Game Grumps: Best Of Doki Doki Literature Club!

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hey I'm not suger doki-doki literature club literature club all these girls have different color eyes I have the song smell your dick stuck in my head and a lot of people requested this game yeah it's just those are three facts yeah I mean it's just it's just it's just like any other dating game it's just kind of funny so I'm in doing hopefully you'll enjoy it dude I mean who could look at this title screen and not be like I'm having a good time all right yeah well you're gonna have a good time I think see you girls go to high school and your name Aaron friend Aaron's friend Aaron done I am ready for dating I am friend Aaron we used to walk to school together on days like this but starting around high school she would oversleep more and more frequently and I would get tired of waiting uh I mean sleepover not oversleep sorry I'm a stud but she's going to chase after me like this I almost feel better off running way however I just saw an island for the crosswalk it let's say you're he catch you up to me I like to imagine he's just standing on the sidewalk saying all this out loud loudly to himself man say you're interesting some guy was like a briefcase walks away because I decided to stop and wait for you you stay thinking about knowing me get bigger hands so many questions yeah what'd you say this oh well if people stare at you for acting weird that I don't want them to think we're cobblers of a couple of tiny hands I made this vest out of Dragon Skin [Laughter] after all have you decided on a club to join you yeah get away from say Ori club a club oh that's here oh I told you already I'm really not interested in joining any clubs I have a bit looking either why did you think for a second you lied to me did I tell you about worried that you won't learn how to socialize do I have any skills before College [ __ ] you never mind your social skills are great your happiness is really important to me now hey no you're happy now but I thought of becoming a NEET in a few years I don't know what that means uh I used to know because you're not used to the real world got a minute to look up what he needed don't make me keep anybody [ __ ] neat alright alright I'll look at a few clubs if it makes you happy this one's big and made out of wood I can't wait to like look this up and have it mean like like neat an offensive slur for an Italian need a young person who is no longer in the education system and who is not working or being trained for work wow so me between the ages of 22 and 35 wait isn't it an acronym oh I don't know not educated especially today my they may need some encouragement say that you know know what well you could come to my club what is it the lame girl club tiny hand club there's no way I'm going to your club yeah meanie go into my tiny house at the time say Yuri full of energy swings open the classroom door everyone I told you don't call me a new member yeah I glanced around the room welcome to literature it's a pleasure meeting you she always says nice things about that has to be you I'll never keep the atmosphere oh what a nice surprise welcome to the club it's great to see I'm not going to be able to keep this voice up I need to come up with new voice I'll do it next time I'm Gabe gross oh okay yeah yes we're [ __ ] doing we'll really get in the thick of it yeah oh if we have we merely scratched the surface of the intricate social we haven't even gotten to the good [ __ ] yet oh my god it's great to see you again friend Aaron that's what Monica is definitely gonna be today the part of Monica will be played by Aaron because he can do the I am friend Aaron's voice better it's great to see you again friend Aaron Monica smiles sweetly it's all and it looks like they're almost the same person drawn from that angle Wow we do know each other well we rarely talked but we were in the same class last year she would say things like processing I like to imagine that like her hair just stays like that all the time much gel and motor oil is required okay are you ready - Monica raises an eyebrow then smiles at me or at least what the equivalent of smiling she definitely has the robot look so what made you consider the literature Club my programming tells me that if I start a sentence with so it seems more human leaves more human I was afraid of this question something tells me I shouldn't tell Monica then I was practically dragged here by sig Yuri well I haven't joined any clubs yeah and C or E seems really happy here that's okay don't be embarrassed we'll make sure you feel right at home okay as president of the literature Club it is my duty to make the club fun and exciting for everyone Monica I'm surprised the club is set up in to make incredible logical sense mm-hmm I'm sorry I thought you'd be talking lug I was like this is a perfect opportunity to go sip my soda oh [ __ ] no you took the sip loudly though so it covers a lot okay okay everyone at home will be like oh he's sipping soda oh so like do they hate each other get a good narrative they're totally not many people are very interested not many humans are very interested in pulling out all the effort to start something brand-new especially when it is something that doesn't grab your attention like literature I read this last book in eight minutes you have to work hard to convince people that you're both fun and worthwhile I really read the book in eight seconds but I said minutes to make me seem more human my favourites are usually novels that build deep and complex fantasy worlds the level of creativity and craftsmanship behind them is amazing to me Twilight mostly you ever read Clifford the Big Red Dog and tell him a good story in such a foreign world is equally impressive you ever read Clifford goes to school those are all foreign world for him Yuri Yuri goes on completely passionate about her reading she seems so reserved and timid since the moment I walked in but it's obvious by the way her eyes light up that she finds her comfort world of books not people but you know I like a lot of things like Clifford makes a friend stories with deep psychological elements usually immerse me as well is it amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop just like in Clifford tear the revenge wasn't expecting that one anywhere I've been reading a lot of horror lately there's some intense plot yeah well not to kill you write your own poems she gets sometimes where do you care I think that's oppressive why don't you share some sometime no not so cute verts her eyes you wouldn't like them when they're angry not a very confident writer yet and she's like no I was just starting telling you my poem yeah thank you the truest form of writing is writing to oneself oh god I wish I was Clifford the Big Red Dog you must be willing to open up to your readers exposing your vulnerabilities and showing even the deepest reaches of your heart for example on the inside you might be a giant dog yeah hard to note with a big old dog heart maybe a red I don't know we're just off the top of my head now that we have a new member I think it will help us all get a little more comfortable with each other and strengthen the bond of the club let me just crinkle my neck for a second processing processing pain receiving pain how cool in order to distract you from you thinking that I am a robot and not a human please write poetry I will not google poetry and bring in a printed-out copy of someone else's work I still have other clubs to look and um I lose my train of thought all four girls to back at me with dejected eyes oh that is super sad actually but but but I'm sorry I thought you all oh I'm sorry you all I'm defenseless against these girls how am I supposed to make it clear how to decision when it's like this I hate girls that is if writing poems is the price I need to pay in order to spend every day with these beautiful girls right okay I've decided that I'll join the literature club I'll rise color color yes she's the happy girl for sure bouncy oneth Natsuki shiny that's probably not key to promise yeah yeah kou soku what [Music] thanks for keeping your promise friend Aaron I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you making your drive making your dive headfirst into literature when you're not accustomed to it Jesus what were we thinking why don't we just push you off a cliff we've really forced you into the situation huh say all right w did you enjoy any club's its dear unless you're too clever [ __ ] swiftly defeated not skip lobs back in your seat I think she popped I'm not