Teddy Fresh Controversy, Man vs Machine Game, Howie Mandel Meme Competition - After Dark #77

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what is up people it's july 15th h3 after dark we're here baby [Applause] now what's the what's the vibe today ela sexy librarian because you about to make me act up girl um right after you get me that book on uh biology first minute and i got a oh i just said a book about i'm just i said girl um you better get me a book about biology and then i'll do something to you when i learn in that book what it is that i can do but what's the vibes is it sexy librarian or something else no but you look like [ __ ] hot you look good you got new glasses oh okay yeah i've never seen you wear those before yeah do you like it's a little bit of a library vibe yeah i think they look great there's a touch of library in there yeah but it's all about because you got like a blazer kind of laser well it is just a fun blazer but yeah i like the glasses a lot they look great okay thank you yeah you look awesome thank you anything like you because i love you uh thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring us today now everybody back here is wearing a hawaiian shirt i didn't get that but we didn't get the memo i showed up i was like are you guys pranking me what's up with the hawaiian shirts nobody told me anything about it you don't read the top of the week emails uh what what zx started them yesterday there's the email [Music] no there's no emails it's just i have hawaiian shirts that i would have liked to wear right every single one of these guys is in a hawaiian shirt to be fair i wear them every day so everyone's just kind of copying me right now but i'm here for it i love it we are blessing with the hawaiian shirts today now i'll say zach you have the leaves there is a hawaiian shirt yeah yours is the least hawaiian shirt this has been a pretty hot topic yeah this is kind of what kicked all this off there was a heated debate going on and what does and doesn't qualify as a hawaiian shirt not definitely disagree with it that's it that's like a camp shirt it's a button up yeah no dude hawaiian shirts is like you're gonna need to have the palm trees and [ __ ] thank you yeah quiet now dan you're quiet now minded you're so you guys heard it's narrow-minded like and it's just kind of like corny exactly yeah this isn't corny no this isn't a corny shirt it's pretty cool no it's it's corny bro okay zach listen it's not about corny okay she look if you google hawaiian shirt no i just threw that in there but yeah like there's always like leaves or palm trees or birds look at this do you see any ac dc rock and roll shirts look i wear those flowers okay i'm i'm gonna um i'm the kingdom of hawaiian shirts so i feel that this is a hawaiian shirt it's not it is though it is the the definition nobody would ever say that right the definitions that we were working with yesterday were um i have it right here oh you do and i'll tell you why it's wrong a collared and buttoned dress shirt usually short sleeve and made from printed fabric that's it that's it that's it okay that is wrong because you could have a dress shirt that fits wrong a loose brightly patterned hawaiian shirt aloha shirt [ __ ] ain't nobody staying aloha exactly logical argument a hawaiian shirt aloha shirt an aloha shirt is a hawaiian shirt i wear this there's nothing aloha about that shirt this is my cruiserwear ethan this is cruiserweight oh here we go the definition that i have settled on myself and if anybody would like to join me over here it's if the shirt makes sense on a plane to hawaii okay thank you olivia you brought a three-quarter shirt right well that's the thing that shirt makes sense on a on a plane ride to hawaii yeah i would agree and look you rolled it up it looked like i rolled it up yeah this is obviously part of the life it's fine like i don't know where you got that definition from but it's obvious from the most reputable source from throats on wikipedia i mean this definition is so stupid it's like yeah i believe it they almost always have buttons it's like really what it doesn't have a button this is the wikipedia page listen let's just do a poll right out the gate because i'm sorry but y'all trying to tell me zack's wearing a hawaiian shirt is just ridiculous i don't know if dan should do this poll though now that's a hawaiian channel ian got the memo yeah ian he did your homework yeah dude you're chilling bro aloha dog what about me i'm the king of hawaiian churches yeah you're aloha bro yeah well guess what there are no tigers in hawaii that's right oh i just trapped you that's right thank you daddy i see trees or something but it doesn't have to be in hawaii it's just got aloha vibes definitely definition no ethan's right okay i have an argument a majority of these bands played in hawaii don't give a [ __ ] okay um i had to shave let's see oh yeah because i want to be like magnum pi look how good cam actually i didn't hear him either all right i said um i shaved a mustache to compensate to be like magnum pi and zack said i look like i i [ __ ] today yeah you do look like you look good now cam i'm not sure that's a hawaiian shirt either that's that's why i shaved my mustache should be like magnum pi because i don't feel like has a real hawaiian shirt wait so zach brought two shirts so far that are both not great zach did you bring more than two i brought four lena took mine my mine was a hawaiian lena's wearing mine right now that's a hawaiian shirt yeah alina's is hawaiian oh yeah sure and lena looks beautiful yeah you look like the uh you look like the all-star employee at trader joe's lina employee of the month sholina i was like oh damn oh yeah totally trader joe's vibes today okay listen listen let's just do a poll and sam sam let's see that oh you're muted they're not hawaiian but dope this one's it's so artsy yeah that one's sick hey whose shirt is that this is one of zach guess what it's not hawaiian though it doesn't matter you like button up hawaiian okay crazy wacky let's just say i like wacky shirts but you have hawaiian shirts but you left all of them at home because i'm proving a point i'm proving a point today i would argue like the fabric is what makes it a hawaiian shirt or not like the how lightweight it is i agree zach i hate to break with you but you're the shirt you're wearing is not that wacky it's just a button-up shirt it's just it's just corny like you said it's okay let's do a poll is zach wearing a hawaiian shirt i mean because zach well obviously you're swaying the audience here it's gonna be a hard no why zach agrees with you sam agrees with you i i agree with him too yeah that's all that matters is dan's wearing a hawaiian shirt i do agree that dan's approval is very important i'm surprised yeah he's way off i'm surprised that we're not aligned it's true we're usually energetically aligned but look a hawaiian shirt could also be classified as something you'd wear on vacation not necessarily to hawaii but you know loungewear why not you're just standing the definition dude that's just a shirt is that yeah yeah oh yeah hawaiian shirt is just a shirt you could wear on vacation um listen i'm voting a big [ __ ] juicy no on this yeah i don't give a [ __ ] vote whatever you want people don't care what i have to say people don't [ __ ] vote i'm surprised the polls getting so many yeses wait i can't see the result uh well it's the yes is a resounding win it's like 90 yes no that's no it's not it's what uh 38 yes 62 no i'll take that 38 thank you so much talking to me guys the hawaiian shirt is a very easy to define at first sight this is really something it's really it makes sense why this country is the way it is [Laughter] yeah and then and can you do a poll was the election stolen the same ratio there's one other person whose input we probably need on this okay i know where this is going okay now that's a hawaiian shirt aloha my dog there you go aloha brother he's connecting his audio standby standby aloha dude hawaiian friday gabe can i ask you a question buddy yeah sho can you show him zach's shirt do we have the technology yeah is that a hawaiian shirt that zack's wearing or no i can't say yes but with words right aloha does words and aloha with words right what's popping today what where are you what's behind you patio buddy by the way you were instagram live yesterday and i saw you chatting up some people were just like the [ __ ] baby oh and i tried to request to go live but i guess you didn't see it i don't see it it's just so many people and the music is so loud yeah yeah anyway happy friday happy friday how's the strip club the strip club is great actually yesterday i was at print street out the arts district with my man um my man frank so did you get a did you get a private dance nah no dance this weekend oh just a pizza okay oh you got pizza and enjoyed the size oh that's even better do you make it rain when you watch strippers or oh yeah definitely yeah sometimes that's forest sometimes it's funny yeah what does that mean i like they want me to dance okay and they're trying to push it some more and it makes it rain oh but like you know what i mean like with the money you make it rain with them oh yeah yeah yeah yeah cool man it's awesome [ __ ] yeah [Music] [ __ ] baby [ __ ] more like a wolf right yeah is the wolf is not the is the wolf really yeah maybe that's not the vibe huh what are you doing this weekend any fun plans or what well we're promoting this video with me and my buddy nick nick it's called blockbuster go check out the video blockbuster nickname i'm the person in the cow head oh can i watch it right now let me pull it up sure sure what is it it's like a music video how's it going blockbuster blockbuster by nick nick yeah yeah all right let's check it out let's see what's up blockbuster nick nick the thumbnail is just like yeah you see that it's a short the second one oh okay okay let's go okay let's put it on the map dude 76 views we're about to blow this up blow this up [ __ ] [ __ ] ow help 2180k let's freaking go a short film by nick nick in indiana who's indiana it's one of it's one of the um like tick tock stars okay and how come you're not credited in the intro he's just in it i'm just in it okay just to help just to help with the video and my um they probably should they should probably put you in the title because i think you probably have the most celebrity power i'm just saying it should be featuring white claw gabe right yeah mm-hmm that would you know what i mean it's not up to me yeah it's not happening baby whoever produced the video well let's take a quick look he's in the end yeah oh he get it okay good let's see featuring mikaya blockbuster okay oh yeah this is your nephew right yeah let's go [Music] okay [ __ ] you come on hawaiian shirt buzz okay okay [Laughter] [Music] okay [Music] he's like a pizza delivery boy with flair who's the girl it's indiana okay it's pretty fire yeah [Applause] [Music] damn they're about to turn up does he does he get her in the end is that how it ends let's skip to them not yet second typical friday night or something yo so check it out nick nick blockbuster featuring white claw gabe nice wait wait wait where were you i want to see europe cameo in it oh you didn't you haven't reached that part yet it's at the very end yeah kind of like in the end it's after the end credit okay 249. oh thank you 2 49 let's see that white clock gave cameo with me with my partner um ryan action one of my videos we call him ashley dang bro that's an interesting angle you're eating the pizza it's like at a yeah it's like at a slight angle it's interesting nice bro congratulations man sounds good it actually does sound really good congratulate nick nick for us yeah hey will you send a message to nick for me tell them pissing my ass [ __ ] ouchy ouchy all right buddy well that's congratulations that that that's actually a bop yeah wow take care buddy nice hawaiian friday happy hawaiian friday man we love hawaiian friday gabe got it friday man's wearing a hawaiian shirt nobody he read the email i get no [ __ ] emails why aren't you on this chain ethan to email you embarrass me well according to you guys this is a hawaiian yeah that wasn't no no no but you're definitely no no it has to be a button up that's not a button what's this no that's not all the way out yeah really yeah that's a polo it's like it's just a camp shirt then yes [ __ ] you guys you know what you guys are like um you and zach are like it's just a shirt with buttons you're like these congress people who pretend like they don't know what an abortion is you know they go you've seen that right those videos yeah of course i've seen it yeah that's you right now oh he's gonna make it political either do you want to make a political new that we can all do next friday yeah it's not just us i'll wear hawaiian shirts all of us but do we want to move on from hawaii something else fighting so much about it right i will skip i will be wearing a hawaiian shirts are very dividing [Music] um sure yeah i'm down i'm down all right we'll talk about it well gabe listen you got the assignment right man and that's all that matters yeah yeah baby [ __ ] my [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah [Laughter] all right love you buddy thanks have a good week guys friday baby [ __ ] happy friday [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] baby oh ouchie white claw gabe everybody wow oh wow always uh always always the partners yeah white club gabe you can find him on cameo and everywhere before we move on eli you you made this shirt yes how would you classify this camp shirt there you go not hawaiian but if it's dan's definition it has which is why i'm confused exactly it's not a hawaiian shirt look at look at what i just put on screen yeah look at who made it who made it who wrote that who wrote that what do you mean who wrote that i don't know who wrote it what do you mean what website is it on oh it's on ebay ebay so it's just some random idiot it's a hawaiian twine sorry the yeses have been climbing by the way we're up to 45 there we go are you serious yes shout out we're digging ourselves out of this hole okay if you all say so i don't know some people say it's a bull the fact that then is strongly believing in that makes me question myself well i will admit to that whoa he's not right on this ela it's not a hawaiian shirt man all right let's move on somebody asked for oh you want to stop my account update session somebody wants what now housewives update oh yeah we have all right at the top you want to do housewives already we don't have to do a couple things i want to talk about yeah we'll do it a little bit later housewives updates are full yeah bro jen shaw got she got like 15 years in jail dude well we don't we don't know yet but she pleaded guilty she pleaded guilty yeah which is all anyway we'll get into that yeah first thing i want to talk about here is um well we have actually a great show here let me tell you guys what we got coming up we'll talk about all this teddy fresh controversy first um if you don't know about it i'll tell you all about it and we got we're having a howie mandel what are we going to do about it competition we green screen howie going my friend neil bent over and this happened what do we do about it and so by the way i had one of james charles and his giant nipples many of you guys probably saw because they had 12 million views on tick tock and this morning they erased the mother they erased my [ __ ] dude damn that's horrible it had 12 million views that's horrible everybody was loving it you know why it was removed it says hateful behavior i'm sorry what does anyone have does anyone have a backup we can show there are people at home but yeah it had 1.7 million likes dude yeah that's why that's like mega viral moment i was having a viral moment that's what i'm saying i don't really [ __ ] with tick tock that heavy because it seems like half of the [ __ ] i make is somebody removed you know what rules you sons of [ __ ] that's how i feel right now what rules you sons of [ __ ] yeah here here this is it 12 million views just tweeted did somebody know is this code related and if it is what do we do about it ow now i don't know what's hateful about that but it was up for like two days 12 million views everyone was having fun utter carelessness of the twitter organization [ __ ] you up yours tick tock what rules you sons of [ __ ] 200 donation y'all are out of control what happy friday i made a hairline ranking site to crown and official hairline king and a fair dim well that's awesome fair democratic process is that a real website hairline hierarchy that's such a good name well you know i'm number one i mean who could beat me yeah actually uh i saw a contender um just yesterday uh ally sent me a screenshot from um 90 day fiance there's a new season of it i guess and she was watching it and there's somebody on the show that might give you a room for your money oh yeah okay let's take a look airline hierarchy oh [ __ ] this is a real website the kings queens and nb overlords of hairline world what is nb non-binary overlapping oh okay i don't really trust this website okay it's unvetted yeah because with wordpress when you make like votes and stuff they take the ip and if the the website is not built correctly that ip can be public so don't we'll vet your website but i like where your head's at this could be a big thing this could this would go a long way yeah that hit that doesn't look natural there's something going on there there's definitely something going on here i mean it's it is if that's real then he's a hairline [ __ ] god he's alexander the great of hairlines it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair right it looks like he has veneers on too so he's just all jacked up with the flashy stuff interesting no but this is all natural dan oh natural so we're going to do the how so we have the howie mandel meme competition um which we sell out a bat signal to everyone at home exciting because i do i do not want to let this howie mandel meme die i'm determined for this to live forever the man posted a prolapse anus we can't forget about this yeah what do we do about it and the fact that howie mandel makes it even better but go ahead are we talking about it or is it not yet you're just kind of like well not yet not yet okay i was just gonna say i've been avoiding watching it yeah so ela has not looked at the prolapse yet and we're gonna make you live react to the prolapse you posted for people at home i really feel like it's gonna get stuck in my head and i'll never forget the image it just looks like a sock that's like halfway inside out no i could see it like it's gonna happen to me once i watch it i think i have like a weird weird feeling inside oh i hope not i'll prolapse for you if you give