Game Grumps - The Best of SONIC HEROES

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sonic heroes sonic welcome to the first episode ever that Dan and I are recording fully separate remote now that like we're apart and you can't see me pull out my phone for my like fart sound board on my I can just be like all the time I have a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship this is beautiful you guys it's like when you're doing like the practice for skydiving protest we're friends hold my hand and then he like immediately throws them as weapons across the room as much [ __ ] as sonic gets and as much [ __ ] as I give some of you it's a it's it truly is like very wholesome it's like this yeah three friends and there'd skydiving's fun he ain't hurtin anybody yeah the power friendship even though like every Sonic but rock song is like I could do it on my own I'm the best nobody helps me and then all what the [ __ ] I'm I don't know what the Nightrunner video which was really the only time I legitimately got bummed out that everyone was saying I was a furry just because I wanted the animators and the video to get the attention and so I talked to my friend blam about it and he was like nah dude great community very open very accepting and you know you love that [ __ ] right so that's it I'm single furry now this I am a huge sonic sonic so much and obviously there are people out there that love it way more than I do but the joy that sonic brings me in all regards like I genuinely enjoy playing these these games even though I think they're terrible I like how it took us being completely sequestered from any person including each other for us to finally do an episode where you say you love fun I could not admit that I'm a furry oh shoot shoot over the rainbow Aaron whoops okay that I'm watching all the Disney movies front to back yeah starting with snow snow white all in order it's how you're supposed to what you're watching Disney movies to what you're supposed to wave try to try to stay focused here for everybody why is the e still on the screen are you seeing this are you still on the screen from when it introduced a hawk oh man [ __ ] boy that's bizarre oh and you have to kill this thing so that he can get off the screen think I messed it up the yeah it's gonna burn into my monitor just really the last of us too and I'm just gonna say II well some character kills a dog or whatever yeah it'll be like getting rid of all the tension and drama like this is so sad I'm like it would be if I wasn't thinking about the [ __ ] egg hot hey II for II I feel like I've I've heard about the mercury issues into I just love that oh my god that was a long fall yeah I love how like these rings are gently coming down in a very clear like follow this and get all the Rings kind of formation and then oh my god you're gonna be hitting me you have to be kidding me I press the button to follow the Rings and it didn't follow the Rings and it just rolled me off the edge yeah you're gonna hold gam level again you got like two rings and sonic looks like yeah and then you fell off the can you hold the fort for like ten seconds and I'll be right back yeah thanks buddy leave this to me I would leave it to you if you pump it up all the time what is he stuck he's stuck under the thing oh my god this tapes blows dude it's really bad it's really bad it fight me like in the in the comments like I'll be checking the comments on this one fight me I will absolutely go toe-to-toe with you about this level if anybody's like no you're just doing it attic now this sucks this sucks ass Oh team rose oh I'm fighting her what I don't want to fight her she's the person that I don't love and I'm resisting constantly I don't know what's happening oh there's a tea now we got the tea is this something that happens in everyone's game I don't know man I really don't have any I'm just mashing buttons like I no clue what's happening right now I'm you know what I'm using my cyclone ability and it seems to be working pretty well okay give her a froggie and chop boost chocolate chocolate the name of the girl the Count Chocula I love me some Count Chocula oh there we go I did it you won all right great job this tea is still on the screen yeah we killed our friends oh yeah there it is boy sure is boring around here oh it's casino town oh my god tell me gamble it's like oh my god please stop when knuckles was like you can put the road Zee tables from all part of a bimbo I wish Sonic had been like no [ __ ] [ __ ] a dirt oh oh oh please please no why oh boy no no oh oh f this Oh F this please oh please deliver me from hell oh oh no you saw how it beard away from it did you see that it made a perfect arc around the [ __ ] flipper I was aiming directly at the flipper it just was like I know forget it left what does that mean for like a second oh yo can I get the OST from Sonic Heroes I just want to blast this [ __ ] in a Corvette or something just ride through town like full blast what's up fellow kid this is all the music all the kids are oh my god oh god lord have mercy please what did I do to deserve this what I blame the Backstreet Boys man okay where do I go I'm just gonna say I've never been less clear on how to proceed what AM what am I to do what am I to do I guess maybe follow those arrows down in the little slot machine thing directly ahead eh oh god there's arrows everywhere I know what do I do that's good just think if things happen what we do what do I do how do I have to make this [ __ ] sweat oh it just randomly does it when I'm mashing buttons in front of it got it yeah I wasn't doing anything different I've tried every button just that one time it worked such a weird mechanic too that you have to keep throwing your friends