Live Lesson Preparing for IELTS Speaking: Resources and Questions

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and today well first of all just to say to you all a happy new year hooray we've reached the end of 2020 and today in today's class well what are we going to do in today's lesson we're going to celebrate the end of 2020 and look forward to 2021 the main thing we're going to do today is to look at questions you have asked me about ielts speaking there were literally hundreds of questions i've chosen about 10 the top 10 questions and we're going to look at the answers to those today we'll also be looking at kind of preparation tools websites podcasts um difficult questions looking at all of those and how we can use those tools to help you prepare for success in ielts speaking in 2021 because we're almost at the end of this new year brilliant good i know a lot of people will be very happy to turn their back turn their back on this year it's been a tough one right it's been a very very difficult one but hopefully things are gonna get better and better so let's see how we're doing hello sagar and cindy nice to see you here um dusky girl yes nice to see you after well last week i was away you're right but i'm back in this week um i was off last week on christmas christmas day celebrating christmas with the family um roshan hello divya good morning nice to see you here great shakun hi um who else is in here ha ryan hello anu victorious man child [Laughter] interesting one do i have any jobs in your countries uh there are lots of jobs in my country i think um hey i'm mashud nice to see you here um atika carol who else davine lots of people hello boss yeah and happy new year that's right to you all as i put up here wishing you a great new year i really do hope 2021 is gonna be a much better year a fantastic year for you um not only for your you know for you and your family but for your ielts success if you're taking the test i really hope it goes very very well in the coming year um we're going to try and help you with some of that today absolutely um just before i begin um what am i going to tell you that if you're on youtube please do remember to subscribe and turn on that notification button so you can find out of new videos coming up um like the recorded video tomorrow which is a compilation video hmm it's a compilation of some of well you'll have to wait and see see that tomorrow saturday sometime um i've also updated a new resource for you um which i shared through facebook but i'll tell you today as well um basically what it is is is this right so i've had a lot of students asking you know where do i find materials to listen to and to read to because you keep telling us to read widely to listen widely so you get lots of ideas right so where can you find stuff like that well over here listening and reading materials is a very simple book actually written by me but it's all it is basically is lots of links so it goes by topic like here the topic of work or the topic of cities topic of food and it links to the what i think are some of the best on the internet podcasts videos articles technology right so it gives you a wealth a plethora of links and materials that you can listen to and read to and i think all of that can really help you kind of level up your overall ability listening and reading materials for ielts right where can you find it it's over on the it's on the website if you go into my website the keith speaking academy dot com right and if you go over to where do you have to go well just scroll down and click on the resources page how can i help you get free resources please there you go if you click on the resources page um and here you'll see there's lots of different stuff basically the first stuff there is this one it's a free book just download it there and you're ready to go that's it how easy is that resources page it's there on the website you can go and have a look and hopefully that can help you out quite a bit quite a bit there's lots of stuff on the website go and check it out not now oh stop go and check it out a bit later on okay great um what else have we got i just wanted to remind you that i still have my fluency course and my other ielts speaking success course um they are still on discount as we go into the new year so as we come into the new year the next few days i know for a fact these courses are still on discount the fluency course over here right um these are actually on the udemy site um not on the website but you can get the link on the website right and in the notes from today the fluency course is all about repetition and repetition it's based on 16 different grammar aspects and we go through the different grammar aspects how to use them in different parts of the test and it's repetition and repetition repetition is a really strong workout to build your fluency the other course over here ielts speaking success is a fuller a bigger course and it's focused on part one part two and part three sample answers language idioms pronunciation work um technique and tips to really work your whole you know skill ability for the ielts speaking test so that's a fuller course but they're both still there and they're both on discount at the moment to let you know right excuse me now then how we doing what's happening over here happy new year everybody love from india iqbal singh thank you very much that's nice to see gangster great handle thank you very much talia good morning um ritika says sir i transit i tried to download i tried to download the resources i couldn't download but the course is really amazing right now if you mean the resources on the course or the resources on the website in either case what normally works is if you change your browser use a different browser that normally solves the problem if not write me a message in the course you can write messages to me and i will get back to you and work that out very very quickly okay happy new year harry keshmachted nice to see you here best course on udemy wow ricky that's very very nice of you to say so there's a lot of courses on you to me great brilliant neli this is an interesting question please share topics from january i am going to answer that question very very shortly and in fact you lead me straight in to the um the next part of the class um i was just going to share with you before we go into this part of the class i'm going to share with you what i'm going to share with you a quick message i got from selena in hong kong and selena says dear keith i'm over the moon my speaking egg was a great great student i'm over the moon i love it very happy my speaking exam result is seven i cannot get this result by myself thank you thank you so much merry christmas i'm sending you a big hug from hong kong selene that's great um selene was on the course really pleased that it helped you um working out to get a band seven and thank you for the christmas hugs always nice to get a hug even though it's a virtual hug over the internet so let's go straight in right let's have a look at what we're going to look at today so i'm going to look at different things today um i'm going to try and cover as much as i can but we'll see normally the class lasts about an hour and a half if you're new here today um settle in get yourself maybe a little drink because it is it's never long it's always too short but it's about an hour and a half normally there's a lot here but i'll try and do as much as we can so first we'll look at questions um you've given me hundreds of questions i've picked out some we're going to look at those today i'm also going to review some websites that have helped you prepare for ielts talk about those briefly um worst present stories so i've got some very funny stories of people who've got terrible presents either at christmas or birthdays on their birthday also i want to look at new year resolutions right talk about those a little bit be interesting and favorite podcasts and also i asked in facebook about the most difficult ielts speaking part two