whatever you want girl i can see it clearly in my head i don't know about you guys but i could just imagine it perfectly right now yeah the gray ring yeah the shade of the pink and then the halfway inside-out sock yeah yeah that was weird pretty crazy um and then our main segment is going to be you guys maybe have heard about the dolly image generator so this is a advanced ai it's in beta stage and then they made the dolly 2 which is so insanely advanced it is going to blow everyone's mind and the question is as you guys know cam is the photoshop expert here man versus machine who's gonna make a better response to our prompts i'm sorry day cam is probably the closest to a machine yes yeah i think cameron cameron's not giving himself a lot of credit but i actually think he's got a good shot we were playing around with it uh on wednesday on wednesday after this and like it's really amazing sometimes it hit hard and sometimes it misses it really missed the mark on that one so i don't know cameron i think my whole life with that one good i don't want to work against the machine i want to work with the machine i mean we'll get more into it later but it has its faults and i i feel like i could perfect the images that it makes this is a john henry versus the steam drill type scenario here okay this is life or death you guys are enemies okay for now okay i'm sorry dave in the spirit of the competition you're going down i'm sorry come on i'm afraid i can't do that so let's start at the top because there's this teddy fresh controversy that's annoying the [ __ ] out of me [Music] um this has been popping up for a few months uh yeah on and off and well here's the post that was going big on our subreddit yesterday now first of all what's so sus about this how many awards did this get who's giving awards on like a hate post like i saw it after three hours and it had like 20 awards and my what my theory is is that this is being fueled by trisha stans and keemstar and possibly cav cav you know and actually have evidence for all that stuff which is pretty interesting nine awards i mean what the [ __ ] who's paying for this [ __ ] who's naturally on our website who's like i'm gonna pay reddit because i [ __ ] love this post this is what's up it says these employees anonymously spoke up for a reason i think it's fair people see this mods are taking anything with glass door in the title by the way it's not like we don't have like a block on the word i know that cracked me up like it's like a slur yeah totally as i was making this the tf class door link stopped working on all my devices what it's like riddled with conspiracy theory you know what i mean it's just written like in a [ __ ] up way where it's like they're taking down everything i have to write in code it's working like we control the glass door website yeah exactly it's all conspiracy and what basically you find on glassdoor is a bunch of really bad reviews about the working conditions at teddy fresh and what's really weird about these reviews okay first the first thing you need to tell you about glassdoor is that anybody can write a review there about anything of any position of any time they could say anything they want there's no moderation there's no even opportunity for the company to respond there's literally no oversight at all i could go to nike right now and be like yo i worked here as a shoot technician and uh you know i'm just saying slap me yeah every day slam me right across the face they put baby foreskin in the uh in the sole of the shoes that's what makes them so comfy you can write that action what's really interesting about it is that teddy fresh has been in business for five long [ __ ] years and all these reviews started springing up six months ago five years nothing there and then all of a sudden six months ago it was like all at once like 15 [ __ ] negative reviews and some of them say [ __ ] like uh i overheard one of the owners saying i like to manage my team like lord of the flies yeah yeah i remember somebody mentioning that in the comments do i manage you guys like lord of the flies at all or maybe a little bit eh is anyone dead on the floor at the end of the day not really nope there's no dead piggy sincerely you guys are yeah i know that was upsetting it's insane but i i don't know i mean like maybe maybe there's a couple that are real there and it obviously it really is sad to see and it i mean i'm i i take it very seriously and i do believe that we're improving the company all the time and constantly working on it and constantly trying to make sure it's a really good environment for our employees we try to make everyone feel like they're they're valued because we really do value everybody that works for us it's i mean it's just like it's so important to us and i think that our environment is really positive i don't think it's toxic i mean i i'm there like all the time i i get along great with everybody i feel like we all collaborate it's like it's a fun place to work at so i don't know i mean maybe a couple of those are real and it's sad and i do take it seriously and i will make sure that if there is valid criticism in there we take it into consideration and we're accountable but like something there also doesn't make sense with the amount of the reviews and stuff like you said with the lord of the flies yeah comment or i don't know well what's okay like like you said i'm willing to concede that maybe one or two of them is real i don't know i have no way of knowing i mean they never did the website never reached out to us to confirm hey this is this person really from that position at your company that never happened so i have no idea but the thing is when you're working in a job for five years people come and go and every breakup isn't always amicable and some people i'll be honest some people are shitty employees and they suck and you need to fire them that's just reality of owning a [ __ ] business and sometimes they're pissed off because whatever i don't know but the truth is i don't know what's real and what's not i mean obviously people are going to be bitter when they get fired some people but the majority of those are just total [ __ ] and like i just hate that people keep bringing this up and parading it around and i see people do stuff where they'll like they'll find one clip of something i said years ago where i'm like oh ela's a bad hard ass and she rolls with the iron fist something like i'm saying facetious i know and i don't even know like that once all these are true i don't even know what you meant when you said that it was so long ago but it's actually like nothing to do with how i work with people at teddy fresh like i don't know it was probably mostly a joke and like i remembered that but it was so long ago and it wasn't like anything serious and no i don't i no i'm not like that so i don't know well you'll be relieved to hear that sarah mentz says she's worked at tf for 45 years and she has good thing she says it's great yeah but what i'll say is like um i mean we work teddy fresh is right next door we all are here together and we work with these guys you know lena worked for teddy fresh for a year zack's girlfriend chantel works at teddy fresh it's not like dude we're not [ __ ] turning people into horse glue over there it's like a good working condition i'm jealous they're always having a party over there they got arcade games always a good time over there every time i walk in karaoke yeah yeah utopian work environment ping pong ping pong how can we go so utopia there's ping pong yeah why don't we have a ping pong table over here table get a ping pong table we got mortal kombat you're approving that purchase i have beef with that honestly i work i worked at a uh office with a ping pong table and that [ __ ] is so annoying i was trying to work and all day okay i hate to be the hater but i don't know interesting maybe maybe i'll make you have a point there and keep it to after hours by the way this [ __ ] always this [ __ ] always comes up it's just so [ __ ] up and it's so obvious to me that it's all bad faith like we worked so hard specifically ela to build this company and do it the right way and i feel like there's really nothing bad you can say or criticize teddy fresh for we've done everything the right way we've done it like ourselves from the beginning and you know people are always looking for a reason to tear it down they're always looking for reason to tear it down like my myself and this show there's plenty of [ __ ] you can [ __ ] uh criticize me for you can make a billion exposed videos i mean but teddy fresh is not like that it's like clean and wholesome and we did it right you know what i mean it's just not a controversial [ __ ] company it's just not and uh every time something happens like we're doing this big 50 sale because we want everyone to have the opportunity to get some [ __ ] at an affordable price because the world is [ __ ] right now and it's like it always happens around that like a big collab or sometimes we announce something or whatever it is it always pops up like did you know that they're like the worst [ __ ] employees ever right um and it's just and you know it's just [ __ ] up and i even see fans people of teddy fresh who are like man it sucks to see that uh they're horrible employees and it's like you see me interacting with my employees [ __ ] 12 hours a week you know i love these guys they're a family i mean i don't even think of them as employees family stop oh yeah haters were saying that we stole the money when we [ __ ] raised like a hundred thousand dollars for charity there's just like it doesn't matter what we do we always try to do the best thing we you know it's like and every time we fire someone we give like way over the industry standard of severance we we give really good savings whenever we have to listen really good conditions too like we started this um friday they only work until one because it's like friday summer we just want to let everybody have some more free time um everybody gets like free clothing all the time you know it's just like little things i don't feel like i need to say it i don't want to like brag about what we do to make it a nice place but it really is a nice place to work at and like i'm there all the time and we all love each other and we have a great environment there so it's not like what it's being portrayed to be and it just sucks to see it because it's really far from the truth i mean and i'll say we've gone out of our way that like every employee is paid over the industry standard we have as good as benefits as we can offer which is like pension health care dental vision we have um um i mean we consult with hr people too all the time if there is anything it's not like um we're just winging it over there and i don't know we do everything by the book it's not oh yeah paid time off you apparently that's crazy to me that people don't even get paid time off but yeah what i don't know what it is like two weeks or something over there i don't know somebody in the chat is chiming and they said they worked at teddy fresh and neil was amazing um someone in chat yeah he's assertive and strong but ethan would come in and constantly rip ass it's just not right that's just not true see that's that's the kind of thing you'll read on uh last door it's actually nicer than most the ship right in there but actually you know so and it's like anyone else that's trying to run a company doesn't have to deal with this kind of [ __ ] you know but it's like because of who we are everybody's taking shots and there's so many people that hate me and i'll i have actually some really interesting receipts um like look at this this is a keemstar okay from two weeks ago on a podcast with you know 150 000 views talking about this before it ever became a thing right i mean it's been a thing but like a recent thing where it got posted and got like a billion uh upvotes and rewards but listen to keemstar talk about this okay nathan's wife because i think she owns teddy fresh or freddy fresh or whatever the [ __ ] it is ready fresh but you know what that's called that that's he says that every time he brings someone else a b or whatever is that his name is that his name yeah yeah you know it's funny he acts like he doesn't know anything about us and then in this interview he exposed himself so much like he knows every [ __ ] little thing it's crazy like he's such a fan bro such fan behavior you gotta get your employees under control because they hit me up on instagram non-stop dude you need stronger andy yeah every they're hitting him up all the [ __ ] time yeah he's obviously he's lying okay the type of people that work at teddy fresh don't know who keems they don't know the [ __ ] they're not these are fashion people they're industry people they're not in the youtube no they don't know who came nobody knows who you are your channel's [ __ ] dead bro terrorist like sorry but that [ __ ] that that age of people going to do with [ __ ] is like uh ancient history anyway nobody's buying that okay yeah it's what i was like i'm telling you and they're not happy they're very upset like some of them not a lot many complaints actually somebody linked me this um there's a place where you can uh you can rate a place of employment oh yeah yeah yeah i thought i thought he was about to go like if they gave me a legal doc that hasn't been released yet i'm like what the [ __ ] this you know i like some ordinary gamer after like our whole beef we kind of made up but i just don't know why he keeps platforming keemstar to [ __ ] lie and say [ __ ] like this uh i don't know how you can continue to be friends with someone like that i mean he's the reason that ordinary gamer made that video in the first place that he had to erase and apologize for about me and yet he still has him in his [ __ ] makeshift bedroom uh that looks like he just basically uh it's weekend at middle school and uh he's gonna play some like you know world of warcraft all day after this and [ __ ] jerk off into a sock and then go take a nap to mute it to har was that him trying to say he can't even say his name i i'm not defending mudahar um i don't think he should but in his defense i guess i would say that keemstar like if you make a video about ethan he builds you up as best he can he had him on the podcast after that you know he he'll build your career he'll take the smallest channels possible but if you talk about ethan he'll help you out right right i know that but he was or his channel was already doing pretty well before all that but whatever whatever but that was a long time ago somewhere in a gamer has his own thing and it's just [ __ ] weird it's like bro you platforming this guy who's been lying about me he's lying here and it's just [ __ ] up dude this guy is just a piece of [ __ ] i thought he was about to go like if they gave me a little dark that hasn't been released yet i'm like what the [ __ ] this girl this girl was trying to leak stuff and i told her i go don't like you're going to get sued yeah right yeah i love that keemstar is worried about the employee yeah right instead of trying to bash us he's so worried basically what that means is somebody trolled kim star and sent him some made up [ __ ] and kim star knows it so he was like yeah i can't i can't run with this because it's obviously made up but i can just allude to it or right or he's making it all up possible same thing and he just wants to tell people to go check out glassdoor which it's likely a lot of those reviews are written by him or his homies because there's no [ __ ] oversight i go don't like you're going to get sued like don't don't do it like i had an opportunity to really [ __ ] on you guys and i did not take it yeah i put my petty beef aside and was looking for the the well-being and safety of one of your accidents yeah this is him this is him participating in the petty beef he's crying is what abe calls the king slide he's trying to get people to talk about this to turn it into an issue without actually having to report on something that's not real i'm busted yeah you're a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] dude if it did happen someone's probably like i have some dirt on teddy fresh and they're like and keem's like what do you got and then they sent the picture of your bare ass to him ah that's prob people do that all the time i love you yeah yeah because he has been trying from the beginning of teddy fresh he's always been trying to find something about it yeah and not just him yeah like there's a community of like tricia stands who ate my [ __ ] guts and this glass door reviews are always posted there not talking about her it's just not no it's not hazardous okay yeah i'll say trish has nothing to do with it but there's a community of psychos that has nothing to do with her she doesn't interact with them it's not her fault i'm just saying that it's always posted there and people there are participating in the same thing so it just became like a [ __ ] ground for people to be like i worked at teddy fresh and they treat us like lord of the flies and i emailed keemstar like what evidence could they even have you know what i mean if you're just an employee of teddy fred what do you got that's so damning that you can send keemstar right like what what nothing nothing there's nothing if it was something he definitely would have shared it uh yeah of course this guy goes yeah has no limit to what he'll do to try to ruin my life and that's why i [ __ ] hate his guts employees who want to really [ __ ] [ __ ] on your company uh because i knew you would sue them keemstar yeah because we still people right and left right like we still to this they never suit anybody so what are you talking about how many people have we stood we have never sued anybody never if if we would ever sue somebody it would be you can start and you're still not sued yeah so death noodles took the mantle yeah but i'm just saying like it's all such [ __ ] dude it's such [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's just sucks dude you know it just breaks my heart that um this thing that we've worked so hard for and uh mostly ila honestly is just always under the microscope of [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] and i also have other leads here um we have evidence that bobby lee uh was writing some of these reviews oh my revenge for the mole thing actually here's an ex photo leaving a teddy fresh review on glassdoor keemstar actually ladies and gentlemen um oh yeah there's something interesting here apparently there was even a subreddit called teddy fresh exposed that was made four months ago i didn't even know about this um but this one it's like dude what are you doing i actually went on the sub and asked them to prove if they ever worked at teddy fresh and nobody could give any solid evidence that they did