PREVIOUS OWNER IS GONE I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction Opening Mystery Boxes

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in case you missed it shake shake it this giant box has the potential being the highest profit thing in this unit Road again me and my best friends around the road again on a caravan auction and this auction has been phenomenal so far I've bought two units you got to see one of them for $5 yesterday and you're gonna see today's this is number three that I bought for three hundred and maybe I shouldn't tell you just watch the video you'll never know what the hail is I'm gonna find make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell notification so you always know when we upload and when we go live [Music] don't leave it behind these two guys have to take care of it clean out feed okay so please don't strike a match and there goes about 90% of it or you haven't signed in come on over here and sign in don't worry about it you signed in once you're still signed in probably need to get out of the way so people can get in here nice furniture 60 where 70 at 7970 no $80 to you now 98 99 100 110 120 sir 130 140 sir 114 170 170 180 230 I'm just checking at 230 sir yes and 260 m 270 at 270 now 70 now 79 270 270 I got 260 270 your turn 277 once twice 72 70 right here 350 360 360 got 350 right here 360 oops 350 now 60 no sixty sixty three and a half 360 once twice you done three and a half 360 right had to wait for you and you to stop bidding oh and ER those moves the dreamcatchers I just spent 350 on one punching bags on facebook over here 110 110 now get the lady right here for $100 bill now 110 where hi 110 120 hundred 20 you got a hundred and ten right there now hundred 20 110 120 well now you're on your own gotta be 120 120 130 640 sir 140 hundred half 100 half hundred sixty hundred sixty nine sixty nine sixty one fifty one sixty you're done I'm done one sixty right there one hundred and sixty dollars one hundred and sixty dollars go see the man with the clipboard this is our group here today it is Tuesday it is lunchtime in West Salem which there's not much Rob and chapo are bitten against each other again you guys are going against each other we just get bid from the truck bids from the truck yes 70 75 once twice you none 70 75 right here $70 $70 Robert this one is packed it is literally stuffed there are the pieces of a pew pew right down there oh I'll zoom in on that look there's a there's a Pepsi cooler this is just everything that's chunked in there like NIMH on Android you see this down here yeah they're real thick he was sniffing yeah this is an interesting one yeah but it's oh I got a hundred hundred ten where one hundred nine ten got a hundred on my bill right here save 110 where hundred not ten hundred not ten hundred ten where I got a hundred dollar bill say 110 if you're done I gotta be my hundred stands here 110 hundred twenty 130 140 140 142 owner two hundred just seen me messing around are you good unit barley and you're done I gotta be 250 [Applause] nice Jesse it looks like you got a pretty good deal here so far yeah how much do you pay for this one something like that thank 5250 I think I paid 350 for mine one trade yeah 250 no I'm good like a single bear all right they're all old the Girl Scouts bullet that'd be amazing if it was first impression the first impression 1940 that'd be incredible there's hot wheel collectibles already yeah there's the military bag back there - where'd that Harley jacket go did you pull it are over there it's a real is it really so this this was in there as well this is just gonna be an awesome unit Wow Wow [Music] shake it all right I'm not bidding wow you had me until then I know what you're getting into hey that's an honest man you hear that everybody I'll take 50 50 now 50 now 50 give me 25 we're at 25 at 25 now 5 Jimmy 25 give me 20 give me twenty ten dollars for the whole unit five bucks five dollars for the whole unit three dollars and pi the unit's three vote or not three dollar month reconvene on Erbil yeah I got a dollar not to to not to not to dollar not tune that $2 not to you're done I gotta be two bucks your own opinion we'll go on with life from there 25 give me 25 give me 28 and 29 29 22 me 10 bucks at $10 not $10 not 10gb $5 wafer that's 500 now 500 I'm fine out or not five give me three bucks down our mill - yeah the do you minifiers sitting at my foot and still has the original stickers on there I got an older not $2.00 not $2.00 not two not two dollar not to my dollar bills right there not two dollars two hundred I got 200 210 where 200 right there's a 210 at 200 not ten ten ten you're done I've got to beat my total my 200 stairs you can Yes No maybe so my 240 stands there I mean 60 to 70 right there not 270 back to 65 75 70 you're done I'm done to 70 right there $260 $260 says we're gonna tell you both units for one money two units are going