hey how am I even talking really just walking on two balls constantly leaking pre-cum Wow Erin you have been really gross these past two episodes I have to say I never dudes Pokemon whatever dude it's a child's game nobody supporting nobody watches Pokemon let's go kneecaps whoa [ __ ] I hope that same it was Pokemon and not just the way he's going to attack you I think that's the implication yeah this is gonna go for your name Cavs yeah youngster Kevin [ __ ] low center of gravity he's a [ __ ] terror of this one he sent out greven what's a good I love this thing so it's like a little butthole with like grabby dicks coming out of it I guess so man flug is really getting a lot of [ __ ] play out here oh yeah dude he's [ __ ] action satisfaction I got a text from Aaron that says I'll take the time to respond to a text of my own [Laughter] yeah he's responding to text buses wasting my [ __ ] time and followed by sorry wrong person [ __ ] bastard I gotta say four [ __ ] seven hundred years of Pokemon or however long it's been around since the [ __ ] iing dynasty or whatever what it's like this game really fixed a lot of [ __ ] that Pokemon has been riddled with for [ __ ] years really yeah like there's so many nice little like quality of life changes that they did like for example if you catch a Pokemon and you have a full party you can just send it straight to a box but you can keep it in your party and switch it out if you want to like if you want to keep it in your party or no you couldn't you had to like catch your Pokemon and then it would go straight to the box then you'd have to [ __ ] go and get it oh right from the PC and like not only and the PC was stupid like you had to deposit or withdrawal Pokemon but then there was a third option that was like move Pokemon and then it was so [ __ ] stupid and and then like and now and this is like you just press a button and he's like oh football and you just use it so good that's awesome so many good things I wasn't paying attention to anything that was being said but I'm sure you keep pushing the button man well because I [ __ ] know all this already okay you have your Pokemon taken care of first if you think they need a little aged [ __ ] how do I get them taken care of [ __ ] no don't walk away oh no oh I'm lost oh oh what am I gonna do oh yeah yeah XP share finally I can neglect all of my Pokemon equally Oni if you Kidd the exp share on your team you get points from [Laughter] [Laughter] once you fall species a Pokemon once you can easily see what types of news will work best on it and you're not just a bottle you know it word I like schmuck weird random [ __ ] one not wondering about in toy the tallgrass to me lots of different Pokemon will help with a baby kitten is called oppler and a group of poodles is called a Spritle bottle of all time battle all the time oh all right I gotta fight for trainers there's one over here boy you're awful close stands so close and I'll want to battle you is that what you want huh is it yes all right then I'll show you how I like to fight up close and personal I'm gonna [ __ ] destroy I like the ones that have like a big mouth full of [ __ ] they're just like they send out like a [ __ ] [ __ ] and you just kick it I was just sounding texting my friend about a Korean spa and she was like are they cool and I was like yes as long as you don't mind a room full of naked Asian people but it autocorrected too baked Asian people and I was like well now it looks like I'm either eating Asian people or their stones long as you don't mind baked Asians I was challenged by preschooler Mia yeah she looks ready to kill see old she's got twice the eyebrows of any normal preschool it's the only video game where preschoolers a viable villain it's true I [ __ ] named it this thing that works only in the specific circumstances and I'm just looking brushing over it when it actually happens the opposing bonds I used peck you can't use Peck you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] where's your beak where's your [ __ ] beak can't break out of an egg now you garbage Pokemon I'm you [ __ ] garbage I love imagining you yelling this at a preschooler whoa [ __ ] dude I didn't do that much damage last time you made my [ __ ] flock die now what am I gonna do [ __ ] all my stuff sucks [ __ ] [ __ ] so dump dump dump like why am I here why am I then why did I do this damn it means water gun good I don't want to talk to these [ __ ] plebs yeah just leave up the children yes you want for christmas yeah a fight cuz you found one don't have a pokemon too bad water gun that's what you throw the empty pokeball a turkey oh when I'm around you I'm like a level-4 Metapod all I can do is Hardin okay oh I'm gonna die well dumped do put that on a shirt dumb Pacific WWD [Laughter] get [ __ ] up by this bucket lor me out dude me serious yeah just catch it [ __ ] I mean I'm can't beat it so I'll just catch it here you go yeah you want to know why I want to be the strongest because it's cool to be strong duh oh [ __ ] we're gonna fight this edge Lord next time again bro so are you texting no no I just received another like one of those crazy holiday texts from my friend Libby that's a lot of emojis what's poppin in that peppermint [ __ ] you little snow hoe dictum December is almost here and the only way to stay warm is to ride daddy's crisp