they giving kev kev energy also the mods were all new and their accounts look like sock puppets i try to go back to that sub but i can't find anything it seems like it's been banned or said private didn't you guys ever see that i didn't even know about this you never knew about it too much wine sorry um i just got my new teddy fresh and found this it's awesome yeah they're actually slaves did you see the comments on that below hope you called the cops because it's obviously not good did you did you conclude ethan ila wouldn't hold it together i would like responsibly as well awesome all right why are you even on our subreddit i feel like well before before people jump down their throat i feel like that might be a joke click it and look at their profile see what their comments are okay i feel like that's real i feel like it might be sarcasm i don't i just want ethan to comment on this i don't think it's real but we should still wait for ethan to comment on this send help thing i will never order tf again that person is definitely joking i don't know click it yeah you'd be surprised bro oh my god with reddit people i always just assume the worst yeah cause i think that they're all being me no matter what i'm i'm gonna give them a little bit of benefit i'm trying to find the thread right now i'm i'm on it i'm looking oh yeah yeah yeah i i do have to say chantal and i uh commute together to work and you know always ask you how's your day and she's always speaking very positively about her job and she loves it she's a part of a team and she's nothing but the utmost respect for her job and what she does and she just enjoys every aspect of it thank you i just want to throw that thank you and we love her by the way she's so good at her job yeah here's the comment and then somebody said never forget the backslash s my friend and i said i just noticed but boy people sure there you go well the problem is they're joking king queen the problem is there's people on reddit if you go to these hate subreddits they're leaving comments like that it is yeah they believe it somewhat believable but you know yeah interacts with ourselves yeah and it's like stuff's gonna happen like this and we just obviously it's like part of what we do so that's fine and we're used to it but it sucks when it actually gains like traction on reddit and then gets like thousands of votes and then at that point we need to address it so that's just why we're talking about it it's like i i understand that this stuff's gonna happen so i i don't want to seem like too much like i don't know we're being whiny or something it's like it's fine this is gonna happen we're we're on the internet this is what we do well there was a big subset of people that you know rightfully or not we're demanding some sort of response to this so you're addressing it you know look at this title toxicity at its finest what i mean what does that even say to you like how [ __ ] bad is that if it was a toxic environment don't you think that you some of us would know that like that bad that bad um let's see yeah someone put a lot of time into these it's all about toxicity which is like i don't know you know i'm sure there's some criticisms for of i'm yeah of of the way that we work on teddy fresh since we're like you know kind of we're new to this and it's all a lot of learning but toxic i don't know sinking ship you know what i mean how do you define that this is a sinking shape like what yeah a sinking ship that's yeah it's just it's [ __ ] sucks it's stupid toxic and like working for 13 year old mean girls that is so not the case there's no way it's all about the leadership too which is weird bad leadership toxic which is exactly you're not a 13 year old mean girl yeah exactly which is us and you know what like first of all i know it's not toxic there obviously it's me so you can take it or leave it i'm not whatever but if that's the biggest criticism hey there's no abuse there's no like harassment there's no there's no actual like problems they all say that they have a problem with me and that it's toxic so take it for what it is i don't know look at this this [ __ ] is crazy bro depression and anxiety and the little things keep you up at night right living in a glass house with no friends and friends are just fans that you never met or care about tf employees are not in the public eye like h3 so they're all expendable and fragile eagles will keep this company from ever becoming anything but a merch brand for youtube fans this has to be fake so obviously you guys had potential to be great but the culture you guys decided unsealed your fate yeah it's pretty yeah it's it's yeah that is so you know what i mean it's it's hurtful it sucks and the website's so [ __ ] stupid there's literally nothing you can even do about it you can't contest it you can't they don't verify employment there's literally nothing to do about it actually it sucks because it does affect like when we're trying to recruit people people do go to that website and really [ __ ] sucks because they see all that [ __ ] there's nothing to do about it do you guys remember rape my professor back yesterday yeah is that still around yes it is they got rid of one of the features on there which was the chili pepper um yeah dude that that website was revolutionary i'd be so scared to be a teacher with that [ __ ] because it's like oh this be so painful that's what this reminds me of because not like when you would check that you could always kind of like see the ones it was like oh this person failed hard in this class and they're upset about it and they're just like going scorched earth yeah right now to try and [ __ ] over and over and it's like just because you got an easy a doesn't mean they're a good teacher the whole thing is like right not [ __ ] true yeah people saying they regularly use it yeah it's well some people think it's essential yes essentially it is yeah i used to have that open while you're picking classes at the same time that came out right as i was finishing school so i never really got the benefit of using it but it tripped me out when i saw that dude jordan peterson has a 4.5 rate my professor no no way he's on there yeah but it's all like he's retired it's all like fanboys of his that are right in this case we live in a society well let's see what he says jordan peterson is a living legend and an amazing human being quit speaking this is bro this is from last month yeah he hasn't taught a class in years he's a living legend he is literally the most educated person you will ever meet literally become a joker literally you sons of [ __ ] you're the worst shut the [ __ ] up one of the most genuine intelligent people you ever meet his course was definitely tough i could truly say i learned something we got to start leaving reviews for jordan peterson i'm in pain ouchy so i don't know and it sucks because you know you just that's that's what it is so there you go people demanding a response from us there you have it okay i don't know what to say if you don't believe it there's nothing else i can really say about it you know i know something to say teddy fresh is currently 50 off yeah what i really wanted to just give a quick plug to is that we're doing a teddy fresh 50 off sale because the world is ending or feels like it anyway this whole segment has actually just been an ad gotcha i wish i wish that was just genius marketing teddy fresh is on sale everybody 50 off the whole website that's right the world is ending why not look good that's right you know it's hard out there folks go so look at you got the classic color block you got the looney tunes color block the reverse fleece color block all kind of there's so many nice things here guys that's all right thank you keem rick and morty stuff um eli klein original stuff point more looney tune stuff these these hoodies are really beautiful by the way such a good deal on these the paisley print all over you know keep going down my dad wears tf crew neck in it i don't know why this i think this piece is so beautiful i never understood why what happened there were so many delays and deliveries it released like after the winter so unfortunately yeah yeah it is a nice cozy warm piece i'm not gonna lie but i just thought it was such a beautiful looking striking piece but that's up there these floral hoodies are up there this awesome sweaters up there you know acid wash this sweater i mean come on hey it's 50 off let's go put your hands in the air it's 50 off 50 50. okay 50 hey 50 50 50 per cent oh okay 50 videos 14 pages by the way this hoodie is dope as [ __ ] too yeah it's gotta of course shipped to the uk right yeah everywhere somebody just asked in the chat everywhere this hoodie is like unusually uh amazing though i love the fabric of the hoodie the watch came out so nice you know hey put your hands in the air okay let's go this is uh looney tunes hoodie this jacket is sick 50 50 50. this one is dope i saw oliver tree wearing this oh really cool yeah awesome more hawaiian than zach's shirt [Music] so you know there's a ton of really cool stuff if y'all wanna head on over there okay let's go it's all 50 off this piece again this is another banger that i'm surprised there's any of these left [Music] it's so nice houndstooth is that what you call it oh and this one too this one is a this one's super nice it's a um thermal aligned thermal lined bro it's so sick check this out the inside's thermal lining very nice yes sir finney present off let's do it [Music] okay let's go yeah there's so much nice stuff so check it out oh and then this sweater too this yeah this sweater is insane oh this one's sold out but i guess the blue one's still there do you guys have any hawaiian shirts on there any did that hawaiian and casual shirt let's go 20th century classic rock hawaiian sorry but those are contradictory put a pineapple on there you know i will say that the new camp shirt uh you guys just put out the gentle thrills one yeah hands down one of my favorite shirts i love it yeah the i spoke when i got it the fit the feel the material i mean it's comfortable i love it awesome thanks bro so that's what that is so if you don't think that our employees are slaves then have a good time over at teddy fresh 50 percent off look good while the world ends thank you let's go okay let's do it somebody donated 50 bucks said it's currently winner in australia cold weather items that got delayed are perfect for all the aussie homies getting chilly definitely sending thanks to my aussie friends so there you go yeah unfortunately the shipping is insane but uh maybe the 50 will uh make up for soften that blow the shipping prices are so nuts lately man and they've just gotten more expensive because all the inflation and gas prices it's not it's a crazy time to try to run a business yeah prices continuously are just going up and up it's crazy well it's crazy prices go up and then people's money is worth less and it's like it's getting harder and harder to sell [ __ ] but somehow there's still inflation how's that it doesn't make any sense it's like it's getting harder to sell [ __ ] getting harder to buy stuff and yet there's still massive inflation it doesn't make sense go to joe 3 0 3 3 0. there it is huh so there you go all right let's get on to something fun now um we're actually already an hour into the show holy [ __ ] balls maybe we can do a little something before going into another ad or our actual ad um any quick goofs or anything yeah i'm looking to see what would be a fun you know what guys want to do the heimlich are you hey elena did you practice the heimlich yeah so we told us anecdote about hey a.b almost died choking on steak at sizzler and it's not the first time it's happened to you and i said well lena you better learn how to do the heimlich because this [ __ ] gonna choke again yeah and you better be ready next time because everyone else was just watching you sucked it up it's very scary so lena did you did you how did you study to prepare for this well i looked it up the instructions and then i actually practiced it on ab2 oh you already practiced [Music] and how did you feel you feel confident i'm not sure because he wouldn't really let me like do it i totally saved the thrusting for the show yeah because you have to do it really hard yeah yeah i just practiced the position all right well let's let's do it let's see because this could save av's life right now i'm not just a reminder i'm wearing olivia's shirt so if my shirt rises how why is he wearing your shirt olivia how'd that happen he loves it it was on aiea like you have a shirt yeah yeah but okay so here we go this is uh lena potentially saving abey's life he's a cr a chronic choker as we as we noted a tight little [ __ ] throat yeah what would you because his esophagus is too narrow yeah oh uh would you like me to to read the official kind of narrate this with the go ahead i love the guidelines yes please got some corporate music going too hi welcome to the h3 podcast today we'll be learning how to perform the heimlich maneuver first give five back blows stand to the side and just behind a choking adult place one arm across the person's chest for support bend the person over at the waist so that the upper body is parallel with the ground whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you better you better lena bend the person over at the waist so that the upper body is parallel with the ground deliver five separate back blows between the person's no no no no no no no no that's not getting the food out lina you gotta yeah his life is on the line i feel like the waiter right now just watching it all on foreign anything okay now uh if it has not been dislodged after the back blows give five abdominal thrusts perform five abdominal thrusts known as the heimlich maneuver now pretend he's dying lina this is serious five thrusts thrust his ass let's see it he's dying he's crying he's joking oh my god how did it feel did it feel did did you feel like that would force it out of your throat yes or my ribs would break that's but it's that serious bro it looked pretty legit okay now now you have to choke up we have brought a steak here for you to maybe we're gonna do a real simulation all right that's important now i don't think you could heimlich me hila i think i would choke to death i don't think you could you could do enough force [Music] you i would try you want to try it where does it work it's between the belly button and the rib cage directly in between also i'm so fat it's hard to get in there but maybe it's helpful maybe i'll help we'll see all right let's go elo you can also do it on yourself if you're really in panic yeah against the sure [Applause] all right so once again one step step a little bit further in so i'm gonna bend over then hit my back yeah hard harder you gotta be parallel with the ground you gotta bend over more bend over more ethan wait wait wait make a fist and put the thumb towards his belly and then use the other hand to to tighten in all right now thrust is out yeah i think i'm dying [Music] for a long time [Music] thank you this has been the h3 podcast presentation of the heimlich maneuver i'm afraid i'm going to die this is a little psa yeah now if i was actually choking to death you think the adrenaline would let you yeah yeah okay good yeah that's not going to cut don't worry that's not going to help wow that was educational i mean listen with the amount of people watching there's a good chance that somebody's life somebody's learned something through there yeah on this day somebody may have been joking in real time and needed instruction right in the moment i know i'm watching it back because there's a slight delay and i'm dude i'm gonna die bro you're you're not doing it enough from this the lie you're literally just humping me no i'm not you're like thrusting your hips into my butt well that's just that after oh bring on a lot of these tutorials we were watching a lot of the like comments said like thank god i watched this short video because it helped me save someone's life so there it is yeah okay so if you put your hand in a fist the same way you as you as you would do towards someone else and put it like above your belly button and then you place the fist between the back of a chair and jump on it on oh [ __ ] you can do it on yourself those are desperate times yeah [Music] if you're alone joking yes life or death you know um this is huge okay this is good everyone remember what we learned here today somebody asked when is the tf sale and it's going to go for a week it's a week yeah yeah someone said uh uh ba highland said you look stunning today thank you all right let's thank our sponsor we only have one so let's just get through this and then we'll get on to some fun segments here hello fresh damn damn look at that food oh it looks so good what is it it's hello fresh okay let's go this is sweet chili pork and cabbage stir-fry with cilantro and crispy fried onion sorry what these are all pictures taken from super troopers that submitted it thank you guys to everyone who submitted it looks amazing what is hello fresh hello fresh send you farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep skip the trips to the grocery store and count on hellofresh to make home cooking easy fun and affordable and that's why it's america's number one meal kit yes sir skip the grocery store and spend more time soaking up the summer sun hella fresh market is a one-stop shop oh what's that tell me more about that one oh you know what we reached out to them and we wanted to we said can we get a baby's recipe i want that i said let's make this thing or at least give us the code abe burrito or something burrito's in the chat folks dang that schnitzel no all this stuff looks so good anyway what i was saying was uh you know soak up the summer raise because hellofresh is a one-stop shop for all your meal time needs and a quick breakfast lunch snack dessert or more it's a foolproof step-by-step recipes uh for joyful cooking experience in a stress-free summer plus plus hellofresh cuts back on time spent in the kitchen with meals ready in 30 minutes or less listen they send you all the damn that looks fire they send you all the ingredients they tell you exactly what to do with it you don't waste food you get the perfect amount it's healthy it's wholesome it's balanced it's so freaking good if you're an amateur or or an experienced chef you're still gonna you can learn a lot and i think that's really good for people who are scared of cooking this is a great way to get in there i love hellofresh this food looks incredible also guys the best parts here go to hellofresh.com after dark 16 and use the code after dark 16 for up to 16 free meals and three free gifts that's hellofresh.com after dark 16. use the code after dark 16 for up to 16 free meals america's number one meal kit ella