Best of Game Grumps - June 2020

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I spelled West Bengal bid less stuff ma'am ma'am yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yummy omiai ma'am yeah I add in your scream at the end yeah yeah go ahead yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yeah did you scream I couldn't eat got cut out yeah I think this cord was like that was too loud we're not sending that over Oh bummer yeah but it does get recorded though right oh yeah okay that's all that matters so like when we listen back to this when it's on the show it'll be like we're hearing some stuff for the first time be a brand new experience that no one's ever heard before even you and me it'll become a boo party when he calls others to come okay pretty sure needed to wait another minute for that joke but that's why what no we were yeah no no no I got that end like right at the end were you good yeah nicely done yeah everybody ready homes what [ __ ] isn't oh I suppose I can't say [ __ ] love you I gotta say that wanna support traditional Japanese culture I don't even know where that word comes from Kukoc sounds Japanese it is Japanese there is it the origin of it is not gross but I don't remember what it's it's it's some kind of food thing well guess what guess who's typing [ __ ] origin into his Google search history forever [ __ ] him the feds are gonna be hit oh this sicko hey dude he I'm jelly man he's a wealthy boy he is just the stimulus package that we need really not a 2 4 or 500 not a 1 not a 1 not a 1 Oh excellent excellent it's one of yours no no no that's her worst one are you serious $100 Wow a man dying played us for fools yo hold on a second no bad there's no there right 85 bucks oh jeez a 75 each such 100 fits 225 uh-huh I'm done yeah that's it I'm done you wanna take back that trade from earlier like I wish right she's [Music] Wow really you're just dying I'm done I can't Oh bad have enough value here to leave me in this nightmare well at least she didn't get anything oh that's true oh my god Aaron hey you can come back man it's very Swift oh no she took the blues and in the oh one read that I had I didn't realize that when she bankrupts here she just gets the piggy just take all your stuff oh she has all the railroads now oh my god she's a nightmare I wish I could take control of Felipe stay the hell out of there Patrick well what if someone's in the room though sky room hey that'd be the ultimate hilariousness are we being weird to Britt not feeling up to it although I do love dancing no I'm better up here why I'm I'm a fidgety messing this game just dance for Brittany that was the one thing good job Brittany yeah all right cool what do you think of that those guys are idiots yeah I don't like their internet show was that markiplier and jacksepticeye how about we you and I have a little fun yeah what do I do now just two more right I mean I can mortgage the blue if need be yeah uh-huh why not put it on the expensive one now is it about this one that's 360 if you land on one what's the other one it's be 30 yeah I guess it doesn't matter let's do it let's live what we're a lie a man live while we're living dude okay back we go live and let live all right and turn good luck and jerk we made food if I can tell what we need that's a pretty high number maybe that maybe that that's it do say it heard is that did she thread the needle dude she did it she landed on your most expensive comes full-circle baby oh man that is so funny oh man brutal oh just to pay off the parade of clown and what are the railroads yay yay holy fog dude hurry up a man died too not in any way out of the way believe this is happening so intense okay I don't want to roll anymore go to jail please oh no oh no it's the chance oh god oh god oh god oh god he's just a consulting fee dude that's like more than 1/10 of her money Oh will you point me in the right direction and we're off like some car keys are calling us a cab but damn it you know how to make problems go away with alcohol down yeah yeah I know you've turned Aaron into the rage and crippling demented alcohol that he is and I do not care for it why have you done this not yet cuz I wanted to dude hey can you clowns keep it the Frick down to carry around here in this same [ __ ] it's gonna cost someone to go postal all right I'm a big ball penis man and I yell at people for having fun I smell like body spray and shame shut up you shut up enough that man will kick the ass out of you oh no no no let your little flower shirt friend finish is funny impression on me I bet he's all the rage back at mrs. petticoats drama school for dandies and fairies oh nice a joke about my sexuality you're pretty predictable dude just sit down and shut up you stupid beautiful man you so beautiful what's that [ __ ] I'll show him predictable that [ __ ] little dick dingleberry Dog Fart Frank way damn it get your head in the game be the first to say it we looked better in alpha Rachel Wow okay my head in the bug zapper and it went completely limp is what he is let's not worry about him yeah actually take it easy Frank's just keeping everyone sober by guarding the booth cabinet like he's like yes come with me Aaron I really don't want to be a bitter Brian but what are we doing you gotta get to game burbs live in times Young Daniel but first we must steal booze from that mister clean-looking [ __ ] boys you know what to do dan you want me to run distraction that's a good boy well you were real close to the mic for those like yeah you