questions and that's for me to understand better how to help you and which topics to focus on in future so we will be doing that all of that in today's lesson great sounds good i hope it sounds good great ad il idris happy new year mr keith best regards from sudan thank you very much adeel that's very very kind of you great do the cue cards and questions repeat in speaking i'm not sure madiva [Music] right lots and lots of love from nepal samir from nepal very nice to speak to you great john as well hello john mcallister nice to see you here great no need ielts canada says muhammad interesting great okay so let's kick off let's get straight into the first questions and i'm going to try my best to answer these so what is the most important question you have about ielts speaking right i put the questions into categories and i realized excuse me the the most well most questions were either about practicing at home about fluency about getting ideas about grammar or vocabulary quite a few about the test format and also about pronunciation right how do you develop pronunciation so these are the topics um i'll be looking at and i'll look at one or two questions from each one okay so let's kick off practice at home so first question um i would i'm gonna do one question at a time let me just separate them out i would like to know the common questions for speaking well hmm and this is similar to the question somebody just asked about the new questions in january right um so the i would like to know the common questions for speaking if you want to know the common questions for speaking um well you can find them on the course but you can find the common type of questions on my website right very very simple let me just take you again to the website and if you go to the test thing up here and go to example um take for example part three and normally what i do is through here i do use a table of contracts table of context um part three sample questions yeah here you are this is the kind of question you get in part three right and this really shows you the kind of question how has something changed in recent years how will bubba bar change in the future and there are examples down here right how has shopping changed in recent years but these can be for absolutely excuse me these can be for absolutely any kind of topic how has education changed how has how have cities changed in recent years how have families changed in recent years right so whatever the topic these are the common questions you get in ielts speaking part three simple as that right um you can develop and practice these by just clicking in and having a look at different topics here but those are the common questions for part three so that is on the website and just go to the the part three if you want to take part one go and get the free resources crack ielts part one right in here it shows you if you download the workbook and the audio file if you download the workbook um in fact i'll do that right now i can show you this on the go hopefully as we're here if you download the workbook from the crack ielts speak in part one you should be able to he says i should be able to open that up straight away right oh that's it this is it it's the book by me and what do you get the question types for part one do you verb do you cook do you run do you drive do you play football are you good at it is it popular did you play football as a child so this goes through these question types right and it gives you then it shows you how to answer them gives you lots of very simple language um and different ways of answering them and you've got the audio so you can practice repeating right dead easy i've made it so easy for you that's it that's all you have to do for the part for the part one right part one questions so again that was the that that is the stuff it's on the website you're asking for the link right the link go to the website um this one key speaking cod academy academy right and just go to the navigation bar um up here and just go for the crack oh it's gone but go to crack ielts part one right and you'll find it or just google crack ielts part one wow dildora that is a lovely comment from you um dildora says how did you learn i.t that's great because your videos are really professional thank you very much i think my videos are not professional at all but i try my best i learnt well my master's was in digital education so i learned an awful lot there an awful lot i mean it's good a very a lot a really lot through my master's course and then just practice right it's a bit like ielts speaking you learn and then you have to practice and practice great so that is all going on clayton lovely comment very very very nice so that was that was our first question right i would like to know the common questions for for speaking those are the common questions the other question about i want the the questions for january next year it's impossible because nobody knows right nobody knows what the questions are and any website that tells you the questions for january it's not true and when they say predicted questions that's guesswork well i'm guessing maybe it's blue maybe it's black i don't know right the ielts speaking and writing questions have very high security the only people who know them are the students who do the test at the start of january now when those students do the test and they get the questions a lot of them remember the questions go on facebook and write them down and that's fine and and you can go onto the facebook groups including my group and you will see students sharing the latest questions what i cannot do is make a list of those questions and publish them because they are copyrighted but if you are sharing them on the facebook group well they're there that's that's okay um so nobody really knows until the start of january but then bit by bit we will discover them but i wouldn't obsess with the latest questions right unless you're a band five maybe a band six because what you really want is flexibility you want to focus on the topics build your flexibility around topics and then you'll get a band 7 and a band-aid if you're just focusing on the questions you're going to be limited you'll have kind of fixed answers you won't have the flexibility you need for a band 7. so the questions are useful but you know think bigger think much bigger than just the questions yes the facebook group um if you want to join please do come and join us the more the merrier the more the merrier it's keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking so we only focus on ielts speaking um there are lots of groups out there for writing and the other skills but we are the specialists in speaking so come and join us great great naduni that's great i totally i love that thank you very much it's a great comment um completely agree with you about the latest questions yes the entertainer do you give lessons [Music] this virtual lesson yes i give live lessons but i don't give one to one lessons no not at the moment no the more the merrier greater expression right the more the merrier well done liu pong that's great nice to remember the more the merrier ah michael i'm 16 i have british and american accent i'm going to talk about that in the pronunciation bit right so we'll come to that very very soon okay good let me move back to the questions right so we've talked about that practice at home we've talked about those questions let's move on ah this is an interesting question whoop how can we identify our speaking level at home oh that's really good because i do say to everybody um find out your level before you prepare ielts do like a mock test get your level and then focus on your weaknesses building them bigger so the question is how can i identify my speaking level at home okay um so there are two things i think you can do here one is you can get the band descriptors first get a copy of the ielts speaking bang descriptors which explain what you do or what you need to do at each level band five six seven eight nine and that