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hello and welcome to a link between worlds I've I've no not only have I never played this I've never held a 3ds in my hands before so this could get a little ugly and I apologize I just want you to know that stylus his full name is Lofa scram well do I have to let go every morning I have chores to do I'll be waiting outside so get up let's go he's just like oh thank you five minutes Jesus I am having the damnedest time with this controller and my thumbs really oh yeah I was it too is it too small yeah let's grab a still aspire come on good talk that away is a shortcut the or the way to go yeah why you go because my thumb's are huge and this controller is tiny welcome to the sanctuary which is a woman I'm a woman either as ever aren't you know something I can help you with do a girl voice come to see my father the captain forgot a sword I like up a bit so careless just about for you boy what's going on No activate I say bro have you even played a Link to the Past I haven't wait a second wait you lied to me you lie to me I'm having a difficult time wrapping my head around this there's two planes of existence know that I got it's just like I've just never held a desk before and it's like it's so tiny in my giant monster hand [ __ ] XL that's the bigger model is that right kind of tiny asian girls is this meant for a change my name is Eugene I'd completely missing nest egg can you please take my braces out and you been here and okay that's weird Huggies tell me to imagine buddy PCP I would put you any pain - I'm ready do you have said to you he it looks like you need a pal so I took the liberty of lugging you here to this vacant house I've been weird about that just full grown man and rabbit suit dragging kids around seemed like the perfect tell me the truth I've been looking for a place to stay I'll sleep on the table isn't that weird is that a weird coincidence that I showed up in your house I made you smell weird it's time to leave your house yeah i'ma make you dinner you like step out immediately and it's on fire bad now see you mister you you walk outside I bet you fondest welcome to Hyrule Castle stranger my boners like [Laughter] yo my Bona be like one of those doorstop as you know Rufus Lofa scram well he's like I just showed up to tell you about some paintings yeah I've seen your face in my dreams to see you here please tell me what you saw at the sanctuary all right check it yo there was this crazy clown so here's a little story all about you've been playing for a while know why that's a good Jesus Nintendo [ __ ] one just come out and say it you don't seem like you have much going on in your life maybe get out there meet a girl concentrate on not getting a boner it never works I know oh the otter rocks turn upside down when you kill them then you get to see their little their octo legs yeah their octopus is the only have six legs though it does so they're hex de [ __ ] yeah they're spider rocks spiders have any legs - oh my god you're right in iMHO this is better than a Link to the Past yeah I'm just keep your big balls at home boys what is this who what is this Indiana Jones advise going are they getting deposited back into the floor then what reused wow that's an efficient system no there's a church down there too no oh [ __ ] yo you just got [ __ ] secretive bro I didn't I didn't know that [ __ ] at all oh my [ __ ] god bros oh it's $20 that literally does nothing it's a sweater with yeah that looks big key is intent yeah I'm really proud of you right now thank you thanking you were [ __ ] doing it right now I got it the big small key well don't go that way you idiot you sure I don't know what was on the bottom just in another [ __ ] place the bar oh where does that lead you oh here look look it was important oh right you were oh look who was right why are you being such an [ __ ] dad right right right bird man I'm a dad [Music] oh [ __ ] oh damn no Europe painting is this good is this bad it's actually for Lawson okay hmm well this sucks I am non-plus yeah fade out the end yeah you fail shits radios bracelet Oh dip damn [Music] does this mean should I should I exit what should I do I need to do oh damn [Music] [ __ ] that [ __ ] Oh get the [ __ ] out of here and you can oh that's awesome yeah and you can walk through a little crack on the top what a [ __ ] cool game mechanic all men oh my god it is used so brilliantly dude this is awesome this is the coolest [ __ ] yet well it's gonna it's gonna [ __ ] rock your world pretty soon because like pretty much everything in this game now is mirja ball it has to do with this mechanic it's sort of like like they use it so [ __ ] brilliantly it's like jumping it just comes naturally to how the game is designed it's very um it's very rare to hear you like effusive ly praise any game mechanic of any kind it's it's it's I got it [ __ ] boom you just save my own ass no accidentally it's it's so [ __ ] effortlessly like you just that you're like on second nature Wow immediately I love it mm-hmm me too anyway sorry anyway how was your day Zelda gave her you bra right her bra oh that's right all right she was she must have sensed the evil was coming well she sensed it then why didn't she [ __ ] they leave the building yeah to do list capsule before [ __ ] goes that she looks at the window or something I can't express to you how big my thumbs are in comparison to this frigging little controller you just got to be gentle with it you're you're being so aggressive with that little knob how about this yeah I'll just casually stroll everywhere so welcome back to episode 255 of the link between world normally I don't take passengers but I'd rather haul you oh oh so she serves the function of the bird from yeah I think the past but she's way cuter she is and more legal to have intercourse with by the state yeah it's true one other thing my grams a world-class poet from Brule looking at you Arkansas sure I visit Arkansas frequently no relation to what we were just talking about of course man there's three things I love about Arkansas barbecue church-going and done [ __ ] necessarily in that order no actually it's more like duck [ __ ] duck [ __ ] duck oh [ __ ] yeah uh CBS know a Kentucky Fried Chicken God it's been a while I can't remember the story clearly uh-huh but we were in a fast-food restaurant and whoa and this woman this large woman was it was a bit of a ghetto restaurant if you can catch my drift activate that thing oh yeah nice and there was a huge woman ordering like two giant like family meals like enough food for eight people and the little girl behind the counter was like is this for here to go and the giant woman was like excuse me do you think I can eat all this by myself and the girl behind the counter was like [ __ ] I don't know your life [Music] okay that's that's another that's a that was from when a same neighborhood a woman walked into a CVS I believe she was a a peruse er of crack because she had like the wig and everything like that and and she just came in and yelled like I had a [ __ ] products at and the person buying the counter was like um aisle 8 and she was like bug-eyed product it is amazing yo talk about my cat whiskers ain't talking about my but China placing two items flute inditing pressing why doing their stuff whoa house can't walk through candles bro what you were thinking this is just that is just life 101 it's just good that's some grade school [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no out there bro how will I know I guess I better do this now or this no next time I gamers how do I get back up there with the Gayle oh yes okay you have to go all the way down now oh that girl right there hey needs and wall walk on the left yeah the other way you see things were going okay okay the SAS silver rupee whoa [ __ ] a hundred whole rupees me he's gonna do with all those rupees probably re rent items that you lost how do I get anywhere oh yeah thank I'm thanking Trevor you're doing oh there we go this okay hi chica can't blow paint away it only dries it didn't foresee this [ __ ] crackin appealing then you come back out and you all like pieces of you missing and you're like I'm appealing and it's not appealing would you Walmart on the left and then like walk the whole distance if there's like a secret over here you can only get if you did that maybe now I have no magic to fight these guys but you get a back three word look you know what you would have been like whoa awesome if there was a secret so did it yeah if you had been right exit and go around through the door yeah right you are errant more level goddammit I hate them gotta be goofy for a second [Music] yeah like you did it and guy floats in her just like a half naked dude like all unshaven like you got a heart to the kingdom [Music] this parrot is now yours let's head back to Irene what a fine fellow you are oh yeah one damnit one smart fellow he felt smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fellow he felt smart deal holy [ __ ] yeah I do it once more fully he smelled four smart fella he spoke one smart fellow he felt smart one smart fella he smelt yeah yeah yeah you're like I got it one fart smell it and then there's that platform that comes down oh okay got it that was just my thumb hitting the thing accident yeah was it yeah purely because I was like yes I want to die of course I do [Music] okay the magic is way cooler in this town yeah so when I was 23 I used to work at a Harley Davidson shop Bloomfield New Jersey mhm and it was it was because my friend's dad owned the Harley shop it wasn't because I was [ __ ] captain motorcycle and Oh captain motorcycles yeah eyes on the scene to give you quick and fuel-efficient transportation hey captain motorcycle you girls go to high school [Laughter] captain motorcycle can't hear you because revving his engines wears a lot of denim on denim the ladies love [Laughter] [Music] captain motorcycle thinks Priuses are for [ __ ] captain motorcycle thinks he's awesome you can tell because captain motorcycle talks about himself in the third person captain motorcycles gonna play it off like you were a [ __ ] okay the motorcycles gonna swipe left who wants some who wants some you want some you want well my two extra points are doping me I'm [ __ ] pick up $5 while I stab you oh hey yeah I'm gonna get two masters Oh oh you're back you're [ __ ] okay oh really [ __ ] just interact with them stuff you can see you beam Adam whatever peace