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hello and welcome to game grumps it's game grumps time what is this game Aaron do we play as cargo we get to watch these two dudes have a conversation you and I okay are going to play as two criminals oh wait what who have been arrested and put in jail and I think the idea is we're breaking out of jail or we've already broken out of jail and we're trying to escape being put back in jail oh my god I don't know okay so we're I guess we're being flown to a jail or something well you're in for fraud embezzlement and murder oh sweet and I'm in for armed robbery assault and grand theft so I've killed someone but you have not that's cool well you're rational disciplined and reserved not quite reserved enough not to kill somebody I'm a disciplined killer he was probably a dick and you're 43 I rationally murdered that man I really thought it through I was brought up in an orphanage and turned into crime in early in my life that how he talks know when stealing a famous diamond everything went horribly wrong now yeah I must give out the prison and set things right for my son my wife that's how I want to put in the soft Jay and for myself [ __ ] dude how's it going towards staying away from the toilet alcohol hey bud let's let's talk I want to talk I want to talk to you I just want to talk to you [ __ ] can I go in your office what are you doing here let's go damn son yes are youse down there hold on oh can you watch me oh yeah they're looking at your naked butt from the second floor and you don't know about it well just like real life I'm covering my penis to make it easier on the others any questions oh is this your prayer what's your name in here hmm I've never been asked that before kill him oh geez you just got visited again daddy again and you know what next time on game grumps will meet yes [Laughter] I got a Magnus mama on my licking hole and it's only just begun so oh [ __ ] Oh Aaron I'm sorry welcome back hello sorry a thing happened we had to start the episode we all right so that's cyanide I just injected you with 50 cc's of candy see the hugs and kisses just what the doctor tells this what's going on here [ __ ] oh we're like done in the infirm yeah I'm going to be just feeding the birds yeah just catching some arm breeze I feel like I could just jump out of that you know Ono leaves I left those leaves for me for later dear diary no one wants to play basketball again wait but I need to get out of here - yeah no I don't have a good reason for getting out I love it here yeah like you did in the infirmary back there hey I got the file didn't I attend guards turn around and I put it over there who is it come in it's my plan isn't it weird that we're like right next to each other yeah sure whatever you say I mean it man you [ __ ] this up I'll kill you myself sweet I mean I'll kill myself [ __ ] sorry I don't have one just let me think of it I'm gonna file my way out of here out of here next time I think so I give you whatever what a cool game we're gonna have a way out find a way we're gonna go away out I'm gonna chat with the students Cuse me [Laughter] it's hot as hell up here are you kidding me Eric get out you're working on some [Laughter] craft crap look at us a couple of average joe's hanging out yeah I'm like Tom Cruise in castaway I'm gonna get it on my first try I'm gonna get it on the first try I'm gonna get it on the first try cutting off fish on my first try gonna spear the fish on my first try yeah the fish baby bird speed some fish [ __ ] you got any yeah my wife I hope you I think she's pregnant you and a kid Oh who's Alex the kid got a kid yeah let's go after him together he's gonna get what he deserves - some toys for Christmas this is a good boy Harve Alex wait what alex is my son yeah no but my brother is also named Alex sorry and harmony is also named Alex that sound like Alex no Harvey it's not even in the story my son is a helicopter I should've Alex we're down here it's just that I didn't trust you at first that's not my son it's the cops I forgot my son's not a helicopter they disguise themselves my son certif arias [Laughter] [Laughter] dude nice farm hello and welcome back to game grips whoa you see it whoa what look I'm leaving trails whoa trip it out whoa what the [ __ ] oh it's freaky my whoa I'm freaking out oh [ __ ] the cops are after us geez man Oh it's cuz the farmer called yeah oh yeah it can oh [ __ ] I was goin slow this whole time sorry I had it in slow gear oh [ __ ] throttle oh my god Ross them Duke boys hi yep that's me started look a robo tiny canoe escaped at least we could share a magic moment before I shoot us they'll never catch us at speeds of - this is nice why don't we do this more often I'll be the gun - there you yeah I don't really buy this yes I am oh look the cops are running alongside the river actually they're just walking like slowly walking here you're always [Laughter] oh my ribs look at this a couple of cards told me Leo what is your story with Harvey he's my helicopter sanity cut me in line at the DDR machine my token was clearly on the machine you played max 300 triple-a together in this line of work well we both [ __ ] other guys I Paulson you know she knows me better than I know myself I was 12 when we met at the orphanage Jesus okay don't be I barely remember besides in fact I think this is an implanted memory she was quite you know we used to run away together steal ice cream cigarettes [ __ ] you smell [ __ ] just occasions as crazy I got a bionic arm she knows it better than I do you know sounds great thanks my legs are made of lasers