I Built a Secret City for BILLIONAIRES ONLY in Cities Skylines

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hello everyone i'm kimbitz and welcome back to city skylines where we're busy exploiting all of our citizens by cutting corners wherever possible and having them work exceptionally dangerous manual labor jobs and to keep our economy rolling we built this super massive spaghetti interchange that keeps traffic under control and the money rolling in and we got into the lumber industry as well because you can't have money without paper and oh boy now do we got it almost 12 million dollars we could do a lot with that we could pay for proper medical care for all of our sick and dying citizens or hey maybe we could even fund education but of course we're not instead we're gonna build a super segregated district for all of our rich people to live and hide their money and then we're gonna build a fun luxury district for rich people to spend their money because come on look if our city is so successful then we should celebrate and if you think that's a good idea remember to leave a like well let's get started here first up party district that set some policies let's give everybody free wi-fi i suppose it really only helps tourists though and not rich people but tourists bring in money they're an industry in themselves so that'll be okay and then what else high ticket prices public transports more expensive yes you want to have fun you're gonna pay for it moving on to rosewood square that is a bean sir you know this name isn't really fitting uh leave me some comments below for some district names but uh we gotta switch the policies here too high-tech housing cooler smart homes of course encourage biking rich people can do whatever they want except they have to get an electric car because think about it if someone drives in this area with a combustion engine vehicle they won't be able to get gas and they'll be towed out immediately this is the way so we'll do that and then we want to make this a vip area just for the aesthetic of having the badge then finally we need education boost for these people they're running society they need to be smart hopefully that should be good let's get started here and we're going to start with our fun district there's a very important building we need to create it is the stadium look it worked in rome it can work for our city too you keep the population entertained so they don't freak out too much and what's better than gladiatorial combat of the soccer slash football variety however this is kind of a double-edged sword pun intended uh where a lot of people want to go see all the matches in here so the traffic to get to this place gets crazy that's actually why i have this huge train metro hub right in this district because all the people from here are going to want to go to this building now we could just move this so it's like over in here right beside the transit hub but even if i put it here no matter what i do people will drive here they will there's no stopping them and the roads around this area are not the best at least right here you see we have a highway entrance here this road goes through the mountain over to here for like the rest of the city but then if the stadium is over here then cars are going to drive through like all this mess to try and get here and it's going to be a horrifying disaster so we're actually going to move it over into this little corner it's a metro hub too bad you're getting moved goodbye and we're going to have this right in here so now this is gonna be a one-way road for all the vehicles to enter the area then they can go in the stadium and then we want to control how they leave because when we exit there and i guess i guess we should have a one-way exit over here too yeah so the vehicles all come in this way uh do whatever they're gonna do and then they leave over this way and that's kind of like the main thing i'll fiddle with the traffic a little bit more but from here yeah it's a lot of zoning oh wait actually we need a whole new district here as well are you square you're never a square stop lying we need a new district like so that we're going to make into a leisure specialization district 24 7 commercial zones noise pollution a lot of good fun so that's party zone central and then we'll have a tourism district over here so i'll be all the hotels tourist traps and other things but minor redesign here and it's looking great got the fire station the services etc i moved the metro line right underneath the bridge and kind of merged it with a park here so people can leave go directly in there and the metro just goes from here to there yeah so tourists would come in through a train then take the metro over to here and eventually there will be a way to walk here too but that's for a little bit later so after a little bit of road work and throwing in some services it's looking decent here i even got the metro line hooked up and combined it with a park so the metro is right there and people just have to cross the street and they're at the stadium fantastic setup oh but now we could have a lot of fun you see in this district we get to play with all the unique buildings there are tons of cool things in here like casinos we could build there are driving ranges for the rich plazas of all kinds and most importantly there's a knockoff space needle or observation tower as they call it here you can have that right next to the stadium and this bridge doesn't that look amazing like look i know we're all after profit and stuff but it looks so good love it next up of course we have to have a casino like are you kidding me like what do you do with your money after you've bought like 60 lamborghinis you gamble and having the sports stadium and the gambling parlor pretty much next door to each other seems like the best combination so next area by the train station we're just gonna be trying to stuff in as many unique buildings as possible they drive in tourists tourists bring tons of money and it's a great time so there's a posh mall okay looks um looks like a shoe very inefficient why are there so many like walking and living spaces you should be shopping where are the storefronts hmm posh society inefficient over here we go the grand mall oh ho ho ho ho ho well well that is awesome man now that's what you call a shopping center okay well we definitely want both the malls in here you know what regardless of anything if people can spend money it's all good so let's just try and fill in as many roads as we can i have like roads going out this way that way over there and maybe we can fit the grand mall there and the posh one over there awesome just a couple trees in the roundabout no biggie just drive through them simple and the best part is people can go from the train station walk through the mall and then go to the big game yeah yeah yeah so let's give them the option to do so let's get a walking bridge over here walking bridges high key one of the best things in this game they divert so much traffic it's it's actually unbelievable so yeah now all the npcs will walk through the malls and they can end up where they want to be i'll reorganize that a little bit more so it's a little bit more flush and organized but generally speaking not bad over here now uh it's a little bit more weird let's make a square and what would we want to put in here we're trying to appeal to rich aristocrats and tourists oh an oppression office ah that is absolutely my favorite building in the game incredible however though we can't have it at least not here our propaganda has to state where a very good fair society with art art opera opera oh yeah that's what would draw in the rich tourists good and what else artsy is there there is a ziggurat garden that just looks awesome man a little too fancy for our taste though maybe we'll have that in the posh district not sure oh but that'll do a theater of wonders i wonder how much money that'll bring in wow that is really cool hmm and we could probably fit in another wonder or whatever in here too i think that might be