An Isolated Bedroom Community: 5 Builders, 1 City #4 (5B1C)

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[Music] hello welcome to city planner place city builders where we are now collaborating with four other youtubers in this series five builders one city and uh so in this in this series you might have seen already that i have a spot not all that far from zardis's spot however there is an interesting wrinkle here and that is i actually don't have any connections to his city and uh i think that's fine i think that's completely okay and we're gonna work within that constraint i'm gonna try to be aware of what he's doing one of the things that the planning professor told me very first day of one of my very first classes in planning school was never plan in a vacuum what he meant by that is if you are uh planning regionally don't only look at your region if you are planning a city don't only look at your city look at the things around you and plan with connections to those things in mind so i know that our cities are going to interact in some way at some point but i know that right now it's going to be a challenge in fact so let's take a look so my area is right here it's it's huge and it's pretty close to his uh that said when i surveyed the land it looks like he has not placed a rail connection either cargo or passenger and this highway connection so there are there's a lot of highways in my area so i have this interchange here and here this one terminates in spot two as does this one this one leaves the area this one heads south no one's beneath me this one heads west and does loop back around and that is the most convenient route so i'm gonna have to rely on someone choosing spot two someone anyone if you want someone needs to choose spot too so that i can connect up so for the time being i'm gonna be connected but i'm not gonna be connected so i need to think about how my city is going to operate within the uh demands of zardoz's city while still making this a functioning place so there are some things i'm going to be able to take advantage from his build potentially i'm going to try it anyway so he has a lot of of public infrastructure in place that you know i can't connect to his power there's no power connections i can't connect to his water uh because i don't believe yeah it doesn't reach me so i'm really looking at his waist processing complex it's a heck of a hike but i'm gonna see if i can get that to work the other thing i'm gonna try to do we're playing with unlimited money but i really hate seeing this in the red so i'm gonna make it a personal goal to get this back in the black or the green so needless to say i made me think where to start in this area so i think it's always good to look at the terrain and see what the lay of the land is like so i don't want to be directly over here looking longingly as artists city thinking if only someone would build a road we'd have a connection instead i'm going to try to develop my city independently a little further away in an area that's interesting and has resources so that's one of the interesting things i have a lot of resources available to me be it oil fertile lands ore or forestry and uh i think that i'm going to focus on forestry i really like this lake now zardis city is named after a place in new york and i'm going to name mine after place in new york as well i think i'm going to name this geneva like the city of geneva in new york or lake geneva in wisconsin or geneva and europe any of them uh and that's that's what i'm going to call this and i'm going to focus on this lake as kind of the feature of the city there's some resources here but i think it would just be a good place to live and right now the only needs that we have in the city are really residential in nature that said when you take a look at the topography in this area it gets pretty challenging near the river so it's going to be tough to have any sort of formal grid in the forested area so if there is a grid it's going to be outside of the forested area we're going to have to really respect our topography as we get closer to the water so the other thing i looked at was highway connections and i have none right now no no pre-built connections and i could easily plop one down right here but i saw this right here i thought this was interesting so when you look at the topographic view there's not all that much terrain not all that many terrain challenges here they just kind of decided to go through this hill which you know maybe it was just because it was neat looking not not sure but the idea i have is probably not the most realistic interchange uh so i could just have a dirt road going across here and then connecting up on either side i think i'm just going to throw a roundabout on top i think it's going to be efficient and it will lead to me not cul-de-sac in this entire area which is something that i deeply care about so that's going to be my first course of action is to to actually build a roundabout up here now what about that all backwards now for this connection into the city i want to look at the topography and try to respect the topography and not i with the roundabout i'm not and truthfully with the sight lines you'd need with the roundabout you can't you need to to really make the roundabout fit so i think first of all i want to to have a main collector along this tree line i think it'll open up some opportunities in the future maybe for park space preserve some of the existing environment it also just kind of makes for you know fairly a fairly natural break in the map so i'm gonna put a diagonal here and then i want to look my topographic view to make sure yeah that's not in the right spot so we need to back up a little bit further but delete this we actually need to look at both and i don't want to need too much in the way of grading so i'm gonna try to cut it right through in the middle here and then we'll loop back around meander down a bit and then start following our our grade [Music] okay so we've got that done you know in the future maybe this would be a a better smoother straighter more direct connection