Fixing the Worlds LARGEST Roundabout in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to city skylines with me biffer here for another fix your city in the city of moong dhal sent in by bobby baby it is quite a nice looking city I do like the design of this city and you've mentioned particularly in your light up that you want this area over here fixed because if we look at the traffic well you would say actually first of all that the traffic isn't too bad but you've sent the city to me with the spawning turned up ah I've yet to turn the spawning off to see what's going on but already I can see a few problems that are hitting up this area here we can't put your eye out with this building if not Bonet we're gonna have a look at that and you can see over here look really backing up causing problems we're gonna take a look at that and then you've got these big roundabout areas look at the size of this roundabout goes all the way around there you've got another one over here that goes all the way around and there's a few things I want to fix something with these before we get started let's have a look at the traffic this is 70 percent at the moments before I do that I want to take a look at this roundabout because you do actually get some traffic in a few places sort of I mean it's not much but backing up a little bit and then as you can see look stopping that how it works and all that sort of thing it's happening there if we go along here there you go cars coming on there and coming on there so if we just have a look of what you've done if we take this little tool here the priority signs this is the traffic manager tool by the way and you've done stop signs coming on rather than give way signs um every single one of these roads there's stop sign there all the way around stops um so I'm gonna change that we're gonna hold shift you can really get a good outline of how big this roundabout is look at that hold shift and click ping and that is now gonna give us give way signs instead of stop signs so things will move a teeny tiny bit quicker but then also you've got the lane management here as well so for instance I mean roads like this you don't need a massive big road like this I would even have this coming up here I would have that as one lane coming up one lane coming on and then you can do a bit of Lane mathematics down here and have one lane coming down here as well so you've got one lane going each way and then when it gets down here we don't want people turning around you know coming down there and going back up there so we just do that to make sure they go straight on that's fine and then you can do a little bit of Lane mathematics so way I mean you've sort of joined up your lanes but these guys could keep moving out if you did some Lane mathematics they wouldn't have to stop so let's take a look at that you've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 lanes 1 2 3 4 5 ok and then is it back to it 1 2 3 4 5 6 you've got it that's a 6 you've already done it well you can solve this problem here look all you've got to do is this and that to that and then tell these guys up here where to go there we go there we go there we go everybody's got a lane they're all happy doing that and now you don't need to give way sign you can just say people I'm going keep on going and they will not stop and they will not get in each other's way look how smooth that is in that Junction there and then they come along here and they go back to different lanes again so again you've got this double Knight look at this look at this all the way back here you don't need that okay let's do the same here then you don't need that going into two lanes here let's keep that as one Lane all the way up to help solve the problem let us pick I'm gonna use the met picture here we're gonna keep this going along here fish bash so we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 hmm actually do you know what no tell a lie I'm gonna downgrade that one to five Lane let's just downgrade that light you had it so five lanes then it can go to six Lane here there we go through dots excellent we'll do that so then we can do the same thing here as well with these and now they're not gonna get in each other's way so if we ever look at that we'll get rid of that and say go through go through all right pop from that police car just ignores all the walls there we go and they will start going through which you mean this down here is all gonna start let's just speed that up that it's all gonna get out absolutely no problem at all look at that it was backed up all the way down there and the same here again you've got three lanes coming up do not need three lanes coming up that is just absolute overkill so we're going to do that there we go and then hopefully we've still got the same Lane thing going on here there we go no more Hawking walking Lane switch in there because low all this backlog is gone that's going through so I mean you could do that in all these different places here you just just don't need these massive big two lanes for three lanes just get one Lane get them to come out and anywhere that it causes an issue let's just follow this along so there's okay there's okay see again this one here look it's all backing up down here yes we want one lane coming out up here one lane one lane that's perfectly fine and then what you could do here's a bit of lane management and say look we've got two lanes coming up here well if you go in there I'll have that one go in there so that sorts out those guys and then when they come up here we want them to go in and he it looks like you've already done but that's all looks like you've already got the lane mathematics worked out it's just the lane management that you haven't done so one two three I think we're gonna have extra lanes here we are so I tell you what we're gonna do here actually is we're gonna downgrade this form one two three four five six to five because we don't need that many extra lanes are we this one there we go don't use extra Lane if you don't need them because then it just makes there we go everything else is back to five it just makes it all very complicated to deal with so put this up and let's see I'm gonna just pause the game a second and we're gonna see how quickly this little backlog that we've got down here look it goes all the way down there let's see how quickly look at that all cleared up all cleared out no problem at all let's continually follow this up here it's fine it's fine it's fine again another one here let's sort this one yeah we got another one sorted excellent and it won't be long before all that goes underground there I do like this extra big roundabout very nice Oh another one here and let's do that one see this one here you can do some Lane mathematics you've got six lanes here one goes off so let's downgrade that to five there we go and then when one comes back on again it will go back up to six again there we go and another