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oh yeah baby what the hey because baby i wanna get for reagan with you welcome to uh legend of zelda um a link between worlds we started this playthrough many years ago five six years ago um but i was going through some personal turmoil at the time i had a bad time during that playthrough it was my least favorite time of all of grumps uh just because i couldn't focus on anything i was just so bummed out um but obviously many years have passed and my love life's in a good place now and i asked aaron if he would be down with uh starting fresh and uh his one concern was that i named the character the same thing so we don't have to change the t-shirt this loafus will be loafus wham krell but you'll just know that in your hearts okay we've been up since dawn washing these paintings off the walls crummy joke if you ask me looks like you're making amazing progress yeah why do i have a much more authoritative voice than the [ __ ] captain morning lopez [Laughter] oh it's damping happy yeah you better do dampi's voice what did that make him sound like coming and going going and coming captain stops by here more than anyone good good good good good how can you stand being so lovely surrounded by these filthy fools hey you know like you hear from like the other side of the room hey i took a shower oh god yeah give it [Music] she's fine oh what have we here another worm comes wriggling in hey oh jeez oh my god it's charcoal or whatever ravio rat right ravioli that's what i said right yeah you said tarko better watch out there kid yeah i'd better watch out you know better watch out these [ __ ] cities oh so cute what's up what a cutie surely fate has sent you here please then tell me what you saw at the sanctuary oh i saw you and me getting down you know what i'm saying then it must be done seriously this has been in my sleep keeping since the day was born now i will entrust it to you it's force of will it's a four-drop blue card [Laughter] please take good care of this charm you will have need for it of it soon lupus you can counter any spell as long as you discard a blue all right all right you got the charm who was that yes my [ __ ] wife easy with those first minute oh sorry come on dude oh no we're good no we're not good we're not good [Music] she's adorable she's all goth and witchy yeah she's pretty cute she's pretty sassy too come on she's the best she's the one who like after you save her she's like what do you want a metal collection god she's like my favorite character in this game what's her name scooby the baptist he's like he's like let's get him larry larry [Laughter] i was scratching my nose [Laughter] what do you mean i see you people in the comments dan i practice this game also dan gets hit by every arrow i see you that's exactly what the card is yeah oh yeah get a new template for your comments people oh man meem up sheeple meme up i'm gonna whip this dude's ass what was that yeah [ __ ] you will never defeat me you forced my hand i must brush you aside i'm probably gonna survive this yeah [ __ ] dude what a sad drab painting you make you can rot there for all i can whatever dude just remember who made you [ __ ] i i mean uh kicked your ass game over what's this over here [Music] um there's more there's more what stress treasure chest all right but i said one of the treasures yeah and you're the one who said get out of there oh my glad you finally found your way back out of the eastern palace is aaron giving you sauce yeah i felt you were having a real internal debate on whether to get all those old treasure chests shoot this guy bro you just [ __ ] mugged that dude yeah he was him how dare you suggest i'd do something as terrible as mugging him i murdered him and then i looted his corpse milk me what i most certainly will not jesus what the entire pla first playthrough we did because you know i was kind of learning on the job i wasn't playing in my spare time i i never got a feel for the merging it always felt like oh yeah i can do that you know it never was like the first thing i thought of never came naturally yeah but now i come naturally all the time well i mean bully for you dude man hands-free i'm gonna take a bold stance here yeah i don't really care for serial murders dude not into them welcome back as you may have noticed i made myself whoops pretty [ __ ] comfortable here i'm glad we're like tying up this loose end in grumps history you know yeah you know we should do we should agree to do each other can't a guy get a drink yes that we didn't don't mean to be a grump we don't either i'm just thinking about magnifying glasses how i'd read maps with them wow sounds like a hot night but my eyesight's going now not even a magnifying glass hills can i get some more meal please nice lobster picture did you decorate this place yourself lady shut up [ __ ] your bushes you're a [ __ ] menace dude yeah you're like worse than anything else this world has got like electric pickles and little octopuses that walk around people can swing your sword and ruin people's pots and [ __ ] house of gales house of gales lots of stuff to touch the apology demanding these days on uh the internet is really out of control like it doesn't mean anything if you don't mean it from the heart oops well the heart just pumps blood dan you're right aaron i hadn't thought of that that's a great point [Laughter] is this still here damn it i feel like on this episode of game grumps i'm like the little brother in the back of the car that's like kicking your seat it's like is this annoying this is annoying is this annoying what in the name