but for the time being we're gonna be a really small town with not a lot of money to spend on these sorts of major public infrastructure projects so why get overly dramatic about it or plan too much infrastructure not my style anyway it's certainly a thing you can do it's just not not what i like to do so all right so we have this roundabout and that is how we're gonna get people into the city all right so this is our main collector so i think it would be great to have homes along the water but right now that's not the path of least resistance in terms of development having a basic grid going basically into this field is probably going to be the best way to go about it so i've been thinking about the kind of grid i wanted i just kind of want something interesting so i want to have a tighter smaller grid and this is going to cost me a ton but one of the things that i think is neat about this is it encourages pedestrian activity so i'm thinking of this is more like a a portland type situation where in portland they have a really high density of roadway connections and as a result there's just a lot in the way of uh it just makes pedestrian connections that much easier your pedestrian activity pedestrianism so we're going to go with an 8x8 grid so very small this is going to lead to some issues if i want to uh add any unique buildings but we can navigate those that's never insurmountable so i'm going to do just one more row i want to keep this really small because we're not going to have a lot of money at least in my mind because i look at that and i see us bouncing all around now part of this i think there's factories over in or not think i know there's a there are factories and major infrastructure over in zardis's area so that's going to make things a little more um i guess variable might be the way to put it so that's fine but i want to keep that in mind as i'm developing uh because i want to stabilize the regional budget i'm a good regional partner in that way okay so we have this basic grid how are we gonna power this well wind would be great there's not a lot of it so i think that we are going to unfortunately actually i guess i could you know what i'm gonna have wind i'm gonna do hold on i think there's going to be an issue there yeah i've got to be really careful with where i place any wind that i place because i don't want to overlap so i think i might get close to and still i'm not getting max production i don't love this i might just do something i don't love to do and that is pollute up a storm so let's take a look again at our natural resources and then again topographic map but i might just kind of bring this over here and create a this is kind of a flat-ish pad maybe i could tuck it in here in this valley so i do want incredible highway access to this thing because the last thing i'd want is to run out of coal and and now all of a sudden my city's dying because of that i've had that happen to so many times so i'm going to avoid that at basically whatever the cost [Music] there are certainly topographic challenges so you see that there's 10 feet of rides up in this area so that's just that's too much to just plow through so this might look really really ugly to you but uh topography it's just it's just one of those things you get stuck sometimes so we have this winding road on our what is now a cliff side to make this work so let's place i want to put one coal plant over here and then we will run a lovely power line straight through the forest through the valleys oh i'm going the wrong way i should not uh head by at this point i'm going to have to cross the river with it so that would be crazy let's get out of these crazy views i will do this simple thing and just run it up the road that would seem to make some sense okay so now we've got power we need water and sanitary so i don't want to over build my infrastructure i am going to just place a small water tower near near everything so there is some noise pollution with the water tower i'll back it out just a little bit and we can kind of use this as like a kind of park space actually maybe i'll just right in the center here i'm going back and forth right right here's where it's gonna go and now we're gonna want to populate our grids or our grid with water pipes [Music] and our grid is not perfect this time so we're gonna have to have some mid block pipes good enough though that works for me happy about that happy enough anyway all right so now let's get water to our uh to our water tower and use that as kind of our jumping off point now because this is a is the collector i'm going to use this as our main street um and i might actually just knowing that this is going to be our collector i think i'm going to widen it right through here right away okay now do i love this idea this solution uh you know it's not great but i can't i can't reserve right away and you know i've told you up front that this is gonna be a collector so i i wish that i could reserve that right away but knowing that i can't i'm just gonna have to make do with the tools that the game gives me which is zoning uh or which is plopping these larger two-lane roads which might be these boulevards avenues whatever you want to call them they work to reserve the right-of-way in my mind so that's what i will do and i will not zone along this road unless i'm along one of these roads so there is some need for commercial not a lot clearly our biggest need is residential and i might just fill in this whole block it's i don't want to have just a little pocket there of of uh commercial it's kind of weird or a residential rather it's kind of weird and i don't i don't love the look of it interestingly it looks like all of my blocks are just slightly off in this center area i'm not going to change it i think it's fine i think it keeps things interesting look at this l reminds me of tetris so i'm going to speed things up just a little bit see how things build out now one of the things now that i'm thinking about it because i didn't start this out all of the needs that come with a bigger city they're all needs here now so i need to think right off the