90 Day Fiance Chicks are Promoting SCAMS!

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welcome to Dragon Ball Z week do you guys want to hear my dirty little secret actually I think I told you guys already but I love 90-day fiance even though it's a reality show even though I know reality shows our faith I still live for the drama okay hey you guys my name is Michelle McDaniel once my channel I am a pug mom personal trainer and cosplayer and this week is Dragon Ball Z we advise against placing too much stock in your ski so if you like I can bring you closer to home as you can see I am a turtle hermit and Yoshi is out there Super Saiyan it up as usual by the way not to scare any of the guys away does a really quick announcement but the Red Queen is about to make her arrival and if you have been following me for a while then you know I have something called endometriosis and when the Red Queen arrives that means I am out in bed watching anime because I cannot move Dragon Ball Z week might trickle into next week because I might not be able to film content so this might be a whole two week process but is that really a bad thing No oh God and the cosplays are gonna take me a while because I have to paint my whole body you know the usual intent Who am I gonna be okay let's get into today's video like I said I love 90-day fiance and I was on Instagram you know the usual and I started looking up a lot of the chicks who were or on this show and they all all of them promote some type of weight loss bull they are all so lucky I love this show because if I didn't I would just whisk them away but I am Goku and I'm a good person no promises for the other personalities that will show up on this channel for Dragon Ball Z week or to Lee's who knows what the Red Queen coming around but check this out Darcy the girl that was with the guy who made her promise to never drink again visual glass of wine absolutely what's wrong with that ever that part was so odd to me because she's older than him and he's telling her not to ever drink like but she promotes the same [ __ ] Trisha Paytas promotes I really don't need to go deep into the product because I already talked about that in the Trisha Paytas video so I'll make sure to link it below but to put it shortly it's just a scam but god Darcy don't do this how much are they paying you it can't be enough for your dignity a few days in and boom bot has got me feelin fire been sticking with these shots and I didn't expect this but oh my gosh what is she gonna say what's gonna happen what was she not expecting I'm already seeing and feeling a big difference my typical bloat is almost gone well yeah says the chick who covers her whole stomach and then a hiking up her pants but whatever my waistline is feeling tight ya know it's the pants probably because it's once again covering her whole freaking stomach and tones glad I got this one I did it's definitely paying off for me and I can't wait to show off my final results stay tuned so she's basically doing this one-week transformation and if you watch my Trisha Paytas videos you'll know that this whole one-week transformation it's water loss it's not fat loss you're not gaining muscle so I'm trying to figure out how is she getting toned she's losing water and then when you drink you're gonna put it right back on all boomba does is give you explosive diarrhea and fills your body with food coloring and whatever else is in it I love this product I've done it before and I'm super excited to be on this journey again this time I'm trying they're amazing flavor the black dawn I love it it's so cool it's really simple and easy to do basically you have three sachets you have a morning and advisor and afternoon motivator and the night rejuvenator all these make you feel amazing throughout the day the energy the appetite why though why does it make me feel amazing what exactly is the scientific evidence that is in the ingredients that is in boom bada is going to give me all of these amazing things that she is telling me and her audience what exactly in boom bot is going to make me feel amazing and great by stuffing it into my mouth oh we are going to be lighting up this whole video no stoners not kind of lighten up you nerds you got it simple to use you basically just pour some water in a cup you take it traveling and I you know helps me stay tone see yes it fit in the t-word toned that trigger word for like most women and once they hear that - you were like oh my god credit cards and continued my my weight loss journey and beauty drink I was getting a boom bod a beauty journey doesn't she know weight does not equate to beauty watch out Darcy the fat acceptance people are gonna come for you they always come for me even though I don't say that I do what is that her thing swirling stuff I honestly watch the whole season I didn't know her thing was cups whirling everybody's dad tried Bing bought it's amazing okay so guess who else promotes boom bod freakin Danielle you guys remember the lady who was significantly older than her future fiancé Mohamed and how he showed absolutely no romantic interest in her virtue of the authority vested in me by the state of Ohio I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride I want to test something about kissing that I'm not a lot - Keys no emotion toward her except anger and frustration and just irritated miss you're a selfish person I and like trash why would I want you to stay here it's not your country it's not your house you don't have the keys only this country I mean he was clearly there to get a green card I know everyone says that looks don't matter and so did he but let's use our common sense in this one this is not Instagram this is reality television it's real anyway here's a promotion for boom bod