FOUND A TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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we're gonna open it up we're gonna find out what's inside here we go in three two if you haven't subscribed yet what the hell's are you waiting for what the Hales are we doing today George today we're at an auction all the way downtown yeah we're on the life storage route so it's right on the border of Ohio and PA this is a secret auction which is why we're going incognito you ready no I mean Konoe they'll never cano ran down here into the package and shipping center what are you doing George remember that prosthetic leg that you found two weeks ago yeah well I sold my first prosthetic leg it's being shipped all the way to New Hampshire I guess you can instead of checking that off of the bucket list I I guess you can just kick it off bucket list so fifty dollars in 75 60 70 70 $70 $80 on amid 81 imitating baby down baby 1 mid-80s 80 90 $90 baby and not anybody get an idea down anybody can anyone not anyone is able to get 90s $90 80 bidden I need I'm gonna gave you but he hit 19 yes No so did $80 it's gone for 80 want there's Tekkit ours in the case [Music] oh man all that work for that Wow we won't be bidding on that broken glass it's just garbage everything in here is broken they took yeah so they came and took all the good stuff it's all garbage you'd never believe this if it wasn't real but Little Debbie actually has a storage unit here and I've got to ask because I have the biggest crush on Little Debbie is she single she's taken who got her Fat Albert Pillsbury Doughboy got got Little Debbie fans huge fans so I wanted to get her autograph and ask her to marry me so she's busy [Music] we're at location number one two three four and there hasn't been much worth actually filming today so far we've been all over Youngstown but George guess what what I just went in to register and I asked the actual manager how many are left she said three there were ten and I said are there any good ones and she said well this guy has been renting for ever since 2002 I was like I said is it a big one she oh it's a big one and she goes it's old and I said how much is the average cost she said average under $100 we did the math he has paid over twenty thousand four hundred dollars and I actually rent so I think we have to look at this one maybe that's marijuana I'll be able to get $10 anybody contended I'm going to be able to get then I'm going to get crack pipe and whole jar of pot right where you can see yeah oh no nothing and sewed it by now is just gone for fine I'll start sure yep five-and-a-half 555-5555 600 600 675 675 700 Jeremy Hales we're back at the unit that we got for $700 but that doesn't include the premium which is ten percent in taxes which is you have to go to your state taxes to figure out what your percentages but Grandaddy total and 25 cents but the auctioneer led us off with the 25 cents bonus arrived now what did you see George that make me bid $700 as she asked what the Hales are you doing Jeremy okay I'm gonna show him exactly what I saw besides the obvious fact that somebody definitely owned a McDonald's franchise to get all these McDonald's boxes that's just a joke one of the things that we saw is you see these trunks down here see old antique trunks right through here in the corner barely anyone else could see that but if you look other places you see other antiques so right there that's oil those are oil cans some oil cans can sell for hundreds some can sell for thousands so many oil cans that they're actually falling out so those are signs that there is a ton of profit to be made in here and there is a ton of boxes and there are a ton of totes your favorite yep we also have hunting gear I saw this too I saw that and I thought oh man now I also saw the PlayStation 2 but the thing with the PlayStation 2 games these aren't as resellable as old Nintendo old Sega or even old ps1 that is a really cool sled that would look cool in a restaurant hung up on a lot where we're gonna start that restaurant and put all of our cool fines up on the walls yeah the pizza shop the Egyptian pizza Egyptian pizza how about George's pizza I think we should let our viewers voice vote if we got our pizza shop what should we name it trailers empty George just pulled the first box let's see this is gonna be the telltale sign whether we just made a gold mine or or just a couple of monkeys bidding on storage units house definitely that's definitely a monkey what else do you have hairy very dusty dirty monkey there's more monkeys we found we found this we have found this clock in another unit when I found the biggest jewelry chest ever in master illegal ice more monkeys look at all the dirt anything there okay we got a mark in there if anybody knows what that marking is let us know and more monkeys lots more monkeys it's like it was meant to be Curious George even though you're now the infamous George now that we're moving further into the actual unit you can see what I just barely saw in the corners so there's the old hump trunk and here's something as well here is American national Red Cross trunk I don't know what's in it I'll tell you what let's keep digging and we'll see if we can figure out what's inside this this that baby I want to be surprised we've got so much work it is 3:30 right now we have to have this all out of here by 6 o'clock because they lock the gate on us and we're gone we can't get out we have to spend the night if we don't get it done George want to play a game I Spy something oh something indigenous to Egypt something indigenous to Egypt I spy I spy hmm where could it be so much stuff in here it's not the Bud Light that is a full case of Bud Light behind her that's not it you still it's not you what could it be what do you mean what do I see I see you missed it babe we got a camel blow mold now remember blow molds especially Christmas blow molds some can be worth hundreds some can be worth thousands and if it's the right Santa Claus it could be worth tens of thousands of dollars here's another blow mold here where's the Weizmann right here right oh that's wise woman oh there's a blow mold Wiseman so hopefully we find that extra rare Santa Claus worth about $10,000 George has the humpback trunk all we love trunks like that I love trunks like that but well I remember how is being sarcastic and I was joking but here we have MacDonald displays for the Happy Meal toys so we got the teeny beanie boos and we got the Super Mario which the super Mario's probably worth more money so they either worked at McDonald's or could be stolen goods which I doubt it they very well could have owned the McDonald's franchise with all these boxes but I had a bare minimum probably probably somebody worked at McDonald's everybody's got to be wondering why $700 why pay the taxes and the buyers premium for a unit like this what do you see that is a huge sign that there could be quality in here and money box after box after box after tote after tote after tote can you show one of the things you found over here look at this so we know we've got a military hero because we actually have the memorial flag so this is going to be fun as we try and restored the love with the military items but we can't