of oh [Music] dan i played this at home also dan [Laughter] i forgot okay i'm back i'm back baby dude when i was a kid i would just walk into my friend's rooms and like fart and then leave you do that now what are you talking about why do you wake me from my monoscopic slumber just walk on the thing dude you can just walk on the thing you see you walk on the sunshine where are you going isn't it this way what did what you turned on the fan you turned on the giant fan and then you just walked past it like nothing was different [Laughter] oh boy i love hanging out with you just an eyeball and a disc yes it's disgusting iconic boss [Music] but now there are several levels taller disc oh [ __ ] he's gonna stay away [Music] baby that little tunic is doing your booty some business dude thank you although they gave you tights in this one which is annoying that's annoying yeah because in the original length of the past especially in the artwork um in the manual he didn't have the tights he just had the tunic that bothers you and the tunic is cut really short so there's shots where he's like jumping and [ __ ] and it's just straight up like oh you're gonna see like some some cocking balls yeah well good i know that's what i'm saying i think i don't want to see this tights action what a cop-out it's such a cop-out i want to see his [ __ ] out you know what i'm saying oh give me a break with this solid [ __ ] no more like a stink to the past between worlds [ __ ] like freeze the capture oh did it oh it did how about now here it comes yeah there it comes there it goes oh it looks great aaron it's coming i love it uh-huh all right let me restart okay gotcha little [ __ ] are they in temples too i forget uh they're not in temples okay so they're only out in the world correct and there's a hundred of them there's a hundred in fact i don't know if i should be helping this mom is she that great a mom like she's she's all 100 of her children i have 100 children and some of them are lost well how many 100 and if you get the smashing and just can't stop yourself well there's a whole bunch of them outside so uh why don't you do some indentured servitude for me just a joke that's all still if you do who might have stopped you you know got it loud and clear now these r you smith boy you're in a real hurry aren't you [ __ ] shut up well those are my personal rocks [Music] oh god my retirement rocks i bet those rocks over there it's a big pile of rocks it says like please throw me stop oh you gotta watch out for those solid meatballs yeah they're like ikea meatballs overcooked no dude ikea meatballs are delicious what was it gonna say overcooked i just meant large oh no they're pretty tiny anything else aaron how do you like my how to get like my yes and yeah anything else you'd like to give me a hard time about just been to ikea recently and had the meatballs what are you a youtube comment section they were quite small i just felt like i knew something and i could contribute and in turn i made my friend feel terrible listen i just saw you [ __ ] lying and i wasn't about to let you get away with it it was too important and i was like why are you always lying oh my god stop [ __ ] lying i remember the meatballs as being quite large actually but that's fine well maybe you were [ __ ] three when you ate them yeah maybe i was aaron that's a great great possibility that i had not considered is our friendship over yeah oh man we were doing wonderfully until the great ikea meatball incident of 2020. definitely the worst thing to happen during 2020. definitely not going to need my bees catching net for this you never know this could be a b tower it could it could be [Laughter] a b movie but every time they say b it gets faster b movie but every time it says b it makes you come in handy oh god b movie but every time they say b you kill your dad i feel like that's i can't see how that would have been constructive you can't see or you can't be come into my wall of blade it's like a magic card dude wall of blade it's a two drop whenever enters the battlefield that is my new favorite magikarp whenever it enters the battlefield when wall of blade enters the battlefield you uh maybe i'll use the warp of nice why to save my game oh doesn't it auto save it's never auto saved it saves with the weather oh the weather vanes right what the hell are you talking about well i don't know the resident evil 3 remake still has the stupid uh typewriters but it still saves every time you do something significant that is true and i often get this game confused with resident evil 3. there's a boss up there there oh yes there he is he always looked like a hamburger he's totally a hamburger yeah you're so right is more cooked now spicy melty spicy tasty delicious with cheddar and gas round that was a brutally hard boss you got the master sword a blade for true hero fire's a beam when you're in full health it's like oh [ __ ] they showed me a treasure chest down there yeah and you know that treasure chest is gonna have like 20 rupees in it shut up aaron i'm gonna feel like a dingus if that's all it has yeah that's fine dude it seeks it it's it's not the destination it's the journey well the journey's over cause i'm i'm there oh journey done i guess you're right you just kind of dash up to the top yeah there you go what happens if you like wall smash those it was five dollars wow why would the the chest costs more than that [Music] i'm gonna go to the other side only because that was such a huge embarrassing waste of time yeah i mean it's the sunk cost fallacy right yeah i can't i can't not get the other one now i spent too