FOUND MONEY IN OLD TRUNK I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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Oh baby baby baby baby baby do you see this if you haven't subscribed yet what the hell's are you waiting for and you know what all the subscribers have been waiting for George I think I know what you're thinking what am I thinking that trunk they want to see the junk in the trunk so this is the $817 and 25 cents unit we got the 25 cents back it was waived it was and we've not processed through everything yet because we've been on the road traveling treasure hunting with Jebus Virginia you name it we've probably been doing it so we're finally finally we're just gonna say forget it we're not gonna try and find the key for the trunk we're just gonna dig into it and we're gonna see what's in though you know these people have been dying to see in here and we have to get this thing emptied because that unit we bought in Dayton we have to go get it tomorrow and so we're nowhere near ready yet look at all this we have to get all of this out of here still but today we focus on this so many solve this key in the bottom of all of the marbles when we did an unboxing that I went back and found the key I didn't see it but you guys did great profiling skills so we're gonna see if this key actually works in the trunk so you're ready George come on over there's your key let's see what happens definitely not a Trump key it's actually probably a house key any standard doorknob key this is the exact key that was in the bottom of the marbles so we're gonna have to get a little bit more creative George how about a screwdriver all right we're gonna need another plan I couldn't find a screwdriver but this works the best as a multi-purpose tool for everyone in this type of situation every man knows that is a flathead screwdriver as well that or buttering Oh what did you do I just stuck it in the back and pop it we're still not okay we're not opened oh wait maybe loose your knife baby look there's an antique piece of money in here it's a penny it's that nineteen forty it's a penny it's down here let me show them in the camera there is a penny down in that latch you got it okay here we go you can get that penny okay all right that'll be the first thing we try and get is the penny on first inspection this truck looks absolutely amazing it's already giving money such as right here it is not a 1943 it is actually 1975 now we got a Bible up top and I see army what else do you see George I see the Bible did we find a Bible in this no duh B aah do you know that one the bibl II yes that's how's it go the book for me how's it go this trunk smells like mothballs bad look this is from West Virginia so we got a church from West Virginia but the trunk was found in Youngstown all right let's see is there's all kinds of clippings I can't see with your arm over though all kinds of clippings looks like she just does that a title she just found she just found a GED I've never seen a GED before I haven't either what's it look like oh I just found look at this look at this so we've got a picture and all right let's see alright this is Ohio State University Labor Education Research Service so this isn't actually this is a seminar completion and award so to date we still have never found money in a Bible maybe someday maybe someday army huh see now I thought they were just collecting military but this definitely looks like military person what do you have Swiss Army watch and I don't know what kind of watch that is but I think it's a breast cancer watch huh okay this looks like military issue right here let's see if it works and we've got just a little bit of juice in those batteries so this is the mx2 1 2 / u and I'm pretty sure that's military issued we've seen others like you have jewelry she's got jewelry I found a ring and it's engraved GM wears the GM inside the band what does GM stand for I've never seen that before alright who knows what GM stands for if we can find it G M are you sure that's GM baby okay well then it would be W backwards G that's awesome after he came here's some vintage photos are you gonna check the back and see if there's money these sell for big money on eBay a lot of Kenyatta can you package photos here is Oh dropped it here we go miss captain fumble notes again we've got a canteen right here so military-issue canteen no money we have yet to ever find money in the back of a picture yet either faith family friends and freedom that's kind of cool it retailed for $2.99 oh I see something I think I see jewelry all right oh there's there is there some under here first let's look at this we've got lessons in a Widowmaker other NASA aircraft so we've got some NASA cards in here so there's a NASA card set right there that's kind of cool okay you see that jewelry box the shiny one yeah the one with glitter that's gonna get everywhere that's what happens every time you get glitter what is it it's like a metal United States Air Force so so far Army Air Force and I think if you look off to your right you just found out who was serving in the Air Force is that Air Force yeah that's an Air Force right wouldn't that be Air Force and there's another flight under there what's this this is not Air Force National Junior Superbowl 1983 what do you think this