guys pretending to be drunk so you're thirsty go drink out of the hose like a good little boy Frank please get your beautiful hands off me where's my drinks I say what's happening here you're shit-faced when I find out how you've been skimming alcohol get up you little fairy boy I'll make sure you have your first bad experience of having a fish shoved up your ass you we go again back to the gay stuff Frank you're a walking stereotype and you've proven that you're absolutely not d closer hold your horses what is happening if there's a club out there Frankie has the right stuff to get it no what's the D stand for anyway dominance diabetes oh boy hmm Frank I don't know if you want this shut you hippie you explain this club you got jackets or what can I make jackets you really you want to see you want to see a pair Frankie boy then come with me baby oh [ __ ] yeah dog can't wait to get a vest with some patches on it [ __ ] declaw what is going on I'm so glad I have footage of Frank saying [ __ ] Dee clothes is nuts where are they going where did he go where are they going oh it's in here okay Frank to promote confidence confidence in oneself confidence in one's sexuality and confidence that I feel no tingles when I'm looking at your pee-pee what why are you taking off your pants is this like a jump in what you say about your Peter Aaron you've just removed your penis from my body whoa whoa Frank whoa Aaron is everything all right we're coming in oh yeah got more intense since you last told me about busting I banish the Franklin from Aldi Club related events dan let's go Wow D closer excuse me oh my god this is too funny well there you go there's there sorry that's it and didn't mean to getting away dude okay so you just make out you don't usually have sex no no no no okay well let's let's save it real quick so that we can punch us okay sounds good computer that's come up that's come up brah that's fine yeah that's what you say to your homie who's at the bottom of the stairs oh no II don't you put those muzzle mashers back in their saddles there chief you know have to resort to violence Aaron I'm trying to watch someone get their ass beat do you those perfect timers good are we fighting now yeah fighting yeah is Dan coming after me - yeah man I'll defend you nice code man Wow well alright I knocked you out and this is feel great perfect timing - son steal deliver um yeah oh never mind it's a dart gallery all this one's tough yet I like trap them and it's really difficult to do that daddy Oh everyone has to hit him you have to hit him three times I think oh no five times five no okay yeah how do you why do you win each today we use them wisely to corner the defending player alright yeah I think yeah that's the win it's five okay here we go let's use our darts wisely and skip it okay okay [ __ ] off oh my [ __ ] god uh-huh yes how come oh it's 300 this is you got two left oh great seconds oh good huh holy [ __ ] yeah eat it dude what a dumbass okay oh also before we click off this screen look at waluigi real quick we used to say this during our live shows why did they give him boob jiggle physics yeah it's hot it's hot it's hot yeah somebody on tumblr likes it it's me i'm the one with the waluigi blog dude i'm on tumblr all day every day i I'm not even sure I know what it looks like dude every day you tumblin every time tumblr no I'm facing the wrong way boom control is ours maybe it's believed where is it oh there it is how does free Starling always know where it is you mean he's just good yeah he just gets it dan are you you know what I'm doing Erin oh my god oh my god that was almost was Incrediball mall it was incredible oh oh oh stop right there this is a setup there it is this is a setup look at us if we both away to flying and and inopportune moments like it was both dude freestyling sir [ __ ] threaded though yeah yeah not needle yeah I'll go for it you think that okay cool oh god oh god oh god long as it remains in the air oh dude as long as it remains in the air as long as it what does that mean but if it touches the ground the game's over when the time runs out oh where is where where is that confounded ball Oh bastard you know what we're not gonna pull it out but I'm very proud oh no dude don't Never Say Never Never Say Never bro oh my god Wow holy crap dude way to just guide that gently in yeah we're gonna OD baby all right stay back okay I'll stay back yeah it's not proper grammar hold on a second oh nice back to the blue back back to the blue back to the blue there it is perfect setup we oh I love it love that [ __ ] I'm finally learning like the distance to set up a road that was that was cleanest [ __ ] that was really nice okay okay we can't let him score in the next six seconds all right the good news is we didn't let him score in six legs close I was scorching - well that means we have an opportunity to score this one yeah sure you go for it okay Abdul Bop oh yeah damn you did my 505 nice dude that just like that rolled right to my fantastic bro Bret I'll show you right where I was I was like right at that exact moment oh he is deadmau5 yeah that guy's everywhere yeah I I should accept on my playlist oh [ __ ] oh oh you saved it that's right that's right well done and get the achievement out of my face no got it not to fear my friend oh I hit the turbo instead of the jump yeah that's right for it okay vitia bop bop where are we I'm lost dude I'm distracting them I'm just draw yeah hit it in dude this is yours hmm is your moment oh dude a knock how dare you