when they laser yeah I like the cross time swimming pool that's great this is great [Laughter] can I be in this like my dad walking in front of like what you're trying to film something god it's a fetch quest to find my family I mean we could split up alright two of us right that's a good point well scour the area see this [ __ ] guy banging his head on a car seems like he's guys what's about him oh my god you all right I'm very rich right now join me on the swing oh yeah yeah why not we do that yeah this is nice great program so we're gonna swing her yeah we've-- you beautiful don't ever tell you not best friend because you are a beautiful doop-doop domestic abuse yay so funny go left go left okay yeah there yeah yeah hi I'm Vincent I'm 41 I love cheese hey that's a really nice bike and I'm not talking about the bike oh [ __ ] oh we're playing basketball it's a mini game I blew a school uh iPad I'm gonna pass it to you come on Wow we're just as good as the in real life basketball oh yeah we're playing you you just steal the ball from me I'm a [ __ ] no [ __ ] you I'm dunking oh you son of a [ __ ] or we are wrestling shows we are we gonna tap it oh boy I'm going over the top oh my god I'm exhausted yes oh my god oh my [ __ ] abs Matt Ryan can you put it to [ __ ] attention [Music] [ __ ] arm wrestling machine [ __ ] war finals not nearly as good about luck champ that was the hardest [ __ ] oh [ __ ] my arm hurts so bad oh oh god that was not worth it at all without a doubt not worth it holy [ __ ] wow that was as painful as real armwrestling do you got them in your sights that yeah oh yes damn it die I hit square instead of that oh he goes oh my god get you I'm gonna get you yes where'd you come from I don't know oh my god really should have punched him Jackie Chan movies Who am I ow oh except we're the punch and kick guys good thing that single tarp was there on the cement to break our fall hey this'll really do them in the wallet wait hold on I have an idea [Laughter] game over oh yeah we did it damn those Robin twins oh I crashed dispatch this is Johnson not only did I not apprehend the promotion leave the spot already right Daria killing it okay ray last one selling guns the baby it's it's spinning its propellers all children are helicopters I don't get there I know you shouldn't work while you're pregnant stay home that's not heartless not an option yeah yeah I prefer the gross kind now you're speaking my language give me bottom notches please he's sweating now you're speaking my language look up there I'd sure love to look at nude women yes siree with their boobs in their vaginas no God it's so attracted nothing like the hairy ball sack of a woman to get me going I mean the hairy ball sack of a man I mean [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] yep gun still works maybe it's alright I'm just gonna put this joke at ease that way the bullets won't hurt anything very pretty oh damn why he's experienced enough to have a silencer but not as a horrible yeah [ __ ] I'm over here the guy saying [ __ ] she did that every time oh we're controlling it bang bang bang well this thing triple split screens it look they left the waves from a play we could pretend we're at sea wouldn't this be fun he's choking me Leo he's choking me choke him Leo and the guys like I'm a Libra we're all choking each other no French kiss is nice I love it when we do things together let's question him all right now let's talk well before whose lips are blue we're gonna kiss and then we're gonna get on that plane we'll get on the plane oh yeah put this [ __ ] in all right time for me how hard can this be oh yes gave convicts excuse me man my wife she's had a baby what's the name yeah get in line we haven't named it yet it just was born thank you she specifically said for to kick you out and never let you in again yeah just kidding she said bring you and a convicted felon that's perfect wow she's so understanding okay then there's people everywhere can I shoot the floor away from the cops throw the guy into the door my god the love oh wait hopefully there's not a guy behind me huh shooting a punch to that guy in the elevator punch if you get to the door and I look at you PTP oh [ __ ] yeah open drive to drive to Jeff Jeff so every gossamer to our first wish I am into this [ __ ] [ __ ] eat my turds are they dive Erin I'm saving Leo I'm coming to get you leo [Laughter] grab her grab her grab her Gary [Applause] [ __ ] you Vincent this is where I betrayed it drop some two feet hurt you bump bump didn't it Wow he shot off with something from your back or the other ones please poke it out yeah I think he's okay let's save him we could use this jelly bones GLA to make it a race of human Jellyman [Laughter] [Laughter] yeah look at us couple of cards we're fine - continue - oh wow look at this beautiful Vista I can stare at this for hours yeah you know people are always like oh we had pizza yesterday but I could have pizza every day you know [Laughter] sounds good to me he got open this door you got to open this door together okay one two three Wow I'm gonna throw it shoot it leo shoot it hold on you got a Crouch to get your health back oh shoot I think I am - two seconds two seconds oh my god I could've been around and shot the thing myself I'll shoot it for fun I've always got the [ __ ] I found the statue oh sorry wait wait you mean goes I could use this for my trailer park yard can you carry this for me on three one two three nice yeah baby sweet a museum let's shoot everything oh this is Scarface this is straight up Scarface the white suit in the second floor so whoa