FOUND JEWELRY HOARDER STORAGE UNIT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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we had to go through and look at everything one more time look at that there is actually a pearl inside that oyster shell george here with what the hails we buy a ton of storage units and in those storage units we find a ton of abandoned jewelry here's a box of some of the jewelry that we recently found from a hoarder's unit there's got to be so much gold and silver in there and we got to find out exactly what's inside i'm ready to dig in we found all this jewelry in hoarder storage units look at all this george look at this box that was from a safe that was from this is from mother nature's unit look at this we got we got jewelry boxes down here we got a ton of stuff look at all the gold here okay wow so what we don't get to do while we're videoing at the storage units we don't get to look and see is this gold what carrot is it is it silver what we are going to do is george i say we have a little bit of a competition today let's see who can find the most gold the most silver will it be team jeremy or team hashtag team george what we're gonna do pull something out and you get to see how much gold how much silver is in there and then i get to pull something out we're gonna find who can find the most money i'm up for some friendly competition let's do this [Music] ladies first right absolutely oh my goodness i think i want to go with the elephant in the box there's an elephant in the box this right here you mean the jewelry box that's not a bad oh my goodness look at that okay do you remember which storage unit this came from i don't we buy so many it's hard to remember so we have found these all in storage unit videos we've shown them in the storage unit videos but now we're gonna go in detail we're gonna find out how much gold how much silver you get a point for every silver thing you find and every gold thing you find that's got to be silver and gold there all right what are you looking at first okay there's a ton of cufflinks in here looking oh silver sterling already see it all right that's one point for george already she already found sterling okay now is that one point or two points i would go with one because it's one i was gonna give you two all right i'm cool with that you only got one point okay with one one point one point so she's got sterling these look like matchy matchy oh they're j they say j on them for j dot maybe i should keep those so i don't see any markings that say sterling but i see try the magnet it says swank you want to try the magnet so i definitely see swank on there just don't see that it says stirring or the magnet completely so i'm not ignoring the magnet i'm just not there yet oh okay and [Music] definitely says swank yep what does swank mean it's just the maker that sounds like a maker's mark that sounds like a slang term for swag swag something all right what about the cut ring the cut ring this cut ring i want to know is that cap sign maybe the part that got cut off was the part that was labeled can i see the front of the ring oh i see a marking right there where here's the front of the ring okay that might be cat's eye i'm not sure on that one okay let's put it under them the magnet that's the there's a marking she's looking this is how we look at our jewelry under this process when it's hard to but we spend hours and hours doing this we can't show that in a storage unit video there she goes come on sterling are you serious yes all right sterling she got it there's there's number two number two she's got two points that's two points george see another cufflink two points george and i don't see any markings there you know i should start with a handicap five points jeremy what do you think yeah like golf okay five points jeremy here's a tie that is a tie clip with uh our buddy bucko are you gonna auction some of this jewelry off in your sunday night auctions definitely made in the u.s i can okay so we every sunday night we go live and we auction off items to you as we find them in the units but in bulk items so storage unit signs right here to get some of this stuff you have to be on during the live in order you would definitely have silver you know she's finding silver but i already know i'm gonna find gold i know there it is sterling you got another one it's in there it's in there in the cuff link so is there a matchy match let's see if there's a match she's got three points now i don't see the other half okay so really half a point or one point one point i'll give you one point so she's got three points oh there it is oh there it is but it's broken it's not complete all right you still got three points we'll still give you the three points okay three points sterling looks like mother of pearl yeah it does it looks beautiful i think it's sterling it also says swank see it says swank right there and then let's look for any markings inside if there are it's either faded or i don't see anything we have so much to go through it takes it's going to take us a full day just to look at everything we're probably going to have a few different videos there's there's writing on the inside of the cup that one says usa okay and i think just the maker so so far three points george zero points jeremy jjs jjs jeremy jeremy superman this one definitely says swank maybe it's jeremy jeremy swank and then a number a number but it does not indicate if it's gold are you going to use the magnet we do have a magnet oh now now she'll use the magnet it is not gold that means it's not cool it's not gold so but this part right here five minutes in now she'll use a magnet that doesn't stick no this part sticks which means it's metal this part does not stick but no indication whether it's real gold or not is that a camera is that a home land that is a camel and a pyramid from the homeland oh my goodness those who don't know george is 100 asian egyptian but don't ask me to walk like an egyptian i got the wrong ian at the end there's some uh certain booties are you gonna you're gonna keep the camel and the pyramid or 33 penny it's definitely a wheat head definitely a weed head okay there's a wedi some of these pens are gold-plated gold well some of them are