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there is the man that the legend himself my quote today is finally the day where we get to meet I think it's backwards day because you're on that side on this side what the Hales is going on today we get to meet the representative of American Pickers Mike Wolfe don't forget to subscribe and make sure you hit that bow so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live every Sunday and a lot of people have been telling us that that bell with the notifications isn't working in YouTube right now the way to fix it go in unclick your notifications click it again and click on what George [Music] this is how what the Hales travels incognito when they don't want to be known everywhere they go and this is how antique archeology travels incognito when they don't want everyone to know who they are and where they are see how you do is you take the decals off know what the Hales no antique archeology we're here at second sense with Rob Joe there's Josh and so this is what today is all about right here the vintage Harley so it's beautiful it's got so much character look at that what year did we say this was Rob okay we got a 63 so that's the 63 motor wasn't there a 40-something okay the the forties motor was put in swapped out that's the original motor so the the previous owner swapped the motor out that's the original that goes with the bike oh my goodness so many stories I have a feeling we might hear some good stories today so this is Joey and his father-in-law Don and Joey deals with Mike works for Mike he does all of the bike pickup so he hasn't even seen the bike yet he's just he's looking at everything what do you think he sees and then we're supposed to have the Mike here just in a little bit after the bikers checked out so they're looking at everything right now and parts in there and you clean like parsley just cleaning they have like a little pure pools so I could rip out and die like a drip and they're like the most amazing every like machinist or like fabricator like those are the best boxes you can't ever rubbers yeah the best so much we're getting an education right now unpicking so Joe you're the you're the bike expert right like this is that's the only thing that's Harley right here that piece and that piece was welded on yeah how can you tell that's a Harley piece that's the cast this is all should be one cast piece on a Harley neck so like the neck all this is one piece and then they put braze this into there and braised this into there so this is just one chunk and it's all basically that's about the only part on it I don't know what this section is all this stuff this is like something crazy yeah that came in the Harley unit and then the triumph behind you if it was an earlier motor a pre unit not a unit would be worth it this is what your motor do you think it is this is the triumph that came out of the unit sixties Playa 650 Bonneville the whole thing is this thing should have a swing arm shocks hard section this whole section right here so we think it's value is as it sits with this rear wheel pry like I mean if you had a front-end for it I mean this bike Ronnie like even just together like Ronnie minutes like 35 3 and you know something to be able to put that money to get this back on the road yeah sorry it's not worth it there's a Harley fender yo how can you tell it's a Harley fender but this is for Harley normally this thing would be they're called three piece fenders they're like tack welded spot welded right here so it'd be an original but this is a Harley Tombstone taillight but it's not original it would have Harley right here I usually would stay on the backside of these two but if that thing was an original fender this is it would be a front fender they put on the rear oh yeah I mean you could get good money for these things they're like a thousand bucks or if it was like in good condition if is real but it's repot but I mean if you got five hundred bucks for this thing with with that I mean that would be like yeah especially with no title you Figg I was gonna try at the toy before and put your option yeah if it's worth you tell you or not though I wouldn't I would even waste the time on it it does not obtain we've got a matching tank kind of cool it's a good color so this thing you're saying is just like a hodgepodge Frankenstein this thing yeah I mean if this was a real Harley frame rigid but I mean you're probably looking like three hundred dollars if somebody really wanted to use that thing it's gotta have a real long front end on it in a way that's rate this thing right if you sold it's got oh that's 500 bucks well I mean if you know that's what cut in if you got like 350 somewhere around there if it was a pop go frame like a stock popco friend me get like 600 bucks for it but this thing's somebody made this whole this whole setup is just all well yes I mean had a custom bike that's right yeah well the guy was thinking that the 46 was on this one you know I mean it could be I mean it yet all the motor mounts are all the same like this is what a knuckle motor mount looks like long and skinny I mean it's Harley mounts but it doesn't look like it's really ever even been ran you know I mean if you look at it yeah well here you could tell us not Harley well at least we have something we can sell yeah no I mean both of those things I mean so we don't want them Joey brought lunch okay well you better pick these out I want to pick out different one who picked them so Dave from the store picked out t-shirts for us this is the smallest one of the medium there you go that's her size that was the special request right there there we go looks pretty good there's no fat guy shirts in there you know what Joey I'll just take two I'll take 2 and I'll sew them together so why Joey I got a note how in the world did you guys even find out about the vintage Harley wasn't you somebody email yeah we want a name that's what we think it's probably one of our subscribers incredible video someone they send the text to me or you know a little response to the video and they said oh I should contact American Pickers about this I said it go ahead looking through the American Pickers emails mark let me lean I'm gonna try and get you a t-shirt mark can I get a t-shirt for mark as well perfect all right how does the process go so mark sends you an email and then mike gets it or who gets it and then mike got it and then Mike sends you out and he says go look at this yeah so what was this lot then locker like was it like a guy who worked in there was a shop it was a dream storage unit and as this story goes back way way long ago this it was there was a Dodge Challenger in the front of the unit and you couldn't see anything was a 10 by 30 2011 challenger was hiding everything it's a beautiful Challenger gorgeous and