FOUND MORE PROFIT I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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right here in Cleveland where I bought three storage units what I really want to know is what's in the totes I think we have gotta let that blend there we go we just found one there's a Led Zeppelin and there is something in here there is look this is okay this is the size of it whatever it is man my heart is pumping okay I'm gonna put my hand in without looking so that you're not eating sore Jeanette food that's great my AC and my car stopped working and I think I have a little pinhole in my exhaust so I'm gonna be running around today trying to get those fixed along with other errands so I can't unbox this unit with you I'm sorry you have a great day though the zoo bandar oh here we go oh we got a box and got a box this should be interesting it's a big one too okay be your own kind of beautiful let's see what kind of beautiful treasure we can find in here in three two one okay we've got a busted cellphone the ziplock bag with a washcloth not sure why um I've got a bunch of movies okay which which one is your favorite out of here your favorite movie go ahead let me know down in the comments below and it's a pullout final destination it's in there bonus okay let's make sure there's nothing underneath because I hope nothing underneath this could be hiding stuff there was a super kind of beautiful look at this we got a love nice home decor piece that looks looks homemade self-made however you want to say it's a cool piece for sure looks like I got we got click baited that's oh look at this look at that that might be a jewelry chest right there nope there's more are me not saying that that definitely means they were in the army but some signs for sure okay this may be homemade whatever it is it looks cool oh they both opened at the same time all right let's see what's in here I would say this is homemade it's really cool that's a neat piece right there all right we have Narcotics Anonymous again this is Narcotics Anonymous how it works why works 12 steps so this is almost vindictive of every single storage unit 90% of the storage units this is usually the issues it's drugs and alcohol drugs and alcohol drugs and alcohol drugs and alcohol and that's where they get into the issues where they can't afford to pay and you can go Jeremy you're being so judgmental no I'm not I'm telling you the truth I do this for a living you don't and so this is what I accounter every single day drugs and alcohol and that's part of the culture of losing storage units and we don't wish it upon anybody and yet at the same time it happens this looks like Harry Potter no that's not Harry Potter I thought maybe that was Dobby the house-elf okay so we got a bunch of CDs I think I saw dark rocks we'll go through those individually nothing there sweet hair dryer with AV cords what's this what is this we've got some in there oh we gotta flip them we got a tracfone motorola all the all the chords all the bells and whistles and then we have a purple marquee eight-piece hair stylings Oh with the with the glove and everything this box is actually labeled chicken on the back so be interesting if we actually find chicken in here and we got a towel oh here we go we got some money okay there's some money right there always a good sign with a few other things we wanna check this money because we did find some collectible coins in this unit so obviously somebody was collecting got some nails in the prescription bottle that's a garbage stealers garbage do you know what I'm saying oh here we go Crown Royal they always hide the good stuff in Crown Royal alright let's see what we have we have this okay I know what this goes to this goes to a shelf that I took out of here it was an entire box of shelf pieces and this goes through it that makes sense I was wondering when that was okay we got brain elixir after-dinner riddles let's try one just stimulate 30 fun rows system rate stimulate your brain okay let's see actually looks kind of cool alright what tastes better than it smells that is the riddle what tastes better than it smells the answer your tongue yeah hails yes I have a feeling my tongue never smells good I have chronic bad smelling tongue okay we've got a picture in here picture with something in it okay we got another something we got our glass huh black sand in the hourglass in this picture that's something new I've never seen that before all right here nothing there's gotta be some good stuff in here okay why do you keep a single pair of pants in with your other stuff here we go there's something definitely in there you hear it there sure is all right here we go count it down with me three two one ah that's some kind of Buddha thing with the cross he got Buddha with the cross okay um got a ring a skeleton ring right there you got a Kenai and see what this is this is before Christ iron cross from Israel the time is before Christ huh that is odd what an odd mix of things okay let's keep going I'm sure there's some great stuff in here here's another Crown Royal Bank that one's empty they're never empty always got some weird in there there's a Christmas story it's like a puzzle they bought it for 399 okay Lloyd Alexander the Black Cauldron there's one book missing it looks like here we go here's something else down here here we go it's heavy it is heavy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right here we go hearts of pumping then three you want a peek there's your peek - one better peek there you peek one it's just cards it's just playing cards that was it okay what a letdown what a letdown okay