actual gold gold so you're gonna have to look there's definitely a marking there you do see a marking mm-hmm all right she's a little nine two five nine two five so it's silver okay this is silver so that's four points george racking up the silver right now and then this is just a vintage pen weird just a normal a silver pen and then another pen and then this looks like a part of a uh a band for a watch maybe a skull speedl okay so you have how many points definitely doesn't count i think i'm at four you're at four points or right now my turn to pick something we had to go through and look at everything one more time look at that there is actually a pearl inside that oyster shell is that this is probably amazing oh my goodness never seen anything like it one of the other things that we do is we really go through everything with the fine tooth comb so that's what we're doing now but now we have to do it again and we had to look through here we have to rip the pockets open what they're very what year is that from 1973 rain checks so old tickets are worth money you're not getting any points for that but two atlanta braves versus the padres 1973 and then she ripped that one and look at their what was hiding man jjs okay so jjs must be the actual initials any markings on that at all i don't see any markings okay and then except for the initials one more thing we found brand new blades now we figured these are old we'll have to look these are blades for a pencil sharpener oh my goodness we're gonna have to look those up on ebay too you you might have found anything the atlanta braves tickets might be worth more than anything else in your pool there but no point okay my turn now i gotta get me some points i'm definitely behind right now four for george none for me but we're just getting started am i allowed to pull this hole back or you know what this this is what came from the safe and i know there's gold and silver in here or should i just pull that bag whatever you want um the box the bag here's what i want to do look i see this here i want to pull that okay this you tell me when i when i have to stop this this uh this definitely that and is this good can i can i do this yeah okay go for it putting the bag back look at all this stuff in here look at all this we have to go through there's a ton of it and it's not even that big of a box and look that last unit the five dollar unit in worcester that we found gift cards we have to go through all these gift cards that's right but we'll save them here while we're here to do our gift card video okay let's see you're letting me have all of this yes okay and just to emphasize we only get points for gold or point for silver here we go j tv okay jtv here we go see what we got here we've got oh oh my god why would that have gotten in the jewelry box i don't know okay so this boxes sell so you're saving this yes that's going to go in a jewelry box live well then i already know what's in here vintage air vintage air that's worth money but you don't get any points sorry no points those two no points but i'm [Music] there's something in here you ready all right let's put it down here here we go and oh it's got to be gold it has got to be gold look on the inside of the case what's on the see it gold filled okay hold a second so gold filled do i get a point for gold filled yes so that does count that's one point right here we know the gold field isn't worth as much but she is giving me a point i'm not gonna just take that point at face value though even though this definitely oh wow that's got a vintage job oh that's fantastic it's definitely vintage i i wanna i wanna see if maybe you know what it never came out of here look at that that's brand new i think that's my birthstone color really i'll see if i can emerald look at the back there you know what it's beautiful do you think that's a real emerald i don't know okay we don't we don't have gem testers we don't have gem testers we have diamond testers that we work with we don't have a gem tester what we do is we go to a professional to test gems so even though this may very well be a gem if they put a true gem in gold filled it could be a gem i still only get one point for the actual gold filled i'm going to set that aside that is brand new that is brand new and i'm going to go with bam what's that pagata pagoda pagoda pagada tomato tomato oh come on where i actually thought i chose well wait it's hiding under nothing nothing it definitely had a price tag okay so fifty-four ninety-nine what i should have but you still get another zero point this was for a whole nother thing that wasn't for this this was for another thing so that's really that's two empties but i still have the one point and i ain't done yet because something's in here something is in here and something's definitely in there it's a pill a half a pill yeah but on the black market do you know how much i could get for this still no points for you mister i don't know either okay sam's jewelry emporium yep okay so this will go in your jewelry lot as well and you'll solve the cases yeah i'm not doing too hot here but don't forget some jingle jangles yeah okay here we go what's this one gonna be something's in here yes look at that that is a golfing money clip you see the golf club money clip love it do you need that for all the benjamins that you win okay and i think no marking that i can see let's just go ahead we'll do a test here real quick a magnet test magnet test and nothing no sticky sticky nothing nothing at all what does that say something about london look on the bottom of the box look on the bottom uh what does it say anything nothing exceptional something of london nothing helpful you know that doesn't help them does it all right i'm trying to get it out okay i just almost got it out oh my goodness this is like a maze yeah here we go here we go i'm gonna get it off of here and nothing underneath there right now people are panicking going jeremy why are you so rough with it that's that's what she said okay so i don't see any markings on you're going to use the magnifying glass uh i don't need to like i remember i had lasik eye surgery so i can already see there is no markings anywhere already looked except there might be right let me check there