bat about well first of all i should have been thinking about wastewater i don't know what i was doing just wasn't thinking about it hmm i might just kind of bury that back here this power plant would that that true i didn't put but bring water to the power plant either i don't know if that's it doesn't seem unhappy about that which i think is kind of interesting you'd think a power plant would have you know bathrooms or something that would get people excited about not having water but cold power plant no water necessary everything's fine so one of the challenges that i'm going to run into because i'm not connected with the rest of the regional water system power system is that i won't really know when i need to to build more infrastructure until my city my citizens start dying or leaving so i guess i need to keep that in mind [Music] yeah and they're already like oh i'm dying there's you know water sewer just backing up into my house flush the toilet just runs on the floor it's all right well we've taken care of that now i do want to set the road priority here and we're going to need to do something about garbage processing i'll do that in just a minute i just want to take care of this road priority quickly [Music] so i just thought about this i've been playing so long in vanilla at this point uh that i realized i can't set priority so i should be using uh traffic manager but instead i'm just gonna do this because i'm already done with it all right so i just want to extend this a little bit further just so i can kind of round this out have it make a little bit more sense okay so now we need to take care of waste processing i want to take a look the waste transfer facility upkeep 240 same as this recycling center lots lots and lots of capacity 20 garbage trucks needs a lot of power about twice as much but i get an extra five garbage trucks and a heck of a lot of capacity and it's gonna generate electricity so you know what i'm gonna put in the transfer facility and just kind of see how it goes this is a this is an incredibly large cul-de-sac though i might try to come up with one more route in and out of here one into the city and one out to the highway so let's take a look at where that could happen [Music] yikes so some of these are some of this is gonna need to be graded i will fix some of this i do have mods so that is uh something i have the ability to modify all right but even at that i don't think it's that bad necessarily i just think i have the opportunity to clean it up a little bit and i probably should all right so let's look at our topographic view again yeah it seems like it would be great to have a roadway connection through here but when you look at the terrain and how steep it is there's a lot happening there so i might just leave it actually i'll build a road along here i'd just love to not have everything loading into one area so i'd like to disperse that a little bit if i can so i'll do that like this good enough for me so let's do a little bit of fixing in terms of some of this terrain i just think that we want to fix a bit of this and i have my brush strength way too high so i'm not as concerned about the cliffs that are kind of going into the side but the ones that are going down that would be a a very challenging trip down if it were if you were going to uh inadvertently go down for some reason just kind of clean things up a little bit on these on-ramps uh what i probably should do is actually clean things up [Music] so i never actually created the ramps i just left dirt roads two two-way dirt roads going on to the interstate perfect [Music] i think i'm going to formalize this as a highway coming into the city and if we want to increase i should say decrease the classification of that from an arterial highway to a collector in the future we can certainly do that but right now let's just leave it as is so we have the start of this little city it's meeting some of the residential needs but things are slowing down and part of the reason for that is that we are not meeting any of the citizens needs here so we're going to need to start thinking about uh fire protection um police protection you know all of the protections and all of the services so rather than skipping all of those including parks i'm just gonna do it right now start thinking about those things right off the bat so i think that by adding these things we're going to take an upfront hit in terms of the expense but in the long run things are gonna balance out because uh we're gonna end up in a in a place with higher tax values so it's gonna be a good thing okay so the firehouse so i have the european and and the other vanilla assets i kind of like some of these european ones so i'm gonna i'm gonna mix and match as i see fit uh so this is gonna kind of be a a road that has a lot of public services along it it's kind of a government complex if you will [Music] so i don't think the police department would mind all that much if they were located right in front of right in front of the water tower that said i'm getting a little nervous that once i upgrade that road in the future which i will do i won't be able to place that so yeah i was able to place that that's great that'll work just fine i'm gonna i'm gonna be quite happy with that okay so we got our core services the uh the all-important three uh police fire and education but we have no parks i'm making this worse our weekly income is completely going down the drain what a great time to that sounds like a time that we should really name our city all right perfect the city of geneva on lake geneva we're just just off lake geneva good enough all right so we're gonna need to keep responding to the residential demand that we're seeing so this is this place is going to solidify itself as a bedroom community by having nothing but a little bit of commercial and a whole bunch of residential so we're good here we can serve all of these lots with our existing water let's think about having some park space so maybe a small park or actually let's have a small playground you should put one near this school right along the highway just