knock the scary dude you are with the defensive hits well now that I can see the ball it really is helping hope [Applause] we're in control oopsie-doopsie I Mufti up again good nice man like every time I'm like fumbling your [ __ ] right there to pick up the pieces no God except now huh that's okay that's good oh I was like ok 1 1 whoa they both rammed into me out of anger after you scored I wonder if you could see it that was awesome holy [ __ ] dude see me oh dang no it's all you ok that was very satisfied Oh change the knuckles and oh there's a wheel I didn't even notice the wheel dude and there's like I got it there's a straight-up wheel oh yeah you're hearing it better than I maybe I should take an ear off so I can basically it's just tails it's saying like very obvious [ __ ] and occasionally asking knuckles to do all the work knuckles can you open the door for us can you break its their punches can you hold me in your necklace arms can you hold me in like your balls your fists balls can you paddle me with your big knuckle balls why are we keeping a Verona go about but I do Bop like like did I go to like a liberal hippie school where you get the good try award and if you if you don't like how well you did on tests is determined by how many Golden Bear stickers you get because I did not go to that school but I wish to God I had no my friend my friend did and I was like oh I'm so jealous of you hey hold on there's like a little thing I should probably read it oh no Hale Strang slowly try slowing it down then sonic and what oh wait no no that's not what you said before that is no you said before tails tress then Sonic and Isle toenails oh because Knuckles was saying it right right got it I just thought that was speaking to no I thought it was like a like a like a voice of God like just kind of like Oh what is he saying tails absolve yourself of sin then Sonic and I will take it from there wait I don't think I understand what the game was telling me to do so and God is just like - Sonic when they have a quiet moment like just tails like does he do anything sonic could you uh why is the e still on the screen are you seeing this are you seeing still on the screen from when it introduced a egg Hawk oh man we [ __ ] boy that's bizarre oh okay have to be named for Eggman okay here we go baby everybody how will I remember what it's called oh oh yeah I can't remember you I can't believe you remember that it's called the egg Hawk the egg rock is the worst name for a supervillain yeah did you know in Magic the Gathering there's a card called dingus egg no but I'm gonna start calling people that it's nice going dingus it's like if you get the alpha version well if you get the alpha version it's like $200 me to be bette bap bap bap a ton of Mart like you're just getting like bumblebee tuna it's like you gotta wait like four days before you have another thing a tuna really well so you get like toxic levels of mercury according to this website I don't know if this is true but that was I mean wool I feel like I've I've heard about the mercury issues in - I just love that oh my god that was a long fall yeah I love how like these rings are gently coming down in a very clear like follow this and get all the rings kind of formation and then oh my god you're gonna be hitting me you have to be kidding me I press the button to follow the rings and it didn't follow the rings and it just rolled me off the edge yeah whole damn level again you got like two rings and sonic looks like yeah and then you fell off the pretty sweet probably plays these other stupid characters yeah be team dark bro yep thank you the camera realize what you've done okay can't believe you've done this copy please throw my friends at the creatures okay and then just get hit boy I could really go for not son oh my god oh my god attacking attacking made me fall attacking the creature that was in front of me using my attacks a potato food and before you came what the [ __ ] see that one you've never seen that it's like a it must have been a vine it's like six seconds long a little girl had strung a potato to a ceiling fan and it's just gently drifting around the room she's like potato I love it I may have watched it a thousand times that is like such a vine thing it's like so vine what is this what is this what is happening what was that Oh freak off I can't fly when I or I can and it just didn't work that time [Music] hey hey oh my god tripping balls Jesus tails like oh god more bingo be careful all right hit me with a hit me with a [ __ ] marry kill what the Eggman Oh what has happened I just got abducted I guess I got surrounded and abducted that was like a that was like a like an alien abduction [ __ ] that just happened it did seem that way alright so who trying to think of another male video game character you said you wanted to have sex with besides Eggman and Frank from house party Yama no who's that and last played - oh my god alright so human oh yeah he's number one Frank and Eggman who would you [ __ ] who would you marry who would you kill oh I would marry you I would [ __ ] Eggman something about you saying I would [ __ ] Eggman with like such certainty in your voice I mean yeah right like of course I [ __ ] [ __ ] Eggman well I mean okay so is Eggman like an Agora man no no like because he's so round and like he's so cartoonishly round so what do you think he would be like really really plasticky and hard or do you think his body is like soft and cuddly I don't know Aaron I've never really given it much thought