CAN I MAKE $500 IN 1 HOUR I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes / Wars

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I bought a unit on storage treasures calm today it's up in Valley City Ohio I got it for $70 here's our goal we're gonna try and make five hundred dollars we're gonna see if this little 5x5 has five hundred dollars of profit in it if you think I can find five hundred dollars type Hales yes down in the comments if you think no way type Hales know down in the comments and at the very end we'll total it all up and we'll find out is there five hundred dollars if you haven't subscribed yet what the Hales are you waiting for make sure you hit that Bell icon as well [Music] you know anything about the unit at all if she just or he didn't pay or anything about the previous owner [Music] yeah it's a small one I'll be able to throw everything in the back of the truck it's a real small one I'm in Bali Bulow hi oh I've bought this unit on storage treasures comm for $70 those one thing in particular that I saw I saw Harley Davidson and anytime I see Harley Davidson my eyes perk up because it's so easy to resell so we're gonna dig in we're gonna find out what's inside and we're going to find out how much profit we're gonna make right here right there harley-davidson now it wasn't as easy to see in the actual picture other things I saw that made me bid is this right here so Nintendo Wii items which you could just barely see the actual covers so right here and right here should easily have our money the other thing that it looked like to me and I might be completely and totally wrong the other thing that it looked like to me looking through some of these bags that there might be brand new items in there so we're gonna dig in oh look at that look at that crocks my favorite my absolute favorite what size are these our weapons these will actually look at this that was worth it right there that's perfect that was worth it right there I just got myself a brand new set of Crocs forget these old junky mics let's start with bag number one we're just gonna see this is this I thought those were Jordans for a second okay looks like we've got a ton stuffed animals okay yep stuffed animals owls all right now you may think this is crazy but these were selling on eBay for fifty five seventy-five dollars this one's in immaculate condition so this one it may still be selling I'm gonna have to check that out I'll tell you the price on the screen and we've got more more dowels yes I sit down huh and crazy dogs with CP CP K and that'd be Cabbage Patch Kid bag number two this again resale value in place look at this look at this an entire bag of pen and Barbies if you know anything about all these moms to go to Goodwill and buy a million Barbies for their daughters well here it is so this isn't easy we could put 50 bucks on this we'd probably get more but looks will just be conservative need something maybe some Sun on these legs we're gonna be conservative and we're gonna say that there's no old Barbies in here these are probably all new Barbies and we could sell this easily easily goodness there's more and more and more so we'll say 25 bucks at the warehouse that doesn't mean we're gonna sell it for 25 bucks we'll probably sell it for more but for our purposes here on the video we're gonna say 25 bucks value there's no white there are a ton more this entire bag of Barbies and Ken's let's see if this is any money here we got shopkins there's a legal bin particularly need that it's this and that goes I don't know sticks into something we have we have a huge huge shopkins collection huge shopkins collection they're everywhere now one of the things that I would do is I would actually buy shopkins all the the the error shopkins companies out in Japan will actually sell them to you on eBay so you could buy a lot of 500 for 100 bucks and then you can lock those up and sell them cheaper on eBay so you take a lot of 25 and so that for 50 bucks this is an entire shopkins collection there is easily easily $100 here and that's that's an under estimate look at this this entire thing accessories shopkins the entire box the whole thing we're going hundred dollars on that even though we know it'll be more than that here's another thing that really caught my attention and I was right I thought these were MMA gloves so we do have a set of MMA gloves which makes me wonder what else do we have in here let's pull this down let's take a look we have more Barbie accessories just peek in here we have Swan Princess we have slippers Montana well we got a Barbie it looks like a Barbie Jeep yep there we go no it's hard to see but there you go a Barbie Jeep alright I thought there would be more MMA in here there are some weird things though well friends forever see what else we can find because there's a lot more in here I went through that bag too quick and I missed something I missed this little purse so we're gonna figure out what's in it together let's check this out first and nothing nothing nothing and coin we do have something we have something there we go we have a very deteriorated nickel very deteriorated alright we'll set that aside over there and let's figure out what we have this harvest okay this is what made me want to bid so let's figure out I knew this was a Beautyrest bag but I saw it had Harley inside of it and I was hoping for a full Harley jacket it is it's obviously Harley Davidson it is oh and there's money in the pockets bonus there okay check this one this is a Harley Davidson and it is a it is a small so Harley Davidson small full jacket it is not leather let's see what else is in here we've got some other we got a pizza how to make pizza apparently for cat clothing clothing clothing so we got a bunch of female clothing I was able to find our particular Harley Davidson jacket right here right in the middle 145 but I also found out that I'm missing the actual hoodie from the inside I'll show it to you so if we look here and we look at the pictures and getting this sold for 145 there is a hoodie on the inside this red hoodie that I don't particularly have this one right here so I've got to go back and look through the clothing because I put all the clothing in a donation pile for Goodwill and see if I can put that together so we're gonna put a conservative estimate of $50 for this but the other thing I want to show you let's sort let's go highest the lowest look at this $500 Harley jacket $459 Harley jacket and this is women's this is a four hundred fifty-five dollars these are leather 419 three hundred if you see Harley buy it it will sell and if you can't sell it you need to re-evaluate how you're selling online because you're not doing it the right way you are the issue not the product because the product sells like crazy we got a good size box here look we got a decorative vase okay old they paid there you have it they paid $50 for it so there's the original price tag but they might have actually got it at like a thrift store you see the black marker so they might have got it for four dollars and fourteen cents that is a very odd number originally this was fifty bucks okay we'll just say we'll put a price on it of five dollars and we're gonna open this up let's see what we have here which cow