where the kids should be playing and then i kinda wanna break up this this grid that we're creating with a large park and i am going to move this to center it because it will drive me absolutely mad all right and this might be a part of why we break the grid a little bit here so i think here i'm going to let the park be the guide of the grid so break it up just a little bit so this is going to be really small [Music] this is some advanced planning we'll take a look and this would probably just be in the some sort of city plan but we're gonna build it just like this okay so from back here we'll reestablish our old grid but we've got a couple interesting blocks in between that said look at our residential demand it is through the roof so let's start taking care of that i want to start taking a look though at some of our needs our elementary school interesting so we probably should have centered that whoops but we have what we have right now so we're going to go with it so i do want to place a high school and i'm going to try to do a better job we'll center this maybe this will fit perfectly on one of these small blocks yeah that's great continue our water pipes bring them down over and that block our weird block that one's perfect so from a power standpoint it looks like we're in a wonderful spot but i know that we're not in a wonderful spot i know that the region's in a wonderful spot some interesting stuff happening here just a little bit of movement fix that so let's continue to zone residential i know some people might say you know you have everything available to you why aren't you zoning a whole bunch of high density you know it's not natural it's not to have a small town and just start zoning a whole bunch of uh really dense stuff so i'm just not going to do it again it's a play style thing i like to to to gradually expand things and break things all at once too if i'm going to break it all right so i'm going to continue to extend this uh this boulevard up to the end of our grid just so i can continue the zoning now i can be really careful about this and make sure that i'm not zoning where new roads could potentially be but that's where i'll take some liberties so at about this size i think it's important for a city to start thinking about why it exists and i would think that this would be the time where maybe they would take some inventory of their resources or their unique situation or they just say we're a bedroom community we want to be the nicest darn bedroom community that you can possibly have and they would go all out with with amenities parks schools have an excellent school system maybe that's the direction that they decide to go but i do think that that would be a question and i think in this area in particular what this city is going to be is a high quality bedroom community for the time being with with really high quality parks and i do think that there's an opportunity to make a really neat park right at this at this tip if we take a look we've got some topographic challenges already so unless we're gonna level all of this [Music] we might as well preserve it so i might take an area with a swath right here and make a fairly significant park i think just to keep it interesting i will extend it [Music] really kind of pull in some of those areas that are going to be difficult to develop [Music] so over here i think that there are some opportunities to develop it's certainly not going to be great but we've got to preserve some of this land as taxable land if you look at the values i mean along the shore that's that's where your values are so in fact i wouldn't i would look at this and think that some of that shore land is probably going to be developed by the founding fathers and mothers of the city so why not get a row of homes along there right now [Music] so i was gonna follow the topography for this but let's uh let's be blunt about this if if you can afford this land at the start of the city if you are helping to build the city [Music] money and topography you'll work around those those are those are not things that you're concerned with you don't have to be so we're going to be completely unconcerned with those issues for these properties and this is a pretty natural spot for a bridge in the future for the time being these are going to be you know really high value homes so i think i might avoid bridging but it does create a really nice scenic area and it might actually raise the topography a little bit actually take it in and maybe i'll cul-de-sac and then change the topography a bit [Music] all right now because these folks have tons of money we are going to make sure they have decent size lots all right so i think that this is giving us a little more of what we want i'm not thrilled that the lots didn't come through there we go so we've got some interesting and very nice lots up in this direction and while i was dinking around with this road looks like we lost all of our residential demand again so i don't know if this is because of what's happening in my city or what's happening in the region [Music] so we're going to take a look at our values and make sure that it's not us our values increasing oh you know what we don't have any health care so we're moving in the right direction but we're also just forgetting about going completely in the right direction so i think that getting this close well first of all let's look at our coverage so this isn't good enough maybe adding this near this collector here we don't want to add it directly to it but we'll add it near it so we'll kind of grid out just a little bit we know that there's going to be a park over here [Music] we also know that we have some topography oh yeah we have some topography [Music] okay let's we'll go on a little bit okay a little bit of fine roads playing there so this road would probably not work so we're just going to eliminate that one interesting so i have a block here that's too long well what are you gonna do i'm gonna blame it on the original surveyors and say that uh it's a bit of an error and uh it's their fault not the planners the planner had an excellent plan it