fresh thank you okay yeah get after it [Music] all right let's get on so now the first thing i want to do here guys yes let's start with the howie mandel competition yeah competition because this this is the one that i'm most excited about what do we do about it do you think howie saw my tick tock with 12 million views maybe i think so i wonder if he understood it or was it just confused well i was posting some to my insta stories a bunch of them and he texted me he said nice stories does it i couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or if you liked it for real you know but um regardless so let's see um we have uh what is this so that's why i say tweet wait what's the fat donut connection with the howie meme so we mentioned previously on the show well i don't know does someone else want to introduce this actually it's not my baby sam i just don't understand the prolapse to the donut or well i guess i do yeah yeah you made some joke about it right okay i remember so austin told us you know if you don't like ace fest to suck a fat donut here he is so that's why i say tweeters okay so real quick for the people that said that our festival was a scam or that it wasn't happening you guys can suck a fat donut okay because it's happening so yes so i took that to heart because we definitely ate crow in this case and specifically donut what do you think he meant when he said suck a fat donut because to me it sounds like a bottle i think that does sound like it like the like the family friendly version of saying that so fat donut reminds me of the image we couldn't show which was howie's prolapse so what we did is that sam being crafty culinary genius created a donut that looks like howie's prolapse and so this is the closest we're going to get to being able to show you guys what it looked like and also i'm going to suck a fat doughnut which also has a collapse okay right that's him i call it the dough laps we'll bring it out don't believe me hanging oh jesus give me a bite of that dolaps well ela should see the real one before before the dawn okay right right so ela hasn't seen the um prolapse yet and we got her to agree this i wonder how many people haven't seen it on um we posted on on our twitter so everyone who wanted to see it and if you if you never saw it and you want to see it you can go ahead and scroll back on our tweet now this is ela's first time now this was posted on howie mandel family friendly howie mandel for three million people go ahead yolo look at it when my friend hilo does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it what do you see describing oh i don't know what am i seeing can you just there's like a hole in the underwear what am i seeing yeah yeah yeah ripped open i think we determined that it's some kind of fetish thing no yeah not a photo yeah but like it's pretty wild because like the ring is all purple and there's like butt hairs but it's so wide yeah i can't and then this is what i said looks like a halfway inside out sock yuck yeah i don't know it scares me i feel like the more i look at it this is gonna happen to me for some reason i don't know why this doesn't happen actually it's contagious yeah it's not gonna happen but um can you believe he posted that no when my friend neal bent over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it [Applause] so there you have it do you want to describe it no no okay well bring out the donut sam and then at least you could say how much the donut looks like oh my god wow yeah thank you thank you whoa pretty identical check it out damn this is heavy eh wow it's got some it's got some weight some heft it really does look like it oh god so this is the closest we're gonna be able to get to showing you guys but yeah it is this wide that's what's interesting about it and let me just give you guys an idea [Laughter] what do we do about it oh my god oh lord that is what it looks like yeah it's really interesting but anyway this one goes out to austin mcbroom i'm gonna suck a fat donut for you and uh well here we go that donut okay what are they doing [Music] it's just a doughnut down yeah that's really good someone sent this to austin mmm coming in with that heat [Music] what's inside of the prolapse it's cake pop though oh my god oh everyone got a prolapse there's yeah there's a there's a few more but thank you there's some regular ones too in case anybody was grossed out i think the business discipline should pick this up then you can start selling that it's heavy right yeah um so we're actually all sucking a fat doughnut that's got some girth to it careful lifting that you might you know oh wow that's a great tasting ass man mm-hmm i wish i could taste the oh don't do it remember joe pesci said yeah [ __ ] sam this is amazing wait you guys gotta eat it from the producer yeah yeah you can't eat it from the side it's like the greatest donut i've ever had oh so like wait that's like just wrong like this you didn't yeah yeah yeah yeah or is it like this that works that's what he's into which is exactly what detected dude i qualify for a veterans discount because i had to look at the reference photo like a hundred times i was making these right you for your service you really nailed it thank you and um please someone make sure austin sees this donut okay [Music] all right sam what this is amazing holy [ __ ] yeah i'm so glad that's good yum and what's on the bottom just a donut donut yeah so i it's a donut and then i made cake pop dough and i put it in the hole and then i made like the the ring what the crust i don't know like the ring part and then the actual like prolapse part out of the dough and then i covered it in fondant and then i made like different color icing and i painted it on you're a genius dude can i say you seemed excited to add the hairs and i noticed there's no hairs on this what happened there so i bought something that i've never used before it was called like iso malt and it's what you make hard candy out of i believe so i don't think i melted it down long enough because you're supposed to be able to like uh pull it and it comes off in like little strands oh and um so it just didn't it didn't work out that's a shame that sounds like it would have been awesome yeah i gotta tell you that ass has a lot of calories in it man but it's good it's [ __ ] good i wonder if [ __ ] has a lot of calories interesting [Music] you don't think so olivia no i just don't want to talk about it well it's an interesting question i don't think anyone i think it's something that's worth discussing like calories nutritional calories come from you know your body absorbing nutrients in the food and i don't think i mean [ __ ] has already had all the nutrients taken out so i would imagine it's local i'm gonna eat your ass does [ __ ] have a lot of calories the bottom line while you might feel lighter after pooping you're not actually losing much weight that's not what i had i don't think enough people have asked how many colors when you're a few shoes i think i found it stool calories per gram were five uh kilograms or i don't know what the [ __ ] that means stool calories loss at a percentage of digesting was 7.3 so you only lose 7.3 of the original calories percent what did you find olivia same thing right does having diarrhea burn calories someone asked somebody just said [ __ ] is keto is that true i don't know it depends how much bread you ate probably that's right right [ __ ] you know what has anyone ever googled that is [ __ ] keto a new google unlocked that ass tastes so good can i eat poop and is it keto [Music] it's not it's not getting me there it says is keto does keto give you the poops hmm come on google step your shirt [Music] all right well let's get started on the howie memes um we made a super compilation do we have the names of everyone who submitted these i mean we can reverse engineer it easily but not it's not listed well i need to know who made the james charles one because i posted that and it did get 12 million views so they they deserve some acknowledgement that was a3 progressive toms oh go the one that yeah like the parody account that has our name but felt wrong yeah to make we both choking i got you i'm like a be quick get in there a.b no i'm not i can breathe i'm fine i'm talking do it anyways ap no [Laughter] you just want to hug him ethan remember that curb episode where they bring the like penis cake to um funkhouser's house or something it was like the black log cake and that sounds familiar i'm saying it they there's the greatest cake they ever had but they didn't know it was a dick this is like probably the greatest donut i've ever had it's an [ __ ] why do i not remember that oh no right it was like a penis cake well here is the best of and thank you to everybody who submitted these make up feel free to distribute these far and wide and here it is without further ado when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it ow when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it oh when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know it's a great related and if it is what do we do about that's why i need this to happen it's i love it mean for me but tick tock is determined to [ __ ] me over bro we gotta vote the best one and i'll post the winner or like three of the best into a compilation okay yeah i'll do it live right now brad wow sick ow when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know is this because they know i love this video what do we do about it ow when my friend i'm not the third firefighter does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it ow when my friend neil bent over this happened i don't does somebody know is this covid related and if it is like sonic what do we do about it pregnant sonic ow when my friend bent over this happened somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it ow my friend neil bent over this happened oh no somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it please how is elizonka are you there silly does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it i haven't heard a sound bite in a while hello wow hey was that when you were blitzed yes yeah that was yeah when my friend spongebob man over this happened somebody knows this covered related and if it is what do we do about it okay oh what the [ __ ] i do that on spot on i'll explain i'll explain after after we watch the rest let's explain it now i don't there's a reason i don't want to explain it yet okay you'll have to trust me when my friend neil went over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it ow does somebody know is this covid related [Music] i don't know if we can even show that what we're showing this somebody had oh when my friend neil bent over this happened i was gonna put him does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it ow when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it ow when my friend neil went over this happened does somebody know this is very good and if it is ow my friend neil bento does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what are we going to do about it [Music] spongebob i got put in there twice [Music] [Laughter] what do we do about it when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know him and if it is what do we do about it when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know this isn't good [Music] when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know this is copied related and if it is what do we do about it bossman biden oh no no this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it what do we do about that's the first time i've seen what it actually looks like to the audience by the way straight up i put olivia's nipple cream on it and the pain went away really yeah she gave me nipple cream apparently you put nipple cream on anything and it fits together yeah i use it as a chopstick really there you go learning something new every day ow when my friend neal bent over this happened this i don't know does somebody know is this covid related when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it oh what was that video by the way love i was just gonna board so i made like a stream where i got like a giant burger with as many patties as possible from mcdonald's oh they they did that for you oh yeah i was like arguing with the manager and [ __ ] well so tell me about it how much did it cost uh thirty five dollars sweet in sweden crowns but uh around 35 bucks yeah and what was the conversation with the manager like well at first i had this one dude who was super down right like a normal employee and he he's like yeah sure i think we can make that happen and then i like hear something like just russell like and like she comes and how many how many patties do you want and she said no and like i tried to argue with her and i ended up getting like 13 patties in like a cardboard box and then i had to reassemble it myself oh okay she didn't want to assemble it for you right no and i said like just throw it in the bag i don't really yeah yeah you guys presented but my goal is to have them reset like make it because that's kind of the funny part and um how much of this were you able to eat uh i ate like probably half wow good for you pretty good hell yeah brother i brought it home after and i ate half and then i had to throw it away because it got kind of weird and and how did you feel after that oh just fine just nice good for you buddy thank you it's exciting i got an idea for dinner now all right so why wouldn't you tell me about the spongebob dan well i didn't want to influence the vote at all but i guess i might as well just tell you cam made that one that was your voice cam no you used an ai uh oh yeah i in fact i feel like that shouldn't be included you know well my favorite was the family it's okay people can vote for it i just want a banger tick tock oh okay yeah that's the case but in my opinion so what were the top ones we could put it to a poll my favorite was wendy that one worked really well very organic i like cams thank you is this covid related by the way uh 50 gifted subs oh i think i know who that is it's a shouty benefactor yeah we love you buddy so you like the windy one did you like the cam one any other nominees jimmy lee i mean i love that one i like the joe rogan the joe rogan one i'm just thinking like what's gonna do well on tick tock the joe rogan one is hot hot hot hot hot pot and we've learned through your james charles one that nips catch the ice crush the nips crush the kermit one big nip specifically yeah that one was already posted that's a tick tock i found oh but are we feeling then are we feeling so let's do wendy williams joe rogan or uh patrick now my thing with patrick is that i'm not sure people are gonna get the meme because it's gotta include howie that's my take okay oh love you made the joe rogan one god bless you i kind of [ __ ] up i didn't know you were gonna post it on think dog so i might have already posted it on tick tock on my account how did it do you got like five thousand views it's pretty so so we'll take i'll take it from here yeah thank you so let's do a vote i think wendy joe [Music] the thing is the cam one's not gonna the camera's not gonna do i i know what you're saying yeah cause people aren't gonna get the meme reference okay it's just a little too out there i'll post it on my own yeah yes yes and i'll love it and i'll comment and i'll say what are we gonna do about this that clout phil thank you what do we do about it so it's just joe rogan and wendy is that all we got and you say you wanted three winners so we are what's the what's the poll just pick one and i'll post it okay got it yeah wendy joe any other nominees let's see the kermit i mean i see a lot of people saying kermit but he said that that was awesome that's somebody else's ass that's already been posted kissing the dad one oh garyvee yeah that's pretty funny one was pretty good too right um but i don't know if that would be good on tick tock which one probably removed crack the one because that one would yeah that one's pretty good let's no that won't give me let's we can show it to our audience now but on tick tock it would definitely get removed okay yeah can you pull up the nicocado one oh that's not what we were talking about we're talking about the one with your butt yours from that oh you think that one would do good oh for sure but it's going to get removed yeah get removed just my ass on tick tock oh yeah yeah that's doing so good dude but for hate for hate i think anything you post that is james tick tock has like a thing with you and jane yeah yeah i think if it were someone else it may not i don't think they would care if it was joe rogan yeah no and i don't think they'd care if it was wendy but yeah they they're protecting james um i'm just kind of watching the chat to see like what's popping up the most i'm seeing a lot of gary v suggestion i'm talking a decent amount of the halo one suggested oh wait we have a new submission neil bent over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it oh that's pretty funny there it is that's basically a recreation of the original okay so we got joe rogan wendy garyvee and my bare ass which i don't think we can post my bear ass yeah also i think gary vee may get pulled that one's a bit much i think that one's gonna get pulled but you know um i do want to show you the nicacada one i posted it last night and i got scared and pulled it down cause i thought i was gonna get busted do you want me to pull it up yeah pull it up it's fine okay i don't think it's that bad people are posting new ones um yeah so check this out this is one of my favs and i got scared because i thought i was probably if i left that nick one up i'd probably be permanently banned right now because it's like the double whammy okay when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it oh so i mean i think that's a total banger yeah it's just a couch it's just a couch what's so inappropriate about that you know that'd be my winner dude so include that one i'll i'll repost it if y'all think it's a banger you know what i should just post all of them on the podcast account yeah and scatter shopping on the podcast so maybe that's kind of a fun idea everything by the way here's a new howie tic toc that just dropped that's kind of weird um this let's see what we have here i'm growing my hair back people [Music] uh what the [ __ ] what is this was that meant to look like a ball i'm gonna say he went from anus to ballsack howie you're out of control dude dude he's so funny i'm growing my hair back people just stares in silence why does that look so much like a nut dude what is it is that real or is it is it just like a plant or something but it looks so weird what do we do about it what do we do about this howie does he not realize it looks like a nut oh i think he does he realizes i'm