one sorted out fantastic let's follow this round here yeah slowing down each other's way there that's what we're gonna do oh you've already done it there excellent let's just do the give way I've done it oh you've done it oh well we Batman to where we started again we might be what's going on here I move this road back from connecting up there to back here and I've taken away all the lane management that we did look there we go just got this from where that load comes in and that one where the load comes in I did do some better lane mathematics which you've got one two three four five lanes one goes off down to four one comes back in back to five one comes back in again back to six then it just goes down to six one goes off you know and we carried on like that and it's actually made this section run much much better over at 76% well let's go and take a quick look over at the actual area that you wanted me to fix dead zone and there's a couple of little spots I think we can take a look at let's look let's take a look at this here you've got all these guys coming down here and they're just stop him because I would imagine you've set up this road here as a main road you have she put give why on all these ones coming on you've got some going up something going down in fact you got those two coming down you've got lots of loads going up and only that one coming down at the end so that's probably why there's so many cars coming down here but we could be able to sort of sort this out and try and keep it moving you've got three lanes go in that direction hmm could we up that with some extra lanes so how about four lane one way it's the same size and you've got asymmetrical roads here but you've got all these different directions to go so we're gonna turn that into that one there sorry cars there we go she got two lanes in each direction now and then two lanes to choose the direction I should say and then what we're gonna do is you're gonna use this tool here to change the lane a nose and say all that is so small on 4 K well I've got that one selected to go right and I've got that one selected to go straight on but not right you probably can't see that unless you've got the best eye balls in the business and that should then just keep this traffic going and then this one here actually could probably go back to what it was before which was this one so you have to straight on let's get that lane arrow thing again one turning right to straight on and that will fix that and now just keep these guys going oh it's changed did I not turn that off and straight on I didn't want one like one straight on that is what I want and that will just keep that going nicely and a hopefully let's just put on give way signs back from there there we go well I did accidentally despawn a lot of the cars by making the road face the wrong way but I don't think that'll be a problem anymore and then if we just sort of move along here so the other ends there's this sort of nubbins going on which I think again is gonna be a little bit of Lane Pokeball Keena so we've got left light and straight on but this lanes been used for more than one thing which Cain doesn't like that so we're gonna oh there is no left ah we could just want my roads again so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make those two straight on and that one right to try and spread out the cars a bit and then as it's so busy I'm gonna say no Lane switch in there mm no Lane switch in there and then I'm gonna turn that off and we're gonna say when you come in there you can pick your lane so once they get up here they're using all three lanes and then they can just go and then I'm just wondering whether because these are all given Y which is causing a heck of a problem if we do it this way because that is like the first road going up so where they all coming in for this for this direction or coming in up here they're hitting there and then they're all coming down here and go to see this should be around about but you did particularly say you've done this area with no roundabouts criss-cross erodes trying something completely different but I'm gonna put in traffic lights let's stick in some traffic lights and just watch this for a few seconds there we go if we do that and see how it goes oh it's not too bad I just want to change this Lane here so let's grab our lane torn again we've got a lot of people that want to go left so I'm gonna make that Lane left that lane left and this one straight on just to sort of use up the other extra lanes we've got there but then what we get in is people stop in here and I want to just see what they're doing then I'll cut it across so then come down here and go straight on or look at that is the traffic's going down already I'm sitting here talking about it and it's absolutely fine and these are sort of doing a bit of a hokey pokey something let's just say look you guys can go straight through without stopping I think that's okay you know we've solved that with a traffic light in instead of a traffic light out and I think that will probably be okay yeah seventy-five percent we're gonna leave that one on that I think why not and you do have transport setup 1229 per week when you bar is six thousand three hundred and fifty seven a week on your this metro it is Metro I'm suddenly for its trains so you got Metro lines all over the place couple in there so that is not too shabby at all that is not too shabby so let's just have a quick look around if you've got any other areas that are red that we could maybe help with don't forget red doesn't always necessarily mean traffic it just means roads are busy alright this little thing here what have we got going on alright not enough lanes here look one lane coming down so there's nothing wrong with having one lane coming off when you get to the end I mean I don't know whether you drive or not that's the thing but have a little think about how a junction would be set up there you would have the option of having maybe different lanes like that so one lane for riot one lane for left one lane for straight on and that's finally even it just one there now pick their lane what are they doing he was a bit confused it was like I don't know what's going on look what stupidness is that I'll tell you what that is is they picked their destination way back in because I've changed the road a bit confused but they'll get it in the end anyway so we've got different options for them to go there and then let's just have a look coming in over here what have we got one going in one coming out I imagine you've got some lane management's just take that away I've seen that in a few places which is a bit odd and you've got that one there I mean you could make this one of your little asymmetric roads like that so there we go now we've got a lane for each direction and one coming out which will go straight up that should be too bad you're still gonna have a lot of cars stopping because you've got