was just the surveyors that uh happened to survey the wrong land and if you are a surveyor viewing this video know what that i love you and uh the work you do is incredibly important and i would never blame anything on you [Laughter] except for this except for this all right so we'll have health care in close proximity to that collector everyone loves that we still have crime now because we're part of a bigger region i'm really really really fearful let's see where these cops are going okay well they're apparently not going all over the place but uh i don't know what's going on there [Music] let's crank up the speed a bit okay so i want to look at the topography again because i do want to start to develop this way but interestingly i don't think i'm going to be able to develop all that much more on this upper part i'd have to develop it down here [Music] okay so i've tried to mostly mirror the landscape unfortunately because of some of the tools that are enabled i am failing a little bit so um good enough so this will not become some abandoned uh residential track that some developer had dreams of of completing we will actually build this and i'm gonna do it in short order [Music] i hate when that happens so it just straightened this out for me because i might made a road connection just kind of happens not the end of the world it's just not quite as interesting so this is one gigantic cul-de-sac so i have a major problem with that we'll need to find some other connection that we can make and that might be a connection along the coast and then our residential demand again is through the roof so we will uh we'll remedy that we will take care of that and build some more property okay so right here we have a highway going into a local road in a rural area that's probably fine in an urban area this is a an arterial going into a collector to me that's a red flag so i'm going to actually extend this collector up a little bit further break our power again freak everyone out and then remedy it we'll also take a look at our junctions make sure we're not doing crazy things okay time for more zoning lots and lots more zoning so i think i'm going to start out with some of these really cool big lots down here and i'm going to actually give him some space [Music] and i've made the mistake of just keeping it on as fast as i can keep it basically so i'll pause it for the time being i'm sure that biff is going to get this next and go wow 30 years have passed let's see uh oh wow yeah almost 30 i'm sorry everybody that is that is a hallmark of of what i do i uh will simulate far too much on the flip side i have a feeling 2025 is gonna be a lovely year so okay so let's get some utilities here oh i put utilities here so we're good there just need to make it around our loop don't love that connection but i'm gonna try not to get overly ocd about it so you can imagine that that homes in this kind of an area would have either private dock access or shared dock access something so we are going to give them that that being a doc i guess i should probably specify and not just speak in vague terms and we can make their dots so high that they have to scale it [Music] that'll work it's not a dock this is a fishing pier okay well that's cool too they would want a fishing pier i'm sure for a doc let's [Music] leave myself many options might just remove the zoning right along here there we go and then uh we'll add it here marina that'll work little marina for everyone to enjoy when it has power anyway and uh for the time being no power so i do notice we are breaking down our garbage a little garbage scheme didn't work let's see where are these going [Music] they're immediately heading okay i didn't even see that connection so i have a better roadway connection than i thought but uh i don't know that they're actually serving this area which is very unfortunate because serious in desperate need of some trash collection i will again take it to the next level to make sure that our power connections are made all right so now we have power along this whole area do you think i'm going to smooth out the shores a little bit here it's kind of wonky i also don't love that there's sand directly on some of these homes so i will eliminate some of that sand [Music] or not it can stay there i guess whoa or i'll add a whole bunch back there we go much better okay so we've got an interesting area over here larger more stately homes okay maybe that's stately maybe that was a bit of a stretch but some larger homes i would consider this a very nice house all right so we'll keep it keep it going now we're having some industrial demand but i don't really know that i can do much in the way of industrial until we have resolved this significant issue with trash collection and i'm starting to wonder [Music] do i just need to provide another highway connection to make this work so i'm going to slow down and make another connection over here and see if maybe that fixes things so to start i'm going to have a couple parallel roads the highway use that as my guides that is brutal uh let's get these fixed okay so what i think i'm gonna do is kind of have a flyover over here but before i get to that let's get this road divided up i really don't want the elevation step on there right now keep it low and we'll fix all of this kind of wonky stuff down the line i do want to get this upgraded right off the bat though [Music] so i like to to to know which direction everything's supposed to go because i just lose track of it [Music] big mistake there so i'm going to delete this i want to make sure that i'm mirroring the highway it's kind of have more of a natural look in the future all right so that's our first ramp let's get our second one going so i think i'm gonna have this one go up and over so bear with me [Music] and before i forget about it i'm going to continue to extend this along the highway here all right and i think at the bridge i will bring things over loop them back around or completely mess things up [Laughter] i'm still digging this into the ground because i am an expert with fine road anarchy or the fine road