Best Laughter Moments - Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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bah-bah-bah is it already feeling weird for you that you're like it's up there but it's super [ __ ] weird everything's weird is cool I'll just look at the normal screen oh [ __ ] is it yeah it's going on is it friendly yeah hello yeah do you want some gum orbits please I like the peppermint orbits take that sword and hurry after the captain I bid you got the sword now deliver it we're gonna deliver it into the [ __ ] heart of this blacksmith hurry run after the captain what now don't know where to go your sister in the blues leg please let me stop hammering there's nothing here I haven't seen my son in five days okay pamorah it's a long shift I am having the damnedest time with this controller and my thumbs really oh yeah oh is it too is it too small yeah grab a whoa come on good talk so my day is going good that's another pan circuit it looks bad time for a little high rules oh oh [ __ ] don't let him hear you say that damn yo I heard what that [ __ ] said yo you got a sword right can you take him down for me to the sanctuary versus a woman I'm a woman either as ever aren't you I know something that can help you with do a girl boys come to see my father the captain forgot a sword I like up a bit so careless just above it I'll fetch it for you boy yes if not she hasn't got a clue either but I got my eyes on can't free the bird like those babies on the castle wall this morning I favor blue oh [ __ ] what's going on was happening Oh No shovel activate Kratz knowing the Zelda naming scheme it's probably they're called they're called pots and the pots are called rats you get a super-secret special ability really yeah it's the best thing they've ever done in Nintendo games everywhere it's super smart and intelligent and it's really well designed and it makes this game really good you even get opinion I think they're great would be pleased do you accept to you here it looks like you needed a pet it's okay you can take it it looked like you needed a pal so I took the liberty of lugging you here to this vacant house nothing weird about that just a full grown man in a rabbit suit dragging kids around seemed like the perfect now pronto buddy to the castle I made you smell weird it's time to leave your house yeah i'ma make you dinner you like step out immediately and it's on fire now see it mister you you walk out it's like just remembering I can't remember what the [ __ ] that guy was saying but it was like something like gotta believe in jesus 420 blaze it more like 420 praise it [Laughter] hi I'm Jesus oh yeah I bet you fondest welcome to Hyrule Castle stranger [Laughter] yo my Bona be like one of those door stoppers you know [Laughter] Rufus Lofa scram well seen your face and the dreams of today forever locked in battle with some paintings I've seen your face in my dreams the other should be at home village [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] undoes her bra and takes it out without removing your shirt and link is like a front all generations your face is killing your eyes cry second girls like hit puberty first thing I like to veto everything Nisa Yoshi [ __ ] took off it run no it wasn't like this it was like buying her titties when I blow if you happen to find him tell him to free him alright in him yeah it's been a wall since he's been back here like I haven't seen for like days alright [ __ ] the little drummer boy I'm real scared you've been playing for a while no I think Jesus Nintendo [ __ ] wine just come out and say it you don't seem like you have much going on in your life maybe get out there meet a girl I don't know [ __ ] you want to be a lo fast your whole life no for say I can't fight your ass in there okay not in the [ __ ] chicken coop I went to the place it was standing spent a long time what am i doing in here indeed hey cheese [ __ ] I'll just hang out here and read why are you going into my study don't talk to my wife [ __ ] whoa goddamn hey which girl I'll get you my pretty well I'll remember her she's cute yeah alright break see I see what do you know what she likes i totes like her do you think she's into the birthday Massacre [Laughter] Cirie's what i have to do is close your eyes and concentrate on not getting a boner it never works I know you get your left's and rights yeah oh I say yeah well did you consider shut up that might be part of it got it welcome to hell brah suck fire shoots I'll get to the bottom all's you can sense now farewell heroes hey he just slowly walks away yeah right swish swish swish hey going are they getting deposited back into the floor then what reused wow that's an efficient system that sounds great and god I wish I could jump like any other [ __ ] creature in the world well sorry these controls are so floppy compared to what I've ever want to get up on that platform in the middle ah maybe you can hit it from there yeah I do you tell me I'm rock-hard right now I've got one of those boners that just goes up go out sure what was in the bottom just another [ __ ] place where does that lead