checking how's the light everything's perfect but nope that is not gold or silver that'll go up for auction and i think i remember what was in here this was from remember medina and we bought the the grandma hoarder unit she died and then all the jewelry was in all of the dressers i'm pretty sure this was real pearls if i remember correctly where'd the pearls go we found real pearls in that unit it's got to be in this box somewhere it probably it probably fell out but again this case itself though those sell some of them saw very well on the ebay here look at the look at the markings there that potentially could be bakelite i can't see off the top of my head right now but what i can see is i've got this case filled filled with nothing up top but i'm not worried about that because of this you hear all that yeah okay here we go here it just all sounds like coins here we go which unit did this come out the coins don't count unless it's real silver come on there's a dollar right there which unit did this come out of do you remember i don't okay so it counts if i can find a silver if i can find a silver coin right yeah so if there's silver collectible coins in here definitely counts let's do this let's take a little bit of a pause with the filming let's search let's see if we can find silver we'll come back and let you know if we did you're not gonna believe how many points i have in this bag we did look for star notes as well the one dollar bill not a star note unfortunately no points so it's george for jeremy one draw number two you know your first choice that's a good choice right there oh no i'm just moving it out of the way but that was the bag lady hoarder no no no i know there's gold in there because that came out of the five dollar stage i think i'm gonna go with this that had the pearls didn't it probably a box shake it shake it shake it yeah i like that yeah definitely go for that that's hurting a little bit go for this okay you uh you're getting all down up in there i'm gonna go through all of this you're going through that and that bag right no the bags will go back in you don't want that bank the bank was in my way all right fine look at that the hayley brothers that was almost hailed let's go with this one ready let's see what you got oh are these the pearls that you were talking about that's not the set i was talking about but we did when we found those we thought for sure that they were pearls well definitely a vintage set based on the clasp okay are you gonna are you gonna do the pearl test on your teeth i've never done the pearl test on my teeth i'm not even sure what to it's time what i should be feeling rub them on your teeth rub them isn't it going to lose value though no not if you rub them if i do it will does it feel gritty or sandy or smooth not sure okay so the test there we're not sure how do you feel with your teeth well when you eat texture i mean that might be the tar on my teeth so i don't know you eat textures you know textures right on my tongue i do okay so is there any markings of gold i don't see any markings no not seeing anything on that not seeing anything again this will be auctioned off sunday night live this sunday we might as well just walk some of it off this sunday don't you think yeah we can because we're going through it now we brought it oh i think that's silver so this has cultured pearls but they're these definitely aren't pearls but look at what the back says as well cultured pearls sticker and the back of it says sterling silver where right here yeah and that looks absolutely looks like silver it looks and behaves like silver so let me see if i can find a marking there it is sterling so yeah yep we see it so you have five points now now can you show us what it actually is this is a necklace it's a beautiful necklace oh my god that had to be tangled up that had to be what 200 necklace stir all sterling silver maybe more oh that thing is tangled isn't it so tangled a lot of people have given us a lot of hints on untangling necklaces and the best thing that we know to use to untangle necklace it's just our fingers just our fingers it looks pretty yeah that dangles down so this part dangles down yeah and then this comes up so that's what it looks like and then just gotta finish untangling it that's beautiful you know what that's gorgeous if that's really old that's i mean it's worth so much more than it's sterling silver value so that one is beautiful it's definitely do you think those are real diamonds no these could be crystals but so that's a point for you hands down that's a point you get a point for that one should we pull out my diamond tester uh we can do that in a little bit okay well it doesn't even count if they are real yeah so it just it just counts if we are saving them now which a lot of people may not realize with all the storage units that we buy we probably have my guess is roughly 150 to 200 000 dollars in gold and silver spot price just that and and precious precious stones one dollar and fifty cents or a hundred fifty dollars a dollar fifty made in the us so so we've probably found that real gold not resale value but just spot prices on silver and gold and gems probably 150 to 200 000 dollars whatever was in here was gold and on the channel as a whole i think on the channel as a whole we've kind of been looking through some of the some of the the specifics i think on the channel in the whole in two years you've probably witnessed us spend uh half a million dollars on the channel actually more in all of our treasure hunting something's missing there it doesn't look like this comes up maybe we found the other pieces now with the half a million dollars in two years that they've witnessed us spend on the channel the best part is we've been able to make that back so here's a pen and i'm speaking specifically into storage units and other purchases not coin pushers don't i don't see any markings that it's sterling nothing on that one nothing on that one i thought for sure that one would be sterling huh old cases like this check to your ebay prices old cases like this can be worth 100 500 it all depends on the case we'll have to actually check it this was made in england i can't get it undone okay we have to get that brooch undone is that your