tools i always seem to find a way to mess up my terrain heights but all right so we have the the basis or the the the bones of our of our ramp so let's get this going [Music] okay so i don't want to get too overly crazy about this connection but i do want it to look all right i think it's a lot better this pillar is a little off remove that one i think everything else is looking pretty good at this point nope everything except for that and then i think i'm going to smooth things out just a little bit so we'll slope everything [Music] and i suppose we will make these last few connections all right that's pretty close to where i wanted it to be except for this looking a little bit janky and ugly let's level some things okay i am a lot happier with this than i was before so hopefully this helps a little bit with our garbage situation i don't know that it's going to but at least it's providing more options and let's do the requisite smoothing in this area all right i'm gonna leave it there i'm gonna keep getting crazy and messing things up because that's all that's happening at this point because i'm just getting a little bit too carried away on this not needed it's going to work as is let's give one a final quality control check though everything is pointing in the right direction people can use it all right good let's see if people are using it no well that was a useful exercise at least we aren't cul-de-sac anymore so there is that we have trash everywhere it is a disaster it is a huge problem so i do think that we might take an opportunity to reevaluate our trash collection situation because clearly it has failed us things are not working okay so what i think i'm going to try is to put a recycling center over here i am kind of feeling desperate i will i will not lie there's not a purpose for doing so [Music] and with that i'm wondering if i should discontinue this i don't know what it's doing but it's not working i'll give you that much i'll give it that yeah those those vehicles are not going into the city at all they're leaving see this one okay they're at least serving the citizens so this i think i'm just gonna turn this off for the time being [Music] because it's not helping and i'm getting to where i wanted to be at least as i look at this i glance down our weekly income is almost in a positive place and that's what i really wanted to accomplish is to get our income situation in order and i see it's not so uh aspirational goals i suppose continue to meet the demand i think we're gonna extend uh when we go two blocks out [Music] okay so you might wonder why did i go two blocks mainly because of water service that was the main thought there is that it would be easy to serve this new area with water service truthfully i could probably go out three blocks so i might go out a third block because i think the demand demands there before i start getting crazy with zoning though i do want to look and see what can i do to get the land values up so i'm going to place some more parks another small park or not another but our first small park over here maybe a dog park over here and i will place a floating cafe on the lake of geneva and now we need to actually get our water to all of these new residents wouldn't you know it now it isn't now it's a little bit too wide okay so i'm gonna speed this up and see if some of this trash stuff gets resolved [Music] i also give myself a fighting chance let's turn this on unlimited money so no reason not to [Music] back to it [Music] we're getting lots of growth and development but no no trash collection [Laughter] which is a problem because that's certainly something we need so what's happening here maybe they're just catching up there again hopping on that freeway and going way over here to do things over here [Music] that is just a mess hmm that's not helpful uh this is certainly a so we have trash collection vehicles taking things all the way over here so i think what i might do to try to fix this is i've got this area and i can set my own policies maybe recycling recycling centers so recycling centers makes my recycling center more efficient we're going to reduce our tax income and our um and our garbage accumulation here we'll see if this helps at all yeah it's gotta be gonna be a a city planner fights with trash collection which i mean that does happen i mean uh a trash collection is one of those interesting things that you know i think everyone just expects it to happen and then they kind of go well why aren't you doing things like i don't know recycling every week in some communities it's every week and others it's every other week and that can be a problem that people want a planner or other government official to take care of it's expensive and there are some problems with recycling right now anyway where we don't really have any place to put it but that's neither here or there all right so i realized there's no death care in this area so we took care of that it's unfortunate things are leveling up here there's just garbage accumulating all over the place so do you think we're gonna start to think about the bike network in this area [Music] and roads in general even though these people back here have very nice homes or will someday they're also avid cyclists i shouldn't say that those are either or uh it's uh it's just it's more of a statement i suppose still tons of residential demand so again going to keep keep on keeping on with it all right so what i want to do is i want to continue this bike network try to circulate traffic through the community when i'm planning a bike network i really like to make sure that there are destinations and origins so i think you can get into problems when you don't consider both that said there's really not a lot here in terms of origins or destination i mean there's lots of origins destinations along this main street really nowhere else so i think i'm going to upgrade all of the roads real quick we're in a spot where the city's big enough let's see population here 2288 92 all right good enough we're growing [Music] so again these trash collection issues are just plaguing the city it's