matte ass tree all month long until it isn't a woman SAP comes out but don't forget to lick off any syrup from daddy's hard candy cane if you want to get rod under the missile Oh miss 225 is here pick yourselves if you zero back then you're an ugly grin back you're a bad jingle bill [ __ ] if you get sweaty then get ready for daddy Claus and Saint Nicholas on Christmas Eve Oh st. Nicholas was all leading up to share in 69 seconds or you won't be getting [ __ ] down in two zero one seven that's 2017 oh man do you want to know why he wants to be tricky I'm sorry what do you want to know why this kid wants to be the strongest yeah why cuz it's cool to be strong duh fun dip turns your tongue colors I do like fun death [ __ ] doesn't like fun dip not only that but like the [ __ ] like sugar stick is way they should give you an extra sugar stick just so you can eat that yeah and then you can use the other one for dipping well my friend Mark used to [ __ ] eat the sugar stick right away and then just pour the dip into his mouth and I'm like dude you're gonna get diabetes if you eat it like that and not if you eat it normally if you eat it normally the sugar goes down I think that's obvious diabetes nut bread you made a joke like that he was like what if this guy did this thing and he's like dumped or whatever and I was like that's really sad and he was like I'm sorry yeah oh I was like I'm [ __ ] joke yeah I wasn't speaking in the realm of reality is saying stupid [ __ ] it's really [ __ ] sad no you are challenged by mentally unhinged you at home what are you doing [Music] yeah I'm waiting for that you said anything about writing on it who's this fourth person - so where are you two off to now I'd like to buy a consonant yeah nice idea you're always on top of things Lily great I'll join you oh dang dude I just got here - a Lola huh yeah finally let go what are we waiting for this way [Laughter] beige time yay I'm just gonna leave him there yeah seriously hey can't you help me steer this car yeah you come so far out of their jurisdiction [Laughter] [Laughter] in that room it's that we take care of eyes maybe real-time just apply new camera thank you take my furnace I'll pose for you ever thought about China I think I'll stop by the apparel shop to do some shopping around I like the color blue sugar trader look what you've got your lucky kid you got a polka fighter that I guess I'll give you need to take more practice photos huh man I've got just the model check it out that's where I rest my tip at a little - OH - go up and give him a tap it was really difficult finding shorts that have a hem that matches the color of my polo shirts are cold jorts thanks Jean that's correct actually they're called chance they're jorts for your whole entire ladies short half jeans half pants but that stopped him it's give me these ting I received them inside the apparel shop I didn't buy anything but they said it was the night night night night to visit this store and then I was really pretty and he gave me his phone number he really made me uncomfortable and he was wearing a fedora but I already have a set so I thought that maybe you might want them didn't even look at it you just ruin your pocket I love it if it's right in my pocket perfect for throwing away [Laughter] something coming out so eating well where are you where you going I didn't know we were done hey welcome back to gang grams this sounds like the type of music that you would play for someone in Guantanamo Bay if you were slowly trying to drive them crazy you know but like instead of ever descending it always goes up in key it's like that what do they call it the the rising ladder or something like that I don't know what that is it's like tones that like crossfade into each other but it always seems like it's rising oh yeah I've heard that like it's a weird trick of the year we talked about that on an episode all they do is drag chooses battles they don't watch I stuff it was Boca boys I heard they keep trying to sneak into the Charles I had to steal pokémon to sell that's only a rumor and that they fail every single time would you learn that Huffington Post No BuzzFeed credible news source BuzzFeed that's how you know when you've become like the what is this BuzzFeed like that's when you know you're at the that's that's never good he's he's so [ __ ] cute peachie was so [ __ ] keys way cuter than Pikachu iMHO how old do you think he is twelve twelve months twelve seconds I guess that's a year you could just say a year yes that's like when somebody says they're like 5 foot 13 instead of years I'm gonna start talking about my own age in month hey how's it going man what are you 35 yeah I'm 450 three months so either we go check out team skulls or we get some malasadas for a Pokemon I saw this baby we're right there is some toasty ass [ __ ] fries the skulls thing sounds hard this is like buying dessert it is sweet malasada those look like the mochi balls in Little Tokyo oh yeah they're [ __ ] delicious I'm gonna get a mug what's the name of that ice cream place next to frying fish I don't [ __ ] know okay the sweet treats it's not I know but it could be why don't you find yourself a seat time to feed your hungry role at the fresh sweet malasada what's your name Steve no huh could be this [ __ ] eat ya hypnotize his [ __ ] biscuits into being absorbed