having fun now let's see you leave faster so let's help reinflates key Sayle around the room I'm sure people get crappy gifts all the time oh my gosh first of all I wasn't expecting anything in the first place so any nice gesture from you it's a pleasant surprise I'm so embarrassed my read embarrassment lines are going over my bangs my eyes have completely vanished I can't see I'm so embarrassed it'll make me happy no matter what there's that so yeah I won't make it a big deal if you don't want it to be unless it's gonorrhea maybe I'll stick my boobs out and my butt out all right well here you reach it Oh yo yo it's in your bag pull that book I didn't want you to feel left out so I picked out a book that I thought your boy - joy it's a it's a short read so it should keep your attention because you're stupid even if you don't usually read you're stupid and we could you know discuss it if you wanted this is we could tear out the pages just spread out your bed [ __ ] on it there's a load volume of manga manga manga a manga they look juicy and delicious carry as I pull it out of the stack not skew snatches it out of my head don't touch my [ __ ] she then turns to a box she then turns to a bot she turns to a box lips the volume right into the middle of the rest hey girls it's a series I've never heard of in my life that probably means it's either way out of my demographic or it's simply terrible that door she points to the classroom door it's not made of glass you are not Sookie pulls out the first volume of parfait girls from the box I'm gonna show you exactly why she shoves the book right in my hands what the [ __ ] is this thing I stared the cover it says parfait girls this computer's broken I can't scroll it features four girls and colorful tires striking animated feminine poses it's exceedingly mo there were animated feminine poses in this game I wish it just said it's exceedingly mo it's like Moe Szyslak oh yeah or the band there's a band called mo yeah with the dot at the end of it mo a remember that all right well let's go with the the guy with the bowl cut from Three Stooges then let's go with that mouth I open the book it's only a few seconds before not Sookie once again inches closer reclaiming the additional space while she hopes I won't notice I could feel her appearing over my shoulder much more eager to begin reading than I am she takes a bite of my neck I bleed profusely but only from the one spot where her green tooth enters my my jugular it turns out her mouth is like a komodo dragon harmful bacteria that's why the truth is green and there's only one everything's blurry here I am at the same classrooms just imagine wait did the did the poetry well first of all it's time for next time my game rooms secondly did the poem we wrote have any effect on how this is playing out I guess so fun no oh my god oh yes didn't even see the girl that we impressed the most you'll see you'll see I just want you to know I wasn't checking my phone I was looking up a list of Clifford the Big Red Dog we read on for a few minutes I finished a couple chapters at this point are you sure this isn't boring for you no eyebrows are doing above my hair pay no attention to my goat eyes yeah oh man so cute even though you're just watching me read if you say so no it's really difficult is breathing through this one tiny nostril [Music] I guess it's fun sharing something you like with someone else I always get excited when I could've been sending my friends to pick up a series I enjoy you know what I'm in no don't you share your mango with your friends could you rub it in could you answer that rubbing how all right like the front part of my hair is in one direction and the next back part of my hair it looks like it was on a completely different head Direction she's like four different hair states going really crazy when you looked at it geez it's like like I can never get my friends to read this they just think mangoes for kids I can't even bring it up with them and I'll be all like this is for kids makes me want to punch them in the face and I do sometimes but they just kids give it to an eleven-year-old this whole time I know these kinds of people honestly it takes a lot of effort to find friends who don't judge much less friends who are also into it I'm already kind of a loser so I guess I gravitated towards the other losers over time Natsuki suddenly notices how close she's gotten to me I mean just imagine it also we're still sitting over by the window yeah she hastily slides yourself a good 12 inches away from me not far yeah alright guess I'll stop here for now guess I'll just unspool this two-foot guy I can't believe I agreed to do something so embarrassing I couldn't really find much inspiration since I've never really done this before well now that everyone's ready why don't you find someone to share with sorry sorry say Ari and Monica dizzy a Stickley pull out their poems see Ari's is on a wrinkled sheet of loose leaf torn from a spiral notebook on the other hand Monica wrote hers in a composition notebook like in imperfect binary I can already see Monica's pristine head it's it's as thick as a dictionary I can already see Monica's pristine handwriting from where I said it's almost as if it was printed Natsuki and URI reluctantly comply as well reaching into their bags I do the same myself we all do it it's like I said before friend dude keep turning it's efficient oh you know shiny things like this friended people with nothing to gain from it other than sex with four hot girls so selfless that's something only really good people do thanks sorry I'm not sure if say or he sees the full picture of my motive here I just want the cupcakes yeah then again I can't deny that she's part of the reason I joined you will be swimming in muff this puss will be overflowing kissing my father to help me out of bed making me whipped escapee from my it's a secret but I just you two if it wasn't for you I could sleep forever oh my [ __ ] god I'm a Texan toast even though you were late to school which is weird because I kind of look like I'm stuffing my face all the time in this what was that you were yelling when we were recording the song by my voice oh man best-selling products I love the church Starbucks no harness to restock call up the company directly who's yelling that at our producer Jim Roach who was dying [ __ ] you Jim this is so much fun yeah sure did you just say a word about Monica like heads completely was a terminator like read grid of her point of view like what she's what you should do and like a through C is kill baby so much going on in this game so we just discovered uh huh that uh the piano and the flute or whatever in the background there that there like out of they like suck it playing it's just what it's just one part it's gonna take a minute to loop around but like okay so that one's good then to the next it's on the dude this one's good too yep very good and it's like all right Timmy you did great at the recital it's just one more one more round to bring it home oh man I kind of love it it kind of adds to the charm alright so who do you think it's only a ten second loop yeah they I mean they could have rerecord it hole in wall it couldn't have been me see that direction the spackle protrudes a noisy neighbor an angry boyfriend I'll never know I wasn't home I peer inside for a clue no I can't see I real blind like a film left out in the Sun but it's too late my retinas my human retinas already scorched with a permanent copy of the meaningless image it's just a little hole it wasn't too bright it was too deep stretching forever into everything a whole of infinite choices I realize now that I wasn't looking in I was looking out and he on the other side was looking in and I was looking out but he was looking in at me looking out do you like the poem I Google I mean I am trapped in a logic loop yeah so what do you think she was supposed to be the good 1/0 oh no oh no oh no another way to think about it is this if you keep your pen in the same spot for too long your ink will run oh that's what she said hmm just so just move your hand and go with the flow that's my advice for today thanks for listening shutting down Natsuki must really hate me or something I can't figure out if it's a win or a loss that she liked my poem in any case you still need to show me yours right I am always watching penis can't fight my kids can't club cake it's kid late oh my god horses can race I love can see cheetahs can [ __ ] what do you think easy but that's bad it oh it's good it did the catching froggy music I told you that you weren't gonna like it oh