is a great place to start right where do you get the band descriptors surprise surprise on my website this looks like a an advert right it's not meant to be but listen they are on the website if you go to the website again right in the navigation bar go on to evaluation surprise surprise and this tells you how ielts speaking is scored okay so you can uh you can get a pop-up come on um and what you can do here is you can download the band descriptors right how it works so actually if we just go down to the band descriptors here there's a publicly available version and you can get it here you can click it and download it or you can just you can read it here if you want but you can also just click it and get the band descriptors there i've actually they're quite complicated so i've done a very simple version on the website and that explains to you very simply what you need to do and there's more information there so using the band descriptors i think is really powerful really useful and important um the other thing is it's very very hard to be accurate and to get the right level right i find many benny band seven students think they're a band five when they come to me and then many band five students think they're a band seven or they think they're going to get band seven in two weeks time when they do the test so most students don't really know exactly where their level is most students know their weakness they know oh yeah grammar that's my weakness so i'm i'm a mess with grammar they know their weakness but they often don't know their level so to be honest i think it's difficult to here to identify your speaking level at home i think it's very very difficult i would recommend um get a teacher right and uh and do a mock test [Music] if you want to do a simple online mock test um there are different websites that do that you can go and check them out um different websites on the internet i actually recommend these guys if i can find them where are they i would recommend these guys is it this one i think it's this one yeah take ielts um because i've done i've done the mock tests and i've done the mock test i'll come over here i've done the mock tests with um some students and we've we've tried it and decided it's reasonable it's a paid for service you do have to pay but it it's i think it's good value for money they do tests actually for reading reading writing speaking i'm trying to show my fingers reading writing speaking all of the skills and listening and you get detailed reports you get suggestions they're done by certified ielts examiners um and and i know the guys i mean i've done some research with them and well i have an agreement with them that if you use the code keith 1 0 then you can get a 10 discount off their online mock tests so just to let you know any free website yes there are um there are other websites i don't know the free websites but if you again go onto facebook and i'm sure you can find some free websites um but i see these are pretty good these guys what's the um it's i'll give you the the the the what let me give you the actual address that would help whoa wait www dot take i else dot net that's the one so it's www take just use the code keith10 if you want to use them so that's one idea right a possible idea that you could be doing for mock tests right hunky dory brilliant i'm going to move on you can always come back to the video and check out all of the details that's still funny i'm like that come and sit up straight okay those are the first questions let's see any other questions thank you very much for your offer there i i may get in touch we'll see makasoom thank you very much that's very very nice yay great your website is a complete package well i try to work on it every week yeah i don't i hate the advertisements there are one or two pop-ups but i do not use advertisements no they're so annoying really um right you could ask swanf you can try and ask your question i will see if i can get it uh here we go fatty thank you very much for sharing this one is a free one for mock tests there you go you can check them out as well nice practice makes perfect it does indeed there rescues has got it there you go nice brilliant ah happy new year thank you katrina right so there we go let's move on um we're going to move on to fluency now fluency brought out some interesting questions right so first of all in fact this question almost made me cry almost seriously it's have a look at this question okay i'll just get out of the way so there were two or three questions um but they're all very similar i've all the sentences in my brain how to make the way from my brain to my tongue easier great how can we keep the fluency when we are talking when i listen to a topic or even a question my throat gets blocked i feel so angry upon me because i know it i understand it but i can't speak out it i feel like a bird with broken wings who is trying to fly but oh that was i almost cried when i read that listen the idea of the little bird with a broken wing who wants to speak but can't get the fluency oh my my oh my that was a very emotional question right um so it's all about fluency how can we make the way from my brain to my tongue easier right well okay um building fluency how can we keep the fluency when we're talking so hang on a minute there's two there's another question very similar here but i'm gonna yes i'm gonna address this one so i think with fluency i think with fluency there's possibly an issue right that with fluency that if you're trying to use very complex vocabulary then that stops your fluency right when you use very simple vocabulary that helps your fluency also if you've prepared an answer and you're trying to speak out that complete answer you think that helps your fluency but it doesn't because you're trying to remember the question and the answer exactly and you're so focused on memorizing you're not speaking fluently so i think one of the things to do with fluency is to is to practice with very simple vocabulary right do is a bit like the fluency gym like go to the gym do some practice where you're answering questions but use words that you really really know don't use any new words don't use any fancy vocabulary don't use a word you learnt yesterday just use the basic words you really know for that topic and just practice speaking with that simple vocabulary and keep doing this right and you'll be building up your fluency of course at the same time you're going to be learning new words building your vocabulary now and again using some of them but have these very special fluency sessions in your practice maybe it's just 10 minutes a day where you're just using simple simple language that you know to express an idea and build up that fluency and build up the feeling the habit of fluency and i think that that might help if that makes sense does that make sense to you right right okay why are people saying happy birthday somebody's birthday it's not my birthday somebody's birthday good question from rabbi right related question here is it must needed to speak with advanced fluency to get a band 8 or 8.5 well rabbi there are there are different levels right um there are different levels of fluency so 8.5 is the most fluent you're fluent almost like a native speaker seven is a high level of fluency where there's no effort you just speak naturally there's no effort at all band six you need some fluency but you probably notice some hesitation and some effort so really it's all it's all all the levels require fluency right fluency is 2 25 of your score so it's important okay i hope that helps a little bit um somebody asked for a break there's too much information there is a lot of information but i'm gonna suggest um that you can rewind this and watch it again um i will take a break shortly but i am gonna i'm gonna push on with the next question ideas so two related questions here how to develop ideas and organize them well in speaking part two how to improve on making story skills how to improve on making story skills well sometimes