FOUND MARINES TRUNK I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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putting your gloves on yes you had a little bit of scare earlier here we go give us the slow countdown got this unit for five hundred and twenty dollars and this fine young gentleman right here bid me up that high what the Hales did you see that you wanted in there I saw some trunks BB guns boxes said cheese burgers to have me excited if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for oh I know what they're all waiting for George don't you they want to see the junk in the trunk so this unit specifically we were told afterwards was owned by an individual that had an antique shop about 6-7 miles away so one of the individuals that was bidding on it knew because of the illegal postings that the unit was going up for auction it posted the person's name and they did the research beforehand we didn't because we were too busy three solid days on the road we usually find the names in the unit and yeah so it's going to be extremely exciting to find out what junk is in this trunk now I know everybody wants to know what's going on with the eight hundred and twenty dollar unit which is actually eight hundred and seventeen dollars but we haven't been able to get back to it yet we're gonna stick ourselves in here today and then we're gonna go ahead and we'll get back to that unit for sure that we bought in Youngstown it's just a timing game of where we're at and where the auctions are at any given day well I do now that you're pointing it out what do you think it is the thing now we always tell people we we hate finding or it's one of our weird finds let's see if it is is that what you thought it was more dentures and everyone always tells up what what to do with these what did they say to do it I'll sell them on eBay and what do we always do we trash them yeah we don't want anything to do with them I refuse to salty but their fake teeth their fake teeth George working in health care you have to be they have to fit you for that and no that's gross I just found a box up here next to this big crown royal regal Apple box which we always find the bags we've never actually seen a Crown Royal box but the box is right here it says store so we're curious if it's actually the antique store or not dig in George or store could also mean storage that's freaky deaky set that aside is that uh I don't know if it's a clock or a bank shake it I think it's a bank shake it yeah baby don't break it took your mom and dad nine months to make it straight out of Hale's baby baby baby baby is that what I think it is right there on the side yeah it is it is it's a mini laptop you thinking what I'm thinking yeah okay what are you thinking okay when are we gonna let them know what's on it this Sunday night believe if we can hack into it this Sunday night on a livestream 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we will tell you what we find on the laptop and it's hopefully not Santa sounds looking rough these days maybe look at that right there see that careful careful careful yes yes old tin toys these are worth a mint okay you see that's an old tin one now go ahead and twist them right there this could have been for the antique store now you the wheels on the bottom can we see the wheels guys the wheels are still good it's not it's not rotten we found our first Mouse in this unit Locker nuts fine a whole bunch we just found one he's a little lazy there he goes goes our Mouse is worth a whole lot more than other mice Xbox stuff in there that's good for video games no I don't know I want to get to that trunk you didn't see them oh yes I did yes I did show us what it was maybe show us what it was mr. Potato Head the bangles look at that it's the bangle sports spud NFL sealed and what she said I didn't see what I did look hi baby how do you know it's not for this upcoming Valentine's an entire jar of Valentines George yes will you be my Valentine raise see what's inside I moved to the other side that's her favorite side okay we definitely did not have the Crown Royal bags that we usually find okay so here as well so here's kammo she's got the Marine Corps book we got water balloons babe look look look look these look like service buttons and a bunch of miles a lot of them all of these look like service buttons this looks like Marine Corps service buttons doesn't it I think that's Marines right there yep some stuff there we've got what is this back in his prime mmm before he lost his ear ya know it's somebody else watch their ear to him yeah I saw it and you guys did too we haven't eaten lunch yet you want snack these these vacuum looks like they're vacuum packed their best by October 16th so we're still good we're good there there's a Jim Beam flap I just found a patch I found his name on a patch from his inappropriate pictures oh we've got lighter this is not a Zippo we've got something we got camo there we go you know maybe if I put this on you would never be able to tell where I was here's a and cheek thing that you put paper on like this you just saber you know what this is this I believe is turn that switch on this I believe what do you think you would do with that I have no idea a female would carry it or male and then if they were in a dangerous situation and somebody was about fazer they would do what taste them are you ready and three two you better taste me oh look at that there we go we got more Marines there's some chrome plated shears made in Germany there's some balls you got a knife you got a watch left to look this one up we got a watch antique screen as well holding it the wrong way Washington one of the cool things that we actually hold on to that was in here was this furniture or appliance dolly now we got lots and lots of dollies but we don't have one that's specifically built for moving frigerators and things along those lines so this will actually keep but as far as we can tell there isn't actually any frigerators or any other appliances in here of course we're not very far yet we're gonna move it out of the way and we're gonna work our way to that trunk but we're gonna get through it to a few more boxes before we do let's grab this box but before we do see what it is can you see it that it would be called paraphernalia here in Ohio and this we won't put in the truck that's gonna actually