through a glass door I heard it time here get to a new section I just want this nightmare it'll become a boo party when he calls others to come okay pretty sure needed to wait another minute for that joke but that's fine what no we were yeah no no no I got that end like right at the end were you good yeah nicely done yeah everybody ready homes what [ __ ] isn't Oh far as I can't say boo killaby I gotta say I wanna support traditional Japanese culture is that why the sports team is brewing I mean what that's what it's referring to like what what's happening I like I don't know what just happened I don't know what just happened I landed on safe ground and then I just like got flung across the stage and now I'm falling to what appears to be either death or a pinball and I don't know which ones worse I wish I was dead boy I could really go for not something oh my god oh my god attacking attacking made me fall attacking the creature that was in front of me using my attacks potato what I see that one oh my god trippy balls like this congratulations almost going to cry oh here comes the are are you ready for that burned in are yes hell yeah and boom there it is so weird oh my god beautiful beautiful and we all know who's going to win it's the man who leaves the watermark everyone has their own agenda that's true everybody's got their own agenda my agenda is that I want to [ __ ] Eggman hey can I say that is that maybe I shouldn't I don't know why he's loaded but oh those were the easy ones the ones that I died to like 15 times Oh all sound like Oh nicely done all these quotes out of context sound like they're from a porn don't get too cocky don't get too excited boys here they come see there's one much harder than this coming don't go soft on me now Hedgehog someone send me a screenshot of someone doing a QA as me but not you know obviously it wasn't me and they were like yeah of course and people were like let's see some proof that it's that it's actually you Dan and I guess he had like [ __ ] up thumbs like butt [ __ ] up in a completely different way than mine worked so like he just like took a picture of his [ __ ] up thumbs and they were like it's him it's really him but his thumbs were like totally different and his hand was like brown like different skin tone like it's just so weird okay so if I got it okay cut well what the [ __ ] what happened I don't know Dan I don't know I just learned that if I just [ __ ] like push to the right and press the jump button I just zips to the other one but I guess if I do that too fast then the game's like oh you just want to jump off then it's like no I don't clearly don't why would I want to jump off it's ridiculous it's a monorail going over nothing dude why can't I jump to that one oh losing my [ __ ] mind here dude this is pretty great oh I just I can't believe I swear to [ __ ] god I can't believe the audacity of the people that made this game to have all these [ __ ] like rayless cliffs and have every goddamn button in this entire game just like vault you sort like the speed of sound in a random direction it's it's it's unbelievable how they do this to you I can't believe we've to make a mod I'm about to lose my mind lose my mind lose my mind how's it go I think you meant up in here up in here oh oh yeah I'm about to lose my mind yeah yeah that's how good yeah it's y'all gonna make me lose my y'all gonna make me y'all gonna make me lose my mind up in nine your version Aaron which while incredible was I'm going to lose my mind lose my mind lose my mind what you did was actually much closer to London Bridge is falling back oh [ __ ] it's all over it's all over did you just run into the lasers trying to get the Rings that got shot out of you lasers yes I did [ __ ] this [ __ ] game [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the agency where they let you [ __ ] you press a button in your move 30 miles an hour another direction did you just walk around instead of I was trying to break the barrels it's [ __ ] ridiculous it's just it's like if a button is there for attack and like destroy property then that's what the function should be it shouldn't be attacked destroy property and also fling yourself 30 miles in a random direction it's [ __ ] stupid please oh my god oh my god my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god what's even happening now what's even happening now what what's going on oh my god Tony Hawk [ __ ] now okay all you had to do is mention it once and now I've got friggin literally my life it's stuck in my head ago those lyrics are so beautiful I kind and like exactly iconic like I could just imagine like a like a civil war hero writing to his wife my dearest MA unless the cannon fire shows up over the horizon is it a lighting heaven or the hell that I might be sent to at this very time tomorrow I can only think of your beautiful countenance and remember that literally my life is beaches every single skinny wasted high-fashion riding in the g-wagon after that we lost my father to the war but we still have his letter framed we we wrote a pop song with the lyrics [Laughter] get ready yes and then this like diverges yes and that keeps going and then fly and then oh oh but all right it's okay okay just keep going I've never been anything more scared yet some rings okay it is so easy to fall off the [ __ ] map it is so easy okay the least risk I have is Oh oh my god everything is so precarious I know it's really frightening okay great oh my [ __ ] oh my god oh I'm sorry everybody at home who's angry at me for maybe you shouldn't make the [ __ ] button to go up the pole the same button is zip around the stage in three different directions and then fall off okay maybe that's what should have been the case in this