things like that this is almost like a main road here on the outside you've still got them stopping at the different farms and getting in each other's way not much you can do with that I'm not gonna I'm not gonna change all your roads cuz I like these sort of dirt tracks for your farms as well I think they look fine so we'll leave those like they are we're not gonna we're not gonna mess with those so you've got some toll booths that you put in your city as well to try and make some extra money perfectly fine I were up the speed on these I've got to be honest going from the national speed limit which in if it was in this country that would be 70 down to 20 is a bit nuts I mean maybe up that to 50 just along there just you know maybe a little bit more reasonable you could put it higher if you wanted but just might keep that moving a little bit better and then you've got this area over here you haven't given a name to not a gigantic roundabout this is the city of the world's largest roundabouts getting pretty busy in here as well this road down here is sort of causing an issue lots of people stop it I can see people crossing the road there and some are going across up there sort of getting in each other's way so let's just have a quick look at your road layout here so you've got them coming down here a lot of them are crossing over up there and then they're going up there and going over here sort of going straight down there which is a little bit weird I mean something like this for your obvious main road through the middle I would pick this small four-lane road for something like this I know it's gonna remove your trees but it suddenly adds in whole load of extra lanes and that is like your biggest Road that's one way I won't change that that's one way right change that that's like it so you've got my extra lanes now for turning right and for turning left and that'll probably as well come with a speed boost going down there so let's have a quick look so that's 50 the off-shoot roads are 40 so more cars are gonna stick to this you're gonna have more lanes when people to stop in to get off and get in the train station so they're not gonna get in the way or if you've got the hospital so already that is probably gonna free that up a little bit the only weird Lane management going on here that I don't know about no but this bit over here is cleared up look it's cleared up already look that's fine and then what I would do is I would also make it a main road by my hold shift yeah there we go so all the roads coming on and I'd give him why I'm just gonna follow this to the end cuz I don't want those giving way there I want that going through going through and it's just follow that to the other way yeah you can just go through so that should help as well keep the main section Gary and a little side streets they can wait hopefully that will stop clearing up and look a lot better so this is one of those situations where because I know as I'm sure you've pointed out in the comments I did mention this at the video beginning the video well I've left deep spawning turned on that is how you gave me the city I've left it like that if I had turned it off this city would grind to its knees I can tell you that straight away and to fix it would mean rebuilding the city which I don't want to do because you have a lovely design city here I like the way you've laid out and if you're working with you spawning off that is fine but it still helps to go around and fix a few little hotspots as and when you see them like things like this why is that a problem I think you've done Lane management there yeah you have it's just the fact that they're slowing down so you're never gonna get this figure much higher than it is because they're slowing down for the corners you know you could actually do use the you do that so now they don't have to slow down as much eventually that won't be as red so little things like that and there was another little corner here that I spotted it was having a bit of an issue that I was just gonna quickly fix here it is the museum section over here it's a very busy road but look evidence move in everything this is stopping here they're getting in each other's way there's not much traffic there this bits quite yeah see look these are you've got no Lane management's going on here you have got Lane management going on there I take it back they didn't seem to be paying attention to it but they are this little thing here sort of getting crossing over getting in each other's way what I would do with that is I've got plenty of places to go so I would just say look you can then you go straight on you can go that way and then you can go that way and if they want to Gary and they can turn around somewhere else come back and go out yeah stops that problem oh I found another little area here this road you've got all these lanes coming up to this Junction all these lanes coming down to this Junction and all these lanes coming down to this job they all want to go up this way which to me little bit of bad planning I would at least have this row going the other way don't have if you're gonna do one-way roads go one way and the other way don't have to whack each other smack bang in the middle like that and what I did as well as a little bit of Lane management down here I said look you can turn go up there and you can turn and go there those two you can take that Lane so now all three of these lanes have been fed into why different Lane no Lane switchin in the middle which I've done and then up here on the junction I've said you can pick the lane you want to go into and then what I'm gonna do is put traffic lights on there hmm two traffic lights in an episode what is the world coming to and then if we just keep an eye on that for a minute or two we'll see these cars here will start going down that's not too bad at all so the lights change there we go these cars go here which haven't really backed up at all and he's just the bog-standard traffic lights no times traffic lights needed and then they go so that has worked out really really well and there's a couple of other spots you could do something similar as well some seed people asked me when a traffic lights good and sometimes situations like that when traffic lights are good so there we go we just fixed the world's biggest roundabouts in inverted commas that I've ever seen in City skylines water you reckon if you need to my channel don't forget to hit subscribe leave a like if you enjoyed it as well if you want to send you a fix your city hidden to be fixed there's a link in the description below to a form that you need to fill in and I'm gonna say thanks for watching and I'll see you all very soon take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 344,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, largest roundabout
Id: bPxv96Dac54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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