Laughing At Celebrity's Plastic Surgery Before & After Pictures

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what I don't know what I'm wearing I guess you could say I'm loser win it but instead of a t-shirt but cut out we've got a cutout for the girls they like to breathe hi everyone I wanted to tell you because of a high demand I opened back up my 12-week workout routine and support group you get lifetime access to the support group which is the most beneficial part it's on sale right now and I literally cut it almost in half more info links below also my small protein donut shop proto bakery is restocked and ready for you to purchase some healthy alternative Donuts that's links below as well good morning welcome back to the channel and if you are new welcome my name is michelle mcdaniel i am a personal trainer hmm a proud mother of a pub and a past theatre nerd turned grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where you ask me my thoughts and i give you my opinion usually dressed in cosplay or odd outfits like this one where at least one person gets offended by my thoughts because when you share your opinion people like to take it personally and act like it actually affects their life since i am sharing my opinion on the internet sometimes in my comments section people like to virtually range so if that's something that's right up your alley hit that subscribe button leave me a comment because when i first post i always heart read and respond to a lot of the comments now let's talk about plastic surgery so i just had a very quick fun we talked about plastic surgery a while ago when we talked about gabby hannah but a picture of tire baek's appeared on my instagram and it was trying her happy birthday and comparing her younger self to her older self and first of all they got the math wrong that's pretty bad if I caught that because math and me do not do this but right when I saw that picture oh I knew that I was going to be very disappointed but not surprised in that comment section what's the first thing I sticks out to you in this picture - hard banks being absolutely gorgeous the nose so let's read some of those amazing comments from some of those amazing people of the internet that always have something to say when someone decides to get plastic surgery she fixed her nose happy birthday rip her nose nose job by the way she has publicly said that she had a nose job she's not hiding it some of these people that were commenting are acting like they just discovered some you know big things they're exposing Tyra that she's got a nose job when she said it I'll admit she got a nose job early on in her career tacking on some cosmetic work to a sinus surgery quote I admit it fake hair and I did my nose I feel I have a responsibility to tell the truth so you're just gonna ignore never mind nobody was ignoring the nose job I think 98% of the comments on here was just about her nose when it was about her birthday that was mathematically wrong on the post that nose job was look what happened to her nose nose job and all nose eyebrows lift and face lift so she had a surgery surgery she got a nose job yeah Christopher Columbus we know damn she looked better now oh my gosh is that really her I like the old nose she went got her nose done but she needed that not really her nose was really cute no I feel like when you get your body transformed in any way it's showing that you're letting your insecurities overcome you but that's just my opinion sometimes insecurities can help you become a better you if it wasn't insecure about my weight four years ago I would still be 117 pounds overweight and unhealthy today transforming your body can be what's best for you sometimes mentally and physically and shouldn't be so close-minded about it so I usually wait to the ends you say my opinion because I want you guys to form your own opinion but what do you guys think about those two comments Boop since got a nose job so many great discoverers in here we got a Marco Polo up in this that nose though it looked nicer before you lying hard at this girl commented a second time and says I honestly see nothing wrong with her nose it's just wide I've seen bigger and I don't know why this world feels like a tiny nose is the best nose what the f is wrong with y'all and your beauty standard shake my head and it's mainly women hating to that nose job was crucial damn wife everybody getting their nose done now IRA got her nose done a long time ago I didn't just happen but there are some truth to that I think that a nose job and like booby job is the most done cosmetic surgery I think I'm talking out of my black behind right now I don't know much about cosmetic surgery but I feel like those are the two things that gets done the most her nose was huge why does she look so white now I love that comment because one black people love to say whatever Sloan gets a nose job because in the black community we have very strong noses our noses literally come out the womb lifted making those strong nose gains but we have bigger noses and women are taught to wants to be more fancy smaller features that fit our face better so whenever a black woman decides to get a new shop to make her nose smaller some people in the block community have to come out and say oh so you want to be white huh you want to be just like a white girl huh a white girl you're white you look white now yep you got it good job I love those people I don't they suck a second they know dang oh well she doesn't look white now I would never see the second picture of Tyra walking down the street and think wow what a beautiful white woman over there and giclees knows damn well she's got the same skin tone a lot of black people love to accuse other black people of bleaching their skin I saw some girl raging in my comments section paragraph after paragraph about how I bleach my skin and I hate myself some people are obviously not part of the wonderful world of lighting and mixing lighting with different wigs so once again I love those people I don't they suck anyway so I grew up in a household where plastic surgery was very taboo you don't get plastic surgery you're supposed to love yourself plastic surgery one is for like white people I remember that like black people don't get plastic surgery we don't need Fox's plastic surgery black doesn't crack and we love ourselves and for my reoccurring followers you watch my videos know that I have an extreme fear of just surgery needles I'm very squeamish I mean I look like the toughest individual that you have ever see but a girl will