game okay Jesus Christ oh I should have jumped first yeah thank you thank you for that feedback you [ __ ] God fight me I don't care this is the worst shot like Sonico six has its own level of bad but it's [ __ ] hilarious and it's because it's so glitchy this [ __ ] sucks don't even start with me don't rest I don't want to see a single dissenter like it was like swear you know I think you'll see a single descent if for anybody in the comments I invite it dude I will punch every single one of you this [ __ ] is so bad it is gonna be like that scene in Jay and Silent Bob strike back where they get a list of everyone who said anything meat about the internet I swear to God I will I don't care like this is what it's all been up to I've been I have a savings account I can buy those flights I'm ready like I don't give a [ __ ] this is we're done we're done forever sucks suck my toes ass SEC your toes ass try to come up with a new insult this might be the episode that someone showed my life is Eva would you please make a good impression crazy person dad died in the Civil War man it's nonsense I'm having a good time I mean meet sue like I said man I [ __ ] love Sonic nobody gets it nobody understands everyone's like oh how could this guy getting so many blessings from Sonic team and it's like because I love this [ __ ] I live for this have you seen not seen a single episode of Game two obviously this is what I this is literally my life is the farthest I've made it because I don't know oh no oh no oh no land it's this curious thing in the world so happy for you I am so so happy for you thank you so much you have no idea how much from this point on it's gonna be beaches every single day look at this this is what happens when I try to move the camera look at this this is what happens oh what's going into first person mode Oh baby wait no that's no whatever that's what's been happening what do you mean when I try to but sometimes it don't [Laughter] what's happening right now I'm trying to eat the right stick traditionally in three also why his knuckles just walking in place he's moonwalking traditionally in 3d video game platformers the right stick is to move the camera correct yes in this case for some reason right now that is right but now in first person oh my god [Music] PACA burns at your palm this will be a treasure video games aren't the good part of your life Aaron uh-huh I beg to differ err they are when they're fun Oh dad oh you mean like sonic in the Black Knight I guess no that was before I could do the zippy - what a [ __ ] [ __ ] are you seeing this eyes I stick your giant knuckled fist into my butthole I can't go any further this way why wouldn't the camera turn back why wouldn't the camera turn back oh no it has to go into first person mode and then swing back this way okay great in a game where falling off the edge is the most precarious thing in the world no I have to walk towards the camera that's thank you Thank You Sonic Heroes two three four [Music] hell yeah boy that is this game steam song in a nutshell people told me that I would have trouble on this one because I had you on the egg Hawk people react albatross yeah and people are like there's no way he's gonna [ __ ] do this one then I I believe in you Aaron I think you could do it well I think you can defeat any combination of eggs and birds that exist oh look at this that's great that's great you did a lot of damage I guess I'll just let's have it at home on the albatross am i doing it right am i doing it right am i doing it right it's impossible to know there we go I did it right yeah oh [ __ ] ass oh my god did you beat the egg albatross oh no it's not over no no what the [ __ ] that's what he looks like when he's lying on the ground oh can I reach him is this is it reachable Oh careful dude it oh my god what's what what you got hit by the trains there and there's trains with a bag Alvin shot you got hit by AG trains yo they trains but like they made of eggs de eggs dough yo but really when you think about it what came first to angle the train and every time this happens I'm just so impressed by that this is possible yeah think of all the time it took to program this it doesn't even make sounds nope I'm gonna fall don't kiss me knuckles he's like I'm like hazy oh my god I did oh my god oh yes uh-huh how much did it cost like $30 thanks for that tails yeah a way to make it about you tails we're all fallings matter oh my god now I'm reading Dracula which is amazing - oh hi yeah have you ever read it I mean I'm very familiar with the story because it's been told it like 3000 different ways right don't say anything cuz I haven't finished it yet wait um you haven't seen like Bram Stoker's Dracula or well yeah when I was 13 but I I don't remember it clear I don't remember anything from it actually except I know that there was a part where a woman drops a baby because I saw it with Joe and there was a guy behind us during that scene who said we pulled out and we have remembered that for the past 27 years all right bud I can't even hear you on the mics you know you know what I've been craving like like crazy and Ashley had never heard of them before so like I hope I hope she likes them but I'm gonna order the [ __ ] out of them you know those little whoops those little soft baked chocolate chip cookies they're Entenmann's they come in a white box that you can see through the top mm-hmm yeah yeah I like when I used to come home from high school my friends and I would get together and we'd stop at the sweet shop and I would eat an entire box of those every day and you're never gonna believe this I have digestive issues later in life but worth it and I definitely want I definitely want a box so that's gonna be my Backstreet