ashtrays catch of the day and here here you go War of the monsters PS - Grayson final fantasy there we go let's see if it's in there ps2 games yes it sure is and yes and yes and yes nice nice there's a score right there and look there's binders in here maybe these are all ps2 games let's find out what these books are really quick the case for Christ's trouble that's a great book you haven't read that one that's an incredible book okay let's see what we have here this looks like it's gonna be personal let me peek first yep definitely gonna be personal let's set that aside and we're gonna hope that this is a ton of ps2 games obviously you want them with the case with the instructions and see if this is games and this is kind of a personal care grooming set we have another big tote big Sterilite tote so the last one of these we opened in this unit it was absolutely incredible BAM so let's hope for the best on this one too here we go yeah please tell me it's not all clothes that's not too bad though look London Fog if this is brand-new that's got some resale value and George can sell it online so yeah that looks brand-new 42 regular London Fog I guess it's a raincoat here we go 2016 champions Cleveland Cavs that's some good stuff right there we got there we go with the army camo so there's a camo hat doesn't look like it was worn much here's an FBI hat here's a I'm gonna say that is an Ohio State Buckeye leaf hat right right um what what the Hales what are they doing with Pittsburgh stuff they live in Ohio so there's a Pirates Jersey and it's a to excel and all Steelers number seven number seven this thing looks brand-new size large number seven oh now we're talking look at this 1948 world champion Cleveland Indians look at that it's framed it's the winning team right there Wow now this is cool that's sweet huh that is really cool oh we got some more stuff oh look at this we got Harley Davidson these look brand-new harley-davidson gloves look at that look at that that's money right there oh look at this we got a giant Harley Davidson patch all right this is the size of my hand my hand is huge I can palm a basketball or somebody's head you know and that's how big that patch is that's sweet we got a camo America flag hat let's see what we got here in the lugs box okay we got the Terrible Towel more Steelers hey here's some collectible coins look at this we got some more coins see that there okay it looks like it's in the middle of a mess of stuff but there we go there's a there's a 1921 1922 me 19 $21 right there there's a half dollar 64 so we know that's silver there's another Liberty there's another there's a buffalo buffalo nickel here I'll just let you see them up close so that's probably a wheat head yep sure is so silver silver silver silver silver no not silver that one's nickel that is a 1950 so there we go we got some more collectible coins that's really cool maybe there's some more in here it's a belt buckle [Music] about that I do see some more points here in the corner let's see what we have we've got 1999 and beat the living snot out of it that's what we got all right so at least we found some good coins there there's a defender oh here's four counting coins that's four quarters apparently they needed a privacy screen protector for the iPhone 6 here's more for countin counting coins okay this is precision supply I don't know what this is for I'm not sure what that's for here's a knife looks like a buck this looks like an old buck let's find out where that leather that leathers yes it's an old buck it's a buck 110 see sure is that's a nice connive that's a really nice connive George is gonna like that okay more screen protectors we've got a wallet okay yeah guitar picks that's good I always like that in the wallet I don't see any money no money in the wallet crash test dummies and I did the crash test dummy see what I have over here cowboy hat that's a nice leather cowboy hat that's really nice see if we can find a size no well it's in there I just can't read it with gloves on and then we got st. Patrick's they have so there we go there and with such we got another connive I don't think we're gonna do any damage with that and a wig some other things like that let's just throw that aside here's a says ray-ban that would be really good and they are those are ray-bans good resale value there that's really good what do we have here looks like looks like a tiger see it is it's a tiger look at that look on the paw 205 of 2000 no look look over here four hundred and sixty one dollars Siberian tiger four hundred and sixty one dollars holy Jebus limited edition Siberian tiger four hundred and sixty one dollars Wow alright let's set that aside that's definitely an eBay piece this more than paid for the locker okay we got a ps2 a sweet now go with the games we found there's ps2 maybe this is maybe that's the name of the individual who owned the unit that's my best guess and let's see we got a tie a $32 tie with the price tag structure tie else do we have here we got looks like two more things down in here Crown Royal again when in doubt Crown Royal it up okay let's see if I can pour it out in my hand toenail clippers band-aids nothing really really just nothing what do we have here Grateful Dead just a do-rag just ask all do-rag and oh here's another connive here we go it's a ruko there you go root go get some glasses nothing in there this nice little box and I'm gonna have oh wait here's something down here I just found that in the corner all right you guys know we're looking for nine to five and I just found it can you see it 925 sterling silver jackpot oh good yes I love this unit here we