I liked it what just Disney is I am well I do have a couple of suggestions and you'll hear them next time on game ground put two fingers on and scratch the side of man then it continues never-ending matter actually has some kind of it's kind of like I got a stroke I'm gonna sit down by this window in closet in the corner but it's not gonna show it until five minutes from now so I'm trying to give a piece and someone broke my fingers by the way we were only planning to do seven episodes of this and then Ross was like no keep playing something's gonna happen where I go alright he was like dude did you get to the part yet we were like we don't know what you're talking about hey seconds I know what he's talking do you really own the [ __ ] no god damn it so I wanted you to play this game oh [ __ ] alright well alright so so be it let's keep rolling Natsuki I hope you're sitting down I can't tell you always look the same you're right that I liked your poem wait that's not an excuse for you to be so mean you shouldn't pick a fight just because someone's opinion is different [Music] sorry but I'm not they're not even french fries are baked or chips [Laughter] how embarrassing but here's the thing no matter how simple or refined someone's writing style is they're still putting feelings into it and it becomes something really personal that's why Natsuki felt threatened when you said her poem was cute bye see I didn't I didn't notice that I'm I'm sorry you took it way too far [Laughter] Natsuki I think that's enough time to let friend Aaron enjoy his potatoes in peace you both said some things that you didn't mean uri apologized don't you think you should say or it doesn't need so I can continue until I get home whereupon I'll find my emergency stash of home potatoes suki snatches our own poop from the desk and storms out on her way out she crumples up the poem with their hands and throws it in the trash no it's just about time for us to leave how did you all feel about sharing poems those of you that are not heartbroken and crying at home right now well I'd say it was worth it it was alright friend Aaron how about you yeah it says Sam it was a neat thing to talk about with everyone awesome in that case we'll do the same thing to Mario and maybe you learn something from your friends too so your poems will trip battery low battery low Wow even better say Ori about what happened earlier you know between Yuri and Natsuki does that kind of thing happen often I can't want to not know if you don't like me not no no no that's a triple negative that's really the first time I've seen them fight like that can you get one hot slice oh man you really bring out the worst in the house I promise to pose wonderful people when they're not being enticed by your huge throbbing [ __ ] you know if you don't hate them do you know I don't hate them I just dislike them a lot it looks like C or E still hasn't caught on in the kind of situation of it sharp being friends with everyone is nice but does it really need to stop there Pat's arm follow her but do these areas that it turtlebot along sometimes you know okay yeah let's do this say already nervously retrieves her coin purse we should nervously retrieve my coin purse bubbles with the latch and gets it open she then she turns it upside down and lets its contents spill onto the desk so hot only two small coins fall out I knew it I could see right through you say or even know it's simple if you had enough money in the first place you would have bought a snack before coming to the classroom so either you're not hungry and wanted an excuse to take a walk or you plan to conveniently forget that you spend all your money so that I would lend you some [ __ ] [ __ ] but there's one more thing you're always all grating and so that only leaves the one option thank you look don't make me feel guilty if you feel guilty then that means you deserve to feel guilty ha ha ha this got real Natsuki glances around Monica isn't in the clubroom good question have any of you heard anything about her being late today yeah I have anything hmm that's a bit unusual you think she she has it ha ha ha I wouldn't be surprised an upgrade appointment she's probably more desirable than all of us combined what held you up anyway ah my boyfriend well my last period today was study hall sorry to hear that to be honest I got to be honest I kind of just lost track of time ha ha ha ha ha ha sense though you heard the barrier lift I must not have heard it since I was practicing piano my my ears were full with boyfriend dick my my human ears were not turned on I mean piano sinning Yuri takes her left I'm and hope the left side of the book between your thumb and forefinger on the right side of the book oh that way I turn the page in your slides on our thumb after flip stairs I heard bass put in holding it like this before it's actually kind of distracting me as if I could feel the warmth of yours face the court my vision are you ready to turn the page yeah sorry on this religious second because it's over your space again her eyes meet I don't know how be able to keep over there ah that's okay you're not as used to reading right I don't mind being patient if it takes a bit longer it's probably the least I could do since you've been so patient with me we can sit the first mr. pence feels like an intuitive [ __ ] my thumb gently let it go with a pitch letting it flutter over to her side she catches it at her home thumb hey URI this might be silly thought but the main character Karamazov you think so how does she I guess she's more blunt in a lot of ways but she looks like gets all the things she says it does like she's afraid she'll do something wrong it's all I can see in your head or anything but represents I see meanwhile back over here the [ __ ] man alright I stand up I make a mental note of where I left off of the book slip it back into my bag eat a potato or two I can't remember how many oh my god alright show your poem to URI first we're on a roll with her and go the moon increments its phase and reflects that as much more light got to reflects that much more light off my cutting mat I'm so hot the very same light that glistens in the eyes of my raccoon friend I slice the bread fresh and soft the raccoon becomes excited projecting my emotions out to the newly satisfied a newly satisfied animal alright stop Amy like Jesus like spiders icky vaguely hairy ugly spiders that's why i'm not friends are there any more oh my god maybe his kid singing voice I heard just think my favorite love song [ __ ] Amy every time she sayd the chords my heart would pound I hope she died too spider bites I give my poem to Monica all right great job friend Iran I was going ooh in my head while reading it I was using my human brain to process the emotions it's really metaphorical I'm not sure why but I didn't expect you to go for something so deep I guess I underestimated you it's easy for me to keep everyone's expectations low that way it always counts when I put in some effort do you enjoy my haha do you enjoy my new laugh program you think it is convincing to fool the humans it's the predator laugh from the end of predator that's not very fair well I guess it worked anyway he can take years of practice which I'm assuming Yuri has at this point I'm running board protocol 7 you appear to be bored you appear to be bored to be war abort abort conversation I've never really asked though I'm sure I'm nowhere near her level yet don't worry so much about that you do your own thing meanwhile I will be sucking the brain juices out of you while you sleep I mean running the literature Club deep exploring and learn by trying new things noise the noise yet won't stop violent grating waveforms squeaking screeching piercing sine cosine tangent what what kind of cue is that it's like the the symbol for female it's like an ankh like playing a chalkboard on a turntable like playing a final on a pizza crust any endless poem of meaningless load me whoa I think she's actually a robot would be [ __ ] awesome oh my god could you imagine hmm does it look like a troll why Brodie yet it's even more abstracted your last one huh hot hot hot hot hot we are going to be poor for arming penny cunnilingus who Monica yeah we're going to be having a poetry performance each of us are going to choose a poem to recite during the event but the cool part is we're also going to let anyone else come up and recite poems to say your ease putting all I say you're shutting down [Laughter] rebooting okay slowly say your ease putting it all on the posters in case anyone wants to prepare ahead of time say Ari who's