well now it's the time Dan yeah for from the way he looks and it might just be the angular nests of these old PlayStation 2 games I always assumed he was like man I don't want to say rock hard in this con yes I think he's nice too being hard yes well I don't think he'd be squishy no no he wouldn't it's it bro it's just like in Moby Dick when Queequeg gets dysentery on the ship though right yeah yeah and they they go down to the to the bowels of the ship and they think he's going to die and they they pick out wood that reminds him of his indigenous homeland and build him a coffin so he can die in and then he makes a full recovery because he realizes that he's not yet ready to drift off into eternity and and never feel a human emotion again and he turns to Ishmael and says literally my life is skinny waisted high-fashion riding in the g-wagon and then Ishmael responds buoy I've got everything reblogged on the screen and then captain ahab comes in at ease eight goals you just read the book you gotta you gotta put those jokes in somewhere before you forget it all gotta get the guy get those sick timely moby dick references absolutely also I think it's important that if my life is Eva I don't know her real name I assume it's Eva if she ever ends up seeing this somehow I hope she knows that we actually love that song Oh without a doubt like we not ironically sing it to each other I get it stuck in my head all the time all the time all the time it is just so catchy that it drives me insane that's that's the thing about liking something ironically I've said it a million times and it's not my quote but I just it's I love it is when you like something ironically you still get to like it yeah yeah yeah and and chances are you will you will start liking it ironically and end up loving it an ironic way yep oh yeah absolutely yeah I I I didn't even have to look at the screen I knew it got to the Train part because you suddenly got real quiet yeah it's like it's like when I started ironically saying epic and then on ironically started saying epic that's what happened to me with dope when you said when you started saying dope I was like that [ __ ] is so stupid I will I'm will never allow myself to say it and now I'm like saying dope is dope it's just like if your friend says it enough that it like can't be a joke anymore it just becomes part of the vernacular oh yeah it's all over it's all over did you just run into the lasers trying to get the rings that got shot out of you yes I did [ __ ] this [ __ ] game [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the agency where they've let you [ __ ] you press a button in you move 30 miles an hour another direction you just walk around instead of I was trying to break the barrels yeah absolutely so I yeah I recommend anybody who has like a video essay I mean it'll make you a [ __ ] cut above the rail like if you're if you're a if you're small you know and you're growing and you're in you're aspiring to have like a larger fan base or something like please like that will that's the trick man like that's gonna elevate you thousand percent exponential growth you'll see I think if you take some acting class oh my god oh my god if you take some acting classes and you can read the emotion of the oh my god Tony Hawk [ __ ] now okay have you been here before yes okay boy I'm not that way wow wow and that wasn't even acting that was honest-to-god legit rage it's so easy to fall off the [ __ ] map it is so easy right okay the least risk I have is oh oh oh my god could you just throw your friends yes that's what I'm trying to do okay being tails is like the safest bet absolutely okay but sometimes it just doesn't hurt them it just stuns them I guess and then you have to admit B knuckles boy oh boy oh well there's a bunch him thank you God okay now why I don't know read this if we hit the target with a ball so I guess throw your friends I okay everything is so precarious I know it's really frightening okay great yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh my [ __ ] oh my god literally my life beaches every single night I'm oh I'm sorry everybody at home who's angry at me for maybe you shouldn't make the [ __ ] button to go up the pole the same button is zip around the stage in three different directions and then fall off okay maybe that's what should have been the case in this game okay Jesus Christ oh I should have jumped first yeah thank you thank you for that feedback you [ __ ] God fight me I don't care this is the worst shot like Sonico six has its own level of bad but it's [ __ ] hilarious and it's because it's so glitchy this [ __ ] sucks [Music] skinny wasted - riding in the g-wagon literally my life is literally my life holy [ __ ] it don't even start with me don't you I don't want to see a single dissenter like it was I swear you know I think you'll see a single descent if for anybody in the comments ice I invited dude I will punch every single one of you this [ __ ] is so bad it is gonna be like that scene in Jay and Silent Bob strike back where they get a list of everyone who said anything mean about them on the Internet I swear to God I will I don't care like this is what it's all been up I've been I have a savings account I can buy those flights I'm ready like I don't give a [ __ ] this is we're done we're done forever suck my toes ass SEC your toes ass though ahead of them take my red I don't care no matter no you got a matter a little bit turns out it matters [ __ ] well [ __ ] oh boy it's got to be one of my favorite