we can't open everything today obviously we while we're on a huge time crunch what were you spend the night here Jeremy's getting his squirrel monkey on would you find what is that you know how I love retro video games in there it has weight to it this this is the Odyssey to guys all right are you ready has weight to it in the box and yes brand-new this thing has never been played with the paperwork is there this thing has never been touched never touched so for people that have never heard of Odyssey what are these going for well where should do it eBay so we don't over price it like everybody who says I'm there I actually put the prices well under in our video so nobody can say we overpriced things but it all sells for more than the prices we play here's the cool thing that would just undone we have two antique sewing machines so we got the old drawers can't even I'm exhausted right now we have so much more to load okay but you want to tell them what was on top of the antique sewing machines okay we moved the tote already sterling tall and so George begged wait wait don't you dare she begged and begged to open this she didn't look at her she's trying to do it without a countdown George we need a countdown yeah that was a weak countdown okay so this is labeled sterling now we've taught you guys in the past vintage buttons some can be where hundreds some can be worth thousands just like anything George you see anything that's a thousand dollar button here okay so obviously they were big-time collectors some of these they were collecting them intentionally they collected everything we've seen collection after collection just labeled on totes so no doubt there's value there you see any sterling in there where's the sterling maybe you've made me pause work you got to find some sterling maybe sitting in the Bible okay you go open it up is there anything in there give it a little shake and shimmy yeah oh there's something in there worth even more than sterling silver right there the words of God better check it for money oh there's definitely stuff under it okay she's going through the pages and nothing but really cool collectible Bible would be better if somebody read it instead of just collected it absolutely do you see any other sterling in there it's labeled sterling we're hoping for she must have been mislabeled that's my best guess it was mislabeled who is it I'll just a porcelain almost better than sterling she likes big buttons that you cannot lie we finally have the back corner dugout beautiful oak dresser with mirror as you can see there's there's cards card collections everywhere we've seen box after box after box of collections and collectibles and cards check out these antique sewing machines are you ready oh it's beautiful are you ready to open the first one let's find out what we have now I'm guessing singer just based on everything else it's a white rotary let me give you a close-up it's an absolutely beautiful white rotary look at the condition it still has the thread on the bobbin going through the needle this thing is incredible incredible you think you can open the next one George okay let's see what kind this one is we have think that one is a singer for sure okay yep that goes up now this hinges up careful careful I know funny captain fumble nuts telling you to be careful I'm just gonna hold it right there look at that gorgeous singer you love a pharaoh see that there yes that's your people baby now I'm your people I'm your people now baby and we got here's NFL that's a new set let's see 2005 so not worth a lot but some of the other sets that we find in here absolutely could be well we'll get to all of these later because we're not gonna make it out of here we're gonna get trapped by six o'clock if we don't get moving oh I wouldn't mind being trapped in here with her will you laughing at we got work to do this is obviously an old dresser really super cool looks like solid oak one of the things we love is going through dressers and dresser drawers because you never know what the Hales anybody's gonna put in there so you ready George let's play what's in the drawer there is nothing nothing in that one and just a knob and that one we've got Van Vaughn of Virginia made this but we got nothing oh we got some money you see the money stuck up in there so there's two cents yep right there I put on my few cents all the time and let's check is there any money nope nope well more subscribers tell us to look always check the bottom of the doors because people take money and they they seem to think that we never do that but we all you do check off camera so here's proof this is why we never do that because it takes five minutes to put the drawer back in and that's pretty boring to watch see the wordplay okay I don't think this is granny grannys okay I don't think that was great or if it was granny's just because granny was old doesn't mean she was dead there's there's DVDs down here so we tell you every single unit there is either porn drugs or adult toys and there you have it folks there there you have it you've got the paper let's check the other drawers we may find one of the other three things so be careful no more good this unit is so huge not only in size not only an amount of boxes an amount of totes but it's gonna be a huge score here's just a few things right here take a look we've got the Disney Fairies Tinkerbell and friends still in the package porcelain down and there's just no doubt there's all kinds of this stuff we've got the Disney Snow White keepsake doll as well porcelain so very cool in the package look at this here all right we got a Ouija board any any Midwestern conservative Christian kid growing up in a church was always told that if you find a Ouija board look 26 dollars and you try and get rid of it that it will mysteriously because of the occult will show up the next day whether you throw it away whether you burn it we're gonna put this theory to the test so here it is I have a feeling that our theory that it won't show up is gonna be good because it was already abandoned once we're just gonna throw it back there and abandon it again and we'll find out if it shows up tomorrow all right this is one of the cases the American national Red Cross we're gonna open it up we're going to find out what's inside here we go in three two it's gonna number seven on there 7 is a good number that's got to be good and one okay we have look at this these are these are for quilting those are patterns for quilting we've got little little Dutch girls on this quilt now this quilt isn't finished look there's the backing that one's not finished and I wonder how much just the red cross case actually could be here's another unfinished quilt and we've got more patterns more quilts look at this here now you guys know vintage quilts handmade quilts there's pieces and patterns cut out how much this stuff goes for and how much it's worth got some dampness there well there you have it American Red Cross quilting is there when you need it [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 115,798
Rating: 4.8705192 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: _KjKikk94m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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