i run out of my ideas at the time of speaking would you please help me how can i get rid of this problem right okay ideas um so there's two things right one is practice and the other one is research and by research i mean read and to a wide range of topics [Music] really i think it's as simple as that i think just practicing doing speaking part two take some of the old questions and a clock take your little your little clock here i mean if you've got a phone take a clock on your phone not that one but this one right and literally practice part two questions and time yourself time yourself speaking for two minutes um on on different topics and practice and practice and practice what a lot of students do is that they just look at the question and they speak for 10 seconds and then i don't know i'll do it later but the practice of two minutes timed with a clock pushes you to speak for two minutes and it pushes your brain to think idea idea idea right and to get your ideas so that practice i think is really important practice especially you know practice speaking for two minutes [Music] the other one is research so read and listen i mean to get ideas at the start of the lesson today i mentioned that book right the the listening and reading materials this one if you go there and you want to look for different topics like cities you can go and click on the links you can go and get lots of material to listen to and to read which will help you not only with language but with ideas because most of this material is not for students it's for native speakers don't worry you're good enough really you are good enough you don't need to understand everything you just need to get listening and listening to more and more english and the ideas there are brilliant they will give you more and more ideas okay um in part two for ielts speaking i realize and i i've noticed this myself there are two ways of doing the question and i realize in my model answers what happens either i just go with the flow i get an idea and i talk and i talk and i talk and i just go with the flow and it can work very well even if you're a band five or a band six you just get an idea and talk and talk and talk and it flows that can work the other thing i do is i build a structure and in my one minute i think i'm gonna talk about the place how i know it and what i did one two three like the bullet points and i talk about that and then that and that and i follow a structure and that works very well as as well if i follow the structure then it's easier to plan my ideas right if i follow the flow and get into the flow i don't plan and there is a risk you run out of ideas but again for me it works and i've had a lot of candidates in the past who do that and it works as well it works very very well so try both approaches that would be my suggestion try both approaches of structure and um getting into the flow i'll write this down it might help try the two approaches one go with the flow and two use a three point structure i say three point because it is like um it is like the uh the bullet points right in part two so practice both of those structures and see see what happens see what comes up okay fantastic great so that's it questions on part two very very interesting i have a question i've just noticed these whose birthday is it there you go donna that's a great summary thank you flow plus three point structure nice excellent yes and cool could anyone share the link to the various listening and reading materials yes please somebody go and share them if you are not sure if that if nobody does share them you can always try just go to the website on the home page click on the resources tab yeah go to the resources tab and it's there it's the one of the first things you see is the free book yeah it's just there right great talking about part two how about cohesion yeah very very very important whether you're doing approach one or approach two very important so i really emphasize with students the the cohesive devices right first of all i'd like to say on top of that what's more mind you at the same time yeah so finally all of those kind of devices cohesion really really important right to be using them and make sure you're using spoken connectors not written connectors right so focus on the the spoken connectors great question good i'm going to add those very briefly i don't want to spend too much time there but let me add something called cohesive devices or connectors if you like so let's just put use spoken this actually helps me slow down right makes it easier probably to follow me first of all [Music] or for starters that's a nice spoken one for starters that's better yes on top of that [Music] yeah mind you or but [Music] so anyway that's a nice one when you're changing topic right so when you're changing topic so you're talking about oh that i went to the i don't know a place you like to study i go to the library um it's a beautiful old building with lots of sunlight it's a perfect place to study so anyway i've been there three times in the last week and it's great right when you're just changing topic even a little bit so anyway great little expression it's well it's a connector right and it's spoken and it's nice so finally yeah in a nutshell you can say you can use you know idiomatic expressions as well in a nutshell um maybe a bit more comment would be in a word yeah so the library is the place i go to read and in a nutshell it's my favorite place to read a book or the library it's a favorite place for me to read in a word it's ideal for me to do all of my class preparation yeah something like that excellent so there you've got it a great question we've added in an extra question good great let's have a drink [Laughter] ah right i do feel a bit like a train i'm going so fast right well rabbi another great question um should one talk according to the cue card yes you must follow the top question you don't have to follow each bullet point so if they ask about a place you like reading don't talk about a place you like eating food or a historical place talk about a place you like reading the structure the bullet points you can use them but you don't have to great question ravi even though you interrupted my cup of coffee [Music] i'm just teasing really okay preet fingers crossed there's an expression for you i hope you will score a band-aid fingers crossed i hope so too yes yeah a lot there are a lot of people from vietnam there are indeed yes i think ielts is hot in vietnam how to stop saying um um nevitica a really good way to do that right is to record yourself and play it back and when you hear yourself every time you hear yourself go um um you pinch yourself ow you pinch yourself so you listen to the recording and it goes um oh and you pinch yourself a bit like pavlov's dogs but what happens is you notice oh my goodness there are so many ums and then you go back and you try again but just focus on the um forget about grammar forget about vocabulary just focus on um and taking out the um great nice question moving on um grammar well okay related to grammar is tense too important sometimes i make silly mistakes regarding tense will it cost me a lot i'll tell you how much it will cost you 25 that's what it'll cost you because grammar makes up 25 of your mark um however right across part one two and three okay so yes tense is important but two things one grammar is you can't burp in a live class come on professionalism you don't see barack obama or bomber obama or boris johnson burping in a presidential speech hab i'm not a president right true sorry point number one grammar is not only tense getting the right tense is a part of grammar so if you make a grammar tense well if you make one or two doesn't matter because also shoot up here it's across part one part two part three so i notice sometimes right um we do get or i get students saying oh no there's one question and i made a mistake i used the past instead of the present perfect and it was one mistake like it really doesn't matter right don't