power suction Rach cow power cow power this is all Asian this is an entire box of cow power stuff okay this is it's all in here it's all brand-new this is a towel holder we have an entire box of brand-new cow power stuff whether they were reselling it this must be a soap dish it's used suction pump suction cups what's this towel holder uses suction cups this is all brand new it's all looking here nice it's crazy here there's more cow power suction towel rack okay let's just for the sake of for the sake of it of all of this stuff there's a bunch in here we're just gonna say resale value in the warehouse to the community is gonna be about a hundred dollars on cow power suction cup stuff that'll actually sell really well for us in the warehouse looks like we have some home to pour over here let's see what we have we definitely do home decor all right this right here wall decoration nope rights on the back okay I'll set this aside over here out of the way look at this look at this this has a price of $149 for 59-97 alright so here's another home decor piece so this one on clearance for 60 bucks it was a hundred and fifty alright we're gonna set that over there we've got a few other things you know strollers so I'm gonna just go set the stroller side this will go for five bucks and dig in and we'll see what else is in here we're about halfway through right now let's grab this box and let's see what's inside oh my god okay no no I know what that castle is because this is labeled frozen castle so this is parts and pieces oh there's the frozen DVD to this castle so okay so we got the entire castle here I don't know what this goes for right now I'll check out comps on eBay and we'll figure it out but I got a feeling the way we get comps on eBay is we go to the actual search we type in what we're searching for so we want frozen and we want castle okay this is extremely important okay now you can see all this stuff here is listed we don't care about any of that anybody can ask any price for anything I can ask you a million dollars for an item that somebody would only pay a dollar for so we click on filter and then we go down and we're gonna keep going down until we find sold we're gonna click on sold and we're gonna go done and then what I want to know is I want to sort it from the highest to the lowest now I can try and find my actual frozen castle as I'm looking from the highest to the lowest so these castles aren't the one that I'm looking at although this one right here brand new 9999 I just found it so it's the Mattel Disney frozen Elsa's ice magic and it just took seconds now that's brand new so we need a comp that actually shows a used one if we can find a comp here's one pre-owned Disney right there 33 dollars plus 50 for shipping so it looks like they actually hold their value pretty well so I was to put a comp on this here's one forty dollars plus twenty three forty six shipping so a reasonable campaƱa this would be fifty dollars easy this one has me pretty curious we got the ball there but this is what's so curious it's not very curious anymore I thought something was actually stored in there these are Christmas decorations [Music] we saw the shoes are weirdos aside if we gotta move kind of fast I always got to move fast we have we have an over over the shoulder Boulder holder so maybe maybe not I'm not real skilled in that area obviously this this jewelry let's open it up and find out because this looks like jewelry to me and it is you don't know what it is it's some kind of lost looks like some kind of asian lock some kind of encryption a lock for a bottle oh maybe it's like a liquor lock I don't know I don't drink maybe that's like a child safety the liquor we've got books got a giant eye that's always good and we got a DS fashion designer let's find out if it's in there it is not we're saving some of the best for the last down here we do have a rug whenever you get a rug always make sure you look down to that rug because a lot of people will hide shotguns and rifles down there this one we weren't that lucky you do have a bag it's labeled goodwill and that's not good for us that's good for Goodwill but look love you to the moon and back I never got a lightsaber we do we have a lightsaber okay some of these old light sabers can be worth money you just have to have the right one that went with the right guy in Star Wars they're all so good if you're having a marital dispute this lightsaber it out you know what I'm saying get star wars on her or him have some bouncy ball so that's kind of cool anybody with epilepsy look away right now I don't know why they we did this to Goodwill there's a ton of good stuff in here there's a bunch of shopkins there's a bunch of Barbie so there's even my little pet shop some of these can go for hundreds of dollars if you have the right ones so I'm gonna have to sort this out in entirety later I'm gonna move the video game box over in this video game boxes filled like I hope it is we know we're gonna make money we'll get to that in just a little bit it's like we have lots of clothing we've got yeah clothing I'm just gonna set this aside with this nothing looks like we got Christmas some frisbee games looks like we've got flag football look at this we got a boomerang even so there's a boomerang so setting this one aside as well we're gonna put that over here and let's put the videogame box over here and then we're gonna dig into this over here looks like we have a brand new hoodie they definitely were buying stuff there's a ton of new stuff in here BTS I have no idea what that stands for there's something on the back 95 BTS I don't know look at this brand-new mats for four I would think the shower with suction cups you gotta be kidding me wait till you see what's in this box look at this brand-new snow pants another set a brand new snow pants that's incredible that's money in the bank and this is all gonna be brand new stuff down here in this box - once I show it to that okay we've got more clothing George loves this kind of stuff she'll probably watch that so mostly it always brand new all kinds of pop and shoes and I mean poppin look see that popping okay but we're gonna get to this box because remember what we had before all the crazy stuff the towel power guess what we have more of we got more out power Jorge usually says more cowbell but I think now we're gonna be more cow power there's a backpack there's another mat for your bathroom an entire Amazon box of cow power time to find out how well we did or did not do just with the wheel all right let's eat we got the controllers look at this there's we got this is the we draw so you put the controller on there and you draw on the actual pad so you just you could do kids I love it very creative we've got the board so this is the eye from the fit board and we have the system there you go I'm sure the cover is in here somewhere we got all the cords we have the system there's another $50 right there this unit this unit has paid for itself and then some over and over again [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 50,390
Rating: 4.9071693 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: _XC2sz_dnwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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