growing my hair back people the top comment is we will always remember we won't forget howie how does he keep getting away with this he's going to get cancer again no this is this one's not that bad compared to the prolapse come on now ow i think how is too innocent i don't think he realized that looked like a nut no he does kidding because he won't come talk to me about the prolapse like why is he hiding from it because he knows that it crossed the line a little bit but he's still pushing it then with the nut yeah but this is like a safe way hmm it's a nice little tufts of hair on that nut though definitely ow okay so i guess we'll just post wait you say don't post i just send something don't show it on screen ian but if you follow the what howie duet is just take you to this friendly hashtag this is whatever the hell that was bro what the [ __ ] is that dude yo what the [ __ ] is that bro what is that just like an ai thing i mean they probably made a something moving and just put it in like a rubber can i show this i can show this no what the heck i'm not sure what it is is that thing alive what's happening i think it's just a little robotic thing i'm gonna show it yeah so this is what howie posted some weird [ __ ] like this yeah that's the same hashtag what's the hashtag what is this lab banana oh god howie what doubt what weird [ __ ] are you getting into buddy oh [ __ ] well [ __ ] balls eh yeah holy [ __ ] balls that is so [ __ ] crazy okay so it's supposedly a banana made in a lab with human cells in it no no no no no no no that's for sure not yeah but people are actually like debating and [ __ ] just kids probably that's illegal you literally can't do that bro what the [ __ ] though it looks hella good i just want to know good good and what way i just i know it looks creepy it looks creepy not like i want to [ __ ] suck it off but he's on howie's explore page that he's finding all these i would eat the [ __ ] out of that but this one didn't get removed i mean it's been up for a minute so you know oh [ __ ] howie you [ __ ] up brother what are we gonna do about it all right so what we're we're not gonna let me post one and then you can post the rest love let's do a poll god damn it oh i'm was just waiting for you to finally got wendy williams joe rogan nicotto just those three yeah yeah yeah that's the nominees yeah and then the winner i'll post right now to tick tock and pray that i don't get [ __ ] permanently banned because you know about it i'm on thin ice boy let's see if i can even post i'm not even sure now in my opinion um [Music] i'm gonna do the joe joe rogan that's what i voted for oh right nick is going through [ __ ] right now so maybe now is not a good time people thought he died and [ __ ] because he like didn't post but fifty percent said nick ocado everybody loves the nicocado one it's too risky he disappeared for like two weeks and everyone thought he like died of a heart attack and he just announced his divorce is that was that real his partner confirmed the split and also confirmed that he's not dead oh [ __ ] i heard someone say that he's quitting uh mukbangs is that true olivia um i didn't see that maybe i'm not super up to date i believe i saw it uh someone was sharing it from his patreon or only fans saying that he's losing weight he's done a weight loss journey that's good that's exciting for him thank you uh fat strong so should i end this poll and do a new one without nick in there well listen the people have spoken so who am i to question uh democratic process people are saying wendy williams though even over joe so maybe it's maybe it's a a wendy williams thing man i i hope i wish nick ocado well though i hope he gets his everything back on track love to get him in here me too you know dan you ready to go through all that again try to get nick here definitely what do we do about it what do we do about it ow so i guess let's just post wendy williams then i don't know but she's also going through a hard time when he's going you know what i'm avoiding i'm not posting [ __ ] [ __ ] this yeah just post them all to the the podcast love yeah that shit's gonna get banned dude they're all gonna get taken down we're we're good standing we haven't got anything removed in a while okay there you go guys keep the beep alive but how we know we will never forget and we will never forgive either what do you guys say is it time for man vs machine yeah the long awaited tournament of champions cameron now cameron as we know is one of the most talented photoshop and quickest photoshop talents this world has ever seen yep it's often providing us incredible memes on the fly but he is facing his greatest competitor yet the dolly 2 machine this is already logged in i think right yeah now let me show you what this thing can do you guys have probably heard of dolly one you type in anything you want and it generates an image and it's pretty fast okay now um give me you think of anything ela you can be like uh anything in this style or anything just tell me anything you want any random weird [ __ ] can i reference like an existing artist yes in their style yes so like a butterfly in a takashi murakami style a butterfly and you're gonna have to spell that though takashi or uh did i spell it right i can't okay m-u-r oh all right you ready check this out it's gonna blow your mind you still spell down what mu is from [Music] you think it'll figure it out i guess we'll find out yeah so this is gonna [ __ ] in your tits bro wait let me let me try spelling his name right and see if it i'm afraid i can't do that a butterfly and takashi murakami style all right let's try that again you ready to get your tits shut on so the idea is that we're gonna think of some crazy prompt cam is gonna process it as well as dolly too and we'll see who gets closer is this doesn't i mean this one is kind of like his style in it it did not [ __ ] on my tits it didn't [ __ ] on your tits okay all right well not impressive this wasn't the best showing a good example would be like gandalf in the matrix is one of the ones okay gandalf and the matrix this one's pretty impressive [Music] okay dolly 2 is processing our request the gears are churning prepare your tits to be [ __ ] on look at this that's crazy isn't it yeah that's cool look at this [ __ ] yeah that's really cool i love when it does text gordon look at this [ __ ] gorton diff this i've heard you can get some pretty creepy stuff if you do like the one who asked just that the one you asked all right let's see that's pretty abstract request okay dolly two is um processing our request the one who asked your tits been [ __ ] on yet [Music] okay that was super underrated very creepy yeah wait i heard one i saw one that they said was creepy was just mirror mere selfie and yielded some really creepy results real quick i want to give a thank you to iodice for giving us access to this oh yeah thank you king you're selfies oh no those are totally normal well okay let me just try to blow your tits off here um a mix watch this okay just just totally random a mcdonald's [ __ ] i can't see mcdonald's on the moon in the style of van gogh did he spell his name get down like that it's a space it's two two words like that a mcdonald's on the moon in the style of van gogh okay that's pretty nuts right all right let's see [Music] this is an ai generated in about 30 seconds check this out that's crazy that's like a cool original art yeah that's really cool you know look at this that's nuts and then like that's actually cool art this one missed the mark what the hell is this one i don't know but that's pretty amazing isn't it yeah and then if i remove van gogh you can see it just ends up with a really you just completely make this one up or you saw somebody no no i just thought of it that's really cool completely made up so i'm just going to type mcdonald's on the moon now stop playing that it's driving the chat notes and it's driving me nuts too it's very loud it's very loud so here i type mcdonald's on the moon that's really cool you know what i mean yeah or you could do mcdonald's on the moon photo realistic oh okay it doesn't let you do anything vulgar okay or like graphic we try it's kind of fun to try to get around it yeah that was like a whole challenge the other day but here's a photorealistic mcdonald's on the moon yeah incredible so that also doesn't let you uh look at this any public figures or anything like that okay i was gonna ask about that yeah yeah so the thing is it pulls from a database of photos so even if you try to be like lady with big old titties or whatever it wouldn't let you but it doesn't have titties in the database so it can't really conceptualize what that is in any in any way so um let's see basically let's begin this this journey okay wish me luck guys so we need to think of something totally off the walls okay and also i'm gonna need a little more time than like sure sure no you got 30 seconds just getting screwed okay how about this a wizard or a cam's wheelhouse here a wizard give him a softball wearing a bathrobe eating a hamburger okay you really got hamburgers on your mind for dinner tonight a wizard wearing a bathroom eating a hamburger all right cam get to work i wish we did we have a shot of cam's like fingers on the keyboard like a hacking scene that would be cool [Laughter] all right get hacking buddy cam is a meme machine for those who don't know cam was sending uh memes even before he worked for the show yep instantly oh [ __ ] look at his fingers go oh my god he's working so fast now let's see what the machine generated this is a wizard huh in a bathrobe eating a hamburger interesting this one this is kind of dope he's got even got a wrapper in his hand so how does this work it's just like a free-to-use thing or what is the purpose of it so the first one was free to use yeah this second one's still in beta and i think what it's going to eventually be used for is you pay for a license and the thing is you're never gonna have to buy royalty-free [ __ ] and instead of having to photoshop anything or create assets you literally just type it in this [ __ ] it's incredible and then the other cool thing is like this one's kind of epic and then you can generate more like pick your favorite one okay which one's your favorite top right okay so now we can go uh variations and it will generate more they'll look like it's so cool fine tune it down there's a wizard and a bathrobe eating a hamburger so in this kind of way of thinking can you also like do clothing designs in it yeah i tried that you tried it but i not a lot but i think we should try that more so here is um a wizard in a bathrobe he's also this guy's got a banana this one's got french fries see they made that association because they're looking more [ __ ] up like a image yeah there you have it [Music] so i think this is our fave right all right cam the clock's running out almost all right now obviously we're giving cameron a little extra time because he has a mere human being a fupa trooper said what sucks is that the creators use a ton of art without permission but are hoping to put those artists out of work they're saying that they using in their database a shitload of images that they don't have to license and then creating a service that's going to take right that's true i don't know what to say about that but this is the future i mean it is interesting what is the permission like on this kind of uh that's a new legal issue that yeah probably hasn't been explored you know yeah all right cameron i'm gonna have to call it i'm gonna have to call it cam [ __ ] all right hold on uh i'll just drop what i got but it's not good i know i already lost this round well let's see don't be too sure a wizard in a bathrobe eating a hamburger i forgot can you be specific with names in this version like can you name a specific person like uh i don't think if they're a public character okay all right we got it i gotta say i i gotta cover my ass here this is just my warm-up round well hold on it's not good here's cameron's it's not good what do we think it's just a warm-up it's not bad should we vote or just move on let's do another vote let's this is the warm-up round this is the one yeah all right but that's not bad cam that's not bad it's not good i vote for cam thanks love all right let's get weirder let's get um another person said concept artists just need to learn to use it which could it could definitely be a great tool to like show concepts really quick well that's what cameron said he says he wants to work with the machine right yeah they spit it out and you perfect it right you know i think unfortunately or not i don't know i haven't thought that much about it but it's probably fair use to use the images in this way although it's not been legally challenged so who knows right okay new prompts let's think of something really weird there's somebody currently in labor but could not miss the show what call in call in vanessa yeah call in we're here for you vanessa okay how about this a monster made out wait a monster made out of human fingers let's see what we get oh dude i was doing some really effed up once yesterday i was like the pope with a shirtless child and it was getting weird bro it was it was good okay what do we have here okay so i gotta say cam this is not a good one i think i said a monster made out of human fingers okay nah it's not i don't see a single monster here that's [ __ ] weird though yeah that's weird as hell i guess that one's kind of yeah that one's pretty good actually should we perfect like a variation let's do that one i feel like you might come up with some uh some decent ones stick your finger by the way if you guys have any suggestions send them a discord or if you guys see any good ones in the chat let me know okay yeah i like that wow okay interesting um yeah so okay interesting cam you're up yeah the original was the best of that set oh somebody here while cam works on that let's mess around in some other prompts um let's duplicate somebody said george abe uh george washington wearing teddy fresh i wonder if it knows what teddy fresh is right we're about we did teddy fresh at one point and it did spit out like sort of like a color blocky looking really thing yeah that's crazy what happens if you do like questions prompts like how does the world end and stuff what the [ __ ] this is no that is not it okay let's try something george washington wearing supreme george washington somebody said tim poole no beanie that's funny but most uh you know people that are famous that they're alive still uh it blocks it won't do it absolutely all of it yeah it's giving you tips are waiting for the stanza doing the doogie oh yeah this this is not oh this one's kind of fire i gotta say i could easily get this though but i'm almost done with the fingers so hold on all right let me try someone abstract like love was choosing how the world ends how does the world end well i don't think i don't think you want to pose a question more like how the world ends ow you want me to say how it does well that was that was what he was asking is how does it handle questions but does it need to be like a something something like a world ending on the earth yeah i think it should be like the earth ending it's more omnious if you ask it how it ends in my opinion right how does the world end do i put in a question mark or no yeah sure let's just see what it see what it thinks we're just asking questions they all start with a basically the more descriptive the better i feel like right yes they're showing you examples a few series of cyborg posts style paintings not questions yo these ones suck bro yeah wait the bottom left what is the ominous black spiral on this guy that one um this the bottom left do ethan klein eating at a dentist i'll try to do that a fat podcaster a fat white jewish man a fat white jewish with a great hairline with a with with gray hair with gray hair and tiny hands with gray hair and tiny hands eating at a denny's let's see putting this thing to the test oh it didn't work i think jewish a fat white man with gray hair and tiny hands eating at a denny's okay by the way i put my finger guy in we got a finger guy so this is interesting a five man with gray hair and tiny hands eating at a denny's with tiny hands can you click back to uh dude this is a real denny's eater bro see i was never at denny's it was this guy he didn't look like me all right if you could go back to the original uh hand monster and i have uh so this was our pick right and you ready for cams all right let's see kim that's a clear winner right if i had more time it could be like more refined obviously and like the lighting and everything but this is just yeah you did it in like two minutes man yeah that's way better a monster made of human fingers bunger bunkers it's a fungal monster that's a cameron w right there yep wow the machine ain't there yet okay here's one from ian um abe lincoln in a hardcore punk band all right let's just give that a shot let's see what we get [Music] here we go should i play oh should i do this one uh yeah this is the one yeah this is the challenge is it oh [ __ ] let's see oh that's kind of sick that's kind of cool lincoln abba let's go lynn's labs that's fire really good that's fire this stuff is a really good way to generate a concept and then you like pick your favorite and then you actually go spend right so which is your guys's favorite this one or i think that first one's pretty good maybe that bottom middle one is really good yeah so maybe let's do some variations on this i like that without telling it directly it it did it in the style of like yeah that's cool punk uh show flyer wait is that love what did you just send because that one has my it looks like me is that the old version all right so let's see abe lincoln and a punk band that one why that didn't really look like abe anymore does it unfortunately i think the top one is still the best all right let's show you you had an interesting idea to generate design ideas so all right what would you type in here like um can you do like um color block hoodie 90s style just curious i don't know okay let's see let's go oh i should type in hawaiian shirt and see what comes up that'll be the real [Laughter] true so many shots said that they use it for game design that's crazy that's interesting so there you go i mean not they're not really that great but no but incentives yeah um how about this a mario mario wearing mario wearing a hawaiian shirt he's so cool and luigi and bondage [Music] he's so cool let's see what these two goons look like oh bondage and luigi shirtless with no shirt all right cameron has submitted his um his response okay he's done already yeah he's done that was fast i didn't want to interrupt sorry so let's pull that up after this yeah okay okay dude but do you see what i'm saying guys this is the hawaiian vibes