FAKE COP ARRESTED BY POLICE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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okay secret clearance papers we're back at the warehouse going through the ten dollar life storage unit and this one's gonna blow your mind it's been a fun and interesting one that's for sure we've dug through the story and I hope you're ready for a hails of a ride because you're gonna find out too and if you haven't already subscribed yet what the hell's are you waiting for everyone's doing it it's free free 99 it's actually just free free all the way free just to remind everybody George what did you see when you bid on this unit for ten dollars so imagine our surprise when we not only find a police duffel bag we also find a sheriff jumpsuit and this is extremely important you're gonna want to remember these because this is all part of this individual story so we got a sheriff jumpsuit we got a police duffel bag to remember some of the crazy things we found in this bag we never did look at that yeah we found flares and we understand we realize we know flares we made jokes about you know the flares with knifes and all that that we understand those go in the ground but what also we found was we've got the police reflector vest but what drew concern was I bet you they can't see because it's it's yeah so this isn't just a pumpkin this is the ski mask ski mask and hatchets and things along those lines now standard issue we've supposed for anybody with a with the trunk bag tactical edge but I think you're gonna find that this is what was most concerning this use Kani fin a bag that this isn't just a standard-issue trunk bag for police officer the story gets a little bit crazier and we're about to dig into it things only got crazier as we found this tote right here okay so we're finally gonna find out everything that's in this tote so there are all kinds of things so we've seen some of it now ever remember this all right so this was the foreign money so we we theorized that he obviously he's spent time in the military because we found a box with military went to an interesting Museum in Amsterdam all right so let's see what kind of money we have here I just don't want to touch it with gloves because you can't do anything there's a US Department of Agriculture is I have no idea but this guy was all about forcement that's got to be Amsterdam that matches the section Museum so that's got to have something wow the village of Highland Hills please okay Fort Hood first can you hold that end babe alright you gotta go further down so they can see the whole thing Fort Hood now come my way there's a poster I don't know if this is from a movie or what but we we theorized he was obviously in the military don't know submachine gun and machine gun manuals right there so we showed a lot of this we've got all kinds of holsters and now we're finally gonna find out all the equipment there's the belt so we got the belt for the holster that's probably a pepper spray holder now there was a lot of there was a lot of chatter on what this hat actually was so you let us know there we go it's a seven and a half dryclean only we figure he was stationed somewhere overseas and Germany that is part of it so we got another holster okay so she's got there's a mag okay chemical biological right here so US Army chemical biological so this was probably the face mask so we figure for sure military I'm gonna put military over here that was the some kind of suspenders don't worry we know they're not suspenders is a joke okay this looks like it holds the pepper spray but there's holster after holster oh man that was filthy that was going in the garbage baby look at this it's like a French or French painters hat on to santé here's another knife so those of you who are seeing this for the first time in here Seca knife we have a sense of humor so you no need to leave comments of comments that say it's not pronounced connive no no way okay we got caliber bullets there see what we have we've got all kinds of different calibers another bell there's a bunch of them in here okay first first aid case right there military as well I'll set that aside for military that's okay this is guy you guys selling it on your online auction so George sells a whole bunch of knives connives on on youtube if you stay tuned ok blackhawk so we got blackhawk there's another case right there which there's another holster and ok now we're getting the military down here there's another holster there's another holster this was the brand new steel the band of something somebody was named smokey so I think these are filters to facemask right there so that maybe that goes with the military issue alright this this looks like pepper spray George you ready try it here go in three two yeah try it on me ready do it in three other one yep point it towards me in three two one gotcha babe they know when you're faking you were supposed to spray it she didn't I was I was going for it it's a wind tunnel that's true it is a wind tunnel look at all these patches okay okay holy caliber monster caliber all right so we're definitely getting into the military aspect of this fellow but I'm sure we're gonna get into more okay we got patch after patch I'm not sure this is actually a military issue is that military issue let us know in the comments below Hales yes or Hales No do you think that's you think maybe that's bulletproof there okay we got patches all kinds of patches okay that matches the Hat for those who are letting us know what the hats about that's know that's for the gas masks and again this one that one matches the Hat as well so we got all kinds of military patches here for sure and here is a million different magazines oh wait there's another patch military patch United States endurance Cup okay that's not military all right we've got all kinds of magazines here they are legit they are right there partials precision products right there baby we can't show okay here's another mag hopefully you're seeing that so we have a bag of mags here now these mags these mags are full right here these are all set and ready to go and I'm curious I'm curious why this is the real the real issue why here's some pins hhp whatever that might stand for so maybe more patches okay here let's get some of these holsters out of a holster another spray another holster those we want to show that was our little bomb and okay so more more and more and more we're gonna open that to show it what is this this is this is bulletproof