worry too much so even if you make let's say three or four grammar mistakes you can still get a band-aid right doesn't have to be perfect but if you're regularly making mistakes like every other sentence there's a grammar mistake not just tense but grammar then yes your score goes down grammar makes up 25 of the mark so yes it's important but don't obsess too much don't let it affect you mentally right you want to be mentally calm relaxed in the flow [Music] great vocabulary good question this one um is it okay to use both contractions both contractions and their full forms like gonna or wanna later going to or want to sometimes i do this unconsciously during practice am i penalized for that so gonna wanna later going to right or gonna i guess is the other one [Music] oh sorry that's what you said gonna yes yes excuse come on wake up so that is the that's the full form yeah okay so the quick answer am i penalized no you should use contractions in spoken english that's the simple answer my friend right am i penalized no you will not be penalized because you should use contractions um i think there's a bit of a confusion on the internet about ielts being a formal test and that you have to use formal academic english well in the writing yes formal academic english if it's the academic module if it's the general module then like writing a letter it's formal but it's not academic however speaking and remember the speaking test is the same for the academic module and the general module the speaking test is not formal it is not formal it's an informal natural conversational test of your ability to communicate in english naturally in a normal conversation now i know ielts interview is not a normal conversation but you should be using natural spoken english contractions i'm i've i i'd i'll uh gonna wanna muster must have should've could've might have absolutely you should be using those absolutely not only can you you should for sure there you go great so here lots of questions about new year let's just check any other questions yes aziza this is a review lesson yeah it's a review lesson of lots of questions students have asked yes sarah oh that's a good question do you get live chat with the teacher in your class no there is no live chat there is a question and answer forum and you can send me messages and questions and i will chat the message i will give you the messages but it's not live so no i will reply within a day normally to the messages how to avoid self-correction says arti well first of all arty self-corrections are not bad right self-corrections a few of them are good because you're showing the examiner you know the correct english so if you self-correct three or four times in the test that's fine um you don't want to self-correct all the time because that's just showing lots of mistakes even though you self-correct how do you avoid it um well it's just improving your grammar improving your vocabulary over time um and i think as i mentioned with fluency maybe speaking more slowly and paying more attention to some of the vocabulary sometimes can or or the grammar can help with that i don't know if you watch the uh rt did you watch the um the youtube video with sarita from nepal she got a six but she her fluency was good but she spoke so fast that she made quite a lot of mistakes because she was speaking so fast um and my suggestion was to slow down a bit and sometimes just slowing down helps i think also with this okay great uh what about physical emotions and our mimics are they important or no need i've never taken before so zadam physical emotions hang on emotions aren't physical you mean emotions like happiness sadness joy crying i mean yeah i think it's good to share some emotion in the test right i mean the test really for me it's it's like when you're having a coffee with a friend so you may get excited you may get a bit down you may be smiling right it's a bit like that but with the examiner you don't want to start crying oh 2020 was a terrible year i'm so upset no don't start crying right um and don't go and hug the eggs oh i'm so happy to be here mr examiner no don't don't be over the top but to show some emotion get excited um get a little bit you know happy that's good it's good because the examiner is a human being right of course the examiner will react to emotion and most examiners have maybe 10 15 interviews in the day and they're gonna get a little bit bored and if somebody comes in smiling and happy and really you know oh let me tell you about this a bit excited that's gonna get a nice vibe going it's gonna it's gonna help you a little bit right at least psychologically so i think yeah show some emotion and as far as mimics i think by mimics you mean gesture right the mimics or the we we call it the the hand gestures or the facial gestures yes that's fine you don't have to right you can i don't cross no don't cross your arms i mean you can talk like this if you make us some gestures that's okay don't use gestures to explain things um you know i wanna i i i'm trying to if you're trying to describe something like um a screwdriver you know it's that it's that long thing that you put in the wall and you you know you know that thing don't do that because that's not that shows your english isn't good enough so don't use that kind of gesture but just generally gestures yeah yeah fine good okay now then um where are we let me just see where we are i'm gonna move up that was just similar to fluency test format okay i'm just gonna i think because of the time i'm just gonna spend a couple of seconds on these questions and then move on test format i'll just disappear what to say when asked about my hometown or other similar questions when the actual answer would be too boring or too short okay simple answer right um short is good especially for the introduction question you know the questions about do you work are you a student tell me about your home town what about your accommodation do you it's a warm-up question you you want it to be short right so don't worry about it boring that's fine it's not about being interesting um ielts is about using you know a wide range of vocabulary and grammar but actually actually in the introduction i would k i s s keep it simple keep it simple right when they're asking you about your hometown or your job keep it simple right because you're just warming up just relax warm up yeah i'm a teacher i teach online it's fine my hometown yeah well i'm actually living in the north of spain in a little town by the coast yeah a lot of tourists go there it's fine absolutely fine keep it simple that's my suggestion next question is it possible so let me put that over here is it possible what is it possible to achieve band-aid when it's my first time having ielts uh yes it depends on your level [Music] um so if you are actually a band-aid so long as you have you're familiar with the format [Music] then yes it's possible um it's not easy right so it depends on your level but if you are already a level eight then yes but you do need to be familiar with the format right make sure you understand the format and the evaluation criteria do the answers sorry do the questions change depending on my answers ah okay no in part one and two yes in part three there's the simple answer so part one and part two no those questions are fixed uh part three yes they do change there are some fixed questions but the examiner is free to ask other questions depending on your answer absolutely yes good question and the last one here what is the major let me just put that make it a bit clearer what is the major difference between part one part two and part three speaking please give us some quick tips so that we can organize our thoughts accordingly oh right um the major difference between part one and part two and part three right okay um let me come down here part one is shorter answers part one you probably have eight to 10 questions shorter answers 10 to 20 seconds per question and it's about you it's all about you part two um is speaking for