much time on this fruitless mission oh there's an even there's not even a thing what does it matter this guy gives me in the exact same amount i wasn't even doing anything i was just hanging out dude dude i just ate like pasta like an hour ago and i'm hungry again what's wrong with me i don't know you're a drawing boy i haven't no i'm not i'm 33. you're growing sideways [Music] can we do that again my nose that's weird yeah you got me at a weird angle yeah gotcha sucker i don't even have to use that potion didn't have to but i'm sure i'll forget that it's on the y button no and then accidentally press it you better believe it god i bore of this fight are you sure you weren't just getting your ass kicked yeah also ow yeah oh [ __ ] it's just like it's like oh [ __ ] dude those paintings oh [ __ ] it's so pretty there goes it's yuga ganon oh yeah yeah it's ganon with doofy hair wait what oh [ __ ] i [ __ ] up yeah i was kind of hoping it would be more yuga [Music] more the power of japan pour my heart and soul into grounding fine weapons dude suck a dick bro like this thing rules it's the master sword you have to be a master oh right into the fire with you ooh cook scallops yeah she can do without one kid yeah she's got 99. you're like i did it i returned all 99 of your children [Laughter] [Music] mom ugh i love hanging out with you oh it's a little flippy turtle yeah go thank you cool please thanks oh that was just horrifying i couldn't roam back over i hope my mom isn't too worried about me i'm 37. i live with her i'm a little lost well then find your way bro great idea aaron dude you just gotta find the way to get to the highest on this wall and it's probably you probably have access to it yeah you know what it's probably here ah open the chest nice dude well fifty dollars is fifty dollars now you're really moving along thank you aaron yeah yeah i think you just gotta like find it and go up gradually you know what i mean does that make sense sure she's like well oh this is the this is the level yep so in fact when i was like this is the way i went exactly the opposite way and no doubt there were some there was some furious commenting ah hello stop the [ __ ] dude life comes at you fast dude yes okay oh they are all queen they are all queens okay hang on i just want to get this right no come on no piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] all right here we go no there's like there's like two other wizards on the right all right i killed them all just takes a hot poop i'm sorry i got excited i got excited i i understand we all understand dan sorry dad i got the bloodlust come on over dude just use a bow and arrow oh god i'm so embarrassed it's so wrapped up in your little world completely forgot i get it helium shields yeah look at it it's so beautiful oh it's big it makes me want to kiss you um and i got five dollars dude nice so how about that shot i'm thinking how about that shot how about that splat because it's making me wet um oh my god why don't you try to freeze him while he's doing that oh easier said than done son yeah it's too fast wow and i lost three hearts damn dude good any more [ __ ] brain busting suggestions you shut your mouth at least i'm trying to help [ __ ] owl oh i can just shoot you nice jesus christ stop jumping oh [ __ ] dude [ __ ] killing it robin hood it feels so good to be a gangster whoa uh don't love this don't love us there we go oh my god yeah baby listen to your heart yeah stay stay back i'll handle this i'm taking so much damage ooh master or nice all right blacksmith you can use the master or to improve your master sword or you could shh or you could finish the stupid stage you [ __ ] sorry i've got butter feet god damn it i'm sure i gotta knock down some of we gotta activate the uh oh it's depressed i'm sorry to hear that [Laughter] all right 3d is on oh it's nightmare on my eyes nightmare on my eyes missed it again what missed it again you fool last try let's try everyone i would not say such things if i were you [Laughter] yeah i got it what is that robin hood princess bride princess bride yeah check this out okay sorry i got a little cocky there that was like my brand of instant karma right there check this [ __ ] out yeah throw the bomb just at the right time yeah okay it's called skills baby but what if i don't have skills well then you can't pay the bills can you oh goodness me awesome yeah that's hot that is cool i i missed that one completely i don't care who you are that's hot ah yes the thing i said about sally acorn that i'll never live down i don't care who you are that's hot and that's gotta be next time on game grumps oh really yeah man oh man like 40 minutes into this we made so far go progress okay i think it's time we end this session wow i actually witnessed the breaking of my own brain show me a picture of this handsome man from the 90s okay so this is this is cj oh my god i haven't looked at these guys in so long this is kevin this is brian okay so whoever's editing this please put this picture up and label them yes this is nick yes and this is howie oh that's howie how he does look like a guy you just kind of run into us oh howie what's up man but he's got a really good night in the music videos he's got a really nice smile and you can see it in this photo right here he's just got a nice he's like hey i'm i'm howie yeah he's a good dude yeah but yeah nick and nick and brian i think were the popular ones anyway hope you guys are enjoying this video was there like more to that or what do you mean more to that i i just i just was curious because i i literally couldn't know you're definitely curious