last one give me a sec yeah all right let's get it undone you did it yeah got the brooch nice okay tangled but it says strafford shire england i'm definitely gonna have to look that up this now does that look like it was it looks like it might have been gold plated there it may have been played whatever the plating is the plating looks like it's coming off but man that is that's beautiful you can't see any gold-plated markings right no so no point for that one unfortunately you know what that means i still have a fighting chance oh now we're in florida we brought all this before do you know who do you know who owns the key to my heart me sorry you're gonna have to fight it over with jesus jesus uh you look at this i think there's a diamond ring right there even yep there sure is okay but i'm not choosing that i'm not using that but you touched it yeah but you keep moving this bag so i'm going why is it called the mother nature because the lady called herself mother nature we went she gave herself the name of mother nature noreen which is flippin cocky's flippin adventures yeah she gave herself that name now some other items might have got mixed in here but let's take a look i think i got stuff most of these are windsor boxes the winter collection all right let's take a look let's take a look here are we gonna go smallest to you know what biggest the smallest i remember what's in here this is what this is money this is money remember how many points do i have right now where ahead what one okay i can take the one i'll take the one that we got here we've got we've got all right you see anything is that a pendant it's definitely a pendant oh it kind of looks like gold but no markings nothing at all that looks like rose gold the little heart well here's the bag that it was in that doesn't really seem like it doesn't say anything let me let me put it under the magnifying glass this is the magnifying glass that we always use and we do that afterwards and we spend hours looking at everything now what most people don't understand is when we make videos we love sarcasm and we love humor and we use a lot of it in our videos so a lot of times people go you're so stupid you don't know what you're talking about actually we laugh because we go man those people that say that are stupid they don't understand what humor is but we love it because it's our humor for us um there are markings there is a marking of 84 here i'm just going to let you look at it okay okay look at it through the camera tell me if i need to move this at all i can't see it well there's a there's a marking of 84 and there's another marking 14k it is i'm telling you it's 14k it's over here look look there's 14k you see it right there on the wing see it now gotta focus it's 14k that is a point that is a point right there 14k that's gold look at that we're we came to florida to find gold and silver and we actually brought some with us so now i have two points this chain is out i have no idea where it came from but kind of acts like gold actually while you're looking at that there i'm going to look at this here because you see a marking where you're looking 14 karat gold three points okay this is 14 karat gold right here this isn't gold filled this is 14 karat gold very nice i'm setting that over there i'm sure it goes in here somewhere okay let's um all right let's get into here let's get into here look at this here that could be real silver it looks like it doesn't it it does look like it let's see what we have here this is a giant this would be a necklace right or a choker chain yeah what would you call this right here yeah i don't know either pretty i don't know what you would call it either there are no markings on this so i'm gonna put that back into the box here let's see if there's any markings on the mattress here there are matching clip-ons let's see whoops didn't go with me no no markings on this so this is this is costume i'm not sure what the actual stone or what that would be called is it's pretty pretty it's pretty no doubt about that so no point there i'm gonna set that aside no point let's see what we have here that looks like sterling silver all right let's see what we have wow is that an anklet or i think this is a full necklace look at this now the question is is am i right is it actually sterling silver and we are going to find out it was really pretty it was once a bridesmaid and the bride gave all of the bridesmaids a necklace that looks just like this really it is not the chain is not sterling silver let me look at the back here oh there's a marking right there this is not sterling silver what's the marking it wasn't a marking it's just part of a leaf okay so this one while it's beautiful not sterling silver you'll have this up for auction this sunday right yep okay let's look over here what what are we at right now we're at three to three to three three to three okay see the ring look at this this all matches are these all rubies these might be all rubies look at this this might all be rubies okay i gotta look at the ring and i can't see yet there is markings in here and check again i'm gonna look at the earrings while you check the ring you calling dibs no just trying to be a second set of eyes okay this is a really pretty set all right there are markings in this ring i can't read it for whatever reason so and look okay you see here see here on the chain clasp see where see where we could call it patina but things have kind of melted away so to speak faded away i don't think i don't think it's gold wait wait here we go here we go here's markings on the back oh my gosh 14 karat gold nice not gold filled the chains probably gold filter the clasp is well i wasn't gonna go that far with you but now that you asked yes it is gold-filled so you called me out uh so i'm guessing this whole set where'd the other earring go over here so this is all gold-filled let me see if there's any markings here look at you calling me out on the gold field it was it is it's this is the only one that i found the gold-filled marking but it's obviously a set so is that that's one point then right yes okay so one point for the full set does that make it what do i have now is it five to four i think it's five to four so there we go you're in the lead