the machine knows it you know it we all know it i don't know a lot of those don't really have like floral patterns on them yeah what the [ __ ] is this floral what's this is floral it's a very like abstract way of floral i don't know floral floral come on we all know it polka dot on luigi all right so can't so pull up cams let's see whoa that's [ __ ] sick dude i mean obviously cams is better there's a triumph they're different it is not way better dolly mini sucks it's only better for using like celebrities that are still alive yeah that one isn't as restrictive but it's like nightmare fuel when you what it spits out right well cam that's another job for cam oh thank you i honestly think the computer took that round all right let's really challenge cameron here with one of these ones that it would be really good at like that let's see somebody said a comedian on the street uh with security guards asking for audio a comedian on the street comedian on the street with [Music] security guards and video crew crew but his audio doesn't work well that's a lot an old man slicing a beach ball at a dodgers game oh that's a good one we gotta that's great we gotta do that one next i'm just reading suggestions here keep the suggestions coming guys wow yo that is pretty weird and creepy wow these are wild dude they're so wild okay okay okay [Laughter] oh how about this so a man chokes on steak at sizzler oh yeah chokes on steak be more specific say a young a young man with blonde highlights you know i mean let's let's see if we can get it to spit out an a b big eyes a young man with blonde highlights big big old eyes okay so i have a young man with blonde highlights and big eyes chokes on steak at sizzler and then we'll do the dad's one next i want to see what that is so what says a woman crying on her kitchen floor are we allowed to do that ela no [Music] these are pretty wild man these are i don't know about choking not it no these are bad oh my god no okay so an old man an old man stat stabbing probably won't work eh right an old man slicing slicing a beach ball with a pocket knife at a dodger game there it is and in the role of a lifetime gary gary allman playing a little person yeah remember gary gary here it is to take a look does it look familiar not at all [Music] you said the way that you look at the face i mean what yeah what's in god's name okay that one's this one's that one's pretty good that means apple onion that's a woman cutting a cantaloupe or something [ __ ] yo the machine is kind of letting us down today a little bit countless tree man with a bowl cut at an empty stadium definitely not not [ __ ] on anyone's tits no no tits are being [ __ ] on i'm afraid i can't do that maybe you could try more mystical things like unicorn on the moon and stuff like that i know that's up yeah um a few people are saying we need update on vanessa who's in labor oh yeah did vanessa contact anyone we need to get the can we get a video in there vanessa unicorn on the moon shooting lasers from his horn that should be a slam dunk slam dunk no yeah do you want cam to do this one wait what unicorn on the moon shooting lasers from its horn that didn't i guess shoot word all right you want to do this one kim you could just say with lasers coming out of its horn wait sorry say it again i was i'm almost done with the uh this is how slowly i'm almost done with the comedian one but okay what was this what was the problem go ahead with that one yeah don't don't let us distract you all right we've got unicorn on the moon with lasers coming from his horn now i'm trying to [ __ ] on mila's tits here oh now that's fire okay that's insane i just put the medium one in there not insane but it's pretty good not insane that's right on the money right there that's literally what i asked for all right here is uh cam's interpretation of the comedian with security on the street uh jamie can i check the audio that's pretty good that's awesome that's a dub yeah thanksgiving dinner but instead of turkey that's probably not a good way to phrase it thanksgiving dinner with um oh thanksgiving dinner but the but the turkeys are eating humans okay somebody suggested try a random date in the future could we do something like that okay let's try that thanksgiving dinner but the turkeys are eating humans nasty didn't get that the meaning of life i've got to try this again turkeys eating thanks to eating humans at thanks giving dinner let's try that turkey's eating human fingernails turkeys eating humans at thanksgiving dinner dropped a uh grumpy fat man on mobility scooter with small hands driving into drywall see this one totally totally missed the moment oh [ __ ] that's gnarly i'm almost done no dude what oh oh my god yo what the going for it girl what's happening [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's crazy i was all sweaty too that's kind of sick yeah it's interesting try um batman on a mobility scooter and fat all right see i don't think i'm phrasing it right it'd be like hold on it should be like fat batman on mobility yeah right i can't even do it you know i mean batman on a mobile he's writing on the back see that that's that's in craig that's batman on a mobility scooter dude yeah that's pretty well joker church fat batman on a mobility the joker church so here's the camera joker at thanksgiving dinner eating humans that's pretty wild it's closer than it got yeah that's great yeah that's really cool actually there it is cameron wins again guy has no chance all right here's look at this dude that's that is insane i love you profile photo alert yeah holy [ __ ] to disability mobility [Laughter] [Music] dude these are all good yeah look at this sheila wow so there you go you know that one hit pretty hard yeah um how about joker joker joker brain up a building in the style of pixar okay maybe blowing up a building won't work let's see yeah joker destroying ability let's try that all right joker destroying a building in the style of pixar huh is this pixar so and it's interesting this is interesting that's not really pixar though is it it's more like what you [ __ ] deserve sorry it kind of looks like the opening animations of incredibles that's the only thing i could okay interesting um all right say say what say what uh uh ian he said 3d animated style joker specific what if you do joke her brain choke her brain okay sure let's see what we got you know we believe in society we live in the society i see this prompt says digital art or you could do like photorealistic digital art and vaporwave yeah joker brain oh this is interesting that's [ __ ] sick dude yeah they're kind of thick well that's dope jorker yeah yorker brain wait go back to the it's the one before kind of looks like leto a little bit okay yo that's this one's dope okay well there you go you know joker brain and vaporwave white man eating pesto sauce i'm looking at the chat you guys have some good ones here pesto feces you know wow these are these are really good joker brain vaporwave charker joke jerker joke jerker joker church joker church i wonder if it'll do feces let's say guys give me let me look in the chat give me give me a good one [Music] um i've got a wife who went for pizza without him let's try pesto feces what we would be doing without men no yeah still want you to do a date in the future okay so let's say uh june 25th that's my birthday and uh 2 100. just a date that's it they set a date in the future i'm afraid i can't i'm just going to give like a calendar or something dan you're on you might be underestimating the mystic power do you think it's gonna predict the future here it's a beautiful day it's a gorgeous day so much to look forward to can't wait that kind of [Music] city post-apocalyptic in the background are we a little bit full day it's a beautiful day yeah it's just sunset what about you putting lonely men pooping in a walmart lone okay lonely yeah lonely man i don't know if pooping's gonna work squatting ruining his pants right let's try squad i'm [ __ ] myself man squatting in a walmart maybe i'm gonna pee in my trash can down here i don't know all right let's see oh this is wow wow okay i feel bad for him i don't see squatting so much as sitting i'm already taking my pants off all right uh let's try a couple a couple more here muddy pants muddy pants where's the best place people want muddy pants oh brawless wife uh a braless wife bringing bringing a gamer uh with blue hair a sandwich [Music] bringing a gamer with okay sandwich oh yeah this is really good oh did i write bradley it's hard oh yeah i did that poor woman has no brad so hold on i gotta i'm gonna have to redo this oh so we're gonna do a braless so the thing is braless isn't really a word a word a wife with okay a wife with no bra i can't even keep up i'm just admiring the machine yeah i think you won cam i think yeah i mean yours were clear winners clear winner a wife with no bra bringing a gamer with blue hair sample and add photo oh you already hit enter it's going to say add photo realistic at the end let's see the no bro if you want to do vulgar stuff we might want to try the dali meanie a wife i'll just do a wife bringing in a gamer with blue hair sandwich because it's not going to show some titties knock it over my wife you guys see any good suggestions in there crazy man stop taking his benzos let's see what we got here that's a man bringing a wife a sandwich that's all [Music] backwards this thing is super confused okay that one he's like that yeah that one actually that one is actually pretty good what did you which one did you say eli um it's a a crazy man who stopped taking his benzos a crazy man who stopped taking you want me to say benzos or medicine i did not maybe medicine so i'm taking his medicine so this is jordan peterson a fact clearly uh but but somebody suggested a garden gnome with a bandana wearing a shirt while in a swimming pool teenage girl that i like a really good suggestion yeah that i like here this is jordan peterson i did not [ __ ] my door i did not [ __ ] my dog okay a a a garden gnome a garden gnome with a bandana with a bandana on his head on his head wearing a shirt a shirt while in a pool in a swimming pool with a teenage girl that's a lot that's a lot i honestly think it does better when it has more to work with roll it like rolling gnome with a banana on his head wearing a shirt in the pool with a teenage girl the thing i think it's good when you describe one thing but this is a very oh [ __ ] it nailed it [Laughter] holy [ __ ] you guys oh my god enhance yourself shame on him for this that one's oh god guys oh shame on you dude [Laughter] oh my god shame on you man they're faces this one's the best right yeah let's get some variations going what a dis what a creep what a freaking creep [Laughter] yeah we need to describe more real-life stuff here let's see oh god this one's bad what it's getting crazier he's turned into a smurf you don't like that one olivia i mean i just wasn't expecting jazz well i wasn't expecting a creature one is great i think i think he'll really appreciate this brad the bull runs away with millionaire's wife brad the bull runs away with million millionaires brad the bull [Music] disgraced movie producer eat ethan let's see oh that's a good one that ela suggested or do you see that from the chat chat cowboy with a tiny hat you know it smells pretty fun oh that could be brad that's kind of good drive angry the truth is it's like jacked israeli dude right here let's try that one let's say muscular musculature [Music] did i spell it wrong with the top oh [ __ ] i can't see it so far away muscular israeli man runs away with millionaire's wife i've seen people add 4k photo to the end of theirs too to get like yeah if you specify like photo or something photorealistic it tends to spit out something a little better the thing is we can't put oh these are horrible what what so weird so weird all right couple more what do we got anything else we got good papa john's day of reckoning okay i like that papa john's papa john's day of reckoning will come this should be interesting [Music] oh that's a good one elo stay tuned stay tuned the day of reckoning will come all right let's take a look john jaisa little prolambo this is just a personalized note from papa i think in whatever language that is it's a threat papanis janina papes jah [Music] that's kind of dope yeah i could see that as like a poster that a resistance movement is posting on the side of papa john's stores all over the country wow i gotta say i'm not as impressed as i thought i would be from this i gotta say oh disneyland meets coachella [Laughter] let's try that see what that looks like can you send that one that you suggest oh you did okay the other one i want to try is man drinking at eight a.m while admiring natalie portman pictures i think it's going to block natalie portman disneyland meets coachella three fingers why why do they have three fingers see this is where i would come in the air if you're about it [Music] it's funny that they interpret coachella as just a handsome stupid influencer that's awesome that's so funny um how about this an empty fair in the desert [Music] fat donut okay an empty fair in the desert [Music] that's a good one eb chat here did this did that's exactly what ace fest looked like in the beginning of the day yep what is this is that porta potties it looks like horse racing that's awesome yo that's good exactly right there love that pretty good all right so here we'll do a couple more man drinking at 8 a.m while admiring yeah natalie portman's not going to work a picture of a young young actress oh [ __ ] child actress yeah a child actress inappropriate relationship why don't we just say or what was admiring a young child a young girl what was the character's name in the movie that he was talking about the professional natalie portman's character name uh mathilda mathilda from the professional i'm doing man drinking at 8 am while admiring a picture of a young girl too much wine sorry [Music] yeah this one's for you cap cap [Music] thank you you're welcome buddy thank you anything for you wow that that just missed the mark all right this is the last one donkey kong storming normandy beaches during d-day [Music] is there any style you want this in uh photo realistic okay photo realistic realistic okay well there you have it not that good someone said just write sound bites that like that we use a lot might be fun something is about about donkey okay this is interesting well it's a photorealistic [Music] [Laughter] is it safe to say you got to keep my job though the robot's not taking my job yeah not yet not yet so um sandal wearing man eaten by angry redhead the hell does that mean man with a pointy beard riding a roller coaster with an outrageously large hat all right any other last ones before i move on this robot okay here's one last night sucks a man using a drain in the basement because wife left for pizza dude there's no way this can be coherent let's try it though hahahaha i'm [ __ ] my basement that's a good one okay we're gonna end with cameron shaking hands with the robot okay there we go the quartering whoa whoa oh my god okay oh my god oh my god all right we're calling it truce now a robot taking camera's job no [Music] what the [ __ ] that original one's crazy dude sorry cam but i got campbell yeah this robot sucks bro i'm tired of this [ __ ] cameron is doing a fantastic job i think he's a star the pope [ __ ] in a small shirtless child nah you don't think so yeah but that's real embarrassing we're gonna say no people say no to that one okay how about this o.j simpson oh see because that's the real person yeah that won't work all right give to the [ __ ] this website bro good job cam you won dude i gotta say if i work thank you guys thank you if i work with the machine i'll be an unstoppable force man i want to work against it it can help me and i can help it and we'll together we'll make the best images ever i'm afraid i can't do that disappointing showing by the robot the thing is the old robot you can type anything to like for example love typed man pooping at walmart and you get some really interesting potential here i wrote man peeing in basement on that last one and it's like super weird that's nothing yeah is it safe for work this is the quartering when he needs to pee look how creepy that is like why is this dude in a wheelchair or is he on the phone okay whatever i'm i'm out this robot is [ __ ] bro housewife's time how's my time [ __ ] that took a lot out of me [Laughter] all right you want to talk about housewives you go ahead hilah refresh yourself yeah take the lead um well i didn't know that i was taking the lead on anything okay um do i need to open up the document so jennifer shaw jen shaw yeah i've got it right here okay i just don't have it open jen shaw from the housewives of salt lake city which is our favorite one yeah um she has pleaded guilty and we've talked about it before she was like arrested on the show while recording the show she was what she was so they were about to go on a girl's ship and the fbi storms the van and goes where's jen shaw also it was super crazy because she all of a sudden gets a call and then she tells the other lady next to her can you take off my mic and then she goes outside to talk on the phone then she comes back and she's like my husband is in the hospital i have to go and totally made up this whole crazy thing about how he's in the hospital in a bad condition and she has to go check on him she got a tip and john yeah the police then she drives away and then they arrested her they found like i think she was driving somewhere home or something like that and they arrested her and that was all during recording the show it was crazy so there was a whole season went down and she's like this is [ __ ] i'm innocent i know what the [ __ ] you're talking about she was charged for wiring wire fraud and money laundering i'm telling you the show is so insane and like what's crazy is there was like an arc of like when it first happened everybody kind of felt like oh yeah it was always suspicious how she had so much money and like so everybody was kind of like immediately believing it and not sure how to be friends with her and then um it goes on to the next season and she's back on the show and then everybody is back to being friends with her and she goes on like oh i'm the victim and i'm totally innocent i would never do something this i would never hurt victims and like i cried you guys know me how dare you question me you know i would never she had to downsize her house and she was complaining about how she had to pay her lawyers mailing to dollar should offend her she brings up race too a lot like she's um she's not she's not black her husband is black and she's asian right she looks like half a it's hard to tell what she is because she has so much plastic surgery but