is four years of service 50 years of something 1964 to 2014 what's on the back same thing we've got we've got a flat actually it just is like a table Oh like a placemat that's what it is this is a placemat all right here's a flag there's the real deal right there look at that this definitely has some age to it a little bit torn a little bit tattered but still beautiful proud to fly here's another flag so this one's made out of cloth this one's made out of that one's nylon I'm gonna set that to you now don't worry we did not put the flag on the ground I set that flag right there look at the ordinate detail there in the trunk very cool there's another little compartment back here we've got a Liberty stamp album did we find stamps in this unit I'm finding a lot of baby shoes but did we find stamps in here I can't remember all the units are actually we're all starting to blend oh my goodness the last couple of units that we have bought have been oh here we go collect your units here we go there's okay there's brand they're brand spanking new stamps right there right there stamps are funding us all and they've got stamps in the stamp book there's some there some there's one sprinkle no what's this look at this this is money maybe we just found money so we didn't find we didn't find any money in the Bible but we did find an Italian five dollars in the stamp well I just lost the Italian five dollars why am I so humble most your extra fumble nuts is holding this whole bond of that I don't want to put that back in here okay so there's the stamp collection must be the heat Oh baby baby baby baby baby do you see this did you see the oh oh oh my oh my seed through the red oh okay alright alright let's set this down on the all right we got to readjust here all right we're gonna do the best we possibly can to show you what's in here we can't do it here too much glare we got to go back in the trailer let us readjust again this should be a much better angle without as much glare they're all labeled with the year the oldest I think is nine or 1893 on this particular you think we're gonna find the elusive 1943 copper penny we're gonna season that thing for a while cow look at all the silver see now guys this is how you want to find silver in a storage unit you don't want to find it in a jug of money and spend a month trying to find it you want it in sheets just like this like this hey there's an 1892 right there see that there Wow look at all the silver here's another sheet we're trying to give you the best possible angle you can get there's some Canadian money American there is there's some those are wheat pennies let's see the dates on them we'll flip them here for all you people who love coins you know what the title of this video is gonna be what found money in trunk because we just found so moany legit found money in this trunk yes this has ever seen a half a cent where is it there is half a cent from 1966 where we're from great Canadian Prairie Canadian Elizabeth maybe Canadian all right here it looks like England Netherlands England Netherland Mexico Haiti Spain the United Emirates Mexico meheeco so we're gonna have to check all the dates on this as well because your foreign coins have gold and silver in them too depending on what coin it is and what year it is so we're gonna have to look through all of this else we have German there's Germany do you see any years on the Germany I wonder if the World War two Germany coins would be 19 this one I see 1982 it's Canadian wow what a collection how cool is this more Canadian Canadian Canadian again we're gonna have to look through for silver that looks that whole page looks Canadian oh I see paper I see paper this look I see $100 right there on that coin 1984 this coin says $100 I'm not sure what it is but it says $100 on it something new Spencer England Indian have you ever taken foreign money to the exchange nope but here's some turkey money I mean there's ten thousand dollars here's fifty thousand dollars we've got sixty sixty one thousand dollars just right here this may be our best find ever one of our many best minds we've had a lot of amazing finds baby did you count all the thousands of dollars oh yes I was gonna say as long as we find Iraqi money we're gonna be even better who's that right there I don't know and that was only the Saddam note was only $25 but there's another ten grand right there for make oh sweet what a find all that money in this trunk was absolutely incredible I'm hungry to find more oK we've got a little cowboy leather mitten just like you know what do we have here we have a name better be careful that is oh you know what this could be four before they had like Barbies and stuff everything was paper now this could be actually found some paper dolls before Barbie yeah well yeah this looks like that's probably what this stuff is for call Vacation Bible School okay all right we got something here we've got looks like a report card got report card report card remember graduation met when I went to Catholic school our report cards were on pamphlets like that paper cardboard and and then once I switched over to public school it was just on regular paper got the war comes home so Time Magazine's that over deadlines for war January 15th war in the Gulf these are all Time Magazine's stalking