Boys tour treat to myself well you don't do that oh god that was really funny that was like perfect delivery on this what do you I'm just speaking from the heart man why is the camee facing away from where I'm going I don't know but oh boy that's really brutal it's very challenging you can't excuse that I don't care man I don't care don't even tell me in the oh no you did it wrong and I didn't do it wrong that's how it is it's Oh with that again ooh baby do you need a break e break no man I need to finish this [ __ ] thing this game is giving you the business man that's fine when we all die we turn into like a like electric light and we just reassimilate with the world and we become one with the concept of love so really none of this man matters oh oh no he's got kids oh oh oh what a price to pay what is oh did the game freeze I just standing there like have you lost your mind okay so you killed knuckles what I don't you killed him there we go is that supposed to happen she's not going well I guess I'll just throw at him forever working okay really oh my god what the hell no oh beep hey for a boy that doesn't make any sense so I wasn't sure if if this format was gonna work when we're separated like this but I have to say after listening to you [ __ ] loser by Dover Sonic Heroes for 90 straight minutes I gotta say it's really not that different though Sonic [Music] so it's gross and buggy but whatever that's not what sucks about it do that thing where I grab it like the exact right time yeah - open a door I don't think anyone's gonna criticize you know oh you're right I think this has been a pretty flawless performance and the internet is full of still cool miss OH okay so I've heard this levels a nightmare okay sweet we need to kill this guy I don't know maybe not yeah I feel like no but I can't see them because the camera sucks it doesn't suck it's leaving it to your imagination Jesus Christ what is even happening [Laughter] Sonic Heroes Jesus Christ what is even happening and I mean maybe I'll regret saying this this hasn't been noticeably any worse than the other levels Oh has it not there we go I knew I'd knock something loose with a statement like that God Oh careful of the abyss and stuff don't worry I won't go into the abyss unless there's rings unless it tempts me in some way hey why didn't uh clothes get hurt what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hello hello can you hear me I can't hear you bud can you hear me now I can hear you now cool I'm gonna take a [ __ ] over ok neat what the [ __ ] Aaron is in hell there's no doubt about it oh yeah oh yeah and that's that's pretty much where we're at that's what we know at this moment Oh God Lord in heaven oh oh really oh really no that's not good it's fine please fall off play the whole level again love it love it love it love it oh god that's what we stopped the episode I know alright let's stop the episode I [ __ ] get it dude I get it I get why everyone was like get ready for [ __ ] mystic mansion cuz that [ __ ] sucks scheme silence oh my god Aaron everything you do in this game catapults you across the world at like 50,000 miles per hour it's her Bob you loose a cake he said at the bottom of the screen while you were saying that oh you did it you beat the castle oh I'm so proud of you yeah but there's like a second or third part of it now it's pointless all of this is pointless what are you talking about do you not believe in Heroes robots storms leave that are up ghost it into the screen there it is it's payback time Eggman payback for what Oh for [ __ ] sake man [ __ ] sake not Oh God not these things I forgot what to do against these things perhaps this is the team blast okay it's still no god it's awesome or why is there so many so many levels stay in the middle it's not too cool I'd make the argue it's not cool enough no somebody who worked on Sonic Heroes emailed me oh my god I will I will keep them anonymous but I will read what they said to me hello this is David a crumb okay here we go so this person worked on Sonic Heroes okay as a bug tester on sonic heroes right the the frontlines the [ __ ] Vanguard or a mask the game with Sonic teams first a multi-platform game which is why if you look at it from a design perspective all the levels are super flat and all the texturing is simpler than even Sonic Adventure 2 with much flatter colors and no real lighting effects it was so they could try to make it work and look the same on all the current gen consoles like I said before Sonic Team still wasn't the greatest at 3d stuff either and I believe it was an all new engine middleware so the game was buggy as hell especially the ps2 version which we are playing which had and has by far the most bugs the amount of bugs submitted by the testers was so immense that it eventually got to the point where management told them that if a bug does not prevent them from completing a level it wasn't to be considered a bug do not my god so the only things they could submit eventually were bugs which literally stopped the game from progressing if you could mash your way through a level was good enough holy crap finally there was a showstopper bug the biggest bug which I think kept them from shipping the game for a while I'll never forget it because it really captures the true essence of the sonic cycle throughout the game there are doors which Sonic and team are supposed to use by use of supposed to open by use of switches but the bug was such that if you ran into the locked door at full speed Sonic would instead clip through the door but not into the area that was supposed to be behind it instead he would keep going running forever and a black nothingness which would never end whenever I think about that there's a certain