into his skin like you know I don't I also don't think and you know you can like let me see if I have a Pokemon in my team that has like no mouth let's see dump but net Abra does Abra have a mouth well let me see I forgot you had pump and dump yeah yeah I don't think Abra has a mouth so like pump dump slug banana nanana and murderer what a [ __ ] ragtag squadron we've assembled well next time I gave grabs I'm going to talk to the team skull yeah let's do that [ __ ] tell me when okay I'm gonna poop at some point do it I mean start the episode don't okay the [ __ ] was his name Steve is something normal George slow George low it wasn't Steve but it could have been Steve low yeah hi George Steve yeah he's got a very good voice he was you know actually actually I'll be I've told this story on grumps before about George Lowe tell it to me um but yeah he it was the last time I met him mmm-hmm is it a panel and he was doing a panel and agree to level nine I was and in like I've been to a lot of his panels and he's just a really good improviser and I think a lot of the stuff on Space Ghost Coast to Coast was improvised no [ __ ] and I just I raised my hand and I was like how did you get so good at improvising did you go to a school for it or something and then he was like a school and then everybody laughed and I was like but but there are schools like I was like am i stupid I don't know and it made me feel like an [ __ ] so that's great yep hello you're the best part about Penn pineapple Apple fan is what the [ __ ] you talking about you ever seen Penn pineapple apple Penn oh wait actually it's app it's a song right yeah it sounds familiar but I can't remember it pimping Apple Apple pan it came from Japan yeah I can't believe it and and it's huge Japan its people it's popular here but it was sort of a flash in the pan but in Japan people are still talking him in the pan pineapple Pappa but like I would be standing in line somewhere at a restaurant and it'd just be like you know pineapple apple pear geez Wow that's I love it you're moving on to your first trial you're going to Verdun cavern no I read something in an old book once the island challenges were once a journey made to prove yourself and gain the strength to battle against the Guardian deity is of a Lola like tap Oh Coco Coco Coco the people in icky towns at the top of Coco loves Pokemon if we could meet pepper Coco once more do you think we would find the answer to why it saved you and Neffe that day dang dude I'm sorry he's already that's you deep I my brother he lives in that basket well good luck on your first trial I will hope that it goes well for you yeah he made a movie about my brother called basket-case it's very disturbing it's one of the stretchers legs on his own Island challenge is a strong back leg repel himself forward and Mach speed good two strong legs to brace himself while I reel him from behind what you want to play tag now that's what we call it okay I just scratch them under the chin yeah with my duck come here makuhita I'm gonna put you in my party does this thing really that great you kick the [ __ ] out of him like he's a sack a little yellow you listen to a good polka man oh he's a good fighting-type pokémon which means I can replace my [ __ ] bird because already have a bird poking her ya murderer I can for a place where you'd leave murderer yes okay goodbye Oh cut him out of my life I don't need them can this guy be named manslaughter yeah you can't spell manslaughter without laughter manslaughter just fits mmm yay I'm gonna put uh I'm gonna get rid of murderer save literally two bird Pokemon in my party and I don't need that many no one says manslaughter better than Brian Regan is like eyes cross involuntarily I think ghost is weekend's ghost right no it's been a long time probably not hypnosis oh no he put me to slap oh no he had a fifty five percent chance of hitting and he'd hit Wow I know the chances with amazing lyrics to all the songs like the victory song which is now kind of my inside voice prove that for air for radio play here we are I'm eating a simply balanced plug this company it's called simply balanced fruit strip wild berry yeah and I think it's made with natural ingredients it's supposed to be like mmm we're supposed to be like a fruit roll-up but it's Mitch made up of natural ingredients like a sorbic acid it'll make you [ __ ] yourself inside that's what you were saying yeah it's real intense mmm I sure do love eating Target brand simply balance fruit strip wild I could slam I loved slamming flavorless water me too flavorless sparkling what I'm talking about having intercourse you're just looking about drinking it okay when whenever I drink this flavored ones I just have to like sip it because I'm liking the bubbles and the flavor the back of lugs head looks like a butt with an extra cheek just like left cheek right cheek oh god no left cheek right cheek right orgy what is that so so what what what counts as a butt cheek right I'm assuming it's an aesthetic thing but like does it actually count as a butt cheek if there's no anus in between it or is it just like a flap of fat well I don't know Aaron guess I'd better call a doctor and make him stop whatever he's doing and asking this very important question excuse me doc if somebody had three butt cheeks would they require a second anus thing