you oh here look look it was important oh right you were oh look who was right nice yeah bet they devil shine he loved it yeah he was way into that yo he bought a coupon for that [Music] $50 off coupon is enough of me kicking your ass boy every day well she sensed it then why didn't she [ __ ] they leave the building yeah [Music] before [ __ ] goes that she looks out the window it's just like she's the lead he's totally dead yeah I saw him die over there it's like it's already a shitty one room apart no jeez you're not a nice mom looking for her son if you just give me a chance go to the right bra okay just like the right bras the people who invented process they invented plays yo-yo they invented booby support yeah the right bra sleep oh so she serves the function of the bird from yeah I think the past but she's way cuter she is and more legal to have intercourse with by the state yeah it's true one other thing my grams a world-class potion brewing looking at you Arkansas sure I visit Arkansas frequently no relation to what we were just talking about of course man there's three things I love about Arkansas barbecue church-going and dumb [ __ ] point there are less play laws that have been in effect since in 2004 thou shalt not use a walkthrough in a video game one less played on Wow like they really hey buddy god it's been a while I can't remember the story clearly uh-huh but we were in a fast-food restaurant and whoa and this woman this large woman always it was a bit of a ghetto restaurant if you can catch my drift activate that thing oh yeah nice and there was a huge woman ordering like two giant like family meals like enough food for eight people and the little girl behind the counter was like is this for here to go and the giant woman was like excuse me you think I can eat all this by myself and the girl behind the counter was like that's that's another that's a that was from when a same neighborhood a woman walked into a CVS I believe she was a peruse er of crack because she had like the wig and everything like that and and she just came in and yelled like oh yeah we're too pushy products at and the person buying the counter was like um aisle 8 and she was like bug-eyed product it is amazing yo talk about my cat whiskers ain't talking about my bagina you are between smooth Jim I knew I might add items crude inditing pressing why doing the stuff whoa how [Music] [Laughter] give me the lantern baby I'm gonna die I'm gonna load it push it's more fun oxygen to burn maybe that because they're anti-fairies like fire will be like anti fire does nothing actually anything else maybe you should use your gay love rods because they're on fire and wind puts out fire Oh Shh duh geez trying to make a joke and you take it all seriously whatever Gail wad Sandra Bullock's career success so happy and thriving okay cool wasn't she and Gravatt a yeah she's almost the only person in gravity no I said gravity he's a French film released in it's about gravy okay got a smoke a yeah good job thank you Thank You Aaron I've been [ __ ] waiting for that one yeah whatever [ __ ] it we just played Mario maker and yeah I was like I believe in you and you were like whatever yeah it's true I can't I cannot the one time I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] you're like that's rude did you see that thing where people came up with like what with the creepiest thing you can possibly tell someone is what's up I think the thing that came up with was like the single sentence yeah it's like you smell different when you're awake it's [ __ ] says a lot welcome back to game grim oh I forgot that I pushed the wrong button oh you guys duty singing like kicking rides in my spaceship bumper balls great oh you mean like this [ __ ] llama never a why did she do that because here's the door Oh Aaron you're so smart and I'm the dumb one no everyone says it's cool says yeah yeah man it's like you got special powers squink one now you can all oh boy was I not supposed to if you look up squandered you see well that's why they're always on my mind silver rupee whoa [ __ ] a hundred whole rupees need he's gonna do with all those rupees probably re rent items that you lost if I had to make it yes yeah I mean [ __ ] I need your [ __ ] magic don't hold it up man you're about to catch on fire you're close to the death my friend huh you better either not suck Wow cool more solid advice yeah you're like my own walkthrough oh sweet they can go stop [ __ ] socket okay sorry where you don't gotta fall down anywhere do you know how do I get anywhere we go thank I'm thanking Trevor you're doing oh there we go this way okay hi chica can't blow paint away it only dries it mishima shame master bro yeah you think I don't shimmy and or sham on occasion I opened up with nevada-based shimmy Shack you just gotta exit and go around through the door okay whoo yeah you're back here bro you're practically already one I just gotta go in the door on the right on the right I don't know well it's the left now yeah on the right yeah yeah right you are Aaron Moore level goddamnit oh we split into two little guys yeah Diddy what would you do