pass out in the doctor's office the moment they take out that needle why do you think I haven't gotten the surgery for my endometriosis I would rather be in pain every single month then get surgery you ain't takin me it can't happen over here and getting a surgery like willingly especially like in my face freaks me out on a whole nother level so I was someone who grew up with just learning that surgery is like plastic surgery to change your face is a big no-no and so I picked up that reaction from all my family members so when someone said oh I'm getting plastic surgery some kind of surgery is like you don't need that why are you doing that freak out because you know them getting surgery is obviously going to affect my life somehow but now that I am a full-fledged sophisticated adult who still watches Pokemon who has thorne my own opinion instead of just listening to the elders in my family I can understand why some people would want to change their face and get surgery in some way I can understand why they wouldn't want to tell people and hide it from people as well because of comments like this and - they're already probably very insecure about whatever they are thinking about getting surgery for and no matter how many people tell them oh no you look great no matter how much I would tell them you look great they're still insecure about it and they're only going to pay attention to that one person that decided to pick out whatever they're insecure about and now thrive on it from that one comment flaring up all of their insecurities something like a nose okay this little piece is just pissing me off and being a woman if you have a big nose that's one of the first things people will make fun of you over I have seen a few comments saying that my nose looks like a squidward nose well joke's on you now that I'm a grown-up I see how much of a mood Squidward is and it's one of my favorite shows so I take it as a compliment Tyra as a black model in the 1980s where black features were not celebrated as much as they are now it's pretty understandable why she got a nose job I personally would be surprised if she didn't because a lot of models did because their career is their face so if the modeling agency tells you to get a nose job you do it because there's some other pretty little model of the big old nose ready to get that nose job so that she can make her money their career depends on it but some of those people in the comment section gave off the vibe that her new nose looked absolutely horrendous but one they know damn well if they were like in an altercation with Tyra Banks and she had her old nose that's the first thing they would go for and second they know dang well that her new nose looks perfectly fine she had a button nose before and now she has another button nose that is more defined than her previous button nose you know what else pisses me off about some people that think they're so much better than everyone if they don't get plastic surgery is the fact that they know dang well if they were making coins like Tyra Banks are any of these celebrities they would probably get plastic surgery done cuz if you're in that small little group one it's normal to your looks are everything and three it's normal but also if people want to get that done get it done I mean there's some extremes out there that I'm not for but once again it is their body and my other opinion is there's certain surgeries that are like why do you need to get that if you can grow it yourself and I'm talking about like butt implants if you want to get that kind of done that's your thing but I believe in if you can build it in the gym why buy put objects in your butt the most problem I have that are the people that get butt injections or butt lifts and say like oh I did it at the gym when you need to tell the truth tell the truth that's what I don't like about you people who get butt things done and then you lie and say I did it in the gym you did it in the hospital so the last thing that I want to say about plastic surgery is let people do what they want but also if you are trying to get plastic surgery make sure that you know that it can be a very dangerous painful mentally taxing and expensive game if you are not mentally ready this is what I've seen with my friends that move on to LA and really like that lifestyle but it's very normal for the plastic surgery the Botox you know the changing of the face or anything that you are insecure about what's just says of a knife and money but they finally change that thing that they are very insecure about and they're very happy for a little bit but then they find another thing to be insecure about that they need to perfect and they find themselves on this snowball effect of finding something that is not perfect making it perfect being happy and then finding something else that is not perfect and then the cycle continues and that's where I see us what difference where it's like they need that surgery to constantly make themselves feel happy which you'll never be happy if you're just constantly trying to change something about yourself and then I have my friends that have gotten the procedure done and they get it done and they're done and they understand that not everything is going to be perfect on them and they move on with life so that's all I wanted to say the comments were not shocking but disappointing but what do you expect with the internet and people sharing their opinions I do the same and I'm sure I just disappointed somebody who is watching so if I disappointed and offended you today make sure to tell me in the comment section you're disappointed in my outfit please tell me I'm just gonna wear it again I'm looking forward to reading all of your comments once again thank you for watching and being here I will see you guys next video bye guys you see the jumping on fit in my car is getting cuter by getting it up you know picket you see the drippy I'm finished up in my karma kitty I secure the bike and I get the bus [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 150,181
Rating: 4.9423027 out of 5
Keywords: laughing at celebrities plastic surgery before and after pictures, michelle mcdaniel, my thought, my thoughts will probably offend you, plastic surgery gone too far, plastic surgery transformations, tyra banks nose job, nose job, kylie jenner, celebroty plastic surgery, reading comments, americas next top model, antm, comments, instagram, reading mean comments
Id: nIIgbPH7d-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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