go another Crown Royal bag all right let's see what we got here I think we got no we got more than just one it sums in here multiple bags multiple multiple bags day mark the shark calm okay lighter this is just a waterproof tube that this just feels like it's got a bunch of more Crown Royal bags in it so we're gonna need to go through all that there we go nice nice so that that shows more of the military thing for sure that is Dave's planet a cellphone lighter this is Zippo sure is old Zippo good the decorative miss on that decorative piece of art got a Smurfs another phone another phone oh we got we got can't see the first one but there you go definitely guilty definitely guilty dig on in okay we got more movies rules of attraction it's in there that's good Excalibur kinds of cool things that's looking good look at this we got it like a keepsake box that's cool Yoga for Beginners I guess that would be me can't see myself ever getting into yo good okay let's just check yep definitely in there okay we got a box that says believe do you believe do you believe what's gonna be inside here all right let's find out together here's a little joy chest some sort double-double how do you open it oh here we go okay so crosses look like handmade crosses hand-carved somebody hand-carved those and put them in a little cedar chest scandalous marriage already have here a bunch of beads oh that's a rosary there's a rosary in this Crown Royal bag there's something heavy in here for sure costume jewelry there's more holy cow that's it ton of beads some kind of beads some kind of something okay Cape cher cranberry not sure oh it's a so I see I see it's like a decorative soap or something there you go smell that smell it okay this is Cape short bevador woods that is - oh that's hope is getting to me alright go ahead and smell it I'm not gonna spell this one because the last one made me sneeze just seal that back up so it must be some kind of decorative soaps there's some more crafts and beads I'll give that to my girls here's an army keychain some kind of butterfly with a broken wing more beads there's a watch in there and some bead working tools as well somebody who maybe was definitely making something like here's another one wait here look it's another watch look at this coin not sure what kind of coin that is are you guys anybody know what kind of coin would that be anybody know I can take it out of the bag but it's the only one I really see in there anyway with all that stuff that's some velcro Nightrider it's wonder if it comes with kit but up boom chain Oh some pencils look at that prismacolor brand-new pencils so somebody was obviously an artist razor blades some other stuff in there too this looks like we got a million cup cozies I definitely got a ton of cup cozies all right oh look at this here it is there is the Himalayan this is the first one I found in a unit holy cow this is heavy there my friends is the Himalayan salt lamp and this is the first one I have ever found in a unit and you and I together we found it the first one breaks a famous finding a bunch of a bunch of books I'm not too much into the books I look through all these later now one of the items in the actual unit was covered with this sheet I've untucked the back of it and we're gonna find out what it is together you me all of us let's find out what the hell's it is hey you ready all right I laid it down in here oh man I got the sheet on the tripod there we go three two Wow she stuck to it yeah come on there we go that my friends is an antique mirror look it's got an eagle up top you see it here I'll try and bring you in closer so you can actually see the eagle so there's the eagle and there's you look we got something sticking out on the side you see that right there alright let's get rid of this sheet this is kind of cool really careful look at that the frame is coming off okay look the frame came off the backing they're hiding newspapers back in here I've seen 1946 September September 8th something else something else I've never seen anything like this before always check the back of frames okay all right this is September 8 1946 not sure if you can see it and there is something in here there is look this is okay this is the size of it whatever it is oh man my heart is pumping okay I'm gonna put my hand in without looking I'm gonna pull it out on three you guys ready for this one two three it's another envelope okay it's an envelope in an envelope alright they just enveloped us up okay there's something in here see that it's that size okay maybe maybe another envelope I don't know but one two three look at this there are hiding family photos why why I hide them back there I've never found anything behind anything like that before ever I've been doing this forever maybe there's maybe there's some clues in the actual papers this is the Cleveland Plain Dealer September 10th 1946 so we're we're around the world war 2 error oh my goodness look at this so we're World War 2 error what business okay quart nips Pittsburgh power strike that was 46 she had to decide between a loveless marriage and a lawless love not too much has changed since 1946 the pin-up girls of history is this is this 1946 adult literature what is this this must bend the adult literature 19:46 can anybody confirm that I've got the mosquito Wow Wow Wow Wow [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 150,572
Rating: 4.8245344 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: BkCr88VqmGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 30sec (1950 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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