without me [Laughter] [Music] Yankee did it and guy floats in like a half naked dude like all unshaven like you got a hard core - there's a guy named Rosso who lives up here also yeah hey my my my yeah one he turns you like with that faces like yeah you see that [ __ ] hmm hey you're that kid who works for the blacksmith yeah for like two minutes by myself forever in a house full of rocks and no woman the rocks are my friend my today's feel cast a hundred percent chance and no girlfriend but that's just me I'm gonna update my facebook now back to it Lytton rocks 5001 yeah and they can lift rocks rock yay am i doing it right we'll find out next time on game grumps won't we oh I guess we will see you then everybody come on in okay give you a proper Australian rogering you know he only speaks in name's not Josh in UI it's not in the treasure chest [ __ ] like Pandora's box demons on fire and I hope you'll pray to you see this is a mountain so it just falls down the mountain meanwhile this attack attack all the rocks just keep crashing as if people are like why specifically these shaped rocks save and complete your [ __ ] let's head back to Irene that's very nice you clearly came back for this so I'll give it to you for free plus twenty dollars it's as heavy as it looked made out of cheap plastic yeah hey you hit something with it and it's like squeak but this dungeon is pretty cool because it has a lot of jumpy things that get really sad when you hit them and it's sad for me because I don't like watching things oh what a nice fella well it makes me a fool what a fine fellow you are oh yeah one damnit one smart fellow he felt smart one former fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart Duell holy [ __ ] yeah I do it once more freely he smell first one smart fella he's felt felt one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fella he smelt yeah yeah yeah you're like I got it one fart smell it I told here's where I died and then died and then died again go do what he do I always huh you're like Suzy giving like driving directions yeah Suzy can you just give me like a little time a little advance notice that's all I need and she's like of course we're like six inches from the exit and I'm in like the left lane and have to get to the right lane and she's like and then there's that platform that comes down oh okay got it that was just my thumb hitting the thing accident was it yeah purely because I was like yes I want to die of course I do okay the magic is way cooler in this Danny walking in the door you're like he's like Danny well he was just wah oh my god it's the squirrels and bunnies and rabbits that indicate the master sword is near yeah is there like is the master sword sort of like a river like it just brings life yeah hey yeah I'm gonna get two masters oh oh you're back you [ __ ] okay oh really [ __ ] just interact with them Jesus now the swords more than better than ever okay Here I am yeah Wow Master Sword is a to pull out mmm if only were that easy you got the master sort of blade for a true hero files being when your full health you like suddenly think the kids gonna join you so you're like no I'm going I'm going to the mall his voice haha no doubt that is the very blade of Evil's Bane you found the Master Sword well done no first scan him now there's no time to waste strike down this nefarious barrier well he's real only you could he is really into not wasting time yeah your mustn't waste time I'll sweep bushes what the [ __ ] are you doing it's over here bring this rocket shows no fish what the [ __ ] is that it's a rock lovers you can't deploy I was right princess sound is going to be killed [Music] that's incredible how easy it cuts through such dark magic like you've cut through the walls around my heart how easily it cuts through to such dark magic and it makes julienne fries only $29.99 and what is it due to these tomatoes my god it seems wise before such a faithful moment to save should I do that for you now do to sahasrar Ola you don't [ __ ] hold my hand you're gonna do time i diapered up now Jesus will be glad to need you here once it for all that is strange oh no not more guys I easily dispatch on a daily [ __ ] basis ha ha ha you will never and they're like he turns around and they're already dead and you're like smoking a cigarette yeah what about a bit yeah what'd you say oh you already have a sword in this back you somehow managed to penetrate my buzz you forces oh I remember this now you will really pay when you just someone's like an octorok you got them that's right [ __ ] you gotta be slaying them that's right you got them I can't now you're gonna have to be the one to go this family story mr. mrs. bomb hooker yeah mrs. bomb actually it's the bomb hug family Schwartz I wish you knew the German word for it for like explode or bomb I believe it's a frosted flakes too soon after drinking a monster and now it's curdling giving me a little rum rum have a seat and do some writing write some memoirs are they put in little hearts here yeah if you buy links memoirs and you're like oh that must be so interesting he goes on an adventure and you