for one price so it's a common owner yeah there's a all the cameras everyone have created my own monster turned to $2 [Laughter] dollar bill why I'm both it's not even about that I just dollar bill that's how easy it is to make money there's no sales tax there's no snow clean-out fee but he only has to have a dollar and he can turn that dollar into 50 dollars and that 50 into 100 and that hundred and the 500 and 500 no thousand and a thousand into five and it just keeps going on and on all you needs a dollar to make money in this business [Music] that's not a good idea Groppo Rober going toe to toe again no friends had an auction Guapo gotta rub out oh you're never gonna believe it you're never ever gonna believe it another lucky number thirteen unit for me look right here that's thirteen thirteen I paid three hundred fifty dollars for this unit and I'm about to show you why because there is money to be made let's open it all right let's take a peek first again look lucky number 13 and I'm gonna take you inside and give you a closer look because this one is amazing at first glance when this thing opened this is the only thing anybody could see that's it they saw deer deer deer deer now these easily easily will sell for $100 apiece if not more so we've got one two three four I'll give you a close-up of those later so there's four right there and sheds and the Bleacher skull so we got five hundred dollars just there but what nobody knows is what the Hales could actually be in this box okay so that's not why I bought it I'm not gonna I'm not gonna share with you yet why I actually bought it here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna move some of this stuff out of the way like we've got some of this foam this is a tabletop for an actual office area so I'm gonna move that out of the way here's a desk here as well we might as well at let's peek inside the garbage can I have a feeling somebody actually had a desk so I'm gonna move the desk out of the way because those things I'm not gonna end up keeping this right here that's probably a good 20 dollars right there and why we're in here let's see what kind of vacuum oh nice nice we got a hoover windtunnel vacuum right there there's an easy another fifty dollars if not more and I'll use that vacuum for sure I got a feeling you see this it's tied off I bet you this is all the hunting gear that's my guess to keep the scent off let me load some stuff up and then we'll take a peek I'm loading the desk and it appears there stuff down in here so let's pull the tape somebody wanted to see if we can anybody got an idea there's some stuff maybe this will help all right almost have it okay there's got to be something in here something how about hmm wonder what that would be for I think we all know that is for cleaning a peep you for opening what do we have we have okay we got rubber stamps paper clips that's premium that's not yes that's the good stuff those would come in handy and Valentine's Day there's a camera there's money there's some really nice furniture in this unit not only that look at this there's a PSP right there there's 50 bucks so this much this is definitely a hutch let's sneak down let's see what's actually in the drawers okay let's just pan down like that and let's find out what's inside we know there was stuff in the desk but look that is Stanley furniture can you see it there distinctly furniture by Stanley I will probably in what in Ohio in my area for this just this piece I'll get 200 bucks easy so oh there's stuff in here there is stuff in here alright I'm not sure what that is oh it's weed I mean seed its seed it's a bag filled with see especially in a storage unit because the mice come in and we got a yota Yoda why oh so you're still wondering Jeremy why did you pay 350 dollars for this unit well I always tell you always always bid on what you can see and I see 500 dollars right there but that's not the moneymaker see the deal is is I'm smack dab West Salem is smack dab in the middle of Amish country it's not the largest Holmes County is but West Salem is predominantly Amish harder Amish country and this is solid wood furniture and to me it looks all Amish handcrafted and so there is the bed right there with all of the pieces and I saw them all and there is the footboard right there for the bed and here is the dresser one dresser with the mirror and that stands probably eight foot tall with another dresser over here a hue man just beautiful beautiful solid wood we're gonna dig inside we're gonna find out what's inside of these Amish made solid wood this bedroom set in this area resale not retail resale I'm probably looking at fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars not a bad buy have no idea how I got it for 200 and no 350 so this unit is probably a huge profit unit for me really quick let's find out what's inside drawer number one move so smoothly I love it okay drawer number