she doesn't even know what it's called she has to keep looking at it to remind here clearly getting paid it helps with cravings weight loss and it comes in three packets the morning one is the Energizer the afternoon is the motivator and the nighttime is the rejuvenator and all you do is dump one in the packets into a small glass of water and just stir it up do it see boom box chicks are always talking about stirring it up and swirling up the powder yeah it's crazy right who would ever thought that taking two ounces of water and pouring some powder in that water and stirring it up is all you had to do okay but look at these before and after pictures though why is she standing like this I think the after looks worse the arms look bigger to me I think there is shapewear under there the anterior pelvic tilt here is extremely severe I'm worried that is not good for the lumbar spine so me you guys might think that I'm being pretty mean but no I don't have sympathy for people who know exactly what they're doing they're getting paid for this she didn't get any results from it the before-and-after pictures are a clear sign of that no sympathy absolutely no sympathy and who the heck would buy this product after the way that she promotes it so I'm excited to try it to see what my results are and I will share my results with you so you basically do is open up a packet and port mix it and you take it as a shot I'm surprised the people in her comments are still buying this product after the way that she promotes it I mean the way she holds the product the awkward add the before and after pictures of the spine boom bod is like paying energy drink they literally do not give up they don't care who they hire they just want people to show that logo if you didn't have a sign before that these companies really don't give up this is your sign and if you've ever been thinking about purchasing boom bod this is your sign not to purchase boom box so we also have Paola and Chantelle promoting something called tini Chantal is not selling this to me one bit that's how I smile at my boyfriend when he's working my last nerve Totti me has a product that basically gets you all of your veggies Chantal says in her post that it's packed with superfoods 16 of them actually which is so important she says I've noticed a difference in my digestion and I feel more energized throughout the day since I'm fueling my body with the best definitely check this out and use my code Chantal 20 so I went to the website to check the ingredients and right when I got there boom I recognized them because these people slid well not into my DMS but send me an email asking me to promote the product on my youtube and on my Instagram and they would pay me money and they wanted me to promote some detox like facial mass and a skinny tee and I was like you guys don't do your research just like the people who buy your products because if you did you would know that I'm not interested in any of your [ __ ] but they pretty much wrote out what I would have to do what exactly to put in my post they me a coupon code and described how I would have to hold the product and smile pretend that this is the tea and here we are now me telling you not to buy the product with absolutely no coupon code and the 90 day fiancé chicks with the coupon code telling you to buy the product which one will you choose hopefully the one that won't give you explosive diarrhea because that's not fun for you or your toilet but I guess time will only tell which one you'll choose so I went to the website and first of all $29 for vegetables in a tub and second they have all the ingredients on the website but they don't have the amounts of each ingredient which is shady to me once again a lot of these companies really hype up that they have vegetables or whatever products that they are promoting in their products but they put like a very tiny tiny tiny bit of what they say is in it and then mark it up with a whole bunch of fillers so when they don't have the amount of each ingredient it's a huge sign that something a little shady is going on and the promotions for these are shady in itself I can only expect the whole company to be Shady [Music] quick tip for people who have trouble eating their vegetables I personally loved eating veggies remember I come from you know from my childhood I didn t vegetables and if I did it was smothered with Velveeta cheese or ranch so it was very hard for me to get vegetables in order to even really like I hated them they were gross you nasty but what helped me it was making stir fries on a even Street myself like a little child I cut up my vegetables super tiny and I don't even really know that they're there so embrace your childhood cut up some veggies super tiny and make a stir fry no need to spend $29 on powder okay but at least that Elizabeth chick looks like she's just really into her new baby by the way how could her husband not remind you of some kind of Russian you know top villain in an anime don't respond respond right respond I said because that's exactly what he reminds me of anyway it looks like she's just really into her big weights what is this as a mobile on-the-go I love products that are healthy and quick to me and 3 1 o nutritions through who knows Shake is both it's so much more than a weight loss shape oh my god this is the shake that all those celebrities make awkward promotional videos on Facebook for even the baby is looking at her like my you know damn well you don't ingest that into your body and why please someone tell me why do these women who claim that they lost weight or got these amazing results or they just you know pooped on a human and they they're they're losing weight why do all these women I just kicked my camera anyway why do all these women hike