stay here because we're gonna come back next week and haul everything away we're about three hours away from home right now so based on our schedule is very very heavy auction week and then next week there's no auction so we're buying like crazy now showing you little bits and then we'll get to all the unboxing I want to see what's in here Vermont something something there and yeah cheeseburger just like the box that we found before but this one actually has some pinto beans the more you eat the more your kidney feels better would like these kidney beans and spaghetti and your favorite good meatballs you know they know that's fake when you do that in every video fake it's funny fake what I'm driving when I hear people dry heaving it's funny it's fake alright so oh you want to have a real fun with this mystery can and find out what's inside let's have some fun baby I'm gonna pass out look at the shelf filled with chili that's pretty that's pretty good that's the whole case how much do you think that whole case would be yeah yeah but you do it means I like it without all right so and I wouldn't eat that all right we're gonna say five dollars on that here's some bb's for all the BB guns we do have left Iraq and there may be more firearms and more weapons based on now we know he was military as well oh look at this cute little coin Bank very cool so military antiques store we don't know why the you know he lost the unit yet we haven't looked that far but you never know oh my gosh I knew this was no good when I saw something wrapped in a towel are you gonna at least look and see what's in the box yeah move that out okay we've got the actual trunks nice and clear now I mean there's just so much stuff in here but we can get to those trunks now but in before we do George actually wanted to get into a couple more boxes what you got here there's a lot of whiskey boxes and there's a lot of money in the whiskey boxes yes yes oh man look at all of them the old school some of them need a little bit of TLC Wow Wow look at these these are so cool here's one in the box top Wow how many would you say there's in here 20 or so mrs. fumble mugs she's just more and more and more all right this makes me hungry to dig into some more boxes let's do it okay we got a pile of boxes and totes right here so the easiest thing to do is just kind of come inside here and see what we got Oh Oh George George George I think well no I was gonna say I thought I might have had some Harley stuff but now well I could be bike helmet but what's it mean you know what that means you're good with languages let's see what this one is we got we got the Eagle helmet right here evil evil intentions now you okay no because I'm not evil I don't read evil so I'm gonna hand that off to George some kind of antenna over there I I see I see military oh here we go this is a drive I would call it a camel pack I'm not sure what the military calls it so if that's military issue the actually looks like there's quite a few things in here that are military issue there's a cup here is another book guidebook for the Marines so babe if there's not a gun in here I'm gonna be shocked if there's not a firearm in here this this is the kind of unit where there is we've already seen all other kinds of signs of weapons and Firearms are typically hidden in the back or the front corner nothing in there and now the moment we've all been waiting for not only one trunk but two trunks this one and this one and we are correct he served as a Marine this is his footlocker yes we know trunks went in the military are called footlocker's people don't look up foot lockers on YouTube they look up trunks that's why you see trunk in the title that's why we say trunk it's for YouTube naming all of you people meant in the military we do have his name covered up as well and we do know he's in jail so that poses an ethical question what would you do would you give him his stuff back because he served in the military and in the Marines or would you not if you knew what you knew about him and why he's in jail now I know what some of you gonna be saying we don't know what you know and you never will so let's dig in okay here we go trunk number one you ready George open it up let's see all the junk in the truth and three in the truth - oh wait I gotta tell you something I found another trunk back there we can't get to it today there's no way it's buried in the back but there will be another trunk in this unit here we go three two one oh this is something we have never seen before now believe it or not mask horror Halloween huge market for resale look at that there it's extra early oh my goodness it's not only ugly this one is googly this one looks like it actually glows this is whether you know what that is the mask no that's baby man mask that's what that is that's crazy is this insane clown posse I never listen to them there's Skeletor that one definitely glows in the dark yeah without a doubt they're some kind of hood what okay put your hand and I'm gonna make him talk okay let me see what I can do do you think I need gloves for that no you can take your gloves off okay hi boys and girls can you guess what my name is what's your name my name is sergeant I got shot in front of the camera I don't know how you do this George you and Jeremy make it look so easy can you give me some pointers we've got a couple more things in here this isn't that from a movie - his face is all stitched up the skin I'm not a fan of horror flicks I get scared easily yes for when we storm area 51 perfect I'm gonna open this bad boy up this was the footlocker y'all ready on that side George ready oh you're actually putting your gloves on yes you had a little bit of scare earlier here we go give us the slow countdown and look at this okay first thing I see firstly I see Radio Shack anything old Radio Shack that's collectible now this is deal or draw this is a black diamond and a cross in my pocket yeah black yeah Black Jack that's what it is so this is probably pretty collectible on eBay we'll have to look that up we got all of these what this wouldn't look like a bank money bag what would it be let's see what's in this one we've got court papers grandpa surgery lease we got birthdays birthdays even yes we'll have to go through all of this and we'll have to look see typically we look for money we look for gift cards this is all paperwork