this is clearly like movie omage yeah yeah it's pretty wonderful actually hey Scarface oh but oh yeah whoa no I want to kill Harvey well kill them together yeah ow ow whoa damn I mean we didn't destroy your house we oh oh oh he didn't like that I love that coming at me you got me right in the Harvey's it's a nice [ __ ] gun yeah that is nice which one on fronts Vincent approaches little boy I think Leo's gonna have some fisticuffs yeah yeah let's do Leo it's gonna be meaner yay fun so my name's Leo where's the bathroom need to freshen up there's no sticks and stones move toward your gun collections wiggle it just a little bit make it groove one hop this time [Laughter] hi it's my secret garden safe yeah oh you were right oh he can open his garage with that thing in there oh [ __ ] damn I [ __ ] blew it I'm gonna move no stop stop wiggling no I'm trying to get the shot oh trying to take the shot I can wait I can push something push yeah baby oh oh oh Aaron yeah now you fell over you oh no [Applause] you might not say oh ah a cleansing dip in the pool that'll wash the blood off I don't want to go swimming anymore those legs yeah though oh it's your wife and my kid wieszczyk I wish we'd done like the world's worst like shitty tagline like after looking down at him like take a bath yeah looks like he is in the water looks like he painted the town red she [Laughter] [Music] looks like some way it's good hey jump jump breaking no I'm throttling Wow look at this go make the entire motorcycle ride looks like he was blue he sure was bloody here's what washed I guess I just cool a no good that sure was dryclean only yeah see you next fall hey that's pretty good that was pretty good someone should tell these guys that Harvey's dead they don't need to bother with this anymore yeah hey you're not getting paid anymore he doesn't have payroll oh boy oh this is oh dear oh no all right good I'm not gonna get back on the road it's like a real bloodbath oh that that's pretty good excellent this is that right yeah it's like a real bloodbath right yes that's good I'm just I'm just skipping a couple minutes goddamn it you could back up you can't oh no no hey leo why I heard a funny joke today oh crap dead duck walks into a bar he says he says you got any bread the bartender says no the duck says okay and then the duck says hey bartender you got any bread and the bartender says no hold on I got a deal with this avalanche legs all [ __ ] up I'm coming for you Vincent you dumb bastard all right now that we're on the same bike the duck says Gandhi bread and the bartender says no and if you say if you say got any bread one more time I'm gonna nail your bill to this bar and the duck says all right all right and the duck says hey bartender he got any nails and the bartender says no and then he says all right they've got any bread that's a good one Vizio thank God we're gonna die watch out for the shrubbery I'll jump to the plane you can die alright good now you rinse it come on Vince this injury leo I mean what no thanks what about why don't you take a long walk off a short plank for the for the diving board in his pool that was a good walk here that was really good it's because it's mine no I didn't mean right now massage your pancreas because it looks very bruised it's like she opens up the letter it's not like sorry I was writing this on a plane sorry there's the blood of like 20 dudes on this please don't touch me okay sleeping he's uh sleeping yeah yeah I'll do that yeah well maybe we should let him sleep yeah yeah Harvey's also sleeping in the pool yeah would I just say about the shoulder hey don't touch my shoulder I'm Emily yeah no I just felt like making this a longer flight for you yeah hey Leo wake up still got five hours Wow thanks Benson really looking out for me huh just a couple fugitives landing at LAX [ __ ] and now just to casually reintegrate into society yep perfect the Fashion Police take off those pants now mister you've got see some new duds your skin tone really makes you a winter you'll do better with cool blue clothing and oh never mind thanks Emily um so were they gonna arrest us I'm not gonna pay her triple where's my 20 bucks look at you guys couple of cards you look well lubricated it's not raining a Medal of Honor for you Thanks yeah there you go neat good job Vincent say what what I'm sorry leo what he was a coho holy [ __ ] I'm starting to think you shouldn't have written that letter to Carroll he was already in jail wait a minute oh this is a crazy-ass twisty ending you know what I think I'm gonna write that letter to Carol do you Carol totally [ __ ] over my friends he pulls off a Maskin spensive holy [ __ ] Vincent was a cop on this case oh my goodness gracious well he's a responsible one but then you should know that Leo didn't do anything oh man what a [ __ ] twist I want to be part of this holy [ __ ] let me sit down shots oh he's an undercover cop holy [ __ ] to close to this Vincent you better sit Wow that's what I say was my brother my flesh and blood and he's dead because of me I put him in that situation I need to do this and you know it oh that sounds stupid but bouquets please call me Jimmy knee gel occurs it's over he was already in jail though they wanted to kill Harvey and get the diamond whoa Dan you wouldn't do that to me dan let me go Dan oh man I'll just turn my back to them I'm getting outta here I mean I really I really do like you what do I think I'm doing now drive for the pets that you've seen damn that's crazy we're definitely getting away let's see how far the car goes yeah it's like driving into the city take gun