between one and two minutes you should try and speak at least a minute and a half if you speak less the examiner will ask you a follow-up question and you can give a short answer so that's part two part two is about the topic so my tip for part two is make sure you follow the topic the headline for example describe an intelligent person you know make sure you describe a person make sure they're intelligent that's it the bullet points it's up to you if they help you with the structure great if you just want to go with the flow fine you don't need them part three is the same topic right but it may go into subtopics so describe an intelligent person the topic is going to be about intelligence and the subtopic be children being intelligent how we develop intelligence maybe artificial intelligence maybe technology maybe education but intelligence is the topic and you may then have one or two sub topics and the key as it suggests right is to go deeper so if you're talking about intelligence and education and children being intelligent go deeper you want to give deeper answers you want to give your opinion you want to explain why you think so try and give examples and maybe speaking from you know 30 seconds to 50 seconds maybe or longer depends on the examiner i think my tip for everybody part one part two part three is don't worry when the examiner interrupts you right i've seen so many students and so many comments students really really worried oh the examiner was interrupting me all the time well of course it's the examiner's job to interrupt you to cut you off the examiner controls the test they control what questions they ask you so yes they will cut you off don't be surprised when you why did he do that don't worry just go to the next question so you know chill out about interruptions they will happen and it's fine it's absolutely fine right good so gosh we've talked a lot i've um a lot a lot a lot about different questions and thank you for so many many questions from you um and there are more questions in the box as well but i'm going to take a minute to stop and um to look at websites right i asked you about websites and podcasts that can help you and i'm going to share some with you here um i'm actually going to refer to the facebook page in the facebook group and just go through with you some of the comments that you've shared and i'll just talk about them a little bit and then we can have a look at this so let's have a look let me um get over there just bear with me a moment right bear with me i'm just working out how to get this which one website excluding mine has helped you the most prepare for ielts so just some comments here on the uh facebook page says ielts advantage great that's the website by chris chris pell um and it does have some great content i think especially for the writing test but also overall sama talks about read theory um it improves your reading skill and the topics are interesting it's a very good site i had to look at this and it's about looking it's for teachers and students not only school students but also esl students it does have some really good stuff and well worth checking out mohammed talks about bbc learning english right the bbc to be honest i mean they're learning the english website has to be one of the best in the world i love the grammar section six minute grammar but also it's done by level intermediate upper intermediate and the pronunciation section is just overwhelming it's just out of this world right tim's pronunciation workshop will solve every problem you've got with pronunciation absolutely love it and a lot of fun as well so yes the bbc great um british council as well worth spending time on they do have a good website right british council has the learn english website it has a good focus on skills so if you want to focus on the four skills and also of course a section for ielts as well as this free online course which is well worth doing if you're new to ielts um you can sign up on future learn it's worth looking at it's free takes a few weeks anyway british council mitch sadie talks about stitcher for podcasts um ez talks which i think is just a video conference software a bit like um whatsapp and skype bbc ted talks are brilliant absolutely ted talks are very good ielts speaking success with rory and maria not my ielts speaking success but the uh the podcasts which are these ones ielts speaking for success we've all taken the same name i've listened to these i think they're great if you want to work on your speaking they focus on different topics um for speaking absolutely brilliant well worth visiting um who else have we got pra fever talks about my channel thank you for recommending that but uh great um ielts advantage again chris's channel is really good um for practicing ielts test ielts up yes ielts up um ielts up i think they've got the best thing here i think are the sample tests right like the listening you can do the listening sample tests um i'm not so sure about the other things there but definitely for practice tests excellent what have we got on the on our page um so makanga talks about e-language e2 which is jay's website very very good lots of good stuff on the youtube site with um him and his colleague helping him out very very nice uh my else classroom is great this is shelley is it sherry or shelly she um is based in the uk also an ielts examiner some very nice stuff there her blog is very useful the test taker ahmed you mentioned the test taker i had a look at the test maker and this is a student who has made his own site to help with ielts some of the stuff is nice like the um there's the ielts topic vocabulary pdf this is quite nice um the only thing is the english is not perfect right there are some mistakes in there but i do like the focus on the model answers the way the key vocabulary is set out word formation is great collocations all of this is great it's a really good approach to learning but just be careful that there are some mistakes in the english but otherwise what else have we got um where are we i'm on the wrong page that's where i am e2 great ielts liz of course a classic been around for years and ielts liz is still one of the best websites out there i would strongly recommend um mary talks about the ted talks again newspapers like the guardian the sun the bbc news are great for reading ielts advantage and liz duo lingu might be worth looking at excellent um ielts liz is also promoted by shakoon great kishan asks don't many speakers in ted talks use the american accent well it doesn't matter in fact it's good because you can listen to american accents and different accents they are not all american i should emphasize you can get a wide range a plethora of accents from ted talks grace talks about ielts advantage ielts daily i don't know and yumiko and mandy well done yumiko mandy very well they're well worth exploring i think they're setting up now a youtube channel and um obviously they've got a facebook page and they're doing their live classes salem also talks about jay and liz who else have we got angelus talks about isa's fast track fast track ielts yes asia is also a student who has made her own website and it's a really good one i really like the stuff that she's doing ielts yesudas so vida talks about the is your suit as web page i don't know it i was having a look at it earlier and i'm not sure i mean it looks fine i'm sure if you like it it's great come back to the right page ielts liz ielts liz i help simon especially for us for writing go and check out ielts simon absolutely really good stuff um waist talks about national geographic brilliant and the economist i mean guys for reading um that is absolutely really good top-notch world-class material academic english help yeah that's um adrian's website right which is this one over here adrian has a few courses out there he has a very good um he has a very good youtube channel yeah worth checking out and ielts list ielts online practice tests yes yes and no they do have lots of latest tests a good source