I am in the middle of a brain surgery right now and if there is a second anus doctor were losing everybody's like hold on would you be able to control which anus gets the poop or would both anuses poop at the same time so you can poop in stereo what would you know I mean yeah poop in stereo you mean what you say I think cute little farm girl they're taking another bite of my simply ban [Music] [Laughter] when I come to the Pokemon Cemetery it's no good because I get so mournful oh that's good yeah that's a fact I know about what you're supposed to do office worker Jeremy I recently lost both my parents thanks for reminding me go dig little three hairs I love them okay I'm gonna use fake out what will man's laughter do by the way yeah I was in the other room with Matt and Ryan yeah well while you were dropping that deuce yeah and through the wall like things got quiet for a second and all we heard was like is he singing salt and pepper as he deuces well cuz I was trying to push it we all just looked at each other like that's our boss no denying that liquid I'm just trying to make the best of life hey buddy how you doing how's it going welcome son invited guests yeah I'm crushing everything in my backpack by sitting in this chair mm-hmm thanks for the nest balls I'll put them in my backpack and this balls make it easier to catch pokemon that a week the lower the level the easier it is got it got it you catch all that with your [ __ ] brain but what what a Magnemite just float in there yeah there pet magna boys ah it's watching TV I think I think shut up I'm watching TV and now my makeup doesn't seem to match what do you have to say don't mind Magnemite he's negatively-charged gets made how what's the thing about Rugrats Oh Phil Phil and Lil or like dead or something dumbest [ __ ] I've ever [ __ ] heard no what is it what's the theory is it that all the kids are dead or all the parents are dead or something I don't remember and what the kids are just wandering around with dead parents I remember it's something to do with Phil and Lil what the [ __ ] is this thing oh my god holy [ __ ] I've never seen this guy before he's crazy like oh [ __ ] he's like punched out in crab form [ __ ] your father [ __ ] your father oh my god oh I love him the Rugrats theory Oh creepypasta yes oh my god I need to know what it is there's like tons of like old cartoon theories or it's like Inspector Gadget actually like the Rugrats really were a figment of Angelica's demonic inaudible imagination Chucky died in 1956 along with his mother that's why Chaz is a nervous wreck all the time Tommy was born in 1988 but he was a stillborn that's why Stu is constantly in the basement making toys for the son who never had a chance to live the DeVilles had an abortion in 1990 Angelica couldn't figure out whether it would be a boy or a girl thus creating the twins hey you know what I'm gonna stop reading this right now it's [ __ ] 12 pages long it's already this the stupidest [ __ ] thing I've ever read all right I'm sorry everyone I'm sorry we went down that rabbit hole briefly [Laughter] treating on the important issues like what the [ __ ] is this thing look at him go look at that young goose yeah we're going buddy Ziggy man this is a poop and don't you eat and also sleep defeat three of the Pokemon that lurk here in their dens and my game it was a Rattata but in this game it's a young goose so I guess Sun and Moon are different hmm I need to get the Z crystal at the end of this which is nice it's great it gives me Z moves which allows me to use super super powered versions of normal moves I love it so for example I can do tackle but if I have the Z crystal I can do Z tackle this is much stronger like telling this to a girl and she's like wow the interest is like doing her nails this is really making me way wait are you telling me that if you get the Z crystal you can use Z tackle I like you is that the youngest that belongs to the kid just a wild young okay it means Razor Leaf [ __ ] him up yeah eat [ __ ] you're [ __ ] [ __ ] now juice piece of garbage Wow why do they call him young goose I don't know like what does young have to do with anything [Laughter] I'm gonna rub scrub them ok get all this [ __ ] up oh yeah oh you got [ __ ] [ __ ] all over ya scrub that [ __ ] then I'm gonna give him some sweet some seed Rabin's [Music] no-no-no [Music] next time on mother [ __ ] game crap dude I'm so excited me too see you then hey what if my name was what if my last name was me Hoff and my first name was Chuck or Jack yeah that that was probably better [Music]
Channel: AppleSauce 3.0
Views: 125,973
Rating: 4.9153438 out of 5
Keywords: applesauce, 2.0, 3.0, apple, sauce2, Asauce, gamegrumps, gaming, best, moments, compilations, of, ninja, brian, BM, videogames, sonic, dash, boom, pokemon, sun, and, moon, funny, nintendo, gameplay, 3ds, part 1, sun and moon, lets, play, walkthrough, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, pokemon sun, pokemon sun gameplay, pokemon sun playthrough, pokemon sun walkthrough, pokemon sun series, pokemon 3ds, 3ds game, pokemon game grumps, game grumps pokemon sun, game grumps 3ds, game grumps pokemon 3ds
Id: dgWqqqGLYIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 37sec (4117 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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