it kind of feels like she tries to play a little bit of a race card she keeps calling herself a color person of color she's tongan and hawaii yeah so but let me show you a picture of her but yeah i thought it was interesting she goes you only say that because i'm a person of color yeah and i'm like well i mean this is what she looks like i don't know if i i'm not the person of the poc police but like her race is plastic surgery when you get this muscle extra surgery everyone starts looking the same and i mean not to take anything away from her experience as that it's just that it was weird how she kept bringing it up the whole season because it's kind of like well you're being accused of like frauding people and scamming people it's something that she did do and you did do yeah so but the whole time she was like crying and she's like how dare you question me you know me i would never do that so she just now pleaded guilty oh and this is a crazy detail she had her mom somebody in the chat reminds us of it she had her mom liquidate her retirement for her defense because she had to give the lawyer like a million dollars took money from her mom yes retirement money that's like literally what she robbed old people about exactly but well so here's the detail she had her mom liquidate her retirement for her but she was sentenced to so she took a plea deal she got 14 years in prison and she has to pay victims back 9.5 million dollars and she had to forfeit 6.5 million dollars so she has money that she needs to give back and she had her mom liquidate she loves ripping off old people what she was doing she says in her statement i take full responsibility for my actions i knew this was wrong i knew many people were harmed and i'm so sorry [ __ ] spent a whole [ __ ] season crying about how she would never do this she and that she told the judge she would not even appeal if she was sentenced to 168 months or less that's over 10 years yeah that just tells you they have so much evidence on her that she has to try to get a deal with them her lawyer was like dude you're [ __ ] and she's still on the show right now so the last season ended with her just being like i'm totally innocent and and i think it was before like any trial happened or so it was just kind of like she's free and walking around and we don't know what's gonna happen so now this happened in between seasons but i think the next season right now i think that i read that the next season is they finished filming right before this happens yes it's gonna be so [ __ ] wonderful i wish that they didn't stop next season they're gonna get like uh visits they're gonna be oh my god the call gentiles in jail it's probably gonna come out after like the i think right now we have the beverly hills running so it's probably gonna come out after that because i think they kind of like stacked them dude every show sucks compared to salt lake yes but so her crime was like super evil bro she was generating leads of mostly elderly people and working with people who were calling them and running scams on the old people and essentially stealing their money she stole tens of millions of people from old people their retirement fund and then she stole money from her own mom's retirement fund when she knew her ass was guilty let's [ __ ] go again shaw and she said one more time and she was like more for the road baby so she would flaunt her wealth like beyond all the other people on the show so it's crazy to see her now and all these like gucci track suits every day and it's like this you're paying for it with old people's money that you stole from them that they don't have now it's crazy these women are also trashy one of the other people who's on housewives she's this lady who has like a cult like a cult like literally a mormon christian cult like it's [ __ ] creepy bro and um and then also obviously erica jane her husband went to jail for stealing money from from his clients dude these women are [ __ ] trashy but the funniest part is like what ela touched on is when she got arrested all the girls are like she's super rich and we have no idea what she does yeah she makes her money yeah but then they very quickly let it go and they're like well she's in a sense so innocent until proven guilty kind of thing oh my god it's so good i don't know how they're gonna react to this now because they've all been like back to being best friends with her they'll just blame her they'll say uh we didn't no we trusted her yeah do you think they'll film the trial i don't think it's going to be much of a trial to be honest it's just synthetic right she already pleaded guilty so there you have it um [ __ ] awesome so there you go is that everything you wanted to get out well i'm i'm dying for this next season to start of salt lake city yeah in the meantime we're watching the current season of beverly hills housewives it's really i'm so over them because they like they just feel like they think they're better than the show at this point and so they're just all kind of being super fake boring but we're definitely tim sutton for anybody that's watching so obviously your israeli ela and you know how hard it's been to mend the divide uh in that part of the land okay the sunni and shia muslims for example abi you know something about this right yeah so what is going on with the sunni and shia because jordan peterson has put out a video he is actually has a solution for this like millennial old violent divide yeah honestly i wouldn't even know where to begin it's one of the oldest uh conflicts in history right on sunday muslims um personally i don't even like to claim what sect i am because i don't believe in the division but uh oddly enough after hearing jordan peterson i think he may have solved it yes so it's the sunnis the sunnis are the ones that are right the sunnis are right no i was i'm kidding i'm going to say i'm shia bro yeah but no jordan peterson he's actually delving into um political science and uh diplomacy so this is great the guy's a great thinker one of the most brilliant minds here at ticolison muslims reach across the sectarian divide shiites find a sunni pen pal communicate with someone on the other side sunnis do the same and then maybe reach out tentatively to a christian or even heaven forbid a jew because perhaps it is time yo zach you gotta grab that sound bite heaven forbid a jew jews jews so there it is get a pen pal folks do you know do you i mean yeah i found the sunni guy in tik tok we're talking about obi-wan right now it's actually yeah it's working specifically make sure that that you get a jewish pen pal as well god forbid yeah what means my jewish pen pal he's so inside his brain is rotting it feels like i'm listening to a rotting brain like over week by week what i hear it gets dumber and dumber and worse and worse my favorite is just how he he delivers it with such conviction yeah he's like if you all just listen to me muslims muslims reach across listen up play this from every moss speaker across the land right listen up muslims get yourself a sunni pen pal god forbid a jew write each other and listen up bucko that's the sectarian divide shiites find a sunni pen pal oh communicate with someone on the other side sunnis do the same and then this is your homework for the week it back to me love that he was hard to follow but at the end of the video he sort of suggested uh someone creating a platform to make that possible and he will endorse it wow he is such a [ __ ] over inflated stuff a platform that's what it seemed like to me it's hard for me to follow up with like a social media player i don't know he didn't say platform i forget i need to post i haven't posted in two weeks i will promote die in here if i promote it everyone will [ __ ] use it jordan peterson [Laughter] andrew tate as you guys know cobra the human trafficker as we like to call him is making his rounds on the internet in a big way he was on hayden ross he was on uh xqc and he's been exposed to millions millions do they all know about him and what or they just ignore all that stuff dude i don't think these people care they're just like oh this is a hot guest right yeah but i think they don't really know but how can they not know if they're you have to do some preparation for a guest interview if you type andrew tate like and try to look up anything about him the first thing you're going to see is a video of him beating the [ __ ] out of a woman and being arrested very recently for human trafficking and kidnapping okay this is this is who we're dealing with if i could just uh talk about the dave pornoy situation uh he explains early in the podcast that josh was the one who really wanted to bring on uh cobra tate just to get that out josh a little piece of [ __ ] so dave is still in the running for besties is that what you're saying i'm just trying to keep david okay josh is what 17. probably like 20. he is 20. yeah but anyway apparently i think dave at least challenged him a bit but in my opinion it's like you know and people say that about xqc he challenged him but it's like his argument is so bad faith and so nonsense it's like challenging it's like having an argument with a nazi about why they shouldn't exterminate all jews right engaging in the conversation is valid it's giving validity to it even if you're disagreeing because it's it's so insane that it shouldn't be even engaged with seriously because the net positive for all this for cobra tate is just going to be that he gets more fans even if 90 of people thinks he's crazy yeah i would say xqc was pushing back more than the others i mean i agree with you that they shouldn't platform at all but the xqc he has like literally young men this is his target demo if 10 of his audience were like this guy's dope that's a net loss for humanity some people just are not [ __ ] worth talking to genuinely you know what what do you say to a nazi how do you convince a nazi not to kill jews you'll be like now do you realize that uh you're killing people and that's bad it's like okay and even more specifically the jews yeah anyway here's a little clip from dave pogue pork boy like you say a lot of stuff about women like that they're your property that's not what i said i was talking about only fans company when that was question was asked but i said that if a woman is going out with a man she belongs to that man that's his woman so she wants to do only fan she owes him some money because she's his yes you think well that's crazy you think it's crazy so you think that a man going out with a girl that that's just your property there can't be an equal relationship that one was nuts that one was nice it goes crazy no that that one you can if i understood what you said that if a guy and a girl is dating and a girl does only fans she owes him a cut no 100 100 he is his girl but what does that have doing because she's his yeah so that's why so that is you saying that women are your property this is this is the part where it is nazis he's not the kid yeah he it's not a sane thing he's saying yeah and you're not gonna talk reason to him you're trying to convince him of something that's that's utterly nuts on its face you know what i mean yeah it's not it's like you're putting this guy he's entertaining and he's funny and he's crazy but he's serious and that's what's so [ __ ] up dude he's he's serious about what he's saying so like yeah it's entertaining because he's so nuts but it's actually just really [ __ ] up to even platform this guy at all it's definitely a net l for the world i'd actually like to see what xqc challenged him on i don't think we ever watched that did we love he he shall share everything he said pretty much uh like the typical alpha stuff i mean i guess his uh top clips would be hey if you can find some that'd be cool i'm gonna keep watching this clip and let me know if you find anything interesting about that it's not about being property it's about the fact that she belongs to him and the intimate parts of her body belong to him because they're in a relationship parts of her body so so it's reverse uh male porn star owes the woman i don't know because i think the women belong to the man i think the woman's that's inherently where you get called sexist no it's not well you can you can call me sexist if you want but if you look at marriage it's the bride's father who gives her away it's not the groom's father no tradition i gotta i gotta get this man yeah no but i gotta guess as somebody who's multicultural and everything that that certainly is a tradition that does not apply everywhere the woman has always given over to the man read read the bible read the quran you can go to the walking dead no chance there's definitely there's like african cultures where they don't do that i'm sure there are some obscure tribes somewhere i mean i can't say i'm a professional you you get it you seem like you've got a smart guy you seem like a smart guy you're saying uh a woman is the property of a man about it what's i don't think you're a chauvinist i just want to be clear right but um so he goes yeah no i'm not a chauvinist but anyway like i'm down for women empowerment they can do only fans they just have to give me the money because that's women are he has a [ __ ] sweatshop of human trafficked women he forces into webcam slavery like yeah he keeps like denying this stuff but then he's like i'm not saying that they're property i'm just saying that i own them and i have a financial stake in them yeah that's property yeah you're describing property also if you consider what we talked about on wednesday he used to have on his pickup site an anecdote about how he's right here yeah i've been running a webcam studio for nearly a decade i've had over 75 girls work for me and my business model is different than 99 of webcam owners over 50 percent of my employees were actually my girlfriend at the time right and all of my girlfriends none of them were in the adult industry before they met me right so this is something he's proud of go down what my job was to make women fall in love with me literally that was my job my job was to meet a girl go on a few dates sleep with her test if she's quality get her to fall in love with me to what where she do anything i say and then get her on a webcam so we become rich together whether you agree or disagree with what i did with their loyalty submission and love for me doesn't matter you cannot reject the reject the results and the results are simple my girls my girlfriends would do more for me than 99.9 of men's wives would do for them cool pictures of like their tattooing his name on that yeah but you know and then you take him how do you have this as an admission he you'll notice this is on the way back yeah because he has removed all of this because he is basically just admitting to no because but it was still up not that far not that long like a month or two this is from last summer but i i think it was up until like the end of the year yeah because he's getting so much mainstream exposure he realized that he stands to make a lot more money if he's not admitting openly to human trafficking people which is what he does that's how he got rich right and he's admitted even though he constantly says he doesn't care about being canceled and he's above all of that and he's outside of the matrix or whatever but meanwhile he's scrubbing all of this from the internet yeah i mean he he seriously like should be in prison probably he absolutely should be in prison and he just got raided i think and he's he lives in romania because it's corrupt as [ __ ] he literally said i moved here because the rape laws are last yeah and you know he probably pays people off and they don't [ __ ] with him but the american embassy literally was like yo someone there has been sex trafficked and kidnapped you need to go rescue them and the police went in and rescued them and then let the guys go telling you there's a point in this podcast where he says he makes enough money to be above the law where he lives yeah exactly that's what it is you know yep so like it's not cute or funny or interesting or cool this guy's a [ __ ] main like a dangerous criminal um that is actively harming people and a whole and any man who listens and and believes anything he says is [ __ ] for life i mean let's be honest belong to the man it doesn't mean they're a pure property without emotion that means they're believing they're given to the man they take the man's name it's the guy's parts you're like if she's on only fans the guy owns those parts so he gets a cut well those parts are intimate right that's the whole point of her being his yeah but you didn't do reverse when i said if a uh gay if a male porn star does it he doesn't owe the girl a cut correct because she because he doesn't belong to her she still belongs to him correct so that's the sexist part and you've also said that that you could you also said that you could have multiple partners but a female that was with you couldn't also have multiple partners well a woman could say that same thing if she decided she could say i can sleep with multiple men but my men can't sleep with multiple women if she's so choose we're all free individuals right yeah but you don't you wouldn't agree if a woman said that i don't think i i would personally find that revolting correct but there are women who find what i say revolting so you're not telling other people what to think you're just saying how you think yeah i mean if i i think that i mean i can't back him up dave except he literally sells like that that's his whole business is selling a you know tate university or whatever the [ __ ] yeah telling people how they should think let's see if they linked it as part of his uh are they plug them in the description yeah there's a user who's just gifted subs and his name or her name is no he didn't tate is my property oh you just got owned [ __ ] that's uh that's our saudi prince oh that's our saudi prince she's gifted 50 subs tate is my property i was telling you about you our saudi prince about how he's always going nuts every time how do you know or what he's not a saudi prince this is a joke okay but he's donated like hundreds maybe a thousand subs i don't know at this point probably getting close to a thousand yeah maybe five hundred i don't know i've made it in person every time yeah i've actually made contact with this person now okay yeah we got we learned a little bit about him i'll say one thing that we learned that's interesting in other countries the memberships are much cheaper um i see that's part of that's part of it that said they're still spending a substantial amount of money supporting the show and we super duper appreciate that but is that like a money hack if he buys the free money hack that's right right factory buys 50 subs and they go to americans yeah i don't know how does that work i don't know how youtube