just get it and it's like 300 blank pages that looks safe yeah you should go in with your painting form she don't have the black gooey wall [Laughter] [Music] me do it we'll see you then everybody he loves you wanna marry you don't go [ __ ] don't make promises you can't keep buddy you mean I can't keep I can't keep it to one of them yeah but who's it gonna be now fight fine fight for my amusement bring me a goblet of your finest wine so I must see you deceived let me collect my thoughts meanwhile I'm totally unconscious I am NOT absorbing any of this hey did she just like lie to you she's like ii totally oh my god it's the fight roars it's upside down to survive two seconds of Laurel if he's - y'all scoot it's been 50 right after this goes in your oh my god uh-huh Here I am oh yeah oh well going to the light world that's there there's a there's a heart piece there oh no [ __ ] but this is a wired low rule so there's nothing here Oh get in there you need the [ __ ] power of magic you the power of having a serious crisis right now okay Susie just sent me a hilarious text she immediately said please don't read this on grubs damn it what is it I think I'll respect your wishes but it is hilarious okay and embarrassing just take our word for it everybody good although I feel like if I just if I just lay that out there that people will come up with even more embarrassing than one but actually it's about pooping I'm sure I will neither confirm nor deny whether it is about pooping of course it's about pooping what else would you even talk about after 10 years of being dude I just a wig it looks in here how vaginas feel hopefully I'm still as long as you what are we a fusion now courage will surely see us through what the hell's going to see okay this is like is he's trying to headbutt the wall he may be trying to headbutt the walls it's okay I think I can relate to that yeah I feel like that all the time when I played Mario maker [Music] yourself pushes you can get hearts from there are literally no heart that deep girl knows where it is she keep your trap shut and then she wants to tell me where it is this part sucks let me sing a little ditty okay wow what a fetching voice come on air body yeah they pat you on the back and you stabbing the gun yeah looks like I'm a thief too I just still this is actually quite difficult for them I like some people watching you and he's like oh yeah come darling come my lady my lady you're my butterfly learn how to use the stairs butterfly oh god oh my god just stand right here and not stealing all your [ __ ] ya know Jesus why don't girls ever know when to separate I'm just here at the boughs oh [ __ ] here at the boughs like a boughs to see what I did there are you [ __ ] serious hey follow me oh goodness so I pledge my support to your quest little here oh thank you for saving me NOFA scram well now please find the rest of the seven stages before it's too late how many are left cecum hey girl is that the [ __ ] sand rod Jesus Christ that guy he's like a [ __ ] mafia who can smelled it I'm like the dark world no less not that there are many who live here for long within the woods are beat but brave them you must if you were to recover his age she was pure of heart yeah so say aye hello so people get upset when you when you talk [ __ ] on like the games that they grew up with mm-hmm and they're like you hurt my childhood it's like nah just just talk about a game that you like yeah like it makes you Dom me let makes you smarter for liking more things Wow because enjoying things is definitely much more it's better than not enjoying things are enhancing 2015 it's not better than enjoy not enjoy don't waste another minute don't you crying something into Z I always turned it off by that point yeah that was such a nice riff there huh what is it what show is that what show is that from cuz I mean who dies in a barn fire except for the Amish rest in peace I'm sorry for mocking you okay go die in a barn fire it's gotta be someone and I apologize in advance to them God you really can't say anything can no you can't it could be like oh man that crystal just exploded my wife was killed by exploded crustal my dad wasn't crystal this is you serious Pepsi Pepsi in 1991 I have footage let's watch I'm actually like watching you do this voice it's really fascinating kind of fun I'm trying to push my Adam's apple in wow cuz you can sort of do that but it seems you have further yet to go you must save all seven of the seven sages you can feel it - I feel minik how can I do it you save all of us Oh peace will never return to Hyrule it's super weird Alec goes up and in dude I'm I'm uh I'm using my dick silently to listen so why don't you put your hand on that maybe like recreate the vibrations hey Dan yes Erin ever viewed on the pen15 thing then for pen15 club yeah where you tell someone would you like to join the pen15 club and then you write penis on their hands yes as a matter of fact I have are you really that tickled by a joke from 1986 that's a year before I was born Laurel is just like Hyrule so very beautiful very promising bit of a hero and your love is is superb mmm