it's a girl who's like doing a little vlog and she she farts and blames it on a ghost she's just talking and then it's like boom and she's like i don't know what was that you guys i'm scared and then she like runs away it's really really cute no what was that oh it's so sweet i do feel for her though that's funny dude i would have been like whatever man fart to your heart's content oh well sure because you're a grown man dude when i was a child i did i don't care i farted loud as i could wow what what uh i'm a hero what a hero it's just about to say i'm a martyr i'm a farter wow aaron i don't know what to say just you don't have to say anything dude just let it happen yeah just shut the [ __ ] up sweat [Music] i love i love those things yeah would you let one blow you yeah probably aaron welcome back to game grumps everybody no you piece of [ __ ] so homie god folks i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm spending so much time doing this i just dude it's fine you're playing a video game okay good call it's like what else are you gonna do not play the video game then it wouldn't be game grams that's a great point when you're right you're right son i mean this is like just consider how much time i've spent on things we've got whole episodes where i've done one thing and couldn't get past it yeah and people never got mad about that never [Music] well it's also some of the funniest moments you know they are funny i think they're so frustrated i'm like ah then i say i can't do the one dang thing yeah and then i see some [ __ ] and then i get emails from kids they're like suck and it's like fine and then i respond and i'm like shut up that always goes over well he had something up his sleeve disgusting [Music] well that's dead perfect opportunity for spin attack he didn't use it i'm sorry i got i got too preoccupied with murdering every child i get it [Music] and who can blame me yeah you were killing younglings he was feeling young and uh if i can just say this out loud uh i really loved hearing you drop what can only be described as a grandpa fart like a full-on like and then hearing you go nice very inspiring stuff you all right yeah man i was just drinking onto the side of my mouth and some fell out oh man file that under things that are said with no shame though perhaps there should be some or maybe there's just another room where you can raise the water level one more maybe i'm wrong but that's never the case yeah not effing likely am i right never oops maybe nobody will ever point that out no no oh no are you sure isn't this where you wanted me to go oh that's exactly where silly goose dude i am a silly goose i guess i was silly the whole time you know what i do to silly gooses i strangled them no oh no oh that's really good [Music] [Laughter] damn it feels good to be a gangster is that is that palpatine saying yeah parker rap damn it feels good to be a gangster [Music] doing okay i'm a crow but i'm like a triceratops too or a rhino or uh rhinoceros a rhinoceros what an awesome idea i know it's almost like you could make a song out of it didn't you have a song oh my god we did i'm embarrassed ah there is a thing oh wow awesome useless thing because i'll put it in my ass [Laughter] wow i guess i'll shove it firmly in my butt super dee-duper i think something definitely comes to life when i light some sort of oh okay there we go oh that thing looks friendly oops oh oh need a rupee oh god dang dude he's creepy as hell no okay yeah he didn't like that did you that's neat yeah this he's a very cool boss i can afford to be a little bit reckless yeah got him yeah all right dude dinosaur i know he's a cutie he's a cutie but he as exploded cuties do uh we are watching the footage of me completing zelda uh and we are watching it together um because somebody one of us i don't want to say who but it wasn't me lost the audio and uh so now we're kind of stuck let's just accept that this play-through is cursed and we're gonna fight our way through it like i get it now like i get the the audience's situation where we have to make commentary on this footage that's already happening and i'm like not quite sure like what because i'm sure in the original audio you were like oh i'm gonna go do this thing what am i trying to find here um but like just watching back the footage is like why are you walking in circles man where are these idiots going what are they doing figure out what's happening please whoops it's half an hour later and i've wasted thousands of people's time you're nice oh i've already been in there but what's in that cave oh i've already been in there you and it's like no you stupid bastard you can't pull out the mayama you have to get behind it you've done that a hundred times dude i totally you're right i totally get where our fans are coming from now like when you're just watching this [ __ ] even though i know it was me playing there's such a sense of powerlessness like no don't fall off the ledge you stupid bastard what are you doing ah if only i were playing yeah yeah and i'm like oh yeah i was playing i remember you and i years ago had a conversation where it was clear that we both had peed in a sink in our lives but neither of us wanted to be the first one to admit it so we were both like that's crazy no one would do that right no one unless what that's crazy maybe we enjoyed the b action the the action as they say yeah but not the backstreet boys action no nobody wants that i'm sick and tired of that ass especially not new zealand they got rid of it completely they were yeah yeah they're more nsync people they got in sync so they got rid of the