enough like we still want like commercial space and stuff like that we want the tourists to spend money just at local shops yes we just zone this up a lot like this and aside from that i think we are ready to go i did a little bit more just a path work so like people could walk over this way to like the casino type area-ish i added in some custom stuff to fill in space at park and yeah just little details here and there to make everything flow nicely oh speaking of i added in bosses bus systems i admit they are one of the best things in this game they are super super efficient and they kind of contradict with our little strategy of people walking past stores but it's like ah i'm really worried about the traffic traffic is nuts apparently from what is this a medical clinic uh i see medical emergencies literally everywhere always but who cares about them it's all about the traffic and making sure it's all okay once this is all running but i think it's done here and now we kind of just wait and see was this built efficiently can tourists come in here yep inner city trains and we got our hotels being made wonderful oh and we can name our stadium [Laughter] we're gonna call it the steelers stadium not that we're stealing from our working class just uh it's just a good name oh and look at this this is what i was talking about with the walking paths look at him go all these people would be crossing streets and holding up traffic now they just walk to where they need to be great i guess they have to kind of walk around to go to the casino so we might add in another bridge we'll see traffic flow wise things are looking good except for kind of over here a little bit but i'm sure with a little bit of fiddling i can fix that up uh we're gonna let this run for a while here just to see what other problems decide to show up and then we're gonna switch over to our posh living district oh yes where all the rich people come to live it's not like our millionaires and billionaires could live amongst the squatter no they have to have their segregated super area oh boy this is gonna be a lot of fun actually uh we are gonna do some district things first we are going to make this a self-sustaining place self-sufficient buildings just in case there's a rebellion right and honestly the buildings just look really cool okay let's start with our fancy buildings there's a sea to skyscraper uh that's gonna go right there cool fancy and unnecessary i like it a lot and is that a straight up statue of wealth [Laughter] of course of course we'll have that standing right over here so now people can worship the almighty dollar now quite a few other things have to happen here too remember we want our people in this district to be well educated so we're gonna make them a university the thing is they're the rich leaders of society they need to stay on top and they need to have the best education so do that we have the metro hub here too so it's directly connected to the university don't worry we'll have another university district as well but this is just to get the population rocking and rolling then shopping is important uh power lines aren't let's have all the shopping kind of by the high school okay housing then belongs along the cliffside and probably over here a little bit and then let's look again at the luxury stuff there is the driving range ahaha yes the driving range how could we not have that in here let's just have that right in the corner oh and having some offices right across from the driving range oh dude dude you have to you have to okay so that'll be great lastly people come into this area from this road what would they want to see what would scream posh rich luxurious official park that looks pretty neat but it's so small oh it looks so cool though look at all the shiny but not good enough wait i found the one a sparkly unicorn rainbow park wow so now when all the citizens drive in they just see uh uh unicorn maybe not that park oh no no no no no no no i got it i got it this is the one check that out [Laughter] fantastic fountain park now that is something to look at but center it a bit with the road a little more oh that is cool man perfect for this district and we got some buildings coming in good good everybody is happy i like it is there anything else of like substance i need to do around here do we actually want to add in any more fancy things like at this point it's getting kind of crowded and we don't want to just have attractions right so i think we're going to pass on the illuminati pyramid don't worry we'll have that somewhere else and i suppose just to make things a little bit better for people we'll add in a gym so they can work out and keep their minds clear just thinking just thinking just thinking no i think that is the basics similar to the district over here with the party in i'll go through this too and add in some extra details wait blatantly this building looked too cool had to include it happy had to do it you got the fantastic park here you see the whatever this is it's too good okay so this district is up and running houses are coming in all the towers look all green and fancy love it but we have a major problem well kind of uh we have a football soccer match we're just gonna call it soccer okay guys yeah lots of traffic comes in for this and looking at our district here nothing really changed traffic seems exceptionally good do we have any pedestrians walking no maybe i missed all the traffic coming in and they already are watching the game i guess so it doesn't really tell me when the match started but the matches go on for like a month so i guess we can watch everybody leave oh and fun fact if we win the game we get like a hundred thousand plus dollars it's crazy on top of the ticket revenue so these are actually extremely profitable oh and you know what i just realized we can click on this 158 passengers served last week so maybe that's when uh the game started also looks like there's been an accident on the field gg little soccer player person you fought well in the stadium and your purpose has being fulfilled and wait there's there's another one oh my god this is the most dangerous gladiatorial arena i've ever seen oh my wait there's still more oh thank goodness dude no there is another one wow oh and now the game's over the traffic begins did we win oh we lost only thirty one thousand dollars so sad where are all the people gonna go we have a bus loop everybody wants to go to the bus loop make sense i know most of the traffic what traffic is just going over to subway yeah okay not a lot of traffic at all just so many freaking ambulances man what a dangerous city i've created yeah everybody else is walking around good good i think everything is fine then meaning it's time for a quick decoration pass to make everything actually look you know pleasant and as you can kind of see it is amazing what you can do with a couple trees and a surface painter looking way better now looking far more posh organized looks actually you know filled in built a little park over here so people can do uh unsupervised activities it's looking great yeah most importantly though you can absolutely tell where it's like working class and upper class yes the shareholders shall be pleased i hope you guys are as well because that is gonna be all for today so remember to post some comments for some district name suggestions for i guess all three of these super luxury living district the tourism district and the fun district and i'll add them in for the next video but for now have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 622,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder, city building games, cities skylines industries, cities skylines tutorial, city skylines mod, cities skylines let's play, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines game, city, skyline, cities, kibitz, imkibitz, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities skylines how to fix your city
Id: SeGW9uAaP9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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