i'm not sure always about the quality of the answers but as a source of questions absolutely brilliant there's lots here ielts jackie as well he's got some great stuff mohammed talks about ielts jackie again worth checking out and any other new ones ielts simon il-77 i had a look um i'm not too sure about ielts 77 yes they're full of questions again as as a source of questions but the questions are not always accurate they put up some predicted questions which never happened which were not true but you know maybe check them out as a source of questions but not 100 accurate anyway that's it from me there are some ideas it's not from me from you those are your ideas really good ones with my comments of some great websites to be focusing on excellent yeah nice right very very very interesting um so thank you for sharing all of those i think some of those are fantastic they're a useful resource for you um and that's it i'm just so what i will do is i've given you my opinion i in the notes um i'll just make a list i'll put them all together the ones that you've put i'll put the ones that i think are good i i'll i will leave out those that i'm not sure about i don't want to recommend things i don't know very well so these will go into the uh the notes and you can get the notes um later today after about four or five hours all of these notes are available guess where surprise surprise on my website um and i'm going to show you again let me just show you where it is on the website oh hang on a minute what happened to my website oh there it is come back here we go um if you go to the website to this one so the free live lessons button um press the free live lessons lessons and down there um you can download the lesson notes from they will come here that was last week right festivals two weeks ago and then all of the past lessons they're all here so you can just download all of the lesson notes and start studying if you prefer to read on the computer or on your mobile phone you can actually read the lesson um on the computer and there's lots of interesting stuff i've even started to include some practice tests these videos where i am your examiner and i ask you the questions and you have to answer on all of these different topics so that can be quite fun as well so they're all there so that's it we've looked at different websites that have helped you um i'm gonna move forward and have a look at what i'm gonna skip through because we're gonna run out of time not a surprise for me so many so much stuff i'm gonna have a look at this question um because i'd like to get you involved a little bit as well um do you have a new year's resolution i'm really interested to know whether you have a new year's resolution this is an interesting question because it's a question about your plans to do something so you know ielts questions about a goal that you have or a challenge that you face or a change that is happening in your life all of this language is related right so a new year's resolution in case you don't know a resolution is a goal right [Music] resolution is a goal often we we i'm sure i don't know if they do this in every country but especially in england and i think a lot of countries um but on new year's day we make a resolution to change a bad habit um to change something and do something new so you may have a new use you may have a new year's resolution to stop smoking to eat more healthy food or maybe you're going to start running every day or maybe you're going to study 10 minutes every day or maybe you're aiming to get a band 8 in ielts right these are all resolute resolutions right um the language we can use i'm going to stop smoking i'm aiming to stop smoking i don't smoke by the way it's just an example i'm determined to learn chinese i really want to or my goal is to very simple language we can use and there's a few expressions right we can use here i'm going to do it come rain or shine so that means it doesn't matter what happens i'm going to do it i'm going to stop smoking come rain or shine whatever happens or i will do whatever it takes probably better to do a contraction right i talked about contractions earlier i'll do whatever it takes i'll do whatever it takes nice expression you can practice you can practice that with me i'll do whatever it takes whatever it the r links whatever it takes whatever it takes i'll do whatever it takes i'll do whatever it takes that's it i'm going to turn over a new leaf right the leaf that comes from the book i haven't got a book where are my books come on philip pullman oh yes the dust great the book of dust philip pullman his dark materials if you haven't read them yet there go and read them they're brilliant children's book but great a leaf is a page right in a book so when you're turning over a new leaf you're turning a page you're starting something new i'm going to turn over a new leaf or i want to kick this habit to kick a habit is to you can imagine kick is to get rid of or to stop right so nice expression so that just means to stop the habit start and this one means start fresh start anew and this one means whatever happens okay great so there are some expressions my question now to you goes back to that question um do you have a new year's resolution let me know in the comments down below do you have a new year's resolution if you believe in it yes we do donna says i want to kick this habit of procrastination great saddam i'm determined to take nine from ielts inshallah great let's hope so who what else have we got rajesh i really want to visit sydney for a job interview nice wenny my goal sorry wendy come back my goal is to get a minimum of band seven in my ielts exam on the ninth of january january i'll do whatever it takes i'll do whatever it takes to pass the exam fantastic love it what a good student i think you are gonna get a seven when e i have a feeling i'm determined to learn arabic come rain or shine atika we've got rajesh as well also i'm aiming to achieve a band 8 in ielts anybody else collode my new year's resolution is to have a decent job right [Music] well apoorva didn't manage to complete 2021s either a lot of people like me don't have a new year's resolution because we never reach them and then it's demotivating but some people love them jintao i'm going to play ukulele i think you mean the ukulele right the little the little guitar right i think didi neridi says i'm determined to lose weight and get a new job brilliant brilliant and tolkien my new year's resolution is to take ielts fantastic great so lots of ideas for your resolutions there really really good so guys there's um we're running out of time but i'm gonna leave a list of podcasts on the notes because we you've shared lots of them there and there are some really good ones um i would just say with the podcasts there are two kinds of podcasts there's that podcast for students learning english and that's great and there's the podcast for native speakers like bbc news friday night comedy the drama podcast those are great as well so try and listen to both podcasts for students and podcasts for native speakers that'll really help you especially with natural spoken english right i'm going to finish in the last few minutes what am i going to finish on ah gosh don't have time i've bitten off more than i can chew i'm going to finish with a bit of fun and the bit of fun to finish off is not my drink the bit of fun to finish off is kahoot but kahoot today is different i'm not testing you today kahoot is actually a quiz about events in 2020 and i'm going to test your general knowledge about 2020 what happened and what have you learnt so let me find kahoot where are you kahoot hello kahoot and those of you who are new are probably thinking what on earth is kahoot well kahoot is a fun game that you can play with me it's quite interactive and what you need to do is either download the app or just go to the website and we can play the game listen let me show you where we are it's here right it's called kahoot we're gonna play the classic game so