been coloring a poster holds it up for us to see wow what a beautiful invisible I love it yet well I did do you really think it's that bad of an idea I still think we should give it our best were the only ones responsible for the fate of this club if we start the event and each put on a good performance powering down then it will inspire others to overheating core temperature nominal do the same and the more people who perform the better we'll be able to show everyone what literature is all about that's right and it's those reasons that we're all in this club today aside from the fact that your brains are soft gooey and delicious don't you want to share that with Natsu Kane silent serious word I guess that leaves me no choice I'm gonna have to dig deep potatoes guys watch out the potato's filling the room I don't know how it happened with my knapsack just keeps producing it's a real situation Oh God potatoes that could possibly fit in the knapsack my chest can no longer expand through the pressure and weight of all these potato I mean I agree say yeah Sayuri hops out of her chair cheerfully walks to the podium say Yuri begins I mean say all right begins a palm it's somehow it feels like your soft voice is made as a perfect match lighting a powder keg of shitty poetry the poem is it aimlessly cherry likes a Orias its serene and bittersweet if I were to read this on paper I probably wouldn't think much of it but hearing it come from say orys voice um almost gives it a whole new meaning I stand up and step in front of the podium yeah everyone has their eyes on me making me feel tired this would be a hard point to start masturbating I recite my poem especially since two of them are looking like sort of disapproving like yeah come on hair bow girl and robot woman are into it since I'm not exactly confident in my own writing it's hard to put the energy into it sorry I was just punching my fist despite that once I finished I receive applause anyway sorry I'm not really so thank you sorry I'm not really as good as everyone else I walk home with say re once more even though it's only been a few days a lot of things have already changed but today say always being a little quieter than usual on the way home hey CRE wow that's if you want the zorkin texter oops ohh climax tears C or E likes that one unrestrained Sparkle Oh sparkles nice Heaven Sent Jesus is that even a word chocolate no poof damn it I'm sorry to make up for the poof marshmallow bouncy weren't you complaining about it yesterday Natsuki well yeah I'm not talking about our part of the festival that's about this can we get the plane you know kind of delicious food sound a bit like say re all of a sudden Monica do they usually have fried squid wait wait a second squared netsuke i am my incredible intellect is capable of handling both the sides of this conversation i worriedly glance at say re before turning back toward everyone else but the conversation is already dispersed with everyone back at their usual activities maybe I should ask Monica if she's noticed anything about say re recently since they've been preparing for the festival they must be spending a lot of time together a timidly approach Monica who chef through some papers at her desk I wasn't studying humans friend Aaron what's up like you say seem like she want to be left alone are you sure maybe she just has a hard time bringing it up with the person of interest person of inch it made me mad I'm saying that maybe the thing on her mind is you friend Aaron me how on earth did you come to that conclusion well I probably shouldn't say too much but so you already talks about you more than anything else you know uh she's been so much happier every time use every since you've joined the club it's like an extra light was turned on inside of her cooking her brains to a delicious simmering boil you can smell it from what no way I'll try to talk to her so try not to think about it for now all right Monica smiles meaningless Mika's files maybe fly no she said to forget about it but I already know that I won't be able to get her words out of my head Monica stands up from her desk my netsuke fiddles a book she's holding in her hands she sure it's not you doesn't she don't get the wrong idea or anything we've just been friends for a long time it's not the robots like have I had it wrong this whole time it is her brains that I am looking forward can you blame me for being paranoid I don't give people my manga every day you know and you're always eating potatoes and potatoes in your sack so I thought potatoes Monica's a potato oh my [ __ ] god next time I gave see you that babies I know it happens [ __ ] is fun jeez this is so inconvenient I believe is back down there's plenty of room on these shelves and besides they're really pretty to look at when they're online damn where did you miss it in the top shelf that's Sookie there's a stool on the wall there that's very mature let's clean it up Oh if you want I can reach up there and hand them to you I can get them myself netsuke grabs the stool from the wall and unfolds it must have been a long one it's great how it's all still staying in one log it's hanging from the ceiling the box the church said this Josie that seems meet the st. James of the Kansas split second Jeff Lutz running at CB speed breaking their turn to catcher but chose a trans the butcher Flay a guy you oh my god the full force of not Sookie's body against me throws me to the ground everything goes dark oh bunch of puns about me in the face end of day two slowly netsuke comes to his senses good she presses her arm straight into me to prop herself up Natsuki seems to realize that it's not the floor that's beneath her but a huge flat surface of hard dick I looked down not Suki's kneeling on the floor holding one of the books that are scattered all over there's a large diagonal crease across the pages he's desperately trying to smooth that it must have landed on the page what a predicament that Sookie tries a bit more to fix the crease but she can't get it out suddenly she gives up and slams the book shut that throws it on the floor instead of continuing to yell she just lowers her head Natsuki oh you know you have a first-world problem that Sookie's voice squeaks this is her absolute limit I see tears on her face I'll help get the crease out okay it's partially my fault so she is razor thin on the line separating from her from the psych ward netsuke shakes her head still looking down that sick you sobs again it's fine is there anything you want to talk about Nikki she shakes her head tsuki falls silent again I can't press her second only I can only do it I know how to you know move the rest of your manga for you ah I pick up volume 2 of par phat Girlz this hums you hear that Sookie looks up with her glassy eyes her lip quiver x' yeah well you know the least I could do the next couple of minutes are silent between us as I begin gathering it's the scattered books she's real quiet with that giant wedged in her mouth she's super enjoying it though alright dad should do it hop off the stool Natsuki avert your gaze thanks oh boy [ __ ] this game yep I know all y'all are [ __ ] sitting there like when when's the Gwen's a good [ __ ] gonna happen I mean I it's been happening it's getting close okay get real close oh okay here we go I just need to stretch my rib cage yeah you're trying to impress me Natsuki vigorously scan sir eyes over my poem one more time then the poem slips out of her hands and flutters to the floor yellow liquid rolls down her thighs like what like you would sit my brazier kanye vest is now playing kingdoms of castles oh my god his symbol was a vest let's bury your heavy thoughts in a pile [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] you're a peach your own escape you'll learn to love yourself again it's reading lists in your head and you just hear that like not gonna worry about that I said where the foam wraps around my ankles for my toes squish into the sand the salty air is therapeutic the breeze is gentle yet powerful it told me to write about the beach but I really wrote about something else [Laughter] well of course I am your eyes Express to subtly change these stairs their desk at focus starts nodding to herself Levon mr. tough love your your mind is already racing I see that is great you'll be a wonderful help Yuri and you will be distracted while I you man things with this straw close to your head but anyway that just leaves you friend Erin the one who is truly useless though as chilly is this welcome back to game grumps this games like a Dookie literature glue baby it's really