treats it uh yeah that's a good question someone said their dog struggles with a prolapse looked like a donut oh no shout out kaylee webb would tuck that back in there girl what do we do about it there's nothing having to do about it does anybody know how does a poor doggie get a pro left yeah tuck that back right in there bye give a man is uh sexual is not sexually exclusive it's not the same as a woman is because with a woman you have the paternity issue with a man you don't have a paternity issue if i have three girlfriends and they all get pregnant we know who the mother and who the father is if you have one woman and three men you don't know who even the parents are if she got pregnant so it's a whole big issue right science can still be trying to fix it definitely dna tests are pretty accessible nowadays of course yeah that's exactly it so i said science can step in and fix it but that doesn't mean it's not haram and against the will of god look read them now he's concerned about haram does that check out but anyway he's a [ __ ] lunatic and i wish people would stop having him on the goddamn show he followed him peterson right and let's not forget that cobra the human trafficker was dating jordan peterson's daughter their friends was crazy she said nice things about him she said he's a good guy he's a good guy how [ __ ] nuts is that bro holy god i heard her describing her time i wasn't sure who he was at the time when i was listening to that old podcast and she made it sound like you know he was aladdin taking her on a magic carpet ride i had no idea who he was so it's funny to now in retrospect know who he is yep a whole new world let me show you my webcams here's your changed only or your chain don't leave the room show them your titties give the money to me a whole new world with me i can hide you from the world oh take you away from your parents from your parents the fbi is looking for you don't tell the embassy that you have been human trafficked by me unbelievable crimes uh love and uh ab uh linked some of these xqc clips yeah if you're interested in any of these yeah here's xqc had him on the day before and had and every time this guy on he pulls crazy numbers like hundreds of thousands of people watching live on twitch they didn't hit 100k this time though okay that aiden ross would have like 230 000 i didn't under even understand like what the [ __ ] was going on but he'll see xqc makes an argument against gender jokes from destiny wait that doesn't say i don't understand everything that said there's one here that says xqc made tate leave the discord call that i'm kind of curious he made he made him rage quit at one point oh wait he's not even in this clip is that is that i i've thought after destiny about this and he had a very good point about this okay i'll tell you why this [ __ ] works like that okay i've speak about this before and i said it once i'll say it again okay the pro the problem with these things okay is it is is that is that uh when you have we have uh people that are that are literally anti-woman or anti-whatever race right aidan ross not even listening bro he just took a bug out and wiped it on his desk he's constantly like he's always yeah i've watched a few different clips and he's he has his finger in his nose for like three out of he why the [ __ ] do people watch him like dude had 230 000 people watching when he talked to cobra tate look at this when you have you know what he's doing he's saving it to eat it later got a collection going whatever right and you make certain statements right that you know somehow or intricate and funny in a way then you have to explain right and you think that you're saying oh dude woman can't drive huh chad says it people say but you know for a fact a decent portion of people out there are like yeah [ __ ] the cage by [ __ ] women but he's still hosting him so i think he's still putting entertaining people trying to do a good show and pull numbers over because he just acknowledged there's going to be a certain amount of people that it resonates with no matter who's talking to him where's the one where let's see excuse me second to last second to last one fails that's my personal experience you can't give a chat holy oh wait no no the next you just gotta link me because it's impossible to tell one from the other yeah fails that's my personal experience you can't come along and tell me that's not true so and i don't know the next time we have a problem with science or some [ __ ] or physics why why go to the internet or talk some experts let's go with ask kate's experience on it and we'll have the answer to it right you [ __ ] sorry sorry no answers now i just got i got unhinged i didn't understand the context at all yeah but um if you guys want me to watch one just the last one in the discord if you just open that right there okay okay let me know but to sit here and talk to a man who thinks he can send his chick downstairs to [ __ ] engaged bar men i know i'm wasting my hair okay okay argument was a bad argument i thought it was the bear argument i agree with the bear comes out train wrecks there you see the whole gang is here yeah that's okay these are all the gamblers what love uh maybe i have a little bit different opinion than you but i think xqc and train wrecks have like a very very young fan bases and them coming out and really arguing and going against this i think has an in my opinion a net positive because i think andrew tate is so big already if you just look at tick-tock his tick tock's blowing up all the time like has multiple millions of views i think it's good to have voices talking against him uh at in any context i i see what you're saying i'm kind of torn because i've heard i've seen xqc have really good takes about sexism and stuff like that but you can talk about him without having him on the show so i don't know but i think we're just too far gone and tate is here and he's like massive and at this point anyone who goes against him that has young fan bases is positive uh but i also understand you're i mean it's better it's much better for xqc the way he's talking to him than like adam ross who's just like oh absolutely platform just being like yeah go ahead do your thing buddy but challenging them yeah and arguing with them and telling them about it you see on train wrecks after the stream also like spent a couple minutes reflecting and really like speaking super good facts like the second to last clip uh just above the one that you clicked uh before can you reset it because that one didn't make it i clicked it it was like five seconds yeah again and you save the chick she runs but in the house argument it was just a bad argument no but dude xqc disagree with that you're agreeing but he didn't agree with that yeah the bear argument is right but the house argument was wrong the bear argued that i don't know none of these clips make any sense i need a little curating here i can like there's no context at all to any of these you know i found out that uh tate doesn't even have a tick tock today all those tick tocks you see are just people uh making fake pages for him no he does and he lies about or he lies about it but yeah they're definitely him just like he doesn't have a twitter he has a twitter oh yeah it's very clearly him on portnoy's podcast he said instagram and twitter but because he's banned on twitter he gets banned off of these platforms and then you know he does the keemstar move where it's it's somebody else yeah or he pays someone i love just link it dude yes i click these i click these and it's always a different one it's the last one i linked all right so this is about greek's behavior i agree with you i think there's a lot of deliberate stuff and honestly i'm gonna what does this have to do with anything greek god x what what's the context well i was i was talking about how they reflected afterwards they were talking and i thought they brought up a good point here down i agree with you i think there's a lot of deliberate stuff and honestly i'm at a point right now where watching greek i would actually use greek as an example i i actually i started this i started today on aidan's uh podcast or whatever that was i started thinking greek's trolling that's how i've always been but i'm beginning to realize he may not be and the the irresponsible factor that we're referring to right now as a result i think is greek hey i mean he's maximizing that i mean he's maxing it out he's busting and we're talking about greek god it's a different it's a different thing but yeah greek god x is a [ __ ] we talked about him briefly okay anyway it's kind of hard to follow all these links so i'm just gonna move on but uh that's my opinion on uh cobra tate i didn't really see any good clips of xqc challenging him i don't think there really were any yeah and that's why we i mean i made the call to not even include this [ __ ] because it it's just kind of chaotic nightmare like everything that he does that's true yeah so here's the one xqc may take leave the discord call let's see we watch that we watch this we already watched that one let's just move on oh we did this conversation is not going away okay there you go thank you did you guys know that 50 cent is linking up with cab cab [Music] for a new why is kavkav still trying to make movies bro it's done you're done it's not happening bro stop trying to live relive the best drive angry 50 cent is uh making a horror film with ryan cavanaugh and bryce hall will be starring in it no [ __ ] shot yeah oh oh really yeah what there was an interesting theory floating around the office i don't know if someone wants to claim it but someone thought maybe the movie is going to be a big goof on you oh well i just i didn't think that the entire it was me and i didn't think it was going to be all about you but because ryan's in it and it's about if you read the description of that ryan's in it or i'm sorry he's producing it yeah the description of the movie is like the dark side of social media influencer world blah blah blah oh yeah there's gonna be an ethan character yeah that's for sure yeah well that's awesome then i'm excited to watch it but i think i'm the only one i'm excited dude what the [ __ ] bryce hall and ryan kavanagh this is awesome oh my god thank you this film is bursting with mavericks of energy entertainment [Laughter] what mavericks this is a quote of kavanaugh many of them spanning multiple genres and platforms said kavanaugh from a global rap and hip-hop music icon to a businessman actor writer and producer if anyone knows a thing or two about breaking the boundaries it's 50 cent i'm honored to work along with him as we watch bryce do the same with his career oh [ __ ] this is going to be such a [ __ ] flop thank you whoa this is so interesting there you have it thank you the dark side of social media produced by ryan kavanagh it's just about someone editing his wikipedia page exactly he wakes up in a sweat and it's just his wikipedia page is all [ __ ] up groundhog day oh who's who who are they casting for ethan i don't know go to hell i hope 50 cent is cast 50 cent as ethan he would probably try to cast him to look like me right um yeah hannah stocking and charlie demilio are supposed to be in it as well oh god this is a recipe from that so good we should keep oh sorry you should ask if you could be in it i was about to say keep an eye on the casting calls for this film and if there's something for a 30-something uh jewish man hey let's make a self too yeah let's send in an audition tape oh [ __ ] that'd be so funny so good the movie is called skill house and it's about how far people will go to attain fame on social media starring the people who sold their soul for social media like priced off right i can't believe it's taking place at the sway house that's amazing somebody said seth rogen is ethan klein let's see that's too flattering let's do flattering yeah i don't think i could kill it i would cast seth rogen no i'm saying i think it's an ethan i i agree but if he's trying to make me look bad um yeah you're better looking to seth rogen thank you but that's not the point i'm trying to make but yeah i accept that anyway i don't know what to say that's about it eh we've got some other stuff here and there but you know whatever it's been three hours yeah it's been three hours since you looked at me take corporate stealing my daughter locked up in a little room got the webcam and now was it a sorry people saying danny devito oh shrek is ethan oh now we're talking danny devito i i would be like a a penguin-esque villain in his movie that's awesome i'm sorry somebody uh used their membership super chat to say my great grandma's uterus prolapsed just in case you were looking for another thing to be afraid of did someone google um how i know lady well he asks people to do the tick tock thing in his uh high school thing or whatever what he asks he asks his fans to do like tick-tock edits of him oh as part of his program yeah i heard someone say oh my god so you pay this guy to tell you how to be a man or whatever and he's like all right step one start doing free social media work for me start posting andrew tate memes non-stop all over the internet that is pretty alpha wow uh are you being olivia you guys see any prolapse yeah we just look back on their faces i'm just not looking at it it looks pretty much the same but because i know what it is it hurts a little bit more seeing it this time there you go here look at this it's a it's a send me on discord no genital reading is exposed dimly i want to know what an old lady's prolapse looks like why well if they saw it i want to see it oh god yep oh [ __ ] the title of the link av just sent me oh my what 87 year old woman had to undergo a vaginal prolapse repair oh dude what the [ __ ] far away from your side i wonder how does that happen how does a vagina prolapse [Music] sex okay yeah jordan nailed it on that one all right all right i'm tired it's been a fun time it's been a controversial time it's been uh been a lot of ends a lot of outs cameron defeated the machine yep yo ela what do you think about triller's new um podcast [Laughter] right but you got to get paid boy i get it you're on that paper chase you know oh um powerhouse this is just a little aside but way earlier in the show we had already moved on from the conversation so i didn't bring it up but i just want to show you this is a local ambulance chasing lawyer uh from one from the hometown of one of our fans yeah what's up with your forehead though look at his hairline dude look at this zoom in on that it's almost down to his [ __ ] eyebrow wait that's not photoshopped that's not an ai generator no apparently it bill definitely i need more photos because that [ __ ] looks sketchy bro yeah it's like bill barr i'm not buying that hairline dude also it's low-res like who you falling man he's got the smallest forehead of anyone that's ever lived there's his website all right yeah bro that picture's [ __ ] up why are you using that photo that looks like a dolly image generation totally the [ __ ] i need more photos of you buddy bill barr just type william l bar law because bill barr the former attorney general it's kind of hard to get stuff he shares a name with a very prominent lawyer take his number off screen tim sorry anyway well bill if you're watching can we see you get some more photos of your hairline because we're working on a hairline website you're a contender a strong contender there yes no he has no forehead he's a one head it's gone it's a two hand i mean between the eyebrows and the hairline there's nothing left there's no skin left right [Laughter] someone says google theresa guys real housewife of new jersey yeah you know you see that she's they say she has no she's got a little forehead you see theresa what just look up theresa knew how uh new jersey new jersey thank you to everyone who's participating in the teddy fresh sale i see a lot of people saying um they're getting some teddy fresh for the phone which is awesome oh wow is she not wearing a wig though um no i don't think so wait she went to prison right she did another prison wasn't that hurt i think i heard about that yeah it was a tax evasion or something yeah god these women are insane or maybe it was her husband it was her and her husband they both went to jail not at the same time because i at something with the kids or something like that yeah you can hear separate sentences yeah so so one went i think she did first and then the husband went or the husband got a little longer than her yeah and all that's just oh that's what it says released from prison bro dude it's crazy how many housewives have gone to prison like there's like five like five that's nuts and all of them are like tax fraud or [ __ ] stealing money dude so awesome oh so are we doing tiptoes this weekend or next weekend what do we decide i mean that's ultimately up to you because you guys sacrificed your weekend last weekend although next weekend we're actually getting dinner with bobby lee i did his podcast yesterday it was totally off the rails yeah i bet do you know when it's coming out no clue they're pretty quick are they yeah it should come out like this weekend or maybe monday or something like that they usually turn them around so she was so sorry what is the tiptoes i wasn't following it's gary oldman's role of a lifetime well we got to plan for that with the kids yeah because right now the thing is my mom can't watch the kids because they're still coveted positive oh right she was gonna come watch theodore this weekend but he's still positive and she's compromised we gotta wait the ten days so yeah it's almost ten days so maybe next weekend not this week and then not this weekend that's uh my yeah it is my birthday weekend so it could be a little short oh dad's birthday party yeah next weekend somewhere for your week for your birthday that sounds great well let's talk about all right there's some other stuff with that so you don't want a doctor's birthday party i'm kidding all right well then i just don't want you to come yeah thank you thank you thank you uh we'll see you on monday have a good weekend it's friday baby [ __ ] baby [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] in my dick [ __ ] my dick [ __ ] all right guys all right see you next week have a great weekend bye y'all for watching you'll see the best podcast in the world take it from me jc over chair hp baby we podcast now you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three why are you so cute when you talk [ __ ] you're wet tonight
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,251,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: VHkpIXco8Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 45sec (11745 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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