Mamma Mia oh yeah oh no no I'm sorry oh I [ __ ] it go back up guess down [ __ ] I screwed it up oh Jesus where oh [ __ ] me right up [ __ ] no this is all wrong right Jesus rupees into the fountain Oh God I know how this is time do you want me to throw in another 200 I do don't waste it no no not right now you need items anyway okay wait till you're [ __ ] rich okay may good fortune to find you so that you can give money here why'd you just [ __ ] do you make good fortune find you and then me briefly thereafter why'd you just make me spend $400 because there is Hewlett's if you get more as you go on all right it just seems weird that it's cold an investment damn seems weird that I was like should I throw in 200 and you're like yeah I was like should I throw in another like [ __ ] yeah and I was like should I throw in another 200 he's like no you said you're [ __ ] made of money why is it 22 seconds Jesus Christmas 5 well I lost like 800 dollars yeah there you go okay and then keep going down okay keep on going down and then throw that flower there's just yours gonna take it just don't ask me where I got it from severed human head This Is It this is the one you grab the bomb and you go to the place and you blow up the rock everything cool five dollars please by the way Dan it's pronounced may may not pronouncement oh I don't think you know anything about dank maymays I am a king about dank meymeys ask me anything about a dank man what is a dank maymay it's a man I don't [ __ ] know when you take me for you [ __ ] crab pizza you [ __ ] fast crab you [ __ ] fast crab over here yeah I show me what's what I'll show him what's what fast crab definitely sounds like an Internet company we are fast crab yeah we've got a no-bullshit either wow that's exactly kind of for it forward-thinking we like over it fast crab hi Dan Avedon fast crab market I'll shoot your fresh crab is International I'm 22 I just graduated out of business school and well I'm losing money fast crab we're losing money we have no products bass crab what's our plan well you've been hiccuping for a while why not take a break man [ __ ] you you [ __ ] badass bird with your [ __ ] propeller ass tail and your [ __ ] red ass sighs you're [ __ ] sick Laz head what are you like a hammerhead shark with Cyclops after you finish saying that you just had like a big big smile on your face like yes I know that I was actually looking up on a website about how to cure hiccups it was like a WebMD ass-fucking like very professional at esque website mm-hmm it was like he thinks the cure hiccups drinking water very quickly getting a scare jack-shit that's very that's very weirdly specific and it was like gargle water and I was like okay and then it was like chew a lemon and I was like you're just [ __ ] with me my awake she wiggle of it is not pleasant you know the weirdest one I've ever heard tell me it was punch it [ __ ] I need to do something with them oh yeah there we go oh man hit him into the Narwhal okay [Music] where's the treasure chest I don't know I'm preoccupied with my friend who's in great distress over here bro I'll do me okay oh there's a treasure chest it's up a level you get a raise the water level somehow I say I'm a rich man oh my goodness gracious [Laughter] pedda bun yo not I open the dough now you gotta go up dust day huh and you've got we merge into the walls take her upstairs [Music] [Laughter] show her done washing dungeon that's still very nice sir how do I get over there you got a hook shot to the thing that just moved it's my bottom in the bottom there's a cutscene where it showed like your thing moving oh yeah alright I was looking at the waterfall I like the way it goes sometimes I like to go down to the dungeon see how the water goes cycloptic octopuses that makes so much sense probably cuz they have no eyes yeah but if you get rid of those and 0 baby like this thing you would be an amazing done nice you did oh I can't I think you could throw a bomb up there and then blow that up yeah just a regular one would do that's a regular old bomb alright so I shall a little bam bam I know nope but I can see you I see you getting this done hey damn son look at that I can't believe you [ __ ] did that thank you for noticing dude you are constantly out of control [Music] just get out no that's right I like the idea of like going into a new dimension of you know feels good for you as it does for me mommy take off get those get now I am NOT gonna want to go there what say I thought you I've made the give dough's mommy's a piece of your mind and it's funny every time every single time oh no okay that's smart actually I know yeah they really did think this stuff out very well nice using that rod bra and god that's all I would ever wanted to hear anyone say why did I do okay sweet beans finally the Sand River that we've all been begging for sweet [ __ ] beans the town but 50 hydrate and die of drought anymore before I have brought forth a delicious sand river lifting it up sand is the worst to get anywhere oh yeah especially like in your car oh damn it is never ever gonna come out yeah what some people are like when'd you get