a it's it's it's something else like Monica does to these victims eventually really sucking my brains out man that's you I can't believe this Gary's gonna be coming to my house on Sunday even though I would have preferred to do this with say Ari my anxiety still shoots through the roof I guess we've got pretty used to handling her at this point but who knows what might end up happening when we're outside of school she even told me she was looking forward to it I shake my head why do I feel nervous to say or he finds out about this it's not like we feel that way about each other besides like Monica said this is about the club I have nothing to worry about if I just go with it then I'll have a good time by the way the club is what I call my day it's all about the club it's already Sunday oh god what if I go I guess saiary says what she's spacing out I guess you're right has been a long time so you just find out like this I'm dating mr. cows Moo you [ __ ] not much has really changed has it Sierra's room is as messy as it's always been I also recognize the same stuff to animals and wall decorations that she's had for years now nothing happened to me I know it's been like this dumb and weird you're just seeing it for the first time seeing what what are you talking about zero you frame down guess I have no choice this time the thing is I've had a really bad depression my life oh damn it that's a I'd love you uh-huh did you know that why do you think I'm late to school every day his best days I can't even find a reason to get out of better than mr. cow my reason is there to do anything right find out how worthless I am oh yeah why god it's cool why eat why make Sam we make other people put their energy and Jesus Christ this is so sad all of a sudden I carried a waste by having them spend it on me that's what it feels like and that's why I just want to make everyone happy without anyone worrying about me I've been shocked I can't even figure out how to respond how is it possible that say already kept this from me the entire time that I've known her that [ __ ] she really wants so badly for me to just not think about her why do you think I didn't tell you because if I told you then you wouldn't have you'd have to waste your ever caring about me instead of doing important things like decorations with the earring I don't wanna be cared about it's bittersweet when people try to care about me feels nice sometimes it also feels like a bat being swung against my head are you having my brain for eternity maybe I'm depressed because half my brain is missing just feel like a little thing of blood like stitching without thinking I once again grabs a Horry shoulders this time this time I pull her into a tight embrace oh hell yeah in C or E you being so selfish by taking my line I don't care if you feel selfish I'm really happy that you convinced me to join the club the festival is tomorrow yeah it's gonna be fun right yeah how would you like for me to spend it all with you welcome back by the way we've this is episode 19 I believe we have recorded all of these in the same day so we are losing our minds right now oh yeah oh I'm just waiting for the let's do it the good stuff Yuri rummages through her bag she pulls out a few candles and a wooden cylinder shaped object this is for your dildo Enclave I did some shopping on the way here so I happen to have these in my bag I plan to cover the windows in black paper and use the candles to light the room I think that would be amazing don't you yeah that'd be pretty neat what's the wooden thing though oh this it's a diffuser for essential oils you put it you're not farting I'm diffusing essential oils it's one of my favorite country contributors to a positive atmosphere depending on the oils or herbs you choose you could change the mood of the air itself let me show you you you could even feel it permeate through your body she again reaches into her bag and pulls out several spools of thin ribbon where are those four well yeah you know how when you like put ribbon on a fan did you purchase the origami paper I asked you to get okay I'm really sorry everyone we won't be using the paper for folding origami what I'd like to do is write a different word on each paper we'll need about a hundred of them oh yeah all those we used for well I'm going to cut pieces of ribbon to hang from the doorway this is my last wouldn't that be beautiful suffocation no breathing it would also catch the eye of those passing by the room we'll get the suffocation no breathing part from the essential oils are you ready to move on to the next task yeah let's do it for your next physical challenge you must eat an entire pie as you scale the aggregate what are you having mine I don't read a banner Bruce Banner that's why I asked you to buy the paint tablets [ __ ] I forgot URI leans over the banner to grab an unused paintbrush but I move at the same time causing my head to bump into hers ah my precious brains this is sorry URI reels back and I quickly lift my hands and surprised are you hurt no I'm not hurt [Laughter] could you take my head out of your mouth please sorry I should have asked you to get it for me it's not your fault your face there are droplets of paint on your face and neck is there something on my face yes obviously paint on you sorry silly my phone I got a towel right away I rush to fetch a small towel and then dampen it with hot water I know the drill a very thoughtful friend Aaron huh URI takes a step closer to me then briefly squeezes my hand fourth base I kind of like that about you oh wait should have realized it sooner but spending time with everyone at the club making new friends having fun with you every day it helped me realize that you are truly the most important person to me that's why legs I'll accept any of your burdens as long as we continue like this every day with you by my side then I know we'll both be happy friend suddenly say or he wraps her arms tightly around me but I changed my mind Loden gay I am surprised you didn't bring Sayuri with you yeah she overslept again that dummy you'd think that on days this important she'd try a little harder I say that but I suddenly remember say or he told me yesterday douche and I suddenly feel awful knowing it's not nearly that simple for I only said it because it's the way I'm used to thinking but maybe I should have gone to wake her up after all ah hot hot hot you should take a little responsibility for her friend Aaron I mean especially after your exchange with her yesterday you kind of left her hanging this morning you know exchange Monica you know about dead of course I do I'm the club president after all but I stammered embarrassed to say or he really tell her about it that quickly that were a couple now I didn't really plan to bring it up with anyone yet geez you don't know the full story at all so don't worry I can read minds I probably know a lot more than you think I read say auras house and knock on the door I don't expect an answer since she's not picking up her phone either like yesterday I opened the door and let myself in say re she really is a heavy sleeper I swallow I can't believe I ended up doing this after all waking her up in her own house that really is something that a boyfriend would do isn't it in any case it just feels right outside series room I knock on her door say or II wake up dummy there's no response I really didn't want to have to enter a room like this isn't it kind of a breach of privacy but she really leaves me no choice I gently opened the door sit what what are you [ __ ] serious no [ __ ] what oh my god is this a horror game I don't know Dan are you serious what the hell what the hell is this a nightmare it has to be this isn't real oh my god there's no way this can be real say or he wouldn't do this everything was normal up until a few days ago that's why I can't believe this is what happens in tokidoki literature club my swarming thoughts keep telling me every time I could have done to prevent this if I just spent more time with her walked her to school oh we're men friends with her like it's always been [ __ ] God that I could have prevented this I know I could have prevented this screw the literature Club screw that festival I just lost my best friend someone I grew up with she's gone forever now nothing I could do could bring her back this isn't some game where I can reset and try something different load and try something different I only had one chance and I wasn't careful enough and now I'll carry this girl with me until I die nothing in my life is worth more than hers but I still couldn't do what she needed