level of existential dread which fills my soul almost like that's what these games are now sonic running forever and it can never end wow I love that person what is this I don't see where I'm going and I'm in control in the atmosphere your hair is blowing so you know you're falling at an incredible rate but the Hammers pointing towards you [ __ ] do this man I can't [ __ ] do this man i love sonic nobody understands this i love sonic i just know these games suck and i keep coming back to him like like that like but i just know they're gonna I'm not like all but maybe I'm like no they're gonna suck but I keep coming back to him cuz there's something about them there's something so wonderful this is all knuckles is how my hands feel what I play this game dude you've missed that exact jump in that exact way I have multiple times did I miss it did I miss it though I [ __ ] collided with the rail and fell through it and then I landed on the platform beneath did not hit a single button when I landed and the game decided at the direction I was going which was backwards by the way was off the cliff Sonic I should stop paying my therapist and just play Sonic games okay I'm not gonna press any [ __ ] buttons I'm not pressing anything great okay that did it it was slightly off but it did it perfect Wow look at you go you're like SS tricky up in this [ __ ] [Laughter] probably didn't say the acts like it's a ship you're probably like 85% of the way through this game 5% through you swear I wish I was yeah you wish dude it's all the same [ __ ] it's all the same [ __ ] it's very disorienting and it makes me like I question I was like it did I do something wrong like how why am I here now it's I think it ascends ready when we question my sexuality I don't need that I was like 30 it was like you work that in everywhere just [ __ ] stab me in the eye what is this why have I fallen no fallen away from oh my god if they somehow licensed corn oh my god twist well the craziest part must have been you know as the movies came out because like there's a three-year gap between the first and second movie when you find out all that stuff oh yeah so I mean what the [ __ ] no stop I'm sorry to laugh Aaron threw down the controller and has his head in his hands he's very angry I'm not doing anything like that's like not normal it just [ __ ] launches you off the side of the stage I'm gonna nudge my headphones off so this isn't right in my ears Jesus Christ I can't believe this I can't believe this is indefensible I love Sonic I'm Sonic so I think it hurts me all the time feel like a [ __ ] deserves this like this is oh my god it love without fixing me to the rail hmm now I got to do the whole damn thing over again alright let's pause the episode why what's the point what's the point because if we don't then it'll be half an hour before you know it and you won't have gotten any farther and you'll be you know how it goes no other reason but like what's the problem with that like that's what I'm asking what's the problem with that I mean this is uh it's basically [ __ ] over and over again anyway so what the [ __ ] is the problem man I'm just gonna [ __ ] fall off the stage and go what the [ __ ] and scream and then and then everyone's gonna go ha ha and then somebody's gonna be like it's not really that bad in the comments and then that's just gonna loop over and over again the next [ __ ] 12 minutes that's all it's gonna be why do people watch game grumps why do people watch me do this it doesn't make sense stop it knuckles on the lips did you see that no I missed it he was like yes and then he just like turned to knuckles and like got real in his face and whoever's editing can you get us a freeze-frame of that please and if they're not kissing can you like manipulate it so they are like make them cruise [Music] oh yeah II there we go egg Emperor that's the stupidest two words I've ever seen put together this is it right like this is it this is it yes we do another episode because in all likely nests you will die Betty Betty times doing this don't hold back don't know anything back okay yeah you got it Sonic could you give me like a hint on what to do don't hold anything back oh oh and you must have been holding back there shouldn't be like so much stuff in all everywhere it's like I'm it's like fighting someone in a messy room clean things up I can't think straight like it's that kind of cereal I can't have company over to fight right now started from the bottom and now I'm here what do Oh started at the bottom but now I'm somehow below the ball [Laughter] [Music] get that ring okay I used to be a far too missed man how are you how are you gonna beat this I don't I don't know Oh God charge stretch it take this take this take this take take take all right that's good enough for today Ted we've got everything we need like we're almost out of time we have to we didn't book enough time for tank that my eyes are watering with the laughter of the sadness [ __ ] dudes dead dude I'm so ahead of him right now sir this is a Wendy's oh so happy take before you want to see this anymore [ __ ] straight that was like truly one of the worst gaming experiences I've ever had in my life I'm gonna go get a drink you want to play a different game no no this is great [Music] [Music]
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 280,913
Rating: 4.9292769 out of 5
Keywords: sonic, game grumps, arin, egoraptor, danny, nsp, take this, rage, anger, glitch, rails, fail, gameplay, best of, laughter moment, thumbs, tails, knuckles, fight me, comments, compilation, comedy, worst game ever, rant, discord, backstreet boys
Id: LPwnncj3MtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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