would you go to the beach you're like look at this five-dollar party whoa secret 20 on me and God there's aw it's like the best day in Brooklyn oh it's a trail of fives or the 20 at the end oh my God look at this do you know how many New York get all the way up there brah scuse me how you gonna give it he do that I don't know I look at this thing it looks like your nightmare Jennifer dumped me one of the story yeah oh yeah I'm Brian throat a tweet that was like attributed to sex Gandalf and it was like unzip my fly you fools [Laughter] but all that is gone Laurel is only me now and you're here oh of course god forbid we have a hero oh but I must have courage he will succeed or all is lost you were like the pig he's got a pitchfork and a shield too he's also big [Laughter] [Music] I never noticed his arms are like I did not mean to go back he's just like peach out sorry sorry wrong dimension uh yeah let me get on you okay well that's what she's saying I guess I guess that's what she said you know yeah who is she go to a lab tell me who's on top of me I must know can't have people climbing on me all willy-nilly especially during sex you will intercourse [Laughter] from a hey hey hey hey hello going to the vacant house baby so that you can transfer into the light world oh you know what my gram says it's good to walk stop to smell the roses pickup monster parts what help I wonder how she's doing miss my gram thanks nice depressing note and that I know a dead grandma used to say they said getting a pet will get you mad puss but they were wrong so wrong the riposte bomb our strange alien bird and rightfully so they should be as they should that's for true [ __ ] turtle drawing I met you'd love that key up there wooden shoe I'll never tell this is unsettling I can feel the victory and it is hot and then sometimes cold it's steaming up my glasses defending my glaze we can't see a thing without my glasses should I take that okay I'll come back to it you don't have to make a Swedish Chef from the Muppets [Laughter] today's the day this is a day Dan what what happens today today's a day what is that I'm gonna touch you in a way this okay well I'd only be okay like the how this are we gonna like the way it ends what holy [ __ ] dude you're [ __ ] genius thank you good god I never even thought about that boy my God why so he's gonna be like Arabic let's go he's gonna be Middle East whoa whoa whoa yeah what about it she got in time that I've heard okay no I legitimately forgot that Star user from Pokemon and you might have thought I was showing how much I've learned by playing these games but I was actually showing how much I don't know and forget what the [ __ ] is Pokemon keep saying these words I don't understand speak English Pokemon Mario please stop stop hitting me I can't understand you all right let's start speaking a language I get oh [ __ ] I'm a turtle I'm a lava butthole this is what it's like when you eat yellow curry it is did a great job it's just like two seconds of looking at each other like now now where our lives all right yeah dude it was like in the 90s was it really dude you're getting rupees up the [ __ ] wazoo thank you for noticing yeah I noticed it stop looking at my wazoo why are you always looking at my wazoo to check if things are going up it's incredibly rude I don't get it hey what's up [ __ ] hey we've got a shield so adorable why do I always do this BAM I can't breathe upside down [ __ ] Oh God god bless you oh thank you okay you need to use the bomb nice okay cool eyeball where's that other eye ball at hmm oh right oh and these jim-jams where's the other eyeball at I don't know you don't know I don't know you don't know where is it looks like you don't know I set my game revs what are you trying to play I told you I don't know okay sorry sorry I was pretty yeah I got a tangle okay yeah you'll probably have to use that a million times you're right noted well sorry I'm sorry kind of whoo you and those thumbs I'm a master damn it kamo oh that's adorable put Ocarina of Time I never have I watched people play it in college but like [ __ ] cheese it's pretty cool is it good yeah that's alright let's play it oh I don't know what to do I feel like I'm gonna walk out of here bro wait to which we're [ __ ] do you think I know even [ __ ] meandering around the rest of the castle Oh like a doofus it would split so fun meander we get to hang out with our fans and a girl ofus like a loaf is just like a cram well first of all they're called lovelies second of all whoops I do like hanging out them so shut up why don't you shut up why don't you shut up maybe should you maybe you should shut up what did you just did it bro what [ __ ] did you just do I accomplished oh dude there was a [ __ ] go well nevermind
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 310,433
Rating: 4.9071946 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, laughter, laughing, danny, link between worlds, zelda
Id: JXdiiLxNYbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 46sec (3406 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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