you need to get ready to join basically you join at i t you go there to the website put in your name and the game pin which is seven eight five seven one six seven right and then there you go hiro and dennis are already in um savvy's in i'll give you a minute to to get in kahoot and then we will play the game together basically you have to answer multiple choice questions but it's quite fun oh you can probably hear me moving around my room i'm aiming to graduate fantastic graduate with my phd great nadine my new year's resolution is going to be making an average biking of at least 15 kilometers a day holy moly that's great muhammad yasmin i'm going to start waking up early oh i like this one this one is nice where is it raja manikam i want to see myself in a better place i think that's true for a lot of us actually it says i really want to run my own business kulinja says your lessons are just awesome my resolution is to make even better lessons in 2021 okay i think most people are in um let's start right so this is a general knowledge quiz you'll see how it happens right i'll read the question at the very start of the year 2020 which country experienced devastating bushfires you've got 20 seconds you've got to be really fast wow well done now i do apologize 20 seconds is very very very fast right that's really quick um so the country that had the bushfires at the start of 2020 do you remember that it was australia well done all of you who got in fantastic um yes the timing is is very very fast so you have to read quickly and answer as quickly as you can you can put your answer in the comments as well that works really well as well so well done you guys let's see next oh the scoreboard got the answer correct and was the fastest fatih the second and zero zero zero was third okay next question are you ready which basketball superstar died in a helicopter crash in 2020 20 seconds quest fast as you can well done zaynep well done again very very fast but you're right kobe bryant would fortunately rest in peace was the amazing basketball player who unfortunately died earlier in the year okay so where's the scoreboard oh it's all changed it's all changed d key has gone into first place p you boom i'm not sure how to pronounce that is second and hero is third nice next question where were the olympics supposed to be held in 2020 the olympics in 2020 they were cancelled but where should it have been [Music] great well done tokyo in japan but it didn't happen it didn't happen great well done oh lots of you got the answer in the in the uh in the comments fantastic i didn't see all of those there's a good question here from amar just as we're going is this live we'll upload it in youtube yes amar it's live and it goes automatically uploaded into youtube next quest oh no leaderboard where are we oh dekey has fallen down to third place pian has moved up into first and hero is in second how exciting next question number four of five the w-h-o named 2020 the year of what the year of the year of the virus the year of the doctor the year of the nurse and midwife the year of the vaccine what was the name given to 2020 by the w.h.o this is a tough one oh it's a tough one you see most of you thought it was the virus which makes sense however the who has officially called 2020 the year of the nurse and midwife because of the amazing job nurses around the world and midwives midwife is the nurse that helps with the birth of the baby the amazing job that they've done so it's actually the it's the year of the nurse and the midwife yeah they have done an amazing job right and all of you i know a lot of you are nurses who are following the um are doing ielts so good luck to you as well leaderboard dickey it's all changed dickie is now top of the pops maria second eric yang has moved into third we're going to move to the last question to decide which song did gal gadot and other celebrities sing in a viral video at the start of the pandemic oh gosh gal gadot who was the israeli actress wonder woman and they sang a song went viral at the start of the pandemic which song was it it's probably not what you think oh almost a lot of you went for stronger i expected stronger as well but it was imagined by john lennon that was the song that they sang oh boy so let's find out then who is the winner number three third place armanoff out of the blue d key moved into second maria maria has pulled it off right into first place well done maria nice job [Music] oh excellent well done maria well done everybody that was just a bit of fun not really for english but your general knowledge about 2020 as you said well done to all the nurses and the midwives around the world for the amazing job that you do but also well done all of you guys because i think the lockdown the pandemic has made studying really tough it's hard to focus um and i just and i'm amazed at the uh the really good job that you do practicing studying contacting me with messages and questions participating and watching the videos i think it's just fantastic and i'm sure you're gonna you're gonna do well all that hard work will pay off there will be benefits that i hope you will do great with the test so we've gone a bit longer than i hoped but um i hope you've enjoyed it i hope it's useful if you are taking the test soon fingers crossed right good luck best of luck to you me and everybody else here is behind you thinking of you i hope it goes really really well let us know how it goes right um you can come on the facebook group and let us know how that worked out so remember if you want to join the facebook group please do you're very very welcome to come and participate if you want to get all the resources um a lot of things i've mentioned today right it's on the website the lots of material and resources there you can find them all there and just to remind you the course on udemy the complete course still has a discount as we go into the new year and the fluency course if that is a problem for you you can practice your fluency it's a very intense workout the fluency course a strong focus on grammar fluency and pronunciation intonation so that's also on discount right now so coming into the new year it might be a good resolution right to study ielts even more so those are there you can find all of the links on the website um to find out more about those courses brilliant hunky-dory which means brilliant somebody was asking me hunky dory what's that it means brilliant so listen i would like finally to wish you a very very happy new year a big thank you for following me thank you for coming and watching the live classes i really enjoy being here and teaching you i hope it's useful for you do leave me a comment let me know what you think of the the live lessons any comments ideas suggestions are very very welcome happy new year i hope you enjoy um the celebrations tonight if you are celebrating in spain we have to we don't have to but we eat grapes we eat twelve grapes one grape for each time of the bell you eat a greek boying eat a grape boing eat a grape it's a strange tradition so by the 12th by the 12th time you've got a mouth full of grapes but that's the tradition here whatever you're doing to celeb celebrate have a great time and i will see you next week next week we're going to talk about technology another interesting topic okay thank you very much take care happy new year [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 30,959
Rating: 4.9726028 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts keith, ielts speaking test, prepare ielts, prepare ielts speaking, resources ielts, ielts resources, best ielts resources, how to prepare for IELTS, how to prepare for ielts at home, how to prepare for ielts exam, how to prepare for ielts speaking test, how to prepare for ielts speaking, questions about ielts speaking, questions about ielts test
Id: OIDL8UBsuqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 48sec (5928 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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