Saddam well that explains where where the Iraqi money came from they were probably in the Gulf War and then you think it was money from when they traveled in the military sure there's Yellowstone National Park now we oh did you see back here look back here did you see there's a whole compartment back you see on your side okay she's got a bunch of ammo back here maybe it would you still love me if my hair look like that come over this is the comb that I use for the comb over you just dropped bullets who are you saying with fumble nuts tonight all right mrs. fumble nuts okay might as well add those ones in there might as well just drop those down yeah some of those not do it for you souvenir of New York Statue of Liberty all the buildings Rockefeller Center just threw that down there too and look we got what do you think this is okay it's leather can you hear about that side there's something in here checkers it is look at this these are leather checker pieces how cool I've never seen that I have never seen anything like this before you have a leather checker board with a pouch with leather checker pieces how cool is that that is awesome ready to go to layer number two yeah here we go layer number two layer number two what do you see with all that ammo but you we've found you think they'll be guns that would be absolutely amazing if there were there is obviously this has core there's a Betty Boop is that a Betty Boop serving in the army like Uncle Sam America oh you know what this is this is bedding this is sheets so military core sheets which that prompt yep this matches it that's the edge of a sheet right there that's kind of cool we got more camo oh here's another flag like that yeah this one's made out of nylon I don't want to undo it cuz it's nicely folded okay we definitely have something in here I felt it and NoHo do you know what this is no I have never seen one of these before I've only heard about them yes okay this is crazy this is crazy I bet our Star Wars fan okay when Star Wars officially came out Kenner couldn't keep up with the production actually having the toys out in time and they gave out earlybird certificate package --is so at Christmas kids got a certificate which this this has been opened all right let's take a look at it okay so I've never seen in person here it is okay so what you did is you got a certificate oh there it is I've never seen one oh how cool and so this was your certificate to actually get your toy did you mail a certificate how to order wait wait what what you saw just came out okay so an access code it looks like this is perforated it looks like they actually sent it in for their Star Wars toy you know what that means baby we're gonna find Star Wars in here and that that is a resellers dream because there's so much does there's so much money to be made on those oh I can't believe this I've never seen one of these in person first time ever finding one of these in a storage unit here's another Bible you know what in case didn't we find a Bible in a wooden case no I think it was I don't know they're all running in each other there's so many we then finding I can't keep the units of track anymore hey money checking the pages well what's written in them pages are worth more than money anyway all right we got memories of World War two Reader's Digest so there's another well here we have we have fatigues here look at this would they call this would this be desert fatigues if you know if this is called desert fatigues guy think cuz of the pattern it's desert fatigues let us know in the comments which would make sense if they served in the Iraqi Walt war well there's a book here yeah and here's more fatigues there's a book Remington gloves so it's the receipt book of like someone's mom and dad what is it treasured receipts so it was like recipes recipes we call reason sorry they're the treasured receipts of mom and dad the one and mom and dad when mom and dad bought me my first teacher deer jerky way back in Nam days these are that was the treasured receipt and then there was the day of my jello pie jello pie I just turned to a young man then that's the most treasured receipt there could possibly be corny like these jokes right now Oh something just fell out sure you see it picture okay we have oh here's the other there's the other glove we have do you wear something like that in the winter yeah if it lasts all but one and a half days here is a blanket smell it you smell it you guys have smell up for those of you have smell-o-vision this smells like nice malt balls here's another one another blanket no doubt handmade we've already seen stuff from this unit that people were actually you know hand making any stuff babe can you hold on to that oh it looks like a cremation certificate for an animal oh we're probably gonna end up finding ashes can you hope just push that down here's another blanket that one looks brand-new and here in the last blanket if we find we'll go through the blankets completely if we find anything else cool hidden in the blankets we'll make sure we show you [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 251,407
Rating: 4.800611 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: aadUztmMVfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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