and you couldn't even see the vintage bike back there but Rob and I were bidding against each other and then Rob whispers to me here you want to go halfsies and so I've never gone halvsies on a unit with anybody before and I don't think you have either right and so we decided to go halfsies and then we dug in and then we found this other things and a car lift which is right back here that thing is pretty good car parts we're going through there did you find like paperwork like who even owned it like the person was nothing like well yes and the Challenger we have registration information but we left it in there yeah without a doubt one person we didn't look him up a lot of times we'll look people up once we find their information but so you said something's wrong with the 46 yeah well both of both of them have the number jobs on the big number and the belly numbers that's what leaves this thing of value so you're looking for the actual numbers on the case yeah by a rag and like cleaner maybe rag and cleaner so what will the numbers tell you Joey once you find them on the casing what what you're the actual cases are what years are you hoping that it is okay he's looking for 46 says that side isn't so if it is 46 what would that mean to you that most of the time the reason why the left case the left cases have different numbers because the case is cracked so it's 47 left left side belly so it's 47 matching bellies 47 47 47 so if it has 46 big number so the engine is a 1946 47 was in the 47 yeah have you guys kicked it through it all did it have spark plugs in it when you got revenant we haven't touched it it's exactly the way it was [Applause] how'd you get how'd you get connected with Mike from Fighting's crazy stuff he tried by a couple things awful didn't work out you want to get on that strange I'll show you if you want to look at what just so you can see what uh yeah I want us look what you're looking at a VIN number she's bringing up an image of it yeah I just said you could see what uh so watch here's a 47 not much difference but check it out see this for ya see how as a closed top how it meets in the middle yep and see how 47 how's it open is open and then so check out if there's a six is in here so see this six how its round yep so they should be flat flat backs and then when you look at this three you tell somebody hit it twice with the stamp see how it's fat right there yep so you could see the VIN numbers been altered so what they did is they basically welded this thing up and then re-stamped 46 numbers and you're probably the motor was either stolen at one point in time or then a title for 46 and they transfer it over it was just the easiest thing to do these bikes back in like the sixties and seventies every it was so easy to just take one of these bikes especially not being in the stock frame I mean the same motors probably had like 20 owners Wow so check this thing out so this is this case watch so it has like a 1963 VIN number in it we already know from what you looked at clean up to real fast so then when these cases were made they had the base were matched up at the factory and these were the line bore numbers but this is how you're able to tell what your they actually are most people grind these things out babe can you go get one of the O lights they're in the council six six four seven so trying to find the year the real year because the motor could be stolen it's just the first ones so that tells you what about this engine Joey it was 1963 numbers so it's an Ashley a forty eight so because the motor was either stolen or swapped out they stamped it for the title what's your gut instincts stolen or swapped out you think they were both you think both engines were stolen I mean this is probably done way back in the day it was probably done in the 70s when these numbers were put in here it's a good flashlight this isn't the brightest one the other one might be better just so make sure you can see everything he needs to see so check it out this year 48 yep I sure do right there 48 48 and then it was stamped what 63 yeah so it could have been done in 1963 to the stamping it could have been issued that number could have been issued normally they have it put a tag on there so what are you looking for now Joey just a condition now condition overall of the frame and you guys to pull this motor and put that motor here yeah do you think well you don't you don't think that motor was the originally in here do you no 1958 to 1960 what are what are the tell-tale signs that the frame is a 68 or it's called a drop seat frame okay so this all this right here is like just same as if it was a rigid and it would keep coming down to here but it kicks up here gotcha this is called a drop seat frame so it goes here and then it kicks up and then the strut goes here very cool so the later ones would just have become come here and they would just go straight across gotcha these tanks aren't stopped I mean this thing was just a total everything about this bike is like [Music] that one looked better than the other one we're all doing good Mike are you sure you want to hear this all right this is a really special song to me though I don't know if I I don't know if I feel comfortable sharing it with with everybody but really important woman taught this to me goes like this you know this one you can sing along [Music] hijk LMNOP qrs tuv W X the question you're asking right now is why and [Music] my demands are saying that Joey looks like you with a beard yeah he could be the bearded you a little cool if you had a beard and your whole body was tatted this is what you see Mike I've got a deal Mike's all-in all right you're sure we're in I'm sure he's got cash all right here's what I want you to do I want you to guess down in the comments below in the video how much did they pay for the vintage Harley Davidson and the other motor don't tell them yet though but you are paying cash right how much did you guys pay no how much did you pay how much does I want the subscribers to guess how much you paid for the Harley and then we'll let them lit will let them know later if they were right but that's a good stat look he's got only a portion that's a portion that's a portion of it they do know what we paid they do they saw the video there you have it from second sense to antique archeology there is one of the most coolest things we've ever found in a unit we find cash we find diamonds we find thousands upon thousands of thousands of dollars of jewelry first harley-davidson ever found in a unit for us go into a new home a better home [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 264,120
Rating: 4.8269262 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandon
Id: y4vMHhrMi2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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