vest this is a bulletproof first this is mail carrier date issue second chance this is a bulletproof vest people right here I'm going to start wearing this at the auctions all right now you can see there's all kinds of holsters under here we've looked at some of those let's take a look at these pins and then we're gonna get in a little bit deeper into the story so we haven't looked at this yet let's open these that's this turn to open maybe you can get it okay got all kinds of dice in there we've got all kinds of pins so military-issued pins I just drop one there we go so again no doubt he had to be in the military absolutely had to how do you get all this stuff unless you're buying it surplus but we also have a box we also have a box that says military on it and we're gonna go through those records right after this we want to see what the patches we want to see oh my goodness okay grenade rifle we've got another one here 1775 and we've got a handful of we've got a handful of patches airborne again here's this one again here's another we've got US Army okay more ammo so this story just gets more and more and more and more in depth so let's get into the military box George let's start doing some google searching let's see what we can find out all right well let's see the top let's see what she's got cuz she already peaked and she already showed me she found this secret clearance papers top secret okay so she's gonna start going through this and starting googling and figuring things out why we look at a few other items this ought to be very very interesting to say the least mmm-hmm I'd say so this is gonna be interesting Highway Patrol okay Highway Patrol transportation Cleveland this we were near Cleveland alright I'm going to show some other things that we didn't look at yet and she's gonna start digging you have clearance for that all right we're finding some cool things check this out here this isn't just a stuffed animal this is the pooch Patrol which is rather interesting considering all the official law enforcement items that we're finding pooch Patrol isn't just a normal actual stuffed animal if you remember pound puppies which came out from by Tonka Detroit the toy truck company well after all of that success they came out with pooch Patrol let's see we've got 1980 right there so pooch patrol came out as well so that's not just a normal stuffed animal that would be an eBay item now I found some other things as well old Michalik huh tapes and that sits in there even this one that's metallic I believe it or not so and it's in there as well to the point of finding even look at that prince and the revolution let's go crazy which is about what we're doing right now in this unit George is still looking up the story look at this this is all the NES found Tetris contra some of my favorites Metroid remember contra up up down down left right left right B a B a B I start I'm gonna put in another couple extra bas in there so here's all the original NES games so that in itself is money here's the Gamecube and we got Shrek 2 and a game inside of it we actually do have the original first version of the ps2 and we don't have any games that are really worth anything we got a game gear we got some ps1 and only two games we actually have a Sega Genesis this is version 2 and we've got another game here called perfect mate now we found some other cool things I'm going to pull these over to the table to check them out oh there's PlayStation 2 right there I set that back over there so a couple of these cool things we're gonna look but here's criminal code code bartenders guide Hell's Angels let's take a look at some of this stuff got anything yet yes she does uh-huh okay secret clearance papers misconduct okay so which branch was he in army and station do we know where he was stationed jet so he was in Germany so very cool okay we figured that out and he was discharged do we have anything else anything else cool okay okay I'm gonna come over there do so she has official records we have names we've got babe what's that whole second all this stuff have you googled them yet no all right you're gonna get on it yeah okay so she's googling this is absolutely interesting to me why why a buyer's guide American police 2009 that could explain where all this stuff came from okay so other stuff that we have here we looked at this the other day and we did determine this was like Tinker Bell and this is 95 that's silver and we have a silver you can't see it right now a silver dolphin as well and yes I know my hands are dirty this was super cool to me look at this Snoopy 1958 solid brass Snoopy keychain from 58 how cool is that and George did I show this to you yet she's just went and got her phone did I show this to you yet check this out do you know what this is babe that's not only a lighter hair hold it press the button right there which one this one press that button oh but move your fingers let's do that again okay press the button like so now press the button again Oh what do you think about that that's that's one for your connive collection eh hey will you do me another solid another favor over here since I'm holding the camera do I go through the little mini purse I found and then you can get on your Google errs what kind of purse do we have see you know Sienna it's easier do this on put on the tripod right now so this was in one of the boxes oh another $2 bill we have been finding $2 bills left and right that would been a the record that we found by prints that's let's go crazy okay we also found this crazy web camera which the reality is we have the entire computer so we're probably gonna put this up and see what we could find on there to couldn't wait to dig into one more thing could you so we didn't actually get into the suitcases why we're there at the facility okay so all of your Google one was the suitcase in a suitcase okay so he is in prison earlier this year for you won't believe this what yes I believe that so he was discharged from the military and then now locked up for impersonation holy Jebus this $10 unit is just crazier and crazier and crazier nothing at all well you still opened a whole box of crazy when you found out about him what do we do now what would you do let us know in the comments below [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 68,346
Rating: 4.8593383 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: p2TsG4QKzkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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