from me and now I can never take it back never never never never oh my god I'm actually like are you [ __ ] it's not over again oh my god I wish we had facecam right now so people could see the look on my face it's like do you remember when I told you my Israeli relative who I asked him what it was like dealing with the palestinian-israeli conflict in like the Gaza Strip and he was like it is like someone come into my house and [ __ ] my sister near to my eyes like that's what this feels like well God my [ __ ] compliments to whoever created this game they like you are a creative [ __ ] everyone remember tonight's assignment write a poem to bring to the next meeting so we can all share Monica looks over at me once more I was telling our co-worker outside in the office between grumps I was planning to play this on my own and go out with Monica and and jerk off to this game and now I'm now I'm not gonna I am absolutely not you have lost a Jo customer friend Erin I look forward to seeing how you express yourself he oh my god goddamnit what's wrong you [ __ ] know what's wrong how much did you know of this it's in pieces had you played this before no you so you haven't actually seen any of this mmm I've seen some visuals and I knew like the beets oh man so that's why it was like it's kind of [ __ ] happen like they're bleeding I was looking forward to it so much I thought it was gonna be like something fun and sexy at the festival like ends like a fun surprise I know the girl I liked killed herself and now I'm in a weird [ __ ] mental time loop we're crazy awful [ __ ] could happen at any second yeah it's cool yeah I love it let's go with chocolate and candy yeah and peaceful that's a good poem oh god damn you well I'm back at the literature Club I was the last to come in so everyone else is already hanging out Oh God thanks for keeping your promise friend Aaron I hope this isn't too overwhelming of a commitment for you making you dive headfirst into literature when you're not accustomed to it well go oh I do not like this already so it's settling I'm sorry friend Aaron will make sure to put your comfort first okay yari shoots Natsuki with the disappointed glance um anyway now that you're in the club and all perhaps you might have interest in picking up a book to read sure also is they the room is still room is tilted yeah I'm starting to be like huh oh you know what it's slowly zooming into yeah yeah something something you're right oh it's [ __ ] it's making me a little sick here hurry well I can't really say no either way like you said I'm in this club now it only feels right for me to do something like that if you ask wait I didn't mean it like that if you don't really want to then forget I said anything I guess no it's not that you're a I mean I want to try to be a part of this club you know so even if I don't read often I'd be happy to pick up a book if you wanted me to read a little bit are you sure I just felt like well that's vice-president at all though they should hope you could start on something you might I'm gonna throw up right I am like hard to starboard how was this girl accidentally being so cute she even picked out a book she thinks out like despite me not reading much Yuri thank you I'll definitely braid this I'm not gonna read you throw it out the way no I enthusiastically take the book and immediately bury it in a box of potatoes phew you can read it at your own pace remember we have potatoes everywhere let's say yeah I look forward to hearing what you think [ __ ] thank God manga is one of those things where you can't admit you're really into it until you figure out where the other person stands oh my god she stands in front of me how did you know anyway bring it up at some point besides kind of written a face where's the mirror what oh my god it says parfait girls if you're gonna judge you could do it to the glass on the door she points to the classroom door you could talk to the booty cuz the hands off duty hey I wasn't judging anything I didn't even say anything it was a tiny advice but I'll tell you one thing food straight from throat Georgia blah blah oh my god it's that Sookie crosses her arms and scoots just an inch away from me no don't scooch away sorry scooch towards I didn't exactly expect to be sitting this close to her either not that I could say it's a particularly bad thing I open the book it's only a few seconds before Natsuki once again inches closer we're claiming the additional space while she hopes I won't notice I whip out my scooch and then I scooch it closer to her god the rooms turning again I could feel her appearing oh is it yeah I think so I think so I don't know now I'm all [ __ ] up I guess it's not it's fun sharing something you like with someone else I always get excited when I convinced my friends to pick up a series I enjoy you know what I mean not like this one hmm you don't really know what do you mean don't you share your mango with your friends could you not rub it in oh you don't have any mango that's a shame why don't you borrow some from all the friends you have next time I gave yeah yeah I mean I think I think we're probably pretty damn far in the game so we'll probably just cruise to the end time passes Natsuki is strangely quiet now I glanced over at her she's glitching it looks like she started to fall asleep hey Natsuki yeah suddenly Natsuki collapses straight into me oh hell yeah Hey okay as hot as I wanted oh geez that's oukie [ __ ] christ here monica reaches into her monica reaches into her bag pulls out so cool is he gonna rub that protein bar on her eyes i don't know what the [ __ ] its gonna do to her she throws it in that Sookie's Direction not Sookie's eyes suddenly light up again oh god she's that's the bar from the floor and immediately tears off the wrapper I told you not to give him mm-hmm you're not yourself when you're hungry she doesn't even finish your sentence before stuffing or what you could call a mouth I guess oh god this [ __ ] masterpiece monkeys can't climb crickets candy horses can't race how else can't seek cheetahs can run evils can't fight people can't try but that's about it cool it's really good just as good as I remembered yeah told you that you were gonna like it no it's not that I don't like it it's just that I hated making this punk seeing everyone around you do great things can be really disheartening people can do great things I decided to write about it people can write yeah I understand but the other nice thing about superb writing is that it puts more weight on the wordplay so you did I guess more went into it than I realized that's it I glad you learned something you can learn didn't expect that for the youngest son here did you there are two there are so many different skills and techniques that go into writing even a simple poem like what your feeble brain couldn't understand it but not just fighting them and building them but getting to work together is the prop is probably the most challenging part it might take you some time but it all comes with practice and learning by example and trying new things you can check [Laughter] but everyone else in the club gives you valuable feedback I'll be honest since it is our first time sharing I wanted to write something a little more mild something easy to digest I suppose you ought to digest my wiener is a devotional friend oh no I must have totally missed the point [ __ ] yeah you did well I suppose you did only glanced over it after it [ __ ] you you said ghost in the [ __ ] poem I want to [ __ ] want to share your poem with me it's kind of embarrassing but I guess I have to oh my god don't worry friend Iran we are all a little embarrassed today you know but it's that sort of barrier that we'll all learn to get past soon yeah that's true a hand Monica my poem mmm-hmm I like it friend Iran as much as a robot can like anything mm-hmm I mean person really it's a lot cuter than I expected I got oh geez nope nope it kind of makes me think of something that's you okey read write and she's a good writer too people can talk so take that as a compliment hahaha if you say so yeah if you're interested in that Sookie then always keep a snack on you she'll cling to you like a popper Dada Dada Dada Matt Sookie's dad doesn't give her lunch money or leave her any food in the house so she's in a fussy mood pretty often but sometimes she just loses all of her strength and shuts door like earlier this is just a guess but I think she's so small because her malnutrition is interfering with her adolescent growth what the [ __ ] I don't I don't know that she said that last time yeah I do not recall