just a complete disaster so uh now we're starting to see some residents reach their wits end decide this just isn't the city for them and i don't blame them if you can't get your trash collected i don't want to live there [Music] all right but it looks like our trash is being picked up now and what you'll see is that now we have some homes filling in things getting nicer yeah we're in a good we're in a better spot we're at an improving spot so i'm i'm enjoying uh the way that this is turning out i didn't fix the budget but i do think that we're in a better spot we're not in a worse spot maybe a little bit better uh than we were before so hopefully we can we can get everything fixed in short order in terms of trash collection uh we do have a lot of industrial need at this point um i might do just a little bit over here and then you know i think my time is is drawing to a close uh it's it's been a lot of a lot of fun and i'm looking forward to my next go-around but i think that uh my play style is generally a little bit longer a little bit more uh all over the place i know that so i i'm going to do this in in larger chunks than uh maybe some other players so part of that is going to be me doing just this episode today but i want to finish this up so this is going to be a nice little industrial area i do think i want to set some policies here so this is going to be a challenge so i have this little carve out here [Music] okay so this will be the green valley business park and we want this to be a very nice business park so we're gonna have industrial space planning workers union filter industrial waste industry 4.0 actually we can't we don't have a university yet so uh we won't do that we'll make this as nice a business park as we can [Music] okay yeah so this is going to be really helpful we don't have any dirt roads anywhere else i don't know why i have them right here so i'm going to take them just divide this right in half so we're having power issues now [Music] and these power issues are related to our lack of power production so we get a second plant and we go extra dirty over here [Music] so the other thing i was thinking you know i talked about uh this being kind of an upscale area i think for the entire actually no that's foolish i was going to set a policy for the entire area for high-tech housing i think i'm going to set it for this area over here that i just built but i don't want to overdo it there's a lot of building that can be done in this area so the last thing i want to do is just say everything in this entire area is uh high tech housing that would be pull up that'd be poor planning really uh hamstringing myself myself in the future so i won't do that but i am going to create a couple other districts which will have an impact and potentially lead to a little bit of demolition [Music] so self-sufficient buildings here i'm also going to have the local energy organic produce policy and i'll just kind of extend that along the edge here just have a nice little district all right so this district will have some of those policies enabled that uh lead to some higher quality buildings and over here we are going to enable the policy for high-tech housing so this will just it'll be a nicer part of town other thing over here we will have electric cars all right so that's certainly going to change the flavor of this area the buildings are going to look a little more high quality a little larger cool and modern buildings with a nice view of the water and trash building up all over in their yards [Laughter] but hopefully this will also help the entire region balance the budget over the long term i don't think it's possible for me to get to a place where the budget's balanced at this point short of going through in the budget panel tweaking things just a little bit okay well you know what i will get us closer by by fudging the budget and and hoping that my whole place doesn't burn down over the next few episodes as trash accumulates throughout the entire neighborhood hopefully someone in a future uh build can help me out with this i am going to leave it here so we've built uh so we built old town geneva geneva shores and the green valley business park a little uh area for public works and look at that oh never mind just wasn't close enough uh we still have our garbage problem it's significant it's it's a problem i do this is going to drive me nuts before i cut out there water we are serving everyone now at this point except for these folks these fine folks over here because we are out of water okay so now everyone has water so that includes our recycling center that's got to help lots of garbage reserves here one last thing i just gotta know yeah they're just leaving i don't understand lots of traffic here now it's all going to businesses okay well over time this will have to uh fix itself it's getting a little better it looks like for the most part well no it's not it's not this is just gonna be a trash collecting area for the time being all right well thank you so much i'll leave you with a few cinematics from around the entire region uh if you like this video hit the like button if you are not subscribed to my channel please consider doing so if you want to be notified when i release new videos i release a lot of videos just like this thank you so much and i'll see you in the next one [Music] hey [Music] [Music] huh [Music] you [Music]
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 127,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, city planner plays city builders, biffa, czardas, imperialjedi, the timeister, cities skylines collaboration, cities skylines collab, 5 builders 1 city, cities skylines road layout, cities skylines new city, cities skylines neighborhood design, cities skylines suburbs, cities skylines small city, cities skylines small town, cities skylines small american town, cities skylines small town layout, cities skylines small village, bedroom community
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 12sec (3732 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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