this is so much higher stakes at our armwrestling for earlier now I'm out of here my seatbelt safety furs with me it's like the opposite of when we were skydiving it's just you you [ __ ] rat oh hey help me on the boat leo hey Leo wait up Louie m73 stop you're ruining the action oh god man this is crazy you're gonna watch your durability dude sorry I'm down the engine bro I got a burst fire for accuracy stop I'm a policeman oh my god Aaron Drive uphold the law you are unbelievable like well I'm sorry do this is a [ __ ] betrayal of our friendship do what the games telling me to do shoot your boat oh wow hold on I can't back up hold on I'm making a catered hold on wait wait wait wait two seconds two seconds Oh scary yay Leo there's no escape Leo don't shoot me Oh at least let me hit this cool ramp all right oh wait you can't hit the cool ramp because you're is that you getting away no it doesn't look like it damn we the lethal weapon fetch that Baldwin to Kabul that's why I didn't want to tell him about his wife all that [ __ ] would still happen didn't you kill a bunch of people well yeah but they were bad guys really you didn't kill like people in the as we were escaping the prison no I didn't kill anybody you did Wow right I guess you'd know better than I was I was too busy killing people and thinking all your cutscenes you were killing people and I was just like running away from wow I think speaks her head out pretty good 290 years he's really mad I can't imagine why [ __ ] are we actually gonna kill each other or you have a shoot up who wins oh man [Music] [Music] [Laughter] ha I see you Oh daddy ow oh these are you shot me he's our friend bullets friend I was shooting you with red bullets oh I'm bleeding our friendship never give away your position in the war sunsoo 2018 ow ow maybe you shouldn't give away your position first he's a silly [ __ ] inside the su-27 damn this is dramatic this gun is my only friend huh but a drop what still has me you'll have to be more specific [ __ ] disgust me big so I'm a bad guy it's I mean who do you side with justice or friendship [Music] typically Oh couple of card I'm so wet your friendship juices know where you are oh no my friendship guys okay we're friendship freezing friendship glitch yeah yeah pinky swear they'll let me kill you one last time five what why would they do that I love here as men I don't want to oh I don't want to punch you well it's happening no don't punch me I'm gonna punch you I hope your baby felt that punch the baby ah shouldn't the shaky time in the baby hole I hope it's hold are to to hug no it's punch Oh whoa this is this is crazy you got to hold our tea right right foot green [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] Oh kick heck hate you house you meet here you know she was mad at him cuz he was a cop who wouldn't quit I think it's cuz he maybe he got his brother killed her also may be that he's just an [ __ ] oh I think it's because he probably took the mission oh yeah yeah she's pregnant absolutely she's like what the [ __ ] kakuka gun and they're off ladies and gentlemen it's gonna be another tapi [Applause] don't shoot him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh boy come on I want to do that no man what happened that my controllers vibrating like crazy oh [ __ ] oh man oh I think you I think you're connected oh let me shoot him I'm gonna guess Leo definitely was gonna kill ya I mean I guess he had this is crazy will you kiss me now you should write me a letter dear [ __ ] uh I just thought of the perfect thing we should have said to Harvey [Music] don't die leo [Music] he's done he's done oh man oh man yeah your perspective faded away that's so [ __ ] [Music] the real way your [ __ ] happy Vincent you [ __ ] well you know no [ __ ] him he's a piece of [ __ ] oh man oh man super killer it was awesome very dramatic bad news go t Vincent killed your husband but moustache Vincent's here to save the day he's alright he also brought condoms [Music] hi can I come in sure you're under arrest Oh should I forget there was a kid here uh [ __ ] who was not mentally prepared for the kid We Need to Talk oh this is [ __ ] Alex why don't you go out and play some ball okay you want to play not right now baby We Need to Talk all right oh man I wanted to play with new dad this is brutal it's about Leo what about him he's dead just break it miserable [Music] all my god always did I can't hear with a gun I killed him in the dog I'm having a moment here's my I shot him right there try to help him up but Dad its perspective it's not you're single now so no condoms then okay well should I should I finish the song or you kind of kick me out before I was done hey kid I'll play some basketball with you I named her Julie it's a boy I hate that name ya know I still look more like my [Music] well I'm sorry I guess I can fall in love with a friend murderer I know you are but what am i oh god damn dude what a game Joseph Ayers [ __ ] clap clap clap thanks for making a good game you guys yeah you guys did an outstanding job a fun and interesting experience that is not a happy ending it's a very realistic one but it is not happy like I know a guy whose name pistol it'll be perfect ninja straat I love it gustaf nasty thought that hoe over there there [Laughter]
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 570,091
Rating: 4.9657121 out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming
Id: cHdBi-R8Q_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 15sec (3315 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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