that but hey some guys are into petite girls you definitely did not save us are there others in this room are they talking or are they simply poems on flat sheets oh man oh man this is getting weird I was gonna be so what do you think I love it funny it's very freeform if that's what you call it sorry I'm not really the right person to ask her feedback on it so Kerri yeah there's literally no where I want to be less than right here right now in front of you I'm so scared meanwhile you're a smile sadly oh sorry um did you say something it's nothing Natsuki dismissively returns the poem to the desk with one hand I get tickets it's fancy ah thanks yours is cute how can that be cute suddenly Airy Church towards me as if she does I was standing here what's with all the fuzz friend Erin she's just trying to make me look bad that's at you she started it Fred whoa Natsuki Yuri I don't know that's Iggy okay I can't oh oh oh oh boy I did it up your butt no what sorry I'm super sorry uh there you are I didn't mean to be late I hope you guys weren't worried or any third nah well Natsuki was well my last period today was study hall to be honest I kind of just lost track of time internal computer processor should have known exactly Monica's like what we continue reading Yuri no longer asks me if I'm ready to turn the page instead I just assumed that she finishes the page before me so I turn it by my own volition that's a normal sentence we continue the first chapter in silence then we do the second chapter screaming pitch almost feels like it in exchange my thumb gently let it go of the page letting it flutter over to her side if she sketches it under her own thumb anyway why don't we start with sharing our poems with each other yeah shouldn't we wait for Yuri well she might be a while so I figured we'd get started without her is that okay yeah I was just asking I stand up I make a mental note of where I left off in the book then slip it back into my bag it rustles the potatoes are really really Knox potatoes to and from let's we always start with Monica for last so let's do her first Monica yeah okay want to share what you wrote for today sure here you go I give my poem to Monica mmm all right great job friend Erin it's been one second I was going in my head while reading it it's really metaphorical I'm not sure why but I didn't expect you to go for something so deep I've already scanned it in triplicate I've already uploaded it to the dark web I guess I underestimated you a kaleidoscope of blood written in clocks a time devouring prayer connecting a sky of 40 years and open human eyes and all directions breathing gear bucks breathing bolt head breathing ship breathing portal breathing snakes breathing God breathing blood breathing bull Holy stings my god breathing human eyes breathing time breathing prayer breathing sky breathing wheel I love it it's very relaxing Oh short and sweet isn't it doesn't really matter what it's about [Laughter] so Stella go it's waiting for you or anything still you should at least look over my palm you'll probably be able to learn something from it I love it oh my god oh boy well it's beautiful never thought I'd yearn for the days of eagles can fly but here we are [Music] why didn't you come to read with me today I was waiting I was waiting for a long time it was the only thing I had to look forward to today why did you ruin it do you like your aim or I think you're better off not associated with her are you listening to me URI is a sick boy might be obvious by now as the Spanish play with me and stir okay you don't hate me Fred Aaron do you do you hate me do you want let me hear the music oh boy oh this is upsetting that's delightful it's a theme music yeah I really like it do you want to make me go home crying the club is the only place I feel safe I don't don't ruin that for me don't ruin it please just stop talking to Yuri play with me instead it's all I have play with me play with me you even locked a special poem boy I hate this game so that's why we should work hard and put something together for the festival even if it's something small a relationship where like you know the girl is crazy now and you're just trying to figure out a way out of it but like you're not you haven't you're not old enough to be like to have the maturity to be like I just don't want to see you anymore like you still think like there needs to be like a graceful way out of thing mm-hmm so you're just sitting there at dinner and she's just getting crazier and crazier and you're just like you know like that's how I feel that's how I feel mm-hmm I fee I feel like my girlfriend just freaked out at me and totally revealed that she's crazy and now we have to finish dinner that's a big plate of spaghetti no friend Aaron it's not the same with the direction she wants to take it kind of this chairs stupid Club but this one could you please not move your neck so quickly like that I'm still I'm so torn up about that I'm kind of recovering Natsuki starts packing up her things potatoes fall out in droves Yuri said it wouldn't take long is something holding her up now like a rope nice Aaron I'm bored just waiting here so I decided to go look for her oh boy what's that noise it's coming from around the corner it sounds like breathing okay a sharp inhale like someone is sucking the air through her teeth are they in pain I reached the corner and peer around it oh dear God Yuri oh [ __ ] oh no oh I'm back I'm back I was doing a bit of thinking and I decided that I would try expressing myself a little bit more it turns out it's not very hard for me to do when it's you who's around anyway uh that's great Yuri Yuri is already totally focused and reading can I take a chocolate candy and pop it into my mouth then I take another chocolate and I hold it up - Yuri she doesn't even look away from the book she simply parts ellipsis if this situation was completely natural so hot that means I can't stop here I apprehensive Lee place the chocolate in her mouth just like that very closes her lips over me Yuri's expression suddenly breaks did did I just friend Aaron oh boy my heart my heart won't stop pounding friend Aaron I can't calm down I can't focus on anything anymore I have to dance can you feel it friend Aaron you're I suddenly presses my hand against her chest why is this happening to me I feel like I'm losing my mind with the dance fever I can't make it stop I don't know how else to bring this up but there's been something I've been worried about hearing it's been acting kind of strangely you've only been here a few days so you may not know what I mean but she's not normally like this she's always been quiet applied inattentive things like that okay this is really embarrassing but I'm forcing myself to suck it up the truth is I'm really worried about her but if I tried talking to her she'll just get mad at me I don't know what to do I think you're the only person that you listen to I don't know why but let's try to do something maybe you could venture to talk to a therapist I've always wanted to try be better friends if you're really hurt I know I'm gonna hate myself later for me but right now I don't care I just feel so helpless so please if you could do something to help I don't want anything bad to happen to her I'll make you cupcakes if I have to just please try to do something she's can run Monica I don't know why but she's didn't really dismissive about this it's like she just wants us to ignore it so I'm mad at her right now I'm coming to you about this don't let her know I wrote this just pretend me to give you a really good poem okay I'm counting on you thanks for reading oh boy dope I changed my mind there's no point in trying to do anything that series don't fault that she's unlikable can you hear me free good boy you would just spend more time with Monica all these problems with URI and I are too messed up for someone as wonderful as you just think of Monica from now on just Monica oh boy oh boy should I show my palm to next would be a good choice I choose that of my own I thought I saw like parcels yeah extract okay music boxes wicked weekend we're done RiRi and reacts tense cut two tickets okay cool whoa hello Jesus do you like it I wrote it for you in case you couldn't tell the poem is about more importantly I've endowed it with my scent see aren't I the most thoughtful person in the club whoa okay [Music] I'm going to vomit all you care about now is dragging from Erin around with you and your stupid books you and Monica hey I didn't even do anything okay then why not that friend Erin if I don't help instead of abusing your power I'm