right now no you're in the lead you have five look at this one here you're in the lead i do not think yeah that's definitely that's not that's just it's costume jewelry so that'll go up in your auction uh this one is not gold or silver pretty very pretty but not gold or silver see what we have here okay we gotta pulse our watch look at that pulsar solar you were just pricing watches last night i was you're finding a couple hundred dollar watches all right it's not gold or silver but it definitely it has a pearl face yeah it does curly yeah it looks like mother of pearl let me see inside the we're going to look at the class real quick and look at the whole thing real quick japan solar look on the back of the face trying to look at the class i got to open the clasp up if i know how to open the clasp up i suppose it helps if you know how to open it huh there we go okay now i can look at the back of the clasp okay stainless steel and all stainless steel but great watch great watch nonetheless you're still winning you're still winning you want to see what's in here because this you is what's in there yeah i do and they're real these were the czechoslovakian pearls and they're real these are pretty these are these are the real deal and unfortunately in our competition these are so amazing in our competition these are real pearls unfortunately i get no points in our competition but you gotta you gotta admit i look good i like it that's how i roll it's hard good look for you so these are czechoslovakians is it two sets it would appear as though there are um and these are these are absolutely real as well these are real they're gorgeous they are so here's two sets now these aren't these aren't the japanese pearls so highly sought after japanese pearls these this is the czechoslovakian obviously there but uh this is big money this is really big money you think we're going to find any pearls in florida oh we're going to find some pearls and no points though right no points look at all these pearls a ton of money and she's not points she's not giving me a single you never called it you said single point silver or gold all right that's fine now if you would have mentioned pearl then okay that's fine no point that's fine what about this one here fair is fair right fair is fear fair for your tennis bracelet cool let's take a peek here and it says avon nr tennis bracelet it's a nice bracelet no points there george is still winning let's see what we got here and [Music] there's some green clip on the buttons yep clip-ons clip-ons right there this says avon those aren't those aren't real they're these little pearl clip-ons and then yeah this isn't going to be real either it's it's pretty it's just not real so these will go up for auction all right so we know for sure nada there let's put that back in no points no points oh that bee wants to play that bee wants in he's like does that mean you know the b the b and got the goods we'll work for that's what i work for too all right here we go here's something sealed in there charcoal made in india it's sealed chakra oh no it's not sealed okay let's take a look so rose quartz not sealed oh it was sealed wait what's going on here oh i see okay chain is there we go your chain hang low baby you know my chain hang low all right there's the matching earrings unfortunately not a point beautiful beautiful but not a point it doesn't for our competition you're still winning and i only got three boxes left what about lucite does lucite count for anything now if you would have said lucy because this is genuine it's this is chinese lucite look at this genuine lucite look at that are the beads gold no unfortunately they're not all right that's the sorry piece that'll go up for auction this summer that'll go up for auction this sunday two more chances to beat you we've got some earrings an earring set do you think maybe that earring set went with this gold necklace set and this was not gold filled this was 14 carat solid i'm not that 14 karat is solid but it could be i don't see any markings on the inside those could very well be real let me let me take one off i'm not seeing anything currently okay that's 14 karat right there and oh my goodness you're never gonna believe it what you are never gonna believe it looky here okay do you see this part right here yes that is where it says can you see it yeah i see it 14 karat nice yes hi it is now a tie it is now a tie i have one more box if if there's gold or silver in here i beat george if not we go into the ultimate tiebreaker we'll look under the cushioning remember fine tooth comb okay nothing it's tie breaker time for the tie breaker you wait wait don't you do anything yet why not you for the tie breaker here's how here's the tie breaker you have to close your eyes okay you can put your hand in the box okay and then you pick one item you get to pick one and then i do the same thing all right eyes closed let me see them eyes closed all right hand in the box okay hand in the box okay uh one item can't be some massive huge thing okay i think i feel a ring picking an item all right what do you got is it a ring all right you can open your eyes oh i was right open your eyes and gold or silver this looks like it could be gold i need confirmation i want to i want to review upon further review oh my goodness like i said good sir 10k six five oh it even fits me george [Laughter] what are you doing now i learned this from karate kid all right you know the drill once you do your karate kid moves i need you to close your eyes close your eyes and dig in the box all right here we go i i have something i have something is heavy i think it's gold can i open yet yes you may open oh my goodness oh man g unit the george chain congratulations you have yet won again in your face i got robbed is this my prize for winning that is your prize for winning i got robbed bragging rights and i call rematch look at all the jewelry all the silver all the gold we still have to go through i call rematch shake on it rematch [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 107,327
Rating: 4.894537 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: MXAx0JhIe3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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