their pants up into their vagina over their stomach or they're just fully clothed Danielle why so Anfisa every membrane fisa everybody said that she is the gold digger but I kind of like her because she came to this country full-on telling that man that she is marrying him for the money and he kind of chose to still go with it and then feel hurt once she said that she's literally here just for the money is it nice that she did that no but she was truthful so I don't know like I said there's not a lot of interesting characters on this show anyway and fisa looks very amazing she's doing bikini comms now and you guys know my opinion about bikini competitions I don't think that they are healthy actually we just talked about this on Pappas folios podcast I don't remember which one said it but body builders mentality linked up very closely to those of anorexics so I'm usually not exactly that happiest when I see people getting into this lifestyle because they usually don't come out of it well but with that being said I think she looks great and props to her and dedication but she is not promoting some but toner cream mile a day must have buns of steel by still fit USA this is one of the things that helped me go from fifth place to overall champion in two weeks of course nothing beats proper diet and training regimen but little things like this helped this hospital has 4% in intense limb intense limb into what is it I don't maybe I'm just ignorant and night let's look up what intense limb is ant insulin patented slimming active ingredient intended to fight fat accumulation zero embed extracts a skin conditioning agent that helps in soothing inflammation and reducing fat tissue Parata lean gently eliminates dead skin cells to reveal younger healthy-looking skin I'm guessing intense limb is the mix of the ingredients that I just probably pronounced very wrong because I typed in intense limb and I just keep getting bombarded by people trying to sell me butt cream so I'm not too sure exactly what it is but that is my guess so at least she talked about nutrition but at the same time she is carrying on this notion that you are going to get results in two weeks but there's really not much of a difference here and it's just hard to tell if there's a drastic change because it's just one picture I'm not seeing what the judges can see from one picture to me if the body looks very similar but the lighting is better in the second picture her posing is better in the second picture her makeup is better in the second picture I learned from Instagram that she hired a posing coach who probably tweaked her posing and presence on a booty cream isn't going to do all of that for you so the fact that she is trying to connect her win with the butt cream is just ridiculous she probably would have gotten the same placement without it but I have friends who swear by this stuff and someone's actually gonna try to send me it and after I look at the ingredients to make sure there's nothing harmful and therefore my skin I might just do a video and see see if it actually works as the promoters say it does because I don't believe it anyway she gets paid to promote this stuff and the video that she did to promote it was just you know a nice calm place nice fun and said I don't mean you let this thing go a lot why do influencers have to give us these weird tutorials we know how to mix powder in water if the cream is a booty cellulite reduction cream that we noticed so that's not our booty cheeks and a rub it in weight someone might actually try to put it somewhere else so we probably do need a tutorial on that one good job in fisa but you guys know what I'm saying right I can't these girls just be like Nicole you know the chick that's still waiting on as in to marry her after all these years - - Nicole but it's not like it just like isn't a 55% because I always want laughter on June which will be held she's promoting bras most women we need bras I know I do because I would probably take an eye out if I went braless now I don't know if you can tell by this picture but I got a new sports bra from where you asked lidyr a lingerie well Nicole I can tell and I think the girls look great and lifted anyway you guys I thought it was very interesting that pretty much every girl that I looked up from 90-day fiance is selling boom bot or some type of tea or weight-loss Dimmick that is not needed anyways you guys watched 90-day fiance is it your little secret - we can have secrets together remember you don't have to be a size to all these odd supplements and detox teas and a wraps are not needed so these wait and they're definitely not needed to be healthy but health is extremely important I want all of you whoever is watching and any of the girls from 90-day fiance and the men to be as healthy as possible and these products are not meet it thanks you guys so much for watching I am looking forward to Dragon Ball Z week if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss the next video with a new Dragon Ball Z character I will see you guys next time thanks for watching bye guys [Applause] you
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 240,533
Rating: 4.9321246 out of 5
Keywords: 90 day fiance, reality tv series, international dating, dieting tips to lose weight for men, dieting tips to lose weight for girls, dieting for muscle gain, weightloss motivation, weight loss, weight loss journey, 90 day fiance jesse asks darcy never drink alcohol, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiance chicks are promoting scams!, Scam, instagram, boombod, boom body weight loss, teami 30 day detox, teami 30 day detox review, teami tea review
Id: XKnv65GO24g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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