as well look at this okay who knows what this is mine the shot George alright who knows what this is let us know in the comments now there's a little thing in the back you see this there's the little wooden trigger so if you do this their head pops off if you push down on the trigger in the back this is pretty old this is vintage stuff here there we go let us know if you know what that is down in the comments okay we've got a official stopwatch of the Olympics in Lake Placid 1980 look at that maybe that has some collectability is real pretties yeah they're real these are very heavy and very real yes they are right you sure look real to me George hmm can you help me out here can you test these yeah you can't undo this without the key these are real I wonder if he was part of I don't know I was gonna say part of military police but I'm not even sure life of Ted horn American racing champion okay that over there look at this look at this okay we've got official horse-racing programs now I've told George this before I don't think I've ever told anybody else but I've once sold Kentucky Derby I forget the year Kentucky Derby program and I sold it for almost $200 on ebay so stuff like this that's 1953 1953 so don't dis night you don't these paper paper ever throw this kind of thing away oh yes probably has more value than anything else in this unit this paperwork Wyoming I don't know what that is look at this here more racing stuff look 1952 the purse $8,500 we've got here right here here's another one here's a racing program okay even with the pencil writing you see this here the pencil writing the one that I sold the Kentucky Derby on eBay it was just like this with pencil writing on it it's the history of horse racing that people absolutely love and if there's more in here we just hit the honey hole of all honey holes where most people would have thrown this away this stuff is so easy look at this this is amazing this one's from 56 here here here here this is some pictures in here here's an eye patch actually look at this do you think maybe he only had here's another eye patch just an eyeball glued here's two more eye patches okay oK we've got we've got a lot of paperwork in here for sure that's old checks let's set this aside let's set this aside we got a decree of disillusion for a marriage I'm going to set that aside more programs fifty-three fifty-three more horse racing oh look what I just found in a bag what do you have okay guys here it is here it is look look we've got the memory cards here it is the memory cards we will share with you what's on these memory cards Sunday evening during our livestream that happens every Sunday evening at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time so we'll go through this with the laptop and we'll share with you exactly what we found on here should be incredible considering what we found out already oh they look at that Queen purse this is a coin purse there's something in there money okay it's not very shiny quarter a pin I see what it is I can't read it in the light right now remembrance I think this is World War two this is a remembrance of World War two here's a National Defense award which I don't think we have a date on that that's cool that's really cool there's more pins remember we found these earlier 1960 Beulah Park racing Riverdance more horse racing look at all this look horse racing okay horse racing horse racing horse racing horse racing horse racing horse racing this is absolutely incredible okay let's see what's down below oh wow I think we might have we have potential of thousands of dollars just in silly pieces of paper like this what do we have here okay we have got a Bible a mini Bible George has more horse racing here's a Kentucky Derby right here yes okay so here's a Kentucky Derby eighty second official program this is from 56 George this is easily easily gonna be a couple hundred dollars easily oh my goodness I can't believe this look in the writing is in it this is this is this is exactly what I sold this is just incredible if we have more of that in here we just hit the biggest honey hole in this whole Dayton area I cannot believe I can't believe it I cannot believe it this is incredible Churchill Downs here's another there's this whole thing's gonna be antique horse racing paperwork and the thing is that this stuff is so easy to ship look at this old advertising Wow oh my goodness I can't believe it it's filled with it what else do we have I mean we're gonna have to take hours and hours and hours to go through all of this obviously but oh wow okay here's another River downs that one was I don't know I'm too excited there's some more where's that one there's three of them she's got more more horse programs 1954 this is incredible I'm trying to pull the personal paperwork so we stopped 1953 I think we have thousands and thousands of dollars in paperwork now here's the thing we can't tell you a value for this paperwork we have to sell it it's so rare it's the highest bidder so this kind of thing we're not gonna put a Buy It Now price on this is gonna go up for the highest bidder on eBay and then you'll find out exactly what that stuff can do we got tons of calendars in here my my oh my oh my we've got tons of envelopes look look look look more everywhere we got more more horse racing 52:53 I can't believe it these are dated 1965-1966 53:52 Churchill Downs 53 Churchill Downs 54 okay school day memories let's see here's another River downs all kinds of horse racing all right obviously this is an absolutely filled treasure trove jackpot the junk in this trunk is gonna make thousands of dollars this paper will make thousands of dollars so can't say that we know what's in the rest of this unit but we can say that this has been an incredible purchase and we can't wait to get back here in Dayton Ohio to get everything back home for all of you still tuning in George is still going through the trunk she just found a cincinnati bengals card a hundred and forty dollars piece of the Jersey two of five only in existence right there Carson Palmer who the Hales knows how much more money is in this unit [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 147,108
Rating: 4.868289 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: a3hH9cQ9L7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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