videos a long time what y'all doin you me like this move out yeah that's a yea where I'm going that's good going that's a good one mm-hmm all right and there's nothing you can do but taste my jism as it flies towards here hey was that Chisholm Jordan pork I could be wrong but lose that chisel is it barbacoa Wow pineapples tarragon mmm what a delight soon you shall know the taste of my pants pling plong chance plinky plunk oh okay that's what I call a double threat [ __ ] well [ __ ] what y'all doin Oh Luke Green just cleared it up for me oh there you go yet Ronald Weasley is not excellent at this game oh wait hold on a sec I didn't even see that down daddy's got some new it's like elite I love the idea of like just blowing sexy talk looks like daddy forgot damn girl did you just get in why don't you just stay down there and [Laughter] that's the other really funny wood we're like the guys is like wait did you [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] get the lube and I'll get the pin you better not pout cuz okay okay okay I'm having fun dan I know I can tell really good and even hit even have to be in the same house as here to know that you're having a great time right now hmm and whatever I don't know don't but don't bunk my sky [ __ ] I knew that was gonna happen when I thought of it and then I forgot about it I was like oh I should I should do something about no I guess not [ __ ] idiot god everything's fine Oh [ __ ] we're having fun baby we're having good times interesting room no no no this sucks I don't like it does it suck look it you're kicking the [ __ ] out of me I know but whiny little right [ __ ] bastard oh this is amazing that was great yeah you're getting all the cards you know Wow Jesus you kidding me oh just end me Wow oh my god boy call you puss oh I'm doing it yeah I told you 30 points I don't know what to do I'm actually very lucky you got all your just slips at once except you can get chaff very easily oh yes that was the perfect one to put that all right yeah finish finish indeed we were actually playing in ancient Japan right now I would be like there would be a samurai sword going through my body like party and they'd be like okay it's 54 to nothing oh you're in control goddess shame oh here come the kicks Oh get away please God just let me kick a [ __ ] gold Oh get in there get in there oh my god oh that's not good that stops your errant pucks or what just a little tough sometimes some rich cramming it oh great this is going well bad terrible well done well done what a nightmare alright one the one last one for yeah yeah yeah for all the marbles for all the marbles yeah there you go because you didn't have the pressure of knowing that a hundred thousand people are watching you judging watching judging judging watching every move judging commenting judging posting judging hating that's fine yeah it definitely affects the way you play the game I I give out my plenty of my own hate through the world so I get it you know I keep trying to improve the world with my positivity and well sonic just does it to me you know yeah you know it had to do it to me but now you're here that is have you learned nothing of the lessons of Drake is that trait I believe that's him I I don't know I'm going to say yes because I don't know any other Drake songs I don't listen to music anymore man and he's so famous he must have sang something it must have sank something yeah yeah I'm sure you get that he did that hotline bling you did that hotline bling yeah I don't know how that goes ring-a-ding-ding hotline bling hey mr. Drake we covered your song like the Kidz Bop version you should never say is that the Kidz Bop version and then scream [ __ ] immediately afterwards anymore you will never make the Kidz Bop tape that way the doorbell ring a ding ding this song I love to sing ding a ding ding hotline bling alright if you like it you should put on a wedding ring so the change in my pocket goes ching-a-ling change you have to land on the thing oh don't hit me don't leave bizarre but now I'm reading Dracula which is amazing too hi-yah have you ever read it I mean I'm very familiar with the story because it's been told it like three thousand different ways right and don't say anything cuz I haven't finished it yet wait um you haven't seen like Bram Stoker's Dracula or well yeah when I was 13 but I I don't remember it clear I don't remember anything from it actually except I know that there was a part where a woman drops a baby because I saw it with Joe and there was a guy behind us during that scene who said baby fold out and we have remembered that for the past 27 years all right bud I can't even hear you on the mics I can see Aaron on discord he's losing it right now yeah I don't like we'll never know anything more about that guy or why he said that or anything oh you did it I save Wow it is pretty sweet oh no chaos control I guess my screen uh he's for a good three seconds there we go is that supposed to happen no I don't know maybe that's what chaos yeah exactly maybe he's controlling your body chaotically yeah you're probably right such a fool to have thought that the game was breaking know was a feature you um okay there I this is not going well I guess I'll just throw at him forever working hey for a boy that doesn't make any sense well done fourteen things Oh Hank Castle that's why I was losing cuz I wasn't using I wasn't using the best ability right right oh crap I have no idea who that was I think that maybe me oh my god are you gonna win on bonus