not abusing my power just you or Monica just let friend Erin make the choice okay okay fine fine is it gonna be like three Monica Fred I know fed up with these two by now we can just not Sookie shut your [ __ ] mouth and let him decide for himself you shut your mouth Jesus Christ this is never going to end just make the choice okay well I am not doing that oh god it's going back to the bed you picked me friend Erin there's no need to spend the weekend with Monica don't listen to her and just come to my house instead the whole day with just the two of us doesn't that sound wonderful ahh wow there's really something wrong with me isn't there but you know what I don't care anymore I've never felt this good my whole life well just being with you is a far greater pleasure than anything I could imagine I'm addicted to you it feels like I'm going to die if I'm not breathing the same air as you good oh boy doesn't it feel nice to have someone care about you so much yes someone who wants to revolve their entire life around you actually I'm pretty limp as a wet noodle you're a I gotta be honest with you this is a doing it for me feels so good then why does it feel more and more like something horrible is going to happen I don't know maybe next time on game grumps maybe that's why I tried to hang myself at first oh my [ __ ] god this game I'll listen to that music oh my god tell me friend Aaron tell me you want to be my lover do you accept my confession oh she's [ __ ] if you say yes I know oh boy I'm scared of what happens if you say either yes or no of course I think the monocle like it if I say no yeah yeah oh boy I don't know do whatever you want [ __ ] no oh boy yeah that's oh no a bad time oh no oh God it's Clifford the Big Red stab don't know what you're saying boy that's a lot of gobbledygook yeah by one [Music] okay are you all right okay okay okay wrap it up URI [ __ ] okay but I also like it very much I think James oh my gosh see this [ __ ] trash can so how do you send a [ __ ] email for me mister I'll tell you that much holy crap I can yeah yeah that's that's that's a real plus Cathy Stepp hit a vital step yeah so I can step down I don't know I seem like I'm dismissing the moment though although at the same time you're gonna see what I miss missing holy [ __ ] does alright okay okay thank you oh boy oh boy oh boy is it just looping oh boy oh god it was not just looping feels like faces change they're dying or like deteriorated oh boy the blood is coagulating oh boy you just have to watcher oh decomposes oh God Oh daddy no like that oh that's fun okay at the back also swelling it's all slowly well you get here before me I thought I was perfectly oh geez Natsuki runs away hey there you are here flirting its face with me hi again friend Aaron welcome to the literature Club thank you of course we already know each other because we were in the same class last year and um ha ha ha you know I guess we can just skip over that stuff at this point after all I'm not even talking to that person anymore am i that you in the game whatever you want to call him I'm talking to you Frankie oh [ __ ] or do you actually go by that's scary now that I think about it I don't really know anything about the real you in fact I don't even know if you're a boy or a girl well I guess it doesn't really matter wait how did it know your name was Aaron because it reads your steam account maybe because of my computer oh man that's so fun maybe my steam account I don't know imagine if you could delete your own existence with the click of a button well I guess on the plus side it gave me an easy out if things didn't go my way ah ha ha thankfully it didn't come to that instead we finally got a good ending gosh I'm so overwhelmed with emotion I want to write a poem about this don't you I wonder if that part of the game still works I guess there's only one way to find out right I'd love to write a poem right now I just assumed it would be best to be part of the game like everyone else like that would help the two of us end up together I didn't want to ruin the game or anything you know you might have gotten mad at me maybe even deleted my character file if you preferred playing without me gosh I'm so relieved now we don't need to hide anything anymore are you ready to spend our eternity together Flint and friend Aaron go ahead and no point in saving anymore oh boy I never thought anyone could be as horrible as you are Winn okay you win you killed everything I hope you're happy there's nothing left now you can stop playing go find some other people to torture um friend Aaron you completely simply may consider goodbye Wow that was a fun little romp is that it I'd you know well Oh Fred I still love son of a [ __ ] I can't help it I have never oh yeah no [ __ ] [ __ ] dude and she's got Monica's not there oh man it's an ordinary I'm surrounded by couples it is good I always tell myself it's about time I meet some girls or something like [Laughter] you man do you know what happens from this point on iron Dan Lake are we just gonna [ __ ] play this whole thing again just without Monica I don't know Dan I swear to Christ should we keep playing I don't know Tim I guess we'll find out next time I I mean like where is anything I can put into my forehead like anything what about my wiener oh my god Sookie tends to read manga in the club room you know the things stupid people read don't you say it for some reason not to he seems embarrassed about it besides Megan's literature too you know so friend Erin wants to meet some of my Megan until try to stop him or anything you got it crazy [ __ ] netsuke I wouldn't do such a thing however it could also be nice for us to diversify our ourselves a little remember when I said I no one would miss you if you killed yourself that was fun he could take this opportunity to try something new as well wouldn't you agree friend Aaron God yoga's Killbuck I was surprised when you told me you're pulling it's gonna be so much fun thank you I mean everything no I already it's just us now oh [ __ ] oh god and you made me the whole world I can't wait to spend every day like this oh [ __ ] no okay no I won't let you hurt him oh I'm sorry I was wrong oh [ __ ] there's no happy after all goodbye say or a goodbye friend Aaron could buy a literature Club oh god oh jesus [ __ ] christ ah [ __ ] dicks she's back that Monica she's back from more it's me hi not really any good like oh boy okay oh boy it's really good I love it so much fun [Music] this is my photo this is my final goodbye to the literature club I finally understand the literature Club is truly a place where no happiness can be found to the very end it continue to expose innocent minds to a horrific reality a reality that our world is not designed to comprehend I can't let any of my friends undergo that same relationship Tiffany for the time it lasted I want to thank you for making all of my dreams come true for being a friend to all the club members and most of all thank you for being part of my literature Club with everlasting love Monica Wow file is missing our club please reinstall the game Wow so if I try to play it it doesn't work anymore nope Wow look at that a [ __ ] weird-ass game right - yeah that is that for true of course it is when is this game ever told you it's [ __ ] around all the characters are still there oh man DLC fan pack boiler warning weather warning what the [ __ ] all of the content in the bean teen spoilers oh okay gotcha oh it's like fan art and stuff cool oh wow congrats to team salvato yeah you guys [ __ ] with our heads nice and good thank you for [ __ ] us yeah that was raw that was a Lube free mind [ __ ] oh it was raw dog yeah absolutely I can tell you that congratulations and holy [ __ ] thanks for joining us on this game everybody oh there's multiple endings really mmm what else can happen no we're not doing it today Aaron I want you to go [ __ ] yourself [Music]
Channel: AppleSauce 3.0
Views: 33,850
Rating: 4.9234042 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, best of, doki doki, Applesauce, 2.0, assassin, toad, blademcleven, apple, sauce2, Asauce, gamegrumps, gaming, best, moments, compilations, of, applesauce 2.0, lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, funny, doki doki literature club, doki doki playthrough, doki doki game grumps, doki doki lit club, doki doki literature club game grumps, doki doki lit club game grumps, doki doki walkthrough
Id: djfmdToRX6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 1sec (6541 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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