backstreet boys tour wow oh that's good did i just blow your mind oh i'm dying over here man i'm thinking about that joke and i just can't breathe anymore this is all right our sex life is boring i feel like i've had a mandela effect happen to me recently so okay you should probably refresh everyone's memory of what the mandela effect is because i don't remember okay okay the mandela effect is like a thing that happens to to like a mass of people that they they have like this collective memory of something and and as it turns out it's not that way and it never was so oh yes like the berenstain the berenstain bearer situation where it's like everyone thought it was the berenstein bears but it never was it was always the berenstain bears um didn't we have that thing like of course it's not steen they're not jews they're bears yeah exactly do you remember that i remember that conversation if you put up a sign on your house when you have a dog that is warning people of the presence of the dog what does that sign say beware of dog beware of dog every sign i've seen in the past three months has been beware of the dog oh yes yes that's correct i've seen that too but was it ever beware of dog oh yeah it was i think they just changed it you think i don't know for sure but i think so i'm gonna look up beware of dog okay okay yeah i mean tons of signs that's not aware of dog [Laughter] thank you i'm aaron hansen that's my time there's been a huge waste of everyone's energy [ __ ] dude what was the point of that in my mind i guess it was just like either one would have been fantastic right yeah if i actually couldn't find any beware of dog it would have been like holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] monumental yeah and now we find out it's actually bernstein bears yeah wait what is it wait a second and nelson mandela's like alive in prison and he's like what year is it and like right at this point oh god oh god oh geez it's like watching a monkey piss into its own face a poor monkey yeah you're like no dude just well because you had it and then i think you kept at it you were like oh what okay what's the real configuration here and i was like no dude you have it yeah yeah why are you moving it oh so embarrassing it was stupid it was a stupid thought process no it wasn't stupid come on dumb maybe this is pretty idiotic probably stupid definitely yeah but stupid doesn't i like throw it to another one i believe you it that does sound familiar doesn't it because it almost feels like i'm it's the only thing you may have [ __ ] this up a second time i was like you'll never get me [Laughter] like the worst of all possible options i remember you being like this boss is super easy and i was like stop diminishing my accomplishments like now now my only choices are die and be embarrassed or win and be not impressive this was the most nerve-wracking [ __ ] yeah i wonder if who does that actually like puts that on their linkedin like a titty drop moderator yeah i'm a moderator of a very well uh respected uh subreddit it's called our slash teddy route because if you can't if you can't have a drop when you're going to our slash city drop then there's really no point to be there really couldn't agree more so i just like to keep it focused on the drop they're like you're hired at merrill lynch [Music] investment corporation ceo of disney you'll do that's your resume 2018 to 2020 who's ceo of disney enterprises to to 2018 moderator titty trough i just thought i was qualified you know yeah they just you know what it was it was kind of a lateral move but i i wanted to i wanted to work at disney for a while i sent him my resume and well i got a call back yeah actually i sent them both my resume in 2017 and uh they both came back yes and i uh i told disney wait two years i gotta get this titty drop thing out of my system [Laughter] wait aaron i apologize i have to pee so bad can we pause the episode no you go pee and you come right back and i will are you serious okay can you cover oh of course i can thank you i love you i'll be right back so at this very moment dan is trying to figure out what the [ __ ] i've been i've been wanting to comment on this and we've just been chatting about other [ __ ] but at this point now it's like dude just get out of the room you have no idea what you're doing just leave please just leave and now he's shooting [ __ ] fire at the platforms he has to walk on what is he doing man oh my god just just shoot him with an arrow or something like why are you using the fire rod dude what are you doing you've got the [ __ ] you've got the [ __ ] boingy sprawling on the y button just use that why are you doing this why are you shooting fire at the ice things yes you finally figured it out and yet and yet oh my god oh damn i really hope you get to see this part when this episode goes up because holy [ __ ] this is the funniest [ __ ] i've ever seen [Laughter] oh man hey freaking out hey what's going on hey man hey how you doing hey uh what um uh what's up what i missed nothing much man you didn't really miss much take this and then go save hyrule okay easy enough right yeah thundercats are go thunder thunder thundercats i was just gonna say instead of how it's just like a blood curdling scream thundercats [Laughter] slowly walking yeah i tried to go reverently up the stairs and couldn't figure out how to do it very reverend help now hero you must take the battle to lo rule castle there awaits the demon king you can do it goku you're like wait what oh go goku who's what we got fire oh it's huge how about a little fire crow crow i don't like the fire no no oops