stars oh wow dang it wha Lugo wha Luke wins at all damn you why Luigi but I'm happy for everyone in our live shows who chose team all the way oh yeah that's right he was always the most popular always the most popular yes bless you while wow they don't do like the drumroll and dropping people off there's no like pedestal it's just oh look look at dem titties dem titties doe I call him them golden nuggets no no yes no you woulda won oh yeah what I want I would add Wow look at that well Aaron we did lose to the master level but you know what it was close and it was fun it was really close and I had a great time you know technically we tied because it the discrepancy between 1 & 4 is the same as between 2 & 3 right sure let's go with that well if I mean 4 plus 1 is 5 & 2 plus 3 is 5 I can see the corners of your mouth smiling like you do when you know what you're saying is ridiculous but it makes sense though doesn't it when you when you're like when you look really fast doesn't it kind of look like Bowser has a giant dong and dry bones is like definitely don't look at my top this pales in comparison ezel stoked about it he's like better than you could have imagined all right thank you for joining us everyone yeah yeah that was a wonderful time this is a fun trip fun trip down a Mario Party Lane yup stay safe out there on the Backstreet Boys tour and we love you kiss your friends kiss your loved ones that's not great advice not right now yeah maybe once everything's blown over this yeah start kissing again make sure you ask your friends permission before you kiss though don't just don't just start kissing well that goes without saying dude okay well you think I'm gonna tell people just to kiss well willy-nilly so skewed me and they're like it's like oh sorry the game rose wow that was it that was we did it yeah it looks like those creeps are guarding all right good stuff I figured you'd bust out you see you then everybody oh oh oh Aaron I would be more than happy to name is Sonic you know honestly that was probably the better version yeah okay just listen to the music okay editor crank up the sonic music [Music] yeah let me throw in one more all right boy this is how we're gonna survive these times my friend Oh do something I still win you do yeah wait how do you know it's whoever's farther on their side oh are you serious that's the whole point it's like a punch it I thought his punches land oh oh okay Oh fiddle-dee-dee yeah that's what that's why it was like throwing all those cheap shots at the end oh okay I can't do it as fast unmitigated aggression that's madness that is just madness all right okay oh one more yeah two second okay I'm not I'm not a huge fan of this well no no it's terrible it's just hilarious are you pushing forward or anything no there's only two buttons I think like if there's like a timing thing if I get you like right like as you're punching I think you might be right oh oh do something [ __ ] oh oh you did something thank you beautiful do something [ __ ] okay great work adios all right we love you next time I gave grubs bye everyone good bye maybe you're maybe as we grow old together we'll uh well [ __ ] play a lot more back at Minh we're gonna be playing backgammon I'm so happy that we know how to play this game now we got started early yeah yeah and that we kind of know how to play uh the Nintendo card game whose name escapes me Hana Fuda Hana Fuda yeah that one's still pretty nebulous honestly as far as my understanding goes but at least at least we played at a bunch we played it we splayed it we displayed it I don't know man brought that one home Aaron I wasn't sure that you were gonna but you've you did it thanks man hey next time on game Gramps everyone do you want us to keep playing more of these games because there's 51 of them oh my god they're all so much fun yeah I can't believe how much fun they are pretty enthralled also please let me know in the comments if you want me to keep the fart sound board happening [Music] [Laughter] I'm like this would this would exact this would be our morning radio show in the rapture sorry I I'm almost done I've almost got this out of my system yeah but not quite mm-hmm oh you might like this one was that real Wow way to go Aaron I'm so glad I'm not in the room for that this one's called moan bark fart anyways we had a wonderful time today oh man I'm gonna listen back to that [ __ ] pooter yeah that was pretty great yeah be proud of yourself Aaron I was it was a real splasher I can't believe you screamed Dan turn it off turn it off so that's so like we could all we could all bask in the glory dude when you got a real one coming you can't I mean that's value man yeah you you brought it you brought it real hard you had the synthetic ones but I had the real deal yeah awesome we'll have a wonderful evening everyone yeah we love you who love you all take care goodbye oh dude great those were great episodes yeah I really enjoyed those you just watched the best uh best of nothing so baby baby and click on the live button
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 672,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, best of, compilation, game grumps compilations, game grumps best moments, game grumps funniest moments, funny moments, best moments, funny clips, best clips, ggc, best of game grumps, game grumps comp
Id: RoVlx51wfrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 29sec (3929 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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