two we got nothing there alright drawer number three oh well I don't even mind if there's nothing in the drawers I just want the actual dressers let's see there was stuff hiding in the in the other a little cleaning let's see what we have in this one the stuff is so cool okay nothing hiding in there I thought maybe we'd find not unicorn horns but deer horns okay this one nope alright let's see back over here now chapo is loaded in his unit up right now he said he's gonna come help me load this up I just might try and do it without them just to prove that I can if you're wondering how my profiling skills are there's the answer Amish oak furniture yeah these babies were made by the Amish right there let's find out what's actually in this bag we could have hundreds of dollars worth of actual hunting gear clothing really well or we could have women's hats and gowns and dresses this looks like this looks like a Disney Snow White yep this is a snow-white dress all right there you go that's what we can have we got a snow white dress I think we got a frozen dress in here this is not hunting clothes this is dress up make-believe clothes there's another dress beautiful I did see this beautiful pheasant down below as well unfortunately it looks like the mice got to the pheasant you see see here all the drop in so it started to attack the taxidermy of the skin the feathers everything so they were using the feathers for nesting the way that I know that because if I come back here they were actually pulling the feathers off for nesting and we do have a hammock in here so this is new this hammock would cost a good hundred dollars I could probably sell that used 50 dollars right there check this out we got a dura tub old school during tub all right let's see was Ashley we got a meed light we've got well there's a saw blade that could be a fifty dollar saw blade right there oh you see what this is see this can crusher this right here this is a sewer line for camper actually I will use all of this with my camper as I travel and I meet all you guys we have here trophy taskmaster set it up over him trophy taskmaster we have we've got whatever this is and whatever this stuff is all its but gage it is a but gage looks like we have an air mattress right here yep definitely an air mattress with the tag on it let's see there is a scented candle oh my goodness oh it smells incredible oh it's an entire scented candle collection wow it smells so good with that guys usually when I open these coolers they smell horrible just horrid this one is by far the best smelling cooler we do have the muck boots as well and these are probably I can get twenty-five dollars out of those and then ladies all the ladies now look at this with all of those fancy dresses now we've got the fancy shoes all right let's get these loaded up let's see what else we have this giant box has the potential being the highest profit thing in this unit I haven't opened it yet but we're almost getting to it let's see what else we have first of all let's take a look at some of these okay this one is down pretty far you see here we have the tag so it's legal and yeah I'll easily get $100 for that mount look at this we got some cedar Oh cedar dustpans it's down here looks like somebody was doing some catering or something got knives and a little bit of everything classic scissors okay what's over here this looks like hunting supplies oh my some million binocular cases but no binoculars come all something's in here something's definitely in here and I have one hand that's not good all right pause to unzip back in action we've got a mini handheld cannon check that out huh could do YouTube with that and there's other stuff in here too okay so off to go through all of that stuff I bet you this is cleaning supplies for the bathroom and yeah that looks like the plunger the whole deal there take a check cut these lamps here actually see this deer as well he's tagged one two three four okay so we got a nine point there we've got a one two three four eight eight point there and it looks like we've got a seven point right there so we're looking at seven eight and I believe that might have been to eight or nine as well and then we got these up here this other big box back here I thought there would be something good in it it looks like mostly kids clothing so I'm not gonna dig through that but I do think it's time to get into here I think this could be even greater than the other two thousand dollars worth of furniture we found let's find out what's inside it is it is ah it is it's a car part it's a Ford car part but it's not the part I thought it was so we still got some great stuff in here though [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 62,236
Rating: 4.8517256 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Eh8xm885ljk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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