didn't think that went out very through that's what we were that's what we were laughing at so hard when when we were playing this the first time um it was aaron doing an impression of hilda um renting out her dungeon her house as an airbnb and like starting with like the good stuff like um spacious airy school architecture very historical structure very interesting columns and use of space but then you'll have to but then she has to get to the point where it's like watch out for the floating bomb creatures they will destroy you and everything you hold dear if you come in contact with the the bomb plant um please don't be alarmed it will follow you to everyone no matter where you go um all you have to do is whack it and run like run really fast it's fine it won't destroy anything except for walls that are meant to be destructible that's totally okay don't worry about it if you get lost in the bomb maze don't worry just bring your own spare bombs and hook them over the edge rest assured there are blue and red crystals that change the walls from top to bottom so that you can easily get to your bedroom and have a great night's sleep [Laughter] fair warning there will be a bunch of floor tiles that will shoot i see spears at you [Laughter] don't worry but small price to pay for having a foyer watch out for the giant purple hamburger monster if you get hungry there is a giant purple hamburger in see him the dungeon first though [Laughter] she tries to like cover up some of the details of the home with like with like buzz words or like it's like it's like a picture of like lava all over the ground and she's like warm yeah a picture of a huge disgusting hamburger monster it's just at the bottom it's like pet friendly starting at 40 a day i mean for 40 you can't beat a deal like that you'll probably find that much money in the skulls alone for 40 a day this historic spacious castle death trap can be yours it practically pays for itself in deadly electrified jellyfish spacious [Laughter] well lit well lit heated floors please do not leave the place a mess [Laughter] why didn't you go to this why didn't you go to the transit i don't know so help me god i don't know so i have opened the giant door what a huge moment in my young life yeah now that you've opened the giant door phase two of getting to your bedroom starts [Music] this is how a villain turns around we need a trife we need a triforce so imagine my surprise what i learned of the existence of another one and another one here's where i'm like slowly putting it together like but my my try but i have a triforce wait for it so you found my secret bed and breakfast and i gotta fight you and a demon pig this is this is turning into one hell of a thursday bro i was also quite intimidated at this point give me a try for some power you getting freaking greedy bastard we mustn't be defeated if we are low-roll we'll be lost forever and i just fixed up this airbnb what care have i to save your crumbling kingdom it's no better than that hideous hyrule hey where'd the triforce is mine i plan to remake laurel in my image it's going to look very piggy oh no oh boy she looks nonplussed yeah [Applause] your current weapons will be useless for you as a painting so i bestow upon you my hero one more gift a painting of me kind of all i've got i don't know how i did that but jesus here it is yeah thanks princess and thanks for not doing it earlier it's the bow of light then stabis nam oh [ __ ] ah that arrow had a date with my ass and i was not invited please this has to stop oh i have no recollection of what voice we gave ravioli yeah he was like that he's like oh yeah please this has to stop it's me a man stuffed inside a gross rabbit body please now if you give me your bracelet lopez go on i know i trust you jeez it's a place of power it's all the power but she was just a painting i'm going to kiss you now it's been a pleasure my friend i got to meet a real live genuine hero who knows maybe some of your courage rubbed off on me so thanks lophus wish something would rub off on me you catching my drift i need that penis well you too oh yeah they they have one wish that can be granted oh oh a chicago dog yeah a new car like all these selfish things yeah no peace throughout the kingdom you [ __ ] i wish for the ability to [ __ ] speak yeah oh yeah i don't know what i was doing here maybe i'll just just dip maybe i'll just dip low dip dip ready we'll say it at the same time one two three a hot dog [Laughter] you stupid bastard i had a much better wish three hot dogs oh we both she's going to give destruction the murder of our enemies did they wish for our kingdom back no four hot dogs i actually got emotional the first time i saw that i was like that's so nice no it's like we're the same yeah [Music] oh we did it i actually just got chills a little bit again and it turns yellow oh the moment it leaves the frame like 30 people are like the birds are like finally our time has come bow to our squirrel masters oh that's awesome yeah beautiful what a beautiful game i just love it aaron who knows maybe aaron will do majora's masks
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 48,467
Rating: 4.9395866 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, link between worlds, zelda, 3ds, second run, 2020, restart, danny, egoraptor, love life, backstreet boys, comedy, best moments, laughter moments, best of, compilation, clips, air bnb, funny, voices, you did it goku, lesmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 56sec (2996 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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