of heart baby oh nothing could beat that oh but what's this twenty twelve twenty twenty dollars on top of your awesome prize maybe you could have started with that a reusable bag sweater sweater no doubt that is the very blade of Evil's Bane you found the Master Sword well done NOFA scan him now there's no time to waste strike down this nefarious barrier well he's real only you could he is really into not wasting time yeah your mustn't waste time oh sweet bushes what the [ __ ] are you doing it's over only you could do it loafers Jesus you're an idiot how easily it cuts through to such dark magic and it makes julienne fries only $29.99 and what is it due to these Tomatoes my god okay boobies I want to see somebody [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] you got them that's right [ __ ] you gotta be slay them that's right you got him I can't now you're gonna have to be the one to go to this family story mr. mrs. Baum hooker yeah mrs. Baum actually it's your name all the bomber family Schwartz I wish I knew the German word for it for like explode or bomb I believe it's a [Music] I'm learning with these Knights it's actually better not to whale oh yeah they get that very particular swing exactly this one all right I've kicked your ass enough blood I spit up blood and teeth when I'm Superboy you guys appetite will soon consume our worlds he's a hungry I rule in law rule the beasts for the taking good don't be concerned that he's literally right behind me yeah we've been standing here for quite a while I can't I can't pooi boys have see I must see use I love him I cannot hold them back much longer so I must see you deceived let me collect my thoughts meanwhile I'm totally unconscious I am NOT absorbing now that you're awake and I see you're okay you can sit yourself to the door go on now let's go to let go on now Scott otherwise I would just ignore oh my god he's standing by there because he wants the mask apart yeah if I just fart into the netherworld in this world in the dark world that deep girl knows where it is she keep your trap shut and that she wants to tell me where it is this part sucks let me sing a little ditty are you friend are you a friend are you Fred are you a friend or foe my friend slowly hobbling lizard man are you friend or foe do not draw your sword on me if you are friend alright you drew your sword on me he might still be friend though we might use it to defend me now you're stabbing nah my arm off if a friend awesome but you'll have to return two raviolis then you can find in this shop sweet just [ __ ] steal it dude Yeah right cheese like he like he's gonna know well but here's the thing right if you buy items then you can upgrade them oh that's awesome yeah you can't upgrade the rental ones so you guys can pay girl is that the [ __ ] sand rod Jesus Christ that guy he's like the [ __ ] mafia can smelled it I'm like the dark world no less he was like something's wrong yeah hey do you have my sand rod in another dimension I don't much care for the Internet oh [ __ ] you're in it here in the skull woods bro I did it Oh God that is a completely different wall master than when I'm from [ __ ] used to Oh I don't [ __ ] do just showed up Oh oh my god it is everything irritating here kiss Jesus stop everybody stop stop slow down here kicking his little feet guy that's annoying Schumi that smile again don't waste another minute on you crying something in Susy I always turned it off by that time yeah dude was that it yeah you got him that was so much more wildly easy now I have sympathy for all the quotes being like Dan you're an idiot oh I see my little friend from the sanctuary nice [ __ ] voice don't put yourself out all right stretched wings try to be as feminine as possible all right hard it's hard because I have an Adam's apple all right how can I do it save all of us will never return to Hyrule it's super weird Alec goes up and in dude I'm I'm uh I'm using my dick silently to listen so why don't you put your hand on that maybe like recreate the vibrations with your hand cuz that's how sound works over here oh no no I'm sorry oh I [ __ ] it go back up yes down [ __ ] I screwed it up oh Jesus where oh [ __ ] me right up [ __ ] no Jesus oh no I don't even know it's fine don't worry about are you sure yeah don't worry go back up into that forest just like you were with the baseball's everybody go in that cave first you [ __ ] ruined it for everybody told me to go in the far but then I said [ __ ] tunnel the Halal and thought all thought oh hey it's the [ __ ] horn tunnel Reid who'd be such it you piece it you piece of human garbage I'll break your [ __ ] head whoa dude I'm sorry it's to the Jersey in me babe go around all right go right and then go up are you yelling at me are you like doing a New York impression go right go oh you okay you were all right sorry I don't know why I yelled I just had to get it out of my body wasn't anger it was just pent-up energy go right no Dan cheese that's really around here and that's the whole world go right no this is right I know it's fine right does it look like I'm looking at a [ __ ] walkthrough right now I'm scratching my nuts and yelling incessantly what the hell's going on with this guy what am I meant to do with him don't worry about that guy hit him with the hook shot he is silly I need to do something with him oh yeah there we go oh man hit him into the Narwhal okay all right stay with ya Oh get ready for $5.00 that's actually awesome holy [ __ ] dude I'm a rich man oh my goodness gracious me how do I get up here again is there access to that yeah just walk right up just go my god you're right Wow not my proudest moment everybody let's all pray listen there's a couple hundred thousand of you and Aaron who just saw that let's all make a deal just let that one slide and no one has to be any of the wiser cycloptic octopuses that makes so much sense probably cuz they have no eyes yeah but if you get rid of those and 0 baby hawk this thing you would be an amazing stop with the lasers we don't need any cafeteria because look if you take out the food necessities from people yeah they don't need food yeah obviously and we're cafeteria we don't need it we are done here holy crap dude this is the most brutal oh sit with Cyclops shooting lasers is - is that like a Odyssey thing I don't know Aaron you're asking me an awful lot of questions for a get shot with laser octopus beams so now you're on the other side of that bridge but that was my thumbs dude that is once again my [ __ ] thumbs all right pause the episode Kevin okay we did it you did it oui baby oui gether I watched fine yeah how how he did it again okay Wow brows what could possibly go round well [ __ ] god [ __ ] damn my life dude oh my god you see this happening right you see my [ __ ] big ass lumps just sliding off the side you know I'll just [ __ ] do it yeah Tuesday please Jesus oh I'm so angry right now this has never been harder for me than it is right now in any video game oh my god oh my god why don't you just let someone with no hands play oh my god it's so frustrating bro you can Disney [ __ ] dude so came in well what if I okay it doesn't I can't I can't it's part of the process oh god I've dropped out and I can't I mean you're seeing what happens with my thumb right we do like it just alright maybe if I just like walk super slow trying to watch your thumb no no you have to you have to I can't oh my god it's not okay I have a problem and then you gotta yeah you just got him okay sweet beans finally the Sand River that we've all been begging for wheat [ __ ] beans the town but 50 hydrate and die of drought anymore for I have brought forth a delicious and River lifting it out Mac them in the old patoot oh boy oh boy oh boy no oh boy now everyone's liked this episode should have ended five minutes ago I know boy no yeah Wow huh dan you [ __ ] persevered that was like the ultimate thumb trial it's pronounced pure server and thank you I appreciate that oh but I must have courage he will succeed or all is lost if you were like [Music] [Laughter] I met you'd love that key up there wouldn't you for three days it was a sty what is that it's a pimple on the inside of your eyelid oh that's gross yeah you never had one no that sounds terrible dude it's the worst because you think something is in your eye for like like a whole day and then when it's there the next day you're like oh that's a sty and then you just now that you know that you can't get rid of it it drives you insane oh when did that happen to you like three days ago and you didn't mention this to me it's gone now bro I could have been there for you and your time of need what would you have done I don't know made love to you furnish [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] can we make a boyband we're [ __ ] rich all Swedish Chef from the Muppets man set a star you uh stop freeze stop did you just make a general Pokemon observation yeah better star you know I legitimately forgot that star user from Pokemon and you might have thought I was showing how much I've learned by playing these games but I was actually showing how much I don't know and forget what the [ __ ] is Pokemon boy this thing okay it really has it has the spins whoa dude I told you you're doing great yeah that was a lot easier than that [ __ ] nightmare flower from the desert drop [ __ ] down on me thank you all right you give me the [ __ ] smash brothers clap did a great job it's just like two seconds of looking at each other like now what we have denied that we will help you do what that hero Fletcher did so long to go better than what you're doing so please rescue the rest of his lovers please do it go on go through that portal I promise we won't talk [ __ ] on you after you leave he looks terrible stumpy you shut up you should maybe should you maybe you should shut up what did you just do did it bro what [ __ ] did you just do that hey fairy world what's up ladies oh just bite her head off okay you know what this seems like a nice safe place to rock next down my game yeah we'll see you then everybody
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 33,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, link between worlds, restart